who killed karen hernandez

Who Killed Karen Hernandez? © sjacc_01 All Rights Reserved 2011. *All elements of this story are fictional. Any resemblance from real-life occurr ences or other stories are purely coincidental.* *This is my original idea. Please, no plagiarism or whatever. * ______________________ Quote The Pen Don Aguirre College's Official Student Publication January 17-22, 2011 CC president found dead, officials alarmed On a cold but sunny day of January 14, 2011, Ira Karenina Hernandez was found de ad in one of the cubicles of Don Aguirre College's ladies room. Her body was swi mming in a pool of blood, and investigators predict that the incident happened j ust last night. ...Three students were suspected as the killer: Diana Vidal, III- AB Multimedia Arts; Ma. Katrina Henson, III- AB Digital Photography; and Jenna Flynn Monsanto, I- BS Accountancy. These speculations were according to some students who had s een the victim with them. ...As of this writing, a funeral for Hernandez, or Karen to those who know her, is being held at Le Paz Memorial Chapel. Ira Karenina "Karen" Hernandez 18 years old Camera Club president Dean's lister Party girl Certified heart breaker Semi-bully

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Page 1: Who Killed Karen Hernandez

Who Killed Karen Hernandez?© sjacc_01All Rights Reserved 2011.

*All elements of this story are fictional. Any resemblance from real-life occurrences or other stories are purely coincidental.*

*This is my original idea. Please, no plagiarism or whatever. *______________________

QuoteThe PenDon Aguirre College's Official Student PublicationJanuary 17-22, 2011

CC president found dead, officials alarmed

On a cold but sunny day of January 14, 2011, Ira Karenina Hernandez was found dead in one of the cubicles of Don Aguirre College's ladies room. Her body was swimming in a pool of blood, and investigators predict that the incident happened just last night.

...Three students were suspected as the killer: Diana Vidal, III- AB Multimedia Arts; Ma. Katrina Henson, III- AB Digital Photography; and Jenna Flynn Monsanto, I- BS Accountancy. These speculations were according to some students who had seen the victim with them.

...As of this writing, a funeral for Hernandez, or Karen to those who know her, is being held at Le Paz Memorial Chapel.

Ira Karenina "Karen" Hernandez

18 years old

Camera Club president

Dean's lister

Party girl

Certified heart breaker


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And now dead.

Three girls are suspected as the killer, but they won't admit a thing. No one would. But the case must be closed. And for that to be done, we must know...

.....who really killed Karen Hernandez.Two.Kat's POV

I met Karen when she applied for the Camera Club. We were only freshmen then, but I was already a member of the organization. She was so different back then--- sweet, shy and quiet. At first, I didn't like her because she was too polite that I thought she's just faking it. And I was correct. Later on she became a member of the special staff, at the same time unleashing her true colors--- overconfident, outspoken and not-so-polite-after-all.

But despite that, we became friends. I don't know, but there was a weird connection between us. After the first semester, we grew even closer. And, little by little, I started to become like her.___________________

Kat! Let's go to the mall later! I wanna burn my credit card again! Karen urged me while we were adjusting our cameras' settings.

Sure. You know I'm always game for shopping trips.

Hey, did you see my new sling bag? I just posted a picture of it on my FB. Bought it yesterday with Kyle.

I raised an eyebrow. Who's Kyle? Your new "toy"?

Yeah! She laughed. Like you don't know the pattern. C'mon, Kat! Two weeks tops, remember?

I sighed. She's my friend, and yes, I'm becoming like her in terms of appearance, but there's no way I'm going to be like her. I don't play with boys, mainly because I haven't had one. No one seems to like me. They always go for Karen, e

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ven though they know her pattern. (Sheesh. I believe they're not that stupid.) Honestly, I don't get it. I believe I'm also beautiful and smart, but why wouldn't guys like me? I feel like Karen's shadow. Ugh.

Yea, of course I know that. It's just..... Karen, don't you want to change?

Change? What do you mean?

Y'know, get serious with boys--- or at least 1 boy?

She let out a devilish laugh. Can you hear yourself, Kat? You sound funny. Really. You sound like a preacher! Don't reprimand me, I know what I'm doing.

I know, but I'm just concerned. Are you aware of how many hearts you've broken already? They can harm you just because you fooled them.

I'm not scared. And guess what? I don't care. She grabbed her things and headed straight to the door. See you later! I have to meet Kyle at the entrance. Get ready, we will raid every store at Pinkbelt later! She winked and went out of the room.______________________

Those were the days. Good ol' carefree days. Don't get me wrong--- I love her as my friend, but sometimes I can't help to be jealous of her, especially when she gets all the attention than I do. ______________________

Hi Karen! That's Drew, one of Karen's, well uhm, suitors. I heard you already dumped Kyle. So.... does that mean...

Yeah, I'm single and extremely available.

Great! So, dinner later?

Sure. She winked at him and we walked away, leaving that guy speechless and in awe.

You sure nailed that one, huh. I said.

Haha. You know me. I always get the guys. Say, I wonder why, until now, you still don't have a boyfriend!She said with a sarcastic tone.

I don't know. That's because you took them all, b*tch.

She looked at me. What's that?

I faked a smile. Nothing. But inside my mind, these thoughts reigned: Why do you always get the guys? You're not worthy to have them because you just use them for leisure! Why can't they understand that? Why you? Why not me??!

I remember when we had our Media class, she got the highest score in the midterm exam.

Congratulations, Ms. Hernandez. Our professor announced as the results came in.

Everyone cheered (that's because majority of them were boys), except for me. Wel

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l, okay, I smiled and clapped, but deep inside, I was green with envy. You again?! Why is it always you? Ugh.

Thank you, thank you! She bowed down and whispered to me, Good thing I'm not a slacker, like Dee over there. Then she pointed at Dee, our quiet classmate. Karen bullies her a lot, and sometimes, I do too, but not that much. She thinks of Dee as worthless and stupid. The latter doesn't fight back, though.

Karen, don't you think you're being too harsh on Dee? Now I get scared when she stares at us. It's like... she's gonna kill us.

She just laughed. Why the hell care? And besides, that's not gonna happen. Psh. Don't be so sure. I warned her. I know that there are some people who are already mad at you. You don't know what they're capable of.

Like who? Dee? The guys I fooled? Or maybe Ginger? Hah. I don't care. I. Don't. CARE. She finished her sentence with an emphasized last word.

By the way, Ginger is Karen's 16 year-old adoptive sister. She hates her so much. Whenever I would go to their house, I would always see her screaming at Ginger. The girl would madly stare at her and run upstairs. Yea, I know, Karen's a devil in disguise. But I don't know why I still consider her as a friend._____________________

Then the fateful day came. Karen dumped Bruce, her longtime suitor, just a few weeks ago, and now she's hooking up with Daze, a hot transferrie. We were walking down the stairs of DAC when a freshman approached us.

Hi! Are you Karen Hernandez? Oh, Karen again. I knew it. I'm just her sidekick.

Yeah, why? Do I know you?

No, but I know you. I'm Jen Monsanto, and you're my idol!

Really? She seemed flattered. Who wouldn't?

Yes, really! I want to learn so many things from you, 'cause you're like, the greatest president of Camera Club.

Wow, thanks for that! I never thought I would be this famous.

What am I here, an invisible person? Why can't she also take notice of my works?

Say, you wanna come with me? I want to show you my amateur photos, but they're in my bag. I'll just get it in our room. Please, come with me.

Okay. Then she faced me. You wanna come, too?

I paused for a moment. Hmm.. I guess not. I really have to have my project printed. Why don't you come with her and I'll just wait for you at the computer shop? So that you won't have to wait for me and we can go home earlier.

Well, o-kay. Suit yourself.

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I waved at them as the freshman girl took Karen's hand. Bye! I'll wait for you!

Yeah! I'll be there! She yelled. Few more steps and they're gone.

After that, I went down to the computer shop and had my project printed. I waited for her for, like, 2 hours. That's too much. I thought. Maybe she went home already. Ugh that girl! So, I went home offended and kind of mad because she left me.

The next day, I received the biggest shock of my life.

Karen was found dead. In the ladies room. Three.Dee's POV

I wasn't the killer. I know that. But everybody thinks I am. And why wouldn't they? I was Karen's favorite mental punching bag. Every time she lets out those nasty comments about me, it feels like receiving painful punches all over my system. Of course it hurts! Ever since I moved in DAC, she's been treating me that way. I don't know why. She's obviously prettier than me, so I guess she was not threatened by my looks.

Maybe she just wants to put people down. And I'm one of them.

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Hey, airhead! Karen yelled at me while I was walking down the hallway. I'm used to it already. Other times, she called me sh1tface, dumb girl, loser wacko, emo brainless... yeah, pretty torturing.

Why do you still bother to go to school with that empty brain? She pointed at my head, then laughed menacingly.

I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh. Karen, when will you stop? I said with a soft voice.

I don't know why, but I can't seem to be outrageously mad at anybody. Like what they say, I am the typical silent, "I'd-rather-be-alone-at-the-corner" type of girl, and no matter how I try to be angry, I just can't do it in front of them. It's like, I'd rather keep it to myself than let it all out. Ugh. I hate myself for being so martyr.

Why on earth would I stop? I'm having fun, can't you see? Making your life miserable brings joy to my world. Heck, I wouldn't trade you for any brainless girls. Then she winked at me and left. But not without a last phrase, See ya later, slacker!

She did that to me every single darn day. Sometimes, I would choose not to go to school because of her. Sure, I don't get bruises and cuts from her, but deep inside, I was badly wounded. My self-esteem dropped. No one seemed to care for me. I was the lonely girl with the big headset in school. No friends. My best friend is myself.________________________

But there was one incident that, finally, made me feel free and happy. It was at a bar in Kilyan ave.

One light beer, please. I called out to the bartender as I sat on the stool, facing the drinks' station.

As I was drinking the only solution for my head-splitting problems, amidst the loud music and mixed voices, I heard a very familiar voice.

Well, well, well, if it isn't Ms. Pottyhead Airbrain! Yes, it was Karen.

I turned to her direction. What?!

Who gave you the right to come here??! This place is for high class, socialites, and INTELLIGENT people only. Why are you here?!

I put my beer down. Why? Do you own this place? Then I raised an eyebrow.

Everybody said the "ooooh..." thing. Ugh. They're nuts.. meddling with other people's business. What are we, a live show?

What did you say?!

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I drank first before speaking. I said, DO YOU OWN THIS BAR?

She was dumbfounded. Speechless for the first 3 seconds. She just stared at me, raised eyebrows, looked at everybody, and felt so insulted just because someone tried to reason with her.

How dare you say that!

Why? You didn't expect that I would say that? Hah. I grinned. For the first time in my whole life, I felt great. Being able to defend myself wasn't so bad after all!

You can't say that to me, you---

I stood up. You what? You jerk, flathead, stupid girl? Psh. Just.. stop, please. You know what? I'm tired of hearing your worthless voice calling me names every day! Get a life, Karen! All you do is make fun of my naivete just because you're, what, a Dean's Lister? C'mon. That doesn't make you superior, you know. You just have a high GPA, that's all.

She was already turning red, her eyebrows meeting altogether and her eyeballs almost turning white. I can see the anger on her face. I know anytime she might slap or hurt me physically. But at that moment, I was prepared.

You..! Take back what you said!

Why would I? Am I your slave?!

Then, without further ado, she grabbed my hair and slapped me so many times. I fought back. I also pulled her hair and made red marks on her skin using my long, sharp nails. The people surrounding us just watched. No one tried to hold us back. I guess they enjoyed the scene very much. Sheesh. We were almost killing each other when the bartenders separated us.

You won't get away with this, stupid loser! Karen exclaimed, with her hair really messed up.

I don't care, you pathetic wretch! I shouted, then I grabbed my bag and walked out of the bar.

That night was very fulfilling for me, because that was the first time I've beaten Karen Hernandez, the bully. It was not easy, but I did it. All because of anger.

After that incident, she bullied me even more. But I just ignored her, and when I do, she would hurt me physically. I wouldn't respond, since I was not so strong like on that night. I think alcohol helped with the whole confrontation thingy. And, there I was, taking every pain she gives me--- again.

That's for last night, jerk. She said after slapping me real hard.

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I did not utter any word.

C'mon Karen, let's go. We have more important things to do than this. I heard Kat whispered at Karen.

Just wait, Kat! Can't you see I'm not done yet?! She raised her voice. And you, she pointed at me, don't you ever do that to me again. You don't know who you're dealing with.

I raised an eyebrow. You too, Karen. You don't know who you're dealing with. I smiled devilishly and walked away.______________________

The next day, she didn't approach me for the first time.

Maybe now she's scared of me. Ha ha. I thought. I felt happy, knowing that no Karen would bother me for the whole day.

When classes were ended, I stayed at the hallway and listened to my mp3 player. I was too lazy to go home, so I just decided to spend some time there.

Daze and I are going to do something later. I heard Karen's voice from the stairways. I quickly hid under the stairs.

Mmm... let me guess. That thing?

I heard Karen's annoying laugh. Of course! My boys and I always do that. That will be the basis if I'm going to keep or dump him.

Your future husband will be so upset, knowing that his wife is no longer a virgin.

The heck, Kat! She shouted at her. For sure he'll love me anyway. Besides, who could resist my charms?

Aw, shut up. There you go again.

I was closely listening to their conversation when a girl approached them.

Hi! Are you Karen Hernandez?

Yeah, why? Do I know you?

No, but I know you. I'm Jen Monsanto, and you're my idol!

I stayed hidden under the stairs. Ugh. Why wouldn't they leave already so that I can chill by the hallway?!

Bye! I'll wait for you! I heard Kat yelled. I took a peek, and yep, they're gone.

Oh well, back to my--- I was interrupted by a sudden cramp from my bladder. So I

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headed for the nearest CR to pee.

I was zipping my skinny jeans when I heard someone enter the ladies room.

So, do you have a boyfriend now? Hmm.. that's a familiar voice.

Yeah, the name's Daze. Really hot. OMG. Karen?!

Mmm. How about Bruce?

Bruce?! Oh puh-lease. He's so last season. Besides, I never liked him.

I was about to make my way out of the ladies room--- unnoticed, hopefully--- when the girl shouted at Karen.


I heard Karen moan in pain. I peeked through the opening at the bottom of the door... and was shocked by what I saw.

Aww! What are you doing--- get your hands off my hair, you beast!

The girl was strongly pulling Karen's hair. It was so strong that I think numerous strands were pulled out with just one stroke.

Let go of me!!!

SHUT UP!!! Then I saw the girl slap Karen so hard, that it left a huge red mark on her right cheek. You have to suffer! Don't you know how my brother had suffered since you dumped him like a trash??!

The girl was still holding Karen's hair. I'm sorry! I didn't think it was---

She slapped her again. I said shut up!

Please, don't do this. I'm badly hurt already. That was the first time I saw Karen cry.

Oh now, you're crying?! Tss, stop it! She slapped her again.Now you feel the hurt my brother had experienced because of you b1tch! Don't you know he committed suicide??!

Karen was shocked. W-what? Is he dead?

The girl grinned and slapped her many times. No, he's not! If it weren't for me, probably he's dead now! If I didn't see him hanging on his room, he could've been dead! Don't you understand that?! ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!! Then she continued to pull her hair, almost shaking Karen to being dizzy.

I can't stand this brutality. I must leave! But... how can I?!

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O men, I forgot something. The girl wondered aloud. I forgot my cellphone. Hah! I have to call my friends. This is going to be exciting! You, me, and my friends beating you up. All for my brother, whose life is now miserable, thanks to you worthless!

After saying that, she hit Karen's head with a stone, enough to make her unconscious, but not dead. Then she went out of the ladies room. I quickly opened the cubicle and ran as fast as I could. I wasn't able to help her, all I know at that time was to get out of that hell as soon as possible.

The next morning, I heard the horrible news.And they're suspecting me as the killer.

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Now, would you believe them? WOULD YOU??!Four.Bruce's POV

One day, I made a wish--- and that was to meet my dream girl. The one I've always fantasized. The one I want to spend my life with. I thought I already met her, but I was wrong. I longed for a serious first relationship, but what I got was a very hurtful prank.

I was immediately smitten when I saw Karen Hernandez. Her beauty was a standout, burying all common faces under the ground. She's sexy, confident and porcelain-skinned. Her long, silky hair bounced as she walked along the hallways. Every time I would see her, everything else turn into a blur but her.

Hey dude, you're drooling again.

That's my best friend Alwyn. Karen just passed by, so again, I was mesmerized.

Huh?! I snapped out of my daydream. What?! Sh1t! She can't see me with saliva all over my mouth! I quickly wiped my face. Yeah. I got a little paranoid.

Just then, Alwyn tapped my back and laughed real hard. I'm just kidding! Haha! You should've seen the look on your face! Ow man, you really have to lay off the coffee.

I gave him a light punch on the stomach. Are you insane??! I really went crazy here!

Aw, that hurts! I said I'm just joking man. Don't take it too seriously.

I just ignored him. Bah. All he does is play pranks on me.

Here comes a piece of heaven! Alwyn teased.

I prepared myself (fixed my shirt, hair, etc.) because I really want to impress her. I didn't care about the rumors that she's a playgirl and had played with countless hearts. All I thought wasSHE'S GOING TO BE MINE!

Hi Karen! I smiled at her as she passed by.

She just smiled and flipped her hair. Oh, I was captivated by her move. It looks like she's always walking on the runway. So beautiful...

Hey man, she's already gone. C'mon, let's play basketball! Alwyn nudged me, but I can't seem to move. My head was still facing her direction. It was like my ne

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ck's stuck.

Hey! Alwyn pushed me. I woke up from my daydream.


I said let's play basketball! Move on, she already left!

Oh. I sighed. C'mon. Tomorrow is another day!********************

When I got home, my little sister Jen immediately greeted me.

Hi Kuya! She hugged me tightly. She's my only sibling, and I've always been her protector. We love each other so much. We're so affectionate with each other that people think we're a couple! We don't care, though. We're siblings, why would we care, right?

Hi I replied and kissed her fragrant, shower fresh hair.How's school?

Fine, as usual. How about you?

Great! I exclaimed with a deep sigh. I saw her again.

Who? Your crush?

Yeah. I slumped on the sofa. Beautiful as always..

She rolled her eyes. So, I'm not the only girl in your life now, huh, kuya?

No, of course not! I spread my arms. Come here. She moved closer and I gave her a big bear hug. Nothing compares to my dear sister. I love you bunso!

She smiled. I love you too kuya!

Our age gap is not that far (she's 16, I'm 19), so you could imagine how couple-like we look. Anyway, that doesn't matter. We don't care about what people say.

You know kuya, I think I saw her earlier. Behind the locker. Kissing a guy.

Oh, maybe that's her boyfriend. Don't worry, next time you see her, I'll be the one she's kissing.

She playfully hit me. Aww, stop it! You're disgusting!

I laughed. No, really. I'll make sure that when she becomes mine, I will be her only one forever.

Just be careful, kuya. Rumor has it that she's a playgirl and dumps a guy every two weeks. Please, please be careful. I don't want you to get hurt.

It will be okay. I promise.

Days, weeks and months passed, and I'm still unnoticed. I can't blame her, because I was not making a real move either. All I could do was to greet her. But one

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day, I decided to be brave.

Hi Karen! I walked up to her at the school cafeteria. Mind if I join you? I'm Bruce.

Sure, you can sit with me.

I sat and nervously opened my soda can. I was shaking. That was the first time I ever came close to her!

So... what brings you here, Bruce?

Uhm.. I was mumbling. I just wanna ask you if...


...If you're free later?

She smiled. Yes. Why? You wanna go out with me?

I nodded.

Sure! I was shocked by her response. Hey, that was easy.

Really? You will?

Yea, sure. She took a bite on her tacos. The ketchup made a stain on her lips.

Y-you have a stain on your lips. I said with my eyes fixated on her lips.

Oh. She took out her mirror and looked at it. I'm sorry. Just then, she slowly wiped the ketchup with her little finger and sucked it while looking at me. And I just stared at her, unable to move. Is she seducing me?

Now there, it's gone. She said as I took my eyes off her. So, see you later, Bruce? Just pick me up after class. Room 421, 5 o'clock. With that, she stood up, leaving me in awe.

But not without a tickling whisper on my right ear. I'll be expecting you.***************

After that date, we became a couple. It was so fast paced that I couldn't remember exactly how it happened. Now she walks on the school corridors with me. Sometimes I just pick her up from her last class and we go somewhere. I have my own car, so I can take her to different places. I've never been so happy in my life! Being with the girl I've always dreamed of having, just sitting there with her... holding her hand. I may not show it, but deep inside, I was more than fulfilled.

One time, after our mall date (where she made me carry all her shopping bags), I dropped her off to her place.

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Why don't you come in for a sec? She asked.

Well, uhm, is it okay? Maybe your parents...

Sheesh. They're not around. They're on a business conference somewhere. C'mon, only Ginger's in the house.

Who's Ginger? You never mentioned her to me.

She rolled her eyes. She's my adoptive sister. Now c'mon!She dragged me in. And yes, the house was empty. She led me to her room.

Uh.. Karen? Why are we here? We can hang out in the living room..

Oh Bruce. Don't be such a coy. I know you can't resist this.She moved closer to me, pressing me against the wall.

Karen... this isn't right...


Then she kissed me. Passionately. Intimately. I was shocked at first, but later I found myself responding to her lip movement. I put my hands on her waist and turned her against the wall.

Later on, her kisses became more intense. I was slowly losing control over my actions. Then, I felt my shirt rising..... and I just knew I had to stop this before something happens. I must take charge.

Karen, stop. I said as I pulled away from her red lips.

What??! She said, panting. What's the matter?!

I'm sorry. I just... I just can't do it. I moved away from her.

She just stared at me, still panting and pressed against the wall.

I- I should go. I grabbed my bag and headed towards the door.Bye. I shut the door fast.

I knew that was going to happen. The room... the look on her eyes... the lip-bite... I knew that if I didn't stop what we're doing, it would lead to one thing. And I'm not ready for that kind of thing--- not just yet. I love her, but I just can't do that to her--- even if she likes it. I don't know. I guess I'm just not that kind of guy who wants to get laid immediately.

The next day, I saw something unexpected...

...Karen was holding hands with someone else.

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I was dumbfounded for a moment, but I toughened myself and gathered enough strength to confront them.

Hey man! I tapped the guy's back. That['s my girl you're holding hands with!

Not anymore.

I was shocked by what Karen said. What?!

We're through, Bruce. It's over. Get out of my sight!

I can't speak. B-but.. why?

She let out an evil laugh. Why?! Here's why. Suddenly, she pulled the guy in and gave him a torrid kiss. He followed and went down on her neck. Karen motioned him to stop.

Then she faced me and exclaimed. YOU'RE A WEAKLING!!!They both laughed at me. C'mon, let's go. We have to make-out somewhere else. Just then, they left.

I was taken aback. I was speechless. I was motionless. I just stood there like a statue. I can feel my eyes getting watery, but I held them back and tried to walk. I pretended to be strong, just like any guy. I tried to forget her, but I can't.

I went home gloomy, and my sister noticed that.

Kuya, what's wrong?

I feigned a smile. Nothing. I'm just tired.

Are you sure?

Yes, Jen. I'm okay. Now, could you excuse kuya for a moment? I'll just go to my room.

Okay. She gave me a light hug then walked away. I quickly went upstairs.

For days and weeks, I remained glum. I pretended to be normal in school, but deep inside, I was dying. I'd see Karen and her new boyfriend, and every time I do, my heart would skip a beat and I'd feel like I'm losing oxygen. I tried to call her and talk things through, maybe we can patch things up. But she still rejected me.

I even tried to kill myself.

KUYA!!! I heard Jen yell as she saw me hanging in my room. The rope hung on my neck perfectly, and I can feel that death is within reach.

She grabbed the chair that I knocked down, put my feet on it and stood, and untied the rope. She hugged me very tightly.

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What do you think you're doing??! Do you wanna go to hell??! Kuya naman!! I saw tears fell from her eyes.

No. I was choking. B-but... what's the... sense?! Ka... ren dumped.. me...

Just then, her face turned red with anger. That witch! Then she faced me again, hugged and kissed my forehead. Don't worry kuya, you'll be fine. You got me. I'm the only girl you need.

With that, I cried. I felt self-pity. I felt stupid. I felt....... weak.***************

Weeks after that incident, I was already feeling better. I managed to live with the pain I was feeling, and eventually got over it. But Jen wasn't feeling the same way. She was still mad at Karen. She even swore to me that she'll get revenge--- which I thought was a joke, since Jen wouldn't do such thing.

Hey, where are you going? I asked Jen, who was approaching the door.


You don't have classes today! Jen, don't lie to me!

I know! But we have... a project to do! In Psychology. My group mates and I... we will do it at school.

Okay... be home early!

I will, kuya. She smiled and gave me a hug. Be right back!

She closed the door. I believe her, but there's something wrong.She usually tells me when they have a project to do days before they do it. And she didn't tell me about this. Hmm... nah. My sister doesn't lie to me.

Just as I was feeling relieved, the phone rang.


Hello! May I speak to Jen?

She's not here. Who are you?

I'm Vanna, Jen's classmate.

Oh, I see. Uhm, do you have any messages for her? Just tell me and I'll tell it to her when she comes back.

Okay! Just tell her that we're going to do our Psychology project next week.

Psychology project... rings a bell. Oh no. Psychology project??!

Wait... aren't you supposed to do that today? Jen told me that you will do your Psych project today at school, that's why she left.

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No... I'm the leader of the group, and I didn't tell them to do so.

O-kay. I'll tell her that. Bye! I put the phone down, wore my shoes and hurried to the bus stop. I must know what Jen's up to!

When I reached the school, I found her going to the comfort room. Behind her was Karen, also going to the comfort room. They're not talking, I guess they're just both going there.

False alarm. I thought Jen was going to do the revenge thing. I always knew she wouldn't do such a thing.

But why did she lie to me?

Bro! I heard someone call me.

Hey Alwyn! What are you doing here?

Nothing! Hey, do you want to check out this new bar across the street? I heard it's awesome!

I got distracted by what Alwyn said. Really? Let's go!

We went to that bar and stayed there until 8 pm. The next day, I heard the horrible news.

Karen was found dead in the comfort room. What the--??!Five.Ginger's POV

She was the star. She was the legal daughter. She was the real Hernandez offspring. Yet, I don't know why she's so mad at me.

I grew up in an orphanage. They said they found me beside a trash can when I was still a baby. Well, I guess my parents didn't like the idea of having a baby girl. I don't know. But I was happy with my life there. At least I had playmates,

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teachers and friends. I had so much fun.

Until Sister Meredith told me that someone's gonna adopt me. I was seven years old.

Lea, your new parents are here. They are now ready to take you home. Sister Meredith announced with a big smile on her face.

But... I like it here, sister. I don't want to go with them.

Sweetheart, she held my hand, your life will be better there. I'm sure they will be good parents to you. And besides, they have a daughter who's waiting to play with you!

Can you just pick other child? Please? I pleaded.

Okay, I'll let them talk to you. I'll call them.

And yes, Mr. and Mrs. Hernandez talked to me. They convinced me to go with them. And in no time, I agreed. I've always longed for a nice and caring parents like them, it's just that, I was so afraid of what could happen when I get out of the orphanage.

But when I got "home", I felt relieved. They took good care of me, and treated me like their own. It was Karen who despised me ever since.

What are you doing here?? This is my room! Get out!! She yelled when she saw me sitting on her bed, just because I wanted to play with her. She was 9, I was 7.

I just want to play building blocks with you... I handed some of the blocks to her. Let's build a house!

She propelled the blocks at me. Stupid girl!! Get out of my room! I won't play with you! I don't want to play with you! You're not my real sister! Get out! MOMMYYY!!!

And with that, she threw a tantrum. Mom quickly went upstairs and asked what's wrong and why Karen screamed.

I don't want her here, mommy! Send her back to the orphanage! I don't want a playmate!

Mom closed the door and, maybe, talked some sense to her, while I was left outside the room. Tears fell unconsciously from my eyes. Suddenly, there was this heavy feeling that won't go away no matter how I try. I felt different. Those were the times that I wished to be back in the orphanage again. Life was better there. No shouting, no physical and mental hurting, no humiliation, and, of course, no KAREN._______________________

Many years passed, and now we're both teenagers, capable of ruling the world and making decisions. But, honestly, nothing has changed. She would still bawl at me for some reasons, like "stealing" her crush or "absorbing" mom and dad's attention, which were not true. For the past 9 years, I've tried to be close to her.

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I've tried to love her because she's my new sister. But it seemed like everything I did was not enough.

What I don't get is, why does she hate me so much? Is it just because I'm from the orphanage? Or maybe because to her, I was a trash that should've never been picked up and loved? I really don't get it. She has the looks, brains... in fact, she already has everything! Every month or so, she brings different guys here in our house. And every time she does that, I would always hear them doing "something" in her room. But I never told a single word to mom! She should thank me for not telling a soul! And because of that, sometimes I wanna slap myself. It's kinda dumb of me to protect her despite the harsh treatment she gives me.

Who is he? I asked one time she brought a new guy in the house. Mom and dad were not around, as usual, so Karen freely did what she wanted to do.

It's none of your business. She rolled her eyes and slammed her room's door.

After an hour or so, they went out, giggling and teasing each other.

I'll see you tomorrow, hunk. She giggled and gave the guy a very long kiss. Bye!

After the waving, she closed the door and looked straight at me.Where are you lookin' at?



You asked me, I just answered.

Huh. So now you're learning to talk to me like that huh?!

What are you talking about?

When I speak, you should only nod and be silent!! Just like before!

I stood up. What am I? A third-grader? Karen, stop treating me like this! I'm old enough to stand up for myself!

She crossed her arms. And what does that mean?

That means you don't have the right to control my actions!

She slightly grabbed my hair and spoke near my ears. You worthless! Don't you ever talk back to me again! We don't share the same blood, so you're not capable to act as if you're my real sister!

I tried to remove her hands off my hair. Karen, stop! It hurts!

It hurts? Just then, she tightened her grip. Let's see if this hurts more.

The pain slowly crept inside my brain, as if some hair strands were already pulling away from my scalp. I knew I just had to stop this madness. I gathered enough courage and strength to defend myself. I hit her stomach with my elbow and quickly distanced myself from her, while she grumbled with so much pain.

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I'm sorry, Karen. But you won't let go of me!

You want a piece of me, huh?! YOU WANT A PIECE OF ME??!

Without a blink, she grabbed my hair again while I fought back and grabbed hers too. We were badly hurting each other, it's as if we're ripping our heads off.

Stop!!! I exclaimed, then I pushed her really hard.

She fell, her bottoms hit the floor intensely. She almost cried, and I instantly felt bad about it.

Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Karen! I helped her get up, but she also pushed me.

Get off me, witch! Get your hands off me!!

I didn't mean to push you... I--- I'm so sorry...


At that moment, I wanted to strangle her. I wanted to tortureher. I wanted to kill her. Thinking about what she has done to me for the past years, there's absolutely no reason to forgive her. There was no moment in my life that she treated me nicely, like her own sister. I tried my best to be there for her, but she kept on pushing me aside.

Sometimes I wish she would die, so that I can live and breathe comfortably. But that's the closest I can get--- to wish. I can't bear to kill a person. Heck, I can't even harm an ant. But there were times when I thought of sending her to one place where she belongs--- to hell.

I would admit, there were times when I would think of putting poison into her food or drink, but I'd always back out. I can't do it. I'm not a killer. Like what I said, i can't even harm an ant.

So when I learned about her sudden death, I was kind of shocked. Yes, she didn't come home from school the night before, but I didn't worry, because sometimes she sleeps in her boyfriend's house. But this time, I was wrong.

I felt mixed emotions about her death. Sad and relieved, to be exact. I was sad because someone technically close to me died, and I was relieved because now, there will be no Karen Hernandez who would yell at me and hurt me. For the first time in my life, I inhaled as if there was no pollution in the air.

I was not accused, but just to clear things: I did not do it.Six.

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Jen's POV

I was just a simple girl, living with my brother Bruce. We were living a very simple life, until that Karen witch came and stole our happy moments. My kuya was doing perfectly fine, until she ruined everything and messed with my brother. Ugh I hate her so much.

Jenna!!! Kuya called out to me as he entered the house. I was in the kitchen, washing the dishes.

Hi kuya! I hugged him. Why do you look so... happy?

Karen's finally my girlfriend!

My eyes widened. What??!

We're finally together! He sat on the sofa while I remained standing. Whew! After all those staring... daydreaming... now it's finally true! From this day on, Ira Karenina Hernandez is officially mine!

Oh, men. I just hope Karen takes him seriously. I thought. Because if she doesn't, I will make this her most miserable life ever.

What's wrong, Jen? Aren't you happy about my news?

I faked a smile. No! I'm happy kuya, of course. I sat next to him and leaned on his shoulder. Kuya, just make sure you'll take care, ha? I don't want you to get hurt.

Of course, baby. But, why do you keep saying that? Do you think I will get hurt?

I faced him. I don't know kuya, but that Karen girl, she already has a history of breaking guys' hearts. I always see her with different boys almost every week or two, and I will not allow her to do the same to you.

Listen, he placed his hands on my shoulder, you don't need to worry because I can do this. I love her, and I think I can change her. Don't be scared, 'cause I'll make sure that I'm going to be her last man.

Okay kuya. Just....... don't let her fool you.

He laughed a bit and messed with my hair. You silly girl. He got up and went to the kitchen. What do you like? Popcorn or pizza? Let's eat, I'm really starving.

Don't really mess with my brother, Karen. I thought. We'll be best enemies if that happens.


But I was right--- she would just hurt my brother. At first, kuya didn't admit that something's wrong. But as days passed by, I knew it: Karen dumped him, just like what she does with other boys. I can't believe my brother fell for her trap! And I can't believe that I let her fool him. I should've known.

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When my brother almost committed suicide, I went ballistic. Heck, I can't believe she had that kind of effect to my brother! The moment I saw him, my heart tightened as if it will burst into bits.


The sight of him--- with a rope hanging around his neck, almost choking and struggling to inhale oxygen--- made me sick. I never thought I'd see him that way... in that form. I've always thought of my kuya as a very strong, independent man. But, I can't believe he nearly took his own life just because of one girl--- one unworthy witch.

I quickly saved him and wrapped my arms around him. What do you think you're doing??! Do you wanna go to hell??! Kuya naman!! I cried. Who wouldn't? Seeing your loved one in pain... that would make anyone cry!

No. He was choking. B-but... what's the... sense?! Ka... ren dumped.. me...

The moment I heard her name, I got furiously angry. Why do you have to leave kuya like this??! You're not a goddess! You're a devil in disguise!!!

But, my anger was replaced with pity when, again, I glanced at my brother's face: still choking, still glum, and still broken-hearted. I kissed his forehead. Don't worry kuya, you'll be fine. You got me. I'm the only girl you need.


So the next days, I planned a revenge for my brother. He nearly shook hands with Death, and even though he didn't die, I'm still gonna make her suffer. But kuya must not know about this. 'Cause if he does, I will be in big trouble. So I devised a sneaky plan on how I will make my dream come true.

Hey, where are you going? Kuya asked me as I was approaching the door.

School. I lied. Big time.

I was already gonna turn the knob when he spoke. You don't have classes today! Jen, don't lie to me!

Oh no. I thought of an alibi, fast! I know! But we have... a project to do! In Psychology. My group mates and I... we will do it at school.

Okay... be home early!

Phew! I sighed with relief. Good thing he bought it!

I will, kuya. Be right back! I got out of the house quickly and smirked. Watch out, Karen. You won't be able to laugh again!


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When I got into the school, I quickly headed to an empty room (good thing there's one!) and placed my bag on the teacher's table. Then when I went out, I immediately saw her with her friend. I prepared myself. C'mon, I can do this! For my brother. Here's to you, kuya Bruce.

I bravely approached them. Hi! Are you Karen Hernandez?

Yeah, why? Do I know you?

No, but I know you. Yes, I know you very well, you b*tch.I'm Jen Monsanto, and you're my idol!


Yes, really! I want to learn so many things from you, 'cause you're like, the greatest president of Camera Club. Nice lie, nice lie!

Wow, thanks for that! I never thought I would be this famous.

Okay. Here's my chance. I thought. Say, you wanna come with me? I want to show you my amateur photos, but they're in my bag. I'll just get it in our room. Please, come with me.


GREAT!!! I thought with a different kind of smile on my face.I never thought this would be easy. Haha. Now, for the main event...

When I got my "amateur pictures", I asked her to accompany me to the ladies' room first. And when we got there, I filled myself with bravery. Showtime.

So, do you have a boyfriend now?

Yeah, the name's Daze. Really hot.

Mmm. How about Bruce?

Bruce?! Oh puh-lease. He's so last season. Besides, I never liked him.

I never liked him.I never liked him.I never liked him.

The last line echoed at my ears. And at that moment, I want to rip her to pieces.


I wasn't able to control myself anymore. I immediately grabbed her hair and pulled it like there's no tomorrow.

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Aww! What are you doing--- get your hands off my hair, you beast!

I already saw her face turn sour. Hah. Does it hurt? Does it really hurt??!

Let go of me!!!

SHUT UP!!! I slapped her so hard, that it left a red mark on her cheek. Nice. You have to suffer! Don't you know how my brother had suffered since you dumped him like a trash??!

I'm sorry! I didn't think it was---

Oh, so now you're sorry? You're sorry because you're getting hurt??! Now here's for you!! I slapped her again. I said shut up!

Please, don't do this. I'm badly hurt already. Tears fell from her eyes. Wow. It must've really hurt so bad.

Oh now, you're crying?! Tss, stop it! I slapped her once more.Now you feel the hurt my brother had experienced because of you b1tch! Don't you know he committed suicide??!

W-what? Is he dead?

Psh. I grinned and slapped her many times. No, he's not! If it weren't for me, probably he's dead now! If I didn't see him hanging on his room, he could've been dead! Don't you understand that?! ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!! I wasn't able to control my anger that I shook her head hardly.

I never thought torturing the one you're extremely mad at will be this fun! At last, I felt strong, independent and capable of doing unbelievable things.

O men, I forgot something. I said. I forgot my cellphone. Hah! I have to call my friends. This is going to be exciting! You, me, and my friends beating you up. All for my brother, whose life is now miserable, thanks to you worthless!

To make sure that she won't leave the comfort room, I hit her with a stone that I picked from our house. I knew I left her only unconscious, because I still saw her breathing. Then, I hurriedly left and went to the room where I left my bag.

I was about to send a group message to all my friends when I thought of one thing: torturing her alone would be extra cool. So I erased the message I composed, placed my phone inside the bag, powdered myself first and carefully went back to the comfort room.

When I got there, I was shocked to see that Karen was not in the same position where I left her. Where could she be? I wondered. I looked outside the door, but I saw no one, not even traces of blood (I'm sure there will be blood... I hit her with a stone, which made a cut on her head). I searched the whole ladies' room, and then, I saw a very horrible sight......

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Karen was inside a cubicle. She was lying beside the toilet. Her head was filled with blood, as well as the side of the toilet seat.

I was dumbfounded. I was so scared that I quickly got my things and ran away. While running, several thoughts popped in my mind: Who the hell did it??! Who killed her? Oh no, maybe the killer's not far from here! I must run for my life!!!

I hailed a cab and spent the entire drive going nuts. I can't think properly. I was shaking. I was shocked. I... I was frightened.

When I got home, kuya still wasn't around. So I hurriedly went to my room and buried myself with a blanket. I fell asleep, terrified.

The next day, news has spread--- and I'm the number one suspect.

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I didn't kill her, believe me! It was not included in my plan! I swear, I didn't do it!!Seven.Third to the Last

Karen used to be my brightest student in this class. Now she's gone, and let's all pray for her. Let's hope that justice will serve her right. a professor said.

It's been weeks since Karen's death, and the investigation is still ongoing. Some students of DAC are still eager to find out who killed her, even though they're not really friends with her. Meanwhile, the three suspected girls are now allowed to go to their classes. Kat still can't recover from her friend's sudden death, and would often be seen alone and aloof. Dee is still quiet and discreet with her actions. Sometimes, people would try to befriend her, but she would shoo them away and would prefer to be alone as usual. As for Jen, well, some believe that she is the real killer, in fact, some students would turn away whenever she passes by. They're afraid that Jen might kill them too.__________________________

Hey look, that's the killer everybody's talking about! a student said. Let's run for our lives!

A tear fell from Jen's left eye. I didn't, I swear.

I know, sis. I believe you. said her best friend Tara. But you can't erase the fact that they all suspect you because you were the last person to be seen with Karen.

I know. She wiped the tears that are now unconsciously flowing.Sometimes, I regret what I did. But when I think of kuya and how I made Karen realize that she's not worthy of my brother's attention, I feel empowered and contented.

Tara sighed. C'mon, let's go. We have better things to do than to reminisce that nightmare.

You're right. Jen smiles a bit. Once the investigations are done, my name will be cleared. The real killer will be revealed, and I can breathe normally again.__________________________

Dee! Dinner's ready. Get down here and let's eat!

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Dee's mom called her but it seems like she didn't hear her. She was too busy in her room, sorting her collection of pictures.

Psh. Stupid pictures. Why am I looking at them anyway?She rolled her eyes, grinned and blurted, Because you want to, silly.

While sorting, she realized one thing: she has no pictures with "friends".

Oh yeah, that's right. I have no friends. People bully me since childhood. Nobody loves me. Nobody seems to defend me. Tears started to fall from her eyes, but she quickly wiped them and laughed, Hush. Stop it. Your only friend is yourself, Dee. You don't need them. All you need is yourself.

With that, she kept all her pictures inside a box and went downstairs for dinner.

What took you so long, ate? Lissa, her sister, said.

It's none of your business.

Will you stop that? We're eating! Respect the food that you eat. Stop hissing and start chewing.

After dinner, Dee hurriedly went back to her room. Lissa, on the other hand, was on her way to her room when she heard unusual noises from Dee's room.

You did what??!

You're putting us all in danger!

I care about you, so don't be mad at me!

Lissa opened the door and found Dee with her cellphone near her ear.

Who are you talking to?

Dee angrily walked towards her sister and held the doorknob.It's none of your business Lissy! Get out! Then she slammed the door shut.

Suddenly, Lissa thought of something. Lissy? And since when the hell did she start calling me Lissy?? She rolled her eyes and walked away. Pssh. Weirdo.

Later that night, Lissa went to Dee's room to borrow some paper. When she opened the door, there's no one there.

Hello? Dee?

No one answered.

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Oh well. I'm just gonna get some paper!

So she went straight to Dee's study table and grabbed some bond and colored papers. But before she could walk away, a blue Post-it note caught her attention.


I'm sorry. Don't worry, you will not be held liable for this. I care for you. I'm your only friend. So I'm sorry I made you upset.

I'll make it up to you.

? Cameron

Just when Lissa is about to get the paper for a closer look, Dee came in with an instant noodle on her hand.

What are you doing here?

Who's Cameron? She replied while holding the note.

Give me that! She grabbed the paper from Lissa and instructed her to go out. Go to your own room!

Lissa obliged, but not without a last phrase. You know what? Ever since that Karen girl died, you have become weirder than ever. With that, she closed the door, leaving Dee speechless and mind-blank.__________________________

Kat, are you sure you're ready to go to school?

Yes, ma. I have to finish my studies. I'm okay.

Kat is now back in DAC--- without Karen. She is still one of the suspects in her friend's death, but she is confident that she's not guilty of the crime. According to her, she wouldn't do such a thing, even if she's green with envy towards Karen.

But there is something that everyone doesn't know. A secret that she tried to keep, but is now bugging her because of guilt.

Ow--- sorry. said the girl she bumped into while walking on the hallway. They're both looking down the floor.

It's okay. But when she looked up, her eyes widened. D-Dee?

Oh, it's you. I'm sorry. I-I'll just... go. Dee said as she walked past Kat.

Kat was dumbfounded for a few seconds, and with that, she was reminded of honesty and bravery.

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I must tell the truth. Even if it means risking my life.

When she got home, Kat immediately pulled her mother for a conversation that would turn everyone's world upside down.

Mom, I'm sorry I let fear get the best of me. I know I should've done this before, and now I realized that I shouldn't be scared of the consequences.

Her mother was puzzled. What are you talking about? Is there something you need to tell me?

I know who killed Karen.

What?? Who?


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Second to the Last


Kat's mom was shocked and couldn't utter a word.

Ma, Dee killed my best friend! She killed Karen! I saw her!

Calm down, honey. She said as she patted Kat's shoulder. But why did you keep this from us? Why didn't you tell us from the very start?

Kat looked down, her face turned sour, but she managed to speak. She threatened me.

What? What do you mean threatened you?

Then, Kat started crying. Mom, listen to me. I'm not making these up, okay? I swear, I saw her. She killed Karen. Then she saw me looking at her, so I ran but she caught me. She threatened me that if I tell a soul about what happened, she would kill me and my family. Mom, I... I'm scared!

Kat's mom hugged her, Hush. It's okay, honey. I believe you. It's okay. Everything will be fine now. She wouldn't harm you, I assure you that. We'll take legal actions against her.

No! If she finds out that I revealed the truth, she will kill me, just like what she did to Karen! Please ma, don't tell the police! I'm scared! I don't wanna die just yet! Mom...!She started bawling her eyes out.

Okay, okay. Just, calm down. Everything will be alright, I promise.


Dee, I have to tell you something.

What is it, Cameron?

I... I...

I, I what??

Cameron took a deep breath. I killed Karen.

Dee was dumbfounded. Having heard of the word "killed" with the name "Karen" coming from the mouth of Cameron, she couldn't believe everything that she heard.

You did what??!

I'm so sorry, Dee! I just did that to protect you! You know how much I care for you. I'm your only friend. I don't want to see you getting hurt, so when I saw a

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chance, I immediately grabbed it! I'm so sorry...

Dee went hysterical. What do you mean 'when you saw a chance'?! Omigod, you're putting us all in danger!

Cameron shouted back, I care about you, so don't be mad at me!

Dee sat down on her bed, calming herself. All along, I thought Jen was the one who killed Karen. But... but I was wrong. How could you, Cameron? She cried instantly.

I'm really sorry. I just did that for you. I-------

Cameron stopped talking when she saw the door slowly opening. She quickly grabbed her phone and put it near her ear.

Who are you talking to? It was Lissa.

She angrily walked towards Lissa and held the doorknob. It's none of your business Lissy! Get out! Then she slammed the door shut.

She went back to the bed to comfort Dee. As I was saying, I'm truly sorry. Here, I'll write a note, so that you'll remember how sorry I am.

Quickly, she grabbed a blue Post-it note and wrote this message:QuoteDee,

I'm sorry. Don't worry, you will not be held liable for this. I care for you. I'm your only friend. So I'm sorry I made you upset.

I'll make it up to you.

? Cameron

Okay, but... does anyone know about this?

Uhm... unfortunately, yes. It's Kat. Dee was about to speak, but Cameron stopped her. B-but it's all taken care of, I promise.

You sure?

Yes, I'm pretty sure about that. How about I go downstairs for a while? I need some air.

Dee replied, Okay.

Cameron went downstairs, but before she could even reach the last step, everything went blank.

Ugh... Dee grunts as she placed a hand on her head. My head hurts.... oh my, what am I doing here?

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She realized that she's standing on the second to the last step of the stairs. How did I get down here? I'm just sitting on my bed and now....

Then she remembered, Oh no, Cameron!

She quickly sat on the sofa and thought about what happened.No, not again! She had taken over my body again! Oh my, I hope no one heard us talking!

And realizing that she's hungry, she went to the kitchen and prepared an instant noodle. She went back to her room, and saw Lissa holding the blue Post-it note.

What are you doing here?

Who's Cameron? She replied while holding the note.

Give me that! She grabbed the paper from Lissa and instructed her to go out. Go to your own room!

Lissa obliged, but not without a last phrase. You know what? Ever since that Karen girl died, you have become weirder than ever. With that, she closed the door, leaving Dee speechless and mind-blank.


January 13, 2011Thursday6:30pm

O men, I forgot something. I forgot my cellphone. Hah! I have to call my friends. This is going to be exciting! You, me, and my friends beating you up. All for my brother, whose life is now miserable, thanks to you worthless!

With that, Jen hit the already moaning Karen with a stone. When she was sure that Karen lost consciousness, she quickly went to the room where she left her bag.

Omigod, omigod! Dee kept on saying that while she sneaked past Karen, and towards the door. I'm sorry, Karen, but I must go now! If I see someone, I'll call them for help!

And with that, she ran very fast. She was almost near the stairs when everything went blank for Dee...............

......and she was not Dee anymore. She stopped and returned to the comfort room. She is now Cameron, Dee's protector andonly friend.

Where do you think you're going? Cameron said, when she saw Karen, who just gained consciousness, crawling towards the door.

Oh my gosh, Dee... she said, gasping, Please... help me. Jen is going to kill me. You've... gotta... *gulp* help me...

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You're not going anywhere, Karen. And I'm not Dee. I'mCameron.

Karen showed confusion on her red face, W-what?

I'm here to protect Dee, I'm here to save her from you.And with that, she grabbed Karen by her hair and lead her to the nearest cubicle. You're going to hell, Karen!

Brutal as it may seem, she banged Karen's head against the cubicle's wall and onto the toilet's seat. Karen instantly lost consciousness, as blood continuously flowed from her head.

Cameron smirked with much anger and delight. Everything's fine now, Dee. She's now dead, I'm sure. No one will hurt you now. With that, she went out of the cubicle--- and she saw Kat looking at her, terrified.

Kat ran out of the comfort room, afraid of what she saw. When she realized that Karen's not yet at the computer shop by their meeting time, she decided to go back to the school and check on her. But what she saw entirely changed her life.

On the other hand, Dee Cameron followed her and ran as fast as she could. She eventually caught Kat and pressed her against the wall.

Dee, please, have mercy!

I'm not Dee and shut your mouth!!!

Please, please don't hurt me. Please..., she kept on mumbling while crying.

LISTEN TO ME! SHUT UP!! Listen to me... don't you tell a single word about this. Or else, I will kill you and your family. Do you understand?

No!! Please, don't hurt me and my family... please.. please....


Kat fell on her knees. Yes, yes!! Just... don't hurt me! Don't harm my family! Don't kill us! Please have mercy on us, Dee!! Please... please.. have mercy... please...

I'll definitely kill you if anyone will know about this. She raised Kat up and slapped her. Now get out of my sight!!!

She let Kat go, and the latter ran without even looking back. Cameron flashed a sinister smile before going to the male's comfort room, washing her bloody hands, walking towards the exit and hailing a cab.

When Cameron got home, she went to her room and patted herself for a job well done. It's done, Dee. You will not be hurt again.

After that, everything went blank.Epilogue.

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She is suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder, a psychological illness that involves having 2 or more personalities that can control or dominate the behavior of a person.

The autopsy result has been released already, and due to some evidences that the investigators have collected (like Kat's statement and other elements found with Karen's body), it was proven that Diana Vidal, or Dee/Cameron, was the real suspect behind Karen's death. And instead of putting her in jail, the authorities have decided to send her to a mental hospital wherein she would be treated until she gets better.

In the case of Dee, she have developed an alter ego to protect her from the people surrounding her, especially those who bully her. That alter ego is named Cameron. Her childhood experiences of being bullied has affected her brain so much, although she has been constantly receiving love and affection from her family. Because of this, she "dissociated" herself from the real world and kept in mind that there will be someone to defend and protect her from all harmful elements in her environment, and eventually, Cameron was developed. So when "Cameron" saw a chance of giving Karen a lecture, she instantly dominated Dee's whole behavior, and when that happened, Dee was no longer there. It was Cameron who killed the victim. It was Cameron who threatened Kat. It was Cameron who controlled Dee's body.

Doc, so you mean, my daughter has a mental illness? Dee's mom was beyond shocked, and so was her sister, Lissa.

Yes, Mrs. Vidal. Your daughter has one of the rare kinds of disorder, so she has to be taken care of.

Oh my gosh, my sister's crazy?! Lissa wondered aloud.

Lissa! Stop that!

Don't worry, Mrs. Vidal. Rest assured that in the hospital, Dee will be treated and specialized doctors will look upon her from time to time.


Karen, Jen placed a flower on Karen's tomb, I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have done this to you. If not for me, Dee wouldn't have had the chance to kill you. I'm sorry. I hope you could forgive me, even from beyond the grave.

After Jen, Bruce had his turn. Hey, uhm... I've forgiven you already. And uhm, I'm still thankful that I met you. Because if not for you, I wouldn't have been strong like now. Thank you, Karen. Really, thank you.

He hugged Jen and they left as soon as they said their prayer. Minutes after, Kat arrived.

Hi Karen. Uhm, how will I start this, uhm... She sat beside Karen's tomb and tears started to fall from her eyes. I'm sorry, I was overshadowed by my fear of death. I know that if I've testified from the start, your case would've been resolved early. But, you forgive me, right? She smiled. I miss you, in all fairness.

Page 35: Who Killed Karen Hernandez

Even though you've been harsh on me, I still consider you as my best friend because you were the only person I had when I was looking for someone to lean on. Even though you made me feel lowly of myself, I still see the hidden positive side of you. There, She sniffed and wiped the tears away, thank you for being a part of my life and... happy trip.

She left a bouquet of flowers on Karen's tomb and walked away.


Don Aguirre College is now peaceful and back to normal. Everyone's lives has been bright ever since Karen's case was resolved. Jen is now back in her classes, and she gained more friends. On the other hand, Kat transferred to another school because of memory and peer issues. Bruce has a new girlfriend, and mind you, she's not one of the popular bunch. Ginger, Karen's stepsister, is still living with the Hernandezes.

And what about Dee?

She was sent to a mental hospital to be checked upon and treated.

Look what you've done to us. We're in a secluded place!

Just calm down, Dee, okay? I'm Cameron, I know best. Don't be alarmed. I will think of a way to get us out of here. And when I do, I'll make sure that everyone who put us here will suffer--- one by one. They don't know who they messed with. No one treats us like this. You've suffered long enough, Dee, and I'm not going to let that happen again. That's why I killed Karen for you, so you won't have someone to shout on your face again. And don't you worry, we will not stay here for too long. I promise. I will get us out of here. And when we get out of here, I will find everyone who was involved with this sh*t.

I will start with Kat.

With that, Dee Cameron smiled a very devilish, sinister smile.
