what is surfing? - surfing is a surface water sport in which the participant is carried along the...

What is Surfing? - Surfing is a surface water sport in which the participant is carried along the face of a breaking wave, most commonly using a surfboard.

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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What is Surfing?

- Surfing is a surface water sport in which the participant is carried along the face of a breaking wave, most commonly using a surfboard.

Areas in the Northwest


Snowboarding and Skiing

Surfing in the Northwest

Point Break

Beach Break

History of Surfing

• Surfing was started around 1000-4000 years ago in the Pacific

• The first surfboards were made out of long pieces of wood from the balsa trees

• Surfing spread among the islands and eventually hit the mainstream in 1779 from the writings of explorers

Surfboard Diagram


History of Snowboarding

• Snowboarding was developed in the 1960’s and 1970’s in the United States

• Snowboarding is similar to skiing, but is inspired by surfing and skateboarding

• Snowboarding gained popularity and became and Olympic Winter Sport in 1998

Snowboard Diagram


History of Skiing

• Skiing was started around 4500 to 5000 years ago

• The first skis were nothing more than planks of wood attached to the feet

• Skiing became an Olympic Winter Sport in Oslo in 1952

Ski Diagram

Surfboard WaxingBoard with old smudged


Old wax scraped off

New wax put on and penny to show size

Surfing- Me