what type of cell is found in bacteria and archaea? prokaryotic

What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic

Upload: sharyl-stone

Post on 01-Jan-2016




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Page 1: What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic

What type of cell is found in Bacteria and



Page 2: What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic

What cell type do all creatures besides Bacteria

and Archaea have?


Page 3: What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic

Define the term species and explain why

a mule is not an example of a species?

A species is a collection of individuals capable of successfully interbreeding

and producing fertile offspring. A mule is not capable of reproducing

Page 4: What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic

List the following about bacteria: cell type_________, number of cells per creature ____Reproduction methods_________________, Feeding Methods _______________ Important Cell Wall Ingredient




Page 5: What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic

What are the three main shapes of bacteria cells and the three main living arrangements of


Cocci Round Diplo Pairs

Bacilli Rod Staphxlo Cluster

Spirilli Spiral Strepto chains

Page 6: What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic

What is the difference in terms of the cell wall contents between a Gram Positive Bacteria and a Gram Negative Bacteria? Gram Positive Bacteria have lots of _ in the cell wall while Gram Negative Bacteria have very little __ in the cell wall.



Page 7: What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic

After Gram staining what color do Gram

Positive cells look?


Page 8: What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic

After Gram staining what color do Gram

Positive cells look?


Page 9: What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic

What are four main features used to

identify bacteria species?

ShapeCell wall structure

Food sourceRNA sequences

Page 10: What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic

Why can’t bacteria reproduce sexually?

They lack a true nuclei

Page 11: What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic

What happens basically when bacteria reproduce by conjugation? How many bacteria does conjugation start with and how many does conjugation end with?

More than one cell may be created – part or all of the genetic material is transferred to a cell the cell then

divides by binary fission creating more cells

Page 12: What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic
Page 13: What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic

What basically happens when bacteria

reproduce asexually

Binary fission – genetic material is reproduced (copied) and the cell

divides into two

Page 14: What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic

What is an endospore? When would a capable bacteria create an endospore?

It is a seed like structure containing DNA – it is dormant and is produced during unfavorable conditions- will

come to life during favorable conditions

Page 15: What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic

What is the name of the “jello” like

material used to grow bacteria on?


Page 16: What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic

What geometric shape do bacteria colonies

grow in?

Diplo pairs

Staphlo – clusters

Strepto - chains

Page 17: What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic

What are antibiotics? What creatures can

antibiotics kill?  

Agents that can work to prevent bacteria from growing. They kill


Page 18: What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic

What is antibiotic resistance? How does antibiotic resistance occur? 

Changes that make antibiotics ineffective. Genetic mutations

give rise to antibiotic resistance.

Page 19: What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic

Relate the story of the accidental discovery of antibiotics.

Alexander Flemming – working an a bacteria noticed that a penecillin mould prevented the

bacteria from growingPenicillin notatum – bacteria staphyloccus

Principle of limited sloppiness

Page 20: What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic

What are some of the extreme environments that members of the Kingdom Archaea live in?

Hot springsAlkaline/acidic waters

VolcanoesHot coal

Rock deep in the earth

Page 21: What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic

Name three differences and two similarities between Kingdom Bacteria and Kingdom


Cell wall different structures

Cell wall different chemical composition

Different genes

Both move via flagella

Both have 3 shapes

Page 22: What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic

Where do the following types of Archaea live and what do they do (See text page 138)?


Halophil Thermoacidophiles

Methanogens – methane producing – oxygen free environmentSalt loving – extremely saline environments

Heat/ acid loving – extremely hot and acidic environments

Page 23: What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic

Name three ways that Archaea and Bacteria either harm or benefit humanity?

(See pgs 136-139)

Page 24: What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic

What do the following words mean? (See page 134 in textbook)


Anaerobic  Facultative Anaerobe 


Aerobic – with oxygenAnaerobic – without oxygen

Facultative anaerobic – with or withoutThermophile – temp above 50 degrees

Page 25: What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic

What does a taxonomist do?

Page 26: What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic

What were the two Kingdoms in Aristotle’s

classification system called?



Page 27: What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic

What Kingdom did Ernst Haeckel add?


Page 28: What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic

Who is credited with the development of

the 5 kingdom system of classification?

Page 29: What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic

What are the names of the three domains and six kingdoms used in the present system of

classification?How are these kingdoms and domains

organized? Kingdoms – protista, anamalia,

plantae, fungi, bacteria, archaeaDomains – eukaryote, archaea,


Page 30: What type of cell is found in Bacteria and Archaea? prokaryotic

Eukarya Archaea Bacteria

Protista Archaea Bacteria


