what is your purpose in life.ppsfiletype

By: Myles Burden

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Post on 24-Jul-2015




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Page 1: What is your purpose in life.ppsfiletype

By: Myles Burden

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Within much of the reading I see that much of the characters look for a purpose in life. The purpose could be love to changing the world but in the end I think everybody seeks a purpose and wants to serve that purpose.

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In the story Frankenstein we see the creature wanting people to except him not for his conformity but for who he is on the inside. I also see that he wants to belong, he wants to be able to experience love from another, whether human or inhuman. I feel that many people want this in life.

He felt no sympathy from any human in fact while and even when he tried to help it only made things worst for him and this can drive any man or creature into a rage or even to kill.

“I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other.”  I say that is the hardest thing someone when you want to love but no one else wants to show that emotion to you.

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In R.U.R the robots had a only one purpose and that was to be servants to human kind and do there will. I think that every one deserves a chance to change their purpose and that’s why I believe Radius drove to killing all humans. I think because his brain was bigger than the others he was able to think about his purpose and maybe it was to role rather than be ruled. I felt that he knew that he was meant for more than just working for the humans, maybe to lead them.

So maybe people purpose isn’t as ethical as others or even be a noble purpose like for instance, Frankenstein finding love and belonging.

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If you were just a carrier what would you do? Could you just be someone else's organs. When someone plans your path as if they own you it is very hard to break that path. Just ask the children from Never let Me Go. They went through life but did they really have the option to actually live it. People already set there lives out and the end they die at a early age because the are donors.

I think that people who try to set your own destiny is just as if people is taking or setting your own purpose in life and that is exactly what those people did to those kids. “Your life must now run the course that's been set for it.” ― Kazuo Ishiguro, Never Let Me Go

That’s exactly what happen in the book. We see kids being raised, and even though Hailsham was created to give these kids a second chance, in the end they died not having a purpose of their own.

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My next connection that I want to analyze is the story Beautiful White Bodies. In this story we have the main character, Justine, who’s friend, Pearl, is said to not be the most attractive woman but she wishes to be. I feel as though this makes Pearl very shallow here we have Frankenstein who believes himself to be a monster who doesn’t have a place to call home but Pearl who has a friend and parents who care for her.

What makes beauty? Pearl wishes to be “beautiful”, while we have others just wishing to be accepted. When I first read this story I thought that she only wished to be accepted and for a while I thought she wanted a purpose and that was to be accepted. However, this isn’t the case at all. Therefore, I came to the conclusion that her purpose was to be merely beautiful and no matter how vain her purpose was it was indeed her purpose.

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In the story The Girl Who Was Plugged In I see that P. Burke became something more in the end. As you first read it, P. Burke kinds of mind you have Pearl but as the story progresses it changes. You soon noticed that she falls in love and maybe not really her but Delphia but still in love in a since. I think that P. Burke just really wanted to be love and to love someone else.

I guess she kind of figured that in order to achieve that she had to look and be a celebrity or at least beautiful.

Its kind of funny here you have someone who would give up their humanity to find love and in Frankenstein the creature wants to find love through humanity. Which draws me to this question

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What makes humanity? I noticed that in the stories I named and a few I didn’t there is another connection. The things that are called “humans” in these stories, in my opinion are the real monsters. For instance, the people who abused the creature in Frankenstein, to the people who had the robots do their work in R.U.R or in the Machine Stops. Another story is Never Let Me Go, where clones of people are treated like things instead of human beings same in Blade Runner I think.

After this class I just thought to myself and asked myself over and over again what makes us humans? I would like to say purpose but maybe its something that goes deeper than just merely a purpose maybe it’s the meaning of that purpose?

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