what is vastushastra?

What is Vastushastra? Introduction – Vastushastra, which is purely an ancient Indian science alternatively termed as Indian Geomancy of architecture and building premises. This phenomenal science draws you to live and work in a most scientific way by taking advantage of the benefits showered on you by nature, 5 elements and 8 directions in order to gain peace, prosperity, health, wealth & happiness in your life. It also does take into consideration Earth’s electromagnetic & gravitational forces, universal positive energies, radiations from planets & stars, light & heat energies of the Sun, effects of useful Ultraviolet rays & harmful Infrared rays, sound energy, wind energy, solar energy, lunar energy etc. These all factors have influence on human life. It is evident that human body is made of Five elements which are existing in nature. The Blood (Water element), the calories we burn in stomach (Fire element), our breathing (Air element), our bones & flesh (Earth element) & various cavities or open spaces within our body (Space element) proves the existence of these elements in human life. The soul resides in human body & our human body resides in premises. This premises lies in this universe. We as human beings continuously need an energy exchange between us & the

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Page 1: What is vastushastra?

What is Vastushastra?Introduction –

Vastushastra, which is purely an ancient Indian science alternatively termed as Indian Geomancy of architecture and building premises. This phenomenal science draws you to live and work in a most scientific way by taking advantage of the benefits showered on you by nature, 5 elements and 8 directions in order to gain peace, prosperity, health, wealth & happiness in your life.

It also does take into consideration Earth’s electromagnetic & gravitational forces, universal positive energies, radiations from planets & stars, light & heat energies of the Sun, effects of useful Ultraviolet rays & harmful Infrared rays, sound energy, wind energy, solar energy, lunar energy etc. These all factors have influence on human life.

It is evident that human body is made of Five elements which are existing in nature. The Blood (Water element), the calories we burn in stomach (Fire element), our breathing (Air element), our bones & flesh (Earth element) & various cavities or open spaces within our body (Space element) proves the existence of these elements in human life. The soul resides in human body & our human body resides in premises. This premises lies in this universe. We as human beings continuously need an energy exchange between us & the universal energies whereby our premises act as a medium to facilitate this process.

Hence the premises in which we stay for our lifetime built as per Vastushastra principles is termed as a Vastushastra compliant premises & anti Vastushastra or non compliant if it is built against those principles. Naturally a compliant premise promotes a favourable energy exchange between human body & universal energies & prevents us from receiving those negative energies in the universe. Vastushastra can’t change your fate & destiny; however it can offer you joy and luxuries of life by simply transforming your distressful life without altering the structure of your house with the help of its effective principles.

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Standard House layout

It is strongly advisable & recommended to build premises & dwellings according to Vastushastra principles be it residential or commercial to avail its maximum benefits. Principles of Vastushastra are applicable to all residential premises like individual house or an apartment, bungalows & row houses, residential complexes or projects etc. This influence is equally felt in case of commercial entities like educational institutes, spiritual premise or temples, hotels, shopping malls, multiplexes, hospitals, factories, offices, shops etc.

Standard Office layout

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History of Vastushastra – Its history dates back to about thousands of years ago, since then our ancient Indian sages and scholars were practicing this science that is based on application of some basic principle, rule & regulations while constructing any house or dwelling. Vastushastra is a self reliable science or art having its own power and effects. These principles are based on typical 8 directions that needs to be considered for constructing, planning & designing and selecting a suitable premises for living. Its origin can be traced in Sthapatya Veda i.e. an ancient art of designing or architecture (Shilpas), a sub-part of the Atharva Veda.  Its description can be found in epics like Matsya Purana, Skanda Purana, Agni Purana, Garuda Purana, and Vishnu Purana. Some additional references on Vastushastra like Vishvakarma Prakash, Samraangan Sutradhar, Kashyap Shilpshastra, Brihad Sanhita and Mayamatam are quite useful. One can trace its origin in Sthapatya Veda, a part of Atharva Veda & in Vastu Shilpa Shastra which is termed as an art of designing & constructing premises. Our saints were aware of various mysterious and mystics of this profound universe much ahead of the time. One of their master piece discovery was Vastushastra. People used to build their houses, temples

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and hermitages with an intention of living a peaceful and harmonious life during an ancient era.

Authenticity Of Vastushastra 

One can get the biggest proof of vastushastra during the time of Ramayana and Mahabharata. Even Mohenjodaro and Harappa civilizations were built by application of vastushastra principles.

In the Mahabharata there was a notation about number of houses were built for the kings who were invited to the city Indraprastha for participating in the auspicious occasion of Rajasuya Yadnya of King Yuddhisthira. Sage Vyasa mentioned that these houses were equivalent to the peaks of Kailasa Mountains, perhaps his intension was to say that they were very tall. The dwellings were free from all sorts of obstructions, had high compound walls and their entrance gates were of uniform height. It is said that the floor plan of Ayodhya was similar to the plan found in Manasara. Buddhist literature also had some references of buildings constructed on the basis of Vastushastra.

Vastushastra as described in Matsya purana , was born out of the sweat of Lord Shiva , during fighting and killing a demon called "Andhakasura" . Few drops originated out of the perspiration of Lord Shiva and it took all the blood from the body of the demon. Lord Shiva was not able to satisfy his hunger. The demon just surrendered himself to Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva (being Bhola or innocent) was impressed and highly satisfied by his act and offered him a blessing - " Who ever constructs building on Earth shall offer pooja (worship) to him first and make offerings if they want to enjoy health , wealth , wisdom and prosperity in their new building. However only those people who do not offer you prayers shall be at your mercy and you may trouble them in anyway. The ultimate purpose of adding those stories in the old scripts can be just to scare people and make them consciously aware about the subject. The science of Vastushastra could not be merely termed as mythological story and has already proved its significance for thousands of years.

As such Vastushastra’s origin is difficult to be traced. Man was evolved on this earth perhaps during Tretayuga and the origin of Vastushastra is traced to this period only. However most of the secrets of development & communication were restricted to ruling and elite class of this society only. Thus majority of the people in the society were deprived of benefits of this science. In due course of time, things have changed drastically, democracy succeeded over autocratic Government and an individual freedom became utmost important. Vastushastra appears to be an obstructive science until we know actually. Vastushastra constitutes knowledge of the basic five elements of Water, Fire, Air, Earth & Space with 8 directions (actually 10, the additional two being Urdhwa – upper & Adhara – below directions).

Geographical situation of an area affects the nature thus changing Vastushastra of every place. Eg. Some countries are much advanced, developed and prosperous while others are much backward.

INDIA: We know that the Himalayas are situated in the North and Northeast region of our country which is against vastushastra. So there is lot of poverty in our country considering heaviness in that region. There is water in Southwest and southeast side of our nation. Hence we are bound to face the attacks of foreign enemies. One thing that makes India

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famous is that we have our slope & extension towards East, which is a very favourable and auspicious sign.

Africa: There is a cut in Northeast corner of this continent. Northwest region is extended, Southeast, Southwest and South are surrounded by unlimited water. These factors are inauspicious according to Vastushastra. Hence African countries are backward, uneducated & poor. But in the North of this continent, Mediterranean Sea is situated which is favourable as per vastu. In the Eastern region, due to existence of Nile river civilization developed in Egypt and now Egypt got name, fame and honour for its world famous pyramids.But, in this 21st century world people build complexes of concrete, only with a commercial intention of earning money. During this fierce competition of standing apart to prove one’s identity in terms of so called ‘zig zag’ patterns of houses & on top of that labelling them as ‘uncommon high-fi designs of premises’ leading us nowhere. In fact that has adversely ‘gifted’ us with disastrous situations in our life like disturbed peace of mind, disharmony within family, unsatisfied married life, frequent & serious illness with an addition of financial outbursts.  

A Vastushastra complaint house leads to adding name and fame in society and further to mental happiness. However, one has to make conscious efforts towards achieving your goals & should not expect that residence will automatically make you leaders of society. It is a Meta physical science. Building your house according to Vastushastra principles can reduce the intensity of painful consequences one may have to face in his lifetime. It can channelize your efforts in right direction that in turn increases your chances of achieving what you desire.

Vastupurusha -

It is believed that Vastupurusha is lied down in such a way that his head is pointing in Northeast direction indicating balanced thinking; legs pointing Southwest direction indicating strength. His navel is in centre of the earth denotes awareness and holiness; his hand extends in Northwest and Southeast depicting energy.

Vastupurusha is the deity allocated to main premises & other eight directions have their own specific God that governs their direction.

Positioning of Vastupurusha at any premise

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Vastupurusha mandala -The word Mandala means configuration or network with respect to time, place, person and purpose. Vastupurusha mandala is the metaphysical design of universe on which the whole concept of Vastu Shastra is based. It is basically enclosed area in which Vastupurusha is lied down signifies his birth from nature. On the basis of this construction of premise is recommended balancing elements & directions and all the physical features are decided in terms of ventilation, doors, windows, location etc.

This mandala provides us with the guidance of locating different features into your house to avail maximum benefits in terms of peace, health, wealth, prosperity & wellbeing. Based on these guidelines a house is divided into areas according to which every placement and direction for physical feature is decided. However the most important place in Vastupurusha mandala is ‘Brahamasthana’, it is the sacred place (centre).

Vastupurusha Mandala in a house

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The Vastupurusha Mandala is square grid perceived to be basic form in architecture and mother of all other shapes. It provided us with the formula to decide the functions of the building respective to its orientation. Specific functions to each direction were delegated by Vasturatnakara. The south-east devoted to fire and north-east to the Water element.

There was a tremendous urge to collaborate all forms of principles related to this ancient science of designing & construction. Hence the Sthapati or Vastushilpi, the holy priest architect had to learn this science in detail. To understand this science, one should understand the Vastu Purusha Mandala in detail.

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Significance of Vastushastra - Vastushastra bridges the gap between man and nature. Everything in nature is made up of five elements (Panchmahabhootas) – Earth (Prithi tatva), Water(Jala tatva), Fire(Agni tatva), Air(Vayu tatva), and Space(Akash tatva). These elements are nothing but flow of energies & fixed i.e. they can neither be created nor be destroyed; they can only be transformed from one form to other forms of energies.

Indian Vastushastra is such a phenomenal & comprehensive science that finds its roots beyond thousands of years back. It has provided with a keen attention towards all internal & external factors of this environment responsible for constructing any residential or commercial premises. So it makes sense to utilize them for the welfare of our society.

Hence any residential and commercial premises constructed without harmony with these elements would not be able to produce favourable effects. All living & non-living things in this universe irrespective of their size, shape, structure, colour, physical or chemical compositions are made up of these Panchmahabhootas. Everything in this universe consists of one major or original element & rest 4 elements stay in certain proportion in it. The imbalance in any of these whether internally or externally may lead to severe consequences in one’s life like loss of money, ill health, tremendous hurdles or obstacles in all undertakings, series of problems etc. Hence one has to have a proper balance of these elements to avoid their misfortune.

Spiritual benefits:

God’s grace Inner satisfaction Self awareness & realization Inner peace Harmony in life

Physical Benefits:

Material pleasures Health Luxuries of life & comfort Fulfilment of desires Wealth & prosperity

Psychological benefits:

Harmony in relationships Ensuring healthy mind, body & soul Eliminating worries & providing inner peace Promotes wellbeing Encourages stress free life

You will hardly find a person who will refuse to have all these in his life. Vastushastra principles are free from any religion, race or caste or community & it serves only one religion and that is Mankind.

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Thus Vastushastra is rational, as it has a scientific base.

It is permanent as it is based on directions & elements which are fixed.

It is normative as like other sciences it has its own rules & regulations.

It is practical, as vastu principles are very simple to follow.

It is universal as Vastu principles are fictitious & same principles can apply to any part or country of the world.

Vastushastra Elements or Panchmahabhutas

Sr No. Parameter Sky Air Fire Water Earth

1 Physical character

absence of resistance movement heat liquidity roughness

2 Property sound touch form taste smell3 Related

organ ears skin eyes tongue nose

4 Deity Lord Shiva Ishvara Rudra Lord Visnu Lord Brahma

5 Bija-mantra haum hyaim hrum hvim hlam6 Dosha vata vata pitta kapha kapha7 Colour crystal

white dark red white yellow8 Form circle hexagon triangle half-moon square9 Dosha vata vata pitta kapha kapha

10Psychological propety

(Guna)sattva rajas sattva tamas tamas

11 Functionporousness

, distinction

lightness activity

colour digestion, braveness, brightness, intolerance

heaviness, coldness,

oleaginous, semen

solidity, heaviness

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The panchamahabhuta are the five elements of nature. According to Hindu mythology, every human body essentially is made from five elements which are Earth (Prithvi), Water (Jala), Fire (Agni), Air (Vayu) and Space (Akash). Hindus believe that, upon death; all these 5 elements of human body are dissolved to respective element of nature, so that it can balance the cycle of nature.Each of these five elements has its own functions and characteristic described below

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Earth Element (Prithvi Tatva):

It is the most important element of Vastushastra with maximum energy. The selection of land is considered very important in Vastushastra. A detailed analysis of soil, plot, size, shape and level difference needs to be considered before commencing the construction. Its magnetic field and gravitational force has significant effects on every living and non-living thing.

Direction - Southwest

Related senses - Smell

Relation human organ - muscles and bones, teeth, structure of body organs, fat

Connected Chakra – Root or Muladhar

It is a big magnet with North and South poles as centres of attractions. It is tilted by about 23 ½ degrees at the meridian. This element provides us stability in the body and the mind.

Water Element (Jala Tatva):

It is represented by rain, river, sea and is in the form of liquid, solid (ice), soft, compact, cold and gas (steam, cloud).

Direction - Northeast

Related senses - Taste, Touch and Sight.

Related human organ – Tongue, genitals, liquids of the body such as urine, plasma, lymph, and constitute most of our bodily weight

Connected Chakra – Sacral or Swadhishthana

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The bodily fluids move between the cells and through the vessels of the body carrying nutrients, wastes, antibodies and hormones. It forms part of every plant and animal. Our blood is nothing but water with haemoglobin and oxygen.

Constructing water bodies like swimming pool and aquarium in Northeast is most auspicious and suitable for any premises.

Air Element (Vayu Tatva):

Air is an indispensible element of human life without which it is impossible to survive. It is the gaseous form of matter& mobile, dynamic, light, cold, rough, fine, subtle, dry and exists without form. All empty spaces are filled with air & it controls breathing, carries oxygen to the cells and helps movement of biological functions. Air is a mixture of various gases like oxygen, nitrogen, helium, carbon dioxide, dust particles, humidity & vapour to some extent etc. A balanced percentage of different gases, atmospheric pressure and humidity level are important for living beings on this earth.

Direction – Northwest

Related senses - Touch

Related human organ – Heart, lungs, hands

Connected Chakra – Heart or Anahata

Vayu is related with the actions of giving and receiving depicting & thus corresponds to hands & heart. Pure air with oxygen is good for brain and blood.

Fire Element (Agni Tatva):

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Fire is the basis of all sources of energy including thermal power and atomic power. It is hot, sharp, subtle and radiant. It is found in the form of heat and energy of the body. It exists in all metabolic processes and chemical reactions. Days and nights, seasons, energy, enthusiasm, passion, vigour are due to light and heat only. Light is the essence of life, and sun is the natural source.

Direction – Southeast

Related senses - Sight

Related human organ – Eyes, Feet

Connected Chakra – Solar Plexus or Manipur

It promotes appetite, digestion and metabolism converting food to energy, creates thought processes and bodily impulses. It is also responsible for providing lustre, radiance, and colour for the body.

Sky or Space Element (Akash Tatva):

Space has a special place in our lives. Sky is endless and our space constitutes of entire solar system with galaxies. It is fine, subtle, soft and smooth. In the body it is found in the form of empty space such as in the tubes and channels of the body. These spaces are found in blood and lymph vessels, between bones & joints, openings, pores, and the

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intestinal tract. All sound is transmitted through space and is related to the sense of hearing.

Ancient Indian houses used to have open spaces in the centre of the house called as brahmasthan which should be open to sky. Any disturbance related to space in house would lead to devastating results. 

Direction – Brahmasthana

Related senses - Hearing

Related human organ – Ear, mouth, vocal chords

Connected Chakra – Throat or Vishuddha

We human beings demand space even in our relationship, a common dialogue you hear from your partner – Give me some space! It is this element that binds us together with our family & outer world.

Get connected to these elements & create abundance in your life.

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Directions –

Directions are broadly divided into two types –

a) Main directions – North, East, West, South

b) Sub-directions - Northeast, Southwest, Northwest & Southeast

They form the base of Vastu analysis. Every direction has its own characteristics & significance that has its impact on our human life. Every direction of your house has been allotted 45 degrees each by Vastushastra. Dividing entire plot or a house or any commercial premises into equal parts based on these directions forms the base of our vastu evaluation process.

Comparative chart of directions

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Importance of directions East – Education, pride & progress of daughter

This is the most powerful direction for growth, prosperity, pride, material pleasures, luxuries of life and power. The East should also be kept open like North, light and clean with maximum windows to allow to morning sunrays rich with Ultraviolet rays to enter your house. Hence main entrance in this direction is considered highly positive. It is most auspicious to have your Pooja room in East direction to be bestowed with God’s grace. Avoid any obstruction, cuts & heaviness in this region to stay away from any misfortune. Any pastel shades in leaf green and cream on the eastern walls is considered beneficial. Having lower level floor in the eastern room than South, Southwest, West, Southeast & Northwest is responsible to bring prosperity, wealth, health and happiness in a family.

West – Power & self confidence, opportunities, income

This direction most suitable to all ladies & is known to provide you stability in life. This direction becomes powerful at night and gets activated after sunset. West is ideal direction to place for overhead tanks. The bedroom for children is highly recommended here for their academic progress. Alternatively a guest room, rest room, drawing room are also suitable in this direction. Pooja room in this direction is strictly prohibited being inauspicious. Avoid any large opening & entrance in this direction as they may lead to decreasing your prospects of income. Western walls should be stronger & thicker than east to ensure happiness.

North – Money & wealth, female influence

It is one of the most auspicious directions, known as wealth and career direction.It receives ample of positive energy from North pole which is has beneficial effect on our premises and residents. Main entrance, maximum open space, more windows, lightweight furniture in this direction is always considered positive & auspicious. Less number of doors in this direction than South is considered vastu defect & leads to unwanted expenditures. Avoid sleeping with your head towards North to ensure good health in your lifetime. Toilet, store room, kitchen and master bedroom are not recommended here.

South – Health & fame, bad company, addiction

Even if it is perceived to be a bad direction, the reality is different as Aadilakshmi (united powers of Mahakali, Mahalakshmi & Mahasaraswati) resides in this direction. The south direction stores all the positive energies emerging out from North & this is the energy in the form of wealth. More closed places & heaviness in the south are strongly recommended to ensure prosperity. Avoid mounting mirrors on the southern all or it may enhance the negative features of the south further. Red and other darker shades in this region of house in considered auspicious. Presence of any water body eg, a well or even placing a picture of water leads to blockage of money & severe health problems.

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Northeast – Prosperity, new ideas & growth, deity

This is most auspicious & pious among all direction being actual place of God (Lord Shiva) & hence it is highly recommended to have your Pooja room in this direction. Hence avoid constructing a toilet here being a serious Vastu defect. This direction gives you prosperity, health, wealth & promotes clarity of thinking. It is highly auspicious to have underground tanks here. Newly married couples must avoid occupying a north-east bedroom as it may affect their health & may create obstacles in progeny.

Northwest – Friends & enemy, speed, communication, coordination & harmony

The northwest is highly unstable direction & hence it is not recommended to have your entrance or master bedroom in this direction to avoid instability in your income & relationship. Avoid keeping any water body or even pictures as they may lead to disharmony within family members, quarrels & legal disputes. This powerful direction is known to provide you with opportunities in life and if utilized properly, it can shape your career to a great extent. It is good to have elder son’s bedroom here.

Southeast – Labour, investment, energy, female health issues, speed, obstacles

Being predominant of Fire element, the southeast is highly suitable to locate your kitchen. Avoid putting mirrors here as they may lead to business losses. Never have your master bedroom here as couples may face strenuous relationships that may sometimes even lead to divorce. Also this direction has potential to make male members alcoholic & may create abortions in case of pregnant ladies, better avoid it. It is prohibited to place an over head tank here as give rise to enmity in the house. At the same time underground tank leads to unwanted clashes with the family members.

Southwest – Owner’s reputation & fame, stability, decision making, money blockage

The South-West is the strongest among all directions but the worst place for positioning a building’s entry & to keep God’s abode. Its good to have your Safe deposit vault or treasury to keep your golden ornaments, property documents & other valuables etc. This direction is highly suitable for master bedroom so as to gain mental, physical & financial stability in life. The owner will enjoy both good health and wealth. A toilet in this direction can give rise to severe prolonged mental & physical health problems.

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Importance of Directions

Sr no Direction Element Planet Deity Significance           

1 NORTH WATER Mercury Lord Kubera Money, wealth, maternal side, business


2 NORTHEAST WATER Jupiter Lord Shiva Knowledge, wisdom, God's grace,

new ideas, career growth           

3 EAST FIRE Sun Lord Indra Pride, growth of family, name & fame

           4 SOUTHEAS

T FIRE Venus Lord Agni Health, sex           

5 SOUTH EARTH / FIRE Mars Lord Yama Success, happiness



Ketu Demon Niruti Stability, family head, will power, strong ability

           7 WEST WATER Saturn Lord Varun Reward, luck           

8 NORTHWEST AIR Moon Lord Vayu Friends & enemy, supporters,

speed, communication            9 CENTRE SPACE   Lord Brahma All round prosperity           

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Personal benefits of directions (without any vastu defect) –

All individuals can enjoy following benefits from their vastu in the absence of vastu defects or after correcting existing vastu defects in these respective directions.


1) Good opportunities in career & business

2) Continuous progress

3) Accumulation of wealth & overall prosperity

4) Good academic progress & better health of children

5) Good & stable health of elderly people

6) Grace of God


1) Reduced unproductive expenses

2) Rapid progress

3) Avoiding delays & obstacles in every aspect

4) Sound health of females


1) Physical, financial & mental Stability

2) Improved success ratio & steady progress

3) Strong decision making ability, will power & good health of family head

4) Ability to withstand any hurdles & difficulties

5) Satisfied & happy marital life, healthy relationship & progeny

6) Improved money saving & good returns on investments


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1) Good harmony, coordination & improved relations among all family members & with people in society

2) Timely help & support from friends & well wishers

3) Freedom from court cases, legal matters

4) Reduced jealousy, enmity, confusions, misunderstandings & improved clear communication

5) Good career prospects of children

Professional Benefits

All professionals can enjoy following benefits from their vastu in the absence of vastu defects or after correcting existing vastu defects in these respective directions.

Northeast – Brings in new opportunities, luck, wealth inflow, spirituality

Southeast – Speeds up growth, progress & wealth inflow, removes obstacles, reduces unproductive expenses

Southwest – Stabilizes wealth & increases savings, improves decision making, will power, command

Northwest – Maintains harmony & coordination among all members, friends & well wishers, customers, freedom from legal matters, litigations, confusion & misunderstandings