when should your startup start hiring freelancers?


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Post on 21-Jan-2018



Small Business & Entrepreneurship

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When should your startup start hiring freelancers?

So you’ve got your product and your site up and running and you’ve got some customers. Time to celebrate!

Nope, there’s no time for that. Now you need to scale quickly and get revenue ASAP. To do this you need to be delivering great quality content consistently.

The question is, should you hire freelancers to do it or share the tasks with your in house team? There’s no clear cut answer to this, because it depends on who you’ve got in your team and where your company’s at. But here’s some clues that might help you figure out whether it’s time to bring in freelancers or not.

Is it a priority?The first and most important thing you need to keep asking yourself is whether the content you’re planning to hire freelancers to make for you is a priority. To figure this out you need to look at your customer personas and business milestones and decide whether it’s something that could really move the needle for your business. It’s great to have growth experiments continually on the go, but they need to be projects that could actually bring the company measurable value.

It’s so easy to get distracted by the next shiny project. What about a podcast? Or trying Facebook Live or Instagram Stories? Or making a quiz for your on-boarding? The list is endless and you’ve got to fight to stay focussed and not drown in endless possibilities. Trying to do everything

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is just useless and it’s a trap we’ve all been in. Putting out 10 projects all at once might feel satisfying but if they’re all rubbish then it’s worse than doing nothing.

Do you know what you want?

There’s no point starting to look for freelancers to hire for a project unless you actually know what you want. And it’s not enough to say “I need an infographic” or “I’d like a new logo” because that’s just telling them the type of content without providing any details. It’s obvious that they couldn’t go and start working on the project with just that information so it’s not a useful brief.

It’s also not enough to say “I’d like a modern looking stylish logo that’s attractive” because almost everyone wants that and it doesn’t give the freelancer anything to go on. You need to provide the details of exactly what you want it to look like. If you find it hard to do that then find a similar example online and provide a link in your project brief. Just don’t give them a vague sentence and expect them to go away and create a high quality piece of work, that’s really unrealistic and unfair.

Remember that you can’t give a freelancer too many details on a project. Going into massive amounts of detail might seem silly to you, but you need to remember that the freelancer you’ll hire will know nothing about your company or the project.

If you’re happy for the freelancer to make all the creative decisions then that’s fine. But you’re being a terrible client if you say it’s up to them and then complain that it’s not how you imagined it. Freelancers can’t read your mind and it’s up to you to give them a clear brief so they can deliver what you need. To do that you need to have the time to do the research and write the brief, so be prepared to factor that time in.

Getting clarity of what you want for each project will come from knowing who your customer is and what value you provide to them. Make sure that everyone in the company is on the same page on this and understands what the purpose of the content is. If you or your colleagues are not clear on this, then you’re not ready to hire a freelancer to create it.

Are you ready?

“If you build it, he will come”, Kevin Costner famously says in the film ‘Field of Dreams’. Except they won’t unless you:

1. Go out and actively find them.2. Give them a reason to come (through valuable content or incentives).3. Continue giving them value to make them stick around.

That means getting your prep work done by setting up Google Analytics properly and establishing processes to market the content, such as planning outreach targets, setting up re-marketing channels and creating landing pages to collect emails.

You also need to have clear communication with the freelancer on exactly when you want the content delivered. This means working out where it fits in the editorial calendar, what other content you’re creating that might support it and assigning someone that the freelancer can report to throughout the project.

There’s no point hiring freelancers to create any content if you’ve not got all this together because you’ll just be wasting your time and money and their talent and hard work. If you’re not organising each marketing campaign like a military operation then you’re not making the most out of promo

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opportunities available and are just winging it. And marketers who make it up as they’re going along aren’t effective.

I Hope now you are Pretty clear with the idea of hiring a FREELANCER ! Its the FUTURE, meet right people for your need & lets start working on your ideas.

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