when did invertebrates appear?

WHEN DID INVERTEBRATES APPEAR? Invertebrates appeared between 543 and 488 million years ago. They were so;-body animals with a shell. However, there are 665 million year old fossils in the Western Central Flinders, Australia. Some paleontologists say that these animals appeared much earlier, possibly 1 billion years ago. They have no vertebral column. Some examples are insects, crabs, lobsters, snails, octopuses, starfish, sea-urchins and earthworms. About the 97% of all animals are invertebrates. The word “invertebrate” comes from the laPn word vertebra, that means joint. Vertebra is derived from verto, another word in laPn which comes from the concept of turning. It also contains the prefix –in which means “without”. So, completely, the word “invertebrate” means “no vertebra”. The largest group of invertebrates are insects (arthropods) which appeared between 410 and 400 million years ago, around 100 million years more than the appearance of invertebrates. There are exactly 1,305,075 insect species.

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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