wheelchair curling classification rules

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  • 7/30/2019 Wheelchair Curling Classification Rules


    1 14.06.10



    Wheelchair curling should be restricted to individuals to substantial demonstrable impairmentsin leg/gait function who use a wheelchair for daily mobility or who qualify within eligibility


    The role of classification in wheelchair curling is to determine eligibility to compete.

    International classification is undertaken before an Athlete takes part in internationalcompetition and is the responsibility of Classifiers appointed by the World Curling Federation

    (WCF).The purpose of classification in Paralympic Sport is to minimise the impact of impairment on

    the outcome of competition so that the Athletes who succeed in competition are those with

    the best anthropometry, physiology and psychology and who have enhanced them to besteffect, training hard, with quality coaching.

    It is intended that the Classification Rules for Wheelchair Curling will be in compliance with the

    Classification Code to which the World Curling Federation as the governing body was a


    The World Curling Federation will maintain a Classification Master List of Athletes including the

    Athletes name, date of birth, country, sport class and sports class status.The Classification Master List is used to identify Athletes that enter international competitions.The WCF makes the Classification Master List available to National Federations and relevant



    Classifiers will be registered medical practitioners or registered accredited physiotherapists.The WCF requires to see documentation confirming the professional qualifications of potential

    classifiers prior to appointment.

    Classifiers will work as members of a classification panel which has 2 members so long as the

    number of classifiers trained for wheelchair curling and their geographical locations allow.There may be an interim requirement for classifiers to work alone at times until theappropriate expansion of classifiers occurs.

    A Head of Classification, appointed by the WCF will have over all responsibility for

    international classification, classifier training and supervision, maintaining secure classification

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    data and regularly updating it and ensuring such records are accurate, and liaising with allrelevant external parties such as the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) Classification

    Committee, IPC Medical and Scientific Department and Organising Committees.

    A Chief Classifier is appointed for a specific competition.

    This may be the Head of Classification or it may be another fully certified internationalclassifier.

    The Chief Classifier will ensure that the classification rules are applied appropriately during a

    specific competition and that classification facilities are provided at the competition which allowhigh professional standards to be maintained.

    Classifiers will be certified after undergoing training which includes both theoretical and

    practical aspects and an assessment of required competencies in carrying out classifications and

    applying the classification rules of wheelchair curling.

    Any certified classifier who has not performed any classifications at international level for 2years will be required to undergo retraining.


    The role of the classifier is to act as an impartial evaluator in determining an Athletes eligibility

    and Sport Class Status. The integrity of Classification in the Paralympic movement rests on the

    professional conduct and behaviour of each individual classifier. It is important that confidencein the Classification Rules and the Classification Personnel is preserved and developed and that

    it is based on transparent and agreed standards of practice which define a meaningful set of

    guidelines for the professional conduct of classification personnel.

    Classifiers should value and respect the Athletes and Athlete Support Personnel and treat them

    with understanding patience and dignity while being courteous, objective, honest and impartial

    in performing their classification duties.

    Classifiers should accept responsibility for all actions and decisions taken and be open todiscussion and interaction with Athletes and Athletic Support Personnel in accordance with the

    International Standards for Athlete Evaluation and the International Standard for Protest and


    Confidentiality of Athlete information must be maintained whenever possible according to theInternational Standards for Athlete Evaluation and Protests and Appeals.

    Classifiers should respect the Classification Rules.

    The Chief Classifier shall maintain a list of certified classifiers and the events at which each hasundertaken classification duties.

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    The Athlete must meet one of the following eligibility citeria to compete in the World

    Wheelchair Curling Championship, World Wheelchair Curling Qualification events and the

    Paralympic Winter Games, i.e to obtain an International Classification.Athletes with a confirmed classification C prior to these new Classification Rules coming into

    force will not be require to be re classified.

    1. LOSS OF POWERLoss of power in the lower limbs so that any residual power in the legs is less than a total of 40

    out of 80 points. The movements tested areat the hips flexion, extension, adduction, abduction

    at the knees flexion, extensionat the ankles plantar flexion and dorsi flexion

    Power will be rated according to the Oxford Scale 0 - 5.

    Examples: Spinal Cord Injury complete or incompletePoliomyelitis

    Transverse myelitis

    Spina BifidaPolyneuropathy



    Bi lateral above ankle amputation

    Unilateral hip disarticulation

    Unilateral above knee amputation and muscle strength in the other leg of less than 25/40defined as above

    3. HYPERTONIAHypertonia in the lower limbs graded using the Ashworth Scale at grade 3 or grade 4 andsufficient to prevent all ambulation or limit it to very short distances in doors

    Examples Cerebral Palsy

    Hypertonia can be associated with levels of strength in the legs greater than40/80 even although ambulation is severely limited and therefore it is

    reasonable to use the level of spasticity as a separate eligibility criterion.

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    4. INCOORDINATIONIncoordination in the lower limbs, possibly in combination with loss of strength and hypotoniawith the objective signs of ataxia so that ambulation is prevented or limited to very short

    distances in doors.

    Example Multiple Sclerosis

    5. RESTRICTION OF MOVEMENTSevere permanent loss of joint range of 50% or more across 2 or more of the large joints (hip,

    knee, ankle) in combination with loss of strength to less than 50/80 in both legs (as previouslydefined).

    Example Arthrogryposis


    When attending for evaluation the Athlete is required to produce:

    Evidence of identity passport Passport sized photograph Copies of medical documentation for instance a report from General Practitioner or

    hospital giving a summary of the case and where necessary a translation into English.

    The WCF may require an Athlete to provide detailed specialist medical documentation and the

    Chief Classifier has the discretion not to determine eligibility without this documentation. It isthe responsibility of the National Federation to ensure that any Athlete whose impairment is

    the result of a rare or uncommon condition provides supporting specialist documentation in

    English when presenting the Athlete for evaluation.

    Presentation for Evaluation

    Athletes must dress appropriately and must bring all equipment including competition or dailyuse wheelchair, competition or daily use prosthesis or orthoses.

    The Athlete may be accompanied by an interpreter and not more than one representative ofthe Athletes NPC/National Federation.

    If the Athlete has a health condition that produces pain which limits or prohibits full effortduring evaluation it may not be appropriate for evaluation to take place at that time. It may be

    possible to reschedule the evaluation but ultimately the Athlete will not be eligible to compete

    at international level until such an evaluation is satisfactorily completed.

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    The Athlete must consent to evaluation by signing a CLASSIFICATION CONSENT FORM to

    indicate their willingness to be classified and confirm their agreement to provide full effort and

    co operation during the classification process.

    Physical Assessment

    The classification panel should conduct a physical assessment of the Athlete. This will includebut is not limited to the examination of motor power, muscle tone, co ordination, range of

    movement and observation of any residual ability to ambulate.

    Video footage and/or photography maybe utilised by the classification panel for all classification

    purposes connected to the competition.


    In circumstances where a Sport Class of Ineligible to compete is allocated by a classification

    panel the Athlete has the right to be examined again by a second classification panel at a laterdate. If the second classification panel, whose members could not have taken part in the first

    evaluation confirms the ineligibility the Athlete will not be permitted to compete and will haveno further protest option.


    A member of the Classification Panel will inform the Athlete of the panels decision. It is

    expected that this will occur as soon as possible after the decision has been taken.

    Written notification must be provided to the Athlete. A Wheelchair Curling Passport is


    Post competition tasks

    The Chief Classifier must complete a post competition report which is forwarded to the Head

    of Classification. The Head of Classification has the responsibility of updating the Classification

    Master List after each competition at which classification has taken place.


    In Wheelchair Curling the allocation is eitherEligible (WCE)

    Non eligible (WCNE)

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    Sport class status new (N)

    Sport class status new (N) is assigned to an Athlete who has not been previously evaluated byan International Classification Panel.

    Sport class status N Athletes include those who have been allocated a sport class by theirNational Federation for entry purposes.

    Sport class N Athletes must complete evaluation prior to competing at World WheelchairCurling Championships, World Wheelchair Curling Qualification Events or Paralympic Winter


    Sport class review (R)

    Sport class review (R) status is assigned to an Athlete who has been previously evaluated by anInternational Classification Panel but for reasons determined by the WCF Head Classifier

    requires a review of their sport class for example because their condition appears to havechanged.

    Sport class status R Athletes must complete evaluation prior to competing at WorldWheelchair Curling Championships, World Wheelchair Curling Qualification Events or

    Paralympic Winter Games.

    Sport class confirmed (C)

    Sport class status of confirmed (C) may only be allocated following evaluation by certified WCFclassification panel/classifiers. When a wheelchair curler has confirmed status further evaluationis not required. The status of a confirmed Athlete cannot be protested by another NPC or NF

    after it comes into effect 24 hours after first appearance at the first international competition

    following the process of evaluation.


    Definition Protest

    The procedure by which a formal objection to an Athletes sports class is made and

    subsequently resolved.

    An Athletes sports class should generally only be protested once with the exception ofProtests in Exceptional Circumstances.

    A protest should not be resolved by the classification panel that was involved in the allocationof the sport class that is being protested.

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    Protests will generally be submitted during competitions and can be submitted by a designatedrepresentative of an NPC or NF or by the Chief Classifier.

    Athletes who have undergone evaluation of eligibility either as new (N) or (R) designations can

    only be the subject of a protest within a period of 24 hours following first appearance at thefirst International Competition following evaluation. Protests must be submitted to the Chief

    Classifier within that period otherwise the protest will be void.Athletes with a confirmed status cannot be the subject of a protest from an NPC/NF but can be

    the subject of a protest by the Chief Classifier.


    A protest form which should include the following should be submitted in English.

    The name and nation of the Athlete whose eligibility is being protested Details of the decision being protested The reason for the protest Any documents and other evidence to be offered in support of the protest The signature of the NPC/NF representative or the Chief Classifier A fee of $100 which will be returned if the protest is successful.

    If the protest has been submitted without all necessary information it shall be dismissed by the

    Chief Classifier


    Appointed by the Chief Classifier Minimum of 2 members Those members were not involved in the previous evaluation All documentation submitted with the Protest Form shall be provided to the Protest


    The Protest Panel should conduct the protest evaluation without reference to theClassification Panel which conducted the initial evaluation

    The Protest Panel may seek medical, sport or scientific expertise in reviewing anAthletes sport class

    Communication of outcome

    All relevant parties should be notified of the Protest decision in writing and as soon as possibleafter the Protest Panel have performed their evaluation.

    The Classification Master List may require to be updated.

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    Definition Appeal

    A procedure by which a formal objection to the manner in which classification procedures have

    been conducted is submitted and subsequently resolved.The Appeal Body shall have the jurisdiction to review classification decisions in order to

    Ensure all appropriate sports class allocation procedures have been followed Ensure all appropriate protest procedures have been followed

    BUT no appeal body shall have jurisdiction to review the merits of an allocation of Sport Classor Sport Class Status and under no circumstances shall the appeal body modify a classificationdecision by allocating a new Sport Class or Sport Class Status.

    The Appeal Body shall hear appeals only in cases in which all other available remedies including

    but not limited to protest procedures have been exhausted. Upon receipt of a notice of appeal

    the WCF shall conduct a review to determine whether all other available remedies have beenexhausted by the party bringing the appeal. If all other remedies have not been exhausted the

    WCF shall issue a written decision dismissing the appeal.

    The Notice of Appeal must

    Specify the party who is requesting the appeal Provide the name of the Athlete whose sport class or sport class status is the subject of

    the appeal

    Identify the decision being appealed by attaching a copy of the decision if written orbriefly summarising it.

    Specify the grounds for the appeal Identify all documents evidence and witnesses to be put forward in support of the


    The appeal body for all appeals submitted during a Paralympic Games is the IPC Board of

    Appeal of Classification. The WCF has the option to refer all appeals to this body in the periodoutside Paralympic Games. The Appeal Body members will at no stage have been involved with

    or have been informed of the dispute brought before the Appeal Body.

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    Appeal proceedings are confidential.The Appeal Body shall issue a written decision resolving any appeal after the hearing.

    The decision shall be provided to all parties.

    The Appeal decisions are final and not subject to any further appeal.


    The WCF and the classifier body will promote and stimulate studies which endeavour to

    provide a scientific basis to underpin the scheme of classification. Such research would beexpected to enhance confidence in the classification system and encourage its future



    The WCF Classification Rules set out a consistent policy which puts the Athlete first andensures fair play and contains mechanisms which protect the rights of all Athletes and of

    Classifiers in the evaluation of Athletes and a thorough system of Protests and Appeals, shouldthere be any individual breakdown in the process of classification. The risk of such mistake

    occurring are substantially reduced by the programme of classifier training, assessment andongoing development outlined above.


    The Classification Rules are included in the WCF wheelchair curling rules. All participants in

    the sport of wheelchair curling accept these rules as a condition of participation in wheelchaircurling.


    During a competition members of a Classification Panel should not have any responsibilities

    towards or attachment to a National Team/Squad.