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  • 8/12/2019 What Dot Net



    .NET Explained

    What Is Microsoft .NET?



    This article examines what the Microsoft .NET vision means to business and IT professionals and to

    the future of software applications. It describes the .NET vision and explains the competitive

    advantages it will bring to businesses.

  • 8/12/2019 What Dot Net


    This is a preliminary document and may be changed substantially prior to finalcommercial release of the software described herein.

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  • 8/12/2019 What Dot Net


    Microsoft 1

    .NET Explained 1


    WHAT IS MICROSOFT .NET?...................................................1


    PRINCIPLES UNDERLYIN MICROSOFT .NET..........................1

    Distributed omputing !ased on Internet "tandards 1

    Moore#s $aw and ommunications %

    Integration is &e' %

    "oftware as a "ervice %

    Next (eneration )ser Experience %

    *utting The )ser in ontrol +

    THE .NET !ISION......................................................................."

    Introducing Microsoft .NET ,

    The Next (eneration Internet -

    Next (eneration of *roducts and "ervices

    WHAT IS MICROSOFT .NET?.....................................................#

    The .NET *latform 1/

    .NET Experiences 1%

    $USINESS AD!ANTAES........................................................1"0alue for the !usiness 1,

    0alue for the ustomer 1

    2utomating !usiness *rocesses 1-

    3eacting to hange 14

    IMPRO!IN TECHNOLOY.....................................................1#

    Evolving 5indows DN2 %/// 14

    Developing 5eb 2pplications 16

    2pplication Deplo'ment 16

    &nowledge and "upport with Microsoft %/



    (lossar' %1

    $in7s to 3esources %%


  • 8/12/2019 What Dot Net


    .NET is Microsoft#s platform for 8M$ 5eb services9 the next generation of software

    that connects our world of information9 devices and people in a unified9 personali:ed


    The .NET platform enables the creation and use of 8M$;based applications9

    processes9 and 5eb sites as services that share and combine information and

    functionalit' with each other b' design9 on an' platform or smart device9 to provide

    tailored solutions for organi:ations and individual people.

    .NET is a comprehensive famil' of products9 built on industr' and Internet

    standards9 that provide for each aspect of developing

  • 8/12/2019 What Dot Net


    design choices and more efficient processing. The rich communications

    infrastructure provided b' the Internet allows 'ou to utili:e processing power where

    it ma7es the most sense9 whether that#s on powerful servers9 or on rich client

    application tiers.

    hanges in technolog'9 especiall' increases in computing power9 networ7

    bandwidth9 and the availabilit' of 8M$ and related standards9 create theenvironment that ma7es the .NET platform possible. 2 platform that ta7es

    advantage of the limitless possibilities of the Internet where applications can be buil

    independentl' or can ma7e use of existing services through a common and open

    programming model.

    M--*e0( La and C-,ni2a)i-n(

    In 16-9 (ordon Moore made a memorable observation. e reali:ed there was a

    stri7ing trend in the growth of microchip performance. The capacit' of each new

    microchip9 released within 14 to %, months of its predecessor9 is roughl' doubled

    the processing power of the previous chip. Moore#s observation9 7nown as Moore#s

    $aw9 described a trend that has continued and is still remar7abl' accurate.

    2 similar trend is occurring with communication technolog'. The price of bandwidth

    is plummeting9 halving roughl' ever' four months. Microsoft ;; and the rest of the

    software industr' ;; has reaped these benefits over the last few decades and aims

    to ensure that their future architecture is capable of exploiting both of these factors.

    In)e/*a)i-n i( 3e4

    The focal point for solutions is evolving from single applications to constellations of

    integrated devices9 services9 and applications. The solutions 'ou build are no longer

    based on single applications running on single computers9 but instead comprise

    multiple devices9 multiple applications9 and multiple services that can be distributed

    all over the world. 2 platform that drasticall' simplifies the assembl' of the solution

    is an essential reuirement to reali:e this scenario.

    S-5)a*e a( a Se*6i2e

    The move to service;based software is a contrasting approach to the old world of

    D;based software distribution which reuired c'clic upgrades. "oftware as a

    service provides for an ongoing relationship between the manufacturer and 'ou as

    end user > providing for continuous updates and improvements.

    Nex) ene*a)i-n U(e* Expe*ien2e

    There is a great opportunit' to improve the wa' that 'ou interact with applications.

    5hile the graphical user interface represented a tremendous step forward in

    enhancing 'our user experience9 the time has arrived to deliver even better user

    interfaces. Interfaces that are adaptive9 smart9 and identit' based9 which allows to

    personali:e the content the' deliver to 'ou. Technologies such as speech

    % Microsoft 2rchitecture (uideC"olutions (uide

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    recognition and handwriting recognition are developing rapidl' and will completel'

    transform the wa' that 'ou interact with applications in the future.

    P,))in/ T7e U(e* in C-n)*-lFou should be the focal point of the technolog' and applications with which 'ou

    interact. The' should wor7 on 'our behalf and be under 'our control. This is uite

    different from toda'#s situation where 'ou have to individuall' adapt and configure

    'our applications9 and act as a human bridge between the various different devices9

    applications9 and 5eb sites that 'ou interact with.

    2ddressing this9 Microsoft is developing a user;centric set of core 8M$ 5eb

    services9 codenamed @ail"tormA9 which will be needed b' man' applications.

    ail"torm services are oriented around people9 instead of around a specific device9

    application9 service9 or networ7. The' put users in control of their own data and

    information and allow 'ou to access it at an'time from an' device. The' also protect

    personal information b' allowing the user to control who can have access to their

    information and providing a new level of ease of use and personali:ation. More

    about ailstorm later.

    Gnl' %/ 'ears ago9 the world was still in the mainframe era. ?ew people had access

    to computers9 and then it was onl' via the nearest IT department. The * and the

    graphical user interface changed all that9 democrati:ing computing for tens of

    millions of people and transforming the computer into a trul' mass;mar7et product.

    orporations soon reali:ed that networ7s of *s and *;based servers could

    change the wa' the' did business. 2mong consumers the * uic7l' established

    itself as a new medium for home entertainment. 5ithin the last 'ears9 the Internet

    revolutioni:ed the wa' people communicate9 created a rich new source ofinformation and entertainment9 and opened up the world of electronic commerce.

    Toda'9 close to +// million people worldwide use the 5eb. 2ccording to

    International Data orp.9 more than a uarter of a trillion dollarsH worth of business

    will be transacted over the Internet this 'ear.

    Fet for all these wonders there is still plent' of room for improvement. Toda'Hs

    Internet largel' mirrors the old mainframe model. Despite bountiful bandwidth

    information is still loc7ed up in centrali:ed databases with gate7eepers controlling

    access. )sers surfing the 5eb must rel' on 5eb servers to perform most

    operations9 Just li7e the old timesharing model. 5eb sites are isolated islands and

    cannot communicate with each other on a userHs behalf in an' meaningful wa'.

    Toda'Hs 5eb does little more than simpl' serve up individual pages to individual

    users > pages that mostl' present TM$ pictures of data9 and not the data itself

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    *ersonali:ation consists of redundantl' entering and giving up control of 'our

    personal information to ever' site 'ou visit. Fou have to adapt to the technolog'

    instead of the technolog' adapting to 'ou.

    These problems are multiplied if 'ou use more than one * or mobile device. To

    access 'our online information

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    services in a wa' that lets customers seamlessl' embed them in their own

    electronic fabric. It is a vision that extends the personal empowerment first offered

    b' the * in the 164/s to this new Internet;based distributed computing model.

    Microsoft .NET will help drive a transformation in the Internet that will see TM$;

    based presentation augmented b' programmable 8M$;based information. 8M$ is a

    widel' supported industr' standard defined b' the 5orld 5ide 5eb onsortium9 thesame organi:ation that created the standards for the 5eb browser. It was

    developed with extensive input from Microsoft9 but is not a proprietar' Microsoft

    technolog'. 8M$ provides a means of separating actual data from the

    presentational view of that data. It is a 7e' to the Next (eneration Internet and

    offers a wa' to unloc7 information so that it can be organi:ed9 programmed and

    edited9 a wa' to distribute data in more useful wa's to a variet' of digital devices9

    and allows 5eb sites to collaborate and provide a constellation of 8M$ 5eb

    services that will be able to interact with each another.

    Microsoft .NET will ta7e computing and communications far be'ond the one;wa'

    5eb to a rich9 collaborative9 interactive environment powered b' advanced new

    software. Microsoft .NET will harness a constellation of applications9 services and

    devices to create a personali:ed digital experience. 2n experience that constantl'

    and automaticall' adapts itself to 'our needs and those of 'our famil'9 home and

    business. It means a whole new generation of software that will wor7 as an

    integrated service to help 'ou manage 'our life and wor7 in the Internet 2ge.

    ?or consumers that means the simplicit' of integrated services including unified

    browsing9 editing and authoringK access to 'our files9 wor7 and media both online

    and offK a holistic experience across devicesK and a more personali:ed wa' of

    computing. It means9 for example9 that an' change to 'our information ; whether

    input via 'our *9 handheld or smart credit card ; will be available for use on an'

    other smart device. ?or 7nowledge wor7ers and businesses it means access to theinformation the' need9 when and where the' need itK rich coordinated

    communicationK a seamless mobile experienceK and powerful information;

    management and e;commerce tools that will transparentl' move between internal

    and Internet;based services9 and support a new era of d'namic trading


    ?or independent software developers9 it means the opportunit' to create advanced

    new services. "ervices that are able to automaticall' access and ma7e use of the

    information exposed b' users either locall' or remotel'9 wor7ing with an' smart

    device or programming language9 without having to rewrite code for each

    programming environment. Ever' service and application on the Internet becomes a

    potential building bloc7 for this new generation of 8M$ 5eb services.

    The Microsoft .NET vision means empowerment for consumers9 businesses9

    software developers and the entire industr'. It means unleashing the full potential of

    the Internet.

    Microsoft 2rchitecture (uideC"olutions (uide

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    T7e Nex) ene*a)i-n In)e*ne)

    !uilt on Internet standards such as 8M$ and "G2*9 Microsoft .NET is a platform

    for building next generation distributed applications > 8M$ 5eb services.

    *reviousl'9 programming models mainl' focused on a single s'stem9 even ma7ing

    interactions with other s'stems to wor7 as if the' were local interactions9 such as

    DGM. Microsoft .NET is explicitl' designed to allow the integration or orchestration

    of an' group of resources on the Internet and local application code into a single

    solution. Toda'9 if possible at all9 this t'pe of integration is extremel' complex and

    costl'. Microsoft .NET will ma7e it intrinsic to all software development.

    The loosel' coupled 8M$;based Microsoft .NET programming model introduces the

    concept of creating 8M$;based 5eb services. 5hereas toda'Hs 5eb sites donHt

    wor7 with other sites without significant additional development9 the Microsoft .NET

    programming model provides an intrinsic mechanism to build an' 5eb site or

    service so that it will federate and collaborate seamlessl' with an' others. Lust as

    the introduction of interchangeable components accelerated the industrial

    revolution9 Microsoft .NET promises to hasten the development of distributed

    computing over the Internet.

    None of this will be possible without man' partners and the millions of independent

    and corporate developers who have helped build toda'Hs computer industr'. 2s

    2lexander (raham !ell put it9 (reat discoveries and improvements invariabl'

    involve the cooperation of man' minds. 5hen the dis7 operating s'stem

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    the applications offline.

    In addition9 developers will be able to leverage and customi:e a range of core

    Microsoft .NET building bloc7 services in their own applications and services9

    reducing the effort reuired to create compelling products. These include

    @ail"tormA ;; the codename for a set of user;centric 8M$ 5eb services ;; that will

    provide for identit'9 notification9 calendar functions9 storage and other services. !'allowing developers to leverage these core set of 8M$ 5eb services9 the' free the

    amount of plumbing the' would normall' have to create > such as authentication

    services > while providing for the personali:ation that is inherent from the .NET


    5ith the option of subscribing to these core .NET 8M$ 5eb services off the shelf9

    developers can ma7e a bu' or build decision as to where the' want to spend their

    development resources. "ome ma' elect to build basic service capabilities

    themselves. Man' will li7el' opt for a well;pac7aged solution with strong

    development tools support9 as man' developers choose not to write their own

    printer drivers or windowing s'stem with 5indows and instead focus their resources

    on differentiating their own higher;level products.

    Nex) ene*a)i-n -5 P*-d,2)( and Se*6i2e(

    In the long run man' applications will be available or delivered as a service

    subscribed to over the Internet. "oftware as a service allows the following

    competitive advantagesB

    better customer service9

    transparent installations9 repairs and updates9

    a tighter feedbac7 loop into the product life;c'cle9

    faster responses to software issues such as anti;virus protection.

    Microsoft envisions the maJorit' of its software applications evolving into .NET

    experiences that will be offered as services over time9 while continuing to offer its

    existing platforms and applications. ?rom the outset Microsoft will offer a range of

    .NET products and experiences including the followingB

    5indows 8* is the new 5indows des7top operating s'stem for home and

    business computing. 5indows 8* will set the standard for dependabilit' and

    performance and will unloc7 the power of the * for all users. It will deliver an

    intelligent9 connected and dependable engine to power experiences on the

    .NET platform. ?or home users9 5indows 8* will enable ever'one to have the

    power of digital photos9 video9 music and a connected home. !usiness users

    will enJo' communications9 mobilit' and Internet support experiences. M"N ; !' combining the leading content and services of M"N with the new

    .NET platform9 future versions of M"N will enable consumers to create a single

    digital personalit' and leverage smart services to ensure consistent9 seamless

    and safe access to the information9 entertainment and people the' care about

    an' time9 an' place and on an' device.

    *ersonal "ubscription "ervices ; In addition to M"N9 Microsoft will build a set o

    Microsoft 2rchitecture (uideC"olutions (uide

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    premium consumer;oriented services on the .NET platform that will build on

    existing Microsoft entertainment9 gaming9 education and productivit' products.

    These services will give people the power of traditional des7top applications

    with the flexibilit'9 integration and roaming support of the new .NET famil' of

    user experiences.

    ?uture versions of Gffice ; 2dvanced communications and productivit' tools9

    including universal canvas technolog' that combines communication9 browsing

    and document authoring into a single environment. This will enable users to

    s'nthesi:e and interact with information in a unified wa'. )niversal

    collaboration services will enable collaboration with people both inside and

    outside their respective companies. Microsoft will also continue to offer and

    support versions of Gffice without .NET services.

    0isual "tudio.NET ; 0isual "tudio.NET represents the complete development

    environment for building applications on the Microsoft .NET platform. 5ith

    0isual "tudio.NET9 developers can build 5eb applications and 8M$ 5eb

    services that render in an' browser and on virtuall' an' device. !' using the

    language of their choice9 developers can leverage their existing investments in

    s7ills and s'stems. The result is increased productivit'9 end;to;end 5eb

    development9 and a shorter time to deliver'.

    bentral bentral presents a cutting;edge range of subscription;based

    services and tools for small and growing businesses. ?uture improvements

    include hosted messaging and e;mail9 enhanced commerce services9 and a

    new customer relationship management

  • 8/12/2019 What Dot Net


    To full' understand what Microsoft .NET represents9 it helps to brea7 down part of

    the above definition9 anal':ing it from several perspectivesB

    @Microsoft .NET aims to accelerate the IT industr'#s shift to an Internet;based

    distributed computing model.AB

    2 silent shift to a distributed computing model based on the Internet is

    occurring. Microsoft have been providing tools and technologies for distributedcomputing for several 'ears

  • 8/12/2019 What Dot Net


    that ma7es this seamless cooperation possible.

    @to enable access to and action on informationAB

    The .NET platform delivers accessibilit' to information and data sources across

    s'stems9 clients9 and devices. !ut access to information and data is not enough

    if it can#t be updated9 manipulated9 and integrated. The platform delivers read

    and write capabilities to information and data. The creation of 8M$ 5eb

    services allows processing to occur on either clients or servers9 bringing

    enhanced abilities to a broad range of devices.

    @an'time9 an' place9 from an' deviceAB

    It doesn#t matter if 'ou are at the airport with onl' 'our smart cell phone in

    hand. If 'ou need information about a customer9 the platform provides

    applications with the opportunit' to deliver this 7ind of information to mobile

    devices9 again through 8M$ 5eb services and rich communication.

    @providing simplified development and rich user experiencesAB

    The enhancements that ma7e information readil' accessible are the foundation

    for solutions that provide complete experiences for users9 irrespective of when9

    how or from which device the information is being accessed. Developers#

    experiences will also be greatl' improved through the tools of the .NET

    platformB the .NET ?ramewor7 and 0isual "tudio.NET. ?or more information

    about how developers will benefit from these technologies9 see the related

    article @5h' Microsoft .NETQA

    @and unprecedented opportunities for businessesAB

    !usiness benefits include increased integration to build applications and 8M$ 5eb services < .NET ?ramewor7 and

    0isual "tudio.NET=9

    "ervers > on which to build9 host and deplo' those applications and services

    the software that powers smart devices9 allowing users to

    interact and experience the .NET platform

    Experiences > the combination of the above components of the .NET platform

    allow for more personal9 integrated user experiences ;; .NET experiences.

    2nal':ing each of these componentsB

    1/ Microsoft 2rchitecture (uideC"olutions (uide

  • 8/12/2019 What Dot Net


    De6el-pe* )--l(

    These are the programming model9 development environment and tools for building

    the next generation of distributed applications. Developer tools such as 0isual

    "tudio.NET ma7e writing 8M$ 5eb services and 5eb applications as simple and

    as eas' as possible. The .NET ?ramewor7 and 0isual "tudio.NET9 offer the best9

    easiest9 fastest9 and least expensive wa' to write 8M$ 5eb services.


    The first of the core .NET building bloc7 services that will be offered include the

    @ail"tormA services that are centered around the user. Microsoft is developing a

    user;centric set of core 8M$ 5eb services9 codenamed @ail"tormA9 which will be

    needed b' man' applications. @ail"tormA services are oriented around people9

    instead of around a specific device9 application9 service9 or networ7. The' put users

    in control of their own data and information and allow 'ou to access it at an'time

    from an' device. The' also protect personal information b' allowing the user to

    control who can have access to their information and providing a new level of ease

    of use and personali:ation. @ail"tormA services are Just the first set of the 8M$

    5eb services being built b' Microsoft.

    Clien) (-5)a*e 5-* (a*) de6i2e(

    lient software enables *s9 laptops9 wor7stations9 smart phones9 handheld

    computers9 Tablet *s9 game consoles9 and other smart devices to operate in

    the .NET universe.

    2 smart device isB

    "mart about 'ou. It uses 'our .NET identit'9 and profile data to simplif' 'our

    user experience.

    "mart about the networ7. It is responsive to bandwidth constraints9 provides

    support for both online and offline use of applications and understands what

    services are available.

    "mart about information. It can access9 anal':e9 and act on data an'where


    "mart about other devices. It discovers other *s9 smart devices9 servers9 and

    the Internet9 and 7nows how to provide services to other devices. It#s also smart

    about accessing information from the *.

    "mart about software and services. 2pplications and data are presented

    optimall' for the current form factor. Input methods and connectivit' is

    appropriate for the current device providing great end;user interaction. It

    consumes 5eb services using 8M$9 "G2*9 and )DDI and is programmable

    and extensible b' developers.

    "ome of the software for smart devices Microsoft is wor7ing on includes 5indows

    8*9 5indows E9 5indows Embedded9 the .NET ?ramewor79 and the .NET

    ompact ?ramewor7.


    Through the .NET platform9 businesses and others will be able to turn 7e'

    processes into 8M$ 5eb services. ?rom the schedule for a doctor#s office to the

    Microsoft 2rchitecture (uideC"olutions (uide


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    catalog for a boo7 seller or a mechanism to determine the proper exchange rate for

    world currencies > 8M$ 5eb services created and hosted b' one compan' or

    individual can be used b' millions of others in an' number of combinations to

    produce a variet' of highl' personal9 intelligent computing experiences.

    This distributed model of computing will put increasing demands on server

    infrastructures9 reuiring an agile9 highl' reliable platform.

    5indows %/// "erver and the .NET Enterprise "ervers with their built;in securit'9

    their support for 8M$ and their abilit' to uic7l' scale;out to meet increased

    demands provide the best solution to host and deplo' 8M$ 5eb services and the

    .NET platform.

    Microsoft#s .NET Enterprise "ervers represent the fastest and most reliable wa' to

    integrate9 manage9 and 5eb;enable applications within the enterprise. Microsoft is

    delivering enterprise;read' server offerings with the reliabilit'9 performance9

    scalabilit'9 and manageabilit' reuired b' enterprise solutions. 2 global support

    networ7 bac7s this9 which together with a rich set of industr' partners provides

    complete Internet and Intranet based solutions. The following list provides a briefoverview of each .NET Enterprise "erver. ?or more information about each product

    seeB httpBCCwww.microsoft.comCservers.

    .NET Expe*ien2e(

    .NET experiences are the means for end users to interact with .NET applications.

    .NET experiences are combinations of the @ail"tormA user;centric services9 other

    8M$ 5eb services and local application code that are presented via a smart device

    Microsoft is transitioning four popular products into .NET experiencesB

    Microsoft Gffice 8* is ta7ing the first steps towards providing a .NET

    experience for 7nowledge wor7ers. ?uture versions of Gffice will full' integrate8M$ 5eb services while exposing 7e' functionalit' to other applications as

    8M$ 5eb services as well.

    M"N9 including the use of the M"N Explorer local client9 is on the wa' to

    creating a consumer;focused .NET experience.

    The bentral small business portal will provide necessar' 8M$ 5eb services

    for small business

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    The' use 8M$ 5eb services .NET experiences ta7e advantage of 8M$ 5eb

    services when the' are connected to the networ79 aggregating additional and

    relevant information for users9 to solve da' to da' problems.

    The' are user;centric. .NET experiences are focused on end users9 using

    identit';based building bloc7 services

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    ever' phase of their da'9 regardless of where that information is

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    trac7 the order.

    Microsoft .NET allows this process to be ta7en one step further. 5ith 8M$ 5eb

    services the vendor compan' is able to connect directl' to the deliver' compan'#s

    order trac7ing application and obtain information such as the current deliver' status

    the current location of the goods and the scheduled deliver' date and time. This

    integration between the vendor and deliver' compan' allows the vendor to providethis additional information via its 5eb site and directl' to its customer. This is a

    great benefit to the customer9 who can now trac7 the deliver' directl' from the

    vendor#s 5eb site and is full' integrated

    Microsoft 2rchitecture (uideC"olutions (uide


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    across applications.

    Microsoft .NET allows users to uic7l' establish connections and complete

    transactions9 that up until now have reuired hours of time and the frustrating re;

    entr' of data from one application to the next. !' allowing multiple secure data

    feeds to be merged into a single user interface

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    The 2pplication Designer ta7es this approach one significant step further b'

    allowing business anal'sts to create executable applications directl' from their

    process models9 using familiar methodologies and toolsK illustrated in ?igure %.

    Gn the left hand side9 business anal'sts create the definition of the business

    process b' creating a seuence of action shapes that define the seuence of steps

    reuired to fulfill the business process.

    aving defined the model9 the business anal'st hands it over to the developer.

    Developers use the right hand side to specif' implementation shapes that define

    how each action shape

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    involves technologies such as message ueuing9 components9 and 5eb services

    that 'ou might develop using 0isual "tudio.

    Rea2)in/ )- C7an/e

    Gne of the huge challenges faced b' IT professionals toda' is the d'namic and

    constantl' evolving nature of the business processes the' are attempting to model

    and implement. ompanies must compete on their abilit' to adapt uic7l' to

    changing business conditions.

    The !i:Tal7 orchestration approach ma7es handling business process changes

    eas'. ?or further information about orchestration9 see www.microsoft.comCbi:tal7.

    Microsoft .NET supports high levels of integration with existing infrastructures and

    applications. It provides new technologies and evolves existing ones9 enabling 'ou

    to draw upon the existing experience of 'our staff. It also uses 'our existinghardware and supports scaling up and scaling out as 'our needs demand.

    Developers can start building 5eb services toda' using the "G2* Tool7it for 0isual

    "tudio -./ even before 0isual "tudio .NET is released. This will enable them to gain

    experience wor7ing with 5eb services prior to the release of 0isual "tudio.NET.

    E6-l6in/ Wind-( DNA %&&&

    The infrastructure and platform that .NET provides is an extension of toda'#s

    5indows Distributed iNternet 2rchitecture

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    De6el-pin/ We+ Appli2a)i-n(

    ?or 5eb;based applications9 .NET provides 2"*.NET

  • 8/12/2019 What Dot Net


    management of 5indows %/// "erver and the .NET Enterprise "ervers. To

    deliver Gperations Manager9 Microsoft has licensed NetIR#s Gperations

    Manager product9 which is alread' built on top of the management services

    available in 5indows %///. Microsoft has further enhanced Gperations

    Manager9 and NetIR is offering additional solutions to Microsoft#s new

    management products9 including support for other operating s'stems and non;

    Microsoft applications.

    .NET Management "ervices. This is an extended range of infrastructure

    services including a management portal supporting 8M$ and "G2*9 created

    for the development of solutions that integrate with the .NET platform.

    Microsoft Management 2lliance. This is a new program to help independent

    software vendors develop management products for 5indows. ?or more

    information about the Microsoft Management 2lliance9 see


    3n-led/e and S,pp-*) i)7 Mi2*-(-5)

    Microsoft provides worldwide support not onl' for its products9 but also for its

    strateg'9 solutions and industr' partners. Fou can contact Microsoft and as7 for

    informational meetings at different stages during 'our proJect development c'cleB

    5ith a Microsoft#s 2ccount Manager who understands Microsoft#s business

    strateg'9 and can refer 'ou to other Microsoft customers for reference


    5ith "'stems Engineers

  • 8/12/2019 What Dot Net


    access to all user#s data and applications an'where and from an' deviceK allowing

    users to interact with their data through handwriting9 speech9 and vision


    5ith .NET9 user#s data lives securel' on the Internet or Intranets so that the' canaccess it from their *s at home and at wor79 from their cell phones or pagers9 from

    their *D2s and *oc7et *s. 5ith this access9 applications are able to adapt the

    functionalit' the' offer to the limitations and opportunities presented b' the device

    with which the user is interacting. ?urthermore9 applications are able to act on a

    user#s behalf using a predefined set of preferences and directives.

    Therefore9 businesses benefit from radicall' increased efficienc' and productivit' as

    .NET brings emplo'ees9 customers9 data9 and business applications into a coherent

    and intelligentl' interactive whole.

    Microsoft#s vision for this new generation of distributing computing on the Internet is

    one where software is delivered as a service9 accessible b' an' device9 an' time9an' place9 and is full' programmable and personali:ed. To enable this vision9

    Microsoft is delivering the .NET platform and .NET experiences9 built on public

    Internet standards and protocols9 with tools and services that integrate computing

    and communications in productive new wa's. The Microsoft .NET platform is

    explicitl' designed to enable the rapid development9 integration9 and orchestration

    of an' group of 8M$ 5eb services and applications into a single solution.


    Ass%*'$yB This is the fundamental building bloc7 of program components in .NET

    and represents the unit of versioning and deplo'ment. 2ssemblies ma' consist of a

    single D$$9 or can comprise numerous D$$s and resources in multiple files.

    2ssemblies provide a different view of applications within the .NET ?ramewor7.

    LRB ommon $anguage 3untime. This is the runtime that provides the foundation

    for .NET services. 5hile an application or component is running9 the $3 manages

    ever' aspect of its execution9 including memor' management9 enforcing securit'

    polic'9 as well as satisf'ing an' dependencies that the component ma' have on

    other components.

    $+st%rB "everal servers interconnected to provide redundanc' support to the

    applications the' host. If one of the servers fails9 the others automaticall' ta7e over

    its responsibilities

  • 8/12/2019 What Dot Net


    providers including I!M9 ompa9 * and )nis's that provide the best scale;up


    Sca$%0O+tB This approach to providing improving scalabilit' involves adding more

    servers to a solution to increase its overall processing power. The Microsoft .NET

    Enterprise "ervers include built;in support for lustersof servers and5eb ?arms

    which allow 'ou to grow 'our application#s processing power incrementall'.

    SOA(B "imple GbJect 2ccess *rotocol. This is a protocol defining the wa' that


  • 8/12/2019 What Dot Net


    5indows DN2 evolutionB


    IT *rofessional sectionB


    8M$ ?ramewor7B


    GM informationB





    M"DN 5hite papersB


    ene*al Si)e( )- !i(i)




    (otDotNet was created to promote fran7 discussions and open collaboration

    between the .NET developer communit' and the Microsoft .NET ?ramewor7 team.

    (otDotNet is a communit' 5eb site where .NET developers can showcase their

    samples and receive information about the .NET ?ramewor7. It was designed

    specificall' to be a raw9 unfiltered loo7 inside the .NET ?ramewor7 and at the team

    within Microsoft that is responsible for writing9 testing9 releasing and managing the

    different technologies that comprise .NET. ?or this reason it differs from and is

    complimentar' to sites such as httpBCCwww.microsoft.comand





