where you are the ‘search engine’. history……….. may 2 nd, 2000, the us announced it would...

Where YOU are the ‘Search Engine’

Upload: jaclyn-britain

Post on 15-Dec-2015




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Where YOU are the

‘Search Engine’

History………..May 2nd , 2000, the US announced it would make the 24 global satellite signals available for general use. On May 3rd, Dave Ulmer wanted to test the accuracy of his GPS device and hide the "Great American GPS Stash Hunt“ in some woods and posted the cords on the internet.The rules were simple- “Take some stuff, leave some stuff” and sign the log book.With in three days, two different groups found the black bucket.Geocaching was born………………………………

Through out the globe, other Geocachers have hide caches for you to find.To date, there are almost 500,000 caches world-wide!In the Kentukiana area there are over 3,000 caches with in 30 miles!


A computer or access to the internet and www.geocaching.comA Global Positioning System or GPS.A good sense to find the cacheA pen to sign the logs….

What you need:

Traditional CacheMulti-CacheLetter Box CacheEarthcacheEvent CacheCITO cache (Cache In – Trash Out)

Types of Caches:

I have been a member at Geocaching.com since April 2001.

‘Rubicon’ Wooly is my caching name.

To the left, are my Geocaching stats as of this month.

There are several programs to help keep track of your finds and logs.

Join the fun…..