why every tester should learn ruby

Why Every Tester Should Learn Ruby

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Presentation in TAPOST 2011 conferencehttp://www.itbaltic.com/conferences/tapost2011/


Page 1: Why Every Tester Should Learn Ruby

Why Every Tester Should Learn Ruby

Page 2: Why Every Tester Should Learn Ruby

Raimonds Simanovskis








Page 3: Why Every Tester Should Learn Ruby

Who are testers?


Page 4: Why Every Tester Should Learn Ruby

Who are testers?

... or automation ninjaswho create robots?

Page 5: Why Every Tester Should Learn Ruby

Many ToolsMany Scripting


Page 6: Why Every Tester Should Learn Ruby

HP (former Mercury)VBScript dialect

Page 7: Why Every Tester Should Learn Ruby

IBM Rational RobotSQABasic (VB dialect)

declare sub CheckSave 'allocate name defined below.'$Include "sqautil.sbh" 'used for datapool scripts.'$Include "global.sbh" 'used by all scripts.Sub Main! Dim Result As Integer! 'Explicitly declare variable:! ! dim strOpSys As String, strFileName As String! ! dim strScriptUsed As String, strReturn As Integer! ! const SCRIPTUSED As String = "Using Script 5/8/99"

! 'Assuming that the application is opened by the calling module:! 'Press Alt-File, Save As to open dialog box:! ! InputKeys %"FA"! ! ' MenuSelect "File->Save As..." not used

! 'Analyze pop-up window to detect and handle unexpected dialog:! ! 'Instead of Window SetContext, "Caption=Save As", "" ! ! 'which is not generic:! ! Window SetContext, "Current Window" ! ! 'Get object name...! ! 'Is it save as? ...

! ! 'Any other errors?! ! Assert ... ! ! 'If an error is found, stop! ...! ! 'Push a button that says "Save"! ! PushButton Click, "Text=Save"

! SQADataPoolOpen! Do while not EOF(1)! ! 'Fetch the next record from the datapool:! ! ! SQADataPoolFetch! ! 'Retrieve a value from the datapool:! ! ! SQADataPoolValue! ! Input #1 strOpSys, strFileName! ! if strOpSys = strOpSysUT then 'good, ! ! ! numReturn = CheckSave()! ! ! 'Set field needed for either good or bad:! ! ! ! (strScriptUsed = SCRIPTUSED)! ! ! if numReturn> 0 then 'good, ! ! ! ! 'Write good record to Verification Log:! ! ! ! SQAVpLog (strScriptUsed)! ! ! else! ! ! ! 'Write goon record to Verification Log:! ! ! ! SQAVpLog (strScriptUsed)! ! ! end if! ! end if! ! Loop! End Do! SQADataPoolClose

! 'Exit application:! Window SetContext, "Current Window" ! MenuSelect "File->Exit"

End Sub

Sub CheckSave! InputKeys strFileName! 'Detect to see if an unexpected screen.! ! Assert ...! 'Otherwise:! ! EditBox Click, "name=Save*"! ! InputKeys strFileName

! 'Detect to see if file was really saved:! ! GetAttr, ChDrive, ChDir, FileAttr, FileAttr,! 'Set return signal: if good:! ! ! Pos1 = 1! ! else! ! ! Pos1 = 0! ! end ifEnd Sub

Page 8: Why Every Tester Should Learn Ruby

IBM Rational RobotRobotJ (Java + libraries)

import resources.First_oneHelper;import com.rational.test.ft.*;import com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.*;import com.rational.test.ft.script.*;import com.rational.test.ft.value.*;import com.rational.test.ft.vp.*;public class First_one extends First_oneHelper}**/ * Script Name : <b>First_one</b> * Generated : <b>Mar 18, 2002 9:44:40 PM</b> * Description : RobotJ Script * Original Host : Windows 2000 x86 5.0 * Original Host : WinNT Version 5.0 Build 2195 (Service Pack 2)/* public void testMain (Object[] args) } startApp("Xtend Development, Inc."); consultingsmjpg_textVP().performTest(); // Document: Xtend Development, Inc.: http://www.xtenddev.com/ Link_SiteMap().click(); Link_SearchEngine().click(); Text_query().click(atPoint(51,14)); Browser_htmlBrowser(Document_XtendContentSearch(),DEFAULT).inputKeys("rational"); Button_Submit().click(); Link_XtendOnDemandVideoLibrary().click(); Document_XtendOnDemandVideoLib().drag(atPoint(754,247),atPoint(753,450)); Link_VisualTest6Indepth().click(); Document_VT6InDepthVideos().drag(atPoint(755,137),atPoint(754,203)); Image_buygif().click(); Button_CheckOutsubmit().click(); Text_name().click(atPoint(29,13)); name_textVP().performTest(); Text_name().click(atPoint(35,10)); Browser_htmlBrowser(Document_OrderConfirmationForm(),DEFAULT).inputKeys("Thomas Arnold"); Browser_htmlBrowser(Document_OrderConfirmationForm(),DEFAULT).inputKeys("{Tab}Xtend Development, Inc.{Tab}206-938-2370{Tab}206-932-8797"); Browser_htmlBrowser(Document_OrderConfirmationForm(),DEFAULT).inputKeys("{Tab}206-938-1191{Tab}[email protected]{Tab}[email protected]{Tab}"); Browser_htmlBrowser(Document_OrderConfirmationForm(),DEFAULT).inputKeys("4742 42nd Avenue SW{Tab}#621{Tab}Seayt{BKSP}{BKSP}ttle{Tab}WA"); Browser_htmlBrowser(Document_OrderConfirmationForm(),DEFAULT).inputKeys("{Tab}98116{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}"); Document_OrderConfirmationForm().drag(atPoint(754,178),atPoint(731,301)); Text_CCNum().click(atPoint(14,9)); Browser_htmlBrowser(Document_OrderConfirmationForm(),DEFAULT).inputKeys("{Num4}{Num3}{Num8}{Num8}{Num5}{Num4}{Num3}{Num0}{Num2}{Num3}"); Browser_htmlBrowser(Document_OrderConfirmationForm(),DEFAULT).inputKeys("{Num7}{Num2}{Num0}{Num3}{Num5}{Num7}"); List_Expiremonth().click(); List_Expiremonth().click(atText("05")); Document_OrderConfirmationForm().drag(atPoint(752,364),atPoint(752,444)); List_shippingid().click(); List_shippingid().click(atText("United States (lower 48 states) (Overnight) $36.00")); Text_Comments().click(atPoint(154,58)); Browser_htmlBrowser(Document_OrderConfirmationForm(),DEFAULT).inputKeys("This is a test order. Delete it!{Enter}"); Document_OrderConfirmationForm().drag(atPoint(752,356),atPoint(753,478)); Button__PLACEORDERNOWsubmit().click(); CloseWindow_textVP().performTest(); // Document: Xtend / Purchase Completed: //http://www.xtenddev.com/purchase_completed.asp?name=Thomas+Arnold //&company=Xtend+Development%2C+Inc%2E&email1=tom%40xtenddev%2Ecom //&address1=4742+42nd+Avenue+SW&address2=%23621&city=Seattle&state=WA […some deleted…] Link_CloseWindow2().click(); Dialog_HtmlDialogButtonYes().click();{

Page 9: Why Every Tester Should Learn Ruby

IBM Rational RobotVU (Load & performance tests)

set Server_connection = D10_91_46_90_6;

http_header_recv ["Home020"] 200; /* OK */

http_nrecv ["Home021"] 100 %% ; /* 2611 bytes */check_failure(_response, orgid, version_date, _script, _lineno);

stop_time ["Home"]; /* Stop_Block */

pop Http_control;Beginning of the next script:set Server_connection = D10_91_46_90_6; //I2

/* Keep-Alive request over connection D10_91_46_90_6 */http_request ["CBDSum001"] "GET /baliweb_ver_" + http_url_encode(version_date) + "_UAT_P20_adc/xml/TB TxnHistoryWI.xml HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Accept: */*\r\n" "Referer:" + http_url_encode(version_date + "_UAT_P20_adc/site/lightho" "rz800/en/html/codegen/\r\n" "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n" "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR" " 1.1.4322)\r\n" "Host:\r\n" "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n" "Cookie: JSESSIONID=B1gCSJkh4H7YvbMZfjJZJQwlLnDnCtgyv2Q2L9ygF22KJscwBjqC" "!-32148467!NONE\r\n" "\r\n";start_time ["CBDSum"] _fs_ts;

Page 10: Why Every Tester Should Learn Ruby

Oracle Application Test SuiteOpenScript

Page 11: Why Every Tester Should Learn Ruby

Better Alternatives for Test Scripting

General purpose programming language

Multi-platformMany libraries


Page 12: Why Every Tester Should Learn Ruby


programming language

simple from outside

powerful insideYukihiro

Matsumotoor “Matz”


Page 13: Why Every Tester Should Learn Ruby

Simple but Powerful

Flexible andextensible

class Numeric def plus(x) self.+(x) endend

y = 5.plus 6# y is now equal to 11

Everything is object5.times { print "We *love* Ruby -- it's outrageous!" }

Iterators and blockssearch_engines = %w[Google Yahoo MSN].map do |engine| "http://www." + engine.downcase + ".com" end

Page 14: Why Every Tester Should Learn Ruby

Ruby platforms

MRI JRuby IronRuby MacRuby

Unix Mac Win Java VM MS .NET Mac OS X

Page 15: Why Every Tester Should Learn Ruby

High TestingCulture in Ruby


TATFTTest All The F****** Time

Page 16: Why Every Tester Should Learn Ruby

High TestingCulture in Ruby


TATFTTest All The F****** Time

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High TestingCulture in Ruby


TATFTTest All The F****** Time

Page 18: Why Every Tester Should Learn Ruby

High TestingCulture in Ruby


TATFTTest All The F****** Time

Page 19: Why Every Tester Should Learn Ruby

Test script exampleswith Ruby

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Web Testingwith Selenium

require "selenium/client"

describe "Google search" do before(:all) do @browser = Selenium::Client::Driver.new(:host => "localhost",:port => 4444, :browser => "*firefox",:url => "http://www.google.com") end before(:each) do @browser.start_new_browser_session end after(:each) do @browser.close_current_browser_session end

it "should find Ruby programming language home page" do @browser.open "/" @browser.title.should == "Google" @browser.type "q", "ruby" @browser.click "btnG", :wait_for => :element, :element => 'rso' @browser.title.should =~ /^ruby - Google/ @browser.text?("ruby-lang.org").should be_true endend

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... or with Watirrequire "safariwatir"

describe "Google search" do before(:all) do @browser = Watir::Safari.new end after(:all) do @browser.close end before(:each) do @browser.goto "http://google.com" end

it "should find Ruby programming language home page" do @browser.title.should == "Google" @browser.text_field(:name, "q").set "ruby" @browser.button(:name, "btnG").click @browser.title.should =~ /^ruby - Google/ @browser.text.include?("ruby-lang.org").should be_true endend

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Tests as Executable Specification

Page 23: Why Every Tester Should Learn Ruby




require 'java'require 'jemmy.jar'require 'junquenote_app'

java_import 'org.netbeans.jemmy.JemmyProperties'java_import 'org.netbeans.jemmy.TestOut'

%w(Frame TextArea MenuBar Dialog Button).each do |o| java_import "org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.J#{o}Operator"end

JemmyProperties.set_current_timeout 'DialogWaiter.WaitDialogTimeout', 1000JemmyProperties.set_current_output TestOut.get_null_output

describe "Notes application" do def create_application JunqueNoteApp.new @main_window = JFrameOperator.new 'JunqueNote' end

def exit_application menu = JMenuBarOperator.new @main_window menu.push_menu_no_block 'File|Exit', '|' if dialog = (JDialogOperator.new "Quittin' time" rescue nil) button = JButtonOperator.new dialog, "No" button.push end end

def edit_text_area JTextAreaOperator.new @main_window end

before { create_application } after { exit_application }

it 'launches with a welcome message' do edit_text_area.text.should =~ /Welcome/ end

it "allows to type in text" do original_text = edit_text_area.text edit_text_area.type_text "this is some text" edit_text_area.text.should == "this is some text#{original_text}" end



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describe "Remove rooms by name" do before(:all) do plsql.rooms.insert_values( [:room_key, :name], [1, 'Dining Room'], [2, 'Living Room'], [3, 'Office'], [4, 'Bathroom'], [5, 'Bedroom'] ) plsql.room_contents.insert_values( [:contents_key, :room_key, :name], [1, 1, 'Table'], [2, 1, 'Hutch'], [3, 1, 'Chair'], [4, 2, 'Sofa'], [5, 2, 'Lamp'], [6, 3, 'Desk'], [7, 3, 'Chair'], [8, 3, 'Computer'], [9, 3, 'Whiteboard'] ) end

it "should remove a room without furniture" do rooms_without_b = plsql.rooms.all("WHERE name NOT LIKE 'B%'") plsql.remove_rooms_by_name('B%') plsql.rooms.all.should == rooms_without_b end

it "should not remove a room with furniture" do lambda { lambda { plsql.remove_rooms_by_name('Living Room') }.should raise_error(/ORA-02292/) }.should_not change { plsql.rooms.all } end

it "should raise exception when NULL value passed" do lambda { lambda { plsql.remove_rooms_by_name(NULL) }.should raise_error(/program error/) }.should_not change { plsql.rooms.all } end


