what is attraction marketing and how can i use it to build my business?

Attraction Marketing Revealed: What is attraction marketing and how can you use it? Sometime in 2008, Mike Dillard released

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Attraction Marketing Revealed: What is attraction marketing and how can you use it?

Sometime in 2008, Mike Dillard released

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his industry famous book - "magnetic sponsoring" and since then, the concept of 'attraction marketing' was born.

Before The method was made popular by

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Dillard, a few people had been using it successfully without really knowing what they were doing and they had amazing results.

i know of someone

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for example,who recruited 17 people in a single evening and built a downline of over 3000 people in a year using these techniques before the book came out.

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On this presentation,i am going to answer the question: What is attraction Marketing?

Before i get started,i want to explain why understanding this

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concept is highly crucial for you to succeed in MLM and network


EVERY single successful network marketer uses these

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concepts to generate hundreds of ultra responsive leads super fast for free, sponsor more people,'inject' cash into their business and to build a multiple 4,5,6 figure

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'Attraction Marketing' is simply a method of marketing where you

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'attract' people to join you in your business without any form of 'begging' or harrasment.

You see, what 95% of network marketers do is to chase down

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prospects,buy overpriced leads,harass friends and family to join their business and cold call leads

What 'attraction marketing' does is to

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completely eliminate buying of leads,cold calling and all the bizarre ways that people try to recruit people into their MLM company.

People are naturally

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attracted to people in power and what this method of marketing does is to position YOU as a leader in the eyes of your prospects making them 'attracted' to you.

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When you use this concept correctly,

You will get emails

and phone calls from

people who have a

credit card in hand

and want to join you

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in your business.This

means you become

something like the

'hunted' instead of

the 'hunter' :)


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The concept of attraction marketing is very simple.

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Make yourself valuable

Instead of promoting

your business opportunity on the front end,you promote a generic

product. when you do

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this,you will be able

to instantly inject

cash into your

business and

generate an

unlimited leads for


Let Me Give You A

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Practical Example

Say i was promoting my primary opportunity, i will promote a generic capture page that offers free training

-When someone opts

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in, they are then redirected to a sales letter.

Because the product is a 'hot' product that works and that network marketers need to be successful,they will

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end up buying it if they are ever going to be successful

- When They buy, i get a nice commission check that completely erases the cost of my advertising

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-I Then send them a mail or give them a phone call and direct them to join my business opportunity

That is a basic Overview of how 'attraction marketing'

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For YOU to successfully use this concept, you need a generic product and training system that marketers need and cannot do without

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Now,if you are ready for massive results using these concepts (just like i have done) to generate over a 120 leads in a single day and sponsor 5 people within minutes,then you are

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ready toDiscover the My Top Tier Business System Model

Using the concepts of attraction marketing and top tier sales,you are guaranteed to make at least $1,000 in the next 30 days or

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the developer of the system will send you $500!

Go ahead,click the link below and check it out!www.workwithpraise.com/1kin30days