which is not a step in the problem

1. Which is not a step in the Problem-Solving phase? A. Analysis and Specification B. Translate the algorithm (the general solution) into a programming language C. Specify the required data types and the logical sequences of steps that solve the problem D. Follow the steps exactly to see if the solution really does solve the problem 2. Which is not a step in the Implementation phase? A. Testing B. Translate the algorithm (the general solution) into a programming language C. Specify the required data types and the logical sequences of steps that solve the problem D. Have the computer follow the instructions. Then manually check the results. If you find errors, analyze the program and the algorithm to determine the source of the errors, and then make corrections 3. Which is a step in the Maintenance phase? A. Modify the program to meet changing requirements or to correct any errors that show up while using it B. Specify the required data types and the logical sequences of steps that solve the problem C. Translate the algorithm (the general solution) into a programming language D. Develope a general solution for each piece called an algorithm 4. Please choose the correct order of following steps relating to the program development S1-Document & maintain the program S2-Define the problem S3-Coding S4-Outline the solution A. S2->S1->S3->S4 B. S1->S2->S3->S4 C. S2->S4->S3->S1

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Which is not a step in the problem

1. Which is not a step in the Problem-Solving phase?

A. Analysis and SpecificationB. Translate the algorithm (the general solution) into a programming languageC. Specify the required data types and the logical sequences of steps that solve the

problemD. Follow the steps exactly to see if the solution really does solve the problem

2. Which is not a step in the Implementation phase?A. TestingB. Translate the algorithm (the general solution) into a programming languageC. Specify the required data types and the logical sequences of steps that solve the

problemD. Have the computer follow the instructions. Then manually check the results. If you

find errors, analyze the program and the algorithm to determine the source of the errors, and then make corrections

3. Which is a step in the Maintenance phase?A. Modify the program to meet changing requirements or to correct any errors that show

up while using itB. Specify the required data types and the logical sequences of steps that solve the


C. Translate the algorithm (the general solution) into a programming languageD. Develope a general solution for each piece called an algorithm

4. Please choose the correct order of following steps relating to the program developmentS1-Document & maintain the programS2-Define the problemS3-CodingS4-Outline the solution

A. S2->S1->S3->S4B. S1->S2->S3->S4C. S2->S4->S3->S1D. S3->S2->S4->S1

5. Which item is not a recommendaton when writing pseudo codes?A. Each instruction/step is written on a separate lineB. Keywords and indentation are used to signify particular control structuresC. Each set of instructions is written from top to bottom, with only one entry and one exitD. Try to keep each instruction/step as short as possible

6. What is an example of the information-receiving operation of a computer?

A. Read (information from a file)B. Write (information to a file)C. Use actual mathematical symbols or the words for the symbols (+, -, *, /)D. Giving data an initial value: Initialize, Set

Page 2: Which is not a step in the problem

7. Please select one item which is not a guide when writing pseudo codeA. Keywords are written in CAPITALSB. Structural elements might come separatelyC. Indenting is used to show structure in the algorithmD. The names of subprograms are underlined

8. What can we do with the Circle symbol when drawing the flowchart to represent the algorithm?

A. Use it to represent an event which occurs automatically. Such an event will trigger a subsequent action, for example `receive telephone call’, or describe a new state of affairs.

B. Use it to represent an event which is controlled within the process. Typically this will be a step or action which is taken. In most flowcharts this will be the most frequently used symbol

C. Use it to represent a decision point in the process. Typically, the statement in the symbol will require a `yes' or `no' response and branch to different parts of the flowchart accordingly

D. Use it to represent a point at which the flowchart connects with another process. The name or reference for the other process should appear within the symbol

9. Please select the best variable name for an employee's last nameA. empLastNameB. lastNameOfTheEmployeeInQuestion. C. emplastnameD. empLstNm

10. Which structure theorem is used n a computer program or algorithm to determine which particular step or set of steps is to be executed?

A. SequenceB. SelectionC. RepetitionD. Subprogram

11. What is incorrect function of the parameter using in communicating between modules?A. To pass information from a calling module to a subordinate moduleB. To pass information from a subordinate module to its calling moduleC. To fulfil a two-way communication roleD. To store the reference data

12. In below definitions on the global data, which one is incorrect?A. Data that can be used by all the modules in a programB. Every module in the program can access and change dataC. Variables which are defined within the sub moduleD. Lifetime of a global variable spans the execution of the whole program

13. Please choose correct definition of the module parameters

A. Reference parameters pass a copy of the value of a parameter from one module to another

B. Value parameter pass the memory address of a parameter from one module to another

Page 3: Which is not a step in the problem

C. Formal parameters are the one that appear when a submodule is definedD. Variables and expressions that are passed to a submodule in a particular call are called

formal parameters14. The phrase "Two loops, one nested in the other" presents which kind of

cohesion/coupling?A. Low CouplingB. High CouplingC. Low CohesionD. High Cohesion

15. What type of coupling when “One module refers to part of another directly”?A. Content CouplingB. Common CouplingC. Control CouplingD. Stamp Coupling

16. If it’s hard to reuse calling module without including the called one, then what type of coupling has been used? A. Content CouplingB. Common CouplingC. Control CouplingD. Stamp Coupling

17. What type of coupling when “Both modules share the same data”?A. Content CouplingB. Common CouplingC. Control CouplingD. Stamp Coupling

18. What type of coupling when “One module controls decisions made by other module.”?A. Content CouplingB. Common CouplingC. Control CouplingD. Stamp Coupling

19. What type of coupling if “Modules pass data structures but only use part of them.”?A. Content CouplingB. Common CouplingC. Control CouplingD. Stamp Coupling

20. What type of coupling when “Modules communicate only through data which is used”?A. Common CouplingB. Control CouplingC. Stamp CouplingD. Data Coupling

21. A module “Calculator” is designed to perform math’s operations containing following actions: (multiply numbers, print to output stream result value, search numbers in string result). What is the characteristic of this module?A. Low CouplingB. High CouplingC. Low CohesionD. High Cohesion

Page 4: Which is not a step in the problem

22. A module is designed with operation “init()”, that is to call and execute a series of also “init()” of many other modules. What is the characteristic of this module?A. Low CouplingB. High CouplingC. Low CohesionD. High Cohesion

23. “To perform exactly one action or achieve a single goal” is “Low Cohesion” or “High Cohesion”?

A. Low CouplingB. High CouplingC. Low CohesionD. High Cohesion

24. What type of cohesion if a module whose elements perform similar activities and in which the activities to be executed are chosen from outside the module?A. Logical CohesionB. Temporal CohesionC. Procedural CohesionD. Communicational Cohesion

25. What type of cohesion if a module whose elements are functions that are related in time?A. Logical CohesionB. Temporal CohesionC. Sequential CohesionD. Functional Cohesion

26. What type of cohesion if a module whose elements are involved in different activities, but the activities are sequential?

A. Functional CohesionB. Temporal CohesionC. Procedural CohesionD. Communicational Cohesion

27. What type of cohesion if a module whose elements perform different functions, but each function references the same input information or output?A. Communicational CohesionB. Sequential CohesionC. Functional CohesionD. Temporal Cohesion

28. What type of cohesion if a module whose functions are related such that output data from one function serves as input data to the next function?A. Communicational CohesionB. Functional CohesionC. Procedural CohesionD. Sequential Cohesion

29. Which pair refers to a good design?A. Low Coupling & Low CohesionB. Low Coupling & High CohesionC. High Coupling & Low Cohesion

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D. High Coupling & High Cohesion