what more can there be? excellence factor presentation

Developing an approach to help individuals, teams and organisations achieve more. Dave Bradley: Presentation notes What more can there be?

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I presented at the Chartered Institute of Housing Excellence Factor Conferences in London and Manchester. Deligates asked for my presentation notes.


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Developing an approach to help

individuals, teams and organisations

achieve more.

Dave Bradley: Presentation notes

What more

can there


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[email protected]


These are my presentation notes, they are written to be spoken, a

dialogue between me and you. As such they are not designed as a

written document which means the eagle eyed will find dialogical

grammar in places.

The aim of the presentation and these notes is to give food for

thought. These ideas are gleaned from my years of practical

experience. Implementation and realisation of each of the key

elements I describe is the subject of a completely different


I hope, however, you find them an interesting reminder of my

presentation to the Excellence Factor 2012

Dave Bradley

April 2012

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[email protected]

‘We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this

decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but

because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and

measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is

one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone,

and one which we intend to win, and the others, too.’

JFK made one of the greatest speeches of all time. One which

recognised the great achievements of the past but, at the same

time he threw down the gauntlet and challenged the USA and the

rest of the world to raise their ambitions and achieve more.

I’d like to start today with a short story if I may. It is about an incident I

saw reported on the main television news and which, if you like, was

my ‘Moon’ moment and has subsequently led to us working with

many individuals, teams and organisations to help them achieve



Rice Stadium September 12th 1962

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[email protected]

The incident which sparked the development of this approach

happened on 27th March 2008 when Terminal 5 (T5), the £4.3 billion

new terminal at Heathrow Airport, was opened to passengers for the

first time. Heralded as a brilliant technological project it quickly

turned into a passenger nightmare with the simple addition of


They’d obviously spent a huge amount of time and effort getting the

technology and building right, possibly at the expense of fully

training the customer facing staff and support services.

As travellers joined ever lengthening queues and their luggage

disappeared into the bowels of the building, not to return for weeks,

one frustrated woman gave her reaction to a broadcaster. Her

analysis was short, incisive and insightful: “New tent, same circus”.

New tent, same circus.

What a brilliant phrase I thought, I need to think about that.


Heathrow Airport London

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[email protected]

An easy way of thinking about this is to recognise how often we

have been in a similar situation where we’ve been through often

painful organisational change, only to come out at the other end,

resplendent in our new whatever, look at each other, shrug and

carry on. Business as usual. It doesn’t have to be like this.

But, what more can there be?

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[email protected]

Change happens. If we are going to change then surely it should

result in improvement, not new tent, same circus but new tent, new

circus, whatever that is. Since this incident I’ve used this wonderful

metaphor as a stimulus for developing my new approach to improve

customer service and help individuals, teams and organisations

achieve more.

‘Everything flows,

nothing stands still.’


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[email protected]

More for less

The driver for change these days seems to be the mantra ‘more for

less’. How many of you have had your bosses using the phrase:

‘more for less’?

You’re probably then all familiar with the predicament of a training

manger I was speaking to the other day other day, who had been

told by his boss they needed ‘more for less’:

More for less,

or did they mean

more or less

of what they already had,

but really less.

He now had less.

But the question remained,

what was more?

More of the same…

but less of it.

So in reality his boss meant,

more of less.

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[email protected]

I don't know how many of you have heard about the work of

Ricardo Semler. He is the CEO of Brazilian company, Semco, who

have grown from being a pump manufacturer employing 100

people into one of Brazil’s most successful organisations. They

achieved a 27% growth each year for 25 years. Most importantly,

they have just a 1% per annum staff turnover rate. All this despite the

topsy-turvy state of the Brazilian economy over the last 25years.

Ricardo Semler’s ideas launched onto a world stage with an article

in Harvard Business review: ‘Managing without managers’. In which

he advocated a different way of managing organisations. His

approach has been sometimes been called ‘management by

omission’. In essence the workers choose their managers, the team

then chooses the people who they need to deliver whatever project

they are on, at whatever level of profit they choose.

Every six months it is a bit brutal because they have to decide who is

needed for the project, and if they don't need you, then you have to

put yourself forward to a different team.

Ricardo Semler

Think differently.

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[email protected]

Put yourself in the rather scary position in your organisation where

every six months your team asks if it needs you to be part of

whatever they need to achieve.

Ricardo Semler at MIT link: http://video.mit.edu/watch/leading-by-


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[email protected]

Why? Why? Why?

They got to this way of working by continually questioning why they

do things in a particular way.

Why? Why? Why?

By asking the same question three times you are able to drill down to

uncover root causes. It might then become obvious that it may be

better to do things differently, or maybe, even not at all.

All that I’m talking about today is just as relevant to us as individuals,

as it is for teams and organisations. Just go through this thinking

process now:

What are the stupid things you do?

Test: why you doing these things?

How can you break from this design?

Stop pretending about what you are doing. (Stop defending

the indefensible.)


Do more of less!

Do more of the things that count.

The first elements of my approach:

1. More is a way of thinking.

2. People, Teams and Organisations need to be trained to think in

this way they won’t do it naturally. Why should they?

But this isn’t enough …

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[email protected]

Is this possible? How could you do it? The challenge presented by Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing (KNH)

was to help a high performing team in a high performing

organisation become even more effective whilst saving cost. They

recognised further improvements could come from improved staff

wellbeing and reduced absence.

Taking a typical team like the Older People’s Service, the cost of

unplanned absence was around £19,000 per year; with additional

agency cover costing a further £30,000 per year.

The Team Leaders identified a further long list of hidden costs to the

provision of their service and the wellbeing of their customers;

inconsistent customer care, reduced staff morale and team

effectiveness, difficulty in recruiting the right people and in some

teams higher staff attrition.

Give 100% more

Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing Older People’s Service

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[email protected]

Can a high performing team get even better? Let’s just examine

what they had to do.

• They had to believe there could be more (changed mindset)

• They had to accept that what they had been doing for 20years

could be changed (changed the rules)

Let’s not underestimate how hard this is.

Part of our approach was to get them to change perspective.

What do we need to do to improve wellbeing in this team? Rather

than; what do we need to do to manage absence more

effectively? After our work with team leader they showed that it was

possible to achieve a 100% improvement. They achieved

• Short term unplanned absence for one team has reduced in the

four month period from an average of 24 days to 0!

• Agency staff costs have been reduced from £30,000 per annum

to £0.

• The legacy of long-term sickness absence was managed

effectively resulting in a full complement of staff.

• Increase in the take up of wellbeing and support arrangements.

• Our attitudinal survey showed a remarkable shift from an already

high level of wellbeing factors to an even higher level.

• Increase in team-led improvements

It is possible.

For the full case study email [email protected]

Let’s add a third element to my approach:

3. Create a mindset where people are prepared to do something


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[email protected]

Like Ricardo Semler I have to conclude that the workforce have the

answers. Go into any workplace and ask the workforce and they

can solve most of the problems you might have. I’ve looked long

and hard at organisations which want to make improvements. So

often there is a desire for more, but nothing much changes. Ideas

stay as ideas and don’t get adopted.

The centrepiece of our approach is to get them involved by asking

them for their input and letting them implement their improvements.

They are like the NASA engineers who found the way enable Neil

Armstrong to take ‘one small step’ on 21st July 1969. Now think: You

lead teams of rocket scientists who will solve our issues!

Our approach is to train managers to get their people involved.

Let’s add then two more elements:

4. Change the perspective to always be that of your customer

5. Improvement is driven from your workforce; after all they have

the answers

Engage your workforce

They have the answers

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Our approach to training for improvement in customer service

centres on two questions; any programme we design needs to


The tent: This is a metaphor for the rules we impose on our business

and our people.

Are you prepared to radically change the rules?

Our world is changing and the ‘old ways’ won’t allow us to deliver

‘more for less’ without reducing the quality of our service. Many of

our rules are self -imposed, just ask yourselves ‘what stupid things do

we do?’

The circus: This is a metaphor for your mindset.

Do your people have the right mindset?

The scourge of all change programmes is ‘MINDSET’. 60% of all

change activity fails because it does not effect a change in mindset.

We need participants to view their world differently and think

differently in order to create lasting change.

So what is a new tent, new circus?

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[email protected]

Consider all those promises we make to ourselves: to lose weight, to

get fit, to read more, to write a book etc. We intellectually

rationalise what needs to be done and yet we often fail to make a

lasting change. We only achieve our goals when we reach a stage

whereby we intuitively think differently about what we do in order to

bring about new behaviours.

• Ask yourself what is your mindset? Is it useful or a hindrance? Can

you change your mindset? (Albeit with difficulty)

• How can we act differently? What will make us challenge the

practices that stop us considering a different approach?

Transformational improvement is delivered by a new tent, new

circus. It is defined by a change in mindset to one which is always

looking for improved service for your customers, accompanied by a

change in your rules so that this can be achieved.

So on 27th March 2008 a disgruntled customer likened her

experience of the opening of the sparkling new T5 at Heathrow

airport to a ‘new tent, same circus’. This simple phrase set us

wondering how we might achieve a new tent, new circus. It led us

to change what we were offering in order to formulate a new

approach to training, in particular towards improving customer

service. The key elements are:

1. More is a way of thinking.

2. People, Teams and Organisations need to be trained to think in

this way they won’t do it naturally. Why should they?

3. Create a mindset where people are prepared to do something


4. Change the perspective to always be that of your customer

5. Improvement is driven from your workforce; after all they have

the answers

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As a member of the Paradigmantics Training Team we deliver programmes

written and designed by Paradigmantics or those designed by an in-house

team. Sometimes this might be a stand-alone programme or to supplement

the existing training team.

My practice has been independently certified by the Customer Service

Trainers Network. I am also a Certified On-line Facilitator having trained to

use Webex Training Centre. This means we can deliver live on-line training

from our studios. Increasingly, organisations want us to redesign existing

courses and modules to use this technology. I love working with all types of

learning, often using actors in training, team building and conferences.

At present I’m writing a book ‘What more can there be?’ It’s a philosophy

that guarantees there is more. The approach and associated techniques

and management reporting means individuals, teams and organisations

can ensure measurable improvements.

As I complete each section of ‘What more can there be?’ I will invite you to

attend online training / webinars so we can test the ideas and stimulate


Our blog site: [email protected] also has pieces of

stimulation for the enquiring mind.

Dave Bradley

Trainer Speaker On-line facilitator Coach

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