what is success to you?

Volume 2 Issue 1 January-March 2001 A Revealing Look at Modesty by Colleen Winner Does it really make any difference whether we are modest or not? Surprisingly to many, God's Word does give us guidelines on this important subject that work in the 21st century. Going After the Good Stuff by Larry W. Greider Are you going to buy an expensive Sony Playstation? Would you believe a good book can be far more valuable? Benjamin Franklin said, "The great part of the miseries of mankind are brought upon them by false estimates they have made of the value of things." Where Lions Stand Guard by Gary Petty Two lion statues stand guard over the ruins of a once elegant estate. What message do they have for us? H t Pl Y Lif What Is SUCCESS to You? Some years ago, a bumper sticker made the rounds on many vehicles in the United States. It simply said, "He Who Dies With the Most Toys-- WINS!" While such a statement can make us chuckle, it did, nonetheless, express the growing trend in our society to define our happiness and main pursuit in life in terms of "things." What about you? With a new year and century beginning, many people reflect on goals, plans and their desire to achieve success. Not just anyone's definition of success--but their own vision of fulfillment and happiness. Do you have goals and achievements you are shooting for during the next year? The next 10 years? Many people know they want to "succeed," but are often confused about what it is they are really after. You don't have to fall into that trap. We are living at a time when a growing number of people in the developed nations define success by a certain dollar amount or annual salary. Whether it is money itself or the possession of "things"--computers, new cars, the latest clothing or the most current http://youthmagazine.org Youth United Magazine January-March 2001 Page 1

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Volume 2 Issue 1 January-March 2001A Revealing Look at Modesty by Colleen Winner

Does it really make any difference whether we are modest or not? Surprisingly to many, God's Word

does give us guidelines on this important subject that work in the 21st century. Going After the Good Stuff by Larry W. Greider

Are you going to buy an expensive Sony Playstation? Would you believe a good book can be far

more valuable? Benjamin Franklin said, "The great part of the miseries of mankind are brought upon them by false estimates they have made of the value of things." Where Lions Stand Guard by Gary Petty

Two lion statues stand guard over the ruins of a once elegant estate. What message do they

have for us? H t Pl Y Lif

What Is SUCCESS to You? Some years ago, a bumper sticker made the rounds on many vehicles in the United States. It simply said, "He Who Dies With the Most Toys--WINS!" While such a statement can make us chuckle, it did, nonetheless, express the growing trend in our society to define our happiness and main pursuit in life in terms of "things." What about you?

With a new year and century beginning, many people reflect on goals, plans and their desire to achieve success. Not just anyone's definition of success--but their own vision of fulfillment and happiness.

Do you have goals and achievements you are shooting for during the next year? The next 10 years? Many people know they want to "succeed," but are often confused about what it is they are really after. You don't have to fall into that trap.

We are living at a time when a growing number of people in the developed nations define success by a certain dollar amount or annual salary. Whether it is money itself or the possession of "things"--computers, new cars, the latest clothing or the most current

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Your Education How to Increase Your Intelligence by David Treybig

Are people just born either smart or dumb? Is there anything you can do about it?

Ask Youth Questions and Answers

Should Christians wear a cross? What about sports on the Sabbath?

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Copyright ©2001 United Church of God, an International Association

electronic gadgetry--this generation often focuses on the possession of wealth in some form to determine "success."

In this issue of YOUTH United we look at the subject of success and happiness from several different angles. The authors examine the growing preoccupation with materialism in our society, and the guidance that God's Word gives us about covetousness. They look at how to give yourself the advantage of preparing and planning for your future. This issue's "Your Education" feature focuses on the importance of developing often overlooked aspects of your intelligence--your emotions and character.

As you'll discover in the articles in this issue, success is not as superficial as it is painted in the media. Truer words were never spoken than when Jesus Christ instructed His disciples in Luke 12:15, "And He said to them, 'Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.'"

As Christ instructed His followers, true success in the long run involves satisfaction and accomplishment beyond our wildest dreams. It means discovering the true potential given to you and all of mankind by your Creator and enjoying the journey of life to achieve it. The obstacles we might face on the course are not worthy to be compared to the prize. You'll find that helping others in their journey adds joy and happiness to the trip.

If you'd like to know more about your potential and the destiny God has given you, read the inspiring booklet, What Is Your Destiny? It's free for the asking, and you can also read it right now on the Internet at http://www.ucg.org/articles/destiny.htm.

Here's to your true, never-ending success!

-- Doug Horchak

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A Revealing Look at Modesty Does it really make any difference whether we are modest or not? Surprisingly to many, God's

Word does give us guidelines on this important subject that work in the 21st century.

by Colleen Winner

Have you ever been at a gathering when a gorgeous, stunningly dressed female walks in the room? (Maybe she was you.) Heads turn and it isn't just male attention that is captured. There is power in how we dress. That power can be used for good or for bad, so the Creator who made us male and female has given us principles to help us use it rightly. He gives us answers if we are truly seeking to love Him and link our decisions to Him. Many of the Ten Commandments apply to this subject -- a subject often called modesty.

But modesty is often openly ridiculed today. It is definitely not in vogue. The world of Hollywood, fashion designers, the music industry, advertising and many publications promote vulgarities, sexual promiscuity and even violence as the norm. "Free" expression is worshiped at a great cost to us. Those who choose to behave differently are considered "inhibited" -- implying there is something wrong with them. Maybe we need to recapture a few inhibitions and apply God's commandments to this subject.

Obedience to the first of God's Ten Commandments means we recognize God as God and that we respect His views on how we live. Looking deeper into God's Word we'll find that such respect includes modesty.

Placing value on decency in our dress and behavior enhances our lives in ways many do not realize. Modesty is more than what meets the eye; it is a virtue that comes from within.

Modesty may be more than skin deep but, let's face it, most of us, especially females, are very interested in what does or doesn't cover our skin! That covering is symbolic and tells the world

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much about us. Clothing can send powerful messages: "I'm cool." "I want attention." "I'm a slob." "I don't like authority." "I have a sense of dignity and I respect others."

How we clothe ourselves usually consumes much of the attention given to the topic of modesty, and rightly so. I must admit that I'm interested in clothing and all the accessories that go with it. I even confess to a fashion faux pas or two hidden in my large closet. The articles that went into my closet are a reflection of my personality. Whether conscious or subconscious, those purchases were a product of personal feelings, thoughts and motivations just as what comes out of my closet reflects those things to the world, for better or worse.

Personal responsibility

In effect, I can't escape personal responsibility for what I wear. Liking appropriate fashion is OK and fun; letting it control or consume us is not. For some it becomes an idol. So we must also consider the possibility that if our attire reflects our self-absorption, we might be worshiping at the altar of self. Anything that separates us from God is not good for us. It won't bring happiness. The Second Commandment teaches us not to place anything above God.

We live in a culture whose influences separate us from God. Vulgarities and disrespect for God's name flow off many people's tongues without thought. Such actions break the Third Commandment. Have you ever considered that the way we dress can be equally vulgar, only in a nonverbal way?

Observance of the Sabbath, the Fourth Commandment, is rare in this world. Part of our Sabbath observance is how we dress. Those of us who congregate on the Sabbath are to make a conscious effort in our behavior and dress to respect God and the opinions and traditions of those He has placed in authority.

Relationships with parents

Modesty affects our sense of dignity and our most important relationships -- thus, our happiness. How does modesty affect our relationships? A good example is that of typical parent/teen relationships. Honoring our parents is a command from God (the Fifth Commandment). A fundamental principle from this commandment is to respect parental guidelines in our behavior and dress.

Disagreements in this regard are not rare and often result in strained relationships. Perhaps we should ask ourselves if pursuing self-gratification is worth the fallout -- both with parents and with God? What happens when you go to school? Do you hike your skirt up or adjust your clothes in some other way so you can "be cool" in the eyes of some at school rather than respect your parents' wishes? In other words, do we sneak or lie (a violation of the Ninth Commandment) to avoid conflict -- skirting the issue? Dress is one way we express ourselves and we should never allow self-expression to become more important than love for God and love and respect for our parents.

The power of dress

Back to the gathering when a stunningly dressed female walks in the room. Heads turn and everyone pays attention. There is power in how we dress. But the female craving to be an object

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of desire sells females short. Such a woman is asking to be treated as an object rather than a person and all that she is. In fact, craving this type of attention is devaluing yourself, whether you are male or female.

Girls should ask themselves if they want to be taken seriously. Provocative dress can inspire lust. It is an inescapable fact that males are sexually stimulated by sight. An insatiable need for reassurance that manifests itself by advertising physical assets to the world is not a sign of confidence, nor does it inspire a healthy relationship.

Secure, godly women

The truly secure woman is often the most modestly dressed one. The lust that, wittingly or unwittingly, women all too often inspire in males may cause them to stumble. Christ, in the New Testament, expounds on the Seventh Commandment saying that a man who looks at a woman and lusts has sinned (Matthew 5:27-28).

We are reminded by many New Testament writers not to cause anyone to stumble. Don't forget that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23)! We must be careful not to sin ourselves or cause others to sin.

Have you ever considered that we may create feelings of jealousy or covetousness in others of the same sex by the way we dress? The Tenth Commandment tells us to avoid covetousness. So we need to consider not only the significance of peer pressure when we dress, but also the element of competition. Sadly, there are those in our society who give in to the temptation to steal and even murder for items of clothing (breaking the Eighth and Sixth Commandments). Are we living life as though it were a fashion competition?

Modesty protects

Modesty protects others as mentioned above, and it protects us! It is an awesome task to teach men to be gentle, protective and honorable in their dealings with women when the world around us sends the opposite message. Men and women are equal in God's eyes, but not the same. The boundaries that value the uniqueness of the sexes have become blurred, much to our Creator's disappointment.

Secure women have no compulsion to flaunt themselves. And women who value their worth are more likely to inspire men to value and honor them. On the other hand, is it fair for women to expect men to be honorable when the women's behavior sends the message that they don't have to be? Modesty battles the crude and vulgar in our society. Modesty gives us a base of reference regarding how we view and interact with one another.

Modesty is a fascinating and revealing topic. If you are interested in an insightful indictment on modern society's lack of this virtue and the subsequent fallout, I highly recommend Wendy Shalit's book, A Return to Modesty. The book of Esther in the Old Testament is also inspirational. Esther had great outward beauty, but it was her inward beauty (her courage and obedience to God) that left a legacy affecting an entire nation. When it comes to modesty, remember the Ten Commandments (Deuteronomy 5 and Exodus 20). These laws are not just physical, but spiritual and should be written on our hearts.

Reference: Shalit, Wendy, A Return to Modesty, New York, Touchstone, 2000.

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Going After the Good Stuff Are you going to buy an expensive Sony Playstation? Would you believe a good book can be far more valuable? Benjamin Franklin said, "The great part of the miseries of mankind are brought

upon them by false estimates they have made of the value of things."

by Larry W. Greider

We live in fascinating times, especially in the Western world where many teens have more toys, machines, gismos and gadgets than they know what to do with. When Sony announced the long-awaited debut of its Playstation, it did so with the caution that not enough units would be available to supply demand.

The pricey personal video game machine selling for several hundred dollars a pop sold out in hours in major retailers. The black market geared up to supply the demand at premium prices. I checked on eBay shortly before writing this article and found that some sellers were asking up to $800 for the video game.

What ever happened to Atari, the must-have game of a few years ago? It wouldn't be a paperweight today for most teens. New technologies make the old obsolete faster and faster.

In the clutter of a dizzying array of expensive toys that often feature violent or lewd games, there are symptoms to notice. The emotional and spiritual makeup of kids who have lots of things, but little vision of the future, is troubling. Life is more than just a vicarious experience and hours wasted on climbing to the top of a game leader board. The hollowness of a gadget-filled world is more than obvious when kids kill kids, sometimes just for kicks. Recently in Japan, a juvenile was arrested for murdering someone. When asked why he did it, he said he wanted to know what it felt like to kill someone. Experts are now wondering if the violent games (many produced in Japan) could have anything to do with the rise of juvenile crime in that country.

In his book, Slouching Towards Gomorrah, Modern Liberalism and American Decline, Judge Robert H. Bork discusses the rage of rap music. "Its performers don't just sing about criminals; some of them are criminals. Which does not seem to diminish their popularity. What we hear in rap is paralleled elsewhere in popular culture in varying degrees. That the movies feature sex, violence, and vile language is not news. Car chases ending in flaming crashes, the machine gunning of masses of people, explosions of helicopters, the liberal production of corpses, language previously not heard in semipolite society, these are not standard. It is no doubt true that Hollywood is appealing to a profitable adolescent audience, which appears to think that

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dismemberments and obscenities are an excellent evening's entertainment" (p. 126).

Jim Nelson Black in his book, When Nations Die, quotes Charles Colson: "Societies are tragically vulnerable when the men and women who compose them lack character. A nation or a culture cannot endure for long unless it is undergirded by common values such as valor, public-spiritedness, respect for others and for the law; it cannot stand unless it is populated by people who will act on motives superior to their own immediate interest" (p. 155).

What does your future hold? Is the new Playstation the highest rung on your ladder? One of the reasons we offer the Youth United e-magazine is to speak to the vision needed in leaders for a new world.

Those who have some vision of the future and an awareness that God is working out His purpose and plan can prepare for awesome service. The world is waiting for young people to wake up and see the need for honesty, hard work, integrity, service and concern for others. Newt Gingrich wrote: "Precisely because our rights are endowed by our Creator, the individual burden of responsibility borne by each citizen is greater than in any other country?. The fact that God has empowered us puts an enormous burden on our shoulders" (To New America, p. 38). Will you be up to the challenge in the years ahead?

Sound societies require people with character. Yet many do not understand this important principle. As Os Guinness notes: "Americans with a purely secular view of life have too much to live with and too little to live for" (The American Hour, p. 414).

In the lifetime of most reading this article, the standard of living has dramatically increased. The next time you have a chance to talk with your grandparents (or great-grandparents, if they are still living), ask them when they remember getting electricity, indoor plumbing and a private phone line--most were party lines when I was a teenager. You had to first listen to see if someone else was on the line. And you had to use a rotary dial--no call waiting or caller ID.

Most today ride to school. I'm sure you have heard the stories from your grandparents (or your parents, if they are old enough), about walking to school, rain, snow or shine. My parents walked uphill both ways in two or three feet of snow without boots most of the time. At least that is what I remember. The parking lots of most high schools today are filled with some pretty amazing vehicles. I'm not shocked to see the latest Viper or BMW anymore.

Leaders are needed

When all is said and done, there is usually more said than done. What are your goals for your future? What if the world goes into a recession or even a depression? Many experts predict that the standard of living for your children will actually decrease. How will you cope with a changing world in which more and more people will have less and less? In his book, The Twilight of American Culture, Morris Berman writes, "By 1996, the 447 richest people on the planet had assets equal to that of the poorest 2.5 billion-42 percent of the world population." His point is that the majority of people are getting poorer" (p. 24).

Mr. Berman continues, "The truth is that it is a bitter brew; that the affluence of the few is purchased at the misery of the many" (p. 24). In spite of the fact that many Americans have so much, the literacy rate of the United States ranks 49th out of 158 countries. Only 6 percent of Americans read as much as one book a year, where a book is defined to include Harlequin romances and self-help manuals. Something like 120 million adults are illiterate or read no better than a fifth-grade level (ibid., p. 36). These are staggering statistics. Where will the leaders of the world tomorrow come from? You need to redeem the time! Take advantage of marvelous

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opportunities to learn and prepare for the future.

A better way is coming

Biblical prophecies describe a wonderful world tomorrow in which there will be peace and abundance for all in the context of a world government under Jesus Christ. The Bible also explains that the vast wealth and prosperity of the United States is the direct result of Divine blessings to one man, Abraham, and his descendants. Sadly, before this wonderful time of peace can come, the United States will go through some very difficult times. Jeremiah 30 calls this the time of "Jacob's trouble." Before the return of Christ, the great financial bounty of the United States will be taken away.

To learn more about these issues that will affect the United States, request our new booklet, The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy. Copies will soon be available from our office nearest you or via the literature library of our Web site: www.ucg.org.

God wants people of character

Our challenge today is to learn to obey God, by keeping His Commandments and preparing to be part of the coming government of Jesus Christ. The articles in this e-magazine and the literature available from the United Church of God, an International Association, are designed to be guides for you. Take your future into your own hands. Study, pray, prepare for a new world.

Instead of lusting for the latest electronic game with faster and more realistic graphics, sound, etc., why not read a serious book such as the Bible? How about reading a classic piece of literature so you can learn that the power of ideas is much more stimulating than imaginary head kicks or shooting down invaders from a far away planet? Educate yourself! Take a course to improve your skills! After all, today's must-have toys will soon be tomorrow's paperweights.

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Where Lions Stand Guard Two lion statues stand guard over the ruins of a once elegant estate. What message do they

have for us?

by Gary Petty

It was the most exclusive club in the world. The list of members included the celebrated names of Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, Vanderbilt, Pulitzer, Macy and Goodyear.

The small island off the coast of Georgia was covered with lush vegetation, secluded beaches and abundant wildlife. In 1886 Jekyll Island became the private resort of the richest families in the United States.

This was the playground where those who had it all came a few weeks out of the year to swim, hunt and relax in their "cottages." Only, these cottages had 15 to 25 rooms including formal dining rooms, lavish parlors, five to 20 bedrooms and servants' quarters.

The Club House, opened in 1887, provided accommodations for a hundred guests. The dining room featured fine cuisine and the best wines. An evening meal could contain 10 courses and last three hours. Jekyll Island offered many recreational facilities including a golf course, stables, tennis courts, boating and hunting--all for the exclusive use of its members. A gamekeeper was hired to keep the area well stocked.

For over 50 years this private island was the paradise of many peoples' dreams. The dream to have it all: money, prestige, expensive clothing, quality furniture, mansions. It's what some strive a lifetime to achieve. It's what some sell their souls to possess.

If only I could be rich

Maybe you don't want it all, just a piece of the action. It starts out simple. You notice a new car, the latest CD player, stylish clothes. Having these things would make all the difference in the world. You could be happy. It would impress your friends and make others envious.

Soon it's all you think about. You've picked the exact color, the bucket seats and all your favorite accessories. You plan strategies on how to get what you want. The strategy becomes an

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obsession. It takes some anxiety and sweat, but the new car, the right clothes, the perfect house in the perfect neighborhood is finally yours.

You experience pleasure--until the new styles appear, or the engine breaks down, or everybody else has the same thing. Now you want something more and the cycle begins all over again. The real problem isn't in having things; it's arriving at how much is enough.

Solomon, king of ancient Israel, had it all: houses, furniture, land, clothes, gold and women. His experiences led him to this conclusion: "He who loves silver will not be satisfied with silver; nor he who loves abundance, with increase. This also is vanity. When goods increase, they increase who eat them; so what profit have the owners except to see them with their eyes? The sleep of a laboring man is sweet, whether he eats little or much; but the abundance of the rich will not permit him to sleep. There is a severe evil which I have seen under the sun: Riches kept for their owner to his hurt" (Ecclesiastes 5:10-13).

Putting prosperity in perspective

Wealth isn't evil. It's a matter of priorities. A man asked Jesus to settle an inheritance squabble. Jesus refused. He then spoke a parable of a rich man who spent his entire life creating more and more wealth. The rich man's goal was to accumulate as much as he could and someday retire to enjoy life. Jesus then explained that the man died and his wealth became the property of someone else. He ended the parable by stating, "So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God" (Luke 12:13-21).

Jesus' point isn't that owing land, running a profitable business or saving for the future is wrong. Solomon, in Proverbs 6:6-11, admonishes his son to follow the example of the ants who store food for the time when there is no food. Jesus adds, though, that it is wrong to concentrate on storing treasure while ignoring God. He says to be "rich toward God."

But what could Someone who owns the universe possibly want from us? What about sharing our dreams, our hopes, our lives with Him and accepting His dreams and hopes for us?

It never dawns on many people that the Creator has a desire for the well-being and success of His children. Enjoying the resources and wealth of His physical creation is part of His plan for humanity. He desires for us to work hard and reap the rewards of our labors. He also wants us to interact with Him as our Father while learning to share, be content and showing gratitude.

Physical things can bring temporary happiness and excitement, but real contentment comes not from what you own, or status, but from who you are. Character is the only wealth we truly possess.

Beware of covetousness

There are no multimillionaires living on Jekyll Island today. Their beautiful mansions are monuments to a bygone era. Tourists take "cottage" tours and eat lunch in the Club House dining room where once only the wealthy dined.

During World War II the island was evacuated and after the war the younger generation had more exciting places to go. Within a few years the island and all of its estates were sold to the state of Georgia.

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Most visitors hardly notice the two hand-carved stone statues of Corinthian lions standing before the ruins of a once lavish house. The ruins are what's left of the grand cottage of Edwin Gould. One day, while hunting on the island, Mr. Gould's son was killed in an accident. In his grief, Mr. Gould left Jekyll Island and never returned. After years of neglect, the cottage was finally torn down.

What better illustration than two stone lions, standing guard over a ruined, ghostly estate, of Christ's warning, "Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses" (Luke 12:15).

Next time you find yourself consumed in the race to make money or envious of people who seen to have it all, remember to take time to enjoy what God has given you. Take time to enjoy a family meal, appreciate nature, listen to fine music, read a book and remember your Creator. Take time to remember the island of the rich and the ruins where lions once stood guard.

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How to Plan Your Life Part 1 - Get a Plan

by Ken Treybig

Where will you be two years from now? What will you be doing? Will you be in high school? Will you be in college by then? What about five or 10 years from now? What do you want to be doing, or have you given it any thought? If you are in the workforce by then, what kind of job do you think you'll have? Will it be a minimum wage job in the fast--food industry, or will you be working at a meaningful and challenging job?

The natural tendency for all of us is to assume the best will happen to us. We like to think that when it comes our time to get a job that it will be an interesting and productive one where we will feel a sense of accomplishment. We like to believe we will have an appreciative boss, or that perhaps we'll be our own boss and that our work environment will be one of our own making.

But the fact is most people tend to drift in life. Some have goals for their lives, and actively work toward those goals. But more often than not, people tend to drift along allowing the currents of life to push them first one direction then the other. Like a leaf floating along in a swiftly moving stream, they allow themselves to be at the mercy of outside forces as their lives unfold.

It is true that life throws us curves. There are many external forces that sometimes seem to converge on our lives, pushing us one direction or the other. There are times when life seems to demand that we make choices about our future, and sometimes it seems we are very limited in the options we have. Still, the fact is we have choices.

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A leaf being carried along on a stream has no choice. It is bound by the laws of nature to go where the currents carry it. But God has given human beings minds with the ability to make choices. And He tells us we must make choices in life, as He instructed the fledgling nation of Israel after He freed them from captivity and led them to the land He promised their ancestors (Deuteronomy 30:19).

Where do you want to go?

Many years ago I read a book titled If You Don't Know Where You're Going, You'll Probably End Up Somewhere Else by David Campbell, Ph.D. Somehow that title stuck with me. It seemed to make such a simple yet profound statement all by itself. To this day I think of that title often, especially when I read passages like Proverbs 22:3 that address the importance of looking ahead in life and watching where you're going. That verse says, "A prudent man foresees evil and hides himself, but the simple pass on and are punished."

It is only by looking beyond our next immediate step that we will be able to keep from being washed along by the currents of life. By looking farther up the path of life, we greatly improve our chances of steering away from some of the troubles that could be waiting for us.

To improve your ability to look ahead in the road of life and prepare yourself, you will have to do some thinking and planning for the future. The book, If You Don't Know Where You're Going, You'll Probably End Up Somewhere Else, talks about the inevitable fact that in life everyone will come upon forks in the road where they will have to choose the direction they will go. Those forks are often like gates, and unless you have the skills, education and/or developed abilities that are needed to unlock that gate, you will be forced to go another direction--even if you would really like to explore what lies along that path beyond a particular gate (pp. 18--20).

This emphasizes the importance of accumulating and cultivating personal assets which will allow you to open those gates. Personal assets take the form of education and experience with your skills and aptitudes. At the very least, you need to know what your assets are--what you can do well or have the best possibility of doing well.

Initiative needed

Whether or not you will be able to choose certain paths in life will depend entirely upon you. It will depend on whether you have the required personal assets. This means you will have to take the initiative to discover and develop them. As the previously mentioned book points out in its conclusion, "People who want milk should not seat themselves on a stool in the middle of a field in hopes that the cow will back up to them" (p. 130). Each person needs to take the initiative to improve his or her chances for success in life. That's why planning for the future is so important.

Many people dream of success, but the planning that is needed to accomplish our goals goes well beyond just dreaming. Dreaming about future success can be enjoyable. But dreaming does little to bring that dream into reality. It doesn't develop any personal assets. The critical difference between dreaming and planning is that planning takes one beyond the dream. It involves working toward a means of making the dream a reality.

For example, a young person who is interested in aviation can dream about flying. He can imagine what it would be like to have the freedom of a bird to soar above the clouds. He can dream of how it would feel to have the freedom to go in any direction. But

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those dreams will never become reality unless some steps are taken to make that dream come true. It will take work to move that dream into the category of a plan for the future. This requires action and doing some research. It requires finding and talking to people in the field of aviation. It requires finding out what steps need to be taken and how to come up with the money for flying lessons or to attend a school of aeronautics.

Make no mistake about it. It does require work on your part. Perhaps this is why so many people find it easier to just dream and not develop a plan for life. Proverbs 13:11 (Living Bible) teaches the benefit of hard work saying, "Wealth from gambling quickly disappears; wealth from hard work grows." Other passages also point out the benefit of work and that mere talk without work is of no benefit (Proverbs 14:23; 28:19).

The effort of creating a plan for your life will be well worth it. It will help you discover and accumulate your own personal assets, which will allow you to be more in control of your future.

Anyone can just drift and take life as it comes. Those who do so will be like that leaf that is totally at the mercy of the currents in a stream. But those who make definite plans in life will find they are more like a person with a paddle in a canoe or raft. They will not just be at the mercy of the currents. They will have the ability to choose the direction they want to go as they travel the river of life. It will take some work. But it is well worth it in the end.

Where will you be in a few years? The answer to that question is largely up to you. An old German proverb says, "You have to take life as it happens, but you should try to make it happen the way you want to take it." Don't just drift in life. Create a plan for it so you can help shape it.

In the next article in this series, we will consider how people can find career paths that "fit" them. Be sure to continue reading "How to Plan Your Life" so you will have the best chance for success.

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How to Increase Your Intelligence Are people just born either smart or dumb? Is there anything you can do about it?

by David Treybig

Is "book smarts" all that counts? No doubt, obtaining a good education is a great investment for the future. Parents, teachers and community leaders regularly give such advice. And it is well founded. The book of Proverbs, written specifically to younger people, tells its readers to "Get wisdom. Get understanding" because "Wisdom is the principal thing" (Proverbs 4:5, 7). But what if you don't do well in school? Is there anything you can do to increase your chances for success?

Over the last century, American psychologists have tried to find ways to measure wisdom or intelligence. Testing a person's IQ (intelligence quotient) has been one of the most widely used measures of potential success. For example, a test developed by psychologist Lewis Terman at Stanford University was widely administered to approximately two million American men during World War I to determine their intelligence. It was assumed that people were simply born smart or dumb and there was nothing they could do about it. Based on this newly devised test to measure IQ, the men serving in the U.S. military during World War I were assigned duties according to their perceived intelligence.

Similar to the IQ test, grade point averages and college entrance exams (such as the SAT and ACT) have also been used to determine a person's intelligence and as predictors of success. But over the years, many people began to realize that these indicators of intelligence were not guarantees of success. In fact, many apparently intelligent people have failed to live up to their perceived abilities. Valedictorians and people with perfect scores on their college entrance exams have been known to flounder in the real world outside of the classroom. And others with much lower scores have often turned out to be more successful in life than it was thought possible.

How could so many apparent contradictions be explained? Furthermore, is it possible to increase your intelligence? The surprising answer to this second question is, "Yes, some forms of intelligence can be developed." The purpose of this article is to identify things a young person can do to increase his or her intelligence and overall success in life. But before we consider these questions, we need to understand what is meant by intelligence.

Measuring intelligence

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Intelligence can be measured in many ways. Psychologist Howard Gardner of the Harvard School of Education wrote in his book, Frames of Mind, in 1983 that intelligence leading to success should be measured over a wide spectrum of intelligences, with seven key varieties. His list included the typical verbal and mathematical tests plus five other measures including spatial capacities, kinesthetic abilities, musical gifts, interpersonal skills and inner contentment.

In 1995, Daniel Goleman added to the collective understanding on this subject with a book titled Emotional Intelligence. Addressing the failure of traditional tests to accurately predict success, he wrote: "There are widespread exceptions to the rule that IQ predicts success...[more] exceptions than cases that fit the rule. At best, IQ contributes about 20 percent to the factors that determine life success, which leaves 80 percent to other forces" (p. 34).

According to this noted psychologist, one of the concepts representing these "other forces" is emotional intelligence - a brain function quite distinct from the verbal and mathematical-logical functions most often measured. As Goleman explained, "In a sense we have two brains, two minds - and two different kinds of intelligence: rational and emotional. How we do in life is determined by both - it is not just IQ, but emotional intelligence that matters" (p. 28). When Goleman speaks of emotional intelligence, he is referring to self-awareness, character and the ability to control impulse. The presence of these characteristics seems to be a better indicator of future success than the purely rational skills.


Interestingly, when the Bible instructs us to seek wisdom and understanding, it does so with the expectation that we can obtain this kind of emotional intelligence - it makes no sense to encourage someone to attempt something that is impossible to obtain. The importance of developing character -- the ability to control our emotions and actions -- is also addressed in the Bible. Proverbs 16:32 says, "He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city." Learning to rule our spirit, that is, control our thoughts and feelings, is a form of intelligence that can be developed.

News stories abound where emotionally unstable people seemingly go crazy and shoot up a school or business when they feel that they have been mistreated. In such cases, rational thought and emotional control seem to be thrown out the proverbial window. The missing ingredient in so many of these tragedies is character - the ability to know right from wrong, choose right and carry out the right, godly action regardless of the circumstances.

Some people mistakenly believe character means denying all emotions. But such is not the case. Emotions have the potential to provide richness to life that is simply unattainable through other means. Those who have watched the television show Star Trek: The Next Generation have seen the curious observations of the character Data, an emotionless android, who tries to learn what it is like to have human emotions. This character comes to understand that though he has more rational knowledge and dexterity than any human, his lack of emotions prevents him from being human. He is emotionally neutral since he is unable to relish a great accomplishment or feel the sorrow of defeat or loss of a friend.

Emotional intelligence or character simply means living in a balanced way. Rational thought and emotions are balanced - neither completely dominating the other. When balance is not maintained, our life flounders. While the absence of emotion makes life bland and boring, overly intense emotions held for too long a period of time can undermine stability. Given this understanding, managing our moods and thoughts becomes a full-time job.

The key to emotional intelligence

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Psychologists have discovered that emotionally intelligent people have a number of coping skills to balance the ups and downs that seem to accompany everyone's life. Such individuals seem to be keenly aware of their feelings and able to adjust their moods as needed. Relationship skills and dealing with anger are two areas where the presence of emotional intelligence is quickly apparent.

Concerning relationships, those possessing this type of intelligence are able to sense the feelings of others around them and positively influence others as the occasion may warrant. In dealing with anger, these same people have learned how to soften or dissuade their anger. They are not necessarily push-overs or apathetic; they may clearly explain their dissatisfaction. But they do so without losing control or going into a senseless rage.

According to the Bible, the key to this emotional intelligence lies in the mind. As a man "thinks in his heart, so is he" (Proverbs 23:7). To help us develop and grow into our fullest potential, the Bible is filled with scriptures explaining how to think and act. In simplest terms, we are told to imitate Christ in the way He thought and conducted Himself (Philippians 2:5; 1 John 2:6). We are to let His mind be in us.

Increasing our intelligence

Now that we understand the emotional side of intelligence, we can address the question of how to increase our overall intelligence. Developing emotional maturity through the study of God's Word and learning to model the behavior He desires are vital parts of living a successful life. Unfortunately, many people do not realize the critical importance God places upon this aspect of our education.

If you would like to learn more about the behaviors and thinking God expects of us, request your copies of Making Life Work and Transforming Your Life. Both of these booklets are available free of charge from the United Church of God. Copies may be requested through our Web site at www.ucg.org. They are also available for viewing or downloading from our literature library on the same site.

Learning to think like God definitely increases our emotional intelligence. Why not enhance your education in this vital field as well as in the more traditional areas? You have nothing to lose and much to gain.

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Ask Youth - Questions and Answers The following questions and answers represent issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice. If you have a question you would like to have answered, please send it in. Just click on the "Submit a Question" link in the upper right hand corner to begin your e-mail.

Q Why shouldn't we wear a cross as a sign of being a Christian? Answer:

Having a desire to let our light shine and to share our faith are positive goals! In order to answer this specific question, though, we must also consider the background of the cross, the New Testament record and Jesus' teaching about how to display our Christianity.

One of the first questions we might ask is, who decided that the cross was to be the sign of Christianity? This tradition of wearing a cross does not come from the Bible, or the practices of the New Testament Church. Though there are at least seven different types of crosses, we are not even certain that Jesus was crucified on a cross-like apparatus. Though crucifixion on a cross was common at the time, the Bible allows that Jesus may have been put to death on an upright pole (rendered "tree" in 1 Peter 2:24 from the Greek word stauros, which primarily means an upright stake).

A study of the history shows that the cross predates Christianity. According to author Ralph Woodrow, "Centuries before the Christian era, the cross was honored as a religious symbol by the people of Babylon. It is seen on their oldest monuments. Historians say that it was a symbol associated with TAMMUZ" (Babylonian Mystery Religion, p. 51). From Babylon, the cross spread to other nations and was associated with paganism long before Jesus' crucifixion in 31 A.D.

Woodrow further explains, "It was not until Christianity began to be paganized that the cross came to be thought of as a Christian symbol. It was in 431 A.D. that crosses in churches and chambers were introduced, while the use of crosses on steeples did not come until about 586 A.D." (p. 50).

While most people today connect the cross with Christianity rather than paganism, we must also ask if the cross is something to be worshiped or honored. While the apostles preached "the cross [stauros]" as part of the history of Christ's ministry for our sakes (1 Corinthians 1:17-18), it was not something they idolized. It was a shameful instrument of death (Hebrews 12:2). In His crucifixion, Jesus took on Himself our shameful sins. Having our sins forgiven is a wonderful blessing, but there is no need to glorify the instrument used.

Finally, consider what the Bible teaches about wearing any religious symbol. Under the Old Covenant that God made with ancient Israel, God instructed them to wear reminders of their faith upon their hands (Deuteronomy 6:8; 11:18). In fulfillment of this command, phylacteries, small leather boxes containing scriptural passages, were traditionally worn by Jewish men during their morning weekday prayers. Many did this to appear righteous to others (Matthew 23:5).

During His New Testament ministry, Jesus taught His followers to display their spirituality through

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their actions and deeds (Matthew 5:16). Under the New Covenant, ushered in by Christ, God's laws are to be written on our hearts--that is, in our minds (Hebrews 8:10; 10:16). People who truly practice the Christianity of the Bible stand out as beacons of light in a spiritually darkened society because of the way they live. They have no need to wear external signs like a cross to identify themselves as Christian.

If you would like learn more about the history of the cross and how this pagan symbol entered Christianity, read chapters 6 and 7 of Ralph Woodrow's book, Babylon Mystery Religion. These two chapters are respectively titled "Is the Cross a Christian Symbol?" and "Constantine and the Cross."

Q What happens to people when they die? Answer:

The Bible clearly shows us that individuals who have died are resting in peace in their graves until the time of a resurrection (John 5:28; Ecclesiastes 9:5). Paul, in 1 Corinthians 15, explains in detail how the dead will be resurrected from their graves. The Bible does not say we go to heaven when we die (John 3:13), nor does it say that God will punish sinners forever in a hell fire. These beliefs come from the false concept of an immortal soul, as well as a misunderstanding of Jesus' teachings about our reward, and how some will be punished.

Jesus was in His grave for three days and three nights and only had life again when His Father resurrected Him. This is also what happens to all individuals who die. The dead await the time of the resurrection when they will be given life once again (Daniel 12:2).

If you would like to learn more about this subject, request your free copies of the two booklets What Happens After Death? and Heaven & Hell--What Does the Bible Really Teach? Both are also available for viewing or downloading from our literature library at www.ucg.org.

Q What is wrong with playing sports on the Sabbath? Answer:

There are two fundamental principles involved in keeping the seventh-day Sabbath. First, it is a day of rest and, second, we are to uphold the spiritual intent of the day. God wants us to be renewed both physically and spiritually. Designed for this purpose, the Sabbath is a gift from God and not a burden. It is for our own well being (Mark 2:27).

When one is involved in playing sports on the Sabbath, it is generally a physically and mentally enervating experience for purely secular reasons--something contrary to the purpose of the Sabbath. In contrast to other days of the week, God says the Sabbath is holy time--time set apart as different from other time during the week (Genesis 2:3)--and it has a specific spiritual purpose.

We keep the Sabbath holy only by refraining from work or pursuits that are intended for the other six days of the week. If we were participating in a sport on the Sabbath, it would distract our attention from the intended purpose of the day. Furthermore, we would be using God's time for our own selfish pursuits and, therefore, we would no longer be keeping the Sabbath holy.

In this society that ignores God's Commandments, the Sabbath can be a test of our faith. But when we call it a delight and not a burden, it then becomes a great blessing to our lives and God rewards us richly (Isaiah 58:13-14). The Sabbath is a time for resting from our normal activities and focusing on spiritual priorities.

Q Were Adam and Eve really the first humans? Isn't there evidence of humans before them?

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If we believe the Bible is God's revelation to us, then we believe that the first man was Adam. Scriptures tell us that Eve "was the mother of all living" (Genesis 3:20). In the New Testament, Christ and the other writers reference accounts in Genesis, including Adam, Eve and the worldwide Flood as the beginning of human history. In 1 Corinthians 15:20-22, 45, 47, for example, God tells us that the first man was Adam. All humans are created in the image of God, come under judgment of God and are appointed to die once.

But what about human-like fossils that scientists say predate Adam? First, we need to understand that science often presents theories in ways that suggest they are facts when they are really still theories. There are also serious problems with radiometric dating--one of the so-called proofs of science. Some fossil bones that evolutionists claim to be those of prehistoric humans are probably from monkeys or other animals. Misshapen bones can also be from humans who suffered from diseases such as rickets, which distort the bones.

Whatever creatures may have lived prior to Adam and Eve, and however closely they may resemble the human form (such as gorillas or monkeys do), it is a misnomer to call them "men." The Bible says man was created by God, in the image of God, at the time of Adam and Eve, made to be offered eternal life in the very family of God, made to come under judgment, and is promised a resurrection from the dead. Anything that came before Adam should not be called "man." Other life forms, including dinosaurs, likely existed prior to Adam and Eve--but Adam and Eve were the first humans as we know them today.

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