what is a cat?. introduction computer adaptive test + performance task

What is a CAT?

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Post on 14-Dec-2015




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What is a CAT? Slide 2 Introduction Slide 3 Slide 4 COMPUTER ADAPTIVE TEST + performance task Slide 5 What is a CAT? C A T COMPUTER ADAPTIVE TEST C-A-T CAT Often referred to as C-A-T or a CAT Slide 6 The Computer Part of a CAT Slide 7 What is a CAT? COMPUTER Slide 8 What is a CAT? More efficient and appropriate for students than a typical paper-and-pencil test COMPUTER Slide 9 What is a CAT? Allows students to have more engaging test questions from the real world COMPUTER Slide 10 What is a CAT? Items might include videos or audio, PowerPoint slides, or interactive test questions. COMPUTER Slide 11 What is a CAT? allows students flexibility and accessibility puts the student in control gives access to helpful tools and resources COMPUTER Slide 12 What is a CAT? Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations Guidelines Can be found on the Smarter Balanced website. Slide 13 The Test Part of a CAT Slide 14 What is a CAT? TEST The online assessments are designed to assess how well a student has mastered the expectations of the Common Core State Standards in both English language arts or mathematics for his or her grade level. Slide 15 The Adaptive Part of a CAT Slide 16 What is a CAT? ADAPTIVE ADAPTIVE COMPUTER ADAPTIVE TEST Slide 17 What is a CAT? In the adaptive portion of the online assessments, the questions (or items) are chosen for each student so that the test is neither too hard nor too easy. ADAPTIVE Slide 18 What is a CAT? While the CAT is adaptive, it operates from logical rules that can be inspected or examined, and that are known and published. ADAPTIVE Slide 19 What is a CAT? COMPUTER ADAPTIVE TEST Provides a unique and effective way to test what a student has learned Slide 20 What is a CAT? ADAPTIVE COMPUTER ADAPTIVE TEST ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Slide 21 Copyright 2013 by Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. Slide 22 How can a CAT do that? Slide 23 What is a CAT? CAT How can a CAT do that? 1)Bank of Test Items 2)A Recommended Blueprint 3)Programming (or Algorithm) 4)Algorithm Constraints Slide 24 What is a CAT? Slide 25 ? ? ? ? ? ? Slide 26 ? ? ? ? ? ? Slide 27 How does it know which question to pick? Slide 28 What is a CAT? Test Blueprint focuses the selection of questions from the test bank to the appropriate content so the structure of the test is similar for every student selects the precise questions based on the individual students responses to previous questions in the test Slide 29 What is a CAT? ELA, Item Code: 123456 Claim 1, Target 3 Slide 30 What is a CAT? Important Rules to make the test Balance (Enough of the Concept?) Question Type (Selected Response? Constructed Response?) Reading Length (Short? Medium? Long?) Difficulty (Appropriate for the Grade Level?) Slide 31 How does a CAT work for the student? Slide 32 What is a CAT? How will it work for me? Slide 33 How will it work for the student? The test starts with an item from a pre- determined difficulty level. It may be based on average difficulty for the grade, or it may be based on information known about the student from previous tests. Slide 34 How will it work for the student? Question Selection The student receives questions based on his or her response to the previous questions. The computer program quickly selects a new question after reviewing how well the student performed on all the previous questions. Based on the responses, the program selects a question that fits the test blueprint and gives the best information about what the student knows. This is how a CAT can customize each test so it is an accurate measure of any students skills. Slide 35 How will it work for the student? Questions will ADAPT If the student continues to answer questions correctly, the questions covering the blueprint will continue to get more challenging. If the student starts missing the answers to questions, the program will start to select questions that are easier. The program adapts to how the student is performing. Slide 36 How will it work for the student? Responses Because the program knows which questions are harder and which are easier, several students may have answered a similar number of questions correctly, but the student who has answered the more challenging questions correctly will achieve a higher score. Slide 37 How will it work for the student? That's it! A students score is based on the difficulty of the items that were right or wrong, not on the total number of correct answers. Of course, it all seems so simple when described like this. But there is a very complex process happening within the CAT engine to make all of these determinations simultaneously with predictability built in. Slide 38 CAT Review Slide 39 CAT Defined Introduction Lets review the parts that make up a CAT C COMPUTER A ADAPTIVE T TEST ComputerAdaptiveTest Slide 40 CAT Defined The COMPUTER is important in CAT because It makes the test more efficient and appropriate for every student; It allows students more flexibility and accessibility during testing; and It has the ability to include videos, audio, PowerPoint slides, and interactive test items. ComputerAdaptiveTest Slide 41 CAT Defined The ADAPTIVE part of the CAT makes the test unique for every student: It looks to see if the student response is correct. It selects the next question to build a custom-made test for each student. ComputerTestAdaptive Slide 42 CAT Defined The online test is testing how well a student has mastered the expectations of the Common Core State Standards in English language arts (ELA) and mathematics. The test ends when the student has answered a sufficient number of questions that satisfy the requirements of the blueprint and provide a good estimate of the students proficiency. ComputerAdaptiveTest Slide 43 Better Assessment Results Slide 44 What is a CAT? How does a CAT provide better assessment results? With a CAT, each student will demonstrate the level of his or her content knowledge based on the item selection that adjusts to his or her particular responses. Slide 45 How does a CAT provide better assessment results? It is ACCURATE It is INDIVIDUALIZED It is SECURE It is EFFICIENT It delivers FAST RESULTS This provides a testing experience that is a more accurate way to evaluate mastery of a subject by minimizing the difference between what a test score indicates and a students actual knowledge and abilities. Slide 46 How does a CAT provide better assessment results? It is ACCURATE It is INDIVIDUALIZED It is SECURE It is EFFICIENT It delivers FAST RESULTS Because the program knows which questions are harder and which are easier, the student will see items that are neither too easy nor too hard. Slide 47 How does a CAT provide better assessment results? It is ACCURATE It is INDIVIDUALIZED It is SECURE It is EFFICIENT It delivers FAST RESULTS Not all students receive the same questions; therefore, cheating is more difficult than it would be on a paper test with fewer items and with paper forms that can be copied. Slide 48 How does a CAT provide better assessment results? It is ACCURATE It is INDIVIDUALIZED It is SECURE It is EFFICIENT It delivers FAST RESULTS It provides items in an order that best determines a students proficiency. Slide 49 How does a CAT provide better assessment results? It is ACCURATE It is INDIVIDUALIZED It is SECURE It is EFFICIENT It delivers FAST RESULTS Many items are scored in real time by the computer. Student test scores and reports are not delivered until the entire test, including parts requiring human scoring, has been evaluated. Slide 50 How does a CAT provide better assessment results? It is ACCURATE It is INDIVIDUALIZED It is SECURE It is EFFICIENT It delivers FAST RESULTS The students testing experience will be their very own and will provide them with the chance to show what they know. Slide 51 What is a CAT? Now you know! Slide 52 For more information, please visit: www.smarterbalanced.org