what impact does medicines shortages have on patients? a

RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access What impact does medicines shortages have on patients? A qualitative study exploring patientsexperience and views of healthcare professionals Muhammad Atif 1* , Azka Sehar 1 , Iram Malik 1 , Irem Mushtaq 2 , Nafees Ahmad 3 and Zaheer-Ud-Din Babar 4 Abstract Background: The shortage of medicines represents a complex global phenomenon that triggers patient care and safety issues. The study was undertaken to explore the impact of medicines shortages on patients in Pakistan. The study also identified barriers which hinder the solutions of medicines shortages issue. Methods: A qualitative study design was adopted and the data was collected in stages between July and September 2019using an in-depth interview approach. The purposive and convenient sampling strategy was used to recruit the study participants. Sample size was limited by using the saturation point criteria. All interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed using thematic analysis. Results: A total of 35 stakeholders including 13 physicians, 12 pharmacists and 10 patients participated in the study. The findings of the study were classified into five key themes and seven subthemes. The five themes included, impact of medicine shortages on patients, patientspractices in response to medicine shortages, influence of medicines shortages on medical practice or pharmaceutical business, barriers to solutions for medicines shortages, and suggestions to assuage the impact of medicine shortages.This study showed that the medicine shortages had significant clinical and financial impact on patients. Patientsopted for a number of risk- prone practices to avoid treatment disruption during shortages. An array of pharmaceutical market, medicines quality and patient related factors refrain physicians to switch from brand name medicine to generics and lead to ineffective management of medicines shortages. Promotion of generic prescription, implementation of punitive policies and proper patient consultation was advised to assuage the impact of medicine shortages on patients. Conclusion: The adverse clinical, economic and humanistic impact affirmed in this study demand the introduction of risk-management strategies for medicines shortages in hospital and community settings in accordance with the international standards. Promotion of effective patient counselling by the healthcare professionals to deter risk- prone practices associated with medicines shortages is mandatory. Keywords: Medicines shortages, Impact, Access to medicines, Generic substitution, Essential medicines, Drug regulatory Authority of Pakistan © The Author(s). 2021 Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data. * Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected] 1 Department of Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmacy, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, Pakistan Full list of author information is available at the end of the article Atif et al. BMC Health Services Research (2021) 21:827 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-021-06812-7

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Page 1: What impact does medicines shortages have on patients? A


What impact does medicines shortageshave on patients? A qualitative studyexploring patients’ experience and views ofhealthcare professionalsMuhammad Atif1* , Azka Sehar1, Iram Malik1, Irem Mushtaq2, Nafees Ahmad3 and Zaheer-Ud-Din Babar4


Background: The shortage of medicines represents a complex global phenomenon that triggers patient care andsafety issues. The study was undertaken to explore the impact of medicines shortages on patients in Pakistan. Thestudy also identified barriers which hinder the solutions of medicines shortages issue.

Methods: A qualitative study design was adopted and the data was collected in stages between July andSeptember 2019using an in-depth interview approach. The purposive and convenient sampling strategy was usedto recruit the study participants. Sample size was limited by using the saturation point criteria. All interviews wereaudio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed using thematic analysis.

Results: A total of 35 stakeholders including 13 physicians, 12 pharmacists and 10 patients participated in thestudy. The findings of the study were classified into five key themes and seven subthemes. The five themesincluded, ‘impact of medicine shortages on patients’, ‘patients’ practices in response to medicine shortages’,‘influence of medicines shortages on medical practice or pharmaceutical business’, ‘barriers to solutions formedicines shortages’, and ‘suggestions to assuage the impact of medicine shortages.’This study showed that themedicine shortages had significant clinical and financial impact on patients. Patients’ opted for a number of risk-prone practices to avoid treatment disruption during shortages. An array of pharmaceutical market, medicinesquality and patient related factors refrain physicians to switch from brand name medicine to generics and lead toineffective management of medicines shortages. Promotion of generic prescription, implementation of punitivepolicies and proper patient consultation was advised to assuage the impact of medicine shortages on patients.

Conclusion: The adverse clinical, economic and humanistic impact affirmed in this study demand the introductionof risk-management strategies for medicines shortages in hospital and community settings in accordance with theinternational standards. Promotion of effective patient counselling by the healthcare professionals to deter risk-prone practices associated with medicines shortages is mandatory.

Keywords: Medicines shortages, Impact, Access to medicines, Generic substitution, Essential medicines, Drugregulatory Authority of Pakistan

© The Author(s). 2021 Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License,which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you giveappropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate ifchanges were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commonslicence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commonslicence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtainpermission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to thedata made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data.

* Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected] of Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmacy, The IslamiaUniversity of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, PakistanFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

Atif et al. BMC Health Services Research (2021) 21:827 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-021-06812-7

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BackgroundAccess to affordable essential medicines is a fundamen-tal human right and Target 3.8 of the Sustainable Devel-opment Goals [1]. Nevertheless, according to the WorldHealth Organization (WHO), nearly one-third of theworld’s population has limited access to safe, effectiveand quality pharmacological therapies [2, 3]. Although,the dilemma of medicines shortages is not new, its fre-quency and severity is intensifying at seemingly inexor-able pace [4, 5]. Increasing trends in medicines shortageshave been documented in many developed and develop-ing nations, such as the United States (US), the Unitedkingdom (UK), Canada, China, Israel, Australia, Fiji,Finland and Iran etc. [5–14]. Healthcare professionalsand healthcare systems around the globe expend mil-lions of hours and hundreds of millions of dollars on themanagement of medicines shortages [15]. Medicinesshortages affect a variety of medicines from variouspharmacological groups, ranging from medicines forcommunicable to non-communicable diseases [5, 9, 16–18]. Contributing factors to medicines shortages emergemostly from disturbance at any point in the delicatepharmaceutical supply chain.Considering the complexity and kaleidoscopic nature

of the problem, the International Pharmaceutical Feder-ation has advocated country-specific investigations to as-sess various aspects of medicines shortages in-order toeffectively curb them [19]. However, according to theWHO, few low-and-middle- income countries (LMICs)have yet investigated this problem [17]. Moreover, an as-pect entirely missing from the literature worldwide is astudy of patients’ perspectives on what they actually ex-perience due to the unavailability of medicines, ashighlighted by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)Drug Shortage Task Force Report and recently publishedliterature reviews [3, 15, 20]. Medicines shortages havedrastic implications on patients [3, 15, 20]. They areknown to contribute towards adverse patient events in-cluding treatment delays, clinical complications, andsubstandard treatment and associated medication errorsand adverse drug reactions [21]. Similarly, when medi-cines are in short supply, their costs may escalate, im-posing financial burdens on patients and healthcareinstitutes [22, 23].Not an exception, Pakistan has long struggled with in-

adequate access to essential medicines [4, 24]. Appar-ently, Pakistan’s healthcare sector is committed tosynchronizing legislation with the mandates stipulated ininternational agreements to guarantee access to qualityassured medicines [25]. The timely revision of the Na-tional Essential Medicines List for the public health sec-tor in Pakistan is the responsibility of PharmacyServices, the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan(DRAP) [25]. The rules for the import of raw materials,

production, storage, distribution and sale of pharmaceu-ticals are defined under the Drugs Act, 1976 (XXXI of1976), and the DRAP guarantees its implementation[26]. Regardless of a reasonably resilient nationalpharmaceutical framework, the country routinely suffersfrom shortages of a comprehensive list of medicines fora number of demand and supply related reasons [4, 27–30]. Most recently, the COVID-19 pandemic has moreexplicitly exposed the vulnerabilities of the pharmaceut-ical supply chain and legislative protocols [24]. In thisregard, medicines shortages have become a major chal-lenge for Pakistani healthcare regulators, as it has con-siderably undermined the management of patients [24,31–33]. Furthermore, the use self-medication of sub-standard alternative medications due to lockdown drivenlimited access to healthcare professionals has raised thelikelihood of medication safety issues [24, 25, 34, 35].Despite these repercussions, there is currently a limitedresearch data on medicines shortages from Pakistan.Only two published studies – one qualitative [4] and onequantitative [36] – have examined this issue and pro-vided preliminary information about basic characteristicsof the predicament, supply related reasons for shortagesand have proposed the potential solutions. However,data about consequences of medicines shortages fromthe patient’s perspective is non-existent. Recognizing theknowledge gap, in-depth exploratory research wasundertaken with the aim to explore the direct and indir-ect impact of medicines shortages on patients. The per-spective of patients was sought with the objective toillustrate the consequences they endure. In addition, theviewpoint of physicians and pharmacists was sought withthe objective to identify the barriers which hinder thesolutions to anomaly.

MethodStudy settingThis study was conducted in the district of Bahawalpur,Punjab, Pakistan. Bahawalpur is the 12th largest city ofPakistan with an approximate population of 3,333,467people [37]. To cater to the basic health related needs ofthe population, Bahawalpur has two tertiary care publicsector hospitals; one is the Bahawal Victoria Hospital(BVH) with the capacity of 2200 beds; the second hos-pital is the Civil Hospital with 410 beds capacity. Thereare many private sector hospitals in the city, and quali-fied healthcare practitioners run their private clinics dur-ing the evening hours. A total of 500 drug retail outlets– with the majority being operated without the presenceof pharmacists – are located in Bahawalpur [38]. In thisstudy, physicians were recruited from the BVH, the CivilHospital and the private sector hospitals, while the hos-pital and community pharmacists working in the BVH,the Civil Hospital and the retail pharmacies were

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included in the study. A large number of patients attenddrug retail outlets on daily basis and hence, the patientswere recruited from drug retail outlets.

Study designA qualitative methodological approach was applied toexplore the views of patients, pharmacists and physiciansregarding impact of medicines shortages on patients. In-depth interview approach was selected to achieve thestudy objectives because this approach is suitable to ex-plore untouched issues and effectively translate the in-terviewees’ viewpoints and experiences [6]. TheConsolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research(COREQ) 32-item checklist [39] was followed to presentthe findings of this study (Supplementary File 1).

Selection of study participantsPurposive sampling accompanied by convenience sam-pling was used to engage participants [40]. In the firststage, all healthcare professionals (HCPs) were purpos-ively approached during working hours through tele-phone call or personal visit and invited to participateafter explaining the brief intent of the study. Additionalinformation concerning the study was provided to themon demand. In the second step, those who consented toparticipate in the study were face-to-face interviewed attheir offices, residences, restaurants or any other placeconvenient to them. To ensure the reliability and qualityof the data gathered, the physicians and pharmacistshaving a work experience of ≥3 years and ≥ 1 year, re-spectively, were invited to participate in the study. Par-ticipation was also sought from the patients attendingthe drug retail outlets to purchase their medicines withor without prescription, having any disease, and had ex-perienced medicines shortages in the past. Those whoconsented to participate and had no communication dif-ficulties were interviewed on the spot or at the time andplace convenient to them, for example, during eveninghours at their residence or restaurant.

Interview schema developmentThe interview schema (Supplementary File 2) for eachstakeholder was designed to respond to the study ration-ale after comprehensive literature review [4, 9, 41] andconsultations with the experts. The pilot interviews withtwo representatives each from the three stakeholderswere conducted before the final interviews to ensure val-idity, uniformity and understandability of the study pro-tocols [6]. The interview questions began with generalquestions, and then narrowed down to the study’s keyobjectives.

Data collectionThe data were collected in stages between July and Sep-tember 2019. In the first stage, physicians and pharma-cists were interviewed from July to August 2019. In thesecond stage, patients were interviewed during Septem-ber 2019. All interviews were conducted in Urdu (thenational language of Pakistan), and were recorded on anaudio tape. The senior authors frequently debriefed theinterviewing author (AS), to ensure the standardized ad-ministration of the interview guide, and thereby enrich-ing the quality and trustworthiness of the data. Thesample size was determined by applying the saturationpoint criteria [6]. A total of three additional interviews(one from each group of participants) were conducted toremove doubts in the data saturation. At the end of eachinterview, field notes were also taken instantly and im-pressions were recorded.

Data analysisThe data from HCPs and patients were separately sub-jected to thematic analysis [42]. The audio recorded in-terviews were listened carefully and transcribed word forword by AS. Verbatim English translation of all the tran-scribed interviews was undertaken. The audio recordingsof the interviews were listened iteratively and the writtentranscripts were also read repeatedly to gain a rich anddeep understanding of the data. The meaningful words,phrases and sentences related to study’s objectives wereextracted manually from each interview after consider-able discussion with research supervisor, and a list of ini-tial codes was generated (IM and AS). Following initialcoding, focused coding explored the relationship be-tween different initial codes. The final codes were subse-quently grouped into meaningful categories (IM).Themes and subthemes were generated by bringing sev-eral categories together (MA, IM, IMU, NA and ZB).Cross-checking was undertaken to ensure data credibil-ity and enhance the trustworthiness of the data. In caseof any conflict or disagreement, the verdict given by thesupervisor (MA & IMU) was deemed final.

ResultsCharacteristics of participantsA total of 43 participants (i.e., 15 physicians, 15 pharma-cists and 13 patients) were invited to participate in thestudy. Of these, seven refused due to their busy sched-ule, while 35 agreed to participate in the study. In all, weconducted interviews with 13 physicians and 12 pharma-cists and 10 patients. Among 13 physicians, nine weremale and four were female. Pharmacists were distributedequally in each gender category (i.e., six males and sixfemales). Of the total 10 patients, six were male and fourwere female, and half had secondary level of education.The average duration of interviews with physicians,

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pharmacists and patients was 24min (SD = 3.2), 28 min(SD = 3.7) and 22 min (SD = 3.4), respectively. Physiciansand pharmacists had an average experience of 7.9 yearsand 3.8 years, respectively. The respondents’ characteris-tics are given in Table 1.The analysis of the data extracted from interviews

yielded five key themes and seven subthemes. Thethemes covered ‘impact of medicine shortages on pa-tients’, ‘patients’ practices in response to medicine short-ages’, ‘influence of medicines shortages on medicalpractice and pharmaceutical business’, ‘barriers to solu-tions of medicines shortages issue’, and ‘suggestions toassuage the impact of medicine shortages’. The summaryof the findings is provided in Fig. 1.

Overlapping themeTheme 1: impact of medicines shortages on patientsAlmost all the study participants had health related con-cerns about the patients. According to them, medicinesshortages adversely impact patients. From a clinicalpoint of view, most HCPs (23 out of 25 HCPs)highlighted compromised treatment (20 out of 25HCPs), medication safety issues (18 out of 25 HCPs) andrisk of mortality (14 out of 25 HCPs) as the conse-quences of medicine shortages. According to them,medicine unavailability contributed to treatment delays,disease proliferation and complications, and treatmentfailure. Further, they elaborated that shortages can placepatient at increased risk of medication safety, such aswrong therapeutic alternatives, medication errors andadverse drug reactions. Likewise, patients reported com-promised patient care and treatment delays (7 out of 10respondents), adverse events (8 out of 10 respondents)and high risk of mortality (9 out of 10 respondents)

when questioned about whether they had experiencedany consequences because of medicines shortages. Inaddition to the clinical impact, both HCPs (21 out of 25respondents) and patients (9 out of 10 respondents) im-plied that shortage cause financial burden on patients,and humanistic impact in the form of confusion andwastage of time.The overlapping theme (Theme 1), respective sub-

themes and categories, together with illustrative quotesare presented in Table 2. Figure 2 provides graphicalpresentation of impact of medicines shortages by eachset of participants.

Patients’ specific themeTheme 2: patients’ practices in response to medicineshortagesWhen asked whom they consult in order to avoid dis-ruption of their treatment during medicines shortages,five patients reported seeking physician consultation.The majority of the patients (8 out of 10 patients) pre-ferred non-pharmacist pharmacy workers for consult-ation, and only (4 out of 10 patients) reported havingconsulted a pharmacist amid shortages. Patients assertedthat they prefer non-pharmacist pharmacy workers be-cause of their good knowledge and way of medicationrelated counseling. Other practices opted by a plethoraof patients included self-decision about alternativebrands (8 out of 10 patients), exploring the internet (6out of 10 patients), asking for family or friend advice (5out of 10 patients) and forgoing treatment (3 out of 10patients). The patient specific theme (Theme 2), respect-ive subthemes and categories, together with illustrativequotes are presented in Table 3.

Table 1 Characteristics of study participants

Characteristics of healthcare professionals Characteristics of patients

Physicians (n = 13) Pharmacists (n = 12) n = 10

Gender Gender

Male 9 6 Male 6

Female 4 6 Female 4

Experience (years) Educational level

Average 7.9 3.8 Secondary 5

Range 3–15 1–15 Intermediate 1

Interview duration (minutes) Graduate 2

Average (SD) 24 (3.2) 28 (3.7) Postgraduate 1

Range 20–32 22–43 Masters 1

Interview duration (minutes)

Average (SD) 22 (3.4)

Range 18–30

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Healthcare professionals’ specific themesTheme 3: influence of shortages on medical practice andpharmaceutical businessWhen physicians were asked if they had encounteredchallenges in the event of medicines shortages, nine outof 13 physicians reported personal dissatisfaction andloss of their credibility among patients. From an eco-nomical point of view, the majority of HCPs (20 out of25 HCPs) indicated that shortages of medicines oftenlead to financial losses for providers and pharmaceuticalbusiness. They were of the view that financial losses dueto consistent short medicines sometimes compel themto switch to alternative brand to avoid same loss in fu-ture. However, this may impact patient management dueto differences in efficacy and lack of patient’s psycho-logical acceptance or dissatisfaction.

Theme 4: barriers to solutions of medicines shortages issueAccording to the healthcare professionals, an array ofbarriers contributed to ineffective solution of medicinesshortages problem, thereby negatively influencing thedesired patient outcomes. Major reasons that refrainedphysicians from switching to alternative generics duringshortages included excessive advertisement and

promotional campaigns of short brands (25 out of 25HCPs) and availability of inferior quality alternatives (24out of 25 HCPs). Further, stakeholders indicated that itwas challenging for them to minimize the impact ofshortages by switching to alternate brand because of pa-tient psychological acceptance and rigid perceptionabout efficacy of a particular short brand. With regardto hospitals, many healthcare professionals (15 out of 25HCPs) reported difficulties in correctly selecting andprocuring important medicines and the consequent in-exorable shortage of high demand medicines due to poorcollaboration and communication between physiciansand pharmacists.

Theme 5: suggestions to assuage the impact of medicineshortagesStakeholders reported a number of potential ways to as-suage the impact of medicine shortages. Among these,the key suggestion for addressing medicines shortageswas enactment of generic prescription in the country orprescription of medicines by international nonpropri-etary name (INN) (24 out of 25 HCPs), and check andbalance on pharmaceutical promotion to avoid incen-tives driven irrational prescription of short brand (22

Fig. 1 The summary of findings

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Table 2 Impact of medicines shortages on patients (overlapping theme)

Themes Subthemes Categories Supporting quotations

Impact of medicinesshortages on patients


Compromised treatment• Delayed treatment• Disease proliferation andcomplications

• Treatment failure

“Obviously, when patient fails to take medicine according to prescribedregimen, his disease proliferates and it could be difficult to control again. Thisis very evident in case of infectious diseases and cancer treatment. When goodefficacy antibiotic brand is not available, recovering the patient becomesdifficult.” (Physician 4)“Sometimes efficacy of alternative generic as compared to international brandis less and that is unable to properly treat a disease.” (Pharmacist 1)“It has huge impact on the patient. Patient suffers more than anyone else. Ihave experienced this in my skin allergy and the brand was not available dueto shortage. Even cream and soap were not available. I was very worriedbecause I wanted to recover quickly. Although, alternative brands wereavailable, but I just wanted that specific brand. Because there was aningredient in that brand, which was more effective for my skin.” (Patient 5)

Medication safety issues due to• Wrong therapeutic alternative• Medication error• Adverse drug reactions• Other risk associated withsubstandard and counterfeitmedicines

“When any brand is short, we have to change it or sometimes, new brand hasdifferent strength or dosage form. As a result, the treatment regimen changes,but our patients are used to follow previous regimen and mostly have limitedliteracy level. In such case, risk of medication error increases and very oftenpatient return and complain that they are having side effects.” (Physician 8)“There are also few antihuman elements and when prescribed brand is notavailable, they take benefit from it and start selling substandard andcounterfeit medicines. This happens especially with branded medicines becausefew brands have high demand. These counterfeit medicines are harmful andcause adverse drug reactions…” (Pharmacist 5)“Alternative brands are mostly available but then there can be strength issuesand it impacts patient a lot. I have blood pressure issue and I use Byscard 2.5mg. Few days back, I don’t know it was short or dispenser was careless but hegave me 5 mg and he didn’t guide me to take half tablet. Due to which myblood pressure got very low, which was not good impact. I could have died.”(Patient 4)

Risk of mortality “In hospitals, there are many patients who cannot afford a single penny overmedicines, so ultimately, when they cannot get medicines from hospitals, theircondition gets worsen and worsen or some may lead to death as well.”(Physician 4)“If any generic gets short then obviously all those patients who are taking thatgeneric, for example asthma patients have to take inhalers, TB patients have tobe on ATT so their whole treatment will be disturbed, even this could befatal…” (Pharmacist 6)“Sometimes, it turns into a matter of life and death. My father is heart patientand you know anti-angina medicine is very much important for such patients.But it was critically short in the market. I am pharmaceutical distributor but itwas difficult even for me to find it. You can understand the consequences ifsuch important medicines are short...” (Patient 7)


• Confusion• Wastage of time

“Comparable efficacy brands are available in markets, but as most of thepeople are illiterate, they are not aware of it. If the physician prescribes him abrand which is not available in the market, he will be confused and faced witha problem in search of that brand. Patients waste time and ask for samemedicine brand again and again, because they want that specific medicinebrand.” (Physician 11)“Patient experiences a lot of confusion when prescribed brand is not availablein the market. If a pharmacist advises patient on some alternative brand, heusually hesitates to take his advice and proceed to search for the particularbrand.” (Pharmacist 5)“If there is a shortage of branded medicine then we have to visit otherpharmacies. It takes a lot of time. In case alternative is available, we have thesatisfaction issue that whether the alternative will be good or not, we willrecover or not. We feel the need to visit the physician again to confirm.”(Patient 8)


• Increased treatment costs• Patient out-of-pocket costs

“If we give alternative and that alternate is costly then it effects on the pocketof the patient.” (Pharmacist 13)“In case of shortage, patients buy medicines from drug retail outlets. Butusually, patients who visit government hospitals are not rich and they onlycome in search of free medication. When any medicine is not available in thehospital, we ask them to buy it from outside and this increases burden onpatients.” (Physician 9)“It takes a considerable amount of time and money. Sometimes, we have topurchase high price alternative brand or the same brand at high price from

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out of 25 HCPs). Upon further exploration, the partici-pants indicated the physician as having the responsibilityto offset the issue through educating patients about theefficacy of alternative brands (18 out of 25 HCPs), andstaying up-to-date on the unavailability of any brands inthe market (13 out of 25 HCPs). With regard to manage-ment of shortages in hospitals, collaborative efforts ofphysicians and pharmacists to better procure, selectcost-effective alternative brands and optimize selectedalternative therapy were stressed by more than half ofthe respondents (14 out of 25 respondents).All healthcare professionals’ specific themes (i.e.,

Theme 3, Theme 4 and Theme 5), respective subthemesand categories, together with illustrative quotes are pre-sented in Table 4.

DiscussionThe consequences of medicines shortages are challen-ging, especially for the patients and healthcare system ofLMICs, including Pakistan [14, 36, 41, 43]. However, ac-cording to the FDA, there is a scarcity of research dataon the consequences of medicines shortages [20]. There-fore, a qualitative approach was adopted predominantlyto explore the impact of medicines shortages on patientsin Pakistan from the viewpoint of patients and health-care professionals. The study findings highlighted theclinical, economic and humanistic impact of medicine

shortages on patients. An important aspect uncoveredwas the practices of patients to avoid interruption oftheir treatment or the wrong selection of alternativetreatment during medicines shortages. In addition,healthcare professionals’ specific themes highlighted theimpact of shortage on medical practice or pharmaceut-ical business, barriers to solutions for medicines short-ages, and corresponding suggestions.The participants in this study reported many clinical

implications of medicines shortages. According to them,the impact on patients could be altered dosage regimen,disease proliferation and complications, medication er-rors, adverse drug events and high risk of mortality dueto inappropriate alternatives, and substandard and coun-terfeit medicines. Correspondingly, all patients inter-viewed in this study confirmed that they hadexperienced these consequences owing to shortages.These were fully supported by published scoping reviewssought to assess the impact of medicines shortages onpatient outcomes [3, 15]. Beyond increasing the supplyof medicines to avoid treatment disruptions, healthcareregulators should consider introducing a prospective riskassessment system – which involves assessment ofutilization patterns of the medicines affected, and the ap-propriate protocols for substituting them –in hospitaland community settings to prevent patient harm. Thesame has been advocated bythe American Society of

Table 2 Impact of medicines shortages on patients (overlapping theme) (Continued)

Themes Subthemes Categories Supporting quotations

black marketers.” (Patient 8)

Fig. 2 Responses of each of participants concerning impact of medicines shortages

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Health System Pharmacists, the Therapeutics Goods Ad-ministration, and the European Medicine Agency onmanaging shortages [44].In addition to clinical consequences, the study partici-

pants reported medicines shortages being a problem forpatients in terms of increased treatment costs and out-of-pocket expenses. These findings highlighted morepronounced clinical impact of medicines shortages onpatients due to increased likelihood of abandoned treat-ment, as up to 25% of Pakistani people live below thepoverty line and cannot bear out-of-pocket expenses [45,46]. Similarly, a number of studies from Australia, Eur-ope, South Africa and Canada had reported economicimpact of shortages on patients [8, 43, 47, 48]. Othernegative outcomes reported by our study participants in-cluded patients being confused while selecting alternatebrand, and waste of time in ensuring the correct selec-tion of brand [25]. These findings also accord with thefindings of the US studies [49, 50]. Physicians and phar-macists also reported having economic and credibilitylosses when they were unable to meet the expectationsor demands of their patient/customers. These implica-tions of medicines shortages were also highlighted bystudies from Fiji and Europe [14, 23, 43, 51].Another important theme that arose from the data

was patients’ practices in response to medicines short-ages. A plethora of patients reported that they preferredconsultation with non-pharmacist pharmacy workersfollowed by consultation with physicians and pharma-cists, to prevent harm and interruption of their

treatment. The reason for their inclination towards non-pharmacist pharmacy workers may be due to ease of ac-cess to dispensers, high consultation fees of physicians,and lack of awareness about pharmacists driven by theirlimited availability in hospital and community settings[25, 52]. However, considering the poor medication re-lated knowledge and training of non-pharmacist phar-macy workers, this indicated a significant safetyconcerns for the consumers [52, 53]. Moreover, the pa-tients in this study reported self-decision regarding alter-native medicine, practice of exploring the internet formedicine related information, seeking advice from familyor friend, and not taking medicines in response to medi-cines shortages. Worryingly, these practices coupled withpoor health literacy and high prevalence of inappropriateuse of medicines may potentially exacerbate the impactof medicines shortages on patients [25, 26, 54].In this study, several barriers contributing to the inef-

fective solution of medicines shortages and relevant sug-gestions were also reported by the healthcareprofessionals. According to them, major reasons that re-frain physicians from switching to alternative genericsduring shortages were excessive advertisement and pro-motional campaigns of those brands which were short insupply. In several instances these brands were of inferiorquality. These barriers are attributable to lax regulatoryinfrastructure, the unavailability of national guidelinesfor the prescription of generics, and the questionablequality of generics owing to the lack of bioavailability orbio-equivalence studies [4, 55, 56].

Table 3 Patients’ practices in response to medicine shortages (patients’ specific theme)

Themes Subthemes Categories Supporting quotations

Patients’ practices inresponse to medicineshortages

Preference for type of healthcareprofessional to seek advice whenmedicine is not available

• Few preferredphysicians

• Very few preferredpharmacists

• Majority preferrednon-pharmacistpharmacy worker

“I ask physician because he is a person authorized to do so. So,I take medicine that he prescribes. Because best practice is,medicine should be prescribed by the person who hasdiagnosed the disease.” (Patient 5)“If there is a pharmacist in the pharmacy, then I usually ask himfor the alternative brand. At big pharmacies, pharmacist is verycooperative and they guide me about my medicine and helpme understand how to take it” (Patient 6)“I seek advice from dispenser. Dispensers know everything aboutmedicines, their brands and prices and they are better thanpharmacists and physicians. They even know where thatmedicine will be available in the market...” (Patient 2)

Other approaches Self-decision “Or if there is general fever or pain medicine shortage then Itake any available brand because I know all such medicinework the same” (Patient 9)

Ask family or friends “… If any family member has same illness or is in the medicalfield then I ask them…” (Patient 7)

Forgo treatment “When dispenser tells me about the shortage of the brand Iasked for, then I know it will be not available at otherpharmacies in the vicinity as well. I don’t travel to any otherstore and try to treat myself with home remedies.” (Patient 4)

Explore using internet “I Google to match the ingredients between the prescribedbrand and dispensed brand. If there is no difference, I consumethe medicine fearlessly.” (Patient 3)

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Table 4 Healthcare professionals’ specific themes

Themes Subthemes Categories Supporting quotations

Negative influence ofshortage on practice andpharmaceutical business

Impact onphysicians

• Patient dissatisfaction• Personal dissatisfaction

“Its effects physician’s credibility. If physician prescribesa short brand to patient, patient thinks that physicianis taking incentives for this brand that’s why he isprescribing this despite shortage.” (Physician 12)“Physician faces problem, as he loses confidence. Whenhe usually prescribes some trustworthy brands but if hehas to switch to other brands or local brands due toshortage, then he remains uncertain that whether ithas same efficacy and gives same results or not, mypatient will be satisfied or not…” (Physician 5)

Impact onbusiness

• Credibility loss• Financial loss

“Impact on the pharmacy business depends on brandswhose shortages occur because some pharmaceuticalcompanies provide more margins to pharmacies forspecific brands. So if those well-known brands get intoshortage, then there will be profit loss.” (Pharmacist 5)“Financial losses are obvious and then there arecredibility losses. One of the major losses is that yourcustomers are dependent on your drug. So yourrelations with them are disturbed. So both financialand credibility losses happen.”(Pharmacist 4)

Healthcare professionallevel barriers to solutions ofmedicines shortages issue

• Excessive advertisement and promotionalcampaigns of short brands

“Incentives play a key role here, if pharmaceuticalcompanies provide incentives to create demand oftheir product. They do good marketing and continuallyapproach physicians. As a result, physician willprescribe more of their short brand and patient suffers.”(Physician 7)“According to medical representatives, customer is notpatient but a physician. They directly convince thephysician that if they prescribe short brand then theywill get reward or incentives in return. In such cases,patient continues to experience due to unavailability ofmedicines. If physicians easily switch to alternative, theycan manage the shortages very easily.” (Pharmacist 7)

• Inferior generics “Secondly, in Pakistan the quality also matters, if thereare multinationals then they are of good quality whilethe local are not of high quality sometimes.so there isan issue. Different brands have different quality; goodbrands show good effect like we have omeprazole ofEsomepra, it is very much better as compared to anyother company’s brand.” (Physician 6)“One issue is efficacy of alternatives. Local companiesdon’t conduct comparative bioequivalence studies andthere is no data about its efficacy. Second manypharmaceutical companies use substandard excipientsto manage the price of product. As a result, quality ofgeneric products is poor as compared to brandedmedicines.” (Pharmacist 1)

• Poor collaboration and communication betweenphysicians and pharmacists

“Major issue is poor collaboration, which leads to poordemand prediction in hospitals. Demands are notbased on actual needs of patients. Medicines havingvery low demand are purchased in large quantitiesand medicines having high demand are purchased insmall quantities. We cannot blame administration forthis. It is the duty of pharmacists and physicians todecide which medicine is needed in large quantities,but as you know physicians and pharmacists do notcollaborate much in our hospitals.” (Pharmacist 5)

• Patient psychological acceptance and rigidperception

“It’s not related to physicians but is based on patientsatisfaction of its own. It is also based on patientpsychology that if they are satisfied with a specificbrand then they think they will be harmed byswitching to generic. So, they resist changing brand,demand the same.” (Physician 7)“Patient trust physician so he sets his mind on brandsprescribed by physician. He thinks physician is always

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Table 4 Healthcare professionals’ specific themes (Continued)

Themes Subthemes Categories Supporting quotations

right. For instance, there was a case when Calpol wasprescribed by the physician and I dispensed Panadol tothe patient due to shortage, but he refused to takethat. Its patients’ psychological issue that they thinkphysician has prescribed this brand, so we have to takethis, otherwise we would not get treated.” (Pharmacist10)

Suggestions to effectivelyassuage the impact ofmedicine shortages

• Generic prescribing/ Prescribing by internationalnonproprietary name (INN)

“If government changes its policy and promotesgeneric prescription instead of brand, and compelscompanies to market medicines with the generic nameonly then branded shortage issue can be managed orentirely vanished.” (Physician 7)“There should be generic prescription, like in Europeancountries. Even in Pakistan, there is only genericprescription in some high-level hospitals, such as Shau-kat Khanum hospital and Agha khan hospital. But,there is brand prescription in government or someother hospitals due to incentives. Because incentivesare only received on brands and not on generics. Ifthey shift to generic, then all brand authority will shiftto pharmacist. Pharmacist will be responsible for brandselection. When prescription comes with generic,pharmacist will provide patients with the best brandavailable.” (Pharmacist 9)

• Check and balance on pharmaceutical promotionto avoid incentives driven irrational prescriptionof short brand

“Physicians should not stick to one brand because ofany agreement. Companies should be punished forluring physicians through incentives.” (Physician 1)“Again I would say that the government should keepan eye on promotional practices of pharmaceuticals.Also they should bound physicians not to make dealswith the companies. If physicians are strictly punishedfor being biased towards a brand, this issue will vanishby itself…Physicians need to work ethically andprioritize patients rather than personal gains.”(Pharmacist 12)

• Be aware of shortage and prescribe accordingly “If a medicine is not available, physician should beaware of shortage. If he knows then he should shift hispatients to alternate brand as soon as possible.”(Pharmacist 2)“Sometimes, physicians don’t have information aboutbrand shortage. If medical representatives have notinformed the physician, then he will continue toprescribe that brand.” (Physician 8)

• Patient education about safety of generics “If any patient is taking one brand of antihypertensiveor anti-diabetic, then physician should educate himthat other brands are also available. Whether patient iseducated or not, educates him as much as you can;that this medicine is available under different brandnames, but salt is same in each brand. This brand suitsyou but in case if shortage of that brand occurs thenyou can switch to another brand....” (Physician 1)“Patients should have knowledge of brands if onebrand is short in market then there is always analternative of that brand available. Based on the mindof our patients, it is the duty of physicians to spreadawareness among patients about alternative brands”(Pharmacist 11)

• Collaborative/mutual efforts of physicians andpharmacists to better procure, select costeffective alternative and optimize selectedalternative therapy

“If we don’t know which alternative brand is better orat least equivalent in terms of efficacy then pharmacistshould guide us. Also he should tell us all the possibleside effects if they suggest any new salt because manytimes we resist switching just to avoid negative impacton patient.” (Physician 1)“The collaboration between physician and pharmacistsshould be promoted, because as I said before

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In this regard, the study participants recommendedgeneric prescribing, regulatory check and balance onpromotional agreements between pharmaceutical com-panies and physicians, and selection of better alternativein collaboration with pharmacists. These suggestionswere also strongly advocated in previous studies fromPakistan, Malaysia and Taiwan [4, 55–58]. Furthermore,stakeholders indicated that it was challenging for themto minimize the impact of shortages by switching to al-ternate brands because of patient psychological accept-ance and firm belief in a particular brand. In addition tothe practices of the practitioner, the preferences of pa-tients play a pivotal role in medicine selection and theprobability of switching brands [59]. To this end, thestudy participants indicated that physicians can offsetthe impact of shortages by staying aware of the unavail-ability of a specific brand and by prescribing availablegenerics along with proper patient education about itsefficacy. A good body of evidence has emphasized theneed for patient education to promote generic drugs[60–64], thereby remedying shortages. With regard tohospitals, healthcare professionals suggested improvedcollaboration and communication between physiciansand pharmacists. This was reportedly because of theneed to better procure, and select the alternative ther-apy. The importance of this suggestion can be gauged bythe fact that pharmacists around the world are utilizingtheir problem-solving skills and collaborating with pre-scribers and nurses in hospitals during COVID-19 pan-demic. They preserve medicines prone to shortage byidentifying possible alternatives, optimizing selectedtherapy and reducing wastage of important medicines[65–67]. However, in Pakistan, the longstanding inad-equate participation of hospital pharmacists in medica-tion related decisions is attributable to the limitednumber of hospital pharmacists, as well as their derisoryacceptance by physicians [53, 68–70].This study successfully filled out the gap particularly

concerning patient experiences regarding medicinesshortages, and views of physicians and pharmacists onthe impact of medicines shortages in Pakistan. However,there are a few limitations in this study. First, the partici-pants in the study were all from one city. Second, someimportant stakeholders, for example, nurses, manufac-turers, health regulators and distributors were not in-cluded in this study. Third, the findings of thispreliminary study, though have provided solid founda-tion for future research, might have understated or

overstated the impact of medicines shortages due to bi-asness. However, to generate more reliable evidence, it isstrongly advised that future studies should involve allstakeholders from different cities and perform broadquantitative surveys to visibly estimate the impact ofmedicines shortages on patients.

ConclusionThis study revealed that access to medicines in Pakistancontinues to be problematic with adverse clinical, eco-nomic and humanistic effects on patients. Patients optfor a number of risk-prone practices to avoid treatmentdisruption during shortages. An array of pharmaceuticalmarket, medicines quality and patient related factors re-frain physicians from switching brand to available gen-eric medicines, which in turns leads to ineffectiveresolution of medicines shortages. Promotion of genericprescription, active involvement of pharmacists inhealthcare delivery system, implementation of effectivepolicies and proper patient consultation are advised inthis context.

Impact of findings on policy and practiceIn addition to the implications of this study for the lit-erature, insights about various aspects can be gleanedfrom the findings and may help concerned stakeholdersto justify legislative change and interventions.Taken as a whole, the adverse consequences of medi-

cines shortages urgently require the introduction of risk-assessment and risk-management strategies in hospitaland community settings in accordance with the inter-national standards. Moreover, a harmonized impactscoring system is mandatory to streamline the effortstargeted at medicines shortages issue. To deter risk-prone patient practices, patients should be deftly coun-seled by the prescribers and made aware of the generics,management approaches they should follow, and towhom they should communicate during shortages.In order to minimize the influence of medicines short-

ages resulting from excessive promotional campaigns onsolution to medicines shortages, strict enforcement ofpunitive polices and logical implementation of genericprescribing policy could be considered on priority basis.The study findings strongly advocate future large scale

quantitative studies to measure the extent and overallharm of medicines shortages in order to inform decisionmakers and address the problems

Table 4 Healthcare professionals’ specific themes (Continued)

Themes Subthemes Categories Supporting quotations

procurement of medicines in hospitals is heavilyaffected due to this issue and leads to shortage.”(Pharmacist 5)

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AbbreviationsBVH: Bahawal Victoria Hospital; COREQ: The Consolidated Criteria forReporting Qualitative Research; DRAP: Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan;FDA: Food and Drug Administration; LMICs: Low-and-middle- incomecountries; US: United States; UK: United Kingdom; WHO: World HealthOrganization

Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-021-06812-7.

Additional file 1. COREQ checklist.

Additional file 2. Interview schema of physicians, pharmacists andpatients.

AcknowledgementsWe would like to thank the respondents for their participation.

Authors’ contributionsMA: Conceptualization; Formal analysis; Methodology; Supervision; Validation;Roles/Writing - review & editing. IM: Conceptualization; Formal analysis;Methodology; Writing - original draft. AS: Conceptualization; Formal analysis;Methodology; Project administration; Roles/Writing - original draft. IMU:Formal analysis; Methodology; Supervision; Validation; Writing - review &editing. NA: Conceptualization; Methodology; Validation; Roles/Writing -original draft. ZB: Formal analysis; Methodology; Validation; Writing - review &editing. All the authors have read and approved the manuscript.

FundingThis research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in thepublic, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

Availability of data and materialsThe data will be made available upon receiving reasonable request. Therequests may be directed to the corresponding author.


Ethics approval and consent to participateEthical approval was obtained from the Pharmacy Research EthicsCommittee (PREC) at the Islamia University Bahawalpur (Reference: 91/S-2019−/PREC, dated July 1, 2019). In this study, verbal consent was obtained fromall the participants before interviews. PREC approved verbal consentprocedure. Verbal consent was audio recorded. The identity of therespondents was kept confidential to ensure complete privacy. Anonymity oftheir opinions was confirmed by using codes. The study participants weregiven the freedom to skip a question or leave the interview at any timeduring the study. They were also offered to read their interview transcript.

Consent for publicationNot applicable.

Competing interestsNone.

Author details1Department of Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmacy, The IslamiaUniversity of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, Pakistan. 2Department of Education,The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, Pakistan. 3Department ofPharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, University ofBalochistan, Quetta, Pakistan. 4Department of Pharmacy, University ofHuddersfield, Huddersfield, UK.

Received: 28 November 2020 Accepted: 23 July 2021

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