why do we invest in designer clothing

What is a brand and how do marketers and brands influence our purchasing decisions

Upload: patricia-korbackova

Post on 11-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Why do we invest in designer clothing

What is a brand and how do marketers and brands influence our purchasing decisions

Page 2: Why do we invest in designer clothing

To see the logic behind consumer purchases we have to explore the value and importance of the brand in the (fashion) industry because these purchasing decisions have a major impact on today’s overall economy.

Page 3: Why do we invest in designer clothing

People are more comfortable and less fearful with a brand name and the way people perceive a certain brand impacts their purchasing decisions.

- consumers now know what the quality is

- it is not just all about the products, it is also the brand service

- branded services make bigger revenues than non-branded services

Page 4: Why do we invest in designer clothing

Whatever we buy is influenced by marketing. We might not realize this but the marketers get into our mind and we make purchase decisions based on what is proposed to us.

- window displays

- stores’ shelves

- the layout of the store

- the music in the stores

Page 5: Why do we invest in designer clothing

According to the survey by the University of Minnesota women wear designer clothes to reach a certain status.

- the designer brands are trying to reach wealthy customers

- the price adds to the exclusivity and prestige

- purchasing power equals to personal power

Page 6: Why do we invest in designer clothing

Luxury goods are not only for the elite anymore. Now the middle class is also the target of luxury brands.

- luxury brands are related to some specific characteristics

- exclusivity

- uniqueness

- scarcity

- premium price

- excellent quality

- aesthetics

Page 7: Why do we invest in designer clothing

The exclusivity can be characterized by premium price and rarity.

- the consumer wants to feel privileged

There are ways manufacturers and marketers create rarity.

- temporary shortage

- limited edition version

Page 8: Why do we invest in designer clothing

• Whatever we buy is influenced by marketing.

• Women wear designer clothes to reach a certain status.

• Luxury goods are not only for the elite anymore.

• Now the middle class is also the target of luxury brands.

• The exclusivity can be characterized by premium price and rarity.

• There are ways manufacturers and marketers create rarity so that the consumer feels privileged.

Page 9: Why do we invest in designer clothing

Is it worth to invest in expensive designer clothing?

In the end, everybody is different. Some of us prefer fast-fashion and some of us prefer quality and the feeling of privilege. And some people just seek the exclusivity.

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