white lee wind farm information leaflet

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  • 8/9/2019 White Lee Wind Farm Information Leaflet


    Whitelee Windfarm

    Information Leaflet

  • 8/9/2019 White Lee Wind Farm Information Leaflet


    Illustrations and Layout by Turnbull Jeffrey Partnership Ltd. : Visitors Centre Image by Building Design Partnership : Photomontage by Envision Ltd.

  • 8/9/2019 White Lee Wind Farm Information Leaflet


    Proposed Whitelee Windfarm development

    ScottishPower has now submitted an application to build and

    operate a windfarm at Whitelee Forest, south of Glasgow. This leaflet

    provides information on some key points identified during the

    environmental assessment process and which are reported fully in

    the Environmental Statement. Details on where to view the

    Environmental Statement and how to obtain copies of the Non

    Technical Summary or further information are provided at the end

    of this leaflet.

    Over the past 6 months we have consulted with over 75

    organisations and groups, including 25 local community councils,

    and spoken with some 300 local people at a series of exhibitions.

    During this consultation the design of the windfarm has evolved inresponse to comments received, allowing it to be fully optimised

    taking into account all environmental, technical and local criteria.

    ScottishPower is committed to ensuring windfarm development at

    Whitelee Forest is sensitively designed with regard to local

    communities and the environment. We have sought not just to

    minimise any effects, but also to enhance the local environment

    through improved wildlife habitats and access for public recreation.

    The Environmental Statement

    A comprehensive Environmental Statement accompanies the

    application. It reports the findings of the thorough environmental

    assessment process that has evaluated all potential environmental

    effects of windfarm development at this site. It includes details of

    design features and practical measures to minimise any adverse

    effects or disturbance, and addresses issues raised during

    consultation. It also confirms the substantial environmental benefits

    that the project will bring.

    The Environmental Statement addresses the following topics:

    landscape and visual amenity

    ecology archaeology and cultural heritage



    local employment

    land use and ownership

    tourism and amenity


    telecommunications and television

    transport and traffic

    air and climate

    hydrology, soils and geology

  • 8/9/2019 White Lee Wind Farm Information Leaflet


    Renewable energy and wind power

    Renewable energy sources are natural energy sources such as

    sunlight, wind, waves and tides, which are continuously replenished

    and will never run out. Of these renewables, windpower is the

    most economical and technically advanced. It offers global benefits

    in terms of electricity generation that is free from emissions of

    carbon dioxide (the main greenhouse gas associated with global

    climate change) and other pollutants. It also provides diversity and

    therefore security in UK energy supplies by reducing dependency

    on imported fossil fuels such as coal.

    Scotland now generates around 11 per cent of its electricity from

    renewable sources, and the Scottish Executive has set a target of

    increasing this to 18 per cent by the year 2010. This will requireapproximately 500 new wind turbines in Scotland balanced

    between a few large and a number of smaller windfarms. This

    target, and windfarm development on this scale, are essential

    elements in the governments strategy for tackling global climate

    change and meeting its international obligations to reduce carbon

    dioxide emissions.

    Whitelee Forest site selection and design

    Whitelee Forest was selected following an exhaustive process to

    identify promising large and small windfarm sites in Scotland. It

    emerged as a site with excellent potential for a large windfarm.

    The 140 turbines proposed would generate enough electricity to

    supply 150,000 homes - about one third of Scotlands renewables

    target alone. This would cut annual emissions of carbon dioxide by

    around 540,000 tonnes.

    The site is large and open, and ideally located close to the Central

    Belt in an area with good grid connections and markets for

    electricity. Development Plans for the area identify it as being

    suitable for windfarm development, and with no especially sensitive

    ecology or landscape features.

    Although a large windfarm, the turbines and infrastructure only

    take up around 2 per cent of the overall development area - and

    once operational the land can continue to be used right up to the

    turbine bases.

  • 8/9/2019 White Lee Wind Farm Information Leaflet


    Site Location and Access Points

  • 8/9/2019 White Lee Wind Farm Information Leaflet



    Construction will begin immediately following consent for the

    windfarm and be phased over two years, with phase one operational

    and generating electricity by the end of the first year. The length of

    the construction period, even for such a large windfarm, is much

    less than for conventional power station construction projects.

    Activities are not continuous and are largely restricted to the site

    itself. Decommissioning and removal of the turbines at the end of

    their useful life, about 25 years, is similarly straightforward and the

    land can be fully re-instated to its previous condition.

    During the two-year construction phase around 300 jobs will be

    createdand some 12 million in construction contracts will beavailable.

    Traffic management

    The main impacts occurring during construction result from short-

    term, temporary, increased traffic movements. These can be

    addressed effectively by a traffic management plan. The plan forthe proposed Whitelee Windfarm development will include

    Photomontage of proposed Wind Turbines

  • 8/9/2019 White Lee Wind Farm Information Leaflet


    restricting access for construction traffic to the western end of the

    site near Lochgoin via the A77/M77 road, thus completely avoiding

    Eaglesham village. In addition, HGV traffic on the main road network

    will be significantly reduced by sourcing stone for road construction

    from sensitively located on-site borrow pits.

    A second access to the site will be provided at the eastern Ardochrig

    end to allow delivery of materials for the substation and the eastern-

    most turbines only. Again, this access route will completely avoidEaglesham village.

    Landscape and visual

    Visibility is perhaps the most obvious effect of an operating

    windfarm. In response to consultation, the turbine layout has been

    repeatedly revised and tested against computer generated images

    to minimise visibility from local viewpoints and residences. The

    proposed layout represents the optimum in terms of visibility, energy

    recovery and technical and environmental constraints.

  • 8/9/2019 White Lee Wind Farm Information Leaflet


    Wildlife and ecology

    Experience from existing windfarms has shown that wildlife can

    co-exist very well with wind turbines, and that windfarms provide

    an opportunity to improve local habitats and ecology. At Whitelee

    Forest we are working closely with landowners, including West of

    Scotland Water and Forest Enterprise, to restore eight square

    kilometers of forestry to moorland, to restructure the remaining

    forest, and to provide more diverse and attractive habitats for local


    Recreational improvements

    We have taken into account the views of local people and

    incorporated plans for improved access via a new network of

    footpaths, cycleways and bridleways. These are being designed to

    maximise recreational opportunities while simultaneously

    respecting the privacy of nearby residents. The plans also include a

    visitor centre providing information and displays on renewable

    energy and sustainable development.

    Artists impression of Visitor Centre

  • 8/9/2019 White Lee Wind Farm Information Leaflet


    Recreation/Access Network

  • 8/9/2019 White Lee Wind Farm Information Leaflet


    Windfarm operation and communities

    ScottishPower has eleven windfarms operating successfully in

    diverse areas throughout the UK and Ireland. Windfarm

    development is a long-term commitment and we play an integral

    part in the communities in which we operate. The company has

    set up community or sponsorship funds at all of these windfarm

    sites. These benefit local communities by supporting projects of an

    environmental, educational or charitable nature. A similar fund will

    be established for communities here.

    Public opinion

    Public attitudes to windfarms consistently show the majority of

    people favour wind energy. Recent Scottish Executive research

    found that most residents living close to windfarms do not

    experience any problems, and that problems anticipated before

    construction did not materialise.

    Responses to a survey carried out this summer during the public

    exhibitions around the proposed Whitelee Windfarm mirror thesefindings. Around 65 per cent of visitors who filled in a questionnaire

    were in favour of this site for a windfarm. Only 11 per cent were

    against, and the remainder were undecided.

    Some 150 people have accepted our invitation to visit an operational

    windfarm and to see and hear it for themselves. It is hoped this will

    allay any apprehensions people may have. Visits will be organised

    within the next few weeks. Please contact us if you missed the

    exhibitions and would like to take part in these visits.

  • 8/9/2019 White Lee Wind Farm Information Leaflet


    Planning application and next steps

    The planning application and Environmental Statement have been

    submitted to the Scottish Executive by CRE Energy (a wholly owned

    subsidiary of ScottishPower responsible for windfarm development).

    The application will now be considered by the Executive and local

    authorities, together with representations from local people and

    other consultees before a decision is made.

    Local opinion is important and you are invited to submit yourcomments in writing to the Scottish Executive. You should also

    copy any correspondence to your local authority. To assist you,

    contact details are provided on the back page of this leaflet.

    ScottishPower will be holding further exhibitions in the local area

    and details will be made available once these are confirmed. In the

    meantime, the full Environmental Statement and a Non Technical

    Summary are available for you to view at council offices andlocations as follows:

    East Renfrewshire Council, Eastwood Park,

    Rouken Glen Road, Giffnock

    South Lanarkshire Council, Civic Centre, East


    East Ayrshire Council , 6 Croft Street ,

    Kilmarnock Kilmarnock, Dick Institute Library, Elmbank


    Newmilns, Newmilns Library, Craigview Road

    Newton Mearns, Mearns Community Library,

    McKinley Place Eaglesham, Eaglesham Community Library,

    Montgomery Hall

    Darvel, Darvel Post Office, 15 East Main Street

    East Kilbride, East Kilbride Central Library,

    Olympia Shopping Mall Strathaven, Strathaven Library, Glasgow Road

    If you have any further questions about the

    proposals, or wish a copy of the Non Technical

    Summary, please contact:

    Debbie Harper


    Strategic Transactions

    Cathcart Business Park

    Spean Street

    Glasgow, G44 4BE

    Tel 0141 568 4418/4419

    Fax 0141 568 4499

    email [email protected]

  • 8/9/2019 White Lee Wind Farm Information Leaflet


    Proposed Whitelee Windfarm development

    Contact details for responses to planning application

    Please address any correspondence on the proposals to the Scottish

    Executive and copy it to your local planning authority at the

    addresses below. ScottishPower also welcomes the opportunity to

    respond to any issues you may have and our address for

    correspondence is repeated below for your information.

    Scottish Executive

    Energy Branch 1

    Meridian Court

    5 Cadogan StreetGlasgow

    G2 6AT

    East Renfrewshire Council

    Planning and Development ServicesEastwood Park

    Rouken Glen Road


    East Renfrewshire

    G46 6UG

    South Lanarkshire Council

    Enterprise Resources

    Civic Centre

    East Kilbride

    G74 1AB

    East Ayrshire Council

    Department of Development Services

    6 Croft Street


    KA1 1JB


    Strategic Transactions

    Cathcart Business Park

    Spean Street


    G44 4BE