why a person needs a smartphone in his daily life?

Blair Wong Topic: Why a person needs a smartphone in his daily life? 1. Introduction Smartphone is a mobile phone built on a mobile operating system, with more advanced computing capability connectivity than a feature phone (Mashable 2013). From Google’s Android system, Apple’s iOS systems, Samsung’s Bada system to Microsoft’s windows phone system, smartphone is built as soon as possible. It becomes an important tool for people to communicate and amuse. Smartphone subverts our life, everyone needs smartphone and cannot stop using them, and it is a pathogenic problem. Therefore, the present study aims to find out the reasons why people always use smartphone with a topic “Why a person needs a smartphone in his daily life?” The present study has a research by survey of 30 respondents, who are the age from 18 or above, about their used smartphone habit and how smartphone affects their life. This study will first has key review of some literatures, and the method of how to collect the data. Then, the study will discuss the findings and conclude the result finally. 2. Literature review Anderson, M 2013, The Advantages of Smart Phone, eHow, viewed 4 Apr 2014, < http://www.ehow.com/list_6880854_advantages-smart- phone.html >

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Why a Person Needs a Smartphone in His Daily Life?


Page 1: Why a Person Needs a Smartphone in His Daily Life?

Blair Wong

Topic: Why a person needs a smartphone in his daily life?

1. Introduction

Smartphone is a mobile phone built on a mobile operating system, with more advanced computing capability connectivity than a feature phone (Mashable 2013). From Google’s Android system, Apple’s iOS systems, Samsung’s Bada system to Microsoft’s windows phone system, smartphone is built as soon as possible. It becomes an important tool for people to communicate and amuse. Smartphone subverts our life, everyone needs smartphone and cannot stop using them, and it is a pathogenic problem. Therefore, the present study aims to find out the reasons why people always use smartphone with a topic “Why a person needs a smartphone in his daily life?”

The present study has a research by survey of 30 respondents, who are the age from 18 or above, about their used smartphone habit and how smartphone affects their life. This study will first has key review of some literatures, and the method of how to collect the data. Then, the study will discuss the findings and conclude the result finally.

2. Literature review

Anderson, M 2013, The Advantages of Smart Phone, eHow, viewed 4 Apr 2014,

< http://www.ehow.com/list_6880854_advantages-smart-phone.html>

The website provided the information about advantages of using smartphone

whether people are taking a train, working in office or state at home, people can

using smartphones to reply others e-mail.

Balle, L 2013, Cell Phones & Health Problems, eHow, viewed 3 Apr 2014,



Page 2: Why a Person Needs a Smartphone in His Daily Life?

The article mentioned that smartphones is valuable of communication skills in daily

life, but have increase problems may affect people health.

Furgerson, L 2013, How Do People Use Smartphones?, eHow, viewed 4 Apr 2014,

< http://www.ehow.com/how_7744683_do-people-use-smartphones.html>

The website explain if people have own smartphone, this is basically computer refer

to be a phone, such as, people can used smartphone to reply others e-mail and


Kilhefner, J 2013, The Pros & Cons of Smartphones, eHow, viewed 5 Apr 2014,


The web-site show the information about Pros of using smartphone, for instance,

provide function apps for ease of use in areas such as social networking, careers and

school, the other side, provide useful information about which is keep in touch

though different mediums, such as, Facebook and e-mail.

Slideshare 2013, Smartphone’s and their effect in society, viewed 3 Apr 2014,

< http://www.slideshare.net/nemas3/smartphones-and-their-effect-in-society>

The article people used smartphones may effect in society included communication

skill and the behavior.

The Telegraph Lifestyle 2007, Art of chatting face to face dying, view 4 Apr 2014,

Page 3: Why a Person Needs a Smartphone in His Daily Life?


1111114318189 >

The article mentioned the introduction of e-mail and text messaging is leading a

worldwide epidemic of shyness.

Titus, C 2013, Negative Impact of Mobile Phones of Society, viewed 4 Apr 2014,



It found that smartphone is the distraction of studying and working.

Zinf 2013, How smartphones affect people’s life?, viewed 3 Apr 2014,



The article show that the economic rapid grow up, people will need technology

advanced and rely them all the times.

There are three contributions in this research study. The first contribution is that

find out the popular brand users using mostly. The second contribution is the habit

of users use their smartphone and the third contribution is what is the favorite

function of smartphone by the users. It can help the smartphone companies to know

more the consumers’ and these companies can develop the smartphone more


Page 4: Why a Person Needs a Smartphone in His Daily Life?

3. Methodology

The present study used a survey of 30 respondents, who aged from 18 or above. They were required to complete 13 questions about their used smartphone habit and how smartphone affected their life. It is because survey is more rigid than interviews and that involve larger groups of people, and the present study want to learn what a larger population thinks. In addition,

Moreover, the present study also used the supporting article on Internet. Through the research article, were providing the chat and figures to refer the survey about age usage. Furthermore, it was necessary to find more information and supporting details in newspapers and magazines, in order to know more on why people needed to rely on smartphone in their daily life and it will provide more useful information for the present study.

4. Findings and discussion

Smartphone affects people daily life. They only used mobile phone calling and

receiving the calls in the past. However, the economic and technology is growing up

rapidly, and the old fashioned things will not be used, people will rely used on

smartphone, which has become a worldwide communication tool. In this study, it

found that some trend of using smartphone by people.

4.1 The trend of respondents used habit of smartphone

Page 5: Why a Person Needs a Smartphone in His Daily Life?

Figure 1 Brand of respondents used

The survey of 30 respondents, figure 1 shows that 53% of the respondents are using

the brand of Samsung, which is the most popular brand, and the second popular

brand is Apple which has 43% of respondents are using. Moreover, the percentage

of the brand including HTC, Nokia and Sony are very scattered. The reasons of why

the respondents choose that brand are personal preference and other recommend.

Page 6: Why a Person Needs a Smartphone in His Daily Life?

Figure 2 Times of respondents spend on smartphone

Apart from that, figure 2 shows that 77% respondents spend over two hours to use

their smartphone daily. It mentions that the situation is being serious of people rely

smartphone. The reason is that the users believed that smartphone has brought

some positive effect. For general users, smartphone is convenient, and it can save

time, fast connection, and easy to get endless information. Few respondents thought

that smartphone can increase productivity.

4.2 The reasons of why respondents use smartphone and its positive effects

Page 7: Why a Person Needs a Smartphone in His Daily Life?

Figure 3 Functions of respondents usually used

In addition, the diversification of smartphone’s functions is one of the positive

effects for the users. Figure 3 shows that 65% of respondents mentioned that they

communicate with others by using smartphone’s applications, such as, Whatsapp,

Facebook, Instagram, Wechat, etc. Also, other respondents use their smartphone to

take photos and videos, play games, take note, and send e-mail. Through the

smartphone, respondents can interact with others easily because they can have an

immediate respond or comment in those chat instrument. It can strengthen the

relationship between friends and families. It also can increase more topics between

their conversation when they can acquire the latest issues in the smartphone


Page 8: Why a Person Needs a Smartphone in His Daily Life?

Moreover, nearly all of the respondents agreed that smartphone is important in

their daily life and they are not willing to stop to use smartphone. And most of them

also believed that there is no another instrument can substitute smartphone.

4.3 The negative effects of smartphone

However, although many respondents rely to smartphone to help them in daily life,

there is some argument of using a Smartphone.

For general respondents, they realized that the negative effects by using

smartphone for a long time are health problems, smartphone addict and socially

less. And there is some supporting article for the negative effects by using


According to the article, it points out that excessive use of Smartphones can incur

multiple health problems, such as, sore eye, “turtle neck syndrome”, neck strain, text

thumb, impair thinking skills, erode respondents’ patience, headache, etc. It can

prove that using smartphone for long time in daily lead to health problems (Ja-

Young 2012).

Furthermore, according to a study, it found that 80% revealed an increased risk for

emotional and hyperactivity issues among the children who used smartphones

(Davan 2008).

Page 9: Why a Person Needs a Smartphone in His Daily Life?

In addition, according to the news, Harvard researcher Robin Abrahams said that

small "smart" devices have caused people to become social less (Don 2013). Also, he

said that people become shy to communicate with others as they spend more time

addicted to their smartphone. They forget how to face to face and communicate with

the strangers. It shows that people are always being smartphone addicts and non

stop to touch their mobile phone in some gathering, even having a meal with

families or friends. It can hinder their communication and relationship. Therefore,

over using Smartphone can make people become smartphone addicts, socially less

and hinder their social skills.

Finally, this is the findings and discussion of using a smartphone. Based on all

information, smartphone is a good invention and it brings us convenient. It is so

important to people daily life. It can be believed that people can prevent the spoil

effects if people can use it properly.

5. Conclusion

Smartphone affects people behavior, it becomes a necessity. Therefore, this research

is to find out the reasons why people always use smartphone with a topic “Why a

person needs a smartphone in his daily life?” Finally, the research study found that

people rely smartphone because it brings them convenience, and it has diverse

functions. If people use smartphone moderately, smartphone will become a very

useful instrument.

Page 10: Why a Person Needs a Smartphone in His Daily Life?

6. Recommendation

The limitation of the present study is that the study cannot find out the future trend

of smartphone, and the study is not comprehensive enough. Moreover, it is not

enough time for the present study to collect data and make the complete analysis.

Furthermore, the recommendation need to prevent people over use the

smartphone, it should start from teaching by parents. In addition, the other

recommendation for people is building the other habit, such as reading books or do

more exercises to prevent smartphone addicts.



Please complete all the questions.

Section A

Gender ☐Female


Age ☐18-25



☐46 or above

Profession ☐Student


☐Doing my own Business


Page 11: Why a Person Needs a Smartphone in His Daily Life?

Section B

Q.1 Do you have smartphone?

☐Yes ☐No

Q.2 How many smartphones you have?

☐1 ☐2 ☐3 or above

Q.3 Which brand of smartphone(s) you have?

☐Apple ☐HTC ☐LG ☐Motorola

☐Nokia ☐Samsung ☐Sony


Q.4 Why do you use this brand?

☐Advertising ☐Cheap ☐Others recommend

☐Personal preference ☐Other(s)___________________

Q.5 How long do you change your smartphone(s)?

☐6 months or below ☐1 year ☐1.5years

☐2 years ☐3 years or above

Q.6 On average how long do you use smartphone(s) in daily?

☐15 mins or below ☐30 mins-1 hour ☐1-2 hours

☐2-3 hours ☐3hours or above

Q.7 What is (are) the function(s) you usually use in smartphone?

☐Communicate with others by using applications

☐GPS ☐Make phone ☐Play games

☐Send or receive e-mail ☐Take notes ☐Take photos or video

Page 12: Why a Person Needs a Smartphone in His Daily Life?

☐Watch news


Q.8 What is (are) the positive effect(s) by using smartphone?

☐Convenience ☐Easy to get the latest information

☐Fast connection ☐increase productivity

☐Save time ☐Other(s)____________________

Q.9 What is (are) the negative effect(s) by using smartphone?

☐Health problems ☐Smartphone addict ☐Socially less


Section C



Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly


Q.10 Smartphones are

important for people.

Q.11 People cannot leave

smartphone in their life.

Q.12 No another instrument

can substitute smartphone.

Please indicate your response to the following statements.

Page 13: Why a Person Needs a Smartphone in His Daily Life?

Q.13 What application(s) do you often to use in smartphone?(Facebook, Instagram,

Whatsapp, Wechat, etc)



Thank you for your participate!


Anderson, M 2013, The Advantages of Smart Phone, eHow, viewed 4 Apr 2014,

< http://www.ehow.com/list_6880854_advantages-smart-phone.html>

Balle, L 2013, Cell Phones & Health Problems, eHow, viewed 3 Apr 2014,



Furgerson, L 2013, How Do People Use Smartphones?, eHow, viewed 4 Apr 2014,

< http://www.ehow.com/how_7744683_do-people-use-smartphones.html>

HA, D 2008, Prenatal and Postnatal Exposure to Cell Phone Use and Behavioral

Problems in Children, Pubmed.gov, viewed 15 Apr,

< http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18467962>

Kilhefner, J 2013, The Pros & Cons of Smartphones, eHow, viewed 5 Apr 2014,

Page 14: Why a Person Needs a Smartphone in His Daily Life?


Markmullerio 2013, Why a person needs a smartphones, PubArticles, viewed 4 Apr

2014, < http://articles.pubarticles.com/why-a-person-needs-a-smartphones-in-his-


Mashable 2013, Smartphone, viewed 18 Apr 2014,

< http://mashable.com/category/smartphone/>

Rafner, D 2013, Social Disadvantages of Mobile Phones, eHow, viewed 9 Apr,

< http://www.ehow.com/list_6325088_social-disadvantages-mobile-phones.html>

Slideshare 2013, Smartphone’s and their effect in society, viewed 3 Apr 2014,

< http://www.slideshare.net/nemas3/smartphones-and-their-effect-in-society>

The Telegraph Lifestyle 2007, Art of chatting face to face dying, view 4 Apr 2014,


1111114318189 >

Titus, C 2013, Negative Impact of Mobile Phones of Society, viewed 4 Apr 2014,

< http://www.ehow.com/facts_5217378_negative-impact-mobile-phones-


Page 15: Why a Person Needs a Smartphone in His Daily Life?

Yoon, J 2012, Smartphones pose health risks, Culture, viewed 13 Apr 2014,

< http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/culture/2012/12/316_127423.html>

Zinf 2013, How smartphones affect people’s life?, viewed 3 Apr 2014,




Topic: Why a person needs a smartphone in his daily life?

1. Introduction

Introduce the general background of smartphone and the objective of the present


2. Literature review

Investigating some articles about smartphone and mention its limitation and


3. Methodology

Mention the method of how to collect data.

4. Findings and discussion

4.1 The trend of respondents used habit of smartphone

4.2 The reasons of why respondents use smartphone and its positive effects

4.3 The negative effects of smartphone

5. Conclusion

Page 16: Why a Person Needs a Smartphone in His Daily Life?

Summary that many people use smartphone in daily and mention the limitation in

this research.

6. Recommendation


Cover letter of questionnaire,

