why project managers should use coaching

Why Project Managers Should Use Coaching Presenter: Amber Slaughter, PMP Title: Professional Coach & PMO Manager Affiliation: Personal Strategies LLC “Optimize Business Results through Innovative Project Management Practices” June 14-15, 2010 1

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Page 1: Why Project Managers Should Use Coaching

Why Project Managers Should Use Coaching

Presenter: Amber Slaughter, PMP Title: Professional Coach & PMO Manager Affiliation: Personal Strategies LLC

“Optimize Business Results through Innovative Project Management Practices” June 14-15, 2010 1

Page 2: Why Project Managers Should Use Coaching

The Goal

“Optimize Business Results through Innovative Project Management Practices” June 14-15, 2010 2

Be excited about coaching

Open your mind to a new way of managing projects


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What You Will Be Learning Today

• Active Listening

• Powerful Questioning

• Agreement Gaining

• Creating the Coaching Conversation

• Managing Promises vs. Expectations

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Project Manager Story

Life of a PM

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What is Coaching?Partnering with people in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their professional potential


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Coaching Tools

• Active Listening

• Powerful Questioning

• Agreement Gaining

• Creating the Coaching Conversation

• Managing Promises vs. Expectations

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Coaching ToolsActive Listening

• Ability to focus completely on what the person is saying and is not saying, to understand the meaning of what is said• Summarizes, paraphrases, reiterates, mirrors back what the person has said to ensure clarity and understanding

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Coaching ToolsPowerful Questioning

• Ability to ask questions that reveal the information needed for maximum benefit.

• Ability to ask questions that invoke discovery, commitment and next steps

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Coaching ToolsAgreement Gaining

• The ability to get buy-in on a common goal and committed action to achieve that goal

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Coaching ToolsManaging Promises vs. Expectations

Promise – Commitment to another person agreeing to do something in the future

Expectation – Something that is excepted but the result didn’t live up to…

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The Coaching Process

1. Ask powerful questions then stop talking2. Ask clarifying questions3. Bottom-Line what you heard4. Design Action a. Allow them to accept, reject or negotiation the action

5. Gain Agreement6. Restate what was agreed to and any new awareness’s gained.

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My Questions to YOU

•What’s been most beneficial to you?

•How will you apply with your project team?

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Amber Slaughter, ACCOwner/Strategist


Contact Information

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