what is cancer

What Is Cancer? By Annie Pierce www.yournaturalcancercure.com

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Not many people know exactly what causes Cancer, especially the so-called "professionals", but Annie Pierce understand the disease perfectly, and because of this, she also understands the most direct CURE for this miraculous disease!


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What Is Cancer?

By Annie Piercewww.yournaturalcancercure.com

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Most people throughout the

Medical Industry are pretty-much in agreement in their definition of Cancer.

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Wikipedia offers these two definitions:

1. The disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body.

2. A malignant growth or tumor resulting from such a division of cells

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While everyone identifies

and agrees with the

uncontrolled cell duplication

of abnormal cells,

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I haven’t seen anyone

from the “Medical Industry”

examining two very important

aspects of the primarily accepted definition,

which must be considered, if one is to fully understand this amazing disease:

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How and Why Does this Happen?

1. Why or how did these cells become “abnormal” in the first place?


2. Why are they “duplicating uncontrollably”?

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If you look carefully at the wording

of the first definition, “The disease caused by…”, which, means to me that the

uncontrolled division of abnormal cells actually causes the Cancer to become

present, and that is NOT the case!

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I think it would be more accurate

to say that “Cancer is the disease characterized by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body, because

the uncontrolled division of abnormal cells IS the disease itself!

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So my definition just replaces one word:

DEFINITION: Cancer is the disease characterized by an uncontrolled division

of abnormal cells

in any part of the body.

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The REAL Problem Is…

I think that it is important to understand that Cancer is NOT THE PROBLEM, but just one

of the many SYMPTOMS of a more

serious problem called


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And not enough people

in the Medical Profession

are talking about that

one single significant fact!

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they always want to focus

on killing, destroying, or disabling

the CANCER CELL itself,

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…rather than addressing

the oxygen-deficient conditions

in the body, which actually

cause the cancer cells to materialize!

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Our normal healthy

body cells are AEROBIC,

which means that

they thrive on oxygen,

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…but when the oxygen level

“dips” below 65% of the preferred,

healthy Oxygen level

in ANY part of our body,

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…the cells in that area

click into “SURVIVAL MODE”,

which means that they are going

to do whatever it takes

to “survive” in the current

Oxygen-Deficient environment,

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…even to the point of


into another (ANAEROBIC)

cellular form, that does not

need oxygen to survive, in fact,

can thrive with NO OXYGEN at all!

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How Oxygen-Deficiency Causes Cancer

Cancer starts with the Deficiency of Oxygen!

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…And what do they do next after transforming?...

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Multiply as fast

as they can


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Cancer is a Miracle!

Now, when you think about it,

this ability of our body cells

to make such drastic

transformations for survival,

is nothing less than miraculous,

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…and further demonstrates

the “genius” of

our CREATOR when

the human body was designed!

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What Are Tumors?

And when the cancer cells

increase in numbers

that become disruptive

and overbearing to

the normal cells in the near vicinity,

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…the body tries very hard

to contain them,

by bagging them up,

along with all of their

toxic waste products,

into “trash bags”,

which we call tumors.

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When this occurs,

our body hopes that

we figure out how to

increase the oxygen level

in that particular part of our body,

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…so that our Immune System

will eventually “kick-in”,

and the “unruly bunch” of cells

can be destroyed and eliminated.

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If the oxygen deficiency issue

is NOT addressed, however,

then we put ourselves

in danger of the cancer cells

expanding beyond the tumor,

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…and spreading to other

oxygen-deficient areas

in our body.

This is called metastasis.

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This is one reason why

I fail to understand why

our “learned” physicians seem to

always want to cut

a little piece of the tumor off

(perform a biopsy)

Causes of Metastasis …

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and examine the cells

to see if they are

malignant, or benign!

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Once they find out

that it is malignant,

they have already put a “hole”

in the body’s “trash bag”

to let the unruly Cancer cells escape!

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Similarly, when we allow

a surgeon to surgically remove

a cancerous tumor, unless they remove a large portion of surrounding normal

healthy cellular tissue during the surgery,

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…they usually leave

behind some of the cancer cells,

which, again, travel to yet

another oxygen-deficient area

and continue to grow rapidly!

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…and thereby actually

causing the very

devastating result that

they were trying to prevent!

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Now, how smart

is that???

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Have We Lost Our Common Sense?

I’m not a doctor,

but it seems that

when a tumor develops

anywhere in the body,

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…that you should

automatically ASSUME

it to be cancerous,

and treat it accordingly …

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…simply because it’s

an abnormal growth and

collection of abnormal cellular tissue,

which doesn’t belong there!

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It needs to be “treated”

with natural, gentle methods

that preserve the normal cells,

while attacking only the cancer cells;

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…not CUT, or POISONED,

or BURNED out,

all of which destroy,

not only the cancer cells,

but normal healthy cells as well!

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And what REALLY irritates me,

is that Doctors have known

since the 1920’s that Surgery

doesn’t stop Cancer,

and yet they still perform

Mastectomy Operations like they’re

going out of style…

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…and maybe they are,

as increasingly more and

more women stop falling for the

Breast Cancer “hype”

and fear tactics performed by

their very own Doctors,

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…and become educated

with understanding about

the true causes

and nature of Cancer!

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And Doctors know the truth…

Dr. G. Everett Field, director of the Radium Institute of New York, observed in the 1920s: “Blindly we have been attacking cancer in its advanced stages for many generations with surgical effort, only to find prompt recurrence after removal.”

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About Mammograms…

It truly pains me to see

how many women are

getting regularly scheduled


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…whose radiation levels

have been proven

to actually cause Cancer!

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So now, I’ve noticed that they have made Mammograms absolutely FREE,

knowing that eventually, the frequent Mammogram radiation exposures

will ultimately cause the

Cancer cells that they seek, to appear!

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…And they will have yet,

another willing participant in the


Suffering, Death and

Destruction for Dollars!

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So, you may ask,

“How do we raise and

maintain the oxygen level

throughout our bodies,

and keep it from ever

reaching that

critical 35% deficiency level…

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which forces our cells

to go into “survival mode”

and transform themselves

into frantic Cancer cells?”

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There are several

alternative and natural therapies

to accomplish that,

some of which are discussed in

My next Video Tutorial

“Understanding the Simplicity

of Curing Cancer”.

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For more information…

Visit one or all of our websites…




Or send any specific

Questions, suggestions, or comments to:

[email protected]

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This Video!