white mountain nature preserve style guide


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Post on 24-Mar-2016




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A style guide for the logo I designed for White Mountain Nature Preserve.















Company Statement

Logo Statement

Color Palette



Business Letter


Size & Margins

Inappropriate Use



White Mountain is a nature preserve in central Alaska. When

a visitor comes to our preserve they will get to see stunning

scenery. Depending on the season they can see beautiful grass

or snow covered forests, tremendous mountains, and majestic

wildlife. Take a camping trip and a guided tour in order to see

all that White Mountain has to offer. We also offer canoe tours

down the river as well as mountain climbing expeditions.

Here at White Mountain our aim is to protect the environment

to keep the scenery as pristine as possible. We take pride in

the beauty of Alaska and want to make sure it stays that way.

All wildlife is protected so no hunting is allowed in the nature

preserve. The safety of our visitors is of upmost importance to

us. In our guided tours we ensure that no harm comes to our

visitors. If visitors go on camping trips, we keep contact with

them to make sure everything is going well.

Customer satisfaction is important to the success of White

Mountain. We aim to attract a variety of different people to visit

our nature preserve. We welcome everyone who has an interest

in nature and wildlife, whether they be experienced and new

comers. Our goal is to educate all visitors on how to preserve the

wildlife. All visitors must leave the nature preserve in the same

state they found it in.



White Mountain Nature Preserve wanted a logo that would

stand out. We wanted a bold mark that would catch peoples

attention driving down the highway if they saw it on a street

sign or a billboard. The mark needed to be effective both in

black and white as well as full color. The full color version of

the logo is a blue monochromatic color scheme. The nature

preserve is a clean environment, so we wanted the colors of

the logo to portray the same clean feeling.

When put together, the initials of White Mountain come

together to form a range of mountains. Since the sights

of beautiful mountains are a main attraction of the nature

preserve, we thought it important to utilize this element in

the logo. The mountains in the background form a W.

With the White Mountain type, we wanted to contrast the

delicateness of snow by using a light weight font with the

strength and sturdiness of a mountain by using a bolder weight.



Logo Colors

Additional Colors

Black & White

There are three colors that are used in the logo. Use Icicle for the

positive space in the logo. Rushing River is used for the border,

the M in the logo, and the White Mountain type. Night Sky is used

for the Nature Preserve type.

The following colors should used for publication purposes only.

These colors should never be implimented into the logo.

Icicle Pantone 291 C C30 M0 Y0 K5 R162 G213 B237 HEX: #A2D5ED

Forest Pantone 357 C C80 M0 Y100 K56 R0 G99 B37 HEX: #A2D5ED

Rushing River Pantone 542 C C50 M0 Y0 K30 R82 G157 B186 HEX: #529DBA

Bark Pantone 476 C C57 M80 Y100 K45 R82 G157 B186 HEX: #529DBA

Sunrise Pantone 1955 C C29 M100 Y70 K27 R144 G18 B53 HEX: #8F1336

Night Sky Pantone 295 C C70 M0 Y0 K70 R193 G100 B43 HEX: #00556E



Serifa Bold


Univers Bold

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( )Univers Bold is used for headers. Headers should be no larger

than 25 pt. It is not acceptable to use the oblique version of

the font.

Serifa is used for body copy. You can use any weight of the font.

Body copy should be 9 pt. Can also be used for captions as small

as 7 pt. For body copy, leading should be 13 pt.

Serifa Bold is used for sub headers. They should be no larger

than 14 pt.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( )

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( )



Below are examples of a letterhead, business card, and envelope. For

the letterhead you will use Carnival Smooth 70wt Stellar White 98

bright text paper. The envelope will be a matching commercial No. 10

envelope. The business card should be printed on Carnival Smooth

80wt Stellar White 98 bright cover paper. Carnival paper is acid free.

Carnival Smooth text weight is guaranteed to run on laser printers, ink

jet printers and copiers.

510 Agloinga Ave, White Mountain, AK 99784 | (P) 907.494.6013 | (F) 907.494.5237 | www.WMnature.com

510 Agloinga Ave, White Mountain, AK 99784

Ethan MillerPreservation Manager

[email protected]

510 Agloinga Ave

White Mountain, AK 99784



October 29, 2015

Johnathon Stevens

62 Tudor Road

Anchorage, AK 99530

Dear Mr. Stevens:

Maecenas diam tellus, varius porta hendrerit sed, iaculis et nibh. Nam lorem est, dictum at

consectetur egestas, ultrices vel purus. Praesent et eros lectus, eu pretium massa. Aenean vitae

vestibulum augue. Cras sapien ligula, tristique vitae molestie eget, ultrices in tellus. Phasellus a

nibh quis ante iaculis ornare. Aliquam vel nibh ante, nec euismod lectus.

Fusce fringilla hendrerit massa, nec adipiscing quam cursus sed. Aliquam auctor nunc vehicula

mauris euismod tincidunt. Etiam porttitor urna ut lorem varius pellentesque. Vivamus consequat

dui quis massa posuere fermentum. Quisque id justo nisi, a pharetra nisl. Phasellus sit amet diam

eros. Quisque non nulla nulla. Pellentesque tincidunt felis eu mi fermentum lobortis. Mauris

imperdiet, mauris at cursus cursus, dolor velit euismod purus, sit amet cursus nibh purus non velit.

In eget ultrices libero. Quisque tempus pretium ullamcorper. Vestibulum tempor tortor eu elit

convallis gravida a eu dolor. Phasellus non purus sed nunc imperdiet sagittis non vitae est.

Nulla pellentesque adipiscing gravida. Sed condimentum ornare augue, ut laoreet enim euismod

et. Quisque mattis nunc sed lorem semper non laoreet ipsum adipiscing. Aliquam interdum lectus

vitae lacus volutpat eu aliquet urna vestibulum. Morbi eu lacus nisi. Pellentesque suscipit ante eu

nisi fringilla sollicitudin. Donec vel cursus ante. Maecenas euismod lacus ac odio feugiat cursus.

Suspendisse pretium purus eros, sit amet commodo arcu. In dictum viverra nisi non luctus. Fusce

tincidunt ullamcorper lectus vel pharetra. Proin tincidunt viverra tempus. Morbi eu lacus nisi.

Pellentesque suscipit ante eu nisi fringilla sollicitudin. Donec vel cursus ante. Phasellus sit amet

diam eros. Quisque non nulla nulla. Pellentesque tincidunt felis eu mi fermentum lobortis.


Ethan Miller

Preservation Manager

510 Agloinga Ave, White Mountain, AK 99784 | (P) 907.494.6013 | (F) 907.494.5237 | www.WMnature.com




2 ½”


Below displays the margins for a business letter. There are

1 inch margins are either side. The top has a 2.5 inch margin.

The bottom has a 2 inch margin. If you need a second page,

use the same stationary and format.






A. Tour Guide Polo B. Hat C. Sweatshirt

Below are white versions of clothing that you maybe apply the logo to.

The full color logo should only be used on white clothing. On other light

clothing use the all black logo and on dark clothing use the all white logo.





A. Tent B. Backpack C. Water Bottle

When using the logo on camping equipment let the merchaindise

determine the color of the logo. Unless using on a white product,

use only the one color logo.




A. Website B. Postcard C. Brochure Cover

B. C.


When using the logo on marketing applications only use the full color

logo when on a white background. For all other applications use the

appropriate black or white logo.



2 ½ in

Proportion Ratio

Minimum Clear Area

Minimum Size

The logo should always remain in its 15:4 ration.

The minimum clear area that should be around the logo at

all times is the width of the letter “O” in Mountain.

When using on an application, the minimum size should be 2 ½ wide.

The height should always be proportional.


DO NOT take away the logo.

DO NOT distort the logo.

DO NOT stack the logo.

DO NOT leave out elements.

DO NOT put the logo between

the type.

DO NOT add elements.

DO NOT rotate the logo.

DO NOT flip the logo.

DO NOT change the proportions.

DO NOT use unapproved colors.

Below are ten examples of inappropriate uses for our logo. We are

unable to cover all of them in this manual but if you have any questions

please contact our publication office.