when we talk about medical distress due to chemicals are you immediately thinking syndrome

When we talk about MEDICAL DISTRESS due to chemicals are you IMMEDIATELY thinking syndrome When you handle chemicals at work or in the workplace your safety and the safety of others goes way past just general first aid knowledge and this book is critical safety knowledge in the know it right now department. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/npg/ And so is the 5 th addition of this book; http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2003- 154/ If you are a member of the general public... Call 911 If you believe you have been exposed to a hazardous agent, or if you believe an intentional threat will occur or is occurring, call 911 immediately. Types and Categories of Hazardous Chemicals Biotoxins Under development for later release Blister Agents/Vesicants Lewisite, sulfur mustard, nitrogen mustard, ... Blood/Systemic Agents (Knockdown Syndrome Agents) Hydrogen cyanide, arsine, ... Caustics (Acids) Hydrogen fluoride (hydrofluoric acid) Choking/Lung/Pulmonary Agents (Irritant Gas Syndrome Agents) Ammonia, chlorine, phosgene, ...

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When we talk about MEDICAL

DISTRESS due to chemicals are you IMMEDIATELY thinking syndrome

When you handle chemicals at work or in the workplace your safety and the

safety of others goes way past just general first aid knowledge and this book

is critical safety knowledge in the know it right now department.


And so is the 5th addition of this book; http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2003-


If you are a member of the general public...

Call 911

If you believe you have been exposed to a hazardous agent, or if you

believe an intentional threat will occur or is occurring, call 911


Types and Categories of Hazardous Chemicals


Under development for later release

Blister Agents/Vesicants

Lewisite, sulfur mustard, nitrogen mustard, ...

Blood/Systemic Agents (Knockdown Syndrome Agents)

Hydrogen cyanide, arsine, ...

Caustics (Acids)

Hydrogen fluoride (hydrofluoric acid)

Choking/Lung/Pulmonary Agents (Irritant Gas Syndrome Agents)

Ammonia, chlorine, phosgene, ...

Incapacitating Agents

Fentanyl, QNB (BZ), ...

Long-Acting Anticoagulants

Super warfarin


Under development for later release

Organophosphorus Pesticides and Nerve Agents

Sarin (GB), Soman (GD), Tabun (GA), VX

Organic Solvents (Acute Solvent Syndrome Agents)

Under development for later release

Riot Control Agents/Tear Gas

Chloroacetophenone (CN), chloropicrin (PS), ...

Toxic Alcohols

Under development for later release

Vomiting Agents

Under development for later release

Blood/Systemic Agents (Knockdown Syndrome Agents)

Blood/systemic agents are poisons that affect the body by being absorbed

into the blood. Chemicals such as hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen sulfide, and

phospine cause rapid loss of consciousness and collapsing, seizure,

hypotension and cardiac arrest, also known as Knockdown Syndrome.

Organophosphorus Pesticides and Nerve Agents - Tabun (GA), Sarin (GB),

Soman (GD), and VX

Nerve agents are highly poisonous chemicals that work by preventing the

nervous system from working properly. Nerve agents and other

organophosphate pesticides cause acetylcholinesterase inhibition, resulting

in signs and symptoms such as pinpoint pupils, eye pain, sweating, drooling,

tearing, vomiting, and seizure, also known as Pesticide Syndrome.

Choking/Lung/Pulmonary Agents (Irritant Gas Syndrome Agents)

Choking/lung/pulmonary agents are chemicals that cause severe irritation or

swelling of the respiratory tract (lining of the nose, throat, and lungs).

Chemicals such as ammonia, chlorine, and phosgene cause eye, nose, and

throat irritation, cough, wheezes, and dypsnea, also known as Irritant Gas


Or even

Acute Solvent Syndrome This syndrome can also be referred to as "psycho-

organic syndrome", "organicsolvent syndrome", "chronic

painter's syndrome", "occupational solvent encephalopathy",

"solvent intoxication", "toxic solvent syndrome", "paintersdisease", "psycho-

organic syndrome", "chronic toxic encephalopathy", and

"neurasthenic syndrome.

Solvents: Quick Facts

Use: varied - recreational (alcohol) to industrial (gasoline, degreasers)

Source: synthetic chemistry, petroleum products; plant oils

Recommended daily intake: none (not essential)

Absorption: intestine, inhalation (major), skin

Sensitive individuals: fetus, children

Toxicity/symptoms: nervous system, reproductive system, and death

General facts: long history of use (alcohol), high volatility of solvent results in

inhalation exposure of vapors

Environmental concerns: volatile organic compounds react with sunlight to

produce smog; solvents may contaminate groundwater

Recommendations: avoid, use proper workplace protection

Chemical Classes

Toxic chemicals can often be grouped into classes, whereby all the

chemicals in a given class cause similar human health effects.

These constellations of toxic effects or toxic syndromes comprise a set of

clinical "fingerprints" for groups of toxins.

All of the toxins associated with a given toxic syndrome are treated


Emergency Treatment

During the early phases of a toxic chemical emergency, when the exact

chemical is often unknown, identification of the toxic syndromes that are

present can be a useful decision-making tool.

Toxic syndromes are easily identified with only a few observations, such as:

Vital signs

Mental status

Pupil size

Mucous membrane irritation

Lung exam for wheezes or rales

Skin for burns, moisture, and color

The identification of the constellation of signs and symptoms is all that is

needed to diagnose and treat a life-threatening condition (e.g., respiratory


Once the life-threatening crisis has been averted and time passes, more

specific information from the history or diagnostic test results will guide

additional therapeutic decisions and patient disposition.

Route of Exposure is a Determinant of Toxicity

A chemical's physical state and the route of exposure influence toxicity.

The chemical's state often determines the route of exposure.

For many chemicals, the toxic effects occur at the site of absorption.

Inhalation exposure- Gases, vapors, airborne powders, and aerosolized

liquids are inhalation risks.

Irritant gases attack the water in the respiratory mucosa and eye, causing

burning pain, irritation, and copious secretions at the site of contact.

Inhalation exposure also allows some rapid entry into the systemic

circulation, causing toxic effects distant from the entry route.

Hydrogen cyanide is a gas that rapidly enters the circulation through the lung

and causes loss of consciousness, seizures, cardiac dysrhythmias,

hypotension, and possible death in a matter of minutes after the exposure.

Dermal exposure - Chemicals in contact with the skin can cause local effect

but may also enter the systemic circulation and cause effects at distant

sites from the entry route.

Organophosphate insecticides are fat-soluble chemicals that rapidly

penetrate the skin and enter the blood stream to circulate to distant sites.

Skin exposure can delay onset of systemic effects as compared with the

rapid entry through the lung.

The Dose Makes the Poison

Dose - response

Evaluating clinical effects based on the amount of exposure is a basic

toxicology principle called dose-response.

The dose is the total amount of chemical absorbed during an exposure.

Dose depends on the concentration of the chemical and duration (contact

time) of the exposure. Chemicals cause predictable toxic effects based on

the dose.

Ethanol is a good example. Incremental increases in blood ethanol levels

result in predictable increases in alteration of consciousness (signs of

inebriation), poor coordination, and eventually coma/respiratory depression,

and finally death.


Duration of exposure is one important factor affecting the dose

High concentrations over a long duration are more likely to produce adverse

health effects than the same or lower concentration over a shorter exposure


Example 1, Dermal exposure - an acid placed on the skin will cause more

tissue destruction the longer it stays in contact with the tissues. If the acid

is immediately washed off the skin, injury is limited.

Example 2, Inhalation exposure - The longer a victim is allowed to breathe

toxic chemicals, the greater the dose of exposure.

Application of dose-response principles

Applying the above dose-response principles can guide patient assessment

to toxic chemical exposures.

Patients who have higher concentrations and longer durations of exposure

result in greater doses to the victim and will more likely have harmful


Those receiving larger doses need more urgent attention and possibly life-

saving interventions than those receiving smaller doses (especially if






Absorption: The incorporation of liquids or gases into the body. Absorption is

also the process by which liquid hazardous materials are soaked up by sand,

sawdust, or other material to limit the spread of contamination.

Acetylcholinesterase: An enzyme that hydrolyzes the neurotransmitter

acetylcholine. The action of this enzyme is inhibited by nerve agents.

Acidosis: Pathological condition in which the hydrogen(1+) (hydron) amount

concentration of body fluids is above normal and hence the pH of blood falls

below the reference interval.

Active metabolite: Metabolite causing biological and (or) toxicological


Acute effect: A pathologic process caused by a single substantial exposure.

Acute exposure: A single encounter to toxic concentrations of a hazardous

material or multiple encounters over a short period of time (usually 24 hours).

Acute toxicity: Adverse effects of finite duration occurring within a short

time (up to 14 d) after administration of a single dose (or exposure to a given

concentration) of a test substance or after multiple doses (exposures),

usually within 24 h of a starting point (which may be exposure to the

toxicant, or loss of reserve capacity, or developmental change etc.).

Adaptation: The tendency of certain receptors to become less responsive or

cease to respond to repeated or continued stimuli.

Adsorption: The property of a substance to attract and hold to its surface a

gas, liquid, or other substance.

Adverse effect: Change in biochemistry, physiology, growth, development

morphology, behavior, or lifespan of an organism which results in impairment

of functional capacity or impairment of capacity to compensate for additional

stress or increase in susceptibility to other environmental influences.

Aerosol: Fine liquid or solid particles suspended in a gas; for example, fog or


Aerosolized: The production of an aerosol -- a fine mist or spray containing

minute particles.

Air purification devices: Respirators or filtration devices that remove

particulate matter, gases, or vapors from the atmosphere. These devices

range from full-facepiece, dual-cartridge respirators with eye protection to

halfmask, facepiece-mounted cartridges with no eye protection.

Air-supplied respirators: A device that provides the user with compressed air

for breathing.

Airways: Any parts of the respiratory tract through which air passes during


Albuminuria: The presence of protein (primarily albumin) in the urine; usually

indicative of transient dysfunction or disease.

Alkali: A basic substance (pH greater than 7) that has the capacity to

neutralize an acid and form a salt.

Alveolar ducts: The smallest of the lungs' airways that connect terminal

bronchioles and alveolar sacs. Sometimes called bronchioles.

Alveoli (singular alveolus): Microscopic air sacs in which gas exchange

between the blood and the lungs occurs.

Anemia: Any condition in which the number of red blood cells, the amount of

hemoglobin, and the volume of packed red blood cells per 100 milliliters of

blood are less than normal.

Anesthetic: Substance which produces loss of feeling or sensation: general

anesthetic produces loss of consciousness; local or regional anesthetic

renders a specific area insensible to pain.

Anhydrous: Containing no water.

Anisocytosis: Considerable variation in the size of blood cells.

Anorexia: Lack of appetite; aversion to food.

Anoxia: Lack of oxygen in inspired air, blood, or tissues.

Anterior chamber of the eye: The fluid-filled front portion of the eye between

the cornea and the lens.

Antidote: An agent that neutralizes a poison or counteracts its effects.

Anticoagulant: Substance which prevents blood clotting, e.g., warfarin.

Anuria: Absence of urine production.

Anxiety: a feeling of apprehension, uncertainty, and fear without apparent

stimulus, associated with physiological changes (tachycardia, sweating,

tremor, etc.).

Aplastic anemia: A condition characterized by a decrease in the amount of

hemoglobin in the blood due to incomplete or defective development of red

blood cells; usually accompanied by defective regeneration of white blood

cells and platelets.

Apnea: Cessation of breathing.

Arrhythmia: Any variation from the normal rhythm of the heartbeat.

Asphyxia: A condition in which the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in

the lungs is absent or impaired.

Aspiration pneumonia: Inflammation of the lungs due to inhalation of foreign

material, usually food or vomitus, into the bronchi.

Asthma: A chronic condition in which constriction (spasm) of the bronchial

tubes occurs in response to irritation, allergy, or other stimuli.

Ataxia: Incoordination of voluntary movement, especially affecting gait and


Atelectasis: Lung collapse.

Atomic weight: The average weight (or mass) of all the isotopes of an

element, as determined from the proportions in which they are present in a

given element, compared with the mass of the 12 isotope of carbon (taken as

precisely 12.000), which is the official international standard; measured in


Atopy: A tendency or predisposition to allergic reactions.

Atropine: A compound used as an antidote for nerve agents.

Autoignition temperature: The lowest temperature at which a gas or vapor-

air mixture will ignite from its own heat source or a contacted heated

surface without a spark or flame.

Axonal: Pertaining to an axon.

Axon: The part of a nerve cell that conducts nervous impulses away from the

nerve cell body to the remainder of the cell (i.e., dendrites); large number of

fibrils enveloped by a segmented myelin sheath.


Bilirubin: A red pigment that results from normal and abnormal destruction of

red blood cells.

Blepharospasm: Involuntary spasmodic blinking or closing of the eyelids due

to severe irritation.

Blister Agents: Substances that cause blistering of the skin. Exposure is

through liquid or vapor contact with any exposed tissue (eyes, skin, lungs).

Blood Agents: Substances that injure a person by interfering with cell

respiration (the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between blood and


Boiling point: The temperature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid equals

the atmospheric pressure and the liquid becomes vapor.

Bradycardia: Slow heart rate, usually under 60 beats per minute.

Bronchiole: A small-diameter airway branching from a bronchus.

Bronchi (singular bronchus): Large divisions of the trachea that convey air to

and from the lungs.

Bronchitis: Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tubes,

usually associated with a persistent cough and sputum production.

Bronchorrhea: Increased bronchial secretions.

Bronchospasm: Contraction of the smooth muscle of the bronchi, causing

narrowing of the bronchi. This narrowing increases the resistance of air flow

into the lungs and may cause a shortness of breath, typically associated with


Bullae: Large fluid-filled blisters.


Carcinogenic: Causing cancer.

Cardiac dysrhythmia: Abnormality in the rate, regularity, or sequence of the

heart beat. Formerly referred to as cardiac arrhythmia.

Casualty (toxic) agents: Produce incapacitation, serious injury, or death.

They can be used to incapacitate or kill victims. These agents are the

choking, blister, nerve, and blood agents.

Cataract: Loss of transparency (clouding) of the lens of the eye.

Catecholamines of biochemical interest am those produced by the nervous

system (e.g., epinephrine [adrenaline] or dopamine) to increase heart rate

and blood pressure, or medicines with the same general chemical structure

and effect: (Managing Hazardous Materials Incidents, CDC/ATSDR)

Catecholamines: Substances of a specific chemical nature (pyrocatechols

with an alkylamine side chain).

Caustic: Substance that strongly irritates, burns, corrodes, or destroys living


Central nervous system depressants: Compounds that have the predominant

effect of depressing or blocking the activity of the central nervous system.

The primary mental effects include the disruption of the ability to think,

sedation, and lack of motivation.

Central nervous system stimulants: Compounds that have the predominant

effect of flooding the brain with too much information. The primary mental

effect is loss of concentration, causing indecisiveness and the inability to

act in a sustained, purposeful manner.

Cerebellar abnormalities: Any irregularity in the cerebellum of the brain.

Cerebellum: The large brain mass located at the posterior base of the brain,

responsible for balance and coordination of movement.

Cerebral infarctions: Death of tissue in the cerebrum due to lack of blood

flow to the area.

Cerebrum: The largest portion of the brain; includes the cerebral

hemispheres (cerebral cortex and basal ganglia).

Chemexfoliation: Chemical skin peeling; use of chemicals to remove scars or

pigmentation defects.

Chemical agent: A chemical substance that is intended for use in military

operations to kill, seriously injure, or incapacitate people through its

physiological effects. Excluded from consideration are riot control agents,

and smoke and flame materials. The agent may appear as a vapor, aerosol,

or liquid; it can be either a casualty/toxic agent or an incapacitating agent.

Chemical formula: The collection of atomic symbols and numbers that

indicates the chemical composition of a pure substance.

Chemical-protective clothing: Clothing specifically designed to protect the

skin and eyes from direct chemical contact. Descriptions of chemical-

protective apparel include nonencapsulating and encapsulating (referred to

as liquid-splash protective clothing and vapor-protective clothing,


Chemical threat agents: Toxic chemicals that could be used in a terrorist

attack against civilians, or chemicals that could be released at toxic levels

by accident or natural disaster. This is a term used by federal and

Department of Defense agencies such as United States Army Medical

Institute of Chemical Defense (USAMICD), Centers for Disease Control and

Preventuion(CDC), National Institutes of Health (NIH), and Department of

Homeland Security (DHS).

Choking Agents: Substances that cause physical injury to the lungs.

Exposure is through inhalation. In extreme cases, membranes swell and

lungs become filled with liquid. Death results from lack of oxygen; hence, the

victim is "choked" (Chemical/Biological/Radiological Incident Handbook, CIA)

Chronic effect: A pathologic process caused by repeated exposures over a

period of long duration.

Chronic exposure: Repeated encounters with a hazardous substance over a

period of long duration.

Cognitive function: The ability to think.

Coma: State of profound unconsciousness from which the patient cannot be


Combustible liquid: Any liquid that has a flash point at or above 100 EF (37.7

EC) and below 200 EF (93.3 EC).

Comorbid: pertaining to a disease or other pathological process that occurs

simultaneously with another (Dorland's Medical Dictionary for Health


Comorbidity: The simultaneous presence of two or more morbid conditions or

diseases in the same patient, which may complicate a patients's hospital

stay; in the US health care system, comorbidity carries considerable weight

in determining the reasonable length of hospitalization under the DRG

classification of diseases (McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern


Compressed gas: Gas whose volume has been reduced by pressure.

Congenital anomalies: Birth defects.

Conjunctiva (plural conjuctivae): The delicate mucous membrane that covers

the exposed surface of the eyeball and lines the eyelids.

Conjunctivitis: Inflammation of the conjunctiva; can result in redness,

irritation, and tearing of the eye.

Contact dermatitis (allergic): A delayed-onset skin reaction caused by skin

contact with a chemical to which the individual has been previously


Contact dermatitis (irritant): Inflammatory skin reaction caused by a skin


Contamination: The presence of extraneous, especially infectious, material

that renders a substance or preparation impure or harmful; the deposition of

radioactive material in any place where it is not desired.

Control zones: Areas at a hazardous materials incident whose boundaries are

based on safety and the degree of hazard; generally includes the Hot Zone,

Decontamination Zone, and Support Zone.

Corneal opacification: Clouding of the cornea.

Cornea: Transparent membrane that covers the colored part of the eye.

Corrosive: Ability to destroy the texture or substance of a tissue.

Critical Care Area: That area in a hospital designated for the treatment of

severely ill patients.

Cutaneous: Pertaining to the skin.

Cyanosis: Bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes due to

deficient oxygenation of the blood; usually evident when reduced hemoglobin

(i.e., hemoglobin unable to carry oxygen) exceeds 5%.


Decontamination: The process of making any person, object, or area safe by

absorbing, destroying, neutralizing, making harmless, or removing the

hazardous material.

Decontamination: The process of removing hazardous materials from

exposed persons and equipment at a hazardous materials incident.

Decontamination Zone: The area surrounding a chemical hazard incident

(between the Hot Zone and the Support Zone) in which contaminants are

removed from exposed victims.

Defat: To remove natural oils from the skin.

Degradation: The process of decomposition. When applied to protective

clothing, a molecular breakdown of material because of chemical contact;

degradation is evidenced by visible signs such as charring, shrinking, or

dissolving. Testing clothing material for weight changes, thickness changes,

and loss of tensile strength will also reveal degradation.

Delirium: A condition of extreme mental (and sometimes motor) excitement

marked by defective perception, impaired memory, and a rapid succession of

confused and unconnected ideas, often with illusions and hallucinations.

Dementia: A general deterioration of mental abilities.

Demyelination: Removal (destruction) of the myelin sheath that surrounds

and protects nerves.

Denervation atrophy: Shrinkage or wasting of muscles due to loss of nerve


Dermal: Relating to the skin.

Dermatitis: Skin inflammation.

Dermis: The layer of the skin just below the epidermis or outer layer. The

dermis has a rich supply of blood vessels, nerves, and skin structures.

Desiccant effect: Drying of the skin caused by removal of soluble oils.

Desiccation: Removal of moisture; drying.

Detoxification: The metabolic process by which the toxic qualities of a

poison or toxin are reduced by the body.

Dialysis: medical procedure in which this technique of molecular separation

is used to remove metabolic waste products or toxic substances from the

blood. Dialysis is required for individuals with severe kidney failure.

Diaphoresis: Excessive perspiration.

Dilution: The use of water to lower the concentration or amount of a


Diplopia: Double vision.

Dyscrasia: Blood disorder.

Dysphagia: Difficulty in swallowing.

Dyspnea: Shortness of breath; difficult or labored breathing.

Dysuria: Painful or difficult urination.


Edema: Accumulation of fluid in body cells or tissues; usually identified as


Embolization: Obstruction of a blood vessel by a transported clot or other


Embryo: In humans, the developing conceptus up to 8 weeks after

fertilization of the egg. See also fetus.

Embryotoxicity: Ability to harm the embryo.

Emergency: A sudden and unexpected event requiring immediate remedial


Emesis: Vomiting.

Encephalopathy: Any disease of the brain.

Environmental hazard: A condition capable of posing an unreasonable risk to

air, water, or soil quality, or plant or animal life.

Epidermis: The outermost layer of the skin.

Erythema: Redness of the skin.

Erythroderma: Intense, widespread reddening of the skin.

Esophageal strictures: Narrowing of the esophagus that causes difficulty in

swallowing; often due to scar formation following extensive burns.

Esophagus: The portion of the digestive canal extending from the throat to

the stomach. Also referred to as the gullet.

Euphoria: An intense and exaggerated feeling of well-being.

Excretion: the process of eliminating, shedding, or getting rid of substances

by body organs or tissues, as part of a natural metabolic activity. Ordinarily,

what is meant by excretion is the evacuation of feces. Technically, excretion

can refer to the expulsion of any matter, whether from a single cell or from

the entire body, or to the matter excreted.

Exfoliative dermatitis: A skin condition that involves scaling or shedding of

the superficial cells of the epidermis.

Exothermic reaction: Chemical reactions that produce heat.

Explosives: Compounds that are unstable and break down with the sudden

release of large amounts of energy.

Explosivity: The characteristic of undergoing very rapid decomposition (or

combustion) to release large amounts of energy.


Fasciculation: Muscle twitching.

Fetotoxic: Having the ability to harm the fetus.

Fetus: In humans, the conceptus from 8 weeks after fertilization until birth.

See also embryo.

Flame-resistant: Slow or unable to burn.

Flammable (explosive) range: The range of gas or vapor concentration

(percentage by volume in air) that will burn or explode if an ignition source is

present. Limiting concentrations are commonly called the lower explosive

limit and upper explosive limit. Below the lower explosive limit, the mixture

is too lean to burn; above the upper explosive limit, the mixture is too rich to


Flammable: The ability of a substance to ignite and burn.

Flashback: The movement of a flame to a fuel source; typically occurs via the

vapor of a highly volatile liquid or by a flammable gas escaping from a


Flash point: The minimum temperature at which a liquid produces enough

vapor to ignite.

Fluorosis: Accumulation of excessive fluoride in the body; characterized by

increased bone density and mineral deposits in tendons, ligaments, and


Followup: Constant or intermittent contact with a patient after diagnosis or


Freezing point: Temperature at which crystals start to form as a liquid is

slowly cooled; alternatively, the temperature at which a solid substance

begins to melt as it is slowly heated.

Fume: Fine particles (typically of a metal oxide) dispersed in air that may be

formed in various ways (e.g., condensation of vapors, chemical reaction).


Gangrene: Death of tissue due to lack of blood supply.

Gas: A physical state of matter that has low density and viscosity, can

expand and contract greatly in response to changes in temperature and

pressure, readily and uniformly distributes itself throughout any container.

Genetic polymorphism: Existence of inter-individual differences in DNA

sequences coding for one specific gene, giving rise to different functional

and (or) morphological traits (IUPAC)

Glaucoma: A disease of the eye characterized by abnormal and damaging

high pressure inside the eye; usually due to a blockage of the channel that

normally allows the outflow of fluid from the eye.

Glomerulus (plural glomeruli): A tuft formed of capillary loops that filter blood

in the kidney.

G-series nerve agents: Chemical agents of moderate to high toxicity

developed in the 1930s. Examples are tabun (GA), sarin (GB), soman (GD),

and GF.


Hazard: A circumstance or condition that can cause harm.

Hazardous materials incident: The uncontrolled release or potential release

of a hazardous material from its container into the environment.

Hazardous materials: Substances that, if not properly controlled, pose a risk

to people, property, or the environment.

Hematuria: Condition in which the urine contains an abnormal amount of

blood or red blood cells.

Hemodialysis: Removal of soluble substances from the blood by their

diffusion through a semipermeable membrane.

Hemoglobinuria: Condition in which the urine contains an abnormal amount

of hemoglobin.

Hemolysis: Destruction or dissolution of red blood cells in such a manner

that hemoglobin is liberated into the medium in which the cells are


Hemolytic anemia: Any anemia resulting from destruction of red blood cells.

Hemoptysis: The spitting of blood derived from hemorrhage in the lungs or

bronchial tubes.

Hepatic: Pertaining to the liver.

Hepatomegaly: Enlargement of the liver.

Hot Zone: The area immediately surrounding a chemical hazard incident,

such as a spill, in which contamination or other danger exists.

Hyperbilirubinemia: A condition in which an abnormally large amount of

bilirubin is found in the blood. Jaundice becomes apparent when the level of

bilirubin is double the normal level.

Hyperesthesia: Increased sensitivity to touch, pain, or other sensory stimuli.

Hyperpigmentation: An excess of pigment in a tissue or part of the body.

Hyperreflexia: A condition in which the deep tendon reflexes are


Hypersensitization: Increased sensitivity of the immune system; induced by

initial exposure with subsequent exposures eliciting a greater than expected

immunologic response.

Hypertension: High blood pressure.

Hypocalcemia: A condition in which an abnormally low concentration of

calcium ions is present in the blood.

Hypokalemia: A condition in which an abnormally low concentration of

potassium ions is present in the blood.

Hypomagnesemia: A condition in which the plasma concentration of

magnesium ions is abnormally low; may cause convulsions and concurrent


Hypophosphatemia: Condition in which an abnormally low concentration of

phosphate is found in the blood.

Hypotension: Low arterial blood pressure.

Hypotonia: A condition in which there is a loss of muscle tone.

Hypoxemia: A condition in which inadequate oxygen is present in arterial

blood, short of anoxia.

Hypoxia: Condition in which below-normal levels of oxygen are present in the

air, blood, or body tissues, short of anoxia.


Ignition (autoignition) temperature: The minimum temperature required to

ignite gas or vapor without a spark or flame being present.

Immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH): That atmospheric

concentration of a chemical that poses an immediate danger to the life or

health of a person who is exposed but from which that person could escape

without any escape-impairing symptoms or irreversible health effects. A

companion measurement to the permissible exposure limit (PEL), IDLH

concentrations represent levels at which respiratory protection is required.

IDLH is expressed in parts per million (ppm) or mg/m3.

Inadequate warning property: Characteristic (e.g., odor, irritation) of a

substance that is not sufficient to cause a person to notice exposure.

Incapacitating agents: Produce temporary physiological and/or mental

effects via action on the central nervous system. Effects may persist for

hours or days, but victims usually do not require medical treatment.

However, such treatment speeds recovery.

Incident commander: The person responsible for establishing and managing

the overall operational plan at a hazardous material incident. The incident

commander is responsible for developing an effective organizational

structure, allocating resources, making appropriate assignments, managing

information, and continually attempting to mitigate the incident.

Industrial agents: Chemicals developed or manufactured for use in industrial

operations or research by industry, government, or academia. These

chemicals are not primarily manufactured for the specific purpose of

producing human casualties or rendering equipment, facilities, or areas

dangerous for use by man. Hydrogen cyanide, cyanogen chloride, phosgene,

chloropicrin and many herbicides and pesticides are industrial chemicals

that also can be chemical agents.

Insecticide: An agent that has the ability to kill insects.

Intention tremor: Trembling of the extremities during movement.

Interstitial pneumonitis: Inflammation of the alveolar walls and the spaces

between them.

Iritis: Inflammation of the colored part of the eye (iris).

Ischemia: Obstruction of blood flow (usually by arterial narrowing) that

causes lack of oxygen and other bloodborne nutrients.

Ischemic necrosis: Death of cells as a result of decreased blood flow to

affected tissues.


Jaundice: Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes due to an

accumulation of bile pigments (e.g., bilirubin) in the circulating blood.


Keratitis: Inflammation of the cornea.


Lacrimation: Secretion of tears, especially in excess.

Laryngeal edema: Swelling of the voice box due to fluid accumulation.

Laryngitis: Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx.

Laryngospasm: Spasmodic closure of the vocal apparatus.

Lesions: any pathological or traumatic discontinuity of tissue or loss of

function of a part. Lesion is a broad term, including wounds, sores, ulcers,

tumors, cataracts and any other tissue damage. They range from the skin

sores associated with eczema to the changes in lung tissue that occur in


Lethargy: A state of extreme tiredness or fatigue.

Leukemia: Progressive proliferation of abnormal leukocytes found in blood

and blood-forming tissues and organs; due to cancer of the bone marrow

cells that form leukocytes.

Leukocyte: White cell normally present in circulating blood.

Liquid agent: A chemical agent that appears to be an oily film or droplets.

The color ranges from clear to brownish amber.


Material safety data sheet (MSDS): Documents prepared by the chemical

industry to transmit information about the physical properties and health

effects of chemicals, and about emergency response plans.

Metabolism: Sum total of all physical and chemical processes that take place

within an organism from uptake to elimination. In a narrower sense, the

physical and chemical changes that take place in a substance within an

organism, including biotransformation to metabolites.

Methemoglobin: A transformation product of hemoglobin in which normal

Fe+2 is oxidized to Fe+3.

Methemoglobin contains oxygen that is firmly bound to the Fe+3 ion, which

prevents the release of oxygen to the tissues.

Methemoglobinemia: Condition in which methemoglobin is present in the

circulating blood.

Methemoglobinuria: Condition in which methemoglobin is present in the


Miosis: Contraction of the pupil to a pinpoint.

Miscible: Able to mix (but not chemically combine) in any ratio without

separating into two phases (e.g., water and alcohol).

Mist: Liquid droplets dispersed in air.

Mitigation: Actions taken to prevent or reduce the severity of harm.

Molecular weight: The sum of the atomic weights (q.v.) of the atoms in a

molecule; measured in daltons.

Monocytic leukemia: A form of bone marrow cancer characterized by an

increase in the number of large, mononuclear white blood cells in tissues,

organs, and the circulating blood.

Mutant cells: a cell that has undergone genetic mutation; Resulting from or

undergoing mutation.

Myalgia: Severe muscle pain.

Mydriasis: Dilation of the pupil.

Myelocytic leukemia: A form of bone marrow cancer characterized by the

presence of large numbers of granular white blood cells in tissues, organs,

and the circulating blood.

Myocardial ischemia: Insufficient oxygen supply to meet the metabolic

demands of heart muscles.

Myocarditis: Inflammation of the muscles of the heart.

Myoclonus: Involuntary spasm or twitching of a muscle or group of muscles.

Myoglobin: The oxygen-transporting, pigmented protein of muscle; resembles

blood hemoglobin in function.

Myoglobinuria: Presence of myoglobin in urine.


Nasopharynx: Relating to the nasal cavity and that part of the throat that lies

above the level of the soft palate.

Necrosis: Death of one or more cells or a portion of a tissue or organ.

Nephrotoxic: Capable of damaging the kidney.

Nerve Agents: Substances that interfere with the central nervous system.

Exposure is primarily through contact with the liquid (skin and eyes) and

secondarily through inhalation of the vapor. Three distinct symptoms

associated with nerve agents are: pin-point pupils, an extreme headache,

and severe tightness in the chest.

Neuropathy: A disorder of the nervous system; in contemporary usage, a

disease involving the cranial or spinal nerves.

Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema: An accumulation of an excessive amount

of fluid in the lungs as a result of leakage from pulmonary capillaries; not due

to heart failure.

Nonpersistent agent: An agent that upon release loses its ability to cause

casualties after 10 to 15 minutes. It has a high evaporation rate and is lighter

than air and will disperse rapidly. It is considered to be a short-term hazard.

However, in small unventilated areas, the agent will be more persistent.

Nystagmus: Involuntary rapid movements of the eyeballs, either rhythmical

or jerky.


Ocular: Pertaining to the eye.

Odor threshold: The lowest concentration of a vapor or gas that can be

detected by smell.

Off-gassing: Giving off a vapor or gas.

Olfactory fatigue: Temporary loss of the sense of smell due to repeated or

continued stimulation.

Oliguria: Condition in which abnormally small amounts of urine are produced.

Opisthotonos: Tetanic spasm in which the spine and extremities are bent up

and forward so that a reclining body rests on the head and the heels.

Optic atrophy: Shrinkage or wasting of the optic nerve that may lead to

partial vision loss or blindness.

Optic neuritis: Inflammation of the optic nerve.

Organophosphorous compound: A compound, containing the elements

phosphorus and carbon, whose physiological effects include inhibition of

acetylcholinesterase. Many pesticides (malathione and parathion) and

virtually all nerve agents are organophosphorous compounds.

Osteosclerosis: Abnormal hardening or increase in density of the bone.


Paresthesias: An abnormal sensation such as burning, prickling, or tingling.

Percutaneous absorption: Passage of a substance through unbroken skin.

Percutaneous agent: Able to be absorbed by the body through the skin.

Peripheral neuropathy: A disorder of the peripheral nerves.

Permeability: The degree to which one substance allows another substance

to pass through it.

Permeation: The passage of chemicals, on a molecular level, through intact

material such as protective clothing.

Permissible exposure limit (PEL): The maximum time-weighted average

concentration mandated by the Occupational Safety and Health

Administration (OSHA) to which workers may be repeatedly exposed for 8

hours per day, 40 hours per week without adverse health effects.

Persistent agent: An agent that upon release retains its casualty-producing

effects for an extended period of time, usually anywhere from 30 minutes to

several days. A persistent agent usually has a low evaporation rate and its

vapor is heavier than air. Therefore, its vapor cloud tends to hug the ground.

It is considered to be a long-term hazard. Although inhalation hazards are

still a concern, extreme caution should be taken to avoid skin contact as


Photophobia: Abnormal sensitiveness to light, especially of the eyes.

Physical state: The state (solid, liquid, or gas) of a chemical under specific

conditions of temperature and pressure.

Pneumonitis: Inflammation of the lungs.

Poikilocytosis: The presence of irregularly shaped red blood cells in the

peripheral blood.

Posthypoxic encephalopathy: Condition in which the brain has been damaged

as a result of insufficient oxygen.

Proliferation: the reproduction or multiplication of similar forms. The term is

usually applied to increases of cells or cysts.

Protection: Any means by which an individual protects his body. Measures

include masks, self-contained breathing apparatuses, clothing, structures

such as buildings, and vehicles.

Proteinuria: A condition in which an abnormal amount of protein is present in

the urine. See also albuminuria.

Protocol: an explicit, detailed plan of an experiment, procedure, or test; The

plan for a course of medical treatment or for a scientific experiment.

Pruritic: Pertaining to itching.

Psychosis: A mental disorder characterized by derangement of personality

and loss of touch with reality.

Pulmonary edema: Accumulation of extravascular fluid in the lungs that

impairs gas exchange; usually due to either increased intravascular pressure

or increased permeability of the pulmonary capillaries.

Pupil: The circular opening in the center of the iris through which light rays

enter the eye.


Reactivity: The ability of a substance to chemically interact with other


Rescuer protection equipment: Gear necessary to prevent injury to workers

responding to chemical incidents.

Respiratory depression: Slowing or cessation of breathing due to suppression

of the function of the respiratory center in the brain.

Response organization: An organization prepared to provide assistance in an

emergency (e.g., fire department).

Response personnel: Staff attached to a response organization (e.g.,

HAZMAT team).

Retrobulbar neuritis: Inflammation of the portion of the optic nerve behind

the eyeball.

Rhinitis: Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasal passages.

Rhinorrhea: A discharge from the nasal mucous membrane.

Risk assessment: The identification and assessment of hazards (first two

steps of risk management process).

Routes of exposure: The manner in which a chemical contaminant enters the

body (e.g., inhalation, ingestion).


Sclera: The tough, white supporting tunic of the eyeball.

Secondary contamination: Transfer of a harmful substance from one body

(primary body) to another (secondary body), thus potentially permitting

adverse effects to the secondary body.

Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA): Protective equipment consisting

of an enclosed facepiece and an independent, individual supply (tank) of air;

used for breathing in atmospheres containing toxic substances or


Sensory neuropathy: Damage to the nerves that carry information about

sensation (e.g., touch, pain, temperature) to the brain.

Sequela (plural sequelae): A condition that follows as a consequence of

injury or disease.

Sloughing: The process by which necrotic cells separate from the tissues to

which they have been attached.

Solubility: The ability of one material to dissolve in or blend uniformly with


Soluble: Capable of being dissolved.

Solution: A homogeneous mixture of two or more substances, usually liquid.

Solvent: A substance that dissolves another substance.

Specific gravity: The ratio of the mass of a unit volume of a substance to the

mass of the same volume of a standard substance (usually water) at a

standard temperature.

Status epilepticus: Severe seizures in which recovery does not occur

between major episodes.

Stridor: A harsh, high-pitched respiratory sound often heard in acute

respiratory obstruction.

Support Zone: That area beyond the Decontamination Zone that surrounds a

chemical hazard incident in which medical care can be freely administered

to stabilize a victim.

Surfactant: An agent that reduces surface tension (e.g., wetting agents,

detergents, dispersing agents).

Surge Capacity: Health Care system's ability to expand quickly to meet an

increased demand for medical care in the event of bioterrorism or other

large-scale public health emergency (AHRQ)

Susceptible population: a group of people who share a characteristic that

causes each member to be susceptible to a particular event, such as non-

immunized children who are exposed to poliovirus or immunosuppressed

people who are exposed to herpesvirus. Also called vulnerable population or

population at risk.

Syncope: A transient loss of consciousness and postural tone caused by

diminished blood flow to the brain.


Tachycardia: Rapid heartbeat (typically greater than 100 beats per minute).

Tachypnea: Rapid breathing.

Tear (riot control) agents: Produce irritating or disabling effects that rapidly

disappear within minutes after exposure ceases.

Teratogenic: Having the ability to cause congenital anomalies.

Tetany: A condition marked by involuntary muscle contractions or spasms.

Thrombocytopenia: A condition in which there is an abnormally small number

of platelets in the blood.

Thrombosis: Blood vessel clotting.

Time-weighted average (TWA) air concentration: That concentration of a

substance in air that is measured by collecting it on a substrate at a known

rate for a given period of time.

Tinnitus: Ringing in the ears.

Toxic: Having the ability to harm the body, especially by chemical means.

Toxic potential: The inherent ability of a substance to cause harm.

Toxicology: the scientific study of poisons, their detection, their effects, and

methods of treatment for conditions they produce.

Tracheitis: Inflammation of the membrane lining the trachea.

Transdermal: entering through the dermis, or skin, as in administration of a

drug via ointment or patch.

Triage: the sorting of and allocation of treatment to patients and especially

battle and disaster victims according to a system of priorities designed to

maximize the number of survivors; the sorting of patients (as in an

emergency room) according to the urgency of their need for care.

Trismus: Lockjaw.

Tubular necrosis: Death of the cells lining the kidney tubules.


Uremia: Condition in which an abnormally high level of urea or other

nitrogenous waste is found in the blood; due to kidney dysfunction.

Urticaria: Hives.


Vapor agent: A gaseous form of a chemical agent. If heavier than air, the

cloud will be close to the ground. If lighter than air, the cloud will rise and

disperse more quickly.

Vapor density: The weight of a given volume of vapor or gas compared to the

weight of an equal volume of dry air, both measured at the same temperature

and pressure.

Vapor pressure: A measure of the tendency of a liquid to become a gas at a

given temperature.

Vapor: The gaseous form of a substance that is normally a solid or liquid at

room temperature and pressure.

Vascular: Pertaining to blood vessels.

Vasodilation: Increased diameter of the blood vessels.

Ventricular fibrillation: Rapid, tremulous movement of the ventricle that

replaces normal contractions of the heart muscle; results in little or no blood

being pumped from the heart.

Vertigo: Sensation of spinning or revolving.

Vesicant: An agent that produces blisters.

Vesiculation: The presence or formation of blisters.

Volatility: A measure of how readily a substance will vaporize.

Vomiting agents: Produce nausea and vomiting effects, can also cause

coughing, sneezing, pain in the nose and throat, nasal discharge, and tears.

V-series nerve agents: Chemical agents of moderate to high toxicity

developed in the 1950s. They are generally persistent. Examples are VE, VG,

VM, VS, and VX.


Water-reactive material: A substance that readily reacts with water or

decomposes in the presence of water, typically with substantial energy


Wheezing: Breathing noisily and with difficulty; usually a sign of spasm or

narrowing of the airways.

Dangerous Good and Hazmat TEAMS say that THESE chemicals ( not with

standing) are the items most first responders run into at sites.

• 1,1,1-Trichloroethane

• 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane

• 1,1-Dichloroethane

• 1,1-Dichloroethylene

• 1,1-Difluoroethane

• 1,1-Difluoroethene

• 1,1-Dimethylhydrazine

• 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene

• 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane

• 1,2-Dichloroethane

• 1,2-Dichloroethylene

• 1,2-Dichloropropane

• 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine

• 1,2-Propanediol Dinitrate

• 1,2-Propylene Oxide

• 1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene

• 1,3-Butadiene

• 1,3-Dichloropropene

• 1,3-Dinitrobenzene

• 1,3-Dioxolane

• 1,3-Pentadiene

• 1,4-Dioxane

• 1-Butyl Mercaptan

• 1-Hexanol

• 1-Methylnaphthalene

• 2,2-Dimethylbutane

• 2,2-Dimethylpropane

• 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin

• 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene

• 2,4-D

• 2,4-Dinitrophenol

• 2,4-Dinitrotoluene

• 2,4-Toluene Diisocyanate

• 2,6-Toluene Diisocyanate

• 2-Chloroethanol

• 2-Hexanone

• 2-Methylcyclohexanone

• 2-Nitroaniline

• 2-Nitropropane

• 2-Pentanone

• 2-Pentyl Acetate

• 2-Xylene

• 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine

• 3-Bromo-1-propyne

• 3-Nitroaniline

• 3-Xylene

• 4,4'-Methylenebis(2-chloroaniline)

• 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol

• 4-Methyl-2-pentyl Acetate

• 4-Nitroaniline

• Acetaldehyde

• Acetic Acid

• Acetone

• Acetone Cyanohydrin

• Acetonitrile

• Acetyl Acetone

• Acetylene

• Acrolein

• Acrylamide

• Acrylic acid

• Acrylonitrile

• Adiponitrile

• Aldrin

• Allyl Alcohol

• Aluminum Phosphide

• Aluminum, Elemental

• Ammonia

• Ammonium Nitrate

• Ammonium Perchlorate

• Ammonium picrate

• Amosite Asbestos

• Aniline

• Antimony, Elemental

• Arsenic Trichloride

• Arsenic Trioxide

• Arsenic, Elemental

• Arsine

• Asbestos

• Azinphosmethyl

• Barium Permanganate

• Barium, Elemental

• Benzene

• Benzidine

• Benzyl Chloride

• Beryllium, Elemental

• Beta-Hexachlorocyclohexane

• Bis(2-Chloroethyl) Ether

• Bis(2-Chloroethyl)sulfide

• Bis(2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate

• Bis(chloromethyl) Ether

• Boron Trifluoride

• Bromine

• Bromoform

• Butane

• Butanenitrile

• Cadmium Oxide

• Cadmium, Elemental

• Calcium Arsenate

• Calcium Carbide

• Calcium Hypochlorite

• Calcium Nitrate

• Calcium Oxide

• Calcium Permanganate

• Calcium Phosphide

• Carbon dioxide

• Carbon Disulfide

• Carbon monoxide

• Carbon Tetrachloride

• Carbonyl Sulfide

• Chlordane

• Chlorine

• Chlorine Dioxide

• Chlorine Trifluoride

• Chloroacetic Acid

• Chloroacetyl Chloride

• Chlorobenzene

• Chlorodiethylaluminum

• Chlorofenvinphos

• Chloroform

• Chloromethyl Methyl Ether

• Chloropicrin

• Chlorotrifluoromethane

• Chlorpyrifos

• Chromic Acid

• Chromic Trioxide

• Chrysotile Asbestos

• Cis-1,2-dichloroethylene

• Cis-1,3-dichloropropene

• Coal Tar

• Coal Tar Creosote

• Cobalt Carbonyl

• Cobalt, Elemental

• Copper, Elemental

• Corexit 9500

• Corexit 9527

• Cresol

• Crotonaldehyde

• Crude Oil

• Cumene

• Cumene Hydroperoxide

• Cyanamide

• Cyanogen

• Cyanogen Bromide

• Cyanogen Iodide

• Cyanuric Fluoride

• Cyclobutane

• Cycloheptane

• Cyclohexanone Peroxide

• Cyclohexene

• Cyclohexylamine

• Cyclonite

• Cyclopentane

• Cyclopropane


• Ddt

• Decaborane

• Delta-Hexachlorocyclohexane

• Diazinon

• Diborane

• Dibromomethane

• Dibutyl Phthalate

• Dichlorodifluoromethane

• Dichloromethane

• Dichlorvos

• Dicrotophos

• Dicyclopentadiene

• Dieldrin

• Diethyl Ether

• Diethyl Zinc

• Diethylamine

• Diisopropylamine

• Dimethoate

• Dimethyl Ether

• Dimethyl Sulfate

• Dimethyl Sulfoxide

• Dimethylamine

• Diphosgene

• Dipropyl Ether

• Dipropylamine

• Disulfoton

• Endosulfan

• Endrin

• Epichlorohydrin

• Ethane

• Ethanol

• Ethion

• Ethyl Acetate

• Ethyl Chloride

• Ethyl Mercaptan

• Ethyl Methyl Ether

• Ethyl Nitrate

• Ethyl Nitrite

• Ethylaluminum Sesquichloride

• Ethylamine

• Ethylbenzene

• Ethylene

• Ethylene Dibromide

• Ethylene Glycol

• Ethylene Glycol Diethyl Ether

• Ethylene Glycol Mono-N-butyl Ether

• Ethylene Oxide

• Ethylenediamine

• Ethyleneimine

• Ethylphenyldichlorosilane

• Ferric Chloride

• Fluorine

• Fluosilicic Acid

• Formaldehyde

• Fuel Oil No. 2

• Furan

• Furfuryl Alcohol

• Gasoline

• Glutaraldehyde

• Heptachlor

• Heptane

• Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene

• Hexachlorobenzene

• Hexachlorocyclopentadiene

• Hexachloroethane

• Hexamethylene Diamine

• Hydrazine

• Hydrogen

• Hydrogen Bromide

• Hydrogen Chloride

• Hydrogen Cyanide

• Hydrogen Fluoride

• Hydrogen Peroxide

• Hydrogen Sulfide

• Iodine, Elemental

• Iron Pentacarbonyl

• Isobutane

• Isopentane

• Isoprene

• Isopropanol

• Isopropylamine

• Kepone

• Kerosene

• Lead, elemental

• Lewisite

• Lindane

• Lithium Aluminum Hydride

• Lithium Hydride

• Lithium, Elemental

• Magnesium Perchlorate

• Magnesium, Elemental

• Malathion

• Manganese, Elemental

• Mechlorethamine

• Mercuric Chloride

• Mercuric Nitrate

• Mercurous Nitrate

• Mercury, Elemental

• Mesityl Oxide

• Methacrolein

• Methacrylic Acid

• Methane

• Methanol

• Methoxychlor

• Methyl acrylate

• Methyl Bromide

• Methyl Chloride

• Methyl Ethyl Ketone

• Methyl Formate

• Methyl Isobutyl Ketone

• Methyl Isocyanate

• Methyl Isothiocyanate

• Methyl Mercaptan

• Methyl methacrylate

• Methyl N-Butyrate

• Methyl Parathion

• Methyl Vinyl Ketone

• Methylacrylonitrile

• Methylamine

• Methylhydrazine

• Methylpyridine

• Methyltrichlorosilane

• Morpholine

• N,N-Dimethylformamide

• Naphtha

• Naphthalene

• n-Butyl Acetate

• n-Butyl acrylate

• n-Butyl Alcohol

• n-Butylamine

• n-Butyric Acid

• n-Ethylaniline

• n-Hexane

• Nickel Carbonyl

• Nickel, Elemental

• Nitric Acid

• Nitric Oxide

• Nitrobenzene

• Nitrocellulose

• Nitrogen

• Nitrogen Dioxide

• Nitrogen Tetroxide

• Nitroglycerin

• Nitromethane

• Nitrous Oxide

• n-Nitrosodimethylamine

• n-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine

• n-Nitrosodiphenylamine

• n-Nonane

• n-Octane

• n-Propylbenzene

• n-Undecane

• o-Cresol

• Oleum

• Oxygen

• Parathion

• p-Cresol

• Pentaborane

• Pentachlorophenol

• Pentane

• Peracetic Acid

• Perchloric Acid

• Phenol

• Phenyl Isocyanate

• Phenylhydrazine

• Phorate

• Phosgene

• Phosphine

• Phosphoric Acid

• Phosphorus Oxychloride

• Phosphorus Trichloride

• Phosphorus, Elemental

• Phthalic Anhydride

• Picric acid

• Pinacolyl Alcohol

• Piperidine

• Potassium Cyanide

• Potassium Fluoride

• Potassium Hydroxide

• Potassium Nitrate

• Potassium Nitrite

• Potassium Perchlorate

• Potassium Permanganate

• Potassium, Elemental

• Propadiene

• Propane

• Propargyl Alcohol

• Propionaldehyde

• Propionic Acid

• Propionic Anhydride

• Propionitrile

• Propyl Mercaptan

• Propylamine

• Propylene

• Pyridine

• Pyrrolidine

• Ricin

• Sarin

• sec-Butyl Acetate

• sec-Butyl Alcohol

• Selenium Hexafluoride

• Selenium, Elemental

• Silane

• Silicon Tetrafluoride

• Silver Nitrate

• Silver, Elemental

• Sodium

• Sodium Azide

• Sodium Borohydride

• Sodium Chlorite

• Sodium Cyanide

• Sodium Fluoride

• Sodium Hydride

• Sodium Hydrosulfide

• Sodium hydrosulfite

• Sodium Hydroxide

• Sodium Hypochlorite

• Sodium Methoxide

• Sodium Nitrate

• Sodium Perchlorate

• Sodium Peroxide

• Sodium Sulfide

• Soman

• Stibine

• Stoddard Solvent

• Strontium Chlorate

• Strontium Peroxide

• Strontium, Elemental

• Styrene

• Sulfur

• Sulfur dioxide

• Sulfur Hexafluoride

• Sulfur trioxide

• Sulfuric acid

• Tabun

• Terpinolene

• tert-Butyl Hydroperoxide

• tert-Butylamine

• Tetrachloroethylene

• Tetrafluoroethylene

• Tetrahydrofuran

• Tetrahydrothiophene

• Tetramethyl Lead

• Tetranitromethane

• Thallous Nitrate

• Thiodiglycol

• Thionyl Chloride

• Thiophene

• Titanium

• Titanium Tetrachloride

• Toluene

• Toluene Diisocyanate

• Toxaphene

• Trans-1,2-dichloroethylene

• Trans-1,3-dichloropropene

• Tremolite Asbestos

• Triallylamine

• Trichloroethylene

• Trichlorosilane

• Triethyl Phosphite

• Triethylaluminum

• Triethylamine

• Trifluoromethane

• Triisobutylaluminum

• Trimethyl Borate

• Trimethyl Phosphite

• Trimethylamine

• Trimethylchlorosilane

• Tripropylamine

• Tris(2-Chloroethyl)amine

• Turpentine

• Uranium, Elemental

• Vanadium, Elemental

• Vinyl Acetate

• Vinyl Bromide

• Vinyl Chloride

• Vinyl Fluoride

• Vinyl Methyl Ether

• Vinyl Toluene

• VX

• Xylenes

• Zinc Phosphide

• Zirconium Nitrate

• Zirconium Picramate