what is vision aristotle - vision is knowing what is where by looking

What is vision • Aristotle - vision is knowing what is where by looking

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Post on 16-Dec-2015




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What is vision

• Aristotle - vision is knowing what is where by looking

What is vision

• Aristotle - vision is knowing what is where by looking

• Helmholtz - vision is an act of unconscious inference– Our percepts are inferences about properties of

the world from sensory data

What is vision

• Aristotle - vision is knowing what is where by looking

• Helmholtz - vision is an act of unconscious inference– Our percepts are inferences about properties of

the world from sensory data

• Vision is (neural) computation

Processes of vision

What is vision

• Aristotle - vision is knowing what is where by looking

• Helmholtz - vision is an act of unconscious inference– Our percepts are inferences about properties of

the world from sensory data

• Vision is (neural) computation

• Vision controls action

The swinging room

Processes of vision II

Lecture outline

• Image transduction

• Neural coding in the retina

• Neural coding in visual cortex

• Visual pathways in the brain

The Optic Array: pattern of light intensity arrivingat a point as a function of direction (), time () and wavelength()

I = f(

Goals of eye design• Form high spatial resolution image

– Accurately represent light intensities coming from different directions.

• E.g. minimize blur in a camera

• Maximize sensitivity– Trigger neural responses at very low light levels.– Particle nature of light places fundamental limit

on sensitivity.

Visual angle

Point spread

Point spread function

Resolution (acuity)

• Optics of eye and physics of light pace fundamental limit on acuity

• Width of blur circle in fovea = 1’

• Blur increases with eccentricity– Optical aberrations– Depth variation in the environment

Focus - the lens equation




lens power (diopters) = 1


lens power = 1f



Accommodation - bringing objects into focus

p1 p2

p1 p2

Focused on

Focused on

Some numbers

• Refractive power of cornea – 43 diopters

• Refractive power of lens– 17 (relaxed) - 25 diopters

• Other eyes– Diving ducks - 80 diopter accommodation range– Anableps - four eyes with different focusing power

Sampling in the fovea

• Receptor sampling in fovea matches the width of point spread function (blur circle)– Effective width of blur circle ~ 1 minute of arc– Spacing of receptors ~ .5 minutes of arc

(theoretical requirement for optimal resolution)

Relationship between sampling and blurTwo test images

60 cycle / degree grating 120 cycle / degree grating

Relationship between sampling and blurTwo test images

60 cycle / degree grating 120 cycle / degree grating

Receptor sampling = .5 minutes

Relationship between sampling and blurTwo test images

60 cycle / degree grating 120 cycle / degree grating

Receptor sampling = .5 minutes

Receptor Output

0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5

Peripheral sampling

• More rods than cones in periphery

• Coarser sampling in periphery

Tricks for maximizing resolution


High resolution coding of intensity information

Example• Computer monitors typically use 8 bits to encode

the intensity of each pixel.– 256 distinct light levels

• Old monitors only provided 4 bits per pixel.– 16 distinct light levels

• Number of light levels encoded = intensity resolution of the system.

• Human visual system can only distinguish ~ 200 - 250 light levels.

Code wide range of light intensities

• Range of light intensities receptors can encode

• Dynamic range of receptors and of ganglion cells limits # of distinguishable light levels.

• Problem

– How does system represent large range of intensities while maintaining high intensity resolution?

10−6 −107candelas/ m2

Some typical intensity values

white paper in sunlight - 104

Video screen - 10−1 −102

white paper in moonlight- 10−2

white paper in starlight- 10−4

candelas / m2


• Dynamic range of receptors (cones)

– 10 - 1000 photons absorbed per 10 msec.

• Range of intensities in a typical scene

– 10-6 - 10-4 cd / m2 in starlight

– 102 - 104 cd / m2 in sunlight

– 100:1 range of light intensities

• Only need to code 100:1 range of intensities within a scene

• Solution - Adaptation adjusts dynamic range of receptors to match range of intensities in a scene.

# photons hitting receptor

% photonsabsorbed

# photonsabsorbed

Scene 1

Scene 2

10 - 1,000

1,000 - 100,000



10 - 1,000

10 - 1,000

Increase Illumination Adaptation

Starlight Moonlight

10-6 10-4 10-2 10 102 104 106

Window of visibility

Indoor lighting Sunlight

Starlight Moonlight Indoor lighting Sunlight

10-6 10-4 10-2 10 102 104 106

Window of visibility

Adapt to the dark(e.g. % photons absorbed = .1)

Starlight Moonlight

10-6 10-4 10-2 10 102 104 106

Window of visibility

Adapt to the bright(e.g. % photons absorbed = .000000001)

Indoor lighting Sunlight

Hartline Experiment

• Limulus eye has ommotidia containing one receptor each.

• Each receptor sends a large axon to the brain.

• Output of one receptor was inhibited by light shining on a neighboring receptor (lateral inhibition).

Ganglion cell receptive fields

• Receptive field - region of visual field that cell responds to.

• Center-surround receptive field



- --


- --



--- -- - -- + +




+ ----

- --

On-center, off-surround Off-center, on-surround

Ganglion cells as computational devices

• Write a mathematical function that calculates firing rate of cell from luminance pattern.

• 1st guess – Increase in firing rate = weighted sum of

intensities within receptive field.

• Problem 1 - Adaptation• Problem 2 - dark regions in inhibitory region

actually excite cell

Ganglion cells as computational devices

• Solution– Increase in firing rate = weighted sum of local

contrast values within receptive field.

• Local contrast

C(x,y) = I(x,y) / M - 1

Ganglion cells as computational devices

• Solution– Increase in firing rate = weighted sum of local

contrast values within receptive field.

• Local contrast

C(x,y) = I(x,y) / M - 1


Ganglion cells as computational devices

• Solution– Increase in firing rate = weighted sum of local

contrast values within receptive field.

• Local contrast

C(x,y) = I(x,y) / M - 1

Intensity Mean intensity

Ganglion cells as computational devices

• Solution– Increase in firing rate = weighted sum of local

contrast values within receptive field.

• Local contrast

C(x,y) = I(x,y) / M - 1

Local contrast Intensity Mean intensity



+ +++++







- ---


--- -



Ganglion Cells Simple Cells



+ +++++







+ +++++

Cells in V1

• Simple cells– orientation selective– scale selective (cells have different size receptive

fields)– some are motion selective– some are end-stopped

• Complex cells– same properties as simple cells, BUT ...– insensitive to position of stimulus within RF






MST Parietal Lobe

Temporal Lobe

Cortical pathways