white paper on endorsements

L ).,f.!1Lr! ol l,idorscrncrl (oLrflrilre!.l lndirn N.1.d1.. :\siocirlro,r Nrs hcld or fridNv tlrc 2611r O((jb.r. l01rl .l j.00 l']M. rl lNlA ljors.. l.PMarg. ' -- N$' ])i'll,L |rr tiirl.riing irurniiiiirtrc pCGnr-- lr' \' \ KL r L N.LriL ' lrrL.i,l!rt l\l \ l\ Nl. H)rs. Nr(i(nrl l'r$tilg!! ll!!Sr].l\tl1 !), S N Nl,!rN. llorv.Sccrchrv Ccr.1rl. lNlA Ir qrs clecided thrr lvoli wiLl be sig.ed o| r Lllcr .hLr l-1t9!19|]]SL ! \ltlll"t]rtco ildia rhuLiilL Nl ' \'i.i lvlcdical (lo,rtrxriic.lors I)!L.Ltd 1o spcrrL l{\ 6 r. P. r\ d.rNilcl drscustron ([ rhc proposrlol ]V,s Vid Nlcdix of h(hrlloLilsrli.nl Nl,s P.lJsil o l|(lI Nnd N4/s l]rL,ur ll!1r Lrl. (,,Lr)t)r.i.i t(rrt t)Llce li)t eitrL{{scnrcrL o cr4.Mj!q.n rhLr ictrns rn,] nnlri,i.n. pr}o!a!l !r plggyill!rylegglarr Gener!r 'r I N4 A.. lr '1.\ L \,. \ '., lr. ( \ \l ;i-iurrr Nl's Drh!i lfJlJ LiJ. Mirulcs of lfic IMA Slandnrg Connnittec for Prilate Nlcl,cxl ll rclilioncN rvrs hclrt ot I 1 th Novc.ilc,. 2007 !L ll\44 llous.. ll' N4rrg, Ncw D.lhi ll0 001 Ihc iUlo$irg nrennr!rs wcrc prcsenr :" Dr.,\ia)- Kun r. Nalion.l Presidcnt Dr S.N.Nlisr- llony. Scclctuy (jc'lcmL l)r L S.dlsotrD. Chtrltdn Dr.l.K. Shinglr!i Dr VK. J! in l)r lJ ll. (jufL . (ilrlcicr Dr lt.ji! Dhir Dr. M. B.hsubrrnrxnitn. Nien$er l)L.S.K.N1u.. Nl.1il)cr llr.A!ltoL Alhro. Ln!it.J Itcgrcls L.c.ivcd lio.r Dr. li.C Carg, Dr. Anrilubhr IlhNirrclruryr \{.rc notcd. l)r l SiLhgot it. (hairrI r wel.omcd {hc IMA N.rionrl l'r.sidcn1, IloDy. Sccr0lary Clcncrrl rrd lvlcmbcrs 10 rhc nrcclrg. Hc s.id thal as Govt. and public l[vc cxpeclarions fi'oln docftns so do rMA nrcn)bcrs hr\c .rpcct0tiorr lionr thcm. A,rd lhis corrrnrLL.. rnecri|g rs bcinghcld ro l-orn hrear)dllnrlisc our rctrons 1(] the !rrions chrllcngcs and flan tbr fntrnc ll6 Ilc invited Lhe Natio.al Presidcnt, Dr AjNy Kurrr Ln sry fcw wo s llr. Aj,r) K!nr!L co.gmrulrl..lori Llr! vcrygood dLtcndrncc irr lhis sLarrding lomnirt.. nrc.tL,r! He said that doctors halc to face problerns lnln trN.! GovL Deparlrrents conceming not only hcrlrli bul lin!nce (cxamplc poss;biliry ofimposrlion olscr!icc llr on rnedical profissionals) clc. He xde .I spccirl mcntion ol Clinical Establishment Act likcly io be disc|sscd by (hc Prrliamcnt and com ented lhal fo singlc AcL cl rcgulale Lhc .rcdical csLrblishnrcfl bccause oonditurs in diffcrcnl shLes diiler lllslly end heallh is a Strte sub.lecl. Hc said that Dorc imporlrrit issues lihc Frkc dNgs, uncqull Jisnibllior ol rnc,Licr collegcs in Lhe coulrt|y shoLrld be hkcn up i. crnrcsl rrrhcr Lhan lhinkilg aboll ) rcl like Lhc fn)!os.d Clinical Eslrbllshnrenr Act l hcn lhc Col)nn llcc look rLD lhc rjrcnda on. bv orN: Dr. Sadasopal prcsented a l.tlcr lrom thc DC PoLice ofTaDrilnadtr advisnrg fie Police Ofiicers, as dircclcd by the Supremc Courl of lndir, Lhit no acrion in Lh. lirrn of arrcsr under secrion l0:lA. ll)C shou I Lr! rcsorlcd \t1{hou! gcuing trn opiniol tiorrL eo,rrt,LLr,rl lurhoril} Dr Snrghvi said rhat simihr insu ucLiorrs tr\ e bc$r passcd ir th. Strt. ol llatanl'rn a.d h. lnrtrrll

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IMA got paid for praising Tropicana and Quaker Oats. The money paid for international travel of office bearers. Dr Ajay Kumar and Ketan Desai were involved


Page 1: White paper on endorsements

L ).,f.!1Lr! ol l,idorscrncrl (oLrflrilre!.l lndirnN.1.d1.. :\siocirlro,r Nrs hcld or fridNv tlrc 2611r

O((jb.r. l01rl .l j.00 l']M. rl lNlA ljors.. l.PMarg.' -- N$' ])i'll,L |rr tiirl.riing irurniiiiirtrc pCGnr--

lr' \' \ KL r L N.LriL ' lrrL.i,l!rt l\l \l\ Nl. H)rs. Nr(i(nrl l'r$tilg!! ll!!Sr].l\tl1!), S N Nl,!rN. llorv.Sccrchrv Ccr.1rl. lNlA

Ir qrs clecided thrr lvoli wiLl be sig.ed o| r Lllcr .hLr

l-1t9!19|]]SL ! \ltlll"t]rtco ildia rhuLiilL Nl ' \'i.ilvlcdical (lo,rtrxriic.lors I)!L.Ltd 1o spcrrL l{\ 6 r. P.r\ d.rNilcl drscustron ([ rhc proposrlol ]V,s Vid Nlcdix

of h(hrlloLilsrli.nl Nl,s P.lJsil o l|(lI Nnd N4/s l]rL,urll!1r Lrl. (,,Lr)t)r.i.i t(rrt t)Llce li)t eitrL{{scnrcrL o

cr4.Mj!q.n rhLr ictrns rn,] nnlri,i.n. pr}o!a!l !rplggyill!rylegglarr Gener!r 'r I N4 A..

lr '1.\ L \,. \ '., lr. ( \ \l

;i-iurrr Nl's Drh!i lfJlJ LiJ.

Mirulcs of lfic IMA Slandnrg Connnittec for PrilateNlcl,cxl ll rclilioncN rvrs hclrt ot I 1 th Novc.ilc,. 2007

!L ll\44 llous.. ll' N4rrg, Ncw D.lhi ll0 001 IhciUlo$irg nrennr!rs wcrc prcsenr :"

Dr.,\ia)- Kun r. Nalion.l Presidcnt

Dr S.N.Nlisr- llony. Scclctuy (jc'lcmL

l)r L S.dlsotrD. ChtrltdnDr.l.K. Shinglr!iDr VK. J! inl)r lJ ll. (jufL . (ilrlcicrDr lt.ji! DhirDr. M. B.hsubrrnrxnitn. Nien$erl)L.S.K.N1u.. Nl.1il)crllr.A!ltoL Alhro. Ln!it.J

Itcgrcls L.c.ivcd lio.r Dr. li.C Carg, Dr. AnrilubhrIlhNirrclruryr \{.rc notcd.

l)r l SiLhgot it. (hairrI r wel.omcd {hc IMAN.rionrl l'r.sidcn1, IloDy. Sccr0lary Clcncrrl rrdlvlcmbcrs 10 rhc nrcclrg. Hc s.id thal as Govt. and

public l[vc cxpeclarions fi'oln docftns so do rMA

nrcn)bcrs hr\c .rpcct0tiorr lionr thcm. A,rd lhiscorrrnrLL.. rnecri|g rs bcinghcld ro l-orn hrear)dllnrliscour rctrons 1(] the !rrions chrllcngcs and flan tbr fntrnc


Ilc invited Lhe Natio.al Presidcnt, Dr AjNy Kurrr Ln

sry fcw wo s llr. Aj,r) K!nr!L co.gmrulrl..lori Llr!

vcrygood dLtcndrncc irr lhis sLarrding lomnirt.. nrc.tL,r!

He said that doctors halc to face problerns lnln trN.!GovL Deparlrrents conceming not only hcrlrli bul

lin!nce (cxamplc poss;biliry ofimposrlion olscr!icc llron rnedical profissionals) clc. He xde .I spccirlmcntion ol Clinical Establishment Act likcly io be

disc|sscd by (hc Prrliamcnt and com ented lhal fosinglc AcL cl rcgulale Lhc .rcdical csLrblishnrcflbccause oonditurs in diffcrcnl shLes diiler lllslly end

heallh is a Strte sub.lecl. Hc said that Dorc imporlrritissues lihc Frkc dNgs, uncqull Jisnibllior ol rnc,Licr

collegcs in Lhe coulrt|y shoLrld be hkcn up i. crnrcslrrrhcr Lhan lhinkilg aboll ) rcl like Lhc fn)!os.dClinical Eslrbllshnrenr Act

l hcn lhc Col)nn llcc look rLD lhc rjrcnda on. bv orN:

Dr. Sadasopal prcsented a l.tlcr lrom thc DC PoLice

ofTaDrilnadtr advisnrg fie Police Ofiicers, as dircclcdby the Supremc Courl of lndir, Lhit no acrion in Lh.

lirrn of arrcsr under secrion l0:lA. ll)C shou I Lr!

rcsorlcd \t1{hou! gcuing trn opiniol tiorrL eo,rrt,LLr,rl

lurhoril} Dr Snrghvi said rhat simihr insu ucLiorrs tr\ e

bc$r passcd ir th. Strt. ol llatanl'rn a.d h. lnrtrrll

Page 2: White paper on endorsements

REPL\ O\ tttRII\ rO SH(l\\



lr[:l:l::".1:l cl c,]o (c fa h<, ..uco.n r,r.'.'] I j r\ c, do^.ri lood r\l1,d,rc,s of p(r"j( o I r.Ji , oidr;,;

"i"T'-,"' ol l\4A ri_,rr no ri.od prod,rcr

" l,.p ii;;;,:#irffi:[k*H|or hencr rro.rL,cr b) rV \. Es

plesuDptlon lhal thePrivarc l_ld. Ir is the

I lolclings prjvate Lrd

tl,l.,1;;11"1;, l'"' ;;;',,'"ffi,flffiffiffiili'l. :,:.',:::"13,11, $i; 1,1.'"if ili;iil::# Jfi iT:'progr'l,irrrcs r,. i.tro.r, ,no

"o.rau," ., ll " "{"'= " " 'olrl c"nsurcr cJJrJt:or.

nutri.ion .,nd n. ,lrh t.., .. -.. -. . pJrr L .:lt la-fc on rhe i,np,nance o1 nrrh,,.

H:1.Ti ilXn**l:.:: i: yi:::r;,i: i#"*:,fi :::, iti,,,,T:T*I?i..H;:i*,J.1:"1ili::."ff *1"::. ;Xq:; fi,'#ffiX lll j"li,fiJ."l*Ilj:tcondltcting rvortshops or ir*rirru

'..,1'] -' lic Prra\es rDter-alid \\irich inciuded

nul1]ton. particiDnlidn i- ^^,,-----.,'ng nrblts throtrgh heallhr Lju.ls :chool

;L[ff;; JTiii'#l :,":l'r:":x "X;::*'T:i:%TiJ":"]"'ii,i:l:ilnrogrdrntne.. iJre lV A rn.ler rire :ri,l . , l 'uF .u r e anJ r\\',r,c.tc..roa,.d'Fjc rr.rc\Der "..,,^i .:-,..^.'l'

vrel oranJrrm n'I n.lc-' n l:n! r'ra",',.ro a''tuge 1'or c\pens ^ spl",p".*,'i"'.p.;"#,ol:il.1.:

fhr h^o phases ol s rci tr lelnor,rndLurlrcre toJoriru,v w.ork are as tbllorvs:-

t of Understanding lvhereunder the parties

I'hase J: pronror< healthJ habrts al d l\Lf: iu4 a 1"" '" ,i.'i'r"'i|.",1,,:':'l:'ri - rl or'gh H'dl ') Kil \cl Jlle r'dc nd r.r:ne \\or,.,r op., n,,...r,n.,

Page 3: White paper on endorsements


2OO'" Central Working Committee Meeling of IMA ; NoveFb6r 15'16, 2OO8l liruPati' Andhra Pradesh

gi;en to ihe oihce by sone members for inclusion in Agenda Pap$sl

CWC Lgcnaa. The r€quest for sending Agenda papers in advance $as

1!) To ;onirm the minutes of the 198th Meeting respond€d by the National Presidentwho promised that

oflhe Central working Committee held at perlinent points, would be send much earller from next

Nandi Hills on 13-14 October, 2007. CWC Honv Secretary Gen€ralsaid that the agenda

Theminutes ofthe lg8lhMeetingoftbeCentralworhng wouldbe on the IMAweb* H",.ll': '"qTu:11!:

-*"ato.0"u"" to, tl. a"pdL ted souls. The mmes of over 2500 kq Dr' Abbas Naiional Prcsiddrt said that

r'r rar e i. nur Po'srblcdepbneor lelnberswho.(n,TGqerc|or rc Lnenv

i@.; fffi|:;: j:;:*" "m;l IDs and inroLm trre onicc

I'iI**,,"' f"** *""*, "n th€ proceedings or ihe ErtES:t:

President .J.i" " 1"[..r'a.Aiittin" 'uGI orne report was appreciated rrnd approved bv the ffi

]\-'f,"" ."-t'-, includinq D! K Vl3]alqi4t ordrnauce a nd have be€n seff for legal op jonhelbre

.;@ f,senrmt l,eA'embbMcn{rers showed thejL concem and requested to pursue


d-theissueofsubmission oftravel documents. Hony. rherespecrive srateGovts. To pass suchordinme. In

;;.;;;;;;;;Jhro,,ned,heho,Feo:ubnxrrne r-'connecrunDrNKLrJ\'P-'r\diordrDresdelr

.r,"i"."i""i,"'r,"r.l.,b.r'dilspd\rrrrori;indl'tu rionncd rhe l'"u"-ildi;r' e 5' c' orll 'na'edr- d

5""",,.rr", :".u":'"*,rr"o-ni"1rrr resi.t o,rr re--,'eersrares"r'l)r'elPdrlirrl.trcarpJs"trclr'equ6r ror froqdJgJn'dre o'lrnenbehl"rrrx elrS "n{c


'i;T;;::il;;i;;;i"-; " '' - " Disr-xn";saia that ror clearing arr the rAs'

ir'..c.rtonrui"n o" tl" proceedings of &e le8rh elrlE$smei! wgg-'iq$$4]Lql 'At)-['rmd said

Meeting ofihe CWC was approvedbv trrenousi '@2. To receive the rcport from National vicc a@

presidents informea drat -ZOOS WMAGen€rat Assemblv' would

a) Dr. vinod c. shah, Nationar senior vice iilJi"li* r&q"r,-etL,l!r@r{?s""



House for attending variousmeering ofIMA HQs etc canbe

b) Dr. S.S.Agarwal, NationalVice President bome bv Sta'te rharthis sueeestion canbecoNidered,

The report was apprecialed and approved bv the ioill{:9:ytsrg4House.

cr Dr. K, Ja]tram. National Vice lrcsidenl O'gao Trrnsptanr isruc:The report was apprecialed and approved by the

OniheorganTruffptan( i*sue. Hony Se(retaryGenenlHouse. ch ied that $ere is no quaLiieJ doctor invoh ed inhdney

d) Dr. RN. Govindarajul\ Nltionalvic€ Presidcnt ratker He sard thdl a Press conference has been

Tlre report as circulaled was apprecialed md orSanized aiIMAHQs onthe issue. National Presldent

approved by thc HorNe advocated fo' a both donor and rccipienl liiendlv la\\ '

:. neport or nr.S.n. Misr4 Honv.secrctary Dr Ajay Kunur rcquesl€d tlrc office tobriryo t a Whne

Ce;eral 0n vsrious activities paper before next CwC on the issue The House nade

il" o..s.,v. Misra, Honv secretarv General a conllittec comprising of Dr Ajav Kumar' Dr' T'

;;;J";t*tt;.p-t "; discussion tookplace sadasopan and Dr' A MarthandaPillai Dr Anirabha

on various issues. Bhatlacharya suggested to have a workshop on Organ

TA to M€nlb€rsr Tramplant

Tlrc Dr. S.N. Misra. Hony Secrctarv Goleral was happv

10 announce that all the dues ofTA upto Central Council Assault on Doctors:

me*ine held at Nagpur in Dccembd 2007 hale been Dr s N Misra appealed to all the stale branches to

.i"","i l" ,r'" oifrce. rhe uouse unilnrmouslv pursue with the respective state Go\4s rcgardrllg the

".nr-,ated the work done by the otlice Hony Assault on Doctors Acl1() be implemenledby the state

Seirerary Generat reque*ted tne hon bLe nrembers to govl on the line ofAP Act Dr'D K Sniroleinformed

"."i""t ti'"

"n'*. ir rri"v r'ave not received the TA the house that Malrarashtra Assanblv have drafled !h€

PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trlal version www pdffactorv com

Page 4: White paper on endorsements

200 CenlraIWorking Commihee lveeting of llMA: November I5-16. 2008: Tirupati Andhra Pradesh

(d) Audited Balance Shect and Inconre &Er:penditure Acconnts for the period 1-4-2007to 3l-3-2008 - Dr.K.K. Aggarwal, Hony,Finance SecretaryThe report was passed and appro\red by the House.

i) IMA HeAdquarters, Building, College andAcad€m). ij) JIMA rnd IMA HQ Building.Calcutta, iii) Your Health, iv) Apka Swasthya,v) INL{AKN Sinh, Institute, vi) All Projects

The repori was passed and approl,ed by the House.

(el Financial posilion ot ll\4-A HQr.. e\peciall) i'rrelation to cmployees ofthe shifted Wings -Dr.S.N. Misra, Hony. Secretrry General

The financial burden ofpayment ofs alary & otherl,rrrllr' ro rhe errp oyee. \\or kllg lor abo\ e u rng5

were detailed inCWC. It was iDfor mcd that I3-15Lack would have to bc laid s,hcn these cnploye€s allX4AHQs. fhe arangcmcnt ofdrcse fnances should

be considered as IMA 'vould

have to bear thiscxpcnscs & salary of thrs empLoyee working at

different station. Thls figure docs not include PF

gratuity and other benefils.

Op tbe reconxnendatim e

Motl standreviewed(ii) D^bur India Ltd.lhe VoUwds passed ard apfro\edb) tleHo.rse.

7. Minutes ofVarious IMAStanding Committees:

(a) IMA Strnding Committe€ for Endors€mentCommittee held on 26th October, 2007 at IMAHQs.The Minutes Nerepassedand apprcled by the House

(b) IMA Standins Conmittee for Pdvate MedicalPractitioners held on llth Nov.,07 at lMAItQs.The Minutes were passedand approved by the House.

(c) ll4-{ Standing Conmitte€ for Action held onllth November, 2007 at IMA HQs.

Thc Min'rtes were passed and approved by the House.

(d) IMA Standing Conmittee for Public Relation& Medical Ethics held on 13/12107, at IN{A HQs.

TheMrNtes werc passcd aDd approvcd by thc Housc.

(€) IltrA Standing Conmitte€ for ESIC held on 27lt2l20It1

The Mrnrtes were passed and approved by the House.

(0 Minutes of the meeting of IMA StandingCommittee for Blood Donation held rt Nagpur on29fb December. 2007

TheMinutes rveie passed andapproved by the House.

(g) IMA Stnnding Committee for Frmily W€nare(Mafern:rl & Child Healtb\ held on2711212007

TheMiDutes were passed and approved bytheHouse.(h) IMAStanding Conmittee forAnti QuackeryHony. Secretar} General suggested to tigh! the brttle atthe State ievel on the issue of prefix 'Dr'. Dr. cB.Sing! expressed 1ns concem abouL the 3 ard a halfyearmedical courses in Clfiatishgarh. The Minutes werepassed and aptroved by the House.

(i) IMA Standing Conmittee for LIC & M€dicalProtection Insurance Sch€me held on lstMarch,2008 at IMA HQs.The Mrnutes were passed and approved by the House.

C) IMA Standing Comnittee for Natioml Plan heldor lst March, 2008 at tMA HQs.TheMinutes werepassed aM approved by thc House.(k) lMAStanding Committ€€ lbr WomRn DoctorsWing h€ld on 1-3-2008

TheMinutes werepasscd and approved by the Housc.

Dr. Sarbari Dutta announccs that All lndia WouflDoctors Confaence wil bc held oD Novenber I -2. 2008inKolkata.

8. Progress r€port ofAlllndia Medical Conferenceto be held at Indor€ on 27-29 Dec€mber. 2008

The report was passed and alprovedby the Housc.

9. Int€rnational Meetings :

(a) WMA Menlbership - Dr.S.N.Misra,Hony.Secretary G€ner.Hon'ble CWC manbers appreciated fttA's uNolvementwith the lnrernalional Bodies.

10. Curr€nt strtus of Court Cases of IMA I Dr.S.N. Misra, Honv. Secretary GeneralThe report was notcd by the House.

11. Report of trlection Commission, especiallyprovhion ol implementrliol in cha ged scenario -Dr. N.K.Grovea Chief Election ConmissioncrD- \ K G-o. er . u''un. e, rlx Lhis tim(d rl c".-. h"|would be held trough postal ballot papcrs and explainedabout the procedure to be lollowed as per amendeda^ 611, im.12. Presentation of Constitution of IMA afterincorporating the amendments passed in fhemeeting ofCertral Council held at NagpurTl\ H"J'ed.re.redroq". nJu p inreJCon5riru.ionsafier ilcorporatins /deleturs all the annrdnrents till date.

rD Endo^enrcnFDr,S.N.Misra. Hon!. Sccy G(nrrsl(i) Pepsi Co India Holding (Pvt.) Ltd.Dr Ajay Kunar replied to a query that Pepsi Co food

Page 5: White paper on endorsements

2006 CentralWorking Commitlee Meellng of IMA; NoveDber 15.16, 2008; Tirupati, Andhra pradesh

AcfioD Taken on the Minutes ofFSC meetingheld on 5rb Aprii, 2008, at Il\{A House, New Delhi

The last FSC meeting held on 5rh April, 2008 a!IMA House, New Delhi was chaired by Dr. KVijayakumar of Tamil Nadu who was electedunanimously as lhe Chairman ior that FSCmeeting, in absence ofDr.Indedit Ray who hadsent regrets. National President, Dr M Abbashad also graced the meeting and welcomed theHon'ble members of the FSC and thanked theomce bearers of IMA HQs fur l,aking efforisto bdng the lean financial position back to rails.

I welcome the Finance Couxnittee, ChaimaqDr. lndrajrt Ray for Chairing rhis FSC meetrng

and thank God for providing him a better health.I also welcome all the Hon'ble members whohave come liom dilTerenl pldLes lo tive lherconsidered opinion regarding the financialposition.

T can say with satisf'action that with the help ofprevions National ?resident, DrA.jay Kumar and

the guidance of the National Prcsident, Dr MAbbas, the IMA HQs of6ce bearers and the stafhavebeen able to workout stmtegies to improvethe fnancial position which I am going to present

to you in this FSC meeting.

Three members committee formed by theNational President to invesligate thc leprosyproject issue and go into the details olinvestigations in that relation had submitted itsreport disqualirying the allegalions. The same

report was submilted to the Court of ChiefCommissioner tbr Persons with Disabilities. The

Court also disposed oflthc natter and found no

ineBularity as per the all€gations.

As per lhe decision ol rhe hsl FS.C. MeelinBJIMA, Your Health and Apka Swasthya wercrequested lo send the FDs to IMA HQs. and

despite rcpeated reminders no FDs have been

received so fhr fiom an)'where.

Dr.Rai infomed about the FDs made out ot'retundable securily of Rs.22 lacs ftomM/S C.K.Associates nanaging the Convention Hal1s. The

regular income fto1n the lease renr since May2008 is being utilized for the building and otherexpenditures including electricity and salary ofthe building staff etc.

All the tluee shiftcd wings namely IMAAMS,IX4-{CGP and IMAAXN S inha Institute have bccnprovided the loan of Rs.5 lacs. each afterpledging the respective FDs. The interest oftheFDs shall be adjusted in the loan amount at thebank level itself

IMA HQs. sent IMA employees to Patna forestablishing the AKN Sinha Institute and rheyare back after training the persormel there. Therespective wings have been again remindersaboLl lhe decisron or'rhe Flnan.c SlandintsCommitfee/Central Council to make ellods togenerate their own funds for their working andhopetullt they are doing so. IMA HQs. seeksthe advice of the FSC to utilize the inlerest ofRBI Bond\ lo repay rhc lorn of rhe resfecrrvc

wings so ihat the interest amount is rcduced andiD due course oftime the interest generated liomthe FDs nlay be used for day-to-day expenditureof the differcnt wings.

You Health and Apka Swasthya shall be giventhe projects as and when recejved by IMA HQs..

The Committee headed by Dr.N.K-crover ro gointo the details oi the revision of fie pay oftheIMA employees is being submitted for fuitherdeiiberations.

Dr. K.K.AggarwalHony. Finance Secretary

Dr. S.N.MisraHony. SecrctaryGeneral

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Page 6: White paper on endorsements

{Ll a 1{1nr1)d : Q,u51v&5) -loin! ttcti, thittgs we credtecl a polato chip butiness, an

hnught ilt lac(tl t elevance thrttugh launclt ol Kurkure. O

Jt a\\' tltt next (:L 're of gtotrlh.

.1li\,t1 is tryit1g to bridge t\\)a rery big dnd fast growing categaries - sall) sn/r:cks dnd hiscLtilt we

ttttt to be.1u.rt like Kirt kttre vas in ihe sweet tpot between sveel and sal+' -lt's

al''a d baked snLrcli'

.ro it t pttri .l tlte contitutott. lI/e would rathet credte a calegary verstts referencing ottrselves ta ane


l he Jirods ald bereruges business hus been i tegtuted now - so h'N mucll 'lo

foods contribute

kr retenues! Huve yttu bee dblc to lereruge lhut? What perce tage of Pepsi India's revenucs

tonte tr,ttn the nou-CSD &tegotitt:' Also' lou don't see l to have leteruged the gteat PePsi',,,,,,,

riitil,,;; ,, u"t,ir" 1i,r Tropi'cand' ll lt.tt's tlte str.tas vith the joint rentwe Nith H LtL fot Lbton!

':onttibute 33-35 Per (:ent al the businers Bererages the tesl Non CSDs conrriburc,:i;,i;yiix'i"lJ;|ilfl,,i",i'""lJ,ii|i,$.i'"iitxf i,.#['il"''ii'iii,'ii"i;,:|,l;ii"',i,

lustr:si grort'ingiui(,i itt tlte cotrntry tatlay, an.lis lhe mdrket ledder among the 1a0per.cent good'ii,,r)'tiu

n'irot'. i nn urerall focus is category b]' cdtegoD), so \1'e dan't want la go tao vide too quiclc

ll'e loti t be rcallv leverLtging the opporluniy lhere

ical cletailing.

Tharc's not uch prcsence oJ the Liptotr HUL venture?

Ifc,|tl:hasen]lotlortjl])lpuplhat'It4non-prcnisebfand.lrlea].egainglaevaludtehdsedollatherhtlrurrls ti"r-) tis porfulio eipansion as to \tltal's the right tine to get into iced ten as v'ell

aonsu rcrs h. 'en't tuken to that category2


1,,,, i"",, trot tio ora inat is ane barriet ancl it cerlainl! can be a&lressed but then it's not rtorling

,,,rrri,,l lln re ,,urkirc on lhal but there are sa mdn! apponunities in lhe marketplace cnd \re lirsttlrtnt to ntaxinise thi potential afour current Portblio \Nhich is rery comprehensive and t'e1'

Lfhen Pepsi enlered htdia there Nere sonte conditions in exports - thdl i\ hoN you stafted trork

u,, ion uin, ord tut"t potatoes dnd oranges - where does all this stund now? Arc lou still

t,nrkhg t'ith Punjab funters on this?

('hulhL: Lfe h. ,e a |en, pov,erJul agri autreuch Programme, ane of the ldrgest in lhe coutlfD' tight

Itr,rr. trith as rtutt), as :i,OtlO.fir*ei n's a,iven by our snackt business but there are partnerships

on other.[r.ttts. indcke dr^)e potaLa antl other crops. lf/ith-focus anjui.ce.t, \re wdnt dn incligenaus

sultlth t:haitt hr frttiL

At p.ltt al alu'i itiLllii,e \tith the PLlnjab govern\le l' we have apened the.largest autdoar nursert- at

thltjltorotl.,,ith :,A0(l different planti and 32 rarieties o.f citrus ftom Brazil, Floricla Punjabitanth(

\(nr l(nilutle Lts Flariii su,,i're hoping it can l)e In(lia's Fl.)rida! There are tridl craPs gahg an

lya re explat itg wple antl a cctuple of other tLtits lao Our iniliatire ties in h)ith lhc campanl s

,r,to,,o)rro,rriiiin ugentlu PepiiCo India \rill be positiNe water bdlance' this lcar' which nettns

,t;, ir.riti gr-nror" iore water lhan all tltrtt its beverages cansume in Indil Bath LonterNi g lnd,:", 1 .'1,,,,g li v,e have r'educed ','tater consunptiall lo a lhird aJ'Nhal it ttj'.s f,e tears ago and

agro fbotprint,ttr core is grot'



Page 3 of 5

r,oQloli Xoo9t'lbut it's tine to



Page 7: White paper on endorsements

Pepsico ent6rs into non-commercial dealwith IMA7 I'Iay. 2008 0620 hrc ls'f. Ratna BhLrshai INI'i

GURGAON: ln what is a global first across all Pepsioo markets, doctors will soon beginendorsing Tropicana purejuices and Quaker Oats in lndia.

Pepsico's snack foods arm Fritolay lndia has tied up with the lndian Medical Association (llVlA)

to promote both products. lt's a shift of sorts as it comes from a company that's synonymous with

celebrity endorsements.

This will also be the flrst time that lhe IMA will endorse food and beve€ge products. ln the past,

the med'cal body which represents over 1,75,000 doctors in the country, has endorsed Reckift

Benckiseds Dettol soap, Procter & Gamble's Pampers diapers, and Eureka Forbes' waterpurifiers.

An MoU between Pepsioo and IMA has already been signed and the endorsement deal has been

inked for a period of three Years.

This is in line with Pepsico's global chief lndra Nooyi's vision to dramatically increase the health

focus of the company to thwart attacks from NGOS that often accuse the two cola giants forpeddling sugary drinks and salty snacks.

Lining up a product portfolio that fitthe health and wellness trend improves the image oflhecompany in the eyes of both consumers and investors

He added that any changes in the ingredients of both products would imply that IMA's

endorsement gets nullified.Representativas of the two parties said the deal was non-commercia!, and that Pepsico would

help ll\4A in sponsoring events and other public forums, and so on

IThe two ad agencies on Tropicana and Quaker have begun working on the new scripts. While

Tropicana is handled by JWT, the Quaker account is with anotherWPP agency Fortune


Said JWT'S managing partner Rohit Ohri: "The sc pt is under production and should be ready in

two weeks time." He declined to divulge details ofthe ad script but said thatthe medical

association would be the main message ofthe communication

Pepsico's decision to use doctors instead of celebrities to endorse Tropicana and Quaker is

beino seen not onlv as a move to establish a foothold in the health and wellness wave, bui also toedge-past competiiors. ln the pure juices category, for example, the home-grown Dabur Real is

ahead of Tropicana.

Page 8: White paper on endorsements

The breakfast cereals market, where Quaker is positioned, is still small but growing rapidly with

Kellogg, Hindustan Unilever and Nestle directly competing with Quaker oats

Aoart flom the advertistnq, the llVlA association will also be communicated through labels on

iiooicana ana Quaker p;ckaqing Both are'good foryou'products in PePsico's portfolio llvlA s

Dr kumar added that the associatron's latest endoasement could set the tone for other foods

companies also wanting a similar endorsement'

ln addition, the llvlA will be involved in another Pepsioo programme called Get Active' which

involves associating with 80 schoois in Delhi and Mumbaiand promoting Physical activity among


Page 9: White paper on endorsements

May 08,2008

Indian docs endorse O.J' and oatmeal

Bv Sarah Amquist

Pensico maneuvered markeh[g gemus this week by convincing the Indian Medical

.*iutroo to erdorse the health benefits of Tropicana fruitjuice and Quaker Oats for

three years.

Now- wh€n lndians reach for these products, they'll see a stamp of approval ftom the

MA. In tum, Pepsi will sponsor IMA events and forurns

deal is the first of its kind globally.This so-called noncommercia!

The Indian Ntedical Association, an organization with 175'000 members, is India's

eourvalent to the American Medical Association lt has r€ceived harsh criticism for the

deal. The ,1 l,z. ' of lndia ran opposing uewpoinlc thursda) on the endorsement

"The IMA carnot be seen to be favowing any o(Ie corporation ov€r its vals when i1

comes to benefits that flow from a healthy diet"' the opposing editorial states'

ln the IMA's defensa, a columnist wrote, "Brard promotions ofhealth'r produ'lts ofacorooration Lrke PewrCO - that's mo.e ofa'cola company - will helt it diversiry i1s

operations in boltstti areas that enhamre, Bther than compromise' publia health "

Did Pepsi ghostw te that?

Ten vears aso. the American Medical Association had to backfack on an agreJrng4-to,- -^^-^-,{-;.,;1L 4,^, Tn^ Al?fArc

"na6i63-*tiurn medical supplies after its members responded with furv The AMA'S

violation of,an -old rule against causedEFts m reslgn

Among tke many vocal members agai.ist the- endorsemenl was DL4So1qB4I94qformer editor of the New and J ne. "ln m rt rs

thiis associdoilui!-tself of all deals that involGEdorsement of or

i[ifi-particularhealth-re ed Droducts and services the

"The recent trend toward the commercialization ofthe US health care system and the

growmging threat ofcorpoEtized managed care to th€ autonomy ofdoctors," he contininued,

made it cians to follow this firndamental

$eir finalqial interests should not influence p.ofessional o to patienls.

The Indian Medical Association may be struggling for fundi[g, bu' endorsing Pepsi

products creates and obvious conflict of interest. India has a rapidly growrng obesiry


Page 10: White paper on endorsements

nroblem. and rates of diabetes are sharply increasing' Juice has lots of sugar and isn't

ii*uu, n treattttv option, but certainly soda and potato chips aren't (Pepsi o$'ns Frito-

Lay,'*ho'e chip" can be found on 'helves in e\en lhe remolest lndian \illages)

Being reliant on Pepsi for funding undoubtedly will make the IMA hesitate belbre

rnuti'"g a""fututiooi ugainst the c;nsumption of soda or potato chips, or any other public

health;tatement that could hurt Pepsi's bottom line'

Pharma figured out that trick lolg ago

May 8, 2008 in Phvsicians, Sarah Amouist I Permalink


Medical Associations should refrain from promoling commercial p'oducts even ifthey

are healthv or olher$ise or even iTlheJ were branded

irl" ".;#fm;;;ner vouchsafefor the company's continued adherence to whal is

ce.tifiedo,theu'sociationhasmeanstomonitorarldassufethequalityoftheproducttoG conso-"r. tt"ses are th€ jobs of Standards Institutions in respecttve countries where

these branded Products are sold.

Posted by: k mwthy I May 10, 2008 8:59:21 PM

Page 11: White paper on endorsements

But tle added that Pepsico sponsorc several health initiatives of the IN4A.

,dia eNews - Get the latest news from India Page 1of 2

lndia gNe\fs . news at rts best!

Dodors defends iu-lce brand e NGO slams it

The Indian Medical Association (IMA) wednesday defended its decision ta endarse Pepsico's brand of lruit

iuice, saying peopte will avoicl aerated drinks if they .onsume it, but the director of the centre far science and

Environment (CSE) Sunita Narain saic! it was 'very wrong' to endo6e a particular brand-

From coqc5!o!!Le.!!ts in Delhi.IdEJ-!8v20!&5--:3!PU - (www.indiaenews.com)

The tndian tvledical Association (IM) Welhg9Cgyjlgfended its decision to endorse Pepsico's brand ol fruitjuice, say,ng people will avoid aerated drinks if they consume it, but the director of the centre for science and

Environment (CSE) Sunita Narain said it was 'very wrong' to endorse a particular brand

pepsico,s India affiliate has entered into a three-year deal with the li4A under which the association that

represents 176,000 doctors is endorsing the Tropicana brand of fruit j!ices and Quaker oats

sources at II\4A however said that for the endorsement the medical body received Rs.5 million, which will go

into their general fund.

,If peopte will take pure juice then they will not take drinks like Pepsi, f4irinda or coca cola. we are also

saying that those suffering from diabetes and kidney problems should consume them only after consulting

their doctors,' Kumar told IANS on phone from Patna

He said the It"lA agreed to endorse the product after ii was cleared by the scientific committee, national

working committee and the national central council of the IMA, an organisttloir that has 1.50o bran.hes in the

country and 176,000 members

'lt was very wrong for the II\4A to make the endorsement.' Narain told IANS

A senior IMA official who did not wish to be identified said here: 'A doglglgjlggl:jll!3!949ltheIMA ag a body can do it. We have earlier also endorsed other brands like Eureka Forbes for which we received

Rs-30 million.'

Eureka Forbes makes water pLlrifiers.

'lust like cricketers and Bollywood stars endorse a product, we also do the same,'the source told IANS

It was during his tenure that the endorsment was given a go-ahead

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Page 2 of2

The association has also endorsed Dettol, an antiseptic, and Disprin, a painkiller.

Kumar held: 'It is not a question of rnoney; we aare for the health of the people.'

'Is it a crime for a doctor to tell people about good health? These producG have scientifically proven healthbenefits. We are not favourjng Royal Challenge or IYacDonald (alcohol brands) like what is happening incricket.'

But Narain called the endorsement an 'advertisinq trick'.

The same company, Pepsi, was 'fighting the establishment of standards in the soft drinK industrv', she said.

A few years ago, CSE had charged that pesticide residues had been found in soft drinks made by Pepsi andCoca Cola, a charge denied by both companies. The furore caused by the charge led the Indian government tostart the framing of staBdards for bottled drinks.

'If I have to watch a Pepsi advertisement, I'd rather watch (film star) Aamir Khan than some doctor. At least Iknow why he is modelling, snd he's definitely better looking.'

(@ IANS)

Read more ae httor//www.india€news,com/business/2OO8O5O7/11-6,45!itl[

httDi//www.indiaenews.contDrint?id- 1 1 6460 6t4trooR

Page 13: White paper on endorsements

IMA lo endorse PepslCo s food producrs

the lndian Medical Association (ima)will now endorse PepsiCo's Tropicanafruit juices and its breakfast cereal

€i"iJiiborn ioii'r, rdtet rnu

The move has been severely crilicized. "The jma has becomo a money-mghjglglyigti" ilii"niii" -# "r

ooct;s Thev should be encourasing people'i;d{tlb1ltgb andrs sellrno me lmaoe or ooctur>-ad6rahrc< in<ia'.l ol lendrno I,.iEUffi

"iro.mahdther. weisr-'t to co!reGa!p:9:q!ga-!9!:.liB;9etrgrr

;iffihiruvananlhapuEm soman has worked

ouaker Oats-the first time in the world that a medical association will

en-aorse a tooOlroOuct-f erming it a "partnership for health the

;ffi;b:G*Ety-seneral s N Misra' said although the company had

noi o"io aon"v iot the endorsement' PepsiCo may sponsor the

.t.J"i"tion a *ntoences and meetings for three years the agreement

o.iioO. fufuOl" t"port" said the company paid the association Rs 50'00'000

ioi tne oe"f. Public interest groups say the move may set a trend in

endorsing such products, which is illegal and unethical

on unethical marketing practises ofthe food industry in lndia "f imaw€nted to endo6e

i-'i,"i*"jf'"u "r',o"fi

have given a blanket endorsement to alllruiijuices and noijust 10

.i. 'J.*nu. 'f.u "coa

Suspiclous ot tl'e deal he says sponsolsl'ios involve hugejrnornt.'J ,i'bn"v

"nO tl'ere :s liltle accounlabil:tv of how the money is spent

The deal makes busin€ss sense for the Pepsioo ln 2007, non-carbonated drinks

"ontribrr"d to 69 p.l.

""nl of Pepsioo Boverages North America's revenues

advedisemenls and labels on ihe packs

does nol for such iabels.words "recommonded the

pthat theon ii. also not hsve words

foodLG medical


Also lhe Medical Cooncilof lndia's Code of Eihics Regulations 2002' says that a1.n".';"n af,"ff not q

"" to any person wTetner 'o'campensa|on or otheMise aTyj..ir.""r r"*tt"tio"t'on,

"ndor."m"ni, co'lificato with respecl commercial product

iiit[ r""p""t- .ro, ,* in connection with hls name, signature, or photograph in any form or

mannerof advertising ihrough any mode ' ima officials claim that th-eiv have got lawvels to

i"of rl" tn" f"ga ""i"ct

bjfore ti-re agreement was arriiled at An offlciel' on the condition

Page 14: White paper on endorsements

of anonymity, said ihey l,ad endoased lhe constiluents and not the product and if theconstiiuents changed, the certificaiion would be scrapped. The company, however,

dec i,red to commelr ro dtg. -_

Such endorsements hava triggered controversies earlier ln 2002, the F"d9I9!9!-9!-E?-!qilyPhvsictans a"$.raltowaa oisqg4rnued after ooieciiors. ln 1997. Ihe AmGi.can lllEtfical Assoctahon endo'sedSunT6EF prodr..,cts. The conkact was cancelled after public outcry aT d the associ$iion s


-How much healthy?

Popsico says ils products are healthy The company bcjieves '!!tat endorsement from lhethird party, ima, lends furiher credibility to the troducts.

same ingredienis as ast

not fruii juice. A bottle of twisler has q@L{ 200 cal.tes

There could be confusion as well. ima has endorsedthe Tro!E9!9-lLuit juic€ only.

Pepsico has other prcducts, which ifalETEpicana fruit beveraE;-, ar,l th.tse come in

similar packaging as the fruit jui6e. There is €lso the TEpi__-earF twi ter, t rlit drink" and

"Packaged fruit julcesduring processing "

So. the nert {ime one of the 175 Oc'ima dacrofi tdve.(,se tne products, you krpqi!€Llo look out for.

Page 15: White paper on endorsements

Letter from a Doctor to the Indian MedicalAssociation Not to Endorse Pepsi foodproductsby Dr. Babu K.V, Thursday 16 April 2009

From: drbabukv kvDate: Fri, May 30, 2008 at 10:02 AMSubject: A requestTo: inmedici(@vsnl.com


ToThe National President,IMA (HQS),New Delhi-2

Dear Sir,

It is with pain and concern, for our organization, I am writing this letter to you. As per the newspaper and other media repo(s, I understand that IMA is endorsing two food products ofpepsi. Inthis context I would like to draw your attention to the resolution ofAll India Medical Conferenceof 1928, December, in which IMA was formed.

"Resolved that an All India Medical Association be formed with the objective oflooking afterthe interest of Medical Education, Public Health and Medical Profession in India and this bodybe duly registered under Act XXVl860".

Our organization's decision to endorse Pepsi products is in clear violation ofour basicobjectives. .."'So also, our decision to endorse Pepsi products is in clear violation ofCode ofMedical Ethics ofMCI. As per 6.1 ofMCI acts, "any recommendation, endorsement, certificate ofany commercial

dl-{ @ vs"na

Page 16: White paper on endorsements

product by a physician, group ofphysicians, institutions or organizations is unethical. As a lifemember of IMA, I am sure it is my right and privilege to be ethical also, So I request you tocome out ofthe agreement at the earliest.

Thanking you,

Faithfully yours

Dr. Babu K.V, SWC Member, IMA , Kerala


Page 17: White paper on endorsements

. i - ' rn /ol0:111, l-l\rr ' \'lONDA) \LJl" t ' "" "'

Drive against medical assocrattorr s r \-v"' '-'- ,lt*llllll:;f"ts*' l$i,

.."'*J, clstep.sal*tl'Aro:-Tll'q-"1j::dj* H":n::;;;; 1i;':-1:;" nr'ducts ln future 1tgo' the cdtlar Po'-*'--' l-

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Page 18: White paper on endorsements


Pepsi withdraws IMA endorsementAditi Tandon

Tribune News Service

New Delhi, February 22Months after Kerala-based ophthaimologist KV Babu exposed the lndian [4edica

Associat on's (IMA) unethical practices of endorsing commercial products in returnfor money, positive action has been reported in the case.

In the dock for paying off top office-bearers of the If4A, the largest professional bodyof doctors in India, to endorse its products Tropicana Juice and Quaker Oats, Pepsihas now withdrawn from its Quaker Oats packaging the endorsement logo of theIN4A.

The Tribune, which has been running a sustained campaign against the Il4Akendorsements of Pepsi and Dabur products, has learnt that Pepsi is no longer usingthe IMA Logo or its "public health" message (coaxing consumers into buying Oats) inits new batch of Quaker Oats even though its memorandum of Llnderstanding withthe Il'lA for such an endorsement is valid till December 2011

This action comes despite the II\4A not withdrawing the said contracts even thoughthe Medical Council of India has issued show-cause notices to II\4A office-bearers,

' asking them to stop the endorsements and to explain why action should not be takenagainst them for violating the medical code of ethics. The defaulters have challengedthe f4CI order in the High Court and secured a stay on the same.

In exchange for endorsing Pepsi products, the llvlA got Rs 2.25 crore, as earlierreported by The Tribune. In the dock, the IIqA bosses have since issued a notice toDr Babu, accusing him of disregarding the rules of the llulA by going public with hiscampaign. Babu, facing harassment for exposing unethical medical practices of I14A

members, recently quit from the IMA's central council.