why bhutan

Why Bhutan? What is the ultimate aspiration of all human beings? Are you happy about today’s world; where peace is endangered and Nature’s bounty – symbolized in various forms, such as the pristine rivers, lush green forests, snow clad mountains – has been exploited beyond repair? Do you wish that you could turn the clock back and experience how the world was, before the pursuit of materialism changed the world’s face? Your wish can be fulfilled, for there is a country which has retained most of what we lost; where you can see and hear the melody of the birds, the songs of the flowing river and the virgin forests and mountains. And you can experience all this over a cup of Cappuccino and as you communicate with your folks back home, using the latest technological gadget that you have. Welcome to Bhutan – the country where medievalism and modernity co- exists; where Gross National Happiness (GNH) is the yardstick for measuring development; and a country where the Monarch drafted the Constitution, voluntarily stepped down and instituted democracy. Across Bhutan will take you across the country, make you experience the soul of the country and give you moments that will linger forever in your mind. And it will be more than just a vacation, but an enlightening experience. About Bhutan Bhutan, the ‘Land of the Thunder Dragon’, was isolated and almost non-existent in the annals of the twentieth century history. This has been a blessing in disguise; for the country learnt about the mistakes made by other nations – especially the fact that development is a two edged sword- that it can destroy and not just bring about progress. Isolated and never colonized, the kingdom took the middle path in pursuing development. That is why it stands out unique and special. Bhutan's culture is a living organic evolution that has adapted to the changes of the world, but maintained its core norms. It is the only country in the world where the sale of tobacco is banned and the streets of the capital and other towns have no traffic lights. It’s a country where television debuted as recently as 1999; where the first motor

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Page 1: Why bhutan

Why Bhutan?

What is the ultimate aspiration of all human beings? Are you happy about today’s

world; where peace is endangered and Nature’s bounty – symbolized in various

forms, such as the pristine rivers, lush green forests, snow clad mountains – has

been exploited beyond repair?

Do you wish that you could turn the clock back and experience how the world was,

before the pursuit of materialism changed the world’s face?

Your wish can be fulfilled, for there is a country which has retained most of what

we lost; where you can see and hear the melody of the birds, the songs of the

flowing river and the virgin forests and mountains. And you can experience all this

over a cup of Cappuccino and as you communicate with your folks back home,

using the latest technological gadget that you have.

Welcome to Bhutan – the country where medievalism and modernity co-

exists; where Gross National Happiness (GNH) is the yardstick for measuring

development; and a country where the Monarch drafted the Constitution,

voluntarily stepped down and instituted democracy.

Across Bhutan will take you across the country, make you experience the soul of

the country and give you moments that will linger forever in your mind. And it will

be more than just a vacation, but an enlightening experience.

About Bhutan

Bhutan, the ‘Land of the Thunder Dragon’, was isolated and almost non-existent in

the annals of the twentieth century history.

This has been a blessing in disguise; for the country learnt about the mistakes made

by other nations – especially the fact that development is a two edged sword- that

it can destroy and not just bring about progress. Isolated and never colonized, the

kingdom took the middle path in pursuing development. That is why it stands out

unique and special.

Bhutan's culture is a living organic evolution that has adapted to the changes of

the world, but maintained its core norms. It is the only country in the world where

the sale of tobacco is banned and the streets of the capital and other towns have no

traffic lights.

It’s a country where television debuted as recently as 1999; where the first motor

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road was built as lately as 1964. It’s a country where the rice is red and chilies

aren’t just a flavor but the main dish. It’s also a deeply spiritual land, where men

and women wear the traditional dress (Gho for men/Kira for women) and giant

protective phalluses adorn the walls of traditional houses. It’s also the birthplace

of “Gross National Happiness” (GNH), a development philosophy that places

GNH above “Gross National Product”.

Introducing the world’s newest democracy:

In 2008, Bhutan became the youngest democracy when an overwhelming 83% of

the total population went to the polls (53% were women and 30% were below the

age of thirty). It was also the centenary year of the Wangchuck dynasty with His

Majesty Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck officially crowned the fifth king of

the kingdom. A figure as beloved as his father, at 29, he became “The Peoples’

King” and the youngest monarch in the world.

It’s indeed, the last Shangri-La, an enchanted land long forgotten now awakening

the world.

More on Bhutan

Bhutan: The name

The ancient names of Bhutan provide insights into how it was perceived by

the outside world. It was known as Lho Mon (Southern Land of Darkness) and

LhoJong Menjong (Southern Land of Medicinal Herbs).

After the 17th century, Bhutan was known as Druk Yul- the land of the Thunder

Dragon, a name derived from the Drukpa Kagyu sect of Buddhism. From the

Sanskrit word, Bhu – Uttan, which means the high lands/head of India (when

looked from the Indian plains). Accordingly, another Sanskrit word Bhotsant,

which means the “tail” or end of Tibet is also attributed as a reason for the Name



Natural calamities like fire and massive earthquakes in the past have destroyed

evidences speaking about Bhutan’s past. But from the Namthars (life stories of

great people/hagiography), and artefacts from ancient monasteries, prehistoric

Bhutan can be traced back to 500/600 AD.

Early inhabitants of Bhutan practiced Bonism/Bon, an animastic tradition, which

remained before Buddhism came into the country with the visit of the Indian saint

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Guru Padma Sambhava, popularly known as Guru Rimpoche or the Precious

Teacher visited Bhutan in 747 AD, at the request of Sindhu Raja, the King of

modern day Bumthang.

Guru Padmasambhava is regarded as the Second Buddha and the patron saint

of Tantric Buddhism. It should be noted that religion and Bhutan cannot be

separated as religion has always played a very important role in shaping the

country’s political, social and cultural life.

Bhutan’s history can be broadly separated into the medieval era; the age of

Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal/Unification of Bhutan; Pre-Modern Bhutan and

Modern Bhutan.

A brief outline of the salient features of all the periods can be summarized as


Medieval Era

A religious turmoil in Tibet in 836 to 842 AD made many religious teachers flee

Tibet and settle in western Bhutan. A prominent one was Gyalwa Lhanampa, the

founder of the Lhapa Kagyu sect of Buddhism, who was in-fact the first one who

started building dzongs (fortresses).

In1220, Lama Phajo Drugom Zhigpa, came to Bhutan and defeated Lhanampa.

The Lhapa Kagyu sect was replaced by the Drukpa Kagyu, propagated by Phajo

Drugom Zhigpo.

Phajo’s lineage led to the firm establishment of the Drukpa Kagyu school of

Vajyarana Buddhism, especially in Western Bhutan. By the 16th century, the

Drukpa Kagyu sect had become all powerful, which set the stage for the coming of

Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal, credited to have unified Bhutan.

Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal’s era

In the early years of the 17th century, there was religious turmoil in Bhutan too,

with five different sects of Bhutan fighting against each other. Bhutanese history

refers to it as the fight between the five Lamas, who had their own schools of


It was in the midst of this that Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal, whose life was at

stake in Tibet, left his seat at Ralung, Tibet and fled to Bhutan in 1616. It is said

that a Raven guided him to Bhutan and that he had several dreams telling him that

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his future was in Bhutan.

Upon arrival in Bhutan, he subdued the influences of the other five lamas and

consolidated his power by establishing relations with the neighboring Kings of

Nepal, Cooch Bihar and Ladakh.

However, it was the great victory over the Tibetians in 1639 that made Ngawang

Namgyal the undisputed leader of Druk Yul. He assumed the title of Shabdrung

– which means at whose feet one submits, or the Supreme Religious Power. He

became the temporal as well as spiritual leader of Druk Yul.

Apart from unifying the country, the Shabdrung instituted the Desi (civil ruler)

and the Je Khenpo (the Chief Abbot or Spiritual leader), setting the dual system of

government, which exists even today.

In what is referred to as decentralization today, Shabdrung divided the country

into regions and appointed Chila Namsum, (who were later called as Penlops) and

Dzongpons (Provincial rulers), who were given the mandates to administer at the

local levels. Judicial and revenue/taxes administration were also established.

However, the constructions of Dzongs (fortresses) were his main contributions,

which have stood the test of time and can be seen all over the country. The dzongs

were used as the administrative seats and established in strategic places as he had

to fight several wars with the Tibetians.

In the 35 years of governance, he contended with aggressions from Tibet in 1639

and the joint forces of Tibet and the Mongols in 1647. Tibetian attacks in 1648

and 49 were also repelled.

In 1651 Shabdrung went to a sacred retreat. It is because of this that Bhutan’s

history has no record of when the Shabdrung expired. In his absence the Desis

ruled the country and Bhutan was torn by civil wars between Penlops of different

regions fighting for power. 22 Desis were assassinated or deposed.

Pre modern Bhutan – the rise of the Wangchuck dynasty

Bhutan had a strong presence in the duars (meaning the doors to Bhutan) in the

Southern foothills, after the invasion of Cooch Bihar in 1772 by Bhutanese forces.

At that time, the East India Company, had not brought Cooch Bihar under its


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However, Bhutan’s invasion in 1772 made Khagendra Narayan, a pretender to the

Throne of Cooch Bihar seek British help. In the war that followed, Cooch Bihar

was taken over by the British.

At this period, the 17th Desi, Tsenlop Kuenga Rinchen sought help from the

Panchhen Lama of Tibet, who mediated between the Desi and Warren Hastings,

the Governor General of British India. The outcome was the Anglo-Bhutan Treaty

signed in April 25, 1774, whereby the Bhutanese agreed to return to the boundaries

before the invasion of Cooch Bihar.

The Duar wars

The duars were the areas between the plains of river Brahmaputra (in present day

Assam, India) and the southern foothills of Bhutan. By 1826, Bhutan had gained

control of all 18 duars – 11 in Bengal and 8 in Assam. This was an issue for British

India, who annexed the Asam Duars in 1841. It was after this that Bhutan and

British India fought incessantly for about 20 years.

The Ashley Eden Mission in 1864 failed to resolve the duar issue and in November

1864, the British attacked Bhutan, By March1865, the British had taken over the


It was during this period that Jigme Namgyal, the Trongsa Penlop and father of

Bhutan’s first King, rose to power. He led most of the duar wars and also signed

the treaty of Sinchula on November 11, 1865, which was the beginning of Anglo-

Bhutan relations. The duars were taken over by the British and trade opened.

The institution of the Monarchy

Trongsa Penlop Jigme Namgyal became an undisputed leader and influenced

Bhutanese politics even after his resignation from the Desi’s post in 1873. Though

external aggression stopped, internal feuds increased.

It was then that Ugyen Wangchuck, the Trongsa Penlop and son of Jigmi Namgyal

began to unify Bhutan. Rebellions were crushed between 1882-1885, and the

most decisive battle was the battle of Changlingmithang in 1885, where Ugyen

Wangchuck defeated his final foes.

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Having established his powers, on December 17, 1907 Ugyen Wangchuck was

unanimously crowned as the first hereditary Monarch of Bhutan, which was also

recognized by the British in India.

The Wangchuck dynasty

Looking at the different milestones achieved by each Monarch, Bhutan’s Kings

and the era under them have different titles.

The first King’s era (1907-1926) is known as the era of unification, for it was

during this period that the entire country came under the banner of the first King.

The second King, Jigmi Wangchuck’s who ruled from 1926 to 1952 is known for

having consolidated Bhutan. The era is called the era of Consolidation.

The third King, Jigme Dorji Wangchuck’s era is called as the era of

Modernization, for it was during his period that Bhutan shred the policy of

isolation and began planned development. He is also known as the father of

modern Bhutan and ruled from 1952-1972.

The era of the fourth King, Jigme Singye Wangchuck, the father of Gross

National Happiness (GNH), who ruled from 1972-2006, before abdicating the

Throne and setting up democratic Bhutan could rightfully be called as the era of


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The current era is the beginning or the dawn of a new era. The King, Jigme Khesar

Namgyel Wangchuck, popularly known as the “People’s King” is the head of


Form of Government

On December 17, 2005, the Fourth King shook the nation as he said that he will

be abdicating the Throne for his son and that Bhutan is ready for Democracy, with

general elections to be held in 2008.

The King said that in 1907, the Bhutanese gave the Wangchuck family the

responsibility to rule Bhutan and that 100 years have passed and the Bhutanese

should be able to govern themselves.

Bhutan adopted its first Constitution on July 18, 2008. The Constitution, which

was drafted by a group of experts, was taken all over the nation, by the fourth

King. It was discussed with the people and the final draft drawn.

Today, Bhutan has a two party democratic system. While the King remains as the

head of State, the three arms of the government, the Judiciary, Executive and the

Legislative are independent institutions.

In the first general elections, there were two parties, the People’s Democratic Party

(PDP) and the Druk Phuensum Tshogpa (DPT) who contested against each other.

The DPT won with a landslide in the first elections held on March 24, 2008, with

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the PDP winning only two seats from the 47 constituencies.

The President of the DPT, Jigmi Y Thinley is Bhutan’s first democratically elected


The head of the PDP, is the Opposition leader

The Parliament also has the National Council, which is the upper house. A member

each from Bhutan’s 20 districts and five appointed by His majesty the King forms

the National Council. As in other countries, the NC is the house of review, where

bills originating from the National Assembly are reviewed. The members are


Moreover, all the 20 districts are divided into gewogs (county), which are further

divided into chiwogs (a group of villages). Bhutan has 205 gewogs.

In what is a perfect example of decentralization, all plans originate from the

gewogs, which are discussed in the districts and then passed to the central

government. In other words, development is a bottom-up system.

The Judiciary is independent and the Supreme Court is the interpreter of the

Constitution. While all the 20 districts have courts, the capital houses the High

Court and the Supreme Court.

Additionally, constitutional bodies such as the Election Commission of Bhutan,

the Anti Corruption Commission. The Royal Audit Authority and the Royal

Civil Service Commission exists. These bodies have been framed to ensure good


The Monastic body

The dual system of government framed by Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal exists

even today.

Bhutan’s clergy or the Central Monk Body is headed by the Je-Khenpo (Chief

Abbot), who is supported by the Five Masters, called as the Lopen Ngap in the

local dialect.

The current chief abbot is Bhutan’s 71st abbot.

Bhutan’s geography

Bhutan can be divided into four regions- the West, Central, East, and South.

Western Bhutan

Seven districts form the region and the Black Mountains (4,200m) have always

been the dividing line between the West and Central Bhutan.

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Chukha at an altitude of 2240 meters is the economic region of Bhutan.

Hydrpower projects, which are Bhutan’s main generator of income are located in

the region. Moreover, Phuentsholing, the commercial hub of Bhutan is located in

the district.

Thimphu at an altitude of 2,320 m is the capital of Bhutan. It is also an attractive

center for tourists and houses the following places of interest.

Tashichhodzong- or the fortress of the glorious religion houses the Throne room

of His Majesty the King and the Je Khenpo. The National Assembly Hall stands

opposite to the Dzong.

Thimphu also has the National Textile Museum, the Folk Heritage Museum, the

institute of traditional medicine services, the Takin preserve, the national institute

of traditional arts, the national library and the national memorial chorten. Apart

from this, there are several lhakhangs (temples) and goenpas that can be visited.

Paro at an altitude of 2,280 meters has the country’s only airport. One of the most

developed districts in the country, Paro houses a total of 176 Lhakhangs and 427

choetens. It is place to Taktsang monastery- called as the Tiger’s nest. Paro valley

is also called as the rice bowl of the country.

Punakha at an altitude of 1,220 meters was the winter capital of Bhutan until

1955. However, it is still the winter residence of the Chief Abbot.

Punakha Dzong, which literally means the Palace of Happiness, is built at the

junction of two rivers. It was in Punakha that Bhutan’s first hereditary King was


WangduePhodrang at an altitude of 1,240 meters is home to the the Black

Necked Cranes, which fly in winter from Tibet to Phobjikha, in Wangdue


Haa at an altitude of 2,700 meters is literally known as the Hidden Land Rice

Valley. Situated at the border with China, the district is mostly covered by forests.

Gasa at an altitude of 2770 m is known for its hotsprings. It is home to people

leading pastoral lives. Yaks and cordyceps are the specialties of the district.

Central Bhutan

Trongsa at an altitude of 2,000 m is the central most districts in Bhutan. It was

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from here that the Wangchuck family spread its wings of power. The dzong there

is known as the “fortress on tip of a conch” and is the longest dzong in Bhutan.

Trongsa also houses Ta Dzong, the watch tower.

Bumthang, at an altitude 2,700 m Bhutan’s spiritual heartland. The tales of Guru

Padma Sambhava and his reincarnates, especially the great treasure discoverers are

embodiments of Bumthang.

Farther east is Lhuntse, at an altitude of 1,460m. It holds a very historic place at it

is the ancestral home of the Wangchuck dynasty.

Zhemgang, at an altitude of 1,900m is one of the most inaccessible districts. It is

the place from where all bamboo products originate.

Eastern Bhutan

Mongar and Trashigang at 1,620m are the main districts. Traditional weaving is

the hallmark of the two regions.

The next in line is TrashiYangtse at an altitude of 1,830 meters. It borders the

Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh and is also a place blessed by Guru Padma

Sambhava. The district is renowed for its traditional products made from wood like

bowls and cups.

Pemagatshel at an altitude of 1,560 meters, which literally means the “Blissful

land of the lotus” is known for its production of cultural and religious items, such

as gyalings (similar to reed), dungs etc.

The final eastern district is Samdrup Jongkhar bordering with the Indian state of

Assam. It is the commercial hub of Eastern Bhutan.

Southern Bhutan

Made up of the districts of Dagana (1,520m), Samtse (420m), Sarpang (325m) and

Tsirang (1,560m) are located at the foothills. Most of the people living there are

Lhotsampas, who speak Nepali and follow the Hindu religion.

Due to its proximity to India, the region consists of manufacturing industries,

such as processed fruit juices. Mandarin and cardamom are also produce of these


Our offers

Across Bhutan can take and give you whatever you desire, based on your

interest. Are you interested in Culture; Trekking; Camping; Birdwatching;

Page 11: Why bhutan

Studying…..Name it and We will ensure that you get what you want.


Bhutan has at its disposal a rich variety of cultures, lifestyles, languages and

beliefs. But most of the Bhutan’s culture is manifested in its architectural wonders

called Dzongs and Tsechus – religious festivals.

People and Language

The two are core aspects of culture. And though Bhutan is a small country there

are three major ethnic groups; the Sharchops-people of eastern Bhutan; the

Ngalops (people of western Bhutan) and the Lhotsampas (people of Southern


However, other groups such as Bumtaps(people of Bumthang), Khengpas(people

living in the district of Zhemgang), Layaps and Brokpas (the two communities that

migrate) are prominent.

There are about 20 different dialects spoken by the people.

However, dzongkha – the language of the people of western Bhutan is the official



Bhutanese men wear Gho – a knee length robe tied at the waist by a belt known as


Women wear Kira- an ankle length dress, which is also tied at the waist by a Kera.

Komas- brooches fasten the Kira on their shoulder. A long sleeved blouse known

as a wonjo is worn inside the Kira and a Tego (like a jacket) is worn outside.

A traditional boot called the Tsolam is also worn on special occasions.

Additionally, scarfs called kabney for men and rachu for women is worn during

formal occasions and in offices. There are different colors of a Kabney, which

represent the hierarchy in society, including the post that a man/woman holds.

The yellow scarf is for the King and the Head abbot. The Orange are for ministers,

the red for Dashos (a title equivalent to Knighthood); blue for members of the

Parliament; green for the Justices and white for common man.

A Patang (sword) is also tied to the belt and is the prerogative of those that are

ordained with the red, blue, green, orange and the yellow scarfs. However, the

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King can ordain a patang for those with white scarfs.


This is also an essence of culture and the Bhutanese diet is mainly composed of

rice with curry. At higher lands wheat and buckwheat are the staple food.

Bhutanese love spicy food and emadatsi (chilly with cheese) is one of the most

favored dishes. Apart from that Bhutanese diet also include pork, beef, chicken and

vegetables. However, with development the food pattern has also changed, with all

types of dishes served in hotels and restaurants.


Dzongs are the symbols of Bhutanese architecture, which have been constructed

without the use of nails. Lhakhangs (temples), goenpas (monasteries) , Choetens

(Stupas) are other illustrations of Bhutanese architecture.

Arts and crafts

Bhutan’s spiritual and intellectual life is reflected in its art and crafts. Art is

not based on the concept of beauty but on interpretations of values. Most arts

epitomize the conflict between good and evil and have religious significance.

Bhutan has 13 traditional arts and crafts- called as Zorigchusum. Here arts made

from stone, wood, clay, bronze, wood, slate and stone carvings, paintings, leather

work’ blacksmith, gold and silver smith, bamboo and cane crafts, weaving and

tailoring are the 13 forms.

Music and dance

Performing arts such as music and dance are popular aspects of the country’s


Bhutanese music have traditional genres like Zhungdra (classical song), Boedra

(folk song) and Rigsar (modern music). The dances are performed at all important

celebrations and festivals.

Bhutan can be called the country of festivals. Dromchees and Tsechus- religious

festivals are held in different parts of the country. It is believed that by attending

the Tsechus, one gain merits.

Mask dances are the most popular form of religious dances. There are many types

of dances and all have spiritual bearings. Monks as well as villagers perform the

dances. The Tsechus are held to commemorate events in the life of Guru Padma



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Archery is the national game, while other traditional games are degor(similar to

discuss), Pungdo (shotput)Khuru (dart), Soksum (Javelin) and Keshi (wrestling).

Unlike Olympic style, Bhutanese archery is played in a 140 meter ground with a

target each in the two opposite areas. Teams compete against each other and every

player is given a pair of arrows. It is considered as an art showcasing muscular

strength, mental spirit and the highest spirit of competition.

While traditionally, bows were made of bamboo, the advent of Compound bows,

(hunting bows) have taken over traditional bows.

However, modern games like soccer, basketball, taekwondo, volleyball, cricket,

tennis etc are also played.


Bhutan is part of the ten global hotspots in the world. It is home to 221 endemic

birds and the ecosystem is home to and harbors most of the world’s exotic species

of flora and fauna.

The Constitution of the country mandates that at all times the forest cover should

be 60%. Because of this most of the forested areas have been converted to

protected parks.

Bhutan’s wealth of flora include 5,400 vascular plants, 360 species of orchids, 46

species of rhododendron, junipers, magnolia, blue poppy, primulas and over 500

species of medicinal plants.

Moreover, Bhutan is a haven for animals, especially along the southern foothills.

Elephants, tigers, guar, wild water buffalo, golden langur, hog deer, clouded

leopard are found in the Subtropics.

In the mountains are yaks, takins, blue sheep, musk deer, snow leopard. Wolf and


The Temperate ranges houses Tigers, Leopars, Gorads, Himalayan black beer,

Sambar, Red Panda, Barking Deer and the wild pig.

Recently, the discovery of Tigers above 4,000 meters by a team of experts from the

BBC broke the myth that Tigers do not live in very high grounds.

There are about 770 species of birds that include Himalayan Griffon, ibisbill,

Hornbill, Sunbirds, Cuckoos, Fulvettas, Barbets, and varieties of Wren Babblers.

More than 28 internationally endangered birds such as the Pallas Fish Eagle,

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White-bellied Herons, Satyr Tragopan, Great Parrotbill, Dark- rumped Swift etc.

Additionally, Bhutan is the wintering ground for the endangered Black Necked


About Tourism- the Bhutanese style

Tourism in Bhutan is also unique. Visitors famously have to pay a minimum of

US$200 per day, making it one of the world’s most expensive destinations. But

hang on, listen- the fee is an all-inclusive package; whether you want to travel in a

group or as a “Free Individual Traveler”, your itinerary can be arranged according

to your needs, likes and dislikes. The all-inclusive package is freedom to tailor

your travel style, food, accommodation, guide and enough hospitality to make you

come back again and again.

What is not allowed is the backpacker-style independent travel.

About us.Dear Guests,Warmest greetings from Across Bhutan Tours & Treks.Allow us to introduce ourselves to you - your new travel partner, committed to providing you the best of services.A registered tour company under the Tourism Council of Bhutan and a member of the Association of Bhutan Tour Operators (ABTO), Across Bhutan was established by a team of committed tour professionals, all of whom have extensive hands-on experience in the tourism sector for over a decade. Our highly experienced team has travelled the length and breadth of Bhutan, and their intimate knowledge of the country enables them to bring you the best that this land of happiness has to offer.Travel More, Worry Less!!! We understand how much your trip means to you and so we offer you the widest range of tour options to the most exotic destinations in Bhutan. All our tour packages are backed by a professional touch and value for money. We ensure that our guests experience the highest standard of travel services and we aim to exceed your expectations. We, at Across Bhutan know that you look upon us to obtain the value for your money and hence, we are dedicated to showing you Bhutan at its finest. Welcome to the land of Thunder Dragon and thank you for choosing us.Management, Across Bhutan Tours & Treks

Why Across Bhutan?

Because we care about what we have inherited and want to show and share this

little gem with you; personally because we’re good at it. We know the ins and outs

of every destination we recommend and unabashedly, we can bring an insight and

create the perfect trip that few can match.

We are also dedicated to constantly finding new ways and means to enrich your

experience. There are parts of Bhutan that were closed to tourists, which have been

opened up recently. These are exciting times and the east of Bhutan allows us to

offer you more of the Bhutanese experience. Across Bhutan is always pushing

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the envelope to take you out of the “tourist zone” and into real locale environs-

to create experiences that impregnate the imagination. We believe that a vacation

should be more than just a vacation. The journey is the destination and we believe

that in coming to Bhutan, the destination is also the journey.

Our services aim at providing just that. Our experiences range from scouting new

valleys and regions just recently opened up to upgrading the bird’s eye view of

plains, hills and valleys already in sight (we give you the inner info) and how best

to reconnect, rediscover and enjoy them. Again, these agendas are all fluid, so you

can have them tailored- nothing like a perfect fit and a little snug.

We Care:

Together with our inner info comes a great deal of outer care. Bhutan is a friendly

country and its inhabitants are stern about hospitality- it’s an honorable duty..

Basically, we are here to make sure you lack nothing and find a helping hand with


So what does taking a trip with Across Bhutan mean? It means we start by planting

the seeds for the beginning of a great adventure- and all great adventures germinate

in a thought that grows louder and louder yearning for a listener. Hence the reason

why we are here- we believe in listening to all your queries; without labeling them

smart or stupid. To us, that’s an expression of interest and anyone that wants to

know, design a trip and see our little Himalayan hamlet is an honored guest.

Even as this website is here to inspire you to find out more about our company,

it’s really the country we are promoting that we want you to discover. Should

this website arouse a little curiosity and make you ponder the name “Bhutan”,

we believe that a tiny seed of curiosity has been planted, which someday will

mature enough to make you book a trip to Bhutan. Should you contact us for that

booking, we’ll have met at the crossroads where the next port of call spells the

name, “Bhutan”. From there on we’ll be in touch to find out just what suits you


Getting In Touch:

Just give us a call, an email or send a fax. Hospitality is what we are all about and

our small staff of dedicated professionals would love to weave together the best

way for you (on and off the road less traveled).

Getting Ready For Departures:

Once that tailored suit with all your personal measurements is ready to be delivered

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and worn, the Across Bhutan -Bhutan experience is ready, steady and set to go.

The experience warms up as you get closer to your destination. Before you lock the

house or board the plane, we will have everything sorted out for you; visas, date of

departures, port of entry, visa fees, what to bring and most importantly, what not to

bring (our humble observation tells us that 90% of travelers coming to Bhutan tend

to go excess baggage). If you are going to go back to Bangkok, Kathmandu, Delhi,

Kolkata, Baghdora or Bodh Gaya- it’s easier to leave the bulk of your luggage


The Touchdown:

Druk Air, your Royal Bhutan Airlines, is the only carrier flying in and out of

Bhutan. It operates flights from Bangkok, Delhi, Kolkata, Baghdora, Bodh Gaya

and Kathmandu. It’s also your first visual experience with Bhutan. The plane

is a mini-Bhutan on air. Immediately you will notice the infectious Bhutanese

hospitality (bordering on the general Bhutanese concept of “no such thing as

privacy”) smiling and looking at you. This is normal and a gesture of politeness.

Bhutanese are by nature chilled out, laid back and relaxed. The planes’ normally

very spacious (on account of low local passengers), which should give you room

and windows enough to savor the sights, especially if your route is Kathmandu-

Bhutan (behold the mighty Himalayas to your left).

The touchdown can be a pat nervous to the uninitiated but there is no cause for

worry. The two BAe-146 aircrafts are specialized high altitude planes piloted by

thorough professionals with some twenty-odd years of experience. The airport is

in Paro, a picturesque and sacred valley. The countdown to the touchdown has the

pilots maneuvering the craft through mountains and hills to an invisible airport!

Probably the smallest airport in the world, the Paro Terminal is at once quiet,

lazy and tranquil. Our guide will be awaiting your arrival with a Japanese-make

automobile and its designate driver.

The Guide:

The guide can be as supportive or as hands off as you want. He will though share

with you thoughts on what to do and where to go, which is essentially getting

under the skin of the destination when you are there albeit after you have recovered

from the strangest flight you have ever had with a good nap at the designated hotel.

If you would like us to go a step further and make bookings when you are there

and organize an additional activity then that’s not a problem either. The long and

short of it is that if you ever change your mind or want some new ideas whilst

away, the guide is just an ear and a phone call away. This is to ensure that your trip

continues to be the perfect travel experience that we have promised and planned.

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The Beginning of Something Beautiful:

So the trip starts and now it’s time to let the senses take in the whole thing. You

will encounter a variety of enigmas wherever you go but remember to keep it all

open. Your reality back home is now an illusion and the environment you are in,

very real. Leave behind the reality of the office back home and indulge yourself in

a wonderful experience often too much to stomach. As part of the Across Bhutan

experience, we want to help you avoid whatever is bothersome and get on an

experience we know you will cherish when you get back here after a whirlwind

tour of the kingdom’s many fortresses, monasteries, valleys, gorges, hills and


We like to think we have all aspects of the travel covered and importantly realize

that both the ‘arrival’ and ‘back to the real world’ aspects of your trip are keenly

balanced. Your journey with us begins as soon as you pick up the phone and we

are constantly looking for more ways to bring in the magic and the mantra as well

as your family members, relatives, friends and colleagues.

In conclusion, a journey unto the unknown is about the sense of discovery- of

things new and strange, which then becomes a familiar collection of memories

wonderful and unforgettable to store away and re-visit for the rest of your life.

When you depart, we want you to feel a connection with this truly remarkable land

and its inhabitants and an attachment similar to your excitement when you decided

to do this trip with us.

Our offers

Cultural tours, Festivals, Photography, bird-watching, Botanical Tours, Fishing,

Trekking, Mountain Biking, Rock Climbing, Hiking, Golfing, Kayaking etc are

services that you can choose from.

Cultural Tours

Through this you will get to see Bhutanese life and culture. Your guide will take

you to the dzongs, religious festivals, pilgrimage sites, museums and excursions

into villages. And as you watch the festivals- mask dances, you will know more

about Buddhism; about what every move means, every dance means.


Bhutan is a paradise for photographers. You will get the opportunity to click and

take home what you have perhaps seen in dreams only.

The beautiful landscape, rough rushing rivers, snow clad mountains, flora and

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fauna, architecture….everything is a picture you will not want to miss.

Bird Watching

You need not be an ornithologist. The sight of the birds will make you one. Get

your cameras ready, everytime for you do not know what may come – you may


Botanical Tours

You may perhaps need more than a year to know all about the plants, herbs and

shrubs. The best of the country’s flora can be seen at the beginning of monsoon.

But Spring is the time to see the rhododendrons sprouting and the magnolias



Fishing is not common among Bhutanese but you could experience fishing in the

crystal clear waters. Fishing spots can range from rivers to spring fed streams.

Snow and brown trouts are what you may catch.

Mountain Biking

The West- East lateral highway is a dream route for those who love mountain

biking. The challenge is there – a new pass over 3000 m every day. You can bike

along the longest downhill stretch in the world- a 70km stretch.


Day hiking possibilities are everywhere; short one or two hours hike or a day long.

It is the best way to explore beauty.

Rafting and Kayaking

Though at a nascent stage, you can experience it, especially in the waters of

western Bhutan.


The Royal Thimphu Golf Course is one of the highest in the world. So experience

golfing at the top of the world.


This involves treading through passes as high as 5,500 meters, where you will

get to see the breathtaking landscapes. There are treks ranging from low altitude

short three day treks to high altitude treks covering about 400 kms and passing the

country’s three highest passes.

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Across Bhutan Special

But there is something that only Across Bhutan can give you.

If you are a scholar doing a study on Gross National Happiness (GNH) but do not

know how to begin- we are there. Just contact us and we will make everything

ready; you can sit with the experts on GNH and speak for hours. You will not be

charged- it is an Across Bhutan Special.

Similarly, if you want to know about Buddhism, talk to a Buddhist scholar, it is

very easy. Just contact us.

And you do not have to worry about communication; French, Japanese, or Chinese.

We will do the talking.

Travel TipsI. Bhutan standard time is 6 hours ahead of GMT. There is only one time zone

in the country; it is 30 minutes ahead of Indian Standard Time.II. The currency is Ngultrum, which is equivalent to the Indian rupeeIII. VISA and MASTER Cards are accepted, But it would be best to carry

American travellers cheques.IV. Communications is no problem and neither are internet services.V. No vaccinations are needed for travelling to Bhutan. However, if you are

coming from a yellow fever affected country, get vaccinated. VI. Bhutanese dishes are spicy and rich. But hotels serve Indian, Chinese,

Continental, Thai and Italian dishes.VII. The roads are winding and narrow, But you need not fear, for our drivers are

experts.VIII. It is advisable to bring clothes that match with the season.IX. The maximum altitude you can reach by road is 3150 meters in the West and

3750 meters in the East.X. Smoking in public places is banned in Bhutan.