what is alcoholism?

What is Alcoholism? Alcoholism is a social problem and if you have person with drinking problem you can very well relate to this article that will in detail describe the stages how a casual drinks at a social gathering gradually becomes a problem and the person consuming alcohol becomes a burden to the family and the society. Alcohol as we all know is part of many social events and people drink for fun but Alcoholism is not fun, in fact it is a progressive and chronic disease. Wondering what is Alcoholism? Well, it a situation in the life of a person when he has problems in controlling drinking.

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What is Alcoholism?

Alcoholism is a social problem and if you have person with drinking problem you can very well relate to this article that will in detail describe the stages how a casual drinks at a social gathering gradually becomes a problem and the person consuming alcohol becomes a burden to the family and the society.

Alcohol as we all know is part of many social events and people drink for fun but Alcoholism is not fun, in fact it is a progressive and chronic disease. Wondering what is Alcoholism? Well, it a situation in the life of a person when he has problems in controlling drinking.

Read More: Experts Definition of What is Alcoholism

They become preoccupied with alcohol, continue to use alcohol even when it is causing problems. The person suffering from alcoholism usually keeps on increasing the quantity of drink intake to get the same effect. What makes the situation worse is that the person starts suffering from withdrawal symptoms when he/she rapidly decreases or stops drinking.

In case of alcoholism, the person cannot consistently predict how much you’ll drink, how long you’ll drink, or what consequences will occur from your drinking.

But alcoholism has stages and for intervention and cure we need to understand these stages.

Stage one is when a person drinking starts creating problem. In this case when you drink too much it creates repeated problems in your life. So, over drinking is creating problem but and this stage you are not completely dependent on alcohol.

What is Alcoholism?

Read More: Alcohol Abuse can Lead to Poisoning

The next stage is binge drinking here one can see a pattern of drinking where a person consumes very high quantity of drink in one go. For males this quantity is five or more drinks in a row, and for a female it is four or more drinks in a row.

And the third and the final stage is alcoholism all these stages are vulnerable to the same health risks and social problems associated with alcoholism. The point to keep in mind is that if you this problem you will need expert support to get over it.

What is Alcoholism?