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1 © Shipman & Goodwin LLP 2016. All rights reserved. The Americans with Disabilities Act at Higher Education Institutions: Addressing ADA Issues with Faculty and Staff Linda L. Yoder Peter J. Murphy Friday, October 7, 2016 What we will cover… Statutory and regulatory framework Judicial treatment of statutory and regulatory language Focus areas for Higher Education

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© Shipman & Goodwin LLP 2016. All rights reserved.

The Americans with Disabilities Act

at Higher Education Institutions:

Addressing ADA Issues with Faculty

and Staff

Linda L. Yoder

Peter J. Murphy

Friday, October 7, 2016

What we will cover…

• Statutory and regulatory framework

• Judicial treatment of statutory and regulatory


• Focus areas for Higher Education

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Focus Areas for Discussion

• Institutions of Higher Learning Under Specific Scrutiny: Are we and should we be held to a higher standard?

• Developments in technology mean that old case law should be treated with caution

• Addressing mental health concerns

• Faculty are different

• How to analyze a new type of request: service animals

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)• 1990: Passage of ADA

� Expanded protection against disability discrimination to most employers, state and local governmental programs and providers of public accommodations

� 1999 and 2002: U.S. Supreme Court narrowed protection

� Determination of coverage could account for mitigating measures

� Narrower definition of “major life activity”

• 2008: ADA Amendments Act of 2008

� Reversed U.S. Supreme Court rulings

• 2010: Amended ADA Regulations published

• 2016: ADA Amendments Act Final Rule published

� Effective on October 11, 2016

� Implements the requirements of ADA Amendments Act of 2008

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Covered Entity’s Obligations • Prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability

� Title I: Employment

� Applies to employers with 15 or more employees (inclusive of faculty, staff, and student employees)

� Title II: Public Entities

� Applies if you are a state-run entity (e.g., a public college or university)

� Title III: Public Accommodations

� Applies if you are a private entity that offers a public accommodation (e.g., a private college or university)

• Provide reasonable accommodations and auxiliary aids and services

• Reasonably modify policies, practices, and procedures


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Definition of a Disability

• A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities - OR -

• Regarded as impaired – OR - record of such an impairment

� Must be otherwise qualified

� Able to carry out the essential functions of the program with or without accommodations

• “Definition of disability shall be construed broadly in favor of expansive coverage, to the maximum extent permitted by the terms of the ADA.”

� Does not apply to transitory and minor impairments

� Generally determined without regard to ameliorative effects of mitigating measures

Judicial Trends• Cases since 2010

� Infrequent evaluation of whether an individual has a “disability”

� However, courts have looked into whether certain mental health conditions entitle someone to ADA protection

� Focus more on qualification of individual and documentation

� Whether an individual is “otherwise qualified”

� Whether the documentation provided justifies the requested accommodation

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When Can/Should You Intervene?

• Professor Paul is a long-time, tenured faculty member. Very highly regarded.

• Students voice concerns about unrelated “stories” being told in class, with little instruction.

• Co-workers also have noticed changes in his formerly-impeccable appearance, his office becoming messier, and him snapping at co-workers and demonstrating inability to work with colleagues in the department.

• What steps, if any, can you take?

Potential Steps

• Discussion with dean or department chair?

• Refer to EAP?

• Provide FMLA paperwork?

• Determine if he has a disability?

• Send for IME?

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Mental Health and Anxiety Issues

• Associate Professor Abby’s mentor is Difficult Dave, a senior member of the department who mentors all junior faculty in the department.

• Abby complains about Dave’s mentoring and interpersonal skills, and ultimately informs you that it is giving her anxiety.

• Abby asks for you to move her to another mentor as an accommodation, and refuses to work until such a change is made.

• Should Abby be given another mentor?

Is Abby Disabled?• Higgins-Williams v. Sutter Medical Foundation, 237 Cal. App. 4th 78

(Ca. Ct. App. May 26, 2015).

� Undisputed facts show that employee’s anxiety related solely to her

supervisor’s oversight.

� An employee’s inability to work under a particular supervisor because

of anxiety and stress related to the supervisor’s standard oversight

does not constitute a mental disability under California law.

• Pack v. Illinois Dep't of Healthcare & Family Servs., 2015 WL 507555,

at *3 (N.D. Ill. Feb. 5, 2015):

� “Because Plaintiff asserts that she is capable of working, just not at

IDHFS where [her current supervisor] is, Plaintiff has not sufficiently

alleged that she is disabled under the ADA.”

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Is Short-Term Illness a Disability?

• Adjunct Professor Peter had heart surgery in April.

• Summer classes start in May, and his classes are reassigned because the school has not heard from him. Peter demands to return to full duty after that reassignment has occurred.

• Peter is then only assigned two classes for the Fall Semester, instead of his normal four.

• Peter claims disability discrimination. The school claims he is not disabled.

• Who is correct?

Silk v. Bd. of Trustees, 795 F.3d 698 (7th Cir. July

30, 2015)

• Short-term illnesses are not covered by ADA:

� Employer’s belief not enough, however.

� Need to show impairment actually was transitory and minor.

Employer did not do that in this case.

• Perceived disability claims can be difficult.

� Even if not disabled, employee can succeed if shown that

employer perceived him as disabled.

� Adjunct identified alleged statements suggesting that the

college perceived him as disabled when assigning classes for the

Fall Semester.

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Potential for an IME?

• ADA prohibits IME unless it is:

� Job related, and

� Consistent with business necessity.

• Employer can meet that standard by showing:

� Employee has requested an accommodation;

� Employee has impaired ability to perform essential

functions of position; or

� Employee poses a direct threat to himself or others.

Potential for IME

• Hawthorne v. Oakland Univ., 158 F.Supp.3d 586 (E.D.Mich. Jan. 27, 2016):

� Associate Professor sent for three medical evaluations after negative, hostile interactions with students created unsafe learning environment.

� Professor had no right to injunction against future evaluations.

• Ellis v. San Francisco State Univ.,136 F.Supp.3d 1140 (N.D.Cal. Dec. 22, 2015):

� Professor suspended and then terminated after refusing to submit to IME .

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• What is required?

• How recent?

• What professionals are qualified to provide documentation?

� What level of deference should be afforded to the evaluating professional?

• Who must pay for documentation?

• Must documentation demonstrate a connection between the disability and the requested accommodation?

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• ADA Amendments Act of 2008

� Rejected heightened standard for demonstrating


� Generally, there is no requirement that

documentation must be presented to obtain legal

protections guaranteed by ADA


• Purpose:

� Establishing disability of faculty or staff member.

� Permissible sources: self-report, observations from

college staff and/or information from external parties

� Individualized process

� Understanding how the condition may affect the


� Make informed decision about what, if any,

accommodations are necessary.

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Documentation Process

• Common-sense standard

• What would a reasonable person conclude?

• Requiring extensive medical or scientific evidence likely beyond reasonable.

• Non-burdensome process

� Does the process discourage, even if not the intent, employees with disabilities from seeking accommodations?

� How long is the process?

Smith v. UCONN, 794 F.3d 249 (2d Cir. July 22,


• Employee worked in dining hall.

• Walked off line after feeling ill, believing his

bronchitis was returning.

• Employee terminated per college policy.

• Employee’s lawsuit failed, as only illness

alleged in the complaint was bronchitis, which

is not a disability under the ADA.

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Otherwise Qualified

• Is the employee eligible to performance the essential functions of the job, either with or without reasonable accommodations?

• If incapable of performing the essential functions of the job, the employee is not a “qualified individual” under the ADA.

• Query: Is there a job description? How do you define the essential functions of faculty member? Does this differ by department and where can I find this information in writing?

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Badwal v. Bd. of Trustees, 139 F.Supp.3d 295

(D.C.DC Sept. 28, 2015)

• Professor developed ailment that prevented the normal use of his arms for classroom duties (e.g. writing on the chalkboard).

• Professor went out on leave, and then retired.

• Professor later claimed that the college forced him to retire, and had failed to accommodate him.

• Court found Professor not a “qualified individual.”

� Allegations in the complaint showed he was physically incapable of performing his teaching duties.

Snowden v. Columbia Univ., 612 F.Appx 7 (2d

Cir. Apr. 6, 2015)

• Mail clerk at university was terminated because she could not do essential functions—e.g. bending, stooping, sorting, and filing.

• Because Plaintiff could not do these essential functions, she was not a qualified individual.

• Plaintiff also failed to identify any reasonable accommodation that would allow her to perform the job.

� Additional point: University did not engage in thorough interactive process. Court excused this error because there was no reasonable accommodation that could have been discussed with employee.

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• Professor Brian informs you that his disability

is getting worse, and his psychological state

restricts him from face-to-face meetings.

• He requests to teach all classes on-line, and

never be asked to come to campus.

• Must the college make this accommodation?

Factors to Consider:

• What classes does he teach?

� Is there a reason that he must be present in-

person, such as interactive class discussion or

supervision of a laboratory?

• Does the school allow any on-line courses?

� How widely have you opened the door?

� Are their other reasons to come to campus?

� Departmental meetings, student meetings, etc.?

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EEOC v. Ford Motor Co., 782 F.3d 753 (6th Cir.

Dec. 3, 2014)

• Courts will defer to employers on what constitutes an essential function of a job.

• “Common sense” dictates that in-person attendance and interaction with co-workers and consumers are essential functions of most jobs.

• Employee bears burden of proving accommodation is reasonable, and telecommuting can be reasonable.

• Employee’s request here is not reasonable because:

� No set schedule; wanted to pick days on no notice.

� Employee was refusing to come on site if needed.

Can Sleepy Sam Teach Remotely?

• Sleepy Sam served as a tenured professor and a coordinator of a community college's honors program.

• Sam has “severe problems falling asleep, sleeping undisturbed, and ... remaining awake when driving long distances.”

• Sam asked to “teach most of his course load and hold office hours remotely, via distance learning.”

• Was the request properly denied?

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Epstein v. Cty. of Suffolk, 2016 WL

4257349 (E.D.N.Y. Aug. 11, 2016)

• No. Plaintiff’s claim that he has trouble

sleeping is insufficient to establish disability.

• Court also concluded that work at the college

would not trigger his sleep disorders.

• Sleepy Sam could fall asleep at home or at




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• Three categories

� Auxiliary aids and services—need not include devices or services of a personal nature

� Is the college/university financially responsible?

� Or could another agency such as state vocational rehabilitation program?

� Undue financial burden?

� Concerns: public backlash

� Modifications of policies, practices, and procedures

� Architectural/Design Features


• Burden on the institution (Not likely)

� Demonstrate that officials considered alternative means, feasibility, cost and effect on the program at issue and came to a rationally justifiable decision

� Including whether accommodation would either lower academic standards or require substantial program alternation

• Expectation that the institution AND employee engage in an interactive process when addressing accommodation requests

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• Co-teacher: generally not required to pay two

people to do one job.

• Video Recording: no case law, but likely to be

considered a reasonable accommodation.

� How to handle professor who considered lectures

“intellectual property” and ban video/audio

recordings for students?


• Interpreters or transcription:

� Sign language interpreters are provided to students,

do they need to be provided to professors, too?

• Modification of tenure clock: courts are typically

deferential to educational institutions in

determining tenure requirements and timelines.

� If out on FMLA leave, does that stop the clock?

� Is there a section in the faculty handbook discussing

grounds to stop the tenure clock?

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Safety Concerns

• Even if an employee is disabled, he or she can still be terminated for misconduct even if it is connected to a disability.

• See Mayo v. PCC Structurals, 795 F.3d 941 (9th Cir. 2015)

� (“Put simply, the ADA does not require that an employee whose unacceptable behavior threatens the safety of others be retained, even if the behavior stems from a mental disability. Such an employee is not qualified.).

Prepare For/Avoid Retaliation Claims

• Many institutions of higher education have

loose supervision/performance review


• Who makes decisions regarding class

assignments, courses taught, and is there a

clear mechanism for deciding disputes?

• Can you limit retaliation claims by limiting

knowledge of the disability/accommodation?

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Service Animals• Legal term under the ADA

� “A dog [or miniature horse] individually trained to work or

perform tasks…”

� Excludes comfort or emotional support animals

� No limit on breed or size

• Can accompany a person with a disability in all areas open to

the public

� Must be tethered unless device interferes with the animal’s


� May only be excluded if 1) the animal is out of control and the

handler does not take effective action to control or 2) the

animal is not housebroken

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Service Animals

• Only two questions may be asked:

� Is the dog (horse) a service animal required because of a disability?

� What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?

• Staff cannot ask about the person’s disability, require

documentation or special identification card, or ask that the

animal demonstrate its ability to perform the work or task

• ADA provides protection under Title II (public entities) and

Title III (public accommodations)

� Employment and housing context not addressed but would be part of

the interactive process and request for accommodation under Title I

or Section 504

Emotional Support Animals• No protection under ADA Title II or Title III

• Be careful in defining the term: does a comfort animal

perform a service to someone with PTSD or an anxiety


• However, the protection possible under the Fair Housing Act

(“FHA”), which has a broad definition of eligible animals (not

limited to dogs) who may serve as “assistance animals”

� Do you have faculty housing?

� Has been found applicable to student housing facilities on

campus See U.S. v. Univ. of Nebraska, 940 F. Supp. 2d 974

(D. Neb. 2013)

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Emotional Support Animals• May be kept in a dwelling unit as a reasonable accommodation if:

� Person has a disability;

� Animal is necessary to afford an equal opportunity to use or

enjoy the dwelling; and

� An identifiable relation or nexus exist between the person's

disability and the assistance provided by the animal

• May be denied or removed if:

� Animal poses a direct threat to health and safety of others;

� Would cause substantial physical damage to the property of


� Would pose an undue financial and administrative burden; or

� Would fundamentally alter the nature of the provider’s



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Create a Culture That is Accepting of


• Plan for an aging population as well as a more

diverse work force.

• Design policies and procedures for universal

access/disabilities before a specific request is


• Advertise acceptance of a diverse population

• Do not use an ADA request as the time to

address a performance issue

Educate Faculty Regarding Care for

Colleagues • Who has responsibility to consider the affect of

disability on junior faculty member?

• Notice to senior faculty is likely notice to the institution

• Enforce the culture: do not ignore inappropriate comments or failure to implement accommodations in good faith

• Try to make faculty understand that what they say (or do not say) or write (e-mails) can and will be used against them (and the university) in a court of law

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Involve the Faculty In the Process

• It is imperative to confer with faculty/staff and

organizations when designing procedures that

will affect individuals with disabilities:

� Extension of tenure timeline

� How will a reduction in course load affect the

reappointment/tenure timeline?

� What is appropriate to ask of faculty/individual

department members with regard to

accommodating colleagues?

Involve Faculty/Staff when

Addressing Student Accommodations• Accommodations for students in general and

specific students/courses

• Will faculty accept video recording/remote participation?

• How will group projects affect the ability of students with intermittent health conditions to participate?

• It is imperative to inform faculty in a timely way of accommodations for students?

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Consider Faculty/Community Impact

When Designing for Students

• The focus on making a campus more user

friendly for students should include faculty

and staff

• Policies and practices need to be adjusted to

account for benefits of emerging technology


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