whole faculty study groups

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  • 8/20/2019 Whole Faculty Study Groups


    Whole FacultyWhole Faculty

    Study GroupsStudy GroupsBy: Evangeline MillerBy: Evangeline Miller

    EDLE 5005EDLE 5005

    University of Louisiana at MonroeUniversity of Louisiana at Monroe

    Spring 2016Spring 2016

    Clic t!e "lac

  • 8/20/2019 Whole Faculty Study Groups


     What comprises a WFSG? What comprises a WFSG?

    Stu$y %roup6 &acultyMe'"ers

    Stu$y %roup6 &acultyMe'"ers

    Stu$y %roup

    6 &acultyMe'"ersStu$y %roup

    6 &acultyMe'"ers

    Stu$y %roup

    6 &acultyMe'"ers

    Stu$y %roup6 &acultyMe'"ers

    Stu$y %roup6 &acultyMe'"ers

    Stu$y %roup6 &acultyMe'"ers

    (!ole &acultyStu$y %roup

    ) S'all stu$y groupsS'all stu$y groups*no 'ore t!an 6*no 'ore t!an 6faculty 'e'"ersfaculty 'e'"ersper group+per group+

    ) Co'position of S%Co'position of S%is not i'portantis not i'portant

    ) ,otating Lea$ers!ip,otating Lea$ers!ip

    ) E-ual Status to .LLE-ual Status to .LL'e'"ers'e'"ers

    ) Curricular orCurricular or/nstructional &ocus/nstructional &ocus

    Clic t!e "lac

  • 8/20/2019 Whole Faculty Study Groups


     What function do WFSGs What function do WFSGs

    serve?serve?) supportsupport i'ple'entation of curriculari'ple'entation of curricularan$ instructional innovationsan$ instructional innovations

    ) integrateintegrate an$ give co!erence to t!ean$ give co!erence to t!esc!ools instructional strategies an$sc!ools instructional strategies an$progra'sprogra's

    ) targettarget a sc!ool3i$e nee$a sc!ool3i$e nee$

    ) study study  t!e researc! an$ latestt!e researc! an$ latest$evelop'ents on teac!ing an$$evelop'ents on teac!ing an$learning an$learning an$

    ) monitor monitor  t!e i'pact of innovations ont!e i'pact of innovations onstu$ents an$ on c!anges in t!estu$ents an$ on c!anges in t!e3orplace43orplace4

    Clic t!e "lac

  • 8/20/2019 Whole Faculty Study Groups


    hat happens rst?hat happens rst?) !e 3!ole faculty!e 3!ole faculty

    un$erstan$s (&S%un$erstan$s (&S%


    ) !e 3!ole faculty!e 3!ole faculty

    participates in t!eparticipates in t!e$ecision'aing$ecision'aing

    process t!atprocess t!at

    $eci$es t!e focus of$eci$es t!e focus of

    t!e (&S%t!e (&S%

    ) !e 3!ole faculty!e 3!ole facultyrevie3s stu$entrevie3s stu$ent

    $ata t!at 3ill gui$e$ata t!at 3ill gui$e

    t!e for'ation oft!e for'ation of

    t!e stu$y groupst!e stu$y groups

    an$ 3!at t!e stu$yan$ 3!at t!e stu$y

    groups 3ill $ogroups 3ill $o

    Clic t!is "lac"o#

  • 8/20/2019 Whole Faculty Study Groups


    Guiding Principles ofGuiding Principles of

     WFSGs WFSGs) Stu$ents rstStu$ents rst) Every"o$yEvery"o$y

    participatesparticipates) Lea$ers!ip isLea$ers!ip is


    ) ,esponsi"ility is,esponsi"ility ise-uale-ual

    ) (or is pu"lic(or is pu"lic

    Clic t!e "lac "o#

  • 8/20/2019 Whole Faculty Study Groups


    Implementing the WFSGImplementing the WFSG

    !is is a se-uential list of!is is a se-uential list of'eetings for t!e Stu$y'eetings for t!e Stu$y


    ) Brainstor'ingBrainstor'ing

    ) 7arro3ing opic7arro3ing opic

    ) E#ten$e$ DiscussionE#ten$e$ Discussion


    ) ,e8ection on 9rocess an$,e8ection on 9rocess an$ContentContent

    Clic t!e "lac "o#

  • 8/20/2019 Whole Faculty Study Groups


    Organizational FeaturesOrganizational Features

    of WFSGof WFSG) ,egularly Sc!e$ule$ Meetings,egularly Sc!e$ule$ Meetings 3ice a 'ont!3ice a 'ont!

     .ppro#i'ately ;0 'inutes per .ppro#i'ately ;0 'inutes per


    i'e is of t!e essencei'e is of t!e essence

    ) Clearly esta"lis!e$ focusClearly esta"lis!e$ focus

    ) %oals are a 'ust%oals are a 'ust

    Clic t!e "lac

  • 8/20/2019 Whole Faculty Study Groups


    Inspiration to Get WFSGInspiration to Get WFSG


  • 8/20/2019 Whole Faculty Study Groups


     Who eeps it ll Who eeps it ll

    "ogether?"ogether?!e 9rincipal 'ust 'o$el t!e value of!e 9rincipal 'ust 'o$el t!e value oflearning for faculty= sta>= an$ stu$ents4learning for faculty= sta>= an$ stu$ents4!e principals role in (&S% is as!e principals role in (&S% is asfollo3s:follo3s:

    ) Stays involve$ in (&S% processStays involve$ in (&S% process

    ) Co''ents on action plans an$ logsCo''ents on action plans an$ logs) ?eeps stu$y groups focuse$?eeps stu$y groups focuse$

    ) &ocuses on researc!&ocuses on researc!

    ) Uses t!e $ecision'aing cycleUses t!e $ecision'aing cycle

    ) S!ares t!e 3or S!ares t!e 3or ) Uses $ataUses $ata

    ) Supports core practicesSupports core practices

    ) Loos $eeperLoos $eeper

    ) Deals 3it! reluctant teac!erDeals 3it! reluctant teac!er

    ) Cele"rates 3or an$ successCele"rates 3or an$ success

    Clic t!e "lac "

  • 8/20/2019 Whole Faculty Study Groups



    @epe$a= S4 A4 *2012+4 Learning@epe$a= S4 A4 *2012+4 Learning

    Co''unities4 /n=Co''unities4 /n=  Professional Professional

    development: What worksdevelopment: What works *pp4 1*pp4 1

    1;+1;+.. 7e3 or= 7: ,outle$ge47e3 or= 7: ,outle$ge4