why enterprise service bus (esb)

Why ESB May, 2014

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Enterprise Service Bus, Service Oriented Architecture, Integration


Page 1: Why Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)


May, 2014

Page 2: Why Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)



Point to Point Architecture Hub and Spoke Architecture Distributed Integration Architecture or Peer to Peer Architecture Service Oriented Architecture

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Point to PointThe original architecture used to support systems integration

Advantages :Point to point solutions are often fast and efficientThe efficiency is derived from applications being tightly coupled

Disadvantages :Complexity increases as applications increase resulting in high maintenance costLack of flexibilityTightly coupled nature makes it difficult to manage

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Hub and Spoke

The earliest formal integration technology. Works on the principle that all information coming from the applications had to be processed within a single machine or server called a “hub”

Advantages :Less complex than Point to Point.Preferred architecture for achieving an easily controlled and managed environment in medium sized integration project.

Disadvantages :Too much processing taking place in central hub.Lack of standardsMost of the solutions are proprietary hence expensiveAs the number and complexity of processes increase, performance can suffer and hubs become difficult to manage, maintain and extendPure Hub and Spoke implementations do not scale well. One solution is to create a federated architecture

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Distributed Integration Architecture

One solution to the Hub and Spoke scalability issue is to perform message translation, routing, splitting and combing closer to the source and target systems by using smaller computers known as “agents”. Agent computers are connected to just one system and reduce the processing load on that system. Also known as Peer to Peer architecture.Advantages :

Distributed work load Gain in processing efficiencyAbility to scale well

Disadvantages :Early attempts at Distributed Architecture would work only where the internal and external facilities operated under the same distributed technology (CORBA, COM, JMI).Not so effective where Line Of Business involves mergers and acquisition.

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Service Oriented ArchitectureService Oriented Architecture is essentially an enhanced version of Distributed Architecture that uses loosely coupled software services to support the requirements of business processes and software users.

Advantages :Web services as the communication standard.Loosely coupled, granularInteroperabilityEfficiency – Because of Reusable natureScalable ReliableSecureMaintainable

ESB has become the accepted standard for the creation of an organizations Service oriented architecture.

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ESB – The Next Step in EAI

ESB - An attempt to move away from problems caused by brokered hub and spoke EAI approach.

Bus architecture lessens the burden of functionality placed on the single hub by distributing the integration tasks to other part of the networks.

The granular loosely coupled components can be grouped in various configurations to handle different integration scenario. Can be hosted anywhere within the infrastructure or duplicated for scalability.

Componentize necessary functionalities like security, transaction processing, error handling

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Core ESB featuresThere are a number of different ESB products available on the market today.  Some, such as WebSphere Message Broker or TIBCO Business Works, are traditional EAI products that have been re-factored to offer ESB-like functionality, but still function in a broker-like manner.  Core features

Location transparency Transformation – usable formats for all consumers Protocol conversion – Accept all protocols for

consumption Routing – determine appropriate end consumer based on

preconfigured rules or dynamic created requests. Monitoring/Administration Security – ESB security involves tow main components

Ensure secure handing of messages Ensure secure transport of messages

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Advantages of ESB Lightweight: because an ESB is made up of many interoperating services, rather than a single hub that

contains every possible service, ESBs can be as heavy or light as an organization needs them to be, making them the most efficient integration solution available.

Easy to expand: If an organization knows that they will need to connect additional applications or systems to their architecture in the future, an ESB allows them to integrate their systems right away, instead of worrying about whether or not a new system will not work with their existing infrastructure. When the new application is ready, all they need to do to get it working with the rest of their infrastructure is hook it up to the bus.

Scalable and Distributable: Unlike broker architectures, ESB functionality can easily be dispersed across a geographically distributed network as needed. Additionally, because individual components are used to offer each feature, it is much simpler and cost-effective to ensure high availability and scalability for critical parts of the architecture when using an ESB solution.

SOA-Friendly: ESBs are built with Service Oriented Architecture in mind. This means that an organization seeking to migrate towards an SOA can do so incrementally, continuing to use their existing systems while plugging in re-usable services as they implement them.

Incremental Adoption: At first glance, the number of features offered by the best ESBs can seem intimidating. However, it's best to think of the ESB as an integration "platform", of which you only need to use the components that meet your current integration needs. The large number of modular components offers unrivaled flexibility that allows incremental adoption of an integration architecture as the resources become available, while guaranteeing that unexpected needs in the future will not prevent ROI.

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Hybrid Integration

“Hybrid Integration is the concept of federated on-premises and cloud-based integration combined with the improved interoperability of existing and new middleware silos of application, business-to-business (B2B), business process management (BPM), business events, business rules, and data integration.

Key capabilities of hybrid integration platforms include metadata life-cycle management and runtime interoperability, which help CIOs orchestrate a well-governed but also rapidly changing agile integration platform from multiple integration products.”


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Next StepsQuestions ?Presenter Contact Info:

V.T.R. Ravi Kumar

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