why and how to implement angularjs in our project


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Post on 22-Jan-2018




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What is AngularJS

Why do we require AngularJS? In the event

that we as of now have lot of customer side

scripting dialect like JavaScript, Jquery and

nodejs and so forth.

How to utilize AngularJS in our venture?AngularJS is a JavaScript structure for website pages.

This is ideal for single-page applications. It works

with HTML by augmenting the traits with orders

and utilizing expressions.From this definition, you

ought to get a thought that in the event that we need

to make a Single Page application.

What is its History… ?•Once a Google Employee, Misko Hevery, began playing

with JavaScript in 2009, and another JavaScript based

basic structure, AngularJS, was conceived, which was

received by Google and propelled as a discharge

AngularJS adaptation 1.0 in 2012. AngularJS is an open

source system.

1. Any Text Editor


3. CSS


5. MVC (Model-View-Controller) essential ideas.

MVW architectureM remains for Model(JavaScript question).

V remains for View(HTML component).

W remains for Whatever (Angular restricting code).

In this day and age, heaps of organizations utilize

AngularJS. There is a site, madewithangular.com, which

contains a rundown of the prominent destinations which are

produced by AngularJS.

Fundamental Directives, Expressions, Filters, Modules, and


Propel Events, DOM, Forms, Input, Validation, Http, and the

sky is the limit from there.

Preferences of AngularJS

Reliance Injection.

Angular JS is definitive.

Two way information authoritative

Testing is simple.

Demonstrate see controller.

How to utilize AngularJS in our venture

ng-app This mandate characterizes an AngularJS


ng-model This mandate ties the estimations of AngularJS

application information to HTML include controls.

ng-bind This order ties the application information to View

(HTML View).

About InfocampusInfocampus is a software training institute that

provides Angularjs Training in Bangalore, marathahalli.

Weekdays and weekend classes are available

for AngularJS course.Free demo classes with limited seat.

contact 9738001024




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Contact Details:

Infocampus Software Training Institute

Near Kalamandir

Outer ring road, Marathahalli
