what modi said in his letter to ec

What Modi said in his letter to EC Let there be a response from those who are calling Modi as killer 90,000 of innocent citizens and security personnel in the last 17 years to terror. In the last four years, in India 5,619 innocents have been killed by the muslim terrorists. In Gujarat only one life has been lost in the last four years through Islamic terror Times of India has generated controversy in the whole nation. Television Channels and News Papers have made comments to the effect that Modi has stated that 'Sohrabuddin got what he deserved', where as as per the video CD nothing like that was said. The ownership of Times of India and other media explains the control of media in India by the christian foreigners. The result of what the idiot Haji Vajpayee, who increased the Hajj subsidy of muslims by 16 times has resulted in the foreign christian missionary ownership of Indian media. Now it is necessary to look at the Times Groups in India and its ownership. Times Group is owned by Bennet & Coleman. "World Christian Council" does 80 percent of the Funding, and an Englishman and an Italian equally share balance 20 percent.

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Page 1: What Modi Said in His Letter to EC

What Modi said inhis letter to EC

Let there be a response from those whoare calling Modi as killer

90,000 of innocent citizens and securitypersonnel in the last 17 years to terror. Inthe last four years, in India 5,619 innocentshave been killed by the muslim terrorists. InGujarat only one life has been lost in the lastfour years through Islamic terror

Times of India has generated controversy in the whole nation.Television Channels and News Papers have made comments tothe effect that Modi has stated that 'Sohrabuddin got what hedeserved', where as as per the video CD nothing like that wassaid. The ownership of Times of India and other media explainsthe control of media in India by the christian foreigners. Theresult of what the idiot Haji Vajpayee, who increased the Hajjsubsidy of muslims by 16 times has resulted in the foreignchristian missionary ownership of Indian media.

Now it is necessary to look at the TimesGroups in India and its ownership. TimesGroup is owned by Bennet & Coleman."World Christian Council" does 80 percentof the Funding, and an Englishman and anItalian equally share balance 20 percent.

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The Italian Robertio Mindo is a close relativeof Sonia Gandhi. The group has thefollowing publications.Times Of India,Mid-Day,Nav-Bharth Times,Stardust,Femina,Vijaya Times,Vijaya Karnataka,Times now (24- hour news channel)and many more.

Imagine it was the fool Vajpayee who had thrown open the vitalprint media up to 26% to foreign ownership and control. Thedecision to amend the cabinet resolution of 1955 prohibitingforeign ownership of the print media has been taken despitewidespread opposition to the move from political parties,professional media organisations and public opinion. Vajpayeeis no only was a fool but was being controlled by Sonia Gandhithrough Brajesh Mishra, with the result that at the end of theday all Indian media is effectively being controlled by Christianmissionaries


NDTV: A very popular TV news media is funded by Gospels ofCharity in Spain. It supports Communism. Recently it hasdeveloped a soft corner towards Pakistan because PakistanPresident has allowed only this channel to be aired in Pakistan.Indian CEO Prannoy Roy is co-brother of Prakash Karat,General Secretary of Communist party of India. India Today

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was bought by NDTV and is a Hindu bashing set up. HindustanTimes: was of Birla Group, but hands have changed sinceShobana Bhartiya took over. Presently it is working inCollobration with Times Group.

CNN-IBN: This is 100 percent funded by Southern BaptistChurch with its branches in all over the world with HQ in US.The Church annually allocates $800 million for promotion of itschannel. Its Indian head is Rajdeep Sardesai and his wifeSagarika Ghosh.

Star TV: It is run by an Australian, who is supported by St.Peters Pontificial Church Melbourne.

The Hindu: English daily, started over 125 years has been takenover by Joshua Society, Berne, Switzerland.

The Indian Express: Acts Ministries has major stake in theIndian Express

The new Indian Express (southern edition) is still with the Indiancounterpart.

Eeenadu: Still to date controlled by an Indian named RamojiRao.

Andhra Jyothi: The Muslim party of Hyderabad known as MIMalong with a Congress Minister has purchased this Telgu dailyvery recently.

The Statesman: It is controlled by Communist Party of India.

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Kairal TV: It is controlled by Communist party of India (Marxist)

Mathrubhoomi: Leaders of Muslim League and Communistleaders have major investment.

Asian Age and Deccan Chronicle: Is owned by a Saudi ArabianCompany with its chief Editor Mohammed Jalaluddin Akbar orM.J. Akbar.

What Modi said in his letter toEC

December 08, 2007

Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi [Images] on Saturdayreplied to the notice issued to him by the Election Commissionover his remarks about the Sohrabuddin encounter killing case.

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Here is the transcript of the letter.

Sir,I am in receipt of your notice dated 6th December 2007 whereinon the basis of the media reports and a complaint dated 5thDecember 2007 filed by Teesta Setalvad,

I am alleged to have made an open exhortation to violence andmisused of religion for political ends. The Election Commissionhas further stated that by linking the name of Sohrabuddin toterrorism in my speech amounts to indulging in activity whichmay aggravate existing differences, creating mutual hatred andcausing tension between different communities. I deny thischarge in its entirety.

1. The Commission has acted on the basis of a complaint whichalleges that my stand is contrary to what the State of Gujarathas stated in its affidavit before the Supreme Court. The basisof the complaint appears to be a report dated 5th December2007 of the Times of India by one Shri Prashant Dayal. Therelevant extract in the Times of India reads as under:

Modi. ‘you tell what should be done to Sohrabuddin?’People at the rally: Kill him, kill him.Modi: ‘Well, that is what I did. And I did what was necessary’

The last sentence of the report of the Times of India hasgenerated controversy in the whole nation. Television Channels

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and News Papers have made comments to the effect that I havestated that 'Sohrabuddin got what he deserved', or that 'it is aconfessional statement by me' or that 'Modi has justified amurder'. All other news papers cuttings which the Commissionhas taken into account are dated 6th December 2007, which donot report my speech delivered on 4th December, 2007 but arecomments inspired by false imputation in the Times of India.This last sentence is not reflected in the CD as having beenused by me.

2. 'The Statesman' dated 6th December 2007 quoted me ashaving said "he (Sohrabuddin) has got what he deserved": TheHindustan Times of 6th December quoted me as saying "Wellthen, that's it." I had on 6th December 2007, immediately afterreceiving Election Commission's notice requested that I may besupplied copy of the CD of the speech and also various inputswhich have influenced the issuance of the notice. I have sincereceived the copy of CD on the evening of 7th December 2007at 5.45 p.m. I find none of the above statements are containedin my speech as recorded in the CD. The E.C. notice is issuedon the basis of unverified and false media reports.

3 As I am also involved in a campaign I am sending this as apreliminary reply, which I am sure would satisfy the ElectionCommission with regard to the contents of my speech. Before Ianswer specifics raised in the notice and the complaint, I wishto state that India is governed by Rule of law and Constitution. Iam entitled to my right of free speech. Free and fair electioninvolves a debate on the political issues in the market place ofpolitics. When statements are made by political opponents,others are entitled to reply to them. The tone and content of thestatement must necessarily adhere to the Model Code ofConduct. I wish to categorically state that I regard the ElectionCommission as a constitutional authority under an obligation toensure free and fair election which will also defend my right offree speech against those who have started hate campaignagainst me.

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4. On 1st December 2007, AICC President Mrs. Sonia Gandhi[Images] visited Gujarat and referred to me bysuggesting those who are ruling Gujarat are "liars,dishonest and merchants of fear and death (Maut-ke-Soudagar) ." On 3rd December 2007, AICC GeneralSecretary Mr. Digvijay Singh visited Gujarat andreferred to it as a State which has unleashed "Hinduterrorism." The newspapers reported these statementsextensively. Separate complaints with regard to the violation ofthe Code of Conduct were sent to the Election Commission bythe Gujarat Unit of BJP. No action has been taken against thoseresponsible for these statements by the Election Commission. Iam sure the Election Commission would at least now proceedto take action on those reports.

5. One of the critical issues in our country is the problem ofterrorism. India has lost the lives almost 90,000 of innocentcitizens and security personnel in the last 17 years to terror. Inthe last four years, 5,619 innocents have been killed by theterrorist. The Government of Gujarat has a strong policyagainst terrorism. I believe that UPA and Congress party isindulging in Vote Bank politics and have sent soft signals onterrorism. My party and I have repeatedly made these chargesagainst the Congress Party. In Gujarat only one life has beenlost in the last four years through terror. This is a result of ourstrong policy against terrorism. The Nation and the people ofGujarat are entitled to witness a fair debate on terrorism. If anyof the view point is censored or not permitted it will beinterference in the right of free speech. Our Constitution andthe election commission's obligation to conduct free and fairelection will not extend to preventing me from expressing mystrong views against terrorism.

6 My speech, therefore, has to be read entirely in this context. Itwas a political response to Mrs. Sonia Gandhi referring tome as those who rule the Gujarat as a 'Mout-ke-saudagar'. Surely it cannot be policy of the Election

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commission first to ignore the violation of the Code of Conductin her statement and then censor my political response to thatstatement. I have gone through my speech on the CD supplied.It is merely a response to Mrs. Sonia Gandhi calling me "Mout-ka-Saudagar".

7. This part of my speech was entirely against terrorism. Icriticized the Congress President for calling me a 'Maut KaSaudagar:. I responded that the "Maut Ka Saudagar" are allthose who attacked parliament. It is the Congress party whichis delaying the execution of the guilty accused. I have made areference to the Sohrabuddin's case and mentioned theallegations against him. I have accused the Congress ofsuggesting that I have engineered a fake encounter. I said that Iam open for any action on this count. At no point of time I haveeither justified the specific encounter of Sohrabuddin' s case,nor have I used the specific inculpatery sentences used in theTimes of India Report. It is clear that my comment is a part ofmy speech where on several occasions I have put questions tothe audience which the audience has answered. It is mypolitical response to Smt. Gandhi's allegation that I amMaut-ka-Sodagar. I have replied back alleging that theCongress party is helping those who have spreadterrorism in the country. It is clear that Times ofIndia's article which began this controversy,invented my comment to the effect "Modi: Wellthat is what I did. And I did what was necessary".The CD clearly indicates that this sentence wasan invention of author and not the orator. Thecomments in the media that 'Modi justified murder' or that 'hemade confessional statement' as being privy to murder or thatModi declared in the meeting that 'Sohrabuddin got what hedeserved' do not find a mention in the CD. These arejournalistic inventions intended to engineer a 'Hate Modi'campaign and not evidenced in the CD supplied by the ElectionCommission. My criticism in the media was concocted andengineered by this 'Hate Modi' Campaign. No where in my

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speech have I explicitly referred to the religion of any person. Ihave spoken against terrorism. It is not my speech but thecomplaint which assumes terrorism is linked to a religion.

8. Am I to be prevented from giving my point that terrorism willnot be allowed on the soil of Gujarat or that Congress is soft onthe terrors and thereby helping "Maut-ka-Sodagar" If ElectionCommission imposes any such regulation, it would offend ourconstitutional values and my right of free speech. At no stage Ihave controverted the affidavit filed by the Gujarat Governmentin the Supreme Court of India. I have already clarified myposition that I do not support fake encounters. Encounters canoccur but there should be no fake encounters. I have nowheretried to prejudice any pending litigation. I am fully committed tothe enforcement of the Model Code of Conduct by the ElectionCommission and shall comply with it. I believe that the ElectionCommission should not be misled by motivated media reportswhich are based on falsehood.

I, therefore, request the Election Commission to withdraw thisnotice.

Now we should know something about ElectionCommission and Why Naveen Chawla was

appointed as EC by Sonia

The Election Commission failed initially to issue notices to thetwo criminals Sonia Gandhi and Digvijay singh.

Christian Navin Chawla was appointed as Sonia could be jailedeven today for being a voter in India in 1980, while she was acitizen of Italy. Election Commissioner Navin Chawla’s wifeRupika Chawla not only helped Sonia, but has even suppliedIndian antiques to Sonia for smuggling in to Italy.

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The other major reason is that Navin Chawla will become theChief Election Commissioner for the next parliamentaryelection and Sonia can manipulate the election then using thisIAS thug of Emergency time.

On 1-8-02, smuggling of India’s antique artifacts by SoniaGandhi was brought up in the Indian Parliament by a SamataParty member. Many Indians have visited Italy and had seenthe shops owned by Sonia Gandhi, alias Antonia Maino. . Thishas never been a secret. There is an antique store calledGanapathi in Orbassano, Italy, Sonia's native place. The shop isowned by her relatives. Her smuggling activities began duringIndira Gandhi's premiership when Sonia was only Mrs. RajivGandhi. Sonia Gandhi an illiterate housemaid coming from apoor Italian mason’s family, money making was the firstcriteria, when she married Rajiv. She never had education, buthad herself certified as an art expert, which gave her theopportunity to certify Indian artifacts, as to which weremuseum pieces and which were not. Election CommissionerNaveen Chawla’s wife Rupika Chawla not only helped Sonia,but has even supplied Indian antiques to Sonia for smuggling into Italy. Sonia was close to Cultural Attaché at the ItalianEmbassy and he used to smuggle artifacts via diplomaticcourier bags which escaped customs inspection. This CulturalAttaché was later withdrawn by the Italian Government.

Narasimha Rao’s time, Sonia would not meet any one butRupika Chawla who supplied the Indian antique to Sonia forsmuggling to Italy, was a regular visitor to Sonia. As perpetition filed in the Delhi High Court Rs 10,000 crores worth ofAntiques was smuggled out of India, by Sonia to Italy. Sonia'sumbilical cord is strongly tied to Italy. . Sonia Maino was veryoften in touch with Pope John Paul II since she has entered intoIndian Politics. Chawla wrote two books on Mother Teresa andthat is another reason for the elevation of this emergency timeIAS thug. Naveen Chawla, a 1969 batch IAS officer was the

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sub-divisional magistrate in Delhi, when Sanjay Gandhi wedManeka Anand in 1974 at a civil ceremony held at SanjayGandhi’s real father Mohammad Yunus' residence. Theirassociation began on that day and continued through theEmergency, when Chawla was secretary to the Lt Governor ofDelhi Kishan Chand, who later committed suicide. ShahCommission report, probing the Emergency, indicted Chawlaas one of the four thugs of that time. Chawla, V C Shukla,Ambika Soni, Jagmohan, Rukhsana Sultana and Jagdish Tytler,was a part of Sanjay’s inner circle. Sonia Maino Gandhi istaking Indians for a ride.

Antique smuggling and money laundering by Sonia with LTTEhelp was going on since 1984. Boyfriend Quattrocchi, wanted inBofors, was buying arms from Phuket, Thailand for LTTE. Rajivkilling by LTTE if probed further by CBI-led MDMA, of JainCommission would have revealed the conspiracy with LTTE inthe assassination of Rajiv killing. Sonia systematicallyplundered and exported the ancient treasures of India,especially temple sculptures of Tamil Nadu, Andhra, Orissa andMadhya Pradesh, Mughal paintings and precious gems in IndianMuseums, all protected and banned from export under theAntiquities and Art Treasures Act, 1972 and this is one reasonwhy she is putting Chawla as an EC and christians as IGs invarious states. The CBI had in 1993 registered cases on suchillegal exports from a Chennai suburb to an identified person inItaly. Festival of India was used as a ploy to smuggle outtreasures. In this Sonia took the help Arjun Singh while he wasMP, CM, art expert Martand Singh, a Pakistani couple Muneerand Farida Attaullah, London based Pakistani ISI fixer SalmanThassir, a prince of Kuwait, and even the LTTE.

Pawan Kumar Bansal, Chairman of the committee that probedthe ‘cash-for-question scam’ gave MPLAD money toChandigarh Golf Club to become honorary member. NarasimhaRao, who bribed MPs for votes, introduced the MPLAD fund sothat his colleagues in politics can collect kickback. Karnatakapoliticians and the bureaucracy collect 30% of the amount eachand the project will see only 40% of the amount for

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implementation. When it comes to Tamil Nadu, ministers askthe Engineers to collect 5% of the contract amount the instant amajor state contract is awarded. The whole sale theft startsthen. Central ministers setup shell companies in Dubai tocollect bribe for major GOI orders. The four MPs whodemanded the kickback on camera is very recent. But someMPs have perfected this art to charity donation to the trustedNGOs. Here the money is donated as charity and the NGOroute it back in kind or black money to the MPs. Chawla andhis wife Rupika Chawla had set up social welfare trusts thatcater to this need of the MPs and have received funds fromcongress MPs. Chawla an IAS fellow cannot run such thing, butgot special waiver of rules from the Union Governmentpertaining to civil servants

Chawla was appointed as Sonia could be jailed even today if anEC follows it up

Chawla was appointed as Sonia could be jailed even today forbeing a voter in India in 1980, while she was a citizen of Italy ifthe EC follows it up. Sonia married Rajiv Gandhi in 1968. Butapplied for Indian citizenship 15 years later on 7-4-83 and wasgranted it on 30-4-83. The electoral rolls of the New Delhiconstituency were revised in 1980, with January 1 of that yearas the qualifying date Sonia lived in 1, Safdarjung Road anduntil then there were four voters there, Indira Gandhi, RajivGandhi, Sanjay Gandhi and Ms Maneka Gandhi. In 1980, therewas an addition to the list - Ms Sonia Gandhi. She was listed asa voter at serial number 388 in polling station 145 of theconstituency. Yet Sonia Gandhi was not at that time an Indiancitizen, a fundamental qualification for anyone. This was ablatant violation of rules. The Pioneer dated 11-5-99 reportedthis. No wonder that the three crore illegal Bangladeshimuslims are allowed to vote in India by Sonia overcoming theSupreme court ruling now. Sonia became a citizen of India onlyin 1983. Following an outcry in 1982, Sonia’s name wasdeleted only to be reinstated in 1983. But even thereinstatement is questionable as Sonia was conferred Indian

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citizenship by the Government on 30-4-83 and the qualifyingdate for registering as a voter was January 1 that year.