what you should know about botox injections


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Post on 16-Jul-2015



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Page 1: What you should know about botox injections



Page 2: What you should know about botox injections


Botox is more than just a toxin that will lead to food

poisoning. While researching this toxin, scientists

have discovered a way to put it on for human

benefit. When ottawa botox is injected into a

muscle in small, diluted amounts, it can deteriorate

these muscles. This decreases the look of wrinkles

that lie on the surface above the muscle. Botox was

initially used in the 1980s for therapy of eye

conditions and, in 2002, the FDA authorized it for

use with facial lines, precisely those found between

the eyebrows. It is now used for other areas of the

face also.

Page 3: What you should know about botox injections


An ottawa botox treatment works by barring alerts

that travel from the nerves to the muscle that was

injected. When these signals are hindered, the

muscle stops contracting while allows the wrinkle to

relax and soften. Widely used for lines on the

forehead, lines around the eyes and frown lines,

botox does not work for everything. Wrinkles as a

consequence of gravity or sun damage will not be

affected by this kind of treatment.

Page 4: What you should know about botox injections


When you go in for an ottawa botox procedure,

anesthesia will not be necessary. The whole

procedure only takes a few minutes and you can

head home instantly afterward. A fine needle is

used to inject the toxin into the muscles to be

relaxed and small discomfort will be experienced.

Alcohol must be averted 1 week in advance of

treatment and it can take up to a week to discover

the full outcomes. In addition, as a way to cut back

bruising, you should quit taking anti-inflammatory

prescription drugs and aspirin two weeks before

you be given the shots.

Page 5: What you should know about botox injections


Botulin toxin injections sometimes last four to six

months and often you'll be necessary to pay for

treatment completely. Insurance policy normally only

pays if the injection is for a medical condition. With

repeated treatments though, many times that the

lines and wrinkles will not arise as severe as the

muscles are now conditioned to relax. For those who

have a neurological condition or are pregnant or

breastfeeding, ottawa botox should not be used.

Page 6: What you should know about botox injections


Also, be aware that there are unwanted effects that

may form after procedure. Bruising is the most

common and some do experience a headache. A

limited number of patients experience eyelid

drooping. This usually clears up within a three week

period. In order to minimize the above, usually do not

lay down for a few hours following the treatment and

don't rub the injection site for 12 hours after

procedure. Take all of this into consideration and,

likely, you will be pleased with the results.

Page 7: What you should know about botox injections

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