why center on the kingdom? by jack r. taylor. the centrality of the kingdom i believe in the...

Why Center on the Kingdom? By Jack R. Taylor

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Why Center on the Kingdom?

By Jack R. Taylor

The Centrality of the Kingdom

I believe in the absolute centrality of the Kingdom of God.

My goal is to bring you to the same conviction…

I want you to contract the


Why Center on the Kingdom?

To see the Kingdom of Heaven is…

…to see the Whole of eternal Reality

and Our Role in God’s Order of things in light of the Great Premise:

“The Lord has established His throne in the heavens and His Kingdom rules over all

(Psalm 103:19)”

What we believe, preach & practice

It is vital that we not only believe what is true but that

we discern what is most important among all truths. As we read the Word with

open minds, spend time with Him and listen to the Holy

Spirit, it will be obvious to us what those truths are.

The Church & the Kingdom

This Gospel is the central message of the whole Bible from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21.

The Gospel of the Kingdom is the whole, complete and total Gospel.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ’s atoning sacrifice is inherent in but transcended by and understood best in light of the good news of the Kingdom.

The Gospel of the Kingdom

Time cannot end until the Gospel of the Kingdom reaches the whole earth:

“And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a

testimony to all nations,


(Matthew 24:14)

The Gospel of the Kingdom

Simply stated:

There is an eternal Kingdom ruled by a loving Father-King, Who has arranged for a redeemed human family to be heirs of the Kingdom

both on earth and in eternity.

The Kingdom is both

“now” and “not yet”

The Gospel of the Kingdom

The Church is the visible Body on earth of the Christ Who sits at the right hand of the Father Who has mandated that He remain there “till I make your enemies Your footstool.”

(Matthew 22:44)*

The Church is designated to declare the presence of the Kingdom, the manner in which it may be entered, extended and occupied until this feat* is completed.

The Gospel of the Kingdom

Time cannot end until the Gospel of the Kingdom reaches the whole earth:

“And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a

testimony to all nations,


(Matthew 24:14)

The Church and the Kingdom

Kingdom (basileia) & Church (ecclesia), two words that fairly well dominate the NT Landscape.

“Kingdom” found over 150 times and “Church” over 110 times in the NT.

Chronological order and relative frequency deserve decisive attention…too obvious to deny or downplay.

The Church and the Kingdom

Basileia is divine; Ecclesia, human.

In Basileia the kingly element prevails;

In Ecclesia, the human or social element prevails.

Basileia is God’s end, the ultimate;

Ecclesia is God’s means, the method.

Basileia descends that ecclesia may ascend!

The Church and the Kingdom

The Church cannot function properly without the Kingdom; the Kingdom cannot succeed without the Church.

Without the Kingdom the church has blurred identity, undefined purpose, unclear message and sickening lack of authority and power. THAT IS ABOUT TO CHANGE!

The Present SHAKING

Is God speaking to His people.

Is a conflict between “old systems and the Word”.

Will expose “that which is shakable” and exalt that which is unshakable”.

Will result in the Kingdom taking CENTER STAGE!

Why Center on the Kingdom?

Why Center on the Kingdom?

• Because John the Baptist centered on it. (Matthew 3:2)

• Because Jesus centered on it. (Matthew 4:17, 6:10, 33; 10:7, 12:28, 16:17-19, Acts 1:3)

• Because Paul centered on it. (1 Cor. 4:20; Romans 14:17, Acts 19:8-10, 28:30, Colossians 1:13)

Why Study & Preach the Kingdom?

• Because the Bible is the manual of the Kingdom.

• Because it is thematic in Jesus’ preaching.

• Because the Gospel is the Gospel of the Kingdom.

• Because we are enjoined to SEEK FIRST the Kingdom (Matthew 6:33)

What will result from centering on the Kingdom?

• Clarification of all things already learned.

• Correlation of things to be learned.

• An elevation of ultimate hope in teacher, student and church.

What will result from centering on the Kingdom?

• A right perspective on time, life, eternity and ultimate reality.

• God will be upsized and the enemy downsized.

• Basic needs met: Significance, security, purpose, and HOPE.


• The KINGDOM of God, though future in consummation, is present now in the earth in the saints of God and accessible to all.

• The loss of a Kingdom mentality has been a costly loss for the church resulting in a blurred identity, incomplete message, undefined purpose, diminished authority (thus a loss of power) and clear destiny.


• To fail to see the magnitude and centrality of the Kingdom is to reduce it and open the Church for further imbalances and heresies.

• A recovery of Kingdom mentality and life will result in the greatest revival in the history of the Church. It will last!


Before there was a Gospel of salvation the Gospel of the Kingdom was a reality. The good news of salvation is only a part of the Gospel. To omit the Kingdom from the Gospel is to weaken it, reduce it and marginalize it.

A View of the Kingdom

• Presents essential insights into how the Kingdom of the Almighty and Sons does business.

• Previews the glorious conditions of heaven on earth and initiates a HOPE MODE that cannot be diminished.

• Promotes a flawless grid for the solving of problems of all kinds in all venues of life.

A View of the Kingdom

• Provides a backdrop for the only proper perspective for earthlings.

• Proposes the necessity and basis of unity among believers everywhere.

• To fail to seek and thus find the Kingdom is to settle for diminished power and deferred hopes with shallow and superficial solutions to our worst problems in the world today.

A View of the Kingdom

• Such a failure is sure to result in confusion in relationships, dulled excitement, weakened resolve and an eclipsed sense of self-significance.

• The inevitable result of failing to see the Kingdom is the mistake of identifying the church as the Kingdom and thus, so perceived, to mar the Church’s true purpose to REPRESENT the Kingdom.

Suggestions for Kingdom Study

• Make a commitment to begin now.

• Do a concordance survey through the Bible on the Kingdom.

• Study significant passages on the Kingdom. Suggestions: Daniel 2:44; 4:1-4; 6:26,27; Psalms (all); Matthew (all).

Suggestions for Kingdom Study

• Seek Personally the Kingdom in every situation, event, problem and opportunity.

• Constantly pray Matthew 6:10 “Your Kingdom come, your will be done in earth as it is in heaven.”


• To become proficient in the study and living out of Kingdom truth is to maximize leadership potential.

• A failure to do so is to sabotage leadership potential and risk distortions in authority, doctrine, relationships, principles and overall perspective.

• Key Scripture: Hebrews 12:25-28

To receive the Kingdom is to affirm that:


HIS PLEASURE.The Lord has established His Kingdom in heaven and His

Kingdom rules over all (Psalm 103:19).

Final Word:

Paul’s affirmation in Romans 14:17,18 is of extreme importance:

“For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of

righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Because anyone who

serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and approved by men.”

Where does this all fit into making my church a Kingdom Church?

Jesus said:

“Little children, it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.”

(Luke 12:32)

“Seek First the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.”

(Matthew 6:33)

What is the proper response to both of the previous






My Prayer

God has granted me permission and given me an anointing to pray for you an anointing to relentlessly

pursue the King and His Kingdom, to be possessed by Him and obsessed on His Kingdom.

My Prayer is that you might be . . . BLOWN TO KINGDOM COME!


Dimensions MinistriesPO Box 189

Melbourne, FL 32902