what's the difference slideshare version

England, Great Britain, United Kingdom and The British Isles – What’s the Difference? To know the terms: England, Great Britain, United Kingdom and The British Isles To understand the difference between these terms. To be able to match celebrities and places to the correct geographical descriptions.

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Page 1: What's the difference slideshare version

England, Great Britain, United Kingdom and The British Isles

– What’s the Difference?To know the terms: England, Great Britain, United Kingdom and The British Isles

To understand the difference between these terms.

To be able to match celebrities and places to the correct geographical descriptions.

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What is this flag? Write a simple sentence (capital letter and full stop) that says what you think this flag is called and what it is the flag of.

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Scan: Open the VLE link ‘The Union Flag (The Union Jack) and scan the text to find out the correct answer. Were you right? If not write a correct simple sentence.

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Scanner bonus: Did anybody see why Wales is not included in the flag?

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Activity 1 -  Now that you know about the Union Flag and the United Kingdom, have a look at the pictures on the next slide. With a partner decide which of the people would be included in the United Kingdom.

TW1: Collaborate with others to work towards common goals.

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 Only one of the pictures above represents England. Which one?

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Review 1 - You should now know the difference between 'England' and the 'United Kingdom'. But what about 'Great Britain' and 'The British Isles'.?

Watch the two YouTube clips below to help you understand the difference between ‘The United Kingdom’, ‘Great Britain’ and ‘The British Isles’.

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Activity 2 – You are going to apply your knowledge by making a decision about the national identity of some celebrities. The celebrities are on the following slide.

Information can be found about the celebrities by clicking on the wikipedia VLE links below.

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Activity 2 - Using what you have learnt from the videos above, and the celebrity pictures to complete the celebrity identity quiz by clicking the VLE link below.

Celebrity Identity Quiz – Try to place the picture of the celebrity as close to the centre as possible, without placing it into a circle that is not part of the celebrity’s national identity.

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Plenary – Write a paragraph explaining the difference between the terms ‘England’, ‘The United Kingdom’, ‘Great Britain’ and ‘The British Isles’

Remember to start with your topic sentence.Submit your paragraph in ‘Activity 1’ on the VLE below.

What is the topic sentence? The topic sentence is the first sentence in a paragraph.

What does it do? It introduces the main idea of the paragraph.

How do I write one? Summarise the main idea of your paragraph. Indicate to the reader what your paragraph will be about.

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ICT Extension/Homework – Save and unzip the ‘Google Earth Files’ folder by clicking the VLE link below. Then, using Google Earth, see how much of the ‘What’s the Difference Tick Sheet’ you can complete.

Once the folder has been saved to your computer, unzip it and double click each file to see where it is on Google Earth.

Fill in the tick sheets by ticking in the appropriate columns. For example, if a place is in Northern Ireland then you can tick ‘United Kingdom’ and ‘British Isles’. If a place is in The Republic of Ireland then you can only tick ‘British Isles’ but if a place is in England then you have to tick all columns.

Page 17: What's the difference slideshare version

England, Great Britain, United Kingdom and The British Isles

– What’s the Difference?To know the terms: England, Great Britain, United Kingdom and The British Isles

To understand the difference between these terms.

To be able to match celebrities and places to the correct geographical descriptions.