what have i learnt about technologies


Upload: amieb

Post on 09-Aug-2015




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Page 1: What have i learnt about technologies


Page 2: What have i learnt about technologies

What technologies were brand new to me?

• I had only every used Macs in the Apple shop but never to create clips or shots so most of the things we had to do on the Macs was brand new information to me.

• I had never used a tripod before but I realised how much more effective and neater shots looked with the tripod.

• I had never used iMovie before but once using it a couple of times I began to get the hang of it and thought it was a very interesting software.

Page 3: What have i learnt about technologies

What technologies have I developed my skills in?

• I have developed my skills in camerawork. I have used both a digital and video camera a number of times, however since media I have improved my skills and have learnt how to frame a shot appropriately and more effectively.

• Also, throughout the course I have developed my skills in iMovie. During induction iMovie was brand new to me so I was just learning how to use, whereas during creating our opening sequence I have been able to use it and teach myself different things to do on it.

Page 4: What have i learnt about technologies

What technologies have allowed me to produce something really creative?

• I think that iMovie has allowed me to create the most creative outcomes. During our opening sequence we used a close up shot of Rae’s eye and using iMovie we have added a subtle black effect around the shot to create a more dark and creep atmosphere.

Page 5: What have i learnt about technologies

What technologies need careful use or planning?

• I believe that Live type needs planning and careful use due to the fact that when we were using it to add titles to our opening sequence we had to repeatedly open our ‘background movie’ to check where the titles should be positioned this wasted time and so we realised we needed to firstly watch the sequence and then discuss where the titles should go before opening live type.

Page 6: What have i learnt about technologies

Were there any times we had to do something again as we hadn’t used it correctly?

• We had to use Live type a number of times as we kept misplacing titles or leaving the titles on for too long or too short of time.

• Also, we had to use ‘Da Font’ again as we kept choosing a font that didn’t fit well with our plot and sequence so then had to choose another.

Page 7: What have i learnt about technologies

What have new technologies allowed me to do that old one wouldn’t?

• iMovie has allowed me to add effect and music to a video clip. It also allows me to cut clips and to decrease or increase them in speed. I have never been able to do these things with other software.