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  • 7/27/2019 What You Should Do ..



  • 7/27/2019 What You Should Do ..


    ilhntorrhorrld0heoilowr|ffi f,Jiltc.,YBl+J- it,

  • 7/27/2019 What You Should Do ..


    G) Oar Khalid bin Al-Waleed or Pub. & Dlst,2004Ktng Fahd Natlona I Llbra ry Cataloglng-ln-Pubtlcatlon DataAl Munajjad MuhammadSalihWhat you shoulddo in the followingsituations.MuhammadSalihAl Munajjad - Riyadh 2004

    62p; 17cmISBN:9960-9578-3-71- slamicFiqh l-Tit le258.4 dc 142515360

    L.D. no. 1425/5360ISBN: 9960-9578-3-7

  • 7/27/2019 What You Should Do ..



    Arrongedond edited by:AbdulKholiq horif oripodo

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    Confenlsl. lntroductionTohoroh puritYnd cleonliness)Pointor dirt on hondswhenmokingwudoo'Dressingsn woundsTroces f ianobohon clothesJonobohwhile rovelingBleeding ftermisconioge nifoosornoi?2. Soloh proYer) 17Woswoosinsinuotinghoughtsrom 17Shoyioon)Whqt f something oppens uring '18

    proYer?Collofnoturewhen he qomoh sgivenDoubts boutpossing indlf odhoon forfojr sgivenwhileone isproyingwitrMissedosrond reochesmosjidofter 20moghribproyerhosslorfedTrovelleroining ongregotion ithout 21knowing f imom solsoo trovellerBeing noble o stond or herestof the 22proyerA knockon thedoorwhenone s 23proying, r o mother eeing erchilddo something ongerous

    Poqe6l 0l0l ll lt3l5

    l 81920

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    Respondingo soloomwhen proyingJoiningq proyer nprogressNothostening nduly o oino proyer nprogressBreokingwind duringFridoy royerWhenone hosolreodyproyedondcomes o onothermosque o find hepeople thereproyingStill roying unnohwhen he iqomoh sgivenBeing nformedof the correcldirectionof the qiblohwhileproyingFolling ehindwhenproyingncongregotionWhen he imomnullifiesiswudoo'

    When he imom's owrohbecomesuncoveredReolizinghotone'swudoo' s nvolidbecouse of wipingoversockswhendoing so sno longerocceptobleWhen he imom orgets he endingofon oyohIntendingo proy or qin, hen f roinsbeforethe peoplestorf he prctyerFeeling leepywhen isteningo FridoysermonRulingsboul forgetfulnessuringproyerDoubtobout numberof rok'ohs royed

    2526272728303 l3335373738383940.40

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    5 .

    lmom emembershothe forgot o 4lrecite ot-Fotihohuringo silenl ok'ohA memberof o congregotionorgelting 42to reciteol-Fotihoh, r oiningoproyerof fhe momentof rukoo'Roisingne'sheodfrom ukoo',lhen 43reolizinghot one forgol o soy hetosbeehForgettinghe firsl oshohhud

    lmomsoyshesoloom henmokesprostrolionsf forgetfulness,ut olotecomer ionds p to complete heproyerlmommokes mistoke ufdoesnolunderstond hot fhe congregotionsrefening o whenthey soy"SubhoonAlloh" o drow hisoiiention o ifMiscelloneousulingsForgettingo weor ihroom or Hojjor'Umroh

    lnfenuption f towoofor so'eeBuriol f onewho diesof seoChongingmoney some unencY)Beingosked o do something f workfhot sogoinstslomiceochingsGenerol ehovior rid sunnoh f theProphetTheproperwoy to thonkAlloh0*iAcceptingmoneyorproperty eceived




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    withouloskingor tAsking Muslim ostobout food ordrinkhe seryesWolkingwithonlyoneshoewhen heother sdomogedGood dreomsBoddreomsBeingoffectedby seeingowomonSitting etween he sunond theshodeisnot ollowedWhen llness lrikes ne's omilYlf one'schildrenor fomilymembersieWhen elling he trufh snol the bestoption.


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    Proise e to Alloh #, the Lordof the Worlds, ndpeoce ond blessingse upon he mostnobleof theProphels nd Messengers,ur ProphetMuhommod,ond uponollhis omilyond componions.The Muslimmoy be foced with o number ofemergencysituolionsn his ife,wherehe needsonimmediofeonsweros to how he shouldoct in thotporticulor ituotion.n mostcoses,however, t isnotpossibleo look for or osk obout the oppropriotelslomiculings f thot time.Thisprovesthe imporfonceof leorningoboutlslom nd knowinghe rules f shori'oh, o hol wheno Muslimneeds his nformofion, e will hove it othond ond will thus be oble lo sove himselfor hisMuslimbrofher from doing somethinghoroom ormokingo mistoke.nsomonycoses,gnoronce onleod to conuptionof worship r - of the very eostocule embonossment.t isunfortunotehol on imommoymistokenlytondup for o fifth ok'Qh, nd theremoy be nobody n the congregotion r the mosquewho knowswhot the rulings f shoree'oh oyshouldbe done in such o siluotion.Or o trovellerwho isintending to perform 'umreh moy come to theoirport f the oslminule, nd suddenly iscoverhot

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    omong the Muslimn the oirportwho con tell himwhothe shoulddo in thisemergency.Or o mon moy cometo the mosqueon on occosionwhen the proyershovebeen joined together becouse of roin: thecongregotion solreodyproying ishoo'but he hos notyet proyed moghrib,so he is confusedos lo whot heshoulddo. In sucho situotion he people moy emborkupon o debote bosed only on ignoronce,ond soconfusionwill reign n the mosques.n mony individuolond personol motters, ignoronce moy leod toembonossmenf nd even sin,especiollywhen o personis n the positionof hovingto moke o decisionond hedoes not hove sufficienf nowledgeon which to bosethot decision.

    People in this world hove prepored informotionfellingpeople how to behove n emergencysituotions:whot lo do it firebreoksout, f someone sdrowning, f oscorpionbite, if there so cor occident, f someone sbleedingor hos brokeno bone...All of these irstoidprocedures rewellknown; hey teoch themfo peopleond hold speciolcourses. ow much more mportont sit, then, lhot those who ore concerned with theHereoftershould leorn ond teoch the rules of fhisreligion!

    At this point, we shouldnote fhe importonce ofdifferentiotingbetween hypotheticol molters whichrorely, f ever, hoppen, ond motterswhich we know

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    With egord o the first ype (hypotheticolsifuolions),oskingobout fhem iso fruitless oste of time,which isnot ollowed n lslom.TheProphel worned us ogoinst hiswhen he soid:"Accepl whot I hove left you with,for the people who

    come beforeyouwereonlydestroyedbecouseof theirexcessivequeslioningond their dispufingwith theirProphets..."Commenting on this hodifh, lbn Rojob * soid:"These ohodith indicote thql it is forbidden to oskquestionsunnecessorily... r lo osk questionsout of

    sfubbornnessron infenliono mock."2Thisshow we inferpret he wordsof o group of thesolof,suchosthe reporl thot when Zoyd bnThoobit, ,wos osked obout something,he would soy, "Hos itreolly hoppened?" lf they soid "No," he would tellthem, Leove l untilit eolly oppens."Withregord o the second ype, motfers hot reollyhoppen, then il is good to osk obout fhem. TheComponionsof lhe Prophet* sometimesosked himobouf thingsbeforethey hoppened, but it wos sothot

    | . Reported y al-Bukhari ndMusllm; his verslonwasreported yMuslim, o,1337, ol.2, p. 975r . Jaami'al-'Uloomwa'l-Hukmby lbn Rajab,1/240, editedby al-Arna'ootI . Reported y lbn RaJab, p, cit., 1/245;seealsosimilar eports n

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    they could ocl occordingly when these lhings didhoppen. Forexomple, hey oskedhim:"We ore goingfo meet with fhe enemy fomorrow,ond we do nothove knives,so shouldwe use dried sugorcones osweopons?" Theyosked him obout the rulerswho hehod told them would come ofter him, ond whetherfhey shouldobey them or fight hem. Hudhoyfohoskedhim oboul of-fiton(timesof tribulotion)ond whol heshould do ot such times.aThis ndicotes thot it ispermissibleo osk oboul thingswhich ore expected tohoppen.There ollowso discussionbout some ssueshotpeople ore likely o foce in reol ife.These re proclicolmotferswhich hove hoppenedond could hoppen tosome people. ln eoch cose, the onsiwer isoccomponied by o referenceto the sources n thework of frustworfhy cholors.There moy be differingopinions n some coses,bul lhe onswerhos beenlimited lo one viewpoinl, he one bosed on lhesoundest vidence. or the sokeof brevityond eoseofunderstonding. osk Alloh to benefit me ond mybrothers n lslom in fhis wodd ond on fhe Doy ofJudgement.Moy He reword with good oll lhosewhoshore n thisendeovor, or He is the Mosf Kind ondGenerous. Alloh knows best. Moy Alloh bless ourProphet Muhommod ond oll his fomily ond


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    * TohoorohpudVond cleonllness). Polnl or dlrl on hqndswhen moklng wudoo'

    lf o person indssomethingikepointor dirton hishqnds efc, while moking wudoo', ond tries toremove it, does lhis breok the continuity of hiswrJdoo'ondmeon hot hehos o stort goin?Answer:According to the most soundopinion,this does nol breok the continuityof his wudoo',even f the portsof hisbody thot hoveolreodybeenwoshedbecome dry,becousehe wos deloyed bysomething hot is connected to tohooroh.Similodyhiswudoo' is not offected f he moves romone topto onother n order o get woler,etc.Bui f he is ntenupledby somethinghot is notconnected o hiswudoo',suchos removing ome

    impurilyromhisclolhes, r eotingordrinking, nd soon, ond the portsof hisbody thot he hosolreodywoshedduringwudoo'becomedry, hen he hos orepeothiswudoo'.1

    t, Fatawa bn'lJthaymeen, 41t45-t46

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    l l

    I DresslngSn woundslf o personhos on injury n ony pori of hisbodythot shouldbe woshedduringwudoo',ond connotput o bond-oidor dressing n it, thenhe shoulddowrJdoo', nd do tayommumor hewoundedPort.He does not hove to wosh the wounded port ifthiswillbe hormful.

    . Trocesof lonoboh (lmpurlty)on clolheslf o person eessome rocesofybnoboh impurilysuch os semen,elc.) on hisclothes,ond he hosolreody proyed someproyerswithout reolizing holthiswos there,he shoulddo ghus/ond repeof theproyers one since he most ecenlperiodof sleepweoring hese lothes.f,however, e knowshofthisjonoboh s romo previous eriodof sleep, e shouldrepeot oll the proyers ince he end of the sleep n

    whichhe thinkshelbnobohoccuned,The evidence hol he shouldperformghusl orsoloh n cosesof ionoboh is to be found in monyploces, uchos heoyoh:

    2 al-Mughni ma'a al-Sharh al-Kabeer,L/282

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    l 2

    6rJ* ,1# ;; u'fJ Afsii'uilip 7t;t; t,.ifr t{)

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    l 3

    . Jqnqbqh whlle trovellng.A troveler moy find himselfon o long plonejourneyduringwhich he becomesunub (impure).He hos no woy of performingghusl,ond there isnothing on the plone thot he could use fortoyommum. lt he woits until he reoches hisdestinotion,he time for proyerwillbe over,ond itmoy be o proyer hot he connot oinwifh onother,suchos fojr,when he setout beforeFofond willnolorrive until ofter sunrise, r ihe time for joiningtwoproyers uchos 'Dhohrqnd 'Asrmoy olsobe over,becousehe setout before Dhohrwillnot oniveunlilofter Moghnb. Whot should he do in such osituotion?lf we occept lhot he hosno meonsof performingghuslon boord the plone, hen he is n the situotionknownby the scholors s "fhe one who does nofhove occess to the two purifyingmoteriols(i.e.,

    woter or eorth)."Thereore voryingopinions n thissituolion. moom Ahmod ond the moiority ofmu'hoddithun oy thot he shouldproy os he is,becouse his soll hothecon do, ondAllohHsoid;{@(;:j {;r;' i'i'r!i'i>

    "Allohburdens oto person eyondhis cope."

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    Thespecificevidence n thiscose is the reportnqnoted by MuslimnhisSoheeh,where t slotes hotlhe Prophet* sent some people to look for oneckloce hot 'A'ishohhod lost.The ime for proyercome, ond they proyedwithoutwudoo' (becousetheycould nol find woter).When heycome to theProphet peoceqnd blessingsf Allohbe upon him),they iold him obout it ond then lhe oyoh oftoyommumwos reveoled.The Prophet 5 did notblome or criiicize hem,neitherdid he tell them torepeot the proyer. This indicotes thot proyer isobligotory, nd even hough ohoroh so conditionfor proyer, proyer should not be deloyed whentohoaroh onnotbe occomplished.

    A similor ulingopplies o the sickwho connotmove their limbs of oll, qnd people who oreimprisoned nd choinedup or suspended.Whot smeoni is hot the proyershouldbe performedn thebesl woy possible nder the circumstonces,nd itshould not be deloyed beyond ifs sei time.According o fhe soundest pinion,t does not hovelo be repeoled, or Alloh fi does not loy upon us nreligion nyhordship"


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    r Bleedlngqfler mlsconloge- nlfoosor nof?lf o womon misconies nd bleeds,should sheproyor not?Theonswer o fhisquestion ependson the kindof blood: is it nr'foosor not? The scholorshovementioned he regulotionsoncerning his: lf sheseesblood ofter possingsomethinghot hos onyhumon feotures, hen it is nifoos,but if she sees tofterpossing omethinghot resembles bloodclotlnvtfohor 'oloq),then t isnotnr'foos."In the lotter cose, this is isfihoodoh(inegulorbleeding), osheshould o wudoo' or eoch proyerofter the timefor thot proyerhosstorted, nd thenproy. f whotsheposseds.o ully ormed efusor hossome ormed imbs, uchos o hondor o foot or oleg, then this s nifoos.f shesoys hof they took itCIwoyn the hospitol nd threw t owoy,ond shedid

    nofsee t, hen hescholorsoy hol he shorteslimeinwhichhumon eoiures ouldbe formed seighty-one doys rom he imeof conception.oThiss bosedon the hodeethnorrotedby 'Abd-Alloh ibn Mos'ood occording lo which the

    Messengerf Alloh , who s he onewhospeokshetruth,soid: "Thecreotionof eoch one of you ise

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    l 6

    gothered for forty doys in his mother'sstomoch(womb), hen he is 'oloqoh(somethinghot clings)for o similorength of time, lhen he is mudghoh(somethingikeo lumpof chewedflesh)or o similorlengthof time.ThenAllohsendson ongel who iscommonded to do four things:he is told to writedownhisdeeds,hisprovisionndwhetherhe is o beunforlunole doomed to Hell)or blessed destinedforPorodise)..."tAnywomon ocing hisproblem houldry o seeklhe odvice of doctors o find out exoctlywhot her

    situotions.With regord to the blood which moy bedischorged ust prior to o normol birth: if it isoccomponied y loborpoins r controctions,hen tis nifoos,otherwise t is not. Shoykhol-lslom bnToymiyoh moy Alloh hove mercy on him} soid:"Whotsheseeswhen he oborpoins egin snifoos.Whqt is meont here is controctions ollowed bydelivery;f this snol lhe cose hen l isnotn,'foos."2

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    t7* 2. Solooh(proyer). Wosweo,sinsinuotinghoughtsromShoyton)

    lf,when proying,o personexperiences oswoos(insinuotinghoughts) rom Shoyton,which cousehim o folter n his ecitotion f theQur'on,mokehimthinkbod thoughts nd mokehimdoubt he numberof rok'ohs e hoscompleted,whotshould edo?This oppened o one of the Sohoboh, omely'Uthmonibn Abi ol-'Aos*. He come to the Prophet* ond comploinedobouf it: "TheShoytoncomesbeiweenme ond mysoloh, nd cousesme to folterin my recitotion." he Messenger f Alloh* soid:"Thot s o shoyton(devil)colled Khonzob. f yousense ispresence,eek efugewithAlloh0bond spit(dryspitting)o your eff hree imes."Uthmon(loter)soid: l did thot,ond Alloh idme of him."13This odith ndicoteswowoys n whichone moyword off the shoytonwho tries to disruptone'sproyers. he irst s to seek efugewith Alloh ts romlhe evil of Shoylon,even by pronouncing hesewords while proying there is nothingwrong withdoing so in this cose. The second s to spit (dryspitting)o the eft hree imes. hismeons lowing irin o monnersimiloro spitiingbut ejectingmoreoverysmollomounlof solivo, o long os thiswill nol

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    l 8

    offect the personnext o you or moking he mosjiddirly.. Whot f somelhlnghoppensdurlng prqyel?

    lf something oppens o o personwhileproying,men shouldsoy "SubhoonAllooh,"ond womenshouldclop. The evidence for this is the hqdithnorroted om Sohl bnSo'd,oCcordingo which heMessengerf Alloh soid: lf something oppensoyou duringsoloh,men shouldsoy 'SubhoonAlloh'ond women should clop." (Reportedby AbuDowud).Accordingfo the versionnonoted by ol-Bukhooriqnd Muslim: Iosbeeh (soying SubhoonAllooh')s ormen,ond cloppings orwomen."1a. Cqllof nolurewhen lhe fgoomoh lsglven

    lf the proyer s obout to stort (the iqoomoh isgiven)ond o person eels he coll of noture,heshouldgo to the bothroom nd ottend o hisneed,even if lhis meons he will miss he congregolionolproyer.Theevidence or thiswos nonoled by 'Abd-Alloh bn Arqom: TheMessengerf Alloh# soid: lfony one of you needs o onswerhe coll of nqture

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    l 9

    ond lhe proyer sobout to begin, el him end to hisneed irst."' 5. Doublsoboul posslngwlnd

    lf o personwho is proying s in doubt os lowhelherhe hospossedwind or not,or he feelssomemovemenl n hisobdomen,shouldhe slop proyingor should e continue?

    lf he iscerloin hothe hospossed ind,he shouldstop proying, ut if he is uncertoin r doubtful,heshouldnot sfop unlilhe becomes ureof it, eifherby heoring sound r by smellingn odor. f hefindsthot he hos possedwind, he shouldstop proying;otherwisee should olpoyonyotfenliono it,

    Theevidencefor this s lhe hodith reported byAbu Huroyroh*: "TheMessengerf Alloh soid: lfony one of you sproying nd feels omemovementin hisbockpossoge,nd s ndoubtos o whelherhehospossedwindor not,he should ofstopproyingunfilhe heors sound rdelects n odor."'16

    Thissone of lhe imporfontdomicprescriptionsfor curing woswoos(lhe insinuoting hispersofShoyton).13

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    . lf odhqon ior lajr ls colled whlle one ls proylngwlh.lf o person sproyingwitr ond the muezzin ollsthe odhoon (coll to proyer) or foy while he is stillproying, hould e conlinuewith hiswifr?Yes,f fhe odhooncomeswhilehe isproyingwifr,he should omplete he proyer, nd lhere snothingwrongwithdoingso. zThismofterhos o do with he timingof witrproyerond whetherl endsol the stortof fay or fhe end offojr.Ihe mojority ofscholors)oythot il endsoi thestortof fol proyer.18

    . Mlssed Asrqnd teoches mosfldwhen Moghribprqyer hos slqrled.lf o personhosmissedAsrproyerond orrives ithe mosjid o find thot Moghribproyerhosstorted,whotshould edo?Shoykh l{slom bn ToymiyohmoyAlloh tlthovemercyon him)soid:Heshould royMoghribwiih theimoom, hen proy 'Asr,os is ogreed upon by oll

    leodingscholors. s to whetherhe should epeotf . lbn 'Uthayrneen, Fatawa Islamlyyah, t/346

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    2 l

    Moghib, there ore two opinions.The first s ihot heshould epeot if; this s he view of lbn 'Umor,Moolikond Abu Honifoh,ond the mostwell knownview ofAhmod. Thesecondopinion s hol he doesnot hoveto repeot if; this s the view of lbn 'Abbos ond ol-Shofi'i,ond the second view of Ahmod.Thesecondview ismore conecf, becouse Alloh0ld id nof mokeit obligofory for o person o proy o soloh twice if hehos feored Alloh 0#os much os he con. And Allohknowsbesl. e. Trqvellerfolnlng congregqllon wllhoul knowlnglf lmoom ls olso o lroveler.lf o trovelercomes upon o congregotion proying,ond he does not know if the imom isolsoo troveler(so hot he con join the proyerwith fhe intentionofshorteningl),or he iso residenl so hoi he con proylhe complete proyerbehind him),whot shouldhedo?Accordingto the sirongest pinion,he shouldoclon the bosisof whot he seesof signs f trovelon theimom,such os clothingor trovelgeor. f it oppeors ohim lhot the imom iso resident,hen he shouldproythe complete proyerbehindhim.

    Ihe evidence for this is lhe report norroted byAhmod from lbn 'Abbos,who wos osked: "Whot is

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    the reosonwhy o trovelerproys wo rok'ohs f he isolone ond four rok'ohs if he proys behind oresident?" e soid: Thot sthe sunnoh." ccordingto onother repori he soid: "Thot s the sunnohofAbu'l-Qoosim."0lf he ossumeshol the imoom s o troveller, ndproystwo rok'ohswith the intenfionof proyingoshortened royer, hen ofter osleem complelion ffhe proyer)he discovershoi the imoom s n foct oresidentond thot these wo rok'ohswere the thirdond fourlh proyed by fhe imom, n this cose heshould tondup,proy wo more ok'ohso complelethe proyer, ond do sulbodsohw (on extro twoprostrolions).1There sno hormdone by ony speoking r oskingthot were necessoryor hesokeof hisproyer.

    . Belng unqble fo slondfor lhe reslof o proyer.lf o personwho isproyingssuddenly noble ostqndup for lhe restof hisproyer,or o personwhohod to proysitfing own is suddenly ble to stond,wholshould edo?20, Af-Haaflzdid not comment on this hadeeth ln al-Takhlees,2/5o,but Ahmad Shaaklr classed ts lsnaad as saheeh in his commentary

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    lbn Qudomoh(moyAlloh hove mercyon him)sqid: "As soon os o sick personwho is proyingbecomesoble lo do whot he could not do of thebeginningof his proyer,whether t be sfonding,sitting,bowing,prostroting r ony other movement,then he should ontinueond buildon whot he hosolreodycompleted.Similody,f o personbegins heproyer copoble of performingoll oclions, thensuddenly ecomesunoble o do cerfoin hings, eshould orryon os besthe con, ond buildon whothe hos olreody completed os if nothing hoschonged." 22

    Theevidence or lhis s he hodithof 'lmronibnHusoyn.{r:l hod hemonhoids"piles"),o qsked heProphet oboutsoloh.He soid: Proystonding p,but if you connot, hen sitdown,ond if you connot,ihenonyourside."r 3. A knock on lhe door when one ls proylng, or omolher seelng her chlld do somelhlngdongerous.

    lf someoneknockson the door while one isproying,or o motherwho is proying eesher child22. al-Mughnima'a al-Sharhal-Kabeer,L/782i see also al-MaJmoo'

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    ployingwilh on electricoloutletor doingsomethingsimilorlyongerous, hotshould e done?lf o personwho isproyingneeds o do somethingrelotivelyminor,such os opening o door, lhere isnothingwrongwiih doingso,so ongoshecontinuesfo foce the qibloh.The evidence for fhis s the hodith nonoled byAbu Dowud from 'A'ishoh s who soid: "TheMessenger f Alloh * used to proy with the doorclosed. I come ond osked him to open it, so hecome ond opened t for me, thenwent bock lo his

    proyer." henonotormenfionedhotthedoorwos nthedirectionof the qibloh.zeThe some opplies f o mother s proyingondneeds lo move her child owoy from somethingdongerous or hormful, ond so on' A simplemovement lo fhe right or lefl, or forwords or

    bockwords,will not offect her proyer.Similorly,fone's idao' (upper orment)olls ff, he onewho isproying con pick if up, ond if the zoor {lowergormenf) becomes loose, he con tighten it. Incertoin coses, shoree'oh ollows excessivemovementsuring royer, ven f hismeonsmovingowoy from focing the qibloh,os is reported n thehodithnonotedby Abu Huroyroh.*:TheMessenger

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    of Alloh soid: Killthe two blockthingswhile nproyer:hesnoke nd hescorpion."'2s. Respondlngo sqloomwhenproylng

    lf soloom (lslomicgreefing) is given to o personwhile he is proying,he con replywith o gesture,oswos reported from Suhoyb g,who soid: "l possedbyfhe Messengerof Alloh S os he wos proying. Igreeted him wilh solom, ond he responded with o9slure."zsThegeslure sdescribed n o numberof ohodith,

    suchos thot nonoled by lbn 'Umor4rwho soid:"TheMessengerof Alloh * went oul to Quboo' to proythere.TheAnsorcome to himond greeled him wifhsolqm while he wos proying. t osked Bilol, How didyou see lhe Messengerof Alloh fi reply to themwhen they soid solom o him ond he wos proying?'Hesoid: Likefhis, ' nd flotlenedhishond."Jo'for bn'Awn (one of lhe norrolors) lottened hishond withthe polm focing downwordsond lhe bock of hishond focingupwords.2T

    2t. Sunan biDawud, o,92;Saheeh unan blDawud, 142r.

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    ! Jolnlngo proyer ln progresslf o mon enters he mosjidwhile the imom isproying,shouldhe join ihe imom immediotely nwhoteverposition e is n ond stortprofng, or shouldhe woit to seewhether he imom isgoing to sitor

    stond?Thecorrecl onswers thot which s ndicoted byfhe evidence doleel): e shouldoin he imomnomoiter whot port of the proyerhe hos reoched -proslroting,londing, owingorsitfing. heevidenceis he hodithof Abu Huroyroh*: "TheMessengerfAlloh soid: lf youcomefo the proyer nd we oreprostroling,hen prosirote, ut don't counl il, ondwhoever ofcheso rok'ohhoscought he proyer""28 Mu'odhsoid: TheMessengerf Alloh0#soid: lfone of you comesto proyerond lhe imom is in ocertoinposilion,hendo os he mom 5doing."'zeAlso, here s he generolmeoningof the hodith:"Whoteveroucotchupwith,proy."

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    . Nol hosfenlng unduly lo Joln o proyer Inprogress.lf lhe proyerstorts nd o personssiillon hiswoyto ihe mosque,he shouldnot hostenunduly;heshouldwolkwilh colmness nd dignity, s ndicofedin fhe hodithof Abu Huroyroh*: "The Prophetsoid: lf the proyer forts, o not opprooch i running;opprooch it wolkingwith colmnessond dignity.Whotever ou cotch up with,proy,ond whoteveryoumiss,omplele t [ofterwords]."'so

    . Breoklngwlnd durlngq congregollonql proyerlf o mon breokswind duringo congregotionolproyer,whot shouldhe do in this embonossingsituolion?Heshould ut hishondoverhisnose, nd go out.

    Theevidence or thiswos reportedby 'A'ishoh.#,who soid: TheMessengerf Alloh soid: lf one ofyou posses indwhilehe isproying, e shouldholdhis ose nd eove."'31Al-Teebioid: Thecommond o holdone'snoseis o moke f oppeoros houghone sbleeding. hiss

    not ying; t iso formof oction hot sqllowedso hot30.

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    Shoytonwill not convinceo person n thissituotionnoi to leove becousehe feels oo shyof others." 2Thisson exomple f the kindof ombiguityhot sollowed ond opproved of, in order lo ovoidembonossment,swhoever eeshim eoving n thismonnerwillossumehot he issuffering nosebleed.Anolher enefiiof fhisPropheticdvice s hot t putso stop to the insinuoling hispers f the Shoyton,which moy otherwise ousehim o stoy n the row orcontinueproyingwith the congregolionwhen hehospossedwind,ond lhisdoesnot pleoseAlloh03.How con he stoy when the Prophet X hoscommonded him to leove? ln this cose he ispermittedeither o poss hrough he rows,or lo wolkto theedgeof the mosque,n order o leove, o hothe con go ondmokewudoo', hencomebockondrejoin heproyer.

    . When one hos olreody proyed ond comes loonolher mosque lo flnd lhe people lhereproylng.lf o personhosolreodyproyed n one mosque,lhen he comes o onothermosqueor o lesson r forsome other reoson,ond finds he people thereproying, hen he shouldoin them ond hisproyerwould be consideredo noofil (supererogolory r

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    "extro") proyer. He should do so even if it is duringthe prohibited times of proyer becouse there is oreoson behind it. The evldence for thiscomes fromthe hodifh of Yozid bn ol-AswodaF: l performed Hojjwith the ProphefE ond proyed Fo.[with him in MosjidAl-Khoyt.When he completed hisproyer ond turnedoround, he found two people of the bock who didnot proy with him. He soid, l hove fo tolk to them.'So he come to them, ond they were trembling. Heosked them: 'Whot prevented you two from proyingwith us?' Theysoid: 'O Messenger f Allohl We hqdolreody proyed in our ploces.' He soid: 'Do nol dothot. lf you hove olreody proyed ol your plocesondthen come lo o congregotionolmosque,proy withthem too ond it will become o supererogotoryproyer or you."' 33

    Inonother hodith t isnonoted thot the two comeofler lhe Fojr proyer which is o time when proyer isprohibited. moom Molikhosreported nol-Muwotto'in the chopter on "Whot hos been nonoted oboufrepeoting the proyerwith the imom ofter o personhosproyed individuolly":

    "Mihjon*, soid thot he wos in the compony ofthe Messengerof Alloh *, when the coll lo proyerwos given. The Messenger f Alloh * got up ondproyed in congregolion, then come bock, while

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    Mihjonsioyed in hisploce ond did not proy withthem.so fhe Messengerf Alloh soid o him: whotpreventedyou from proyingwith lhe people? Areyounoto Muslim?' esoid: lndeedI om, O Prophefof Alloh!Buf t hod olreodyproyed ol home.' TheProphet soid lo him: 'Whenyou come {to themosque)henproywilh he peopleeven f youhoveolreodYProyed.'rr4. Stlll proylng sunnoh when lhe lqaomah lsglven.

    lf o person hos entered the mosque ond isproying unnoh,hen the iqaomoh scolled, he bestopinionn this ose s hot f he s n his econd ok'oh,he should inish t quickly,ond if he is in the firstrek'oh,he shouldustbreokhisproyerond enter hecongregotion ith he mom.Thebosisor hishodilh s he reportwhich momMuslim onoled n hisSoheeh:"TheMessengerfg soid: lfiqoomohscolled orthe proyer then there is no proyer except fheobligotoryne."'s

    3' . af-Muwatta', /130: Si lsi lah l-Saheehah, o, 133733

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    3 l

    So, if o person hos performed the rukoo' of thesecond rok'oh when the iqomoh is colled, then heshouldcomplete hisproyer. f lhe igomoh is colledbefore he does the rukoo' of the second rok'oh,then he should discontinuebecouse whot is left ofsujood ond foshohhud is not needed ony more,Moreover,he shouldbreokwithoutfosjeem.ond it isenough to hove the intention n the heort,controryto common misconception.Belng Informed of lhe conecl dlrectlon ol lheqlbloh whlle proylng.

    lf there is o congregotion proying, ond duringtheir proyer lhey ore informed thot the qib/oh is in odirection other thon lhol which they were focing,they shouldoll furn owords he conect direction.Thesome is olso true for someone proying individuolly.Whotever port of their proyer hos been performed(before chonging direcfion) will be conect. Theevidence for this s o norrolion eporied by lmoomMuslim romAnos.#:"While he Prophet wos proyingtowordsBoyf-ol-Moqdis (Jerusolem),he oyoh wos reveqled to

    him:'F i,Vi )i'W-;'-&&rt"|ai ai+: j, ej b,

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    'VerilylWe hove seen the turningof your focetowords he heoven.Surely,We sholl urn you to oqibloh hot shollpleose ou,so urnyour oce in thedireclionof ol-Mosjid l-Horomwherever e ore,turnyour oces n thotdirection.'37A mon from BoniSolomohwos possing y ondfound hem (i.e.,he peopleof BoniSolomoh)n thestote of rukoo' in the second rok'oh of the Fofproyer.He colledout lo them: Theqiblohhqsbeenchonged,' so they chonged directionwhile theyweresti l l inukoo'." 8lf some of the people were informedond theotherswere nol, hen heone to whom t wos modecleqrshould urn o the directionwhichhe believesto be the conecl directionof qibloh.Now if oll ofthesepeoplewereoriginolly roying ogether n thesomedirection,hen someof them iurned owordsthe rightqnd some owords he left, t isstill olid orone of them fo leod the others n proyer.Butthescholors ove o differenceof opinionoboul somepeople following others in coses of completedisogreement bout the directionof the qiblah. fthere is someoneomong them who is completelyignoronloboul the direction, e should ollow he

    t7 . Af-Baqarah :L44

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    one who is more owore omongst them of thedirectionof the eibloh.sglf someone does not know the direction of lheqibloh, he musl osk someone if he con, or else .heshouldmoke ijfihaad (mokeo judgmenl to the bestof hisobilitybosed on the informotion voiloble) f heis oble to, otherwisehe must follow someone who isrelioble. f he connof find such o person, hen heshould feor Alloh, do his besi ond proy, ond hisproyer is votid. Thissometimes hoppens to peoplewho lrovel to the londs of the disbelievers nd findno Muslimor onybody elsewho could tell lhem the

    conect directionof the qibloh,ond hove no meonsof finding out. But if o person s copoble of findingoul the direction of the qibloh, but wos negleclfulond proyed without moking oll possibleefforts,heshould epeot hisproyerbecousehe wos coreless.40' Fqlllng behlnd when proylng In congregotlon.

    lf o person s proying n o congregotion ond fheloudspeokerstopsworking or he becomes drowsyond he logs behind the imom by one or moreobligofory octs (orkon) of proyer (i.e., the imomperformed l ond he did not becouseof not heoringthe imom'svoice), henwhen he wokesup ogoin orre

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    lhe soundof the speoker omesbock, he shouldcomplete the obligotoryocts fhot he hos missed,thenconlinueollowinghe mom.Thisproblem moy orise in mony coses. Forexomple: he imomrecileso verse hot contoinshewordof prostrofionsoldoh) nd someof the peoplemisunderstondl to be o verseof prostrofion hile nreolity i is not, so when lhe imom soys okbeer forrukoo'of the end of the verseond performsukoo',someof the followersespeciollyhose owords hereor of fhe congregotion)oke t to be the fokbeerfor the prostrotionf recitol. o heyprostrole.When

    the moomstonds p from herukoo'soying sorni'oAllohu i mon hemideh", hey siond up from theirprostrotion,hushovingmissedhe oct of rukoo'ondsfondingup from t. So t is ncumbent n them tocompletewhot theymissed nd thencotch up withthe imom. This s becouse they did nof do itintenfionolly. owever, n the cose of one whointentionollyogsbehind he imom (e.9., omeonewho prolongshis prostroiion o moke o longsupplicolion uch hot he misseshe obligotory ctwhich comesofter the prostrotion),he mojority fscholorsoy hot the proyerof someonewho missestwo consecutivebligolory ctsof proyerwithoutovolidexcuse,svoidondhe so sinner.41

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    However, the principle is thot the imom must befollowed,os lhe Prophef* soid: ,,Theimom is thereto be followed, so do not differ from him. When hegoes into rukoo', moke rukoo'. When he soys"Sorni'o Allohu i mon homidoh" (Allohheors he onewho proisesHim),soy "Robbonea loko'l-homd" (Oour Lordl To You belongs the proise).When he goesinto soJdoh,moke soJdoh. f he proyssitting, hen ollshouldproy sitting." 2. When the lmom nulllfleshlswudoo'.

    lf the lmom nullifies iswudoo'while he isproying,or remembers during the proyer thol he did notperform oblution, ihen he should come oul fromproyer ond oppoint someone to finish eoding theproyer,os wos norroted from 'Umor, Ali, ,Alqomohond 'Atoo'. l f he does not oppointonyone,ond thepeople proy individuolly,his solsoocceptoble, ondfhis s the opinion oken by tmom Al-Shoofi , i .f hebrings someone forword to leod them, thot is olsopermilted.

    The evidence for this s whof hos been nonotedregording 'Umor 4r when he wos stobbed: he tookthe hond of 'Abd ol-Rohmonbin 'Awf ond mode

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    him step forwqrd, ond he led the proyer tocompletion.sThe eosonor hisdeductions hot Umordid thisin the presenceof o numberof Componions ndothers nd no oneopposed hisocl, so t becomeo

    consensusijmoo'l,.*lf fhe imomremembershot he isnot in o stoteofpurity, e shouldndicoie o the people o remoinostheyoreond go ond purify imself,hencomebock,soy "Alloh ekber"ond leod them in proyer.This svolid.The evidence for this s the report nonoted byAbu Dowud romAbuBokroh:"TheMessengerf Alloh storied o leod the Fojrproyer,ond fhen he indicoted o the people thottheyshould toy n heirploces. henhe come bock

    ondwoferwosdrippingromhisheod."4sCommentingon this hodiih, lmom Al-Khotlobisoid:"ln thishodith here sevidence hot if one isleoding the people in proyer while in o stote ofjonaoboh ond the people do not know of it, lhena3. Reportedby al-Bukhaari ,Fath,7160". Ahkaamal-lmamah, al-Muneef, . 234'5 , Sunan Abi Dawood, no. 233i Saheeh Sunan Abi Dawood, L/45,Abu Dawood included a chapter entitled Fi'l-Junubyusalll bi'l-qawml

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    theirproyer s unoffectedond there s no need forihem to repeot t. But he lmoomhos o repeot hisProyer." 6. When the lmom'suncovered.

    'owroh becomeslf someonesproyingncongregotionehind heimoomond sees is owroh(those ortsof the bodythot musf be covered) uncovered due to onopening nhis lofhes r due fo his lolhes eing hinond tronsporent,hen if if is possible e shouldgooheod ond cover it with something, lherwise eshould ome out of hisproyerond inform he imoomby soying coveryour owroh"(inArobic"ghotti'l-'owroh"),or "protectwhol hos been uncovered".He should not stoy quiet ond continue o proybecouse t is known hot the imom'sproyer in hiscondition)s ncorrect nd following im s nconect

    oswell. lz. Reollzlnghql one's wudoo' ls Involldbecouseof wlplng over sockswhen dolng so ls no longerocceptqble.

    ao, SunanAbl Dawoodwa ma'ahuMa'aalim l-Sunanby al-Khattaabi,

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    lf one is proying (eilheros on imom or os omember of o congregotionor individuolly) ndrecolls hol he hod wiped over his socks(khuff)duringwudoo' of the timewhen the periodduringwhich lhis is occeptoble hod expired,he shouldterminotehisproyerbecousehisoblutions nconect.Thiss whot hos been quoted from lmomsAhmodond ol-Shoofi'i.s. When he lmqm lorgels he endlngof on oyoh.

    lf the lmom reciteso port of ihe Qur'on n theproyerond forgets he ending of ihe verse,ondnone of the members f the congregotion emindhim of if, he con chooseeither o soy the fokbeerond discontinuehe recitolion, r lo recileone verseor more romonolher uroh.Bui hissollowedonly flhe forgottenport is not from ol-Fofihoh. s or os ol-Fatihohsconcerned, t mustbe recited n tsentirety,osrecitingt son obligotory ct of proyer.ls. Intendlng to proy for roln, then lt rolns beforelhe people stort he proYer

    lf the people go out to gother orso/ofolislisqoo'(proyer or roin),or were intendingo do so, qndthen t roined,hen either f the ollowing pply:' r

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    lf they hod gol reody to go out ond it'roinedbefore lhey left, then they should thonk Alloh(subhonohuwo fo'olo) for Hisblessings nd not gooul.lf fhey hod olreody come ouf, ond it roinedbefore they could proy, they should offer o proyer ingrotitude o Alloh,moy He be exqlted.50. Feellng sleepy when llsfenlng to Frldoysetmon.

    lf o person becomes sleepy or dozes whilelistening o the Fridoysermon, t isrecommended forhim fo chonge ploceswilh fhe personnext to him. ndoing thishe shouldbe corefulnol to speok;roiher,he shouldcommunicote by geslures. he evidencefor this s he hodifh noroted by Somurohwho sqid:"TheProphet soid: lf one of you dozesduring theFridoysermon,he should chonge ploces with theperson itt ing ext o him." '51

    Another hodifh wos norroled by lbn 'Umor whosoid:"TheProphet# soid: lf one of you dozes n lhemosqueon Fridoy. e shouldmove to onofherploceto s i t . " 's230. al-Mughni,2/296!i /238; Saheeh l-Jaami'no, 12

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    * 3. Rullngs boul Forgelfulnessurlng Proyer(ol-sohw).. Doubloboulnumberof rok'ohsproyed.

    lf o person is in doubt os to whether he proyed,for exomple, lhree or four rok'ohs, he should octoccording to whof is most likely. However, if heconnot be sure which is more likely, he shouldossumewhot he con be certoin of, which is he lesseromount, ond moke fhe prostrotions f forgelfulness(su,pbodFsohw).

    The evidence is the hodith norroied by AbuSo'eed Al-Khudri.gr,ho soid:"TheProphel soid: lfone of you hos doubts during hisproyerond he doesnot recoll how mony rok'ohs he hosproyed, whetherthree or four, hen should orget oboul hisdoubt ondcomplele hisproyer on lhe bosisof thot of which heis certoin, ond then moke two sujood before thesolam.lf it turnsout thof he hod proyed five rok'eh,the two sujoodwould moke t even, ond if he endedup completing his four rok'ohs , they would be indefionceof the Shoytsp." 'sr

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    4 l

    . lmom remembershql he forgol fo reclle ol-Fatlhoh urlngq sllenl ak'sh.lf fhe imom remembers n ihe finol foshohhvd(sitiing of the proyer) thot he hod recited ot-tohiyyoot (the greetings mentioned during thesiiting) n the beginning of o silent ok'oh insteod ofol-Fotihoh,he should stond up ond offer qnother,conect, rok'oh, to moke up for the one heperformed inconectly where he did not recite o/-Fotihoh.This s becouse lhe Prophet soid: "There sno proyer for ihe one who did nol recite (in it) o/-

    Fotihoh theopening chopter of ihe Qur'on)." 4It is olso required for fhe members of thecongregolion behind him to followhim,even thoughit would be the fifth rok'oh for lhem. lf they do notunderstondond do not stond up, bui soy "subhoonAlloh" os if to indicole to the imoom lhot he is inerror, the imom should gesture with hondmovements o the rightond left fo inform hem thothe did it purposefully nd to indicote to them ihotthey shouldsfond up ond thot he knowswhot he isdoing.

    However, f something ike hishoppens o one ofthe people proying behind fhe imom, hisproyerwillbe conect os long os he followed he imom.

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    The evidence for fhis s the hodith of Abu Bokrohwhich describeswhen he joined the proyer in thepositionof rukoo' ond did nol recite ol-Fotihoh.TheProphet * soid lo him: "Moy Alloh increose yourendeovor. You do not need to repeot." ss, A member of q congregollonforgetllng toreclle ol-Follhoh,or lolnlng lhe proyer ol themomenlof rukoo'.

    lf lhe personollowinghe mom orgeiso reciteol-Fotihoh, r is ignorontof itsobligotorynoture,orjoins he proyerwhen ihe imom is in lhe stoteofrukoo', then his rok'oh will be consideredoscompleteond hisproyerconect.Hedoesnot needto repeof the rok'oh, os he is excused for hisignoronce or forgeifulness, r for not joining theproyer n fimefor the qiyoom(theport of the rok'ohwhenone is slondingupright). hiss he opinionofthe mojority f scholors.

    Thiss one of the thingswhich he imoom beorson beholfof fhosewhomhe eodsnproyer.

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    r Rqlslngone's heod from rukoo'lhen reollzlnglhol one forgol lo soy the fosbeeh.lf o personroiseshis heod from rukoo' thenremembers hot he did noi soy the tosbeeh ofrukoo',he shouldnot return o the rukoo' becouse

    the requirement or supplicolion f rukoo' is nolongeropplicobleby virtueof hishoving oisedhisheod. lf he returns o the rukoo' inientionolly,hisoctionwould renderhisproyer nvolid incehe hosodded on extro ukn(obligotory ct of the proyer)which s hissecond, uperfluous,ukoo'.However,fit wos due to ignoronceor forgetfulness,isproyerwillnotbe nullified, uf nthis osehe mustmoke heprostrotion of forgetfulness f he wos proyingindividuollyor leoding o congregoiion.This isbecouse soying tosbeeh ("subhoonoRobbi al-'A'theem,How Perfectsmy Lord, he Supreme")swoojib (obligotory).nd if one forgets t, it con becompensoted for by moking the prostrotionofforgetfulness.f he wos proyingbehind on imoomond forgets the tosbeeh, hen he is no longerconsideredo hoveomiltedon obligolory ct. sz

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    . Forgelllng he flrsl oshohhud.lf o person orgefs he first oshohhud, tondsupfor the third rok'oh ond storts he recilotionof ol-Fatihah,hen occording o the mojorityof scholors,he shouldnot returno thesitting osition.f he does

    so knowing fhof his refurn is unopproved of, hisproyer will be nullifiedbecouse he hos olreodystorted onother obligotoryoct. The obligotoryoctthot he forgof(i.e.,oshohhud)on be mode up forby moking the proslrotionsof forgetfulness. heevidence s he hodithnonoiedby ol-MugherohbnShu'boh:TheProphel soid: lf the mombeginsostondup ofter he second ok'oh, henremembers,beforehe hosstood ullyupright,hot he should it,lhen he should iidown,but if he hosolreodystoodfullyupright, e shouldnol sit,but shouldmoke woproslrotionsf forgetfulness.8Inshort,f someone tonds p for the third ek'eh,forgettinghe foshohhud, ne of the three ollowingscenoriospplies:lf he rememberst beforestondingup stroight:thenheshouldeturno toshohhud.lf he remembers fler stonding p stroight, ndbeforestorting he recifolion-ofql-Fotihoh:hen it is

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    better or him not to sit,but if he sitshisproyerwillbevolid.lf he rememberst ofier stortinghe recitotionofol-Fofihoh: hen he is not ollowed to refurn toloshohhud.eThesehreecoseshove beendeduced rom hehodithquotedobove.

    . lmom soys the sqroom lhen mqkesproslrollons of forgelfulness, bul o lqtecomerslonds up lo complele hlsproyer.lf the imom soys he so/oomond o personwhojoined he proyer ote sfonds p to completewhqthe missed,hen suddenly e seeshe imom mokingprostrotions f forgetfulness fter the soloom, thelotecomer should sit bock down ond mokeprostrotionsilh the imom, f he hosnot yel stoodfullyupright.Otherwise e should ot sitbock down;he should ompletehisproyer,henhe shouldmokeihe missed rostrotionsf forgetfulness.heevidencefor his s he someospresentedn lhe discussionnforgetting o sit or foshohhud etween he secondond hird ok'ohs.o


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    . lmom moker q mlsloke but doesn'lunderstqndwhot lhe congregollon ls refenlng lowhen they soy "subhoon Allo" lo drow hlsotlentlon to ll.lf the imom mokeso misiokeond misses n

    obiigotory ortof the proyer, nd the congregotionremind him of the mistoke by soying "subhoonAlloh"), uthe doesnot understond hot fheymeonor does not know when or where he mode themisloke, ond continues o move on to olherobiigotory ctswhichdo not nclude he missed ct,then there o number of opinions s lo how theyshouldmoke him understond. he best of theseopinionss hot theyshouldemindhimof the oct bythe porliculor upplicotionor thot oct, e.9.,soyingo'subheoneRobbiol-'A'fheem"f ii wos the rukoo'or"subhoonoRobbiol-A'le" f il wqs he prostrolion,rRabbigh ir fi rt it wos the sittingbetween the twoprostrotions,ic.61* 4. MlscellqneousRullngs. Forgetllng o weor lhrqam or Hollor'Umrqh.

    lf someones rovelingn on oirplone nd forgetsto weor hegormenls f ihroom, nd lhe plone okes

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    off, he should lry to moke it oul of two pieces ofcloth,whotever color they moy be, or wilh ony typeof sheetsor towels he con get hold of. lf he connotfind onything oppropriote, he should removewhotever sewn clothes ond heod covering (if he isweoring one) he con, ond enter fhe sfole of ihroomin whotever he is weoring when he possesby themiqaot in the oir. He should not crossthe mgoofwithout being in o stote of ihraam.Once he reocheso ploce where he con chonge hisclothesond weortwo sheels of cloth {proper ihroom gorments),heshould do so; in oddition, he musf poy o penolty(fidyo) of eifher socrificingo sheep or fosling forthree doys or feeding sixneedy people. He hos lhechoice of doing ony one of lhese three ond hisihroom isconect.. lnlerrupllon f lawootorsq'ee.

    lf o person is performing tawoaf (circu-mombulol ion oround the Ko'boh) or so'ee(betweenSofoond Mowohl, ond he findshimself nneed (e.9.,he is hirsty nd needs o drinksomething,or losesone of his omilymembersond stops o lookfor him, or becomes iired ond needs to foke somerest), hen if the breok isshortond is recognizedossuch ('urfon),he moy then confinue from where heleft off. In he cose where the proyer scolled ond he

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    disogreedon this ssue. hemostcoufiousopinion sthot when he continueshis towoaf he shouldnotcount he lost oundwhichhe lefl ncomplete henhe intenupted is owoof norder o proy.6aThe ssueof tokingo resf n fowof ond so'ee,

    however, s bosedon lhe condition hqt fowof ondso'eeshould e uninlenupled.nso'ee,continuitysnot q requirement ccording o the bestopinion.63So, f o person s performing o'ee, ond he breoksofter someof the rounds, nd thencomesbock tocomplete fhem, this would be consideredpermissible.owever, egording onlinuityof towofthescholorsove wo opinions:Thotcontinuityswooiib mondotory),nd thotolong nterruption ithoutdue justificotion ullifieshetowqfThofcontinuityso sunnoh, nd the towof isnot

    nullifiedven hough hebreokwos ong.aaHowever,t isbeifer o oct occording o the first'opinion,o be on the sofeside.

    62 lbn Baz: Fatawa al-HaJJwa'lrumrah, p. 80; al-Majmoo' li'l-Nawawi, S/49

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    ' Burlolof one who dlesol seo.lf o persondieson o shipwhile roveling f seo,occording o lmomAhmod, he peopleshouldwoitif they hope to reoch someploce wherethey conbury him (suchos on islond r beoch) n o doy ortwo,ond if theyore confidenl hot the body willnotdecoy. However,f this s not possible,hey shouldwosh he body, shroud nd embolm t, henproy hefunerolproyer, nd finolly,ie somefhing eovy o itond drop f n he woter.65

    ' Chonglngmoney (somecunency).Suppose person os, or exomple, cunencynote wlth o foce volue of 50, ond he wonts tochonge i into ive l0's,ond osk onotherpersonoprovide hechonge orhim,but thisperson osonlythree 0's. s i permittedor the firstperson i.e. he

    one who wonts hechonge) o givehim he50 ondtoke the three i0's, eoving he remoining 0 os oloqn o be collected y him oter?Sincesuch o proctice swidespreodnowodoys,most people would be token obock if they oreinformedhot this s ibo (usury).he eoson forsucho procticebeingusury)s hot he omounteochoneof the two took sdifferent, hereosheconditionn

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    selling nd chongingcunencynotes s thot if theybelong o the some ypeof currency e.9., ollorsnexchonge for dollors,or dinors in exchonge fordinors, tc.) hen heymustbe the some nmonetoryvolueond exchonged coshdown" (hond n hond,notdefened). hissbecouseheProphet soid:"Do not sell gold for gold unless he two oreequivolent, nd do not sello lesser mounl for ogreoteromount or vice verso.Do not sellsilver orsilver nlesshetwo ore equivolent,nd do nofsellolessermount oro greoleromounlorvice verso.Donof sellgold ond silver hot is not presentof themomentof exchonge i.e.o defenedomount) orgoldor silverhot spresent."eThishodith prohibitsbolh ribo ol-fodl (usuryofsurplus) nd ribo on-nosee'oh usury f credit ordeloyedpoyment).So the woy for people o ovoid lhis,os lhey oreolwoys n need of exchonging urrency otes,sosfollows: he one who hos o currencynote of 50should ive t io the otheros colloterol nd tokethe30 romhimoso loon.Lofer e should epoy he oonond toke his50 bock. (N.B.Alfhough he net result

    moy oppeor the some, here so differencen thewoy the tronsoctionokesploce.) 7tG

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    5 l

    ' Belng qrked lo do somelhlng ql work thol lsogolnsl lslqmlc teochlngt.Whot should one do if one is osked to dosomething of work thot he feels is conlrory lo theteochingsof lslom?lf o person s ordered to do o cerioin ossignmentot hiswork, he should hinkobout it_-if he oct doesnoi involve ony disobedience o Alloh, moy He beglorifiedond exolled,he shouldgo oheod ond do if.Olherwise, if it does involve some disobedience toAlloh, moy He be glorifiedond exolted, he should

    not obey the commond, or elsehe willbe o porty tosinond wrong-doing.TheProphet * soid:"A humonmust not be obeyed if thot involves isobedience oAlloh, moy He be glorified ond exolted. Indeed,obedience only opplies in the cose of righteousdeeds."68Alloh soid in the Qur'on (obout the people whowent ostroy): t( @'tJi 6)tG 6;rS3 l.3u-Jiilu:6irlu; y

    "They will soy: 'Our Lordl Verily,we obeyed ourchiefsond our greot ones,ond they misledus fromthe (Righi )Woy." 'osct . Saheehal-Bukhariwith Fath al-Baari,L3/LZL;Ahmad, 1/91; thls

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    * 5. Generql Behovlor ond Sunnoh of lheProphet(peoce qnd blesrlngsol Alloh be uponhlm).. Ihe properwoy lo lhonk Alloh*.

    lf o Muslim eceiveso bounly or isrescued romsome riol, t isrecommended or him o perform heprostrolionof thonkfulness.bu Bokroh {r reportsthot: "When the Prophet ld received somethingwhichpleosedhim or glod tidings, e would mokeprostrotionn honkso Alloh." oRituolpurity (tohooroh|ond focing the qibloh isnot o requirementfo moke the prostrotionofthonkfulness,owever, f one mokeswudoo' ondfoces heqibloh,lhot sprefened.Tl

    . Accepllng money or property recelvedwllhout osklngfor ll.

    lf somethinge.g.,money, roperty, tc.)which sholaol (lslomicollypermissible)comes to you,whether through onolher personor other entity,withoutyou osking, eorning r begging or it, ondwithout you hoving degroded yourself, hen he70, Abu Dawud, na,2774i, l t ls saheeh,and was also reported n

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    should occept it. 'Umor S nonoied thot: "TheProphel r soid: lf something i.e.,money,property,etc.) comes o you for whichyou did not yeornorosk for, then occept it. Othenariseo not botherobout t . " '72. Asklng q Musllm hosf obout food or drlnk heservet.

    lf o Muslim sserved ood in hisMuslimbrother'shouse,ond he iswoniedobout whether he meot isholoolor horoom,he moyeol it wilhoulquestioningbecouse, n lslom, he principles thot o Muslimstrustworthy.heevidence or this s he soyingof theProphet : "lf one of you enlers he houseof hisMuslim rotherond he offers im ood, et himeof itond not oskonythingobout t, ond if he offershimsomething o drink, et him drink t ond not oskonYthing boul t."73Thissolsobecouse uch ntenogotion oy insulthishostond mokehim eelthothe sbeingdoubted.


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    r Wolklngwlth only one shoeon lf the olher onelsdomoged.lf someonewolkingwifhshoes n, ond breoksorteorsone of them,he should otwolkwithonlyoneshoe,while his other foot is bore. He shouldeither

    repoir he brokenshoeond weor both, or toke otfboth ond wolkborefoot.Wolking orefootot times ssunnoh. heevidence orthis s he nonotion f AbuHuroyrohhot: "TheProphet soid: Oneshould otwolk wiih only one shoe.One shouldeitherweorbothortokebothof themoff."'74Thescholorsqvesoido number f things boulthe reosonordoingso.Themostouthentic f theseis whot hos been describedby lbn ol-'Arobiondothershot "lt is he woy of wolking f the Shoyton".(FothoLtuon, 10/310)The evidence for this s thereport of Abu Huroyroh4p: "The Prophet i soid:'lndeedtheShoyton olksnone shoe." s. Good dreomslf o Muslim sees o good dreom, ii isrecommendedorhim o do the ollowing:

    . He shouldproiseond lhonk Alloh0*,moy He beglorified.t t .

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    r He moy interpret t himselfor discusst with oknowledgeoble ersonwho moy nterprett for him.. He should not tell onyone obout it exceptsomeone who moy give him good odvice, orsomeone who is wise, or someone he loves. Heshould not inform someonewho moy becomejeolous f him.

    Theevidence or this s he reportof Abu So'eedol-Khudri#: "TheProphetS soid: lf onyoneof youseeso dreom hot he likes,hen t is romAlloh,ondheshould honkAlloh or t ond tell t to others." 6And it wos olso reported rom Abu Huroyroh*lhot: "TheProphet soid: Donot nonoteyourgooddreoms o onyoneexcepto knowledgeoble ersonor someonewho moygiveyou goododvice."Thissbecouse uchpersons oy nterpretf n themosloppropriotewoy, unlikeone who is eolousorignoronf

    ' Bod dreqmslf o Muslim eeso bod dreom (nighimore), eshould o lhe following:

    . Heshould pit dryly)o his eft hree imes.76,Saheeh l -Bukhar l , o , 6584

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    . He shouldseek efuge n Alloh rom Shoytonhreetimes.. He shouldseek efuge n Alloh rom the evil of thedreom.. Heshould tondup ond proy.. He shouldchonge the side on which he wossleepingf hewonts o conlinue o sleep,even f thotmeons urningonto his eftside.. Heshould ot nform nyone.' He should neither inlerprel it himselfnor oskonyoneelse o interprelt.

    Theevidence or lhis s he ndnolionof Joobir.*sthot: "TheProphet soid: lf ony one of you seesodreom hot he dislikes,e should pit o his eft hreeiimes,seekrefuge n Alloh rom the Shoyton, ndturnoveron to hisotherside." 8

    According o onother eporl, he wording s:"Heshouldseekrefuge n Alloh rom itsevil,so thot itdoesnot hormhim."The nonoior of this hodithsoid:"l usedto seedreoms thot weighed heovier on me thon omountoin,but os soonos I heqrd this hodith,so Ineverwoniedobout t ogoin." e

    7r , SaheehMuslim,no.2262

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    Joobir +* reported thot o Bedouincome to theProphet F ond soid: "O Prophef of Alloh, I sow odreom ihot my heod wos chopped off ond rolledowoy, ond I ron ofier it." The Prophel i soid to him:"Do nol tell people the Shoyton sployingwith you inyourdreoms."80According to onother report, the wording is: "lfonyone seessomethinghe dislikes, e shouldget upOrtdPrOY." l

    . Belng offecled by seelng o womqn.lf o Muslimseeso non-mohromwomon, ond lhis

    hos on effeci on him, hen if he hos o wife he shouldgo home ond hove intercoursewilh her so thot hemoy rid himself of whotever offected him. Theevidence for fhis s the nonofion of Joobir 4r: "TheProphet soid: lf ony one of you isottrocfed to qndlikeso womon, he shouldgo bock to hiswife ondhove iniercoursewith her,becouse hiswill rid him ofwhoiever offected him."'o2. Sltllng between lhe sun ond lhe shqde ls nolqllowed.

    lf the ploce where one issitting ollsbeveen thesun ond the shode. he shouldchonge his ploce,to . SaheehMuslim,no. 2268t!

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    becouse he Prophet soid: lf one of you is (sitting)in shode hot diminishesn size,esultingn port of hisbodyremoiningn the sunond the restundershode,heshould et up ond move."83The reoson for this is thot this is the positionfovored by the Shoyfon.The evidence is theProphet's rohibitionf sitting ortiollyn thesunondporfiollyn shode.HeS soid: Thiss he plocewheretheShoyton ifs."

    . When llnesssirlkesone'swlfe.lf on illnessslrikes someone's wife, it isrecommendedor him o do whot the Prophetdid:"When on illness lruckhis one of his wives,heorderedfor soupto be prepored.Thenhe orderedher to drink rom f. He used o soy: Thisstrengthensthe heort of lhe one who is distressed,nd cleonsthe heorlof the sickpersonusios one of youcleonsher ocewithwoter." 'E5

    . lf one's chlldrenor fomlly members le.lf one of the childrenor fomily membersof operson ies, he should reof lhis issueos did theProphet : "lt he * come lo knowthof one of his

    13, Abu Dawud,no. 4821; Saheehal-Jaami' , o. 748! '

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    fomily members hod lied, he would keep owoy fromhim untilhe repente{." ae. When lelllng lhe lruth ls nol lhe best optlon.

    lf o Muslim foces o difficuli siluotion where heneeds to soy whot is ogoinsl the kuth in order toprotecf himselfor someone who is innocent, or losove himself rom serious rouble, is there o woy forhim to escope lhe situotion wilhout lying or follingintosin?Yes, there is o legol woy ond o permissibleescope lhot one con moke useof if necessory.t isequivocotion or indirecinessn speech. lmom ol-Bukhori moy Alloh hove mercy on him) entifled ochopter of hisSoheeh: lndirectspeech so sofewoyto ovoid o l ie".87Equivocotionmeonssoyingsomethingwhich hos

    o closermeoning hot the heorerwillunderstond, utit olso hoso remote meoningwhich whot isoctuollymeoni ond is inguisticollyonecf. Thecondition forthis s hot whotever ssoidshouldnot presento trufhos folsiiyond vice verso.The ollowingore exomplesof such stotements used by the solof ond eorlyt6 , al-Silsi lah l-Saheehah, o.2052; Saheeh l-Jaami., o.467517. Saheehal-Bukhaari,Kitaabal-Adab Book of Manners), hapter

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    imoms,ond collectedby lmom lbn ol-Qoyyimn hisbook ghothotol-Lohfoon:Itwosreportedobout Hommod moyAllohhovemercy on him), f someone qme thot he did nolwont to sitwith,he wouldsoyos f inpoin: Mytooth,

    my toothl"Thenhe boringpersonwhom he did notlikewould eovehimolone.lmom SufyoonAl-Thowriwos brought to lhekholeefohol-Mohdi,who liked him, but when hewonted to leove, he kholeefohold him he hod fostoy.Al-Thowriwore hot he wouldcome bock. He

    then wenl out, leovinghisshoesof the door. Aftersome imehe come bock, ookhisshoes nd wentowoy.Thekholeefoh skedobouihim,ond wos oldthot he hod sworn o come bock, so he hod comebock ond tokenhis hoes.lmom Ahmodwos n hishouse, nd someof hisstudents, ncluding ol-Mirwodhi,were with him.Someone ome olong,osking or ol-Mirwodhiromoutside he house, ut lmom Ahmoddid not wonthimto go out, so he soid: Al-Mirwodhis not here,whot would he be doing here?"whilstputtinghisfinger n the polmof hisotherhond,ond the person

    outside ouldnol seewhot hewosdoing.Otherexomples f equivocotionr ndirectnessn

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    6 l

    lf someone osksyou whether you hove seen so-ond-so, ond you ore ofroid lhot if you tell thequestionerobout him thiswould leod lo horm, youcon soy "mo ro'oytuhu",meoning hot you hove notcut his lung, becouse ihis is o conect meoning inArobic l"mo re'eyfuhu" usuollymeons "l hove notseen him," bul con olso meon "l hove not cut hislung"l; or you could deny hovingseen him, refeningin your heort to o specific ime ond ploce where youhove not seen him. f someoneosks ou to sweoronoolh fhof you will never speok to so-ond-so,youcould soy,"Walloohilon ukallumohu",meoning hotyou will not wound him, becouse "kolorn"con olsomeon "wound" in Arobic [os well os "speech"].Similorly,f o person is forced lo utter words of kufrond is old to deny Alloh H, t ispermissibleor him iosoy "Koforlu bi'l-loohi",meoning "l denounce theployboy" [which soundsthe some os the phrosemeoning "l deny Alloh."l lghoathot ol-Lahfaonbylbn ol-Qoyyim, l/3Bl tt., 2/106-107.See olso theseclion on equivocotion (mo'ooreed) in A/-Adoobol-Shor'iyyoh y lbn Muflih,1/14l'.

    However,one shouldbe coutious hot the use ofsuch stotements s restrictedonly to situotionsofgreol difficulty. lherwise:. Excessiveseof it moy leod to lying.. One moy losegood friends, ecouse they would

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    r lf the person to whom such o stotement is givencomes to know thot the reolity wos different fromwhot he wos told, ond he wos not owore thot theperson wos engoging in deliberole ombiguity orequivocotion, he would consider hot person o be olior. This goes ogoinst fhe principle of protectingone's honor by not giving people couse to doubtone's ntegrity... The personwho usessuch o technique frequentlymoy become proud of hisobility to toke odvontogeof people.

    Finolly, osk Alloh t3, moy He be glorifiedondexolted, to give us o proper understonding of ourreligion,

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