who was frederick douglass?

Who was Frederick Douglass?

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Post on 24-Feb-2016




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Who was Frederick Douglass?. Important Roles in Douglass’s life: Frederick Douglass was…. A former slave A powerful and influential black writer and orator A molder of public opinion A key player in politics after the end of the Civil War (notice the time period!) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Who was Frederick Douglass?

Who was Frederick Douglass?

Page 2: Who was Frederick Douglass?

Important Roles in Douglass’s life: Frederick Douglass was…

• A former slave• A powerful and influential black writer and

orator• A molder of public opinion• A key player in politics after the end of the

Civil War (notice the time period!)• A supporter for women’s suffrage• The first African American to run for Vice-

President (1872)

Page 3: Who was Frederick Douglass?

Christian slaveholders agued that in In The Book of Genesis, Noah cursed his son Ham &

his descendants to be slaves.

Page 4: Who was Frederick Douglass?

The Curse of Ham• The Book of Genesis records an instance of Noah cursing his son

Ham's descendants to be slaves. Although there is no biblical evidence that Ham was the "father" of African peoples, various Jewish, Christian and Islamic writers came to believe that he was, and their association helped to justify centuries of African enslavement.

• Propaganda- information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.– How is the Curse of Ham Propaganda?

• http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=1548811

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Assignment: You are an Abolitionist…

• Your challenge is to create a Propaganda poster against the use of the Curse of Ham as a rationale for slavery for a specific audience.

• No more than 2 students per group• You will draw for your audience of slaves, white

southern plantation owners, northerners, or slave traders.

• Before you create your final product, you must show me an outline of your propaganda poster. You need to turn in a poster AND a written rationale.

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Use Aristotle’s Rhetoric

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Abolitionist Propaganda Rubric

• Your final product must include:– 1 propaganda poster made for your audience (you will need to

consider if your audience is literate—this will help determine the design of your poster)

– A 1 page written explanation of your propaganda that includes:• An explanation of your propaganda poster• A description of the audience the poster is designed for• An explanation of why the poster is appropriate for your

audience• An explanation of how the poster is an effective example of


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Sample Propaganda POSTERS

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Design a T-Shirt

• Freedom is….

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Freedom is…?

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What freedom means is…

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Freedom is….

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Freedom is……

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Include a written rationale for your poster.

Page 21: Who was Frederick Douglass?

Include a written rationale for your poster.

Page 22: Who was Frederick Douglass?

Include a written rationale for your poster.

Page 23: Who was Frederick Douglass?

Include a written rationale for your poster.

Page 24: Who was Frederick Douglass?

Include a written rationale for your poster.

Page 25: Who was Frederick Douglass?

Include a written rationale for your poster.

Page 26: Who was Frederick Douglass?

Include a written rationale for your poster.

Page 27: Who was Frederick Douglass?

Include a written rationale for your poster.

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• The Media Backpack logo portrays the spirit of the outdoors through the mountain and hiker icons. The hiker is climbing and testing his/her skills to achieve a goal. Similarly, the readers/visitors to the Media Backpack will be educating and

• testing themselves in order to produce the various media required by their job. They may not have all the skills they need to reach their goal, but the media backpack will be there

• to help along their arduous climb.

• The clean, hard and angular lines of the ‘m’ icon and mountain compliment the typeface selection. The image of the hiker is a visual stand-in for each and every user of the site as they climb to the top of their virtual mountain.

Sample Written Rationale

