why facebook swallowed whatsapp!

Why Facebook Swallowed WhatsApp! Martin Ebner Walther Nagler Martin Schön

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Dept. Social Learning TU Graz June - 2013

Why Facebook

Swallowed WhatsApp!

Martin Ebner Walther Nagler Martin Schön

Dept. Social Learning TU Graz June - 2013

General Research Questions: Which trends can be seen towards: •  Technical equipment •  Internet access at study home •  Communication behavior •  Useage of e-learning platforms (secondary school level)

•  Web2.0 competence


Dept. Social Learning TU Graz June - 2013 http://www.flickr.com/photos/sovietuk/141381675

Study over 8 years (n=5962): Term 2007/2008 n=578 Term 2008/2009 n=821 Term 2009/2010 n=757 Term 2010/2011 n=702 Term 2011/2012 n=632 Term 2012/2013 n=715 Term 2013/2014 n=789 Term 2014/2015 n=968

Dept. Social Learning TU Graz June - 2013 http://www.flickr.com/photos/sovietuk/141381675

Dept. Social Learning TU Graz June - 2013 http://www.flickr.com/photos/sovietuk/141381675

Dept. Social Learning TU Graz June - 2013 http://www.flickr.com/photos/sovietuk/141381675

Dept. Social Learning TU Graz June - 2013 http://www.flickr.com/photos/sovietuk/141381675

Dept. Social Learning TU Graz June - 2013 http://www.flickr.com/photos/sovietuk/141381675

Dept. Social Learning TU Graz June - 2013 http://www.flickr.com/photos/sovietuk/141381675

Dept. Social Learning TU Graz June - 2013 http://www.flickr.com/photos/sovietuk/141381675

Dept. Social Learning TU Graz June - 2013 http://www.flickr.com/photos/sovietuk/141381675

Comparison  of  general  and  learn  use  for  categories  “o4en  and  daily”  as  well  as  for  2013;    *:  Applica@ons  that  are  new  in  2014  

Dept. Social Learning TU Graz June - 2013 http://www.flickr.com/photos/sovietuk/141381675

Comparison  of  “o4en  and  daily  learn”  use  of  Web2.0  and  Internet  offers  for  the  years  2011  to  2014;    *:  Applica@ons  that  are  new  in  2014  

Dept. Social Learning TU Graz June - 2013


Special Focus On: Facebook & WhatsApp

Dept. Social Learning TU Graz June - 2013


•  Why did Facebook swallow WhatsApp? •  Are these two services competing?

•  Are they influencing each other?

•  What can be said about students behavior towards Facebook and WhatsApp?

Dept. Social Learning TU Graz June - 2013


Cluster  analysis  about  the  learning  usage  resul@ng  in  five  clusters  of  different  usage  

Dept. Social Learning TU Graz June - 2013


Facebook vs. WhatsApp ? •  No competition but users using both

•  Highest correlations among the total data of the query

•  Their services complement each other

•  70% of all students use WhatsApp more intense for learning than Facebook

Dept. Social Learning TU Graz June - 2013


Discussion and Conclusion •  Increase of mobile devices unbroken •  although traditional analogue materials

are preffered for learning •  Communication is essential for learning •  Online Course not yet popular

•  Facebook and WhatsApp are complementing and pushing each other

Dept. Social Learning TU Graz June - 2013

IT Services Graz University of Technology

Martin Ebner [email protected]

http://elearningblog.tugraz.at http://elearning.tugraz.at

Unit Social Learning