what's so special in android platform for developers?

What’s special in Android platform

Upload: astoria0128

Post on 19-May-2015




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Page 1: What's so special in Android platform for developers?

What’s special in Android platform

Page 2: What's so special in Android platform for developers?

About Android Operating System

Android is a product of Google based on

linux operating system that was originally

designed for touch based operating

systems. The first Android based phone

was sold in October 2008, and now

Android is powers more than hundred on

millions of Android devices in different

countries. Every day millions of users give

a power to their devices with different

apps from Google play store.

Page 3: What's so special in Android platform for developers?

Growth of Android operating system

Page 4: What's so special in Android platform for developers?

Android versions

After the releasing of Android operating system we have seen lot of Android versions available

in market with their updated features. But did anyone notice that these versions of Android have

been released in alphabetical order. The versions are Cupcake, Donut, Éclair, Froyo (frozen

yogurt), Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean and next upcoming name is

Kit kat.

Page 5: What's so special in Android platform for developers?

Features of Android

Page 6: What's so special in Android platform for developers?

Handset layout

The Android platform runs on variety of

screen sizes and the systems provides

opportunity to resize your application in

each of device screen. For that you need

to be your design of user interface

should be flexible and optimize some

elements to different sizes by providing

alternative dimensions for view and

alternative layouts.

Page 7: What's so special in Android platform for developers?


Android operating systems provides a various options for storage to the users where they can

save persistence application data easily. The solution you need to choose on your specific


•Internal storage: User can store private data on storage device

•External storage: Store public data on shared external memory

•Shared preferences: Store private data in key value pairs

•SQL lite database: store structured data in private database

•Network connection: Store data on web with your own server network

Page 8: What's so special in Android platform for developers?


This platform provides rich application

programming interfaces that give an

excellent opportunity to connect your

application with other devices. Android

support connectivity technology includes


UMTS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, NFC and Wi


Page 9: What's so special in Android platform for developers?

Google Cloud Messaging

Google cloud message service

that support Android devices,

allows users to send message

from server to the Android

powered device and also

receive massage from devices

on the same location. This

service is completely free no

matter how much your message

is long

Page 10: What's so special in Android platform for developers?

Multiple language support

To cover most part of world

Android support multiple

language with including

English, German, Greek,

Italian, Dutch, Portuguese,

Spanish and many more.

Page 11: What's so special in Android platform for developers?

Android web browser

The web browser available in

Android is based on the open-

source web-kit layout engine,

coupled with Chrome's V8

JavaScript engine. The browser

scores 100/100 on the Acid3 test

on Android 4.0.

Page 12: What's so special in Android platform for developers?

Android Media Support

As Android app developers you are able to use any of the media formats that will

available on Android powered device. Some core media formats supports are ….

Audio FLAC, MP3, MIDI, WAVE, Vorvis etc

Image Jpeg, Gif, PNG, Bmp, WEBP etc

Video H.263, H.264AVC, MPEG -4SP, VP8

Page 13: What's so special in Android platform for developers?

Multitasking support

Android support multitasking

with unique handling of

memory allocation which

means user can do different

type of work in a same time

such as they can listen music

and play games in a same


Page 14: What's so special in Android platform for developers?


This is a best function

of Android powered

device that support

tethering which allows

phone to be used in

wireless or wired wi-fi

hot spot.

Page 15: What's so special in Android platform for developers?

Screen Capture

This is a good function of

Android device that support

screen capture, for this

function user easily pressing

the power and volume down

button at the same time. In

the previous version of

Android only methods of

capturing screen from

Android device through


Page 16: What's so special in Android platform for developers?

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