what have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? I feel I have used a lot of different technologies that have helped me present my work in different ways to construct my product. One of the ways I have used is Blogger, which is where all of my work for the course is uploaded; you can do a simple blog post explaining to the reader how your idea is developing. It’s a simple and affective format about explaining your ideas to the reader. This has helped be construct my final product because its allows me to show my work in different formats which you have to be able to do. Dafont, has helped contribute towards my final product because its helped me decide the style of font that was going to be used in my masthead and it helped me think about what kind of fonts that worked with my genre of music. Scribd is a very easy way to upload your work in a different format to a blog post. It’s just a different way of presenting your work to the examiner.

Upload: kcissell

Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Page 1: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I feel I have used a lot of different technologies that have helped me present my work in different ways to construct my product. One of the ways I have used is Blogger, which is where all of my work for the course is uploaded; you can do a simple blog post explaining to the reader how your idea is developing. It’s a simple and affective format about explaining your ideas to the reader. This has helped be construct my final product because its allows me to show my work in different formats which you have to be able to do.

Dafont, has helped contribute towards my final product because its helped me decide the style of font that was going to be used in my masthead and it helped me think about what kind of fonts that worked with my genre of music.

Scribd is a very easy way to upload your work in a different format to a blog post. It’s just a different way of presenting your work to the examiner.

Slide share, is easy software to use because it allows you to create a PowerPoint out of a Word and PowerPoint document which people can view as a PowerPoint. This is another different format of how you can present your work.

Issuu, has the same concept as Slide Share and Blogger. Issuu makes your work feel as though you are reading a book, which is another way of presenting your work differently from a PowerPoint / word document or a simple blog post.

Page 2: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product

Indesign- I have learnt a lot using this programme. One of the things I have learnt was to put an image in the background of a double page spread and to know how to edit the transparency to how you want it. I have used this effect to create more of an eye-catching double page spread because if the background was just white it would be a bit boring for the reader to read. I also learnt to layout my double page spread the way I planned in my flat plan design although I had to edit that about because I had to add another picture and pull quotes to make it more appealing to my readers, which I used the help of InDesign to do. I had to learn to complete my final product to place images on InDesign and not stretch the image, this helped because I wanted to have images that didn’t look stretched and get that professional magazine look.

In Photoshop, I learnt a lot of things from cropping to merging layers to completing my finished product but first we took an image and played around with the tools of Photoshop to get used to it. The image to the right of the screen has been tailored in Photoshop in various ways from its original image. One of the basic features that we used is inserting a shape and added text over it and placed it wherever we wanted. We also set the Photoshop tools to how we wanted, for example set the background to white whilst editing the image and learning about Photoshop. Another editing feature that we used was cropping and cutting. In Photoshop one of the key features that you must know about is layers and how they work within your original image, and how to merge two layers together. I also learnt from Photoshop how to put a background onto my front cover behind the image that I had previously cut out with a rubber on Photoshop. I used previous knowledge to help me complete my final product.