what &how to test

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  • 7/29/2019 What &How to Test


    Testing Your SoftwareHemant

  • 7/29/2019 What &How to Test


    Goals of this Section

    To learn what software testing means

    To learn what to test.

    To learn how to test software.

  • 7/29/2019 What &How to Test



    Kernighan & Pike Definition:

    A determined, systematic attempt to break a program that you

    think is working.

    Testing can demonstrate the presence of bugs, but

    not their absence. (Dijkstra)

  • 7/29/2019 What &How to Test




    Testing is not done only after the code is written. For testing to be

    effective, it should be considered as an ongoing process that is involved in

    software design, programming style, and debugging.

  • 7/29/2019 What &How to Test


    What to Test

    Test all boundaries

    Check upper & lower bounds of *ALL* buffers.

    Ensure that a loop iterates the correct number of times.

    Recursive functions:

    Consider all possible states of the control data.

    Be sure there is a terminal condition!!

    Ensure that all conditional statements branch in the right direction.

  • 7/29/2019 What &How to Test


    What to Test

    Test all assumptions

    Identify any assumptions that you make and test them.

    This is the rationale behind conditional statements.

    Are your functions dependent on the correctness or state of some data. If

    so, test it!

    Look for words like must, should and assumes in comments. These

    words identify assumptions that may be less obvious and which may not have

    been handled correctly (or at all).

  • 7/29/2019 What &How to Test


    What to Test

    Test pre and post conditions

    Assertions can be used to verify the necessary pre-conditions or post-


    This is the same as testing assumptions. Pre and post conditions are simply

    assumptions that you are making about the state of required data in critical

    portions of your code.

    Using assertions is just another way to test some of these assumptions.

  • 7/29/2019 What &How to Test


    What to Test

    Defensive Programming (built-in testing)

    Write code to check the consistency of data and the stability of the program

    wherever possible.

    Test return values from all system calls and library functions. These values

    are returned for a reason. They indicate problems and error states that need

    to be handled.

    Deal with all errors and anomalies. You (or the designer(s)) must decide how

    to handle each type of error. If you can conceive of the error, it will

    probably occur.

  • 7/29/2019 What &How to Test


    How to Test

    Test simple parts first

    Write a small portion of code (or a function) and test it before coding

    anything else.

    This will reduce the amount of testing and debugging that you need when

    you finish writing the software.

    Testing and debugging should go hand-in-hand and be a continuous process

    intertwined with writing the code.

    Test the small portions first and gradually build your code step-by-step,

    testing and debugging at each and every step.

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    How to Test

    Black Box testing

    Here you are not concerned about the details of what a function or piece of

    code does.

    You should be concerned simply with whether it produces the correct results.

    Give the function controlled data and test the return values. Since you know

    what values you should receive you can test whether the function works with

    varying data.

    This is the type of testing you are doing when you use test harnesses.

  • 7/29/2019 What &How to Test


    How to Test

    Test interfaces between functions

    Each function provides an interface to another function and hides the details

    of what it does.

    This is one area that is susceptible to bugs because incorrect use may cause

    incorrect results.

    Black box testing would be appropriate to use here.

    Test all return values from functions and be sure to handle (and/or report)

    error conditions in a sane manner.

    Be sure that each function has the ability to test for applicable error

  • 7/29/2019 What &How to Test


    How to Test

    Test incrementally

    Write a function and test it before writing another or using it in another


    For larger functions, write a small portion of functional code and test it.

    When a function relies on other functions, combine the smaller functions into

    a larger function and test as a whole functional unit.

    Check for and handle error states.

    Black Box testing, again, would be appropriate.

  • 7/29/2019 What &How to Test


    Testing Tips

    As you write your code, test it in manageable chunks.

    Write a function, then test it.

    Ensure that all functions are tested before calling them from

    another function.

    If your function is large, write part of it and test that part

    before continuing with the remainder.

    This will greatly reduce the amount of testing & debugging

    required in the end.