what was the bill of rights originally intended for?

What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for? To protect citizens against the actions of the federal government

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What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?. To protect citizens against the actions of the federal government. Identify three key types of federal officials that are appointed by the President. SC Justices, ambassadors, cabinet members. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

To protect citizens against the actions of the federal


Page 2: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

Identify three key types of federal officials that are

appointed by the President.

SC Justices, ambassadors, cabinet members

Page 3: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

How likely is the Supreme Court to hear a case that is

being appealed from a lower court?

Not very likely, the SC only hears roughly 1% of all

appealed cases

Page 4: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What SC decision established a precedent for

judicial review?

Marbury v. Madison

Page 5: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What is original jurisdiction? appellate jurisdiction?

original means that you’re the first court to hear the case, appellate means that you’ll

hear the case if it is appealed

Page 6: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

Who has the ultimate appellate jurisdiction?

the Supreme Court

Page 7: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What case made segregation legal in the U.S.? what case

reversed it in 1954?

Plessy v. Ferguson, Brown vs. the Board

Page 8: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

Who has the power to declares laws/acts unconstitutional?

Judicial Branch/Supreme Court

Page 9: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

The five basic provisions of the first amendment are:

Freedom of Religion, Assembly, Press, Petition &


Page 10: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What did the 14th Amendment do?

guaranteed citizenship rights to all citizens

Page 11: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

Who sets the # of justices on the Supreme Court? How many justices are there?

How long can each justice serve?

Congress, 9, life

Page 12: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What did New Jersey v. TLO say about search and

seizure in schools?

schools can search you for a lesser reason than the

police can

Page 13: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What is the current decision on mandatory school prayer?

it’s illegal

Page 14: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

When can religious practices be limited?

when they violate criminal laws

Page 15: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What is the current precedent decision

regarding abortion? What does it say?

Roe v. Wade, states can’t outlaw abortion

Page 16: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What is defamatory speech? Is it protected by the 1st


speech that damages another person’s good name or character, no

Page 17: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What is the most common way for interest groups to

lobby the courts?

Amicus curiae briefs

Page 18: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What SC decision made segregation legal? Based on

what doctrine?

Plessy v. Ferguson; separate but equal

Page 19: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What is the significance of stare decisis?

Means “let the decision stand” & forms basis for why courts

will honor precedents (and will be reluctant to overturn them)

Page 20: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What is the usual method used when someone is

appealing a case to the SC? How often are these granted

by the SC?petition for a writ of certiorari (has to be

accepted by 4 justices); less than 5% of the time

Page 21: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What is the most current SC interpretation of the death


It is legal, and not cruel and unusual punishment (not all

states use it)

Page 22: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What law was designed to specifically enforce the

intent of the 15th Amendment? What has

been its legacy?Voting Rights Act of 1965;

greatly increased voters from all ethnic minority


Page 23: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

SC nominations must be approved by a ______ of the


majority, Senate

Page 24: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

Federal judges serve life terms, what is the only way they can be removed from

office against their will?

impeachment and conviction by Congress

Page 25: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

During what war did the SC strongly limit freedom of


World War I

Page 26: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What is the only circumstance in which the U.S. government is allowed

to censor the press?

when national security is in danger

Page 27: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

In regards to the Bill of Rights, the “wall of

separation” refers to

The separation between church and state

Page 28: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What law, passed under the Johnson administration, set

out to guarantee the provisions of the 15th


Voting Rights Act of 1965, which solidified the right to

vote regardless of race

Page 29: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What Warren Court decision basically required law

enforcement officials to inform suspects of their rights as the


Miranda v. Arizona, 1966

Page 30: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What kinds of things do Presidents review when choosing federal judges (especially SC justices)?

Past political activities and their experiences on the

bench (their judicial record)

Page 31: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

The Roe v. Wade decision that essentially legalizes

abortion is based on what?

The right to privacy implied in the Bill of Rights

Page 32: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What amendment was passed after the Civil War to guarantee

the rights of former slaves? What SC decision was it responding to?

14th Amendment; Dred Scott decision

Page 33: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What amendment guaranteed the vote for women? When was it


19th, 1920 (after WWI)

Page 34: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What amendment changed the voting age from 21 to

18? What election did it first impact?

26th Amendment, 1972

Page 35: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What significance did Barron v. Baltimore have?

It indicated that the first ten amendments did not apply

to state governments (upheld throughout 1800s)

Page 36: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What did incorporation (based on 14th amendment)

do to the Bill of Rights?

Extended Bill of Rights to protect individuals from all

levels of government (federal, state, local)

Page 37: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What clause of the 14th Amendment has been used to incorporate the Bill of Rights?

Has incorporation been selective or total?

Due Process clauseSelective (not all aspects of

B of R are incorporated)

Page 38: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What is nationalization?

It means that citizens who believe that a state or local authority has denied them their basic

rights and may take their case to federal court.

Page 39: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What are the two clauses of the 1st Amendment regarding


The establishment (no laws regarding the establishment of religion) and free exercise (no

interference with practice) clauses

Page 40: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

Which legal philosophy advocates interpretation based on a reasonable

application of the text of the law?


Page 41: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

Which legal philosophy/practice allows judges to imply broad

powers and make major societal changes from the bench? What

is the opposite of this?

Judicial Activism, Judicial Restraint

Page 42: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

How does a loose constructionist view the

powers of the government? What is the opposing view?

Government has more powers than those specifically listed ion Constitution; strict view

believes gov’t is limited to what’s specifically listed

Page 43: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What is the usual topic for cases regarding the

establishment clause?

Religion and education

Page 44: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What are two parts of the Lemon Test on state aid to

parochial schools?

aid must have a clear secular purpose, must neither

advance nor inhibit religion, must avoid excessive

entanglement with religion

Page 45: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What was the key outcome of the Engel v. Vitale


Schools could not encourage prayer, even if the prayer was nondenominational

Page 46: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

How has the court ruled on religious practices that

violate laws related to public safety and morality?

Court upholds these laws (on cases like polygamy, drug

use, etc.)

Page 47: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What are the two general categories of speech, according to the SC?

Pure speech (actual spoken words) & symbolic speech (burning draft cards, wearing

arm bands in protest, etc.)

Page 48: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What are two of the major guidelines the SC uses in freedom of speech cases?

clear and present danger test, bad tendency

doctrine, and preferred position doctrine

Page 49: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What did the SC rule in Schenck v. the U.S.?

Not OK for Schenck to encourage draftees to obstruct the war

effort during WWI (in violation of clear and present danger test)

Page 50: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

How has the SC ruled on various sedition laws over


At first you could be convicted for advocating action against

government, over time definition has narrowed

Page 51: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What is defamatory speech? Is it protected?

Speech that damages a person’s good name or reputation - can be spoken (slander) or printed

(libel); not protected

Page 52: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

How much control do school officials have over their students’ right to free

speech? Identify one case that deals with this.

School officials have a great deal of control over student speech;

Tinker v. Des Moines, Bethel School District v. Fraiser,

Hazelwood SD v. Kuhlmeier

Page 53: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What is the name for censorship of information

before it is published? When is this allowed in the U.S.?

prior restraint, only allowed when national security is threatened

Page 54: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What important prior restraint decision came out of the Pentagon papers? What was the outcome?

New York Times v. United States; Times was allowed to print Pentagon papers

Page 55: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What are two steps judges can take to try and assure that a free press doesn’t

infringe on the right to a fair trial?

change venue for trial, limit number of reporters,

sequestering jury, isolating witnesses and jury members

Page 56: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

The right to parade and demonstrate in public is

protected by which freedom? What do local governments

usually require for these activities?

Assembly; a permit

Page 57: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

Why are demonstrations subject to greater gov’t

regulation than other forms of speech?

Potential for conflict between demonstrators & others; or

interference with others trying to use public streets/spaces

Page 58: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

Does the right to Assembly allow a group to convert private

property to its own use? Around what kind of facility has this

been an issue in recent years?

No, it does not; private abortion clinics being picketed by pro-life


Page 59: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

How has the court handled the issue of labor picketing?

It is allowed, but can be more tightly regulated because it has

consequences greater than other forms of free speech

Page 60: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

How does the clear and present doctrine apply to freedom of association?

Government can prevent people from forming/joining

groups deemed to be subversive

Page 61: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What percentage of cases requested for review by the Supreme Court are actually

ruled on by the Court?

Less than five percent

Page 62: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What did the Supreme Court establish in McCulloch v.


States cannot interfere with or tax the legitimate

activities of the federal government

Page 63: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

Identify three major precedents established by

the Warren Court.

End to school segregation, greater protections for those accused of crimes, end malapportionment of districts (one person one vote), extend 1st amendment rights

Page 64: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

Identify two key legal developments under the

Burger Court.

School busing decisions, US v. Nixon, Roe v. Wade

Page 65: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

Are courts democratic institutions? How can the public influence courts?

No, but interest groups try to influence decisions and

politicians run based on kind of judges they will appoint

Page 66: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

How can the President and Congress work around

particularly onerous court decisions?

Seeking to amend the constitution (e.g. 16th


Page 67: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What philosophe argued in favor of a three branch



Page 68: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What is the “supremacy clause”?

Makers it clear that the Constitution is the supreme

law of the land

Page 69: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What is the name for a system in which power is divided between national and state governments?


Page 70: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

Why did the founders choose a federalist approach?

Even though the weak union of the A of C failed, they still feared

putting too much power in the hands of the central gov’t

Page 71: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What is the primary purpose of separation of powers?

Limit overall power of central gov’t by dividing powers

between branches

Page 72: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

When federal and state gov’ts work together on a

project, it is known as _________ federalism. Name

two examples.Cooperative; highways, fed involvement in education,

certain areas of law enforcement, documentation

standards for immigrants

Page 73: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

Does federalism centralize or decentralize government?

Why is this important?

Decentralizes, important because it involves more people/groups

in government and provides more access to power (allows

ideas to flow from states/people)

Page 74: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

Why is regulating commerce such an important power for


Because commerce has been defined broadly, so through this

power Congress can do everything from desegregate public accommodations to pass

environmental regulations

Page 75: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

Under our federalist system, what are two chief

obligations the states have to each other?

Full Faith and Credit (honor contracts and licenses),

Extradition, Privileges and Immunities

Page 76: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

Define the concept of limited gov’t.

The Constitution limits gov’t by specifically listing the powers it does and does

not have

Page 77: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What gives Congress the power to make all laws

“necessary and proper”?

Elastic clause

Page 78: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What was the key outcome of McCulloch v. Maryland?

Broad interpretation of the elastic clause – and the

existence of implied powers provided by the elastic clause

Page 79: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

The federal gov’t providing funding to state

governments is an example of ________ federalism.


Page 80: What was the Bill of Rights originally intended for?

What are the two main types of funding the federal

government passes on to the states? Which type is

more restrictive? Block grants and categorical

grants; categorical grants must be spent on specific

things and are more restrictive