when when a when a lawyer when a lawyer concludes


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Page 1: When When a When a lawyer When a lawyer concludes
Page 2: When When a When a lawyer When a lawyer concludes


Page 3: When When a When a lawyer When a lawyer concludes

When a

Page 4: When When a When a lawyer When a lawyer concludes

When a lawyer

Page 5: When When a When a lawyer When a lawyer concludes

When a lawyer concludes

Page 6: When When a When a lawyer When a lawyer concludes

When a lawyer concludes her argument

Page 7: When When a When a lawyer When a lawyer concludes

When a lawyer concludes her argument has to be easily remembered by a jury.

Page 8: When When a When a lawyer When a lawyer concludes

When a lawyer concludes, her argument has to be easily remembered by a jury.

Page 9: When When a When a lawyer When a lawyer concludes

Souder’s Top-Ten Do’s and Don’t’s for Commas

(All examples have been adapted from the text of the US National Assessment of the Potential Consequences of

Climate Variability and Change, retrieved from http://www.usgcrp.gov/usgcrp/nacc/.)

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1. Do separate with a comma items in a series.

Projections of the expanding uses of coal, oil, and natural gas as sources of energy indicate that human activities will cause the atmospheric CO2 concentration to rise to between 2 and 3 times its pre-industrial level by the end of the 21st century.

CF: For their help in writing this book, I want to thank my parents, Jesus and Hillary Clinton.

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2. Do separate with a comma independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction (i.e., a compound sentence). Compare #7.

In general, nighttime minimum temperatures rose more than daytime maximums, and wintertime temperatures rose more than those of summertime.

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3. Do separate with a comma an introductory subordinate clause from its main clause (i.e., a complex sentence). Compare #9.

If the projected rise in the heat index were to occur, summertime conditions for New York City could become like those now experienced in Atlanta.

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4. Do separate with a comma a non-restrictive clause from its antecedent. Such a clause begins with which or who and serves to describe its antecedent, not identify it. Compare #10.

These factors include the gas and particle composition of the atmosphere, which determines the efficiency of the absorption and reflection of incoming solar energy.

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5. Do separate with a comma coordinate adjectives. These are adjectives between which you can insert the word and without altering the sense of the sentence.

The large-scale, long-term climate of the Earth as a whole is determined by the balance of incoming solar radiation and outgoing infrared radiation.

CF: In this assessment, our goal is to examine the consequences of time-dependent climatic change.

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6. Do separate with a comma antithetical elements from the rest of the sentence.

Such studies, however, could only be used to investigate the potential sensitivity of existing systems to a different climate, rather than to explore how such changes might evolve over time.

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7. Do not separate with a comma two compound predicates joined by a conjunction. Compare #2.

These data have been carefully screened for recording errors and adjusted for long-term variability or trends.

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8. Do not separate with a comma two independent clauses that are not joined with a conjunction; use a semicolon instead. Compare #2.

Global warming will increase evaporation; however, the pattern of changes is likely to vary depending on latitude and geography as storm tracks are altered.

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9. Do not separate with a comma a subordinate clause that follows its main clause. Compare #3.

The amount of rainfall over the globe is also very likely to rise because global warming will increase.

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10. Do not separate with a comma a restrictive relative clause from its antecedent. Such a clause begins with that or who and serves to identify its antecedent, not describe it. Compare #4.

These natural variations resulted from changes in factors that still determine climatic conditions today.

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"This agreement shall be effective from the date it is made and shall continue in force for a period of five (5) years from the date it is made, and thereafter for successive five (5) year terms, unless and until terminated by one year prior notice in writing by either party."

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"This agreement shall be effective from the date it is made and shall continue in force for a period of five (5) years from the date it is made, and thereafter for successive five (5) year terms unless and until terminated by one year prior notice in writing by either party."

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October 25, 2006, New York Times, “The Comma That Costs 1 Million Dollars (Canadian)” By Ian Austen

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A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

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A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

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A well regulated Militia… shall not be infringed.

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