white house special files box 53 folder 1 · 2018-07-17 · richard nixon presidential library...

Richard Nixon Presidential Library White House Special Files Collection Folder List Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 53 1 01/16/1960 Memo Nixon - The Statesman. Biography of RN as Vice President. 3pgs. 53 1 04/21/1960 Memo From Rita Hauser to Bob Finch and Peter Flanigan. Re:Organization of Scholars for Nixon and Committee of the Arts for Nixon.. 2pgs 53 1 01/16/1960 Report Nixon- The Statesman.Biography of RN as a vice president. Copy. Not scanned. 3 pgs 53 1 4/21/1960 Memo From Rita E. Hauser, to Bob Finch anc Peter Flanigan RE: Organization of "Scholars for Nixon" and "Committee of the Arts for Nixon." Copy. Not scanned. 2 pgs 53 1 n.d. Memo Advisory Group Scholars for Nixon. List of names includuing their school and department. 2 pgs 53 1 n.d. Memo Advisory Group Committee of the Arts for Nixon. List of names and their affiliated organization. 1 pg Tuesday, August 14, 2007 Page 1 of 6

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  • Richard Nixon Presidential LibraryWhite House Special Files CollectionFolder List

    Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description

    53 1 01/16/1960 Memo Nixon - The Statesman. Biography of RN as Vice President. 3pgs.

    53 1 04/21/1960 Memo From Rita Hauser to Bob Finch and Peter Flanigan. Re:Organization of Scholars for Nixon and Committee of the Arts for Nixon.. 2pgs

    53 1 01/16/1960 Report Nixon- The Statesman.Biography of RN as a vice president. Copy. Not scanned. 3 pgs

    53 1 4/21/1960 Memo From Rita E. Hauser, to Bob Finch anc Peter Flanigan RE: Organization of "Scholars for Nixon" and "Committee of the Arts for Nixon." Copy. Not scanned. 2 pgs

    53 1 n.d. Memo Advisory Group Scholars for Nixon. List of names includuing their school and department. 2 pgs

    53 1 n.d. Memo Advisory Group Committee of the Arts for Nixon. List of names and their affiliated organization. 1 pg

    Tuesday, August 14, 2007 Page 1 of 6

  • Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description

    53 1 n.d. Letter Form letter: Scholars for Nixon. Invitation to join Scholars fo Nixon and support the RN for president. Includes a questionnaire. 2 pgs

    53 1 n.d. Memo To All Speakers of Nixon For President Committee, from James M. Reynolds inviting speakers, especially club presidents, to an indoctrination meeting for speakers. 2 pgs.

    53 1 04/19/1960 Memo Visit to Parkersburg, West Virginia. Rita Hauser's notes from a meeting with a YR Club in West Virginia. 1 pg

    53 1 n.d. Report Natural Resources- Public Works- Atomic Energy. Listing what RN thought and actions taken on the subjects listed in the title. 4 pgs

    53 1 n.d. Report Natural Resources- Public Works- Atomic Energy. Listing what RN thought and actions taken on the subjects listed in the title. Copy. Not scanned

    53 1 n.d. Report Natural Resources- Public Works- Atomic Energy. Listing what RN thought and actions taken on the subjects listed in the title.Copy. Not scanned

    53 1 n.d. Report Veterans. Listing what RN thought and actions taken on the subject of veterans. 2 pgs

    Monday, July 23, 2007 Page 2 of 6

  • Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description

    53 1 n.d. Report Housing. Listing what RN thought and actions taken on the subject of housing. 2 pgs

    53 1 n.d. Report Taxation. Listing what RN thought and actions taken on the subject of taxation. 3 pgs

    53 1 n.d. Report Economic Policy. Lists RN's thoughts and actions taken on economic policy. 4 pgs.

    53 1 n.d. Report Miscellaneous Items. RN's actions on statehood of Hawaii and Alaska, presidential succession, government reorganization, civil service and D.C. home rule.

    53 1 n.d. Report Education. Lists RN's thoughts and action taken on the subject of education. 2 pgs.

    53 1 n.d. Report Defense. Lists RN's thoughts and actions taken on defense. 3 pgs

    53 1 n.d. Report Civil Rights. Nixon's words and actions on the subjects of civil rights. 2 pgs

    Monday, July 23, 2007 Page 3 of 6

  • Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description

    53 1 n.d. Report Nixon- The Man. Biography of RN from childhood to young manhood. 2 pgs

    53 1 n.d. Report Nixon In Politics. Biography of RN's political life. 2 pgs

    53 1 n.d. Report Refugee Relief and Immigration. List of RN's words and actions on refugee relief and immigration. 1 pg

    53 1 03/30/1960 Memo To Bob Finch, from Rita E. Hauser. Discussion re: anti-Nixon sentiment among Jews. 1 pg

    53 1 n.d. Report Foreign Policy. Lists RN's words and actions taken on the subject of foreign policy. 6 pgs

    53 1 03/14/1960 Memo From Rita E. Hauser to Peter Flanigan and Bob Finch RE: Organization of Local Committees of the Arts and Sciences for Nixon. 5 pgs

    53 1 n.d. Memo To Leonard W. Hall, Robert Finch and Robert Halderman, from Rita E. Hauser. RE: Meeting with Arthur F. Burne- Feb. 1, 1960. Attached to previous. 2 pgs

    Monday, July 23, 2007 Page 4 of 6

  • Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description

    53 1 01/26/1960 Memo To Leonard Hall, Robert Finch and Robert Haldeman, from Rita E. Hauser. RE: Academic Support for Nixon. Attached to previous. 4 pgs

    53 1 01/25/1960 Memo To Leonard Hall, Robert Finch and Robert Haldeman from Rita E. Hauser. RE: Lawyers for Nixon Committee. Attached to previous.1 pg

    53 1 03/09/1960 Memo To Peter Flanigan, Bob Finch and Rita E. Hauser. RE: Organization of Independents and Democrats for Nixon. Attached to previous. 3 pgs

    53 1 n.d. Report Report on Trip to Virginian and North Carolina March 31-April 4, 1960. To Bob Finch, Peter Flanigan and Bob Haldeman, from Rita E. Hauser. 4 pgs

    53 1 n.d. Newspaper Newspaper article: …Voting Preference Poll, by Horace Sebastian. Newspaper name unknown. Attached to previous. Not scanned.

    53 1 04/01/1960 Newspaper Articles from newspapers. Richmond Times-Dispatch: U. Va. GOP Hears Nixon Review. Roanoke Times: UVA Young GOP Holds Session. Attached to previous. Not scanned.

    53 1 04/04/1960 Letter To Rita E. Hauser, from John Dalton RE: appreciation for her attendance at a Young Republican Club meeting. Attached to previous. 1 pg

    Monday, July 23, 2007 Page 5 of 6

  • Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description

    53 1 n.d. Newspaper Newspaper article: Today and Tomorrow, by Walter Lippmann. Attached to previous. Not scanned

    53 1 01/1960 Newspaper Page from North Carolina Young Republican News. Attached to previous. 1 pg

    53 1 03/09/1960 Memo To Peter Flanigan and Bob Finch, from Rita E. Hauser RE: Organization of Independents and Democrats for Nixon. 3 pgs

    53 1 03/10/1960 Memo To Peter Flanigan and Bob Finch, from Rita El Haldeman. RE: Youth Panels for Nixon. Attached to previous. 3 pgs

    53 1 03/15/1960 Memo To files, from Rita E. Hauser. RE: Talk to YR Club of Montgomery County, Maryland, Monday March 14, 1960. Attached to previous. 1 pg

    53 1 03/14/1960 Memo To Peter Flanigan and Bob Finch from Rita E. Hauser. RE: Organization of Local Committees of the Arts and Sciences for Nixon. Attached to previous. 5 pgs

    Monday, July 23, 2007 Page 6 of 6

  • Sia.. hi. .lee'loa \0 ottl.. •• __ •••0Dd .,....., '1'1.. ,.••ld.n' t. hl.~OlT, Itx. :baa .de the po.t • -3- _11l \he ......~a'. •• ha the ,t.. ,...14_.,. s..,•• t\lll.ts.- job nth .1p1t1oa.t d td.• 0.4 1.Mnadoaal NI]tG.lb111tl... . M ••Dho.. ... ItsoB both .u.... that 'be .....4 ... 1. .. A..Sat....U. Ihould be .bl. t • .a .....~ the "',id...,. . ftqulH4 ..4 tlU the ...poulblUtl•• or .ttl.. v1th _o"le 4 .JdU ba••• OQ 41..1' .zptt.l•••••

    •• ,"aiel••' a..Dho.r ••_4 in P.bnaPJ, 19S? t

    "I beUe.. that; It 1. alae., I1lov'S.q lD41tte"D•• to tiM wUue ot . ...1 peopl., l1Il1••• 7ft~ the 'fl 14••t .*H of .... .. 'hat 1. 1°1-. OIl•••Be 1Ihn14 be •• ,..pareelthat 1a .... of ..,. he 1. ".cIJ to ".p SA 111 ' &11.7 lD'M2'nptl••

    11.. ,...14ea' .1xoD. N,pea••4 by ••71.....

    "A. a nnl' ., tlbe ....l".t'••••1.1•• til the .'kr of thAt Yl.. PM.14••." the '1'1......14...' ... a_ • poU.,.•• maJdq 1000bllN.U. t. \he AdJd.U•••ttOll."

    tmu. 1••441'1_ to Id. oOll.tl.tlonal 4v.tt•••• Pr••14.n' ot the _te, IUoD baa be14 UIe to1.101d1aa pe.l'l•• wIa10h ha•• SI... hla vid••xpe.t.... III -7 ••pe." ot the Go.........,.

    1. CDlaS.Na:a. PNat ". 0.-1.,te. OIl Bqa.alOppor1ra1••de , C , •• !b1. ~'t••..ek. t ••11wiDate lal .Dd ..Up- 41••I'IJd..\l.. la ..•ap1.,..' pellel.. fd tbu han..e.tr.,'a vi'll the ••""1 tWr.~.'.

    III "'7. 19~f .1ua ..u.4 OIl 26 ••••••1 a i •• , ••.., hrPtbe. CIo••I'_' ......,. ,. tlftut )'Pae'tet tal 41.R1Jd.... '101l.

    2. ~. cabS••• 0-'-".... 171••s,.tJtUtJ , .......s.. ClrO'lRlt.. A. tM tiUe _"" 'hi. hlp·le..l 0-1,•• 1. .....4 td. th atMdJ'1aa tM uas.• ..... ..4 \hea a411l1 t • .....ta1D laer 4 pHeba.tin", ..d a .table cl.U.... It ha., t. 1Ihe ,.., two 'J8ar'Jlaaua .....al HpoI'" of ..... •••pe. ~ M. vwJr Oil thi' a~t •• I1U1l hu pl.ae4 INa' 1••lpt 1••• .u .., • .-pledtle, ., AMpt•• ' a e.."GIIl'•

    .3. MeUeI' ot 'he 1.'tou1 ....1'7 0...11. !hi. 0..011 1. o'bIlPpd v1t1l n1ll1aa AMplo.'. «et.a.. ...41 and, i :Pal,tfdllBBl.ttnc the ba.te pa".~ ot ..•-tJt7" tor.till "la,t... t. 'he al».ellM of the ,...1e1••' ••IXOD pHal... OftI' the '.'lou1 1.-.r1~ 0...011 Jut •• ha eloe••••• oabtu' ••'iIlS'.

    4. .....r, e-s.••tn .. bU••I_ ot the 11. s. capttol.

    s. Heabep, 01nl Wu O..HllId.•l O~••tOD. 6. MoUe., 10..4 .t Res••'., 8Id.~01daa


  • -2

    1. b-ottt.. _aNlt, Lt••Olll s••,lI1...tn.1l1.10-s.••1_. In .441tlo11, lixon fr• .,.."t1., .1t. 1. 01l O.blu' d.Uber

    tl•• Ul4 take. Ul ••'1" par' 1a the ppo...U ....

    !he ftl'U of tU expel'l•••o aalu. b, 11xoa ao....4 1, ••u __a the "'.ldea' Rtt•••• • JIl14 ••oJce OD. I ........ 26, 19S? .lull _a' to tlh.e Vb1M _.. alld wol'ked \be.. Vith -"I" of the .tart tOIt .....I'al ..,.., oa .o..aMr 21 be '0. put t", the 1apeno,4001.1n • pt' tal. thor an. "'pl'-!' ai••l1.. late pn....tl_. Wh.n CODpe•• ooal. aot .IN. OIl the GnU_I•• a4•• tddeh· \he ''l•• ,.••1••' alunt14 ••_ h11 •••peD.lbl11", toUG1d.q • pIIJ.loa1 ••t ...baek 1JT the be.l".!l a.•••oweJl' a. 11xoD ... t. _hi.'orl• ...._at _ Jlutoh 3, 19:JO. at••pte_ll' pztOYi4.d __, ttle 1'1•• PH.lde.' V01Il4 ••n ••• ,nl., ,...14.l1t llpoD •• "'du"t-. requ.t .4 WOIl14 _.'lIm. to ••rY. tmtl1 the tN.14.' ••teftl1u4 hi. 41••bl11'., ha4 ••eled.

    Beoau•• ot Ilxoa'. !apoI'taat pol.....e.4 lit 0_,,4, ~ ,...14.., ba•••ke4 II.. to .....1 .xkulftl1 u Iall pe.l..l a.1.1U7 1. 01'4.1' '0 • ...-sr. f'11'.t-lwl4 la1crvl ot __ weP14 ...a.. • 1XOD •• tN"l.4 to nft 0.t1.a'••4 t. S6 ,pt••, ..4 ha. bee_ • ~eputed 1._natl_1 11~...11-ao.. w the ••4. .t SOYa....., ot .Ime., .11 _ ~..._1•• ot ,,_14.

    Ilzoa hal .d. ~ toUevlal otttol.1 t.lp••1.....'.111Ina the 1'1.. fIt••ldft.,.

    19S3 Up.Ill..., ••••11., BuM, Cudte4l.,eo,.1_, Po"'••, BOD' x..., IJa41.,lad...la, INIa, l.pall, E••••, r.o.,LUI,.. Kal.7&, ..... Z••1.aa4, 01d._.,Pakl.taa, !he rtd11pp1•••, !hall•• an4 n ....

    19$5 Co.ta 11.., Caba, DD11do•••,.'011., B1 1&1••4., __1., Baltt, BoadU'••, HUloo, .1 _ .ad 'a_

    19$6 Au.bt., Jbaas11, JI....... QeNaD.J'. 1..1.4, Pald..taIl, '!he Ph11Ipplta••, Spatn.!'.ball.... taPke., aD4 ft.,_ W.llt ,. A...l. 1. DeHlllter, 19S6, a•• pe••oDal "PH.....t1ft fit the ,".t4.., to ••q \he p.'l•••, \he .....lan••....r.g... aDd '0 .......n. ".p. ,. •••1.'

    19$7 ftb1opl•• Oh•••• IM1,.. Llb.ri., LlbJa. Horo._o, Sa""', !md..i.... 11_4&

    19S8 10....1'1....4-11111 , .. • t Latt. '-'rlo&• • boll .t C••DlI! .t-ll1apl......... •batl... 1D. '.ft ad .,.__1&, ..4 a••• Vith ft. t.nt __, the ,...lel••' 0 ,.al..4 hIa ffll' hi .

    19S9 JIl.tol'l. n.tt , .....1. 1Q17 22 t • ......, 2. 11xol1 had .o••r.l talk.... clebate. V1~ Iort.t rr-t•• IbN.".,aJl4 .cte '110 -J.. .pe... to the lerri.' people. OIl hi•••tura heM, hen.t... 'olaD4 rr_ A"P.t 2 to AUSU.' S.


  • -3

    11Xft'. 'bJlOacl _sperl•••••• ft.. b ••l ••ltt botdl 111 ",.UIlI with , ...'1••'.1" an4 la Hpr....'illl AMrtea abroad haft pJ-oap\e4 the tol1owS.q ...-at. ab..t him b7 1••41.. "."_.,

    Ma, D. UDDOWD.

    "!hen 1. DO MIl b the hl.,01'7 .t AMpl_ •• baa ba4 no .....tul pHpapatl_ ... hal n •• Pr••lu., wta_ tv ....., las .., 1lhe tv.tl•• ot the '".1•••.,." 1t that at, 1luN.14."1' tall "poD bbl.· • •••••••• hal Ulan Ne•• 'fl.. b ••14..t •• wU ••p ••4 la .-' a.t1ntl•• ot IOftnMa'. lIbaM.,.•••41..'1_ to _~, 101&1\7 ... ,.vtott_" 0" INat a1l1U'I en •• t. "pl••• Molt lboa viII " ......4 that I .ow.

    IBLIOB locunu;;n.

    "All .t u 1. tiM Adata1.tnt1ea are ,.n4. lad•••, .t Uae Job 7ft ha...........1111 'PalJ' 4lttlftlt -7', ..4 ... p_4 to be a••••l wi. 7- •• t1le lea'•••• 1• .....,s.q OIl la the JI:N.l"••". .It...... ''

    PUIIDDf BIS_Ova t

    "_ 7RI' .st.Il.1.... tr•••l. 7ft haft ••n of 1••, ...111• ..nt.. to the ~ fd St•• a4 to _. Ia a441tl0 7ft ha......laod IJl tad1ll1 .t 0111' tOl'.llD pro"l... that 1. Httl1Ul1llUl a•••.-pNM••l ••• •


    wDloJr 1. the be.t pe••oa 1M haft, ..t.t4• • t the ,.••14eat hlaa.1t" top OY•••••• l"4-vlU 1Il••Sou. I ...1' .OW &071»..,. .0 ...tt••tt..l, ..,..•••t. abPoa4 tIM be.,qul1tl•• ot awl.., ..4 \h. Jda4 ot ..al..'loa -. the 14••1. .t O\U' uti_ 1Ib1oh u..... _4. l' ".pe.....,,4.cbd.Nd.·


    "'rev .,. haft ...,17 1IrpH•••• the pabu.. rev per.eaalt'J' that ot .,.. ""'8' vtt. hal 'ao' Oft.'

    . til .. VOIldel'ttll VIl7.

    SIR vnrStoW CJl'UR1IIILL.

    -It I -., ..., •• .,... n.l' ,. \hi••_v, , ........4 baa \111 t\1PtbeJt 01... trl••d. ah1p with tile Va1h4 Sta••••

    Bixoa hlaa.1t n.v. the ottl.. of th. In.lda.' '04&7 i. 'betol1ovlq __....

    ·Ia t.ba 160.-.18 ••dt151_ '0 Jruvl.... of the 1....., 1a ••41tl.. to ua4•••taa4lD. of ...14 .ltat••, i. addlttea to the H.l••~lUt7 ...., .., l ••dep ••, ha•• t •••1a nppwt t hl. poUol••-.'M "Jtl... people .... b h •• ....1 In aD ..140.t. _ *0 hal al.n... .. 000,._ ... 100

    ..... hal., the Maptau.. (..4 tM \eap.tlou Win tbe. be INa') _ si.... the .ppe&ra1l•• ot 1••4.plhl, tuu." hi••pea1d.al ..t -7 ..,.tt • ehatll ot .1r ~, 110\114 ,.. 41•••tnu to the ...1. ¥Opl4. 80 I VO\\l4 _ ...t;bat \Ile...... aN l ••ti t w. ~b1e. ot 1•••I'ah1p aot be t ..led bJ the .r: J t;ba, De7 look be.,_. 'he ........, the tlaaboJ'a •.,. ,.t... u4 --I 1..k n., 'e .., 1•••oapll.... III that ...,..\ UdaJr __ • _" .........ppral••1 ot•••l.aae.ab1p.

    .... Ooat .. JIt . I...." 16, 1960

  • II

  • ...2


    SOHOLARS POR I I x 0 )(


    lo.eph kplu

    Prote••or Rabl (1Iobel Prill' wi...)

    s. Deaa J. Donald Robb (R.~ .aMida. top Coa&H")

    aa-.l leal. ( PullU.er wiDJl8l')

    De.n Robert S\cnteJ'

    8. tall.Pene. Oftlel

    9. Alan V.llia

    10. Deane W. Malott (,"a14.nt ot lhllftztaS.ty)

    11. I.... Polla.k eObal1"11&D ot :Departaent)

    12. Pau BeQet

    13. 1_. ne....D8 ( .'".0)

    14. Dean :11vlD R. La,,,, rs, Sbal-a Baron

    eeNtatal'ldlIlS levi.ah ~,.....)


    OollU1bla. Ifev York att7

    BaP'ftJl'd Law Soboel CJaabpl4p, * •••oh\\8e",

    11. O. L. A.

    Oolwabla, Be" York 01ty

    0011... ot Pille Art. Unl..ralt7 ot Xev Mesio. Al1Mq\lerqu. , xew Menoo

    Yale .ev Ka•••, 0.....'1..'

    s. H. U. Dall•• , 'hu.

    Pre.leleD'. Culeton Oolle.. lf01'thf"ielcl, Ml..a.ta

    VD1Yepalt7 ot Chi••so COPDell I_ha••, ••" York

    vat.,.!'llt,.. ot Mloh1pn Aml ubor, JU~_



    ".lear Phy.lo.



    Pe11tloa1 Soleno.

    W.ah1~ a"... 'O'rllftJ'ltt7 O.'''.f'JDI8l'1' PBl1uI1, Wad.lqtOl1

    XOItsall state 0011... MarJ'1and

    Duke Lav Soh001 lonh CuoliD.

    Col1lDlbla, ••v York at_

    11••41 ot tir.t .epo O.llt.sa tflJ' Politi... Po~r lDU1"D&llat


  • !be tir.' tinen U._. "pre'.Il' .., 601... ..•• aN wcpa-.4 other _.1

    1_. Pat1. ..., Baaer, III Pr.a14nt. WI1U... o.nep B....U. WiUi...,... Ma.......".

    2. ltlUua 8••"_ M. I. f. kl-oh1 te.... ~t4... Ka...oh..o't.

    3. Ml1,"- PH~ 'O'1l1ftr.tt., of Cb.1oap 8..11.-1••

    4.. PInal .&418" Vldftl"::I ot 8oU~.. I'D".....'i..1 caUl a Aft.b,

    s. Bd.var4



    1. ...... ~47, Ph11aclelphla 0Hhe•••

    2. PHcleriok A. KlUer, Cl....lua4 I••'lft_ of APt

    3. :Idvar4 D. a_OIl., •." Yuk 01'7 AHhite.' 4. l'oPlll&a l.-kwel1, Ma••aelm••"., arti.,

    s. a.l.D •• W.v York."'" ..be.. 6. B.~ Ma••e,.. O.....'ln.', ••tor

    7. _.1 0014wJ'B. CalltoPll1., tlla pro•••r

    8. V.lter 71ctaeOl1, O&lltorD1., ••tor

    9. S.... • 'evart, C.l1rOPa1a, aotop

    10. Itobert M..t..-P1,

  • l'OlIK LBftBR

    SOKOLAK' 'OR I r X 0.••doaal crMlNU.t (W_) Co.Chd.nat (W..)

    ...... ot ,be .l4'Yl...,."'p ._ aDd

    "stOll "-Uov'''lart

    t'M eN_.. r4 \be fOPilbec.. PN.14..Ual .lee.... baa pe.' aip1tie... t. Ulo•• vb.o aN ..i'aU,. 0 __ M'Netl with ... ..nn. Mall..... f ••las both ...ri_ .Dd ~ PP.. WoP14. Ma7 or u, Ulce 7OUP..1t, ha...stfttl .. tit. ad _.aldeNtl_ to .. "'sl4eD'la1 eholoe. Aftel' tIsoroql1l7 a.4J1.q 1rbe baokp01lll4, .sperlell... abtUtl•• u.d ph11••opb:J fd , et the 18.4188 _.todefl', t han ....1••4 , l10hud H. 1flaoD _.pa .a 'be .a' oatste.a41q tt vi. -.tDea' ..11tl••'lou tOJ! the "'ll4ellq.

    2. help hi. n.,Ol"J' Ulla tall, ....J'tll ot UI haft t 4 • SoholaPa t-. Biz. OJ I IS tte. or utloul ...,.. ou taak 11 , ...11•• nPJOr'i t'fW lIla_ UIOIlC a w14.....'ot ••olut., a*' .. 1fft1d Uke ,. ,. be a pu' or thia ..tlo-.l lebolaP. to.. Wuoa C-s.\\e•• Yeu _...1 parit...,.'1.. al_ will belp ...""at 0-''' t_ W1zeD, ao4 d.n.1d "CN han the ,be aD4 luUDaU.OQ 1M ~ w1.... Jem- tal••' •• J'OV 1••••,aDd ,.... VGPJr _ wu.'. Mutt. YCN an 1-.1.4te ,.1. __ Ieholua t.1ftua c-s.t-.. an. we 4. Nall•• that Ptps..1 .. 10eal 1'0'U'I..1 ldeR"... a,. ...... ,... .. vt* ,. clef.1I Jol1dac ..'11 attep __ 01... .t el__• thAt DeMoNtt. OP ••pabU... 0.....\1.... !'o ••sl.' .. lteiZ ill Jaaowl.. 'YfIflf' pnl••' .. ,...... 1....'1... .. _11 a. tile este., aa4 Jd.d or Hnl.. r: Ill_, wi... """2' III tbe eaapalp. .... an ... oat a t01"ll 1dt1oh .. _po ,._ vJ.l1 till 0\\' aa4 N.... a. •• po..t"1•• we of the Sob.ele. tor J1.zoD eo..t,," ......17 t ..1 that; tbe ••tl_ W1xoIa a.....14••', aad MP. Jtxoa,la NiN:ra, , nppoJ-' to aUt... that om••• ...,. - ooua" OD. JO\l'

    81a.....l,. 7G\1P••

    B.B. !be ... le'~.J11 voalcl be ...4 tv "'- Ar" tor It.. CUlt_u..' tw., wi\h- appropftate ...... 1D VM _. tbreqbcN.t.

  • ---Ple••• NturD to, Re&l_l Chat....'. _ Addre••


    (Ple.. all X 1Ia \lie A. Jillll8&ltI1lIP D SCHOLARS POI. IIXO•• apppoprla" .paM)

    Y.. 10 1. I vla to jolll ... Ooad'te. DOV. 2. I pPetet- \0 ....t.t- jol1dq l1Iltl1 af'eJ'

    the aepabUoatl OODftDtlOft•

    .3. I PHt.t- to dett.tt ~:c un'11 atwl' the ».me...'l. . tlon.

    4.. t do 1l0\ dab \0 jolD. .. Coaai,.. at all.

    B. BUB1ft' OY PARfICIPAtIOli

    1. JI1 ... all" 'UaS.YV.ltJ aft111.\toa _., belIM. P'lbUe17. 2. I VO\lld l1ke to .peak to loeal 1PfN))8•

    .3. I 110\114 l1b t ••••1.' loe.l Blu. 'fol__•• _oup. ".,.

    a. vaftlq ...rial .. Mapa1... 1..... b. helplaa ..pal 111•• e. WpD1H" 1.' .011....boa ....p.

    01l .,. eu:pu

    4. Otlwl' (pl.... U.') I


    1. I. 70\1r oplD1on. vh1eh lana v111 be ot IN•••' .lpin..... 18 tba "'.ldeattal NaJNllp'

    2. I 1fCN1d lib ta:t~tloll OD the tol1oviq "pl••• (pl•••• 11.')

    .3. • tol1ow1q book. ar......llable '1. 01' ., lov ...ti. aa4n.... ....k tho.. • ••1 .tate 1D __t quaDtl"'.

    Earl Xuo. RIeBOD lItXOW Ralpll de 1'olectaao. nm..1_. hosh. !HIS II I'IXOlf

  • NOTE: To Club Presidents.

    Since it is quite probable that many of you have been or

    will be asked to speak, you may find this meeting of interest to

    you. You will be most welcome. Please make reservations with

    Barbara Secour DU 8-1107.


    THOMAS P. PIKE MEMO Southern California Chairman




    From James M. Reynolds, chairman

    Welcome to the Speakers' Bureau. I am certainly pleased that you are going to serve on the Speakers' Bureau of the Nixon For President organization.

    I am sure that a majority of thinking Americans will agree with us that Dick Nixon's qualifications and training for the office surpass partisan politics. It will be up to us, the speakers, to see that the message is carried far and wide.

    In order that we may all be thoroughly prepared to do our best, we have arranged an indoctrination meeting for speakers. I hope you will all make every effort to be with us.

    We will meet at dinner in the Green Room at Rodger Young Audrtcrium, 936 West Washington Boulevard, 7 p.m., Thursday, April 28. Dinner will be $4.00, including tax and tip. Please call Barbara Secour, DUnkirk 8-1107 to let her know whether or not you can make it.

    Cocktails may be ordered from the waitress in the Green Room beginning at 6:30.

    * * * * * * * *


    Ike called him BEST PREPARED!* ~1I1-


  • ;1 . :h! . .' / /. : ! . "' ..;;( rlf.· _ i..>t--v·.' I r


    MIllO P'OR ,.. PILES

    ~t VISIT to PARDRSIlJRCJ, VB8'- vtRtJIIll

    HI'lA E. J1Avsn



    WI b.ll••• ~t the part••rablp OODC.pt ••• 1•• prop.ro... I b.ll••• th., It I w.r. to adopt a rule ot thUlb on a .••1'7 ouapl.x 1.au. It would be thl., '!'hat the 'OWl' .howd be d•••loped b,. that 10.tltuKoD 'tIIb.loh .an r.ad.r the

    t. t '.1'.10. to the p.opl. at ~. love.t prl0.. Wow In lome .t..... thl. "7 b. p1'l..,. povwr, In .~ 1••tafto•• It ..,. lo.al, publ10 power, 18 oth.r In.tanoo. It ..,. bo the t.d.ral g•••na-Dt. But woe••r on &ad will prott'" It In the ~.t .ftl01.nt val at the love.t co.t abould pro.1d. It. In .., oplll1~, aDd I r.all•• that MI'Q' do not _.har. 'hI., to b.coae i.YODt~ in theor.tlcal traum-a', about 'the relatl.e ..rlt. p.r •• of publl0 power aDC1 prl.ate power, 1. not partloularlJ productl... I b.ll••• the impol',..t thlag 1. to get proje.t. 08 their va,. - aDd tIb.re the ted.ral go••rameot aaa 40 tbe job ..d vill do It .cr••ttlcl.nt17 or b.t'.r ~ prl..te pov.1', ~.Q the t.d.ral go••ra..at .hould do It.w

    ••va oonr.reDo., Sur_ato, Calif. Pebruarr 17. 1960

    WID a aut.hell, It tho uat\ed 8tat•• 1. to r.tala It. a~.tl'l•• po.ltl08 la tbl. world .oonomioall,., a' vel1 a. te '1'..,14. adequ.t.l,. tor the De.... ot our laor.a.las popula.tlon we ha.. to cODtlaue to appropriate t.d.ral tun4, tor tho•• proj••t. vb1ah ••aDot b. ua4.rtak•• b•••us. of ~.lr .1•• bJ prl.a'. Int.r••t. or b7 looal or b7 .tat. lat.r••t •• That ha. b.e. ., pollo7 10 the pa.t aa4 vill ooatlaue to be ia the tutur••w

    .9!••tl0Ilt Hr. )fixOll, ~ou aak. JOur .taDd ••FJ cl.ar ic r.gard. \0 •••1.taD.. tr.. th. to4.r.l go••ra.eat In d•••loplcS wat.r proje.t.. Vbat 1. rour po.ltlo. 1. r.gards to the,. proj.ct••tter ~.7 are tul 7 patd tor bJ lo.al intere.t.'

    4aa.rl It would. 0.rtalla17 .... 1. fmo.e la.tuo•• , wh... the 100&1 10\8re.t. the .M'., the iD41.1d.ual. CODO.rD.ct, who are beaetl.1arl•• ot the proj.ct, haft oOllpl.t.l,. r.1.IIbur.ed tho t.el.ral co.t., th.t the ooatrol 0 ••1' the tuM-. ot the prcJect .hould b. under 'bell' pr1maP7 r.,poD.ibilit,.. and under th.lr prlmar7 41.o..tloD.

    publics tOJ'18, Pre'DO, Callt. P.bru&r7 18, 19bO



    !h. A~Dt.tr.tioa adopt.d a progr.. tor th. 4•••lop..at ot '--rio.'. n.tur.l r ••oure•• through a partnerahlp coao.pt 18"1.iIl8 the oooperatloD aDd tada ot the Sta'•• , looal o,••uDlti•• , prl.... .o'erpri,. aad the Fecteral Go••~ot. It .p...o..4a vid. au.b•• ot proj••" UDd.r \bl. part..r.hipoOD••pt 1001u4iag ~ Upp.r Colorado proj.ot .uppl7188 power to tl•• • taM. tor. aultitwl. ot puJ-po'.', the Pr711l8 Pan

    Arkaa.a. ProJ.ot 18 Colorado ..d the oOD.truotion ot 4ama In Prl••t R.pid., Wa.hiagtoll, Xarkhaa PerFl, Oklahoaa, aa4 Coo.a 11••1", Alab_; th••• are but. t.v ot DUlDt .xuapl... .04 vb.r. It v•• de..a.t1'ated that pr1.at•••terprl•• waa abl. to do ~. job .tfloi.Dt17 &Dd at th. lovelt oo.t, .uoh •• 10 S.ll. CaD70a, ~. Adatal.tr.tioD appro••d the d..l.loD ot the P.deral Pow.r Co.-d••loa to p.~t prl••'e campanl•• to buil4 th. a.ed.d d....


    at. Lavreoo. Sea.al '!'he AdDdnl.tratlOD brought about \he auoc•••tu1 /

    oOHlu.lon at thr.. 4eo&4.. ot ettort to aohl... 'the St. Lavrencese.,va,. \hrough jolot part181patlcm with Cuada .. Dre481ft! werlf 1. 00. UD4er va,..

    T.. VSA ..

    Slaoe 1955, the 'r••ldeat ha. reo~D4.4 1.g1alatloD to authorl•• the sal. of r •••aUl boau b1 the f ••••••• Vall., Authorlt7 to pa7 tOI" tuture .xp..aloa ot power taol11t1•• Ina•• muoh a. the T.V.A. hal cleaoD.trateei ltl abl11t,. to .uppl, power at th. oh.ap•• ' ooat 18 the ar.a It ••r ....

    Vater Reaouro••

    The AdJIla1.vatloa haa .ach 7'U' uk.eI tor ooat1Dued tUDel. tor tlood ooatro1, ..a.lgatloD, Int.&tloD an4 r.lated aetl.1 tl.1 ourl.d. 011 b7 the Corpa ot Blagi••rl aa4 the Bureau of R.el_tl0.. ID the 1960 Budg.', the Ac1II1.1ltratlol1 414 Dot re,ue.t tund. tor .tartlag .e. ,,"r r ••ouro.1 proj.ot., tor l' telt that -, had b••a authopl••eI that were atil1 laoQIIP1... OD.e .ttort. vere _4. tha' ,.ear to tel'll1aate th••• proj••tl, the AdaiD1.tratlo8 oall.d tor luDell tor s1xD'" vater t-.IOur••1 proj.otl 1. tl••al ,.ear 1961.. Blzoa, 111 agr...."t v1th thl. poll07, Ita\8d the tol1owiDgt

    "'lbe aO-Gev-Itart po1107 ".1, I thlDk, louad ••• During the perl04 Wbe. tha ••ODGBJ a17.adl II golas a' a ...taua rat., Wb•• v. ha.. a 41ttloult budg., probl••, thea that I. ~. tl_ to tlDllh what hal al••a47 b••• It&1"te4 ••• We haft .1z Il.V .tut. ID the budget top 1961, _d. I .xpect ..r' t ot OOUP'•••• la the budg.'1 ahead.

    P.bruarJ 18, 1960

    Further plan. to deft10p wat.r r •••upe.1 are ourre.t11 UDd.r 00D.14.l'&tloo, b...4 OD 8AIl7 of the tl8410p ot ~. Cablll.t C~t'ee appolDte4 1. 1954 Wbi.h 0..-1'''. pr.pared the "It ooaq>r.he... l .. va'.r r ••ourc•• "Ud7 ."1' _el••

    Th. AdIIlDll""atloa al.o r.qu•• t.4 _4 r.o.l.e" tuad8 tor ....areh 10 the uea ot oODy.r'lag I.a VAter a"d br.okilh vater 10'0 t •••h vat.r) thi.......oh va. OODduot.d 00.,.ratl••17 with 1l0ll-p.4.ral group.. It hal DOW progr••••" to ~. pol.t whe.o ooal'ructlon 1. s.hedul.d to bes1a 'hl1 ,ear at Pr.eport, 'l.xa., OD a d8lO.1'.atloD pIa' for the oooft.lloa of Ie. va~r. Th. A~DI.'.atlOD r.que.t.d tUDela tor two ad41tloDal de_n.tratlon pln'. tor ua. III tl••al 7'" 1961.

    10 the are. of fl004 o..trol proJ.otl, tn. A~alltratl08 thl• .,.ar reque.ted 1egls1atloa to pro.l4e tor unltora ••• t .. sharing OD proj••tl pron41ag tloeel prot••ttoa b•••tlt.. At pr••••t, the ftII10UI p.el.ral ag'Dolel 18"1..4 op.ra'. WIder 41••r •• and cODtu.lag oo.t-aharlag Itudarcll. !he AdJIlal.tratloa woul4 r.quire that DOD-Ped.ral latere.t. g.ttlag tlood proteotloD b.ar at l.a.t 3~ ot the 001' and tna' the7 all~ the oOlt of op.ratloD aDd aalllte...O. ot luoh proj.ot••

    Ataa10 ED.rll

    Th. Adalal.tratloD aotl.e11 lought to .aoourag. prl.at. d••elop8ent ot atc.1c en.rgy tor d....tl0 u,. 07 .-kIng a.al1ab1e data aDd "oha18.1 ..111t&l108 to private companl.s.



    In 1956. the Ate.1c lD.rg7 Co.mm1••1on publi.h.doertaln ••leot.d intormatlon Oft th.~ouol ••r r.aotloQ. and authoris.d for .al. or le••• about $1 billl0. ot vul_ tor the produotlon ot power tor pea••tul purpoa.l. 'lb. 0--.1881_ alao a,proy.d the 00l1.t1'1I0tlO11 ot the tlrat larg.

    \~, leal. prlyat••t ..io power pleat. In th. Unit.d Stat••• 87 (}9"- lta7, 19S5, 294 .tOll1o r.aoMrl .er. bullt or ,.1..n.4, 81 ot

    -, whioh weI'. au! table tor pover or propulaiollJ thi. flgur.~ eODtr••t, with the t1D41118 of Ul. Ataio !lMrS7 C-s."loD \hat a. ot Dee_HI', 1952, DO ..Jor proJ.ot to ••hi..... aD lu4u.tr1al pov.r r••otor oou14 be found.


    !be Ada1al.tr.tloD r ......D4.d aD. Coagre•• act.d fayor.bl,. oa • propoaal to ••Ub11e. • Coal a•••arGh od Deye10paeDt C..s.a.l•• 1Ibloh baa ~ l".~oulbl1i'7 ot oal'rJiOg Oft r •••areh to 4•••10, a•• aDd mol'. .tt••ti.- u••• ot eoal ..d to r.duc. ~. ooa'a of productloD aDd di.tributlon.

    The Adm1D1.tratloD haa ,ropo.ed ..Jor ~Dlag 1.gl,.l.,loa but Coagr••a rerua.d to take aD7 actio. DO ••t.b11ahlag • loag-raDg. mia.rala pol107_ !b. AdB101.tratlOQ al.o requ••t.d aD ameDdaeat to the He11ua Act to 8IlooUl'qe prlftto 11ldutl'J' to fiDaDC., build aad op.rate plut. Whlch would make helium, •••4e4 for the ••tlooal 4eten.e, &Y&11.\)10 tor cOQa.nation b7 the Depu".' ot the Iat.rlor.

    ppograma for ....10Pl86 the P••our... ot ~. publl0 doma1D ha.. b.eD lnaugurated. Iade.d, r.o.lpt. trca the t1mb.r, gra.log and at••ral re.our... OD publio 1ucta are ••tluted \0 reaoh .....1' $400 1I11110D 1. tl••al 7.ar 1961. !hI. tllU" 1801u4••••••••• tr_ the at......1 1••••• graDtecl to prl••' •.•amp..l •• to drill OD th. Out.r CoatlDeDtal Shelf, 04 tolnerealr. turtlb.r th••• I"•••DU.~~. Adm1ai.tratlon r.e~Dded 1.81.l.tlioD to revl.. \be te. .oh.4ul. tor DODo..,.tlt1~. 011 and saa lea••• OD publio da.a1D lan48.


    Th. AdmlDl.tratloD ore.ted the poet ot A••l,tant Seol".t&rJ for Pl.h aDd W11411t. 10 the 10terlor Departmentand a44.4 59,000 aer•• to the P84eral Wildlife a.tug•• aDd 88,000 ao••, to oth.r wildlif. lud. b,. 1958. file .ahu.e. Mat of tim aad vl1d11f. .alue. wu ala. .-4. • .p.oific purpo.e of t~ 'Yarlou. water re.ouro.a proj.ot. tlDaDO_d t.dera11,.. Furthe~re, the Admiai.tratiOD ,po••ored the 1956 Aot which proyid.. that o.t proe••4. from the .al. ot 'the $3 P.4.ral duck .'tUIP b. u••d to aoquir. la41 for I.tioaal r.fug....

    .atlonal park8 ha.. be.n grea'l~ oxpaad.d and improv.d. with oy.r 685,000 .or•• add.d b7 1958. ADQual ~Rro,rl.tloD' tor \be latlonal Park S.rne. QOW come to o..r ~ a1111on. Th. Ada1l1i.v.~ioD h.. al.. uk.d Oo"gre.. to provide tor th. aoqul.1 tloft of uad.ftlopeel .hor. ar.a. for u.. ., oatlODal park., aDel haa e....aoed oOD8'ruetloD ot park:vAJ., roada aad tra11a la the natlO11a1 pU'k. aDd tor.at. a. well •• OD Indian laad.


    III 1947, IUxo1l Toted to ••tabll.h a lIatloDa1 HiDeral. a••ouro•• Di.t.10. within \be Departma., ot the 1"'.1'101" .., to oODtlaue the preal.. p:rlc. plan OIl oopp.r, l ..d aD4 slao tor two JlGr. ,..ar.. H. 1'ep••t.d thi. prea1\D1 pric. plu yot.18 1949 by pairlag .y••" tor the p•••age ot the ••tion.l Mlaera1. Aot ot 1949 vb10h ,rov14ed .ub.idl.. for tbe d...lopaeat ot Y1tal aia.ral r ••our..... lit the ar•• of public work.,

  • NATURAL ~r::SCT.1nC:·:; - Pt-"BL!C hiCfrI'\.::· - A1"':'~·UC i::N'~::~GY ra.f.:;e '.1

    Nixon in l Ci·'.7 vcted tor the t'"J3ltc:ration or a f-onate appropriation of ::1.1 million tort trarundsalcQ lin~j. in Orttgoo, aod in 19;,3 votod for an appropriation 01' ~··OQ million Q ,.flU for 19~:O..19S2 tor road buI1dln.~. on e matehlorl. bea1s wlt;h partle1patlQ~;.; Stat.~.. And f'rOZ!i IS:.:} co, NixoD opposedall cuts 10 funds ror the reclamation and pcwor activIties of the JDpar'tmGot er lat"rIo1' J 10 1 !11: 3, he voted reI' the revised I~elamatloQ bill.

    In 191~9" 11xoo voted for the Natural Gas Act Amendmeat which made clear that the Federal Power Ccra18810n had ot' Jurle.dlctloa over lndepor.adent gas producers Who dId I'1Ot have interstate pipelInes) Nixoo, along with the majori tyIn the HOU80, W8:'tt clear 1n their views that regUlation WI\8 hare reaerved to the State••

    !.f;'111e In the Senate, lUzon, 10 1952, opposed. matIco to reeo1!31 t the St. La:wenoe Seany bill. And that same 78U, ho voted for the tideland. bill clearl,. eratab.. liahing the ti tle of the States to eUln~,ar.£8d lands of the oont109ntal shelf whicb tl tle had lont~: been presumed to be in the States. Nixon bad vot4d for a e1ml1ar m$asurs In 1940. .

  • lboa'. Mal. n.". .. ~ nbJ••' of V.te.a. _n ._te. 1. 19$0 aDCl .'IU bold ... ....,..

    • •••t bell... \U' ....... Dal4 'be ~..... the toUevlIaI fou polahl

    1. R.Ula pnt.N'" .lp,. la _tnl HI'Y1 .1tUd...'I•••

    2. R.Ub d ••lp,. 1••1"1••m. .

    3.... •ttl.l.., ... fd all aft11a)1e " al Go••~.' heapltal apa.. &DCl ke.p .. ho.p1-.u••,t_ acI...... IUI.dleU. or U1e " .........lat•••tIt .

    4. R.ha'1. of _dial t te 1lOa-••PY1.......... ...... I Mlle u.•• an 'M _d••0 uaa, vlll be .. lowP1q of __ , .... • t MPY1.. '0 '1.'. VU' ..h ....... haft ~.i...•

    Le'•• ,. lIP. ....n 'eJIP1"........ O~,•• CIullrMn

    *"1., Oalltonl.

  • __ftI uxo. 'fOUl

    .lxoa.t ltl••U MftIl .t V..14 VaP II, !au noord ot nppon r n'•. I. 1947, he top as laON... b ,...lou .t I'paal..a_n C1Y11 Vu :nu aad tlaelr depe....,.. YOM« tor .·.uh ,.,...t of _l'Jd.aal le... el. , • ..... of ........ t ....., •••• t ......1.. t1SO 1111U••eIeu.'I.a1 !uNal.. 1_ 1IIl4.Jt __ PIll ,"IP.vldlll 1•• __ lM1k ot __ 1 _ba.tlO1\.tud. top ..tenaa "'1''''''' NDkl

    Ie 1948, fta_ ..... t • .. laeN UtalJdq__- ....j.lt pqto? t. beM 1 U_.. tor ".I'D' pvnlq h.11-t tnlalq 1M OX 8111 .t Rlp\a, tor .ddt'leaa1 '1_ ,. vi4 4 , • • t ..... or werl. V•• I t '1_1ad It aM YO•• top .. --..t ....tq A., •• JIIP..s.4e ........, .-at reP 1.... to" 1 ..4 prl••• 1'a-. '1_. .

    Ia 19k.9, .1bD tor _ laue... 1a WePl. 1IU I ........ DJ...'bl11_ 0.,. '1_ ,. U'be..u.. ,.,..., fd pea.s.•• to ..-. toMl. vs.clov. ad _1.....


    BIen .N 80 _jUt 1_ laU. , 188 B1xoD'.reaP' 1a .. h_te.

  • trl~!~1


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  • de~••.te4 b7 a .i. vo". • U. YOM .1ao renlM4 _ ••_iOD .. tabl. (kill) oui4en\iOll of u.. ••1'11•• v..., ..4 _" Yl.. PH.l._' aa' tIM 'i••bNak1q ••• 1a order ,.bIpl_.' __ A.td.t. U,••• pPepo.a1.

    I. 19S9, the Deaovad._SorltJ' "S••te. the Adldal...U ..'.requ.'. 1. __ tl.l. o~ ,......1 at4 \0 1UNa1.., a4 1lP vlUa 1'. ova b111 ..lIS.. 'fir' ~., 1»18 iIhe .xpi'a41tMN ad au'b.eri.....d.eftl ........ la-' 1Itd.6 uaa AWlda"'1. 1'••1• ... M" MDd1e4 1JJ pttl"M .....,.1... hi' • ..,18, \lie DeMen'l. biU ".-tn• ...., Xu '- pat "aud1e•• tit 'be .1_ .... ...-t.........= ••41.. b 0pt1I , •••n •• ..~1.. 1_ t • ..ue.. Mul , .._.141... 1 ' . • 1 ' ..' ..4 tid. btU 1.... .l bill ••".,aN••' l' Me ........ -.JI7 .,.ni_b1e ,....1.1_. 1M beald.' ar;: ..,..4 tbl. bill uct •• _kIM.. OIl -- 'b1P4 U7, a bou blU 1a 11M vi'" .. AdIII.l...~_'. pnJIe••l ••• • 4epMct a1l4 • ... ~ __ ....l".t.

    In .... ,..an' ..ell_ of C......, tiM ,...148. ea11ect 1'.,..OD'S-'l_ ot 1'. boulq 111''''- ad t .. 1... . ...l.ftU.. -- ...1.'1.. of" ....ft1 • ."... UP'- .._.,. S.n. lalu.ate. 1Il .. pa.' ..ft_ 7e A441U-.l tD4a . la ..... t .......U. 6S ..baa reuwa1 PHS••" la 1960 a4 1961 •••U •• '0 4.1»10 ~ ptHlla•• of 1aII4 tv tu.. ,..j••" •.,....1... al•• ,1_4 Oil pibU. h"'~ ... .... eacl•••,.. .f tl.ea1 ,e- 19611 a1HN' soo,ooo t. ••• pUll. !leul.. 1ID1'. win " oe_p •• 04 .. a441t;loul ,000 .... _oa"." -... B_I118 A.' ot 19S9 ..lle. 'fir ...4d!~0Da1 31,000 1Ud.t •• 'I'D 1U01I "ODS. . '" .1&.'•••'lna ".oN beUt. ft' hi. J1dl0••l'IQ' "-, haulq1......ua11J • _,•• t. pPtftM ....1')11'1••, vitil h4eN.1 &1. de.t1M4 .. &••1.' ... pt'ift. a4 loea1 ........ aN lIUb1e ,. 40 'he 30b De.4e4•

    .... ... 1_ .. B"'r~1xR"M. Ia 1911.1 ,. 1 .. &1It.'II.oJll'7.t .. h4wa1 --DC AdIIlJa1.batloa .. 1 .... ........., ad l1l 19118 he ....« OIl ••WlU '0 .'tal." 1 , aa4 1 Uu!." ~ 1.....1 P.4eN1 1_ aa4 .., 1 ,,~. .., titppe." ,.put' of "- B_1.. 1 ...N11 .r 1949 vtdela pro'f1cle4 top 1' ....'1••t pablle/tIlII au1g ..4 db.., &14 ,. pift" bull40JII'J • ,10-20e.'iM." •••, .t Vla bilU.. Oft•• 40 )'ear pell1M. Apta 1. 19S0

    i Wt.xoa .0•• vl'h

    \be -Sort", k delete. popo $2 bllU..... pnpaa t .. • co..,PeI'aU.. h..... Jle , • M YO" t. 'be Boulq A.' of 1950 lIIdeb prod... an 'Jpe• • t 1... PU"~.' &ad &14 t • ........ ... •on... 1uNatac. a••U ......' a441t1oaa1 tud. to'!' 'he PNINM of l'aaIQ' JIM a" 1lhe PBl.

    Viaea tn tile Ie._, .t.ua 1•••, ~" , ..., __ .....1' of l eo.' UUiq 1Bd, ~..4 ." the 1D. je, fit 19k9 be b of vpa.' t.t teP _,.W• ..4 ._JII1al. .. •••• to. tu ..~ U .. 1. ~o'" 19S1 ..4 1952. u.•• vote be of W!sea'••one to. Uae ..... ot ........tl-. dei.. b h ••• We.

    A. ft.. lNal"", ftz01l ...t • ti••bRut.. vot. .. ..are the ••'1..4.,."'1011 .f the tlX 1_ pIP..... .._~p ~ i.ON••• la \he 1.UH.t ..... ot ~ OIl aula 1..... Pall to 1'&1.. the late•••t ••• val4 bay. pN".,,4 the ••\1 flov o~ prinM ....., t. til JIOtIt......


  • tB lIlID. JIIIILOSOJllll'

    ••••_ haw ltlU'te. s.a W ,..., t • .. _ .""'7. !be ~ •• IJIIL .. ........_.~ TO .. 80 ......, of an 'be -817 .., S ne... tIa t. _d8M1 .r- ... t • .. _, fit pan . la " ........, ...... UD•

    ..., t Md_ aU of .. -u ..... *' .. ftltn ......s.m_ fit • ~....... ••• I. ,. _ .. I' ..., ... PM aula. , _ ole .. ,. tIM tJId-.. I . 1M poaat ll_ t • .....s.g _ ••• II • ....u_-.lJ' ale .. ftU ~ ad __ tid• ....... .. lie_ "-.1 ,...s-'J-17.AM, ., , • .,... , -.ell le .. ....., t 's ...-•••••

    "WI•., 18. 1960

    ... 1Itft14 ...s............. •n .., of ,.... _u lit 1NaI... .... a... aN _ .. _11.... tba, tile nt_1etU8 .tt.... et ,,11 ., III __ ••, .. ... .... Of sa ,....., -.lI1t ,.... .. -., ........ le••, ......•••• Ita .. aNa et ,..--1 ....,. U. .1aM' ...n••• ..,. ..... s. tIM Iat..., .....,. RUle ad ........, .s_.::=r.= :-=--.:;-=:t==_-:~·_ft:-":::: :r... :Jtep1e.... ..., .........., t • ... ........,.~ 1. .... 1e ,... .........peI'l., t. -..t._ ..b.... We nl.... n..w of _ilu'l'T ~..... Pd.....11lJtc ., ..,.........,..

    a.ptnla•• 6. 19S8

    "We _, _1. , Ir et ,...1-" ........,. ..pl'a1 t. bmt Sa 1epN .....Ie. I •• J-Me Jail t • ... •••..,. jd"-17..... L'.' ....,. 0Ia17 ""_ ... , _ de " , III ...,. of "-le,•••a. &ad p.t , , lIa1tle Ir or law la 1IIal_ .. 111ft. 0. law 1IIMIl4,.Ntt u .... _, fit ~t.. BuS-•• c d_ ..1._ ..tal ... .........,.... I. aMi"'., u •• -..u _ .,..a._............. JIll""" 'ta ~ ..-l...ea1 _ ......._'I to s...w..__••• <

    ApPll 13. 19S9


    Ae .,. I' to wtu . Ia lainI, .. ltItlal 'l_ Ie 1~ _~_ JIftld_ of 1....-1 006t. "- Ibn _ .. &MId f~ 'QeD • ,....•• s...... ...,. tit ... •1 Mda1 et -..1... _tM7 .... s , -.b ' lief lII ti•••1t ltS. _•~ on _,_ 1 1e , PMN11J', 1ultr lltJr .. "law•

    ......t1a1 .. Hll.t ............"1_ ..MIl," ,... .. latlefta1ll...... Code fit 19S11.. !beJ'..., '* ., ........... toU-.

    1 ebl14 19 .. " .lal.4 ..• ..,. , tn. t.w .f u t • ~ If be 1 IYbl ..tIIit-taN .

    2 20 ,. , taaa ....., _ "'11',._'1.....1 lIP ,. fl,200 f , ,..._.

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    ,.w1d_ t • ... ... aa4 vi.,. YO" _:' S ..,..'1_ .... la, la 19$1,..:__ 1otJ- _ ....... ,..- .us... le.. tlo,ooo a ':I. .. a1IO , .. "- Oil _pltal Id t. Nftldea. t'o _u k II _I"la1a, ta 19S1. OJP.::: , •• fit 6tp].etl_ .u t. 01.1, ~1 . 1N1._-t aM •••taUle~. • alae ."........W ..................., .

    AUt M11M'1_ ., ftaa. 1. 19S1,la WoU .. Pl' ..11M Cl'lll wI_.

    A' ,.. u.. til• ..,... w. .. ~ e1eu .., lie , r.._ • ia .

    ·U _ ., do .., _ ••••,. M per r. t.lIe --.11 _ 18 ........., .....-.1, .-.1 bna'" .., ••taU _,7a h-# , ,.. --lIatI ., \be. .. aN '*71 ,alae.

    ..tr.,. 18. 1960



    'rHB nxoll PHILOSOPHY

    .....u tar a. rq eCODe-1c philo.oph., 1. cODc.roed, lt haa &1va.,. b••a what I would call a e••_natl•• phl10.0ph7, COD••natlft ce~ta1D17 OIJ tleo&1 ..tteP., cOD••natl•• 1D the ••D•• that I bell... that, pD••ally .peaklng, prl.ate enterprl•• CUI do a .oN .tt.et.!.. job than p ......Dt .nterprl•• in _., particular tl.14, althcnaab I Neogal. that theft are ... aNa..... prl.ate ••terprl•• ea't or woe.t 4. the job aD4 m'N goftPDMDt .eterprl•• mu.t .t.p ID-,

    Dec_bel', 1958.

    ttwhat .hould the 1'01. ot 1O••PUMDt be 1D PPGIOtlDI paovth, It aut alva7. be a .upportlD& 1"01••uppl_Dtlng aDd .t1aulatlDg rather tho .uppl..tiDg prlyat. .ntet-prl••••

    Iftd. MU. that v. rul. out 109.....at a.tlOll bu•• OD .u.eh the..l •• a.' tl:!.at the _,. to In.ure a high rate of Fovth 1. through aor. plumiDE aDd co.trol b., SOft.....t i gOft1'l'JMDt CaDnot plaD all the po.ltl•• d.tall. of 8eon.-1c Vovtb In a tJ"u1ttul ....rJ It. ottlelal. hay. n.lther the experl'Dc, nor the p.r.onaliDceDtl•• to .ub.tltute .e1r Jwl_nt top the 1~orM4 .ee181on. 01' ...p••lbl. OVll.r. ad JUDas.r. 01' 1Ddu.atrJ'J that .. ehoU1d inena•• go......at .p••lal lD .....1' to pr.ote gnater VovtbJ tbat povtb .1uNl4 be .t1JaUlated b7 p1&01I»8 lat.re.t rate. at artltlelal1,. low prle•• , a. alloviag .cODbolled baak ere41t.

    'tho•• vbo fa• ., till. proe.d..e adlllt that lt woul. be banatl_.., but IODtend that a 11ttl. lnt1atlOD i. a ch.ap price to pa,. to. AD ,xpuul1DS .COD.s.C .)'Stea. !hi. proc... In the loaS run woul4 wreck the ••_~ -- not to .xpad 1t ••••

    BeN are ... th1Dp that go..~nt CaD 40.

    It CUI ..1DtalD fl••al .tabl11'" .0 that saiD. 1JJ proctuetl.lt7vi11 Dot be eatea -7 b)' COD.tut lD1'latiOD.

    I t CaD ad.,t UJt _4 d.preclatloa pollcl.. whlob vi11 eDcovas_ rather tb.aD retaPd grovtb. ~ax.. CU do tar .... to retard pi.ttakina ..4 laltlatl.. thaD aD,. pollo,. 01' ~.taPr ...trletloD. DepreelatloD pollel.. CaD .pur or peDa11.. tbe fl~ that vi.he. to Ja04ePD1_ 1t. equl~nt.

    It CaD ...... ..tltl01al prop. to tuettlcl.nc,. aD4 artiflclal bappier. to growth aa4 prOIN•••

    It OaD take aotlOD qal••' IIOIMPOly aDd ...tralnta 011 the tN• .a-Jret blpo••4 b,. .1tber bu.t.... or labor. It

    Pebrual'7 lS, 1960. '1'D ID-lIIXOli RBCORD

    '!'h. Ada1a l . tpat l on took ottic. with the aDDOUDO.ct 1Dtentloa 01' JI&ld.DI .rt.p. t. __l.tet wi th _rlea'. n.e•• , to IIdDtaiD aonetarT • tabll1tJ' 84 11111' the .ap••lon 01' the pUblic d.bt b,. .llalaatills va." gct lartl.l.DO,. lD Gonpaaent, bJ lWtlDI P.ct.ral apeD41D8 to tho.. ......lc•• which oD1,. the .....ral Go......t CaD pseG.l., a4 b7 adoptiDI the lea.' co. tl., prosP" tor the manage_at 01' the pUblic d.bt.

    Aa a tlse.t etep, the Aa1Dl.tseatioD adopte4 a laPp -jorlt,. ot the rec_Dutl•• 01" the Plr.t &D. aecoa4 BoonI' C-s.••lcma whloh 0-1••1•• ha4 la•••tl8&te4 OY.r 9S~ 01' the 8e"~Dt~. ' .xpeDdltm-... 'l'h18 r ••U1te4 111 a JIOre efflcint operation 01'

  • - 2

    Go..erJa8ot agencl•• eel 4epartaeat. u4 in iBlptao.,ed budget, .ccountlng and .pproprl.tlon procedure••

    S.ooD417, the Ma1Dl.tr.tlon dlrected. the B...u ot th. Bud88t to reY1ew .7steaatlc.117 the acti..ltl•• of tbe Oo..erD8eDt vtdoh alpt be cOD.lund to be in coapetltioD wlth pr1...te enterpp1.. • !he B•••u tOD4 that the Go".Jl1IMnt had 10,771 c~tac1al or 1aclutJt1.1 .otl..1tl.. p..o4uc1llS gooc18 or .,.pyle.. tor the GeftftlMDtJ • larp D_bel' ot th••• opel'atl•• _." then shut dOVD ad the .... ettieie.t .7atea ot purch••1nS i~ the prl..ate ••ctor va. .dopted. .

    lfh1rd17, the AdJdDi.tr.tlon .upp••••••11 ....ining contt-ol. OD vap...d the ptalciDg ot con...r good.••

    !h. Ada1Dl.tr.t10D va••bl. to r.4uee !rUmaD'. propo••• budget top lCJS4 b7 .10 bl1lion, ta.4uc1llg the «eticit ot ".5 bilUOD in ti.e.l ,... 1953 to $3 bi111on. ID 1956, the Ada1Dl.tr.tion arri..ed .t the tl... t .UPp1ua In tbe budget 111 -7 ,...r.--the tourth ••ch .Vpl••!.Dc. 1930. AD4 iD ••ch 7e&1', .tt.-pta h.ft been 11&4.

    " U uri.,. .t • billuo.d buApt lD ord.r to pre...nt further e%pm.ioD ~ 1~~~---oilpubl1c 4ebt) Itlher., liow...., incH•••t 4.1'.1.1•• 1111 R e;,(' o~A ~ee

    ••11 tor laPseI" .pendiag aD4 the 1Dcurr1Dg ot ... debt, the Ada1.Di.tr.tlon h•• Dot h•• itated: to .peDd the ae.cled _1mt., ...ixoll h•• • tate4 _ thl...ttel' I

    !'he t.U' ot • taapor&r7 bu4get cl.ticlt .hould not be allowed to put. ill • straitj.ck.tth.t keep. u tr_ 401Dg what i. Deec1.d to ill.un .cora_i. growth. I _ not rlgi4 vith "lard to the baluc.4 bw1pt 1. thi. ..D•• I I th1llk we .hould .ppro.ch the 'b\t4pt prob1_ OD • 1'l".-J1Ulr b•• l •••ther tha b.iDS bo\1D4 to ODe ,..ar. !he.. are ... ,-ear.--. rec••.i_ paP, ~.p • ....,1., or •• *ere 70U h.... • ....t lDtePD.tioaal c.l.i.--~. ~ .11 know that It i. lae..it.b1. an4 n.o•••&1'7 tor the bupt te be UDbalanced. !heN an o~r )'ear.vheD _ .U ha..e .urp11l8.. te __ up th. o.,.rall 4e~icit••

    But .boa has .... equal17 clear th.t In the 10D8 rUlu

    v. au.t 1.aPD that we .UDot .44 D.W ~gr_ to the Ped....l buctpt unl... .. are p..pU'.4 to 1.'97 the taxe. to P.7 tor thea.

    S.pte.ber 6, 19$8.

    ID the ti.14 ot ct.bt ........nt, the Adaini.tr.tloa hu, to• .....pal 78-., .tt...ted to br1Ds .bout chaDS•• iD ourreat 1.Si.l.tl_ •• ttl.t th••Mt ot It. berPo1dDS will be kept .t the l ... t poillt. Be•••• the Ada1nl.tr.tioa n1l Dot arti11cia11r .upp_tGoft....t b_4. 111 the JIal"ket, the GoT.....nt aut aot ft17 __pete with ..l ...te .aterpri•• tor 11.b1. ~UD4.. SlDe. Go"'l'DMllt bacl. bear ••t.tuteJ17 aazla_ late t r.te ot 4t~. th.7 caDDot .t~••ti...17 • ..,.te with the Maher r.te. o~t...d OD pri..ate debt 1...... Whell the ChrreP8lle..t o...ot ••11 it. lOlli-teN bo••, 1t ....t re rt to the lION latl.ti_&r7 aDc1 .... 00.t17 .hort-tel'll oblipti which 4. Dot CuaP7 •• tatutorJ' au~ iat....t P.te • ....p.tlc opp••iti_ Ira COIIar-•• , howft., ba. thu tar p.....nte4 th........&1 ot tha ..slaua ute...t ••te OD loDI-tena b_d., aDd has pee.t17 1apecled tbe CJoftPDMllt iD .chi...iDS lowl' co.t. tor it. boPPOw1.Dp.

    '!be AdalDl.tr.ti.'. p011ci•• 4••orlbe4 abo... h.ft r ••ulte4 beth 1D .arbel pro.p.rlt7 _d i. the • tabili tJ' .t our CtIPND07. BJ' 1956, juri•• '. cP......tioal pr04uct ...cheel • Pecop4 high ot $412 bi11ioa with .1Ip1.,..Dt .t .. all t1ae high o~ 66.8 .111ion.

  • - 3

    !be .tp.nath ot the .cGaQm7 va. 4• .aa8trated In It. abllit7 to ••It-adj_t, without \1Ddue GcJn~at laten.ntl_. In the Noe•• loD ot 1958, tel' 'b7 the las t quarter ot 1959, the 8l'0•• Datl...1 product had cl1abed to $463.5 bl11IOD wlth eap10,..at 1'ipre••ppPOx1aat1Da 64.S .111101'1 ~7 ....17 1960. '!he l1111tatl_ 01' Goft....at .xpeDdltur.. alODI with. 1'~.x1bl. Peelepal R•••py. Po11c7 pa-eel to correct .~~.....ta17 t1uctuatlon., baa pPeftated .baJtp rl... 1D the oo.t ot llylng 1llfl.x,a r.thep81sa1tlcaat .ohl.....nt In the t.o. 01' rl.lng proaper1tr. !be pD.ral .tablllt7 ot prloe. _AD. that pin. In prodUctl...1tJ' are -- (~r tP1le, aDd. Dot, 1a1'l.tlODUJ saiD.. I. the.Jke-.~~_~a:r., 1".!1ta._-- h prlce 1",x iac....e4 troaJ.13.!to 125.4, •• COD ••tia-'WIth SCt''€')'\.' the ri.e 1'Poa 77.5 to 113.' durlDg the ....a .,.. .... 01' the ~ .ld1l1Dl.tr.tln. It the dol1&1' 1. caloul.ted at a ...alue ot 100 o.at••t the bel1-1IIs ot ••eb 4elllS.1.tr.tlon, the d.ol1ra. 1. the fir....r. wu14 pr04uo•• dollar with • Y&1. ot 69.8 c.at• ...... the CUPN1'lt dollar would .qual 90.8 c.nta.

    !he ....'.l.t:r.tloD ba••1.0 .p••ore' •••ur•• to eDcour... O'"P.... bYe.tIIe.t b7 ppl....te balD••• aD4 to brbs .bout pe.tep tN. w.d. 18 the PN., Wor14. h. 1953 OIl, the AcbI1Dl.tr.tloa H,••teel 0_tl...4 .xte.slora 01' the aeolpPOo.l 'fr.u .t.gpe••at• .let ad hu takera aD ••tl.... 1'01. 111 the ......lou GAt! ••tlrag•• A .peclal C..s.••1011 OD Po..lp BC.DeDiC '011c7 v....t up to .tudT tba ChaaglDS dlreotlon. ot vorl. trade &D4 ~p1••'. 1'01. th.reb J • Jobt 0_1 ttee OD 'l'Pacle aD4 :S0._1. Attal.!'. v•• • 1•••• tab11.bed vi tb ce.d.. farloua couftnt10D. haft bee. .1gn.a vlth Porel... CODul•• to al4 bu1De._n b7 .11a1D.tlra& doub1. taxatl., the•• eOUDul•• 1Dalu.. We.t 0."'7, huc., CaD.cta, AuatJ'l., B••4..... Belal.. A1Mrlc. h.. pl.,..et aD SapOPt&Dt 1'01. lit the OJt_l••tl. t.r zu.opeu BOODoa1c Coop•••tiOD (O.&.I.C.). aDd. plana are now U1IHP var to p.ral,tl1a1ted putlclp~tlcm In that Orgol••tl_. !he.1JDlwd 8t.te. has .1.0 be.» ••tpezag .upportep 01' ~ Burop.a Ca , .. Market aDd ot CmTeDt pla. for ••1a11ar "810D&1 IlaPket ID ~t1D AMpic.. .

    !he &8SNg.te total prl....te AwlrlcaD lra..... tlleDt 0••1'•••• re.ch.d. the reoOPel tlgure 01' $40.8 b1111e .t the .114 ot 1(58)

    the lut Hcord ,..ar.

    ADel 1t .hMt1d be aoael th.t 1D the Ike-1I1xoD .,ear. the St. LaVPeDO. a.a..,. ... t1Dal17 opeD4tel, pa...1Dg the va7 tor gre.ter wop14 tr.d. 41ftct to ~rl••'. biDterluuJ..


    In ooagre•• , RhoD toek a p ••p.l po.ltl.. t ••oriDs the .11a1Ja.tl_ .t p;pl•• a4 vase ._trol., althoush he 414 1'••1 th.t 111 ,..104. ot ••tl_al _rpDc,. ••pt.1a eODVo1. _1'8 ••.,..IUT tor "pl••'. _11-belDI. !bu, 17 .. 1947, B1zoD t ....onel nl71DI OD .,.lUlttaPJ' lael_tIT ta to tlpt 1Dn.tl.., u. 18 1.950 be .ote4 to cOD1'lDe oHellt e..tJeol. to OOU_P aDel re.l ••tate oPe41t. III 19S1, Blxon .,ott4 to proh1blt th. Ottlo. 01' PPlc. Stabll1"t1n 1'HIa pl.cUaS re.trlctl•• 0. 11...took .1.ughter1as, aa. 1.rt 19S2 h oted to 11tt N.vl.tle•• OIl the pur....: ot .car.e _terla1 4 ••D 4...tio pr04actlOD va. 1D.uttlo1.at.

    ~ Bu~.utl'llht .tMapt to e.4 all prlc. aD4 ...._trol. va. -~ cte la 19~2. JflxaD eppO••d thi....... be••ue ot the IDt1.tlODaJ7

    up•• t ••ra...4.n4 b7 the :lore.. War, Jut •• be bad • ,.u .arl1.1' 1'....ore4 • Det•••• Productl• .lot 'ppo...l.10D th.t prl••• theNUIlct•• • heUlct retl••t ~'•••aP7 ..4 UD....olclabl. co.t iraore•••• •• With the ••diDl ot the ItoNU VD, the A4a1ral.b.t1ora •• llbl. thea to .11al........1DbaS vase a4 pic. cODt:ro1. ad Jf1xoD 1'.",oN4 thi• • tep.

    As te r.Dt oont1"ol., 8lxora bact in 1948 and 1949 ...oted tor CODt1llue4 cODt••l. be••u. 01' the .tll1 tlpt hou'-iDa .1hatl.. , vlth 1t••"lDl. be oppo••d "'Dt enVol. 111 1950. Ira 1952, 8u.. .,ot84 to ••4 o_trol••• 01' .ut119SJ. a. al.o t ........4 glY1D1 c1t7

  • - 4

    eoUDoll. the rlght to d.cld. tor th....1... whether to restor. Nat oODtrol. In thelr are•••

    »lXOD v.a • atrollg .uppoptep ot the St. Lawr.nce Be.va,. Blll, aDd yot.d .s.la.t ....aupe to r.oOllll1t lt 1a 19$2. H••1.0 YOted tor the tlel.lacl. bl1l vhlch relinqul.bed the ..4.ral GoY.PD

    ._t'. 01.1.11 to the .ut.8rp4 1&,114. ott the contln.ntal .h.lt; he had Yote4 toP ••1JI1lar blll la 1948.

    In the U •• ot aatl-tl-uat. ,.1X0I1 in 1949 Yoted. to ~4 the Ol.,.to. Aatl-!'n.at Act to prohlblt ..rpr. wh1ch UDdUl" .,...tr1ct.4 c....tit1oa. B••1.0 yot.4 tor • b1ll _ncliDg the Robirl.on-PataaD Act vh1ch pPOy14•• the, go04 t.ith va•• ce-pl.te cl.t.a•• to • charge ot prlo. dl.erilliD.tloD m.re the pric. bael be.a 10wre4 to ... t tbat or a c.,et1t·.. '!'here two ...ote. d....tr.t. IlxoD'. tiJIID. be11.t 111 tr•• coap.titioD without unclu. interterenc. rr.. h ....mMat or aonO])oll.tl0 cODtrol.. Aa .1%011 ba••tated.t

    • ••• the•• gre.t power ca-pl.x••--¥b.tberthe,. are bu.ln••a, l.bor or 80Y.~Dt--.hou1el Dot work ...la.t tb. lat••••t. ot the 1D41...1elual .01' ba~ tbe .tt.ct ot cutt1DS ott anel dlsc.ur&81ag the 1aYeDtlY.De•• , the laellYlclual1tJ ot AMple.w• I'

    Aprl1 18, 19$9.

    BlxGa'.....t COllc.rn tor the ooatrol ot lan.tlon in • pro

    ductlY. ~rlc.'5111u.trate4bJ the t.ct th.t h. 1. Ch.tr.aa ot the c~tt•• on Prl0. 8tab111t7 tor BeODoalc Grovth, • o--.1tte. whlch baa 1••••4 a.....r.l .twll•• OD the probl.. 01' lan.tion &Del prod..ctl...1t7_ Hl••onC.1'D 1. al.o bOrDe out b,. the rol. h. pl.,..4 In a.ttllal the p.otr.cted. .te.l .tplk. 01' thla ".a-. H1• .,1•• W •••11001I1tl,. .tatecl 111 • 1.tter to the Edltor 01' the .)'Pac••• a.rald-Jouraal ot JaauP7 21, 1960 whloh at.ted the tollow1Dgt

    Aa OhalNaD ot tM O.blDet ea-dtt•• on Prl0. Stabll1t7 tor , Bcoa_le Growth, ,I eut.17 .van 01' the claDs.r. cd latl.tlOD \ whlch CaD mel•• tr_ lacr.a••• th.t cOD.l.teatl" .xo••el ~ lac....... 111 ppocluctlvlt7. But 011 the plWl .1.e lt .houlel be aoteel that vbll. the wag.-beD.tlt lacNa.... gr••ter thaD the ooapu1e. wutecl toPP.7, thl. wa. the tlrat oontract .iDc. the war 1Ia vtdoh th. iDa..... wa. .\lOh that th. coapal.. cl14 aot tiDel 1 t ;n.o•••&PJ to lncN••• pric•• at th. tl_ the COIJtr.ct _n~t lnto tore.. Wh.ther prlc. lDC...... cu be ayolcl.cl 111 the tuture vll1 d..pen4 to • great .xt.at llpcm how the ulora &Dcl the c-,aal•• e.rrJ out tb. Pre.lt.at'. lajuectloa 111 hl. state at the UDlon •••ap th.t • •• the D.tloDal lnten.t cl..-cls th.t 111 the perlod ot lBd.utpl.1 peace whlch baa b••11 •••ured b7 the n•• contr.ct, both ..........t &Del labor ~ 1'7 po••lbl. .ttort to lacre... .ttlcl.DC7 ad pr04uctlY1b' 111 the ur.otun 01' .te.l .0 that prlc. lncr.a••• CaD b••Y.ld..d. t •

    IDCld••t&llT. I bell.y. that on. ot the con.truetl.... result. ot the 10D8 tlpt the coapul....d. oa the work rule 1... wa. tbat 1 t 1'00...4 D.tloDV14. atteDtloa 011 the crltlcal n.c•••ltr 01' lncre•• lag

    ~ our .lllol.De,. ed productlY1t7 lt we .Pe to aalatala our ce.petltlYe\ po.ltl.a in the world. II




    Beth Havail ..4 Alun _" a4la1tMel to .ta~. clVlag \be ft••Dhower)fU_ AdJIta1.tratlOD. !hi. acM••_at r.tl.eted BUOD'••arll.r yota•• In both 1947 84 19S0 he YOtael tor the a_ll.1oa ot Bavatl to the l1Dloa, &Del lD 19S0 tor the ac1ll1••1oa or Ala-Jra. PUSIDBftIAL SUCCBSIIOlf AC'l

    Bizea ..ted t •• the Pre.1"ntl&1 Buee•••loa Act ot 1947 ~ch pro.lel•• that the apeaker ot the B...., tolloved by the Pre.14.at Ppo-,•.,oP. ot the S••ate, 8lla11 b. Dext 1. 11M atter the Yle.-7ra.1d.Dt 1D the •••nt ot ~ d.ath, ...lpatl., ....ft1 .P ell.abll1t7 ot the Pr••lde.t. GOYBRIIID! REORGAJlIZAlfiOI

    )fix_, 1D 1949, .ot.d t.r the l.orl&lll.atl_ Act p.1DS that rn.lde.t bro.el ••tIlol'lq- to NorlUll•• the ,on..-.t ap.ol•• alul d.partae.t8 J the Pft.ld••t'. pi... take .n•• t 1••1Jtt7 4&J8 11111••• ell.appro". b,. a _jorlty .t .1ther Rou.. I. 19S2, )fix. al•• ap'prOTed • "_Iual.atl. pl.. to pla•• VDl•• State. MaP.hal. UD4.p Cl.11 Senlc., but thl....sure va. d.t.ate••

    )fixoa al•••\lPp.rte4 the •• tabl1.baeDt ot both the l'1l'.t and Soeoad Hoo,"p C-s,•• lOD.. !he 8t.oDh••r.X1xOII A4II1Dl.trat1oa baa 11ne. 1Japl...nted _n thaD 7~ .t It. Pee_.4&tl.....iDa a 11 .ue••••tu.ll,. urpd the adoptlOD .t a b....t acenal .78te. '*deh pr.d tor a _1"..rtlel.Dt aDd ....r11 appropPlatleal pro.......


    1'1x08, 1. 1949, ...te4 top a _ •• lBcnu. tor po.tal work.rl, aDel 111 19S0 .upporte... lBenu. Sa po.tal rate. to oo••r the hea.,. d.tlcl t ot the 'o.t Ottlc. Depart.eat. ,

    )fixe. al.o .oted 1D 1947 tor tba "".ral _1.,..8.' L07alt7 Bill wbieh pro...14.d tor the lD...tlptl_ .t 107&1'7 t. the 1JDlte4 State. ot Pe4aral --.plq... ..el appl1.atl.. tor Peupal pOll t1.. , .t 41..1••&1 or D_appoint...t .t tho.. t ...d dl.107a1, ... tor the cNatl.. ot a bl-partl... Lo7alt7 Be.l." S..1'4 t ••__nl•• d.tarat••tl... ID 1950, .U_ ..t.d to .xta.d dlaa1••al pow.. 1Il • ••••ltln· .....01•• to tho•• e••ldaNd a. "poor ••celt)' pI10-' 'l'P....'. 1.,alt7 progr_ 414 Dot GOYal" thl. a.peet.

    _txo. al•••tappopte4, 18 1950, .. "DelMat to the Hatch Act to peNlt Peel.pa]. ...1.,.•• 11.1.. 18 Dear bT Hu71a4 ..d Y1l's181a to oasap 1.D l ..al polltt... H. 41. DOt cut hl•••te .. h. va. ab••• t that 4a7.


    !be AdII1D1ltratl_ baa ......ral t!:M. call.d. t .. the ••actae.t of h_ .,..1. 1.11.1at1.. t.r clt1•••• • t tbe Dl.trlet .t Col.abta. B1xon 1. a tiN 11Ipp.rter of IUe1l a .

  • fll;;'

    !1 :




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    -the thd•• a••• hal •• aul•• bat M -.taMI. Rttl.1••' 4eMl'N.' ~•••• ttaa, DO t •• l ..... 1aaeIl ...~.ek vi"" rlaJd _1t.~_ 1 Wft••••Ov ,..l'loa of BalaW1I1q IdU.., , 1... vlUl • d1ple.h11Ibleh 1••b••111-17 t1ra bu., _'beUl , 1. the oa17 .. 'bat 1M __ toUov. LooJd... \e b fa , I _ .GIltl ' .., it _ ••,s..u h MlaW. Uaa' t'loa .., l' pPOYl 'be., ..... tflll b.t......._.t 1. the ."1••• or \he o. '.t.,

    le...... A. 1_ .. ..,. an .eIrfl tba, 1M will ... tba, --, _ an pt.q .. MlaW.... ..t , • •• t ••• vIaa' • ..... --7 u.. will ••• 'be t.117 et .lapl, ••'lJadq .., - 1lfB1LetUa lt~ or .JIPOP I. iii ..1.. WM. tIlwJ ... Uta', ii!GiI!, S.,vra;; G .if. 10 ..IODII-.. Pe_.'loa ot UIU INPG•••

    Pe'ln.-uPJ' 6, 1960

    • •••K..Llaa till ""'••17 _..-poll'teal Mal., .q I 1&7 , are _]d•• I.....loplaa ... "'17 larp.1 b'••••l. u., 1M 414 u,u. '0 -at.... 1Ml1U.'t. 1d••l1. pr a'll ~"P ,...t•••, Bi..........._. toM ....t ....,• ....... tile Iud... be_••• lIl 1946.·'. 1"8., 16. 1960

    -I MaIDk l' 1 pNptP .. 'alk 1. , .... • t ..--.. 01' ••, ..... t , pp, be_ V. I ........ 1•••, -.1J 1. t,. 1Il••tle.. lie baft ._ ft., .... _.. lad .. ala. "'ft''''DPll 1. ... lAC ••Ud.. ".P, 1IIa1. t. .Ull a "1'1' u. ,.• .r.l t..... 1M &1.. I!aaft ,. \tal .be", la .. a ...-.s_. *I.e wia ,.lul. Id••tle••117 wlU be We Id••lle wU. A. t • • • dohrNa' powp 1 ,_ u... t pp 'Mar vlU be •• cap lID4e PH , __ "'alcloa' baa ..'-1, . vlU ....., ,. 1*0 0 4uttq Val.....1_••••

    ...., ,... or __ ..Pd JIU'l_1ut pea. 1dlleb l' bell.... o...l4 'be la.l.... We , la.11l aUt· aa4 •• 'he mI14.., or \be VIlt•••••••• ,. __ "- .od ,. wJdeh aN .. 'be., t. 11M ..... td tIId .,. Ia tile !u ... of .u "'0, I 'lit_ U. ,...t4••,' 1.1_ ., .. Wftl4 ,ta..l' 1., uJd.1aI ..p ,laM. I ,. 4 u..a pa"tq lah ,. ,t_ oal7 it 1M t , ...., -.1. 'be _ .tt••,I.. t.aeb' I'.' t a.a1, 1•• pP.,.. _. Ie_.... ..1.. 1. be...... "10 aact be.... b JIl••Il•••

    to __•• 1lb.••.." 'Wh7 ••" 1M •• l' aUt Doea-' MP. Ihnab.ehe de l' all" • be., ....It , , 1. Id•••_••, to4a7 n1~, •.,. _"I.. baell: CN1' t ..... _ \he II'-.cl. W. aN .uns. '1_ .t _ '

    low ._ or tba••••__.,. _ .., 'be , ta.. YalM, bu., Ju' ....... tIIla, la 1. 'odaJ't ..1 ~ aN Sol.. , ••••"I7'Id... VJsa, , •• ·• , a . t .... • • tJaa, aJQ' wlUlal.. Uta, ... _, ••1Jle wiUloa' betaa !uDwe4 1. v 1', .. aN pi......\1_ ,. haft 1'. I 1 ' or ..,."'4.."

    1....., lS, 1960

    !BB DB-nxol UQORD

    11... _Jd.q .trl.., .. AdIIlat•••U. baa ._...,~ ..n ••• OUt ••t.... _u 1D Yl.. ot np1417 .-abc ..1••'1t1. •...l.p••,. aDA ....t.·. Ildftlas 1d11.., ......... !U AdId.l.vau'. hal _t•• , ••••p' ~ tdalob pr..l •• te ••n ......... det....•'n.... III auttl.l••' .oope &ad .t.. ,. .._.~ po••lble ......loa, a1l4 til •• a.laa, .oqh' '0 tlU Sap. 1. GaP dot... bJ ...a.lq the 4.ftlo~.' or Be•••poaa. "

  • !'bu, 18 19S3 • MV larp .eale ppop.. ttIP \he pp....tt_ .t BS2 j.t. aDd PlOO fl.... •• belD, 1. 19S8 tM ...,.••0Id. ~ 'he lSI, vu ......4 laM '1_. !IIII tilt,' .u.s.. a ., .. "'dlu, •••..,.••1_4 au la, 19S1 l' • ...,1.... an h1.\ori. 1.830 Idle ....... ..,... ::::t..--.... tile _.tIl Pele• • • Stdl•• t ••• .... "»e••• bJ .... IlraM. I. 19A... laPp.' abwat' 1..., __ V.I.I. P.....k1. va. ~•• ad 1a 19S'6 __ A _ • ., O-s.••loa •• 4tH.... '- __bu' the tl••, .,-.1. pow , !he.. an .,Iddp. • f.v .t MQ lUuba'I_.

    Be.... U "la bad bee. 4_ 11& ...U •• 7e'" '0 denlop • 1Il••lle JIHIP-. tIM ....Sd...'t. s.-41.te17.1 ....4 .. ~"'.'1_ .t all 'De' .t 1Il••lle.. la 19S2, .. _, ~. top D ... ICBI at••lle 1~' _ to $.8 II1Ul., ..... 1. 19S3 l' _ _le4 t ••3 atUl.... ttaea1 7.&1' 1960, ~ ._., 3.3 blWoa. 0eu14e.tq tha, l' •• .., .'11 1954. uaa, 1......... • ••1le p""".tt. •• ..a11J'._11'" 1a la....l". "- ...... of .ehl•.-., 1...-.....1... B7 1959f ... ru•• ope••'toaa1 Atla., Ie. •• 1. __ .ad. fd 'be.'M.p. Ai. OD .4 ......4 •••t 'oclaJ', _ 20 Utt....,'ne' fd 1Il••lle. ta .,...tS_l ... (. 1Il••lle 1 '1.-1 ... \be "1~ ••pea 17'-' 1. ,N.'" to ~.tl_ III ,).

    I' a1'&MI14 be __ pIl" tift tl.1&1 ,. ~el 'ba' la , C....... hal ., 1 fd tS.4, blW.. ,.. Adld.Jd.baUoa ......,. top _~w .tl-.1 ..evl" 1 .

    While l' 1 tIIa, __ 1 _.11&1 nptPlort'J 1. 1Ii••lle ,.. 1 Ud P1ea1 un...... v1U be " • ...,. 1963, .n. elM * ....tal pe. tM t. _pePl..l\7 1 .. 11_4 tiIlIl Id••lle. haft • .... _.... or _.weal .t••,., u4 d. U'. a t.... P"'1u tIaa _.tau wttil .., ld.a4 et...pH'.' JdUtur npe.10PlQ. Of ....... 1IlpeJt , UMt lJa1M.a_•. a.. 1Ia•• ..t .... • 'ftaWN ldd.e1l 1 tJua••••u.. VOIl14 ....oublJ' ._ 1.. tor t or .. ....-..17 ••tn.U.. "_11.'1 .

    1M 17alMd a ba n1 ,s- la tt...UJ. J.' bDt- 4 .... _Uwa i::~ ttl 1_, ..a It t ft117 ....p..4 .., b'-., ,...,., 1. u... , ..rial••aar of dell••., 01 ••.,. ••le.. b.-. t • ... 1.1 1 . OUt ...powl' 1. ....'17 apeJ'l.. ,. that of S., 'ba... .. \be al_ .,•• ,..... _h. alNaq 1. all S••1oa 23 ......."It ........u... ~.. al.. hAT .......,".U. aD ••.s.. ~.It, aD .,-s.• ...s.... aa4 ...,.t. lPlpte, .. po 14 at...n oaJ!lItl.1' tark t..... *1le \he 1... ha" .

    IJa ..... • t __ .ltlldJd."'l.'. PJ'...-a aa11 to.fa.... tv__• D aa4 IOai Id••lle., te "1aJtl. Id••lle. f .... bJ ",-...tae., aa4 t • ........ JIl••ile. ldde1l 1M 1.nM1ae4 ,..

    -.lu Ni1,p....... va4 4 1 v111 .1.....Ml. 1Ii ••l1... fbu, la -.... • t u ttt.el ..t , tM A6d.1d."'1_ beU.... it lIu ~. \ba ..t ' vlH17. I' .....ot beU••• l1a .peadlq Idl11.. t • • •.,..••_ .b••l.... a.Uw. It. !la. \Pl.4 t.o 4.ft.. • d.t.... poll., \bat h117 ••,. Uae ....,•• IIlUta17 .t..'1_. ~ 1961 Ba.' eaU. t • • t41 'DI1U••apella... t. 4.t.... ~J'a' M •• 111'.... .• M .e1d... tid. di••••ttt.. poll.,.. '1

    In fi.ld of .paM _teWte., 1 _ ••ta. ble .e1ll•.-ab. %, 41....."4 aa4 4 'he V.. A11e1l .a4l.tl.a MIt., .....ti&1 '0 tile rat.'7 .t paM ..hi.le.,l' vu .. tb.t ,. hb pl..... or the tp_ • 300 at1e .1'1.de, aa4 'be tS••, .. '01" jaP.l:tl_ .t Me",p!q .. ob.s••' afte. 1. " ....4 h_ paM. A ..1. 1'al'l." .t ....lUN. baYe beea la.eM., 04 __ JIl••lle Det.... &1... .,..... 1d.U .001l be 1. openttoa. !ha.. aN ., ._ .t ..,. .ehl••_.,••



    X. 0012.1"'., B1XoD ...1,'.nU7 ta.oncl ...... c1et••• pollo,. aad a ooa.tlna\!.n ot ..le''!" ••PYl... Ja 1949f he .0.4 tor a "-aaal••~- ot the IdU.., •••bU...', ill 1948.oMcI t. lua4. t. All' ..... '%paUl_. la 1''''9" '- .".•••rea.i.. lJ. s. A1P Pu.. a:r-PII Ina sa ,. J,.8 tIaa, _ pu he ..... top • To ....Jt AlP PoP... III 19S2, ..,.••• • n .... , • ..... had. tor AU .OHe .-tau....... ",MU. a...U •• to. N ..... aDd de..lo)lle.'. III 19n. R1zoa 0]JpG". a ft' III ...Det.... J)epllP"" .ppPOpPi.U••

    III 1948, 19S0 aa4 19S1. Bt.zoa "'OM. to db" ... cIMt,. !tie 19051 blU ,oaMi_cI • Jl'0Y1.1_ t • • at...Al JIlll"" VdJd.. pJto~ and Bt.zoa youel aptu, .. a'...,' ,. kin __, JlPOYi.t••• t. 1952, Btxea t .....4 .. 11l....... 1.....4 ..n1.. ,., ..eI .... apia.' ..chaelq ~ i _' PI7 to'! 4"hIt. aa4 d.'l.,•.

    BlaD'••taacl _ UIe , deto•••1..,t_ .., be 'be•• •• tlPi... ta Ill. ova. WOPd. t

    "W......"M.D' .zat..'1ota aJl4 . ....tl.,. ••1tl.l_ ot .. det po . potat_ up taw7 .d . .., ......'1.. m'l.t_ 1 ~"J maJd... '-Pl_ .PJ8U' WaDP aile 1. '0 PO_II,tal ~"OP' i 1'. %, 1. ,be \0 lid' ••1.1lq Dntl ,. We an .., a .................,.. vi 11111"" ,""" ..4 a .....,. B• ........ ta __ 1101'14 ,..., .. Jaaoek .., __ ......., .wW.. ,...,.. 01 __ 11a1ucl ..... ... I. aW... fId. 1 '0d9 ..4 i,win ••,tau ,. '- .0 ta \he ,. .

    1.....,- 21, 1960

  • CrYIL IXonS

    !lIB nD. PlILOIOJU

    -I t ..l .... uaa, 1M Mall pl" \hnaall .. pH••a' eri.t. vlth 411;. 110.\ of •• he.. wiU 11ft i .... \M ..., ..... "ltl bor' ad abl. Mall .It, .1Ae '" .tde, ., QJ' 1..pabU prl.....-wlilh .0 ...... pdd t. tile ••1.. • t \M1Ja.]d... ..~..til.._ d1••P1Jd..'loa ad PNJ'dl" bYe .0 pla.. 111 ..Itt...•

    O.tebo. 19, 19S6

    -AMpl.. _0' attOl'd \be 1IONl, .. • ••.t. .Dd __ la.p.tlOD&1 oo.t ot PPO$acll.. ad cll.UtlJd.tl_•••U&e -'-Itl_ l.yolutlOll vlU u' be .o-p1.te _'11 the 1••1••~ lact•.,.._..., .C(lIa1lt)' ..4 tree.....aPe ...aU'7 ao' 01117 top AMPl.... Int, top peop1•• t_.._, the VOP14.·

    o.tobep 19, 1956

    ·WbateYep .. :I \!&lair .1l the 1._ ot .lyll plp,. I beU• .,.. that the ...., -3 '" ot ..pl.... will ..... trba, tbaN 1. DO l.pl, aoPal .P oUut. Ju'lt1..tloa top 4ft11ac .., AM.1Ull the plpt to YO".·

    I_PJ 1S, 1960

    ·1 ...opt••, •• I haft aal4 M'D7 '1M. ,.bU.1,., that DO law HD be w1" •• that 1. IOlq to '01.,.. Ud. probl. 1.... J'OaP, two ~ap" we Imow '11&' • law 1. oa1J' •• pod •• __ willtl•• 78.... ot the people , ••bq l'••••we (the Adlda1....tloa) bell• .,.. _ _ .t..n ppo 1. the.. YaPlou tl.ld•• Uaat 1M ..t tl' the law to t.Iae pltobl , laaad, tha, 1M _., 8.' t .. 1a CNP 1.Sal N_ft•• \hat .. do ao' hOM.t17 .apeet • ..,U wi'" the law that we ~ I beUo , .., '1M Ac"atal.""l_ .'\alaodpa...ln \he lut GlY11 lip" B1U , l' ba. po._ad•• M \ho 0...... 1•• ppo.... 'bat 1••'Mi_bl0, oatOP...'le, ad wCN1d ha•• pabU. nppop' ot ..., peopl•• •

    I......", 1S, 1960

    ftI ID-IDD. UGOIlD

    fila AdJda l . ,",t l oa 'poD'oNd tile tl••• !apeP'" .lnl pip'.1.p.la'1_ ti. be _.,•• 1. _Olt 80 'PaP.-tiM Glnl I1p'. ,., ot 19S1. tbl. ,., •• d••l ...d ba.l..ll1 '0 ,..te., tile yotl.. plah" ot Uae ..... ~ .."1.. .-lUi..'l_ top "'denl ~OP' la4epe1l4••' .t ._-. law.... 'bJ )a'eftU.. t., 4ft.1_1 , ••1...., At'0"'7 haeft1. -. baa41••1.11 rip" la de•••w ct.l1 IIp''Din.loll dUll. __ -,-••1.. Dope...'. I' al•••••bU••••ti-.boP, blpe'l... O-so••loa .. Olnl Illp" ,. lJaft.u.p. aa4 ..pen _ .1..'1.. 111 vhleh 11ldl.,.ldul••N HpI'l••• of U.l• • lnl plp,••

  • !he Adm1n1.baU__4 a1.0 a••4 to~ bPoad•• • Dt......., pow•• D.' oa17 .........u.. rtp,••, '0 aU ethe••t'f11 ~lP'.J DeaoenU. oppo.t,toa PM".M4 -.lP t.

    fbt ....tde., al•••ppo11l..4 a O t_ .. Bcual l.~z:=t'" VIl4eJl .....-., C.tn.'.. Yl.......ldea' .lz_ 1. or thl. CD iI ••loa.

    I. a .,..1&1 C1Y11 11sh'. lie..... ot ••'bNal"J' 5. 1959, the PM.14.t 8&1184 top 1.11.1.,tOll to pztOftde the to11ev1 .

    1. that toro. 01' uar... .t t.... ,.." , GOV' ...... 1••ohoo1 d........'t_ 11 be • ..cIePa1 ott......

    2. ntlloJt1•• U. ."oraq GeM..1 .. t ..,.., ..40..1 .le.'l.. 1'0.01'41. a4 ..qat.. t.bat tU7 'b. ..n.4 tflr • ,......_18 tt. t. peNS., lD8pt.'toa.

    3. pro1'l4e 'eaponr117 t • . ....'1_ ot eh11dna of .t the ArMel Po . ... c1JIt.t el ,.1111. • 1. aN .10..4 he...... • t .........tl.. ppo_l....

    4. pla.. * 0-s.••1_ .-lle'b o-ppo.ta1\JU'a4o. Gn'....., G ,. - •••"''-7 ba.l.. I

    !tal. ,..... __ AdJIW."'loa. t••441'1_ ,. tile oOY• ........, .pouON4 • ..t .... plall , ....... Y.'lac IIlp,. 1.t."nl, .tate aDd lOGal .1••"... flal. p1u !au Nea .bODC17 ba••d"" iIho Yl......ideat. .. baa ...... -I 1dao1olaeuMcl17 n:PPOJt' -. ...,.t.,"U.' t.n. ,.ope••1 \he r.l pnpoaal vlll deal .., _17 vt'h ..st 'l_, bat .1•• Yo'l • (JP.'bftU7 lS. 1960)

    !III JIU01I UCORD.u.'. ".Ol'4 III GoDIN...... 'bat he YoM4 tOl' alM.' .U.1ri.1 Pi.,. lest.latl_ 'ltda __ 'bet \he ..... &ad _ ..

  • nxos - fIlE XAI

    !~~AdM£1M()d Ch114lloo4 .et:!!:::":!!.!!!!.

    Btollard K••txoa va••on la l'.N Ltftda, Cal1terala em JallUAPf 9, 1913. tihe 101.d .f Jlannah and PraDk X1xoa'l tl.....0111 •

    .... ld.1hou.. W1UB va. tJt_ • 10111 11110 of Ina Q1takor. *0 ... to 'enu,.l.us.a 1Jl 1729 la .Iuoh ot .ll1s1... he.4•• the .1.ua U.. 'a•• _ok '0 b arrln1, In Delaware, .t 1_. XixOll tn 11S3. !.be Bls.ll .148 of the tall,. va. X.'ho41., vh11. the M11Uu. 11ae w... ~••'I.ln8 Qaake•••Be. t. JI11holl. all' W1xoa tlUllll.. .1I1paM4 ...twu' r the ,..u.-follovlq .. ,...tl.,.. Mo., Wft tUIM.I, • t •• p r •• ..rebaJlt Bumah l'Paak WWIl tl.4 til Yopbahe... Lill" at_II the1. anta.. til 1908 w.ell Pftu .0_ a tau.p, tlurJ' ....4 to MDb,. WbJ.,'t••--a _JEer .1q---tll 1922. PPuak .s.z.. lIaa a .~1...,,"0Il p ••"'10ll .... gPO"P1 .'OH ie Whltltl.r, hana. lndlt the t8ll11., hou.. h1aMlt. Ianlq a U rilll va, a ''"al., ad .11 .t tbe .1... bet,.. •••• III b.e tatl,. .... ... 014 noqh. ODe of Wixon'l ~II 41•• • t MntJll1tt. at tlhe ... et •••••,aael Id. old••, bpothe 1. 41•• • t t1Iberftl••l ••, 18 .tup n .. reu, ot t11Jae•••

    Wl.ua .t..... ol••a'..,. .Ild .0.."" ....1. b 10dttl.r, .11••111S VJdttl•• con.r--. -.11 QuaD. 1••tl"'loa with hip••ola.tt. '''lldaP4.~.. 17. BIUll helpe. t01'll ..4 va••le•••• fb.t pzt••i4.., .t a uv .....Il, frat.nlt,.. ,he er--.oat.ll., OJ' ........0•••• t ••.,e. Vl\h th. fpuJrllal vtde1l ."N.'.4 the bo7. of the un ...1U:I.J t.1I111... Bizoa wot. t.b.a tnhn1'J' ... a4 :bel,.4 wi'. 1'. fir.' p1aJ'. •• va. allO .1..... PM.l••n' ot the tre__D et1a••, &1l4 '00 au ••,t•• pI1" III the cl.batl'lll .001.'7 a4 'h. too'.U .am. lelpi_ the•• ..., aotlntl•• owp1ec1. with oOD\I..4 .-It 1. the .tON u4 b.omel "'YO'•• '0 \he Q\IAke,.., WlxoD lPadaa_cl fJtGa Vh1"1.~ Col1... b 1934. 111 oa4 1'la•• 1. bt. ola••• Bl t ••ohool 1. perhap. 'tNt., .zpW 'Dr DJ.t. raul I. s.d.th. ~. pPot••lor .t l1.t.., and '.11tl0' aa4 DOW "'.14ea' ot Wbtttl.r CoU.p.

    -A•• IOWlI ."'4ent Molt ha4 ~ .... •apa_ " to "nab ••14. the t 4.. ot a nb3••t .u 18' t. the he••, ot I'. I • •1-7' .-.pl."" ora halt • pap 1da&t would , .. a ....1 'A' ••d.t , .. pap•• I1MtA,,(Jd

    TOUDI AI!'..... 11xoD, III ••• ot tl_olal a••t.tu.., vn.' to Uto DaD VId

    ••1'.1'7 La.....l In lorth CaNltna vh.1Gh ottoN4 h1a • r.11 httln a.o1uahlp. lebol&p-:r ..11.,. •• ...t 11l the d.pre••t. 7'1&1", blat Ilsoa •• .'bl. t. 11taln hi. 1N1lt top .. tbP.. t'ta11 ,..ar8 bJ aohl••1q • hlp pla.. III hi. la. .oh..1 .1••• J he va. .1•••4 ,. the 0rel.1' or 'h. Celt, a u.l_1 .0000la.tl$ tr.....l'" t .. hoao. law .bel••'.. Ut. va. haJtd .t law ' ••01, •• BIDa be14 40. _ aW:a1... 'p.tlon 30b »a71q lS ...,. aD 1uNP aa4 11...4 ........1 wa1k1Ba Jd,1•• h_ ••••1 1",-RJl old tAft 1'1...0 whe.. the Natal •• low. B. va•• haP'vornp oueh11, pJI.~lDa top hi. ola..... Work pl"••tuU•• ott..... h1a l1ttl. '1M top .00t.l ••'ln't••, tnt, .lUD ....howMIla"" to be... pp••14.11' ot th. Dab Bar A••oola'lOll 111 M. la.t,.....

    Wtzoa .,.........4 thi" In Jd.. el••• 1a 1937, all' both hi. _tiler aDd pa1ldao\hep, itt." 89••••••oro•• the e..'la.nt ,. v1ta••• the ...Il'.

    Shoptl., beto•• p'.4utlOil .1%011 .oush' • job botA with iihe PBX AD4 v1Vl ....pal luse Vall S,".t law tlP1U. Wh.n ne1Uler opentq ..taplau••4. 11:&011 Ntu.PM4 to Calitonl. a114 then pa•••d hi' bar .U1II1ut1.... •• th.n beo.. • .....r ot 1ftdttte.'. 014••t 1•• tiN,

  • . ' t el ae 1•••• an4 tu lav. B. 'hD.tnaH4 tat•• flao on.ap

    .......1 111. a t.v •••••1ate., "'" •• -tal17 ar.l•E• • old '. 1I8N, n-'., 1n \he ,In. tl.1d Uft.. N." .1•••• PI'••14..~ .t b Wbl'tl.p Al..-l A••••l.,loD e4 tibea ... • tn••• at 26-\U , ....., ....... ot 'he bou4. Be ..... onr•• In Pl'a.'I..l l.v.' the eoU•••, a41.d py.n1 oh'atoh &ad eln. ar-p,•

    • lzoa al•• t ••k par' 11l the Lt"l. 'ftle.be, vbeH be _t hi.vU., a.el.u ('.') ltpD. .1.... ,.t va. bOPD bill, ....... 1. 191.3"r. he. t •••• vor.d. •• • mb.r. Bar17 1a MP Ute. the 111'&11 tul17 _ft4 ,. a raeoh b _~l'D C&Utoftl.. B....thep di.d ... 'at •• 12, .... ber I.the. tift ,.u. laMP. ,., "..Jred her -,. 'tJut0\1l't1 1iM UJdftl'.lb .t SoutheI'. cautorai. u4 __ '0 Wh1ttl.r to tea. _-.a.oi.l nbJ.'" .t the hlp '.001. !he Blxo.1 ... -..ri•• _ ,... 21, 194.~1 thal ha.... 1;vo eh114Ha, fJt101., Mn 1. 1946, a4 .lUll., MPD III 1948•

    • 1U1l pM••l ... law 1. tId'ti.I' .tll J~, 1942, ... he ...ked •• all .tMft87 t. the Ottl•••r M .. AWIll....'I. lB V••lalDa'.. Ia A , 1942, he jol..4 U. ••YJ' ••• Ll..te....., .rua101' Grad., ,'1"17 .'t1ld. UI.-au.., ••• Lie.te_' 00 lnead.PI t. lGl1Ul!'J', 1946. .1z_ .UIlea '" ."1• •'ap. ... we .......'1.. t."I hi. ..nl.. 1. the a..* ....ltl••


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  • __

    11\ 19S', Xlzft va_ Naoatu.cl b'I ...1.... "M a. Use l.publ1..... Yl.. ,".14..'lal ."ldah.

    _Sx." "fi GIl poU,t•• an be., aHa 1. hi word., ·'oU.U•• 1 aPt at •••1n... PoUtlel an,

    b the M11l, hn.wab1e. .'boY. &Yel'ap III -"'11' 1••1lee"-1 eqdJIIA.' del .tt••,t" 1a p'ttaa ••tl__ pHbl" ,bat 1••• ,...'I.Ml "01'1. etal1 h1k or wi. .1».... .b 11141Yldaa1 ha. k be • poU.tl_ 1Mtore be ... be ••'a__•

    I.U'teal flt_ a eoalltlu.tlOl'l or bud WOPk a4 bNak.. t. take.., UD1.e.. ,... haft \ha sa" ........ \he bnak.... ,.our va,., ...d __ ..teal• ..'1 \ala ,. ~ bud, 7ft will .... _, to pel1'10al .ok ..4 • ptJ!leu.1a1 • alao.,"-Pb I lB. J"OV ~U 'leal .......

    ... polt'1..1 le.... 1. SapoptaatJ. Wba"Ml' ••paD11..... _en', l' 1. hi pe••U_iU,", .......... tv .ttl.. to •..,. tha I , ,. d••Nt.. *a, h. b.ll.... t. be t. \'be ••, t .....trr, ...1._ .... '0 \aD ..... ~.l'lou to 'IT to via t:ba people0.,.11 t. Id. polD' .t no., It 1••ct••••0 .t ... that, the ....w, viU ..in 1. Ita ,.U."•• tah tol1owtaa ••• thlaJd:•• tha, vlU NPN".' III ... lIl U. l ...t ............,.. .0...14••1.. tM , JtNbl_ Ulat.. ta.. 1. ...14, *' i. 1.......... OUt •••1.1._ .., ..pp...., 'Dot \be 10." eon .n ....s. IN., ..• a' w.tdq tihat ..ri..... prochaoe. I t, aiM faul' ,.- ... 1.a4 tp- • ,..ltt_ .f ...e111ati... II C ... plal to 1."', ,...... I.' , ....1.. t. ........... l' •• 1... 1. _ u., 7ft t ••l 1. ..nil tlp'tal ._..,. tt l' In.''. tu.,._ take •• po.ltt_ •••11. .., lt tt 1. wvtIl tlp'l.. allft', .,.. ...,I.' ,.....1••pe.l'l_ a4 lOt allot , ... that e_. tNa bel..ft' III b.t.

    I ......o,toal 1........ 'ha' I tGll" 'beU 1Ja tlp,tq wi.GiUa. I 4a t , 'be11• .,. 1. MJd... OIl I . • 1IIp1, I. the aate 01 • tlp,. I.U... •le•••• .at&1_,. h1 101' \he battl•• tIlat; t • •• .., .., hi" •••-7 hi st•• 'bJ' .."111& lllftl.e. 111 ......, 11"1••tng1 , I'D ..la'I....17al....\Ia!.aJto.'" -"or pOU. ..1'ft1li, .. en••'l.,.,.utWu. _., .-.roe 1Ihftl4 ....-... to ••014 bloo41o"1q. .. .., look .t the _JOIl ._,••,t... 01 1\1••WId....tt. al\4 k••p 1-.,. 1. ata4. Be ••tIle.... be... laftlft4 III • tlsh' Ill... i... vh1eh.cp' pHJ1I41•• Id...... to v1B Oft • -J•• 1..... fhat;la OM ot \he ••• nl••• poltttol_ en14 t.U." 18 po11tl..1 ...,.1••, MO.

    Ibe 11_ I .... 'bet.... pmd.••llt1e ._ a.,.l'II1l.1lt1. ouapa.1sa !be eucl14ate' •...'1.. I' • 'ft., .1IIpl. OM, ..0.4 1. pUlle PJ'ope"", iDIOt.... it t.u...... po.t\ten he Jd.p, tab Oil t._. 11h1l. til the o.ttt.. 1ddola. he lOW, \hl••a. bt. "...Jr.. ..ret 111 _Pal fd all __ YOM. he hal e.,' U he hal he14 pllltU. ottt.., .U '1M apee'" be ba••te. aU th. -aat••'l- '- 1f)a1oh _ baa11". hi. ftJ'pon. All.'••• of Ud. ki•• 1dl1eJllHtu .,.. or Jdpt 1.410.. hi. 'Dh11••ophfIhcN14 be ell........ .,.Jt1J'

    &.4 tl'aDk1,. '" .... t eavdiu_ ..4 bJ' JIl. oppoae.'.b ..-,tbl•• that M. ,. de vit1'l U. per11... It....... .. .

    aoaa1 Ute of & _414&... % 401l't 'bell..., t ... • Dapl.,'ha' • oaUl"te'. tM11r 1a tat. _. I ....It ._, &1_. v1~ .... In the a.pUu", patt_ 1,t.l..4 JII-. f:NaIl ora 'b p_d. 'ha' he hact