what is a website 2010?

What is a Website? A buyer’s guide to spending the budget where it counts

Upload: simont1952

Post on 19-Jun-2015




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If you are thinking about investing in a website - what should you be careful to consider first?


  • 1. What is a Website? A buyers guide to spending the budget where it counts

2. Objective

  • How to recognise the value difference and identify what you need to buy when you want your website to generate leads for you.
    • You know why you would buy a BMW rather than a Kia (or visa versa!)
    • Do you know where the value lies between a 500 website and a 5000 or 50,000 website?

3. CODE (What you cannot see) PAINTWORK & LAYOUT (What you see) CONTENT People generally buys this as it is the only thing they can see. Web designers tend to come from either a graphic design or technical background. People get what they are given but the wrong choice could mean having to do it all again in 2-3 years time. This is the only thing Google can see; it is the main factorin attracting traffic to your website and it is what the Website Designer expects you to give him. Below this line all is invisible to human beings Everything this side is delivered by the website designer 4. CODE (What you cannot see) PAINTWORK & LAYOUT (What you see) CONTENT Decision #1: What traffic do I want to attract to my website form the search engines? Get a content plan for the first 12 months. Additionally, you will need to know the other SEO and SMO activity required to compete for a page 1 of Google slot; or know if that is not achievable at your planned budget. Decision #2: What choices does the technology selected for me provide in terms of extending functionality and changing the graphics without rebuilding the website?Decision #3: Who shall I select to do the paint job? 5. Content CONTENT Text Pictures Graphic Images Flash animation Video Audio Invisible content: Page headings Alt-tags on pictures Visual pixels x pixels Picture & Graphic sizes Descriptions for Search Engines Content optimisation File sizes - kilobytes Accessibility laws Number 1 !! is King! If you must! Not too much mind. 6. So where should your budget go?

  • None of the above!!!!!

Until you know

  • Who you want to attract to the site
  • What they will expect to see when they get there
  • How are you going to get them to: - Pick up the phone - Email an enquiry - Download a coupon or white paper - Buy something!
  • How many searches are there
  • How many customers do you need to get
  • Total customer value!

7. Simon Thompson Internet Business Consultant 0845 331 2728 www.InternetMarketingWorcester.co.uk