what's in a coffee cup?: the future of the coffee industry

What’s in a Cup? The Future of the Coffee Industry Tracy Allen, Chief Coffee Officer of THRIVE Farmers

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Post on 17-Jun-2015




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Over 83% of Americans drink coffee, but the majority of us don’t know anything about where our pick-me-up cups come from or what truly makes a great coffee. While prices are increasing, craft coffee shops are all the rage, and coffee startups are cropping up across the country, the farmers of this beloved crop are struggling to survive. How did the coffee industry get here and what does the future look like for America’s favorite beverage? Join one of the world’s leading coffee experts for a state of the “caffeine-infused” union. Tracy Allen, chief coffee officer at THRIVE Farmers and upcoming President of the Specialty Coffee Association of America, will discuss the rise of specialty coffee, the growing disconnect between coffee producers and coffee consumers, and what today’s industry trends mean for the future of the world’s second largest commodity.


Page 1: What's in a Coffee Cup?: The Future of the Coffee Industry

What’s in a Cup?The Future of the Coffee Industry

Tracy Allen, Chief Coffee Officer of THRIVE Farmers

Page 2: What's in a Coffee Cup?: The Future of the Coffee Industry

Even though 83% of Americans drink coffee, the majority of us have

no idea where our morning cups come from or what makes a truly

great cup of coffee.

Coffee prices are up more than 40% in 2014 with Americans spending $32 billion annually on coffee, but

the producers of the crop are struggling to survive and are dropping out of the industry

at record rates.

What does this mean for the future of coffee?

Page 3: What's in a Coffee Cup?: The Future of the Coffee Industry

If the disconnect between consumers and producers continues, coffee

quality will likely plummet and prices will go sky high.

Education is needed for consumers and farmers alike in order to create

alignment in the industry for the first time ever.

Join Tracy Allen for a state of the “caffeine-infused” union. Learn what

the latest buzzwords mean for coffee, from “third wave” to

“farmer-direct,” how your choice of a daily cup impacts the future of the industry, and why you should care.

Page 4: What's in a Coffee Cup?: The Future of the Coffee Industry

Tracy AllenChief Coffee Officer, THRIVE Farmers

President, Specialty Coffee Association of America

Tracy is one of the world’s leading coffee experts with more than 25 years of experience in the coffee industry.

Tracy joined the THRIVE Farmers team as Chief Coffee Officer in January 2014 to

lead the Coffee Excellence team in quality assurance and training from farm to cup. He was also selected as upcoming President of the Specialty

Coffee Association of America.

Tracy is one of the original members of the U.S. Barista Championship

Committee. He has trained multiple national barista champions and served as a judge for both the U.S. and World

Barista Championship. He is a SCAA Supertaster, certified cupper, and Q-

grader instructor (the highest certification in coffee).