what are skill sets? why are they important to know?

Skill Sets & Careers

Upload: keeley-lander

Post on 28-Mar-2015




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Slide 2 Slide 3 What are SKILL SETS? Why are they important to know? Slide 4 Communicatio n Skills listen, speak, active, interact Analytical Skills Research, observe, solve, hands-on Relationship Skills Advocate, patience, sensitivity, create Leadership Skills Manage, prioritize, organize, develop Slide 5 ? Slide 6 ? Slide 7 ? Slide 8 ? Slide 9 Does the thought of standing still or sitting at a desk sound boring? Then you are probably a Mover & Shaker. On the move Day- to-day tasks to vary Good problem solver Invite the challenge of a new task Work well in teams and by yourself Keep very busy all of the time CAREERS for the Mover and Shaker Slide 10 If you were born to lead and work with others, then you may be a Boss. Work well with variety of people Identifying problems before they arise. Clear vision Ability to think quickly Take charge Know when to ask for help Understand and empathize with others Make extremely tough decisions CAREERS for the Boss Slide 11 Would you talk to a wall if no one was around? Then you may be a Social Networker. Enjoy building relationships Communication Public speaking Events Customer service Social media Go-to person for product or service CAREERS for the Social Networker Slide 12 Thinking outside of the box is an understatement for someone who is an Artist. Free thinker Extremely creative No limits to your potential See what others dont Deep thinker Patient Perfecting Hope others find enjoyment in work CAREERS for the Artist Slide 13 If you are always willing to lend a hand, you may be a Caretaker. Excellent listener Come to you for advice Think about others before yourself Cognizant of others Physical work does not scare you Motivated by the end goal Work well with other people Good communicator CAREERS for the Caretaker Slide 14 Do you enjoy understanding how something works or how a process is run? If so, you are probably a Technician. Analytical Good with numbers and facts Work independently to get a task done Solution-focused Technology Attention to detail Problem solver CAREERS for the Technician Slide 15 If you are very academic by nature, enjoy school, and are rarely intimidated, then you are probably looking at careers down a Professional path. Strong work ethic Academically strong Driven to succeed in your chosen profession Ability to work in stressful situations and long hours Communicate effectively Strive to be the best in your field CAREERS for the Professional Slide 16 If you are the quickest to calculate a tip on a check or first to raise your hand in math class, then you are a "Number Cruncher. Strong acumen for number Solve problems logically Interpreting numbers Attention to detail Operates at the highest level Decisions are mostly based on data CAREERS for the Number Cruncher Slide 17 Event Planners Interpreters Marketing Specialists Law Enforcement Crime Scene Investigators Sales Representatives Construction Management Chefs ER Nurses IT Consultant Slide 18 Marketing Specialists Corporate Executives Directors Managers Business Owners Project Managers Politicians Hospital Administration IT Management Community Leaders Restaurant Management Slide 19 Meeting Planners Translators Market Researchers Health Educators Public Relations Social Workers Presenters Corporate Trainers Receptionists Real Estate Agents Sales Representatives Slide 20 Elementary School Teachers Web Designers Interior Designers Special Education Rehabilitation Counselors Musicians Graphic Artists Entertainers Writers Activists Fashion Designers Architects Slide 21 Physical Therapists and Assistants Home Health Aides Personal Care Aides Veterinary Technicians Occupational Therapy Assistants Marriage and Family Therapists Dental Hygienists Veterinarians Mental Health Counselors School Counselors Teachers Medical Assistants Slide 22 Network Security Administrators Electronics Engineering Brickmasons Plumbers Diagnostic Medical Sonographers Surgical Technology Mechatronics Electrician Medical Radiography Database Programming Simulation & Game Programming Slide 23 Physician Surgeon Post Secondary Teachers Lawyer Professor Pharmacist Researcher Dentist Chief Information Officer Slide 24 Accountant Auditor Bookkeeping Medical Secretary Information Clerk Computer Programmer Logistics Manager Inventory Manager Data Analyst Engineer