wf flew vf?? york rnin*daily tribune. new-york daily …€¦ · evening oi wednesday,fe». |^ai...

NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. VOL. X.NO. 3063. NEW-YORK, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1851. PRICE TWO CENTS. flEW YORK TRIBUNE. ISHEO I v_w rrjai daily trimunb ii pi »y» Wf VF?? RNIN* .T*lNOAYi EXCEPTED ITTHF TV." oprotlTB TurciTV MUX. *'..,, t v r -ertfor I'il Cent, perweiek; r IbtT SrOWT '-.¦."»'' p»y i* "" '* <">."" *l too o**R cr' W' nanhe or . T'»r"»t lit* **iue rate. Sing« coplee, *Dr *7e^as Mai' Bubae'lb-re Five i».,; are per annum, in fwoC«»* ,,, .,,.. r.,r atx in >m!i«. F»ririr«* advance. ff7M Drv'lnr* It) advance .. .r-dlaall iZ! .***' N wepapora 0*11* Pap*" '''*- *>,f''->fCia-olfir»wh/w* t«rrne a*- h'gber ihanthoeeof cr _f sm nt a''owed ant differer ce. T-leTraaw* *'»'<" » m a*|l*¦: NBW-1 ORK TK1 HI NB ,,,.RNi» laaoon »m> thk saaowicH humps r "t '*". d^nureofoaeoMatl Steamer for Caa- "*»tkr* t * easvt* r»-» eopv r" QBEKLEY v M< BLEATH. Puviah-re. "spkcial notices. rfr Lec-mrr lo l.ndlee Only.TDr MJ3BBILL wiD *r iver a S-.eri Lt r DM lo Ladt©* «i?. at Knickerbocker" r er of Eighth seenu« an TwentY-thlrd-at. THIS AFTFRNOON <M«n<lev)at HoYlock. on the. Vital Organs. ih#- Lu- -. TikLI Lsrirtg. acd errtatt other l-ijudicom lorn . i I t lMi I M ocresloung and aggravating many of ia>poc«lav dirVtdtie* aooat which MaJoa tuffor; the sseasslur* develt paaaaiol Paaatoao of Children; their restraint Ar eoatpnaiag . variety of topic* which cannot re dtsevsaed before a proruiecuoue audience. Admission jl i rsDi* . . . . He wilt also st the same rd nee, deliver a »hirt eon-ae of two Sa. pi |>eawM lo fir-iitlomon only, on MOIfDA Y and Tl BSDAY E\ ENIN08, Feh 10 and 11, upon the Phrslo- lorfical re anootof Marriage to the health of the Individual and ihr welfsrenf Uta rorumunlty Involving an exposition rf if e Nature. Use at d Abuse* of Ihn Sexual Instinct; It* reaaactS** with our Social Arh-.-Mon*; S > itarv aa-1 Social 1 rrr !"' .».: II t ¦ .p>.n Marriage, fcc. A'-. Adtnlt- lajic* l.'i rts ea-h to enirg. Paar* at ^ o'cl'ick lioeftrewl'l commence at7| 1* pf Itev. !;. II. rh.ipln ¦ Loctmra before tho Phr»n"!..trleal Boehjqi at Clinton Hall, on WEDNESDAY BTjBUKG, Feb 12, at7y o'clock. Suhjct-The Ideal and ibeAcniat. A''rritt*rce l.J ct§ lOfSt t*r l.t-rmren on Art..The aaoood Lactare or tue An!*.*' roaraa will oe delivered hy PARK OODWIlf, E.g. MONDAY EVENING. Feb. 10, at R o'c'ock. at the Nation*! Ac«.Vmv of PeeVu. Suhlect.The Pnii 'aophy of A t. The Boon wfÜ brilliantly (ruminated, and t .e Pictur»»i'f the New-Fork Gallery will be »^eo gratia.. Tirketa tu ihr L»-c'iire m«y be had at the door. Price 2jcta. ArtiH* can pn.rura ti< ket* free, hy applying to Mr. Prud- L in i, u tbel in.'dir.t'* of ike Academy. 8 3 030OOI), It Y. Hnlveralty, Iff U* CLalruian of Commute-". rv r»o»aterina of a (telert Couraeaf ( heinU ml l,eciorea. tn be delivorad in New York du in< tue I, .-nit ax a*h, by JOHN F.JUDD. A M. Introlucto y.- iubj. c». Kerieft'», bow resultingand to be ..¦cured, from the >; M a nf (°i >-ri.i*iry to the purpnae* of Practical Life. P'an of tne Courte .General Suhjoct.Atmospheric « te'T Lecture I. Oxygea. *i» aourrea, prop.-rtl«*, effect*. Loraaro2 Nl roj¦ ¦.< lia so irees, properties, elbV'e. Lei lnre J. M'listii.e.Ii. auuree». pr ipenlea. efTects Lecture i Elect? cty fte aourcee. propertie», effect*. le-rmre V ConcludlDg Lecture. 8ubj«ct.To prove from Ihn A'lnirsnbere ibe ailaiaoi.a ot a (lod Tlie siihj« eta considered will be llluatrated by a seriea of atlersstting egprrlrm nta N B .The MIronBetoe* Lecture will be delivered on the EVENING oi WEDNESDAY, Fe». |^ ai the Broad way Tabernacle, roirnierirlng at 74 Or «loch Almiaaiori free to laMataaot Uohata, h n<.ne oAera aslaiMtaal NB.Personal fiends of the Lecturer not yet supplied a lib tickets, and inhers .. t.e.i to attend'can ooMal ilinn ii^'n apolieatioa lo Mr. M Dodd, Brick Church fbapal; K. Carter V Brothers, Irving House; L**aviit, Trow k Co, j:i| |.roadway, or George k H. Miile ,045 Brosdsiay. Inf it* HP' fthakxiiers- UrRdlnaa. Prot HOWS wl,i read IheComei'v of As You Lite It. at the Stuyvesant Institute, on WEDNESDAY EVENING next. Feb. 12 To com- ance at ft o'clock Tickets 50cia To bo obtained at the ccorard at the usual p:aces. N B -Ti e present nnd following Readlnga of the course wlllbe glvenon Wednesday evening of each week. Instead of Thursday. Be announced. .Neu Y' rhi Pah laSl. M 2tis.MkW* GT Yoiioaj Haw*a Ikrltiulii« Kocloty.-Thls So- eieiv will holo h Bpwdal Meeting THIS iMoodav) EVEN¬ their Rooms. HI Bowery, between Grand and Bester sis. As this meeting Is especially designed for La¬ dies, the Order .fix. rc'r.ea will be. Reading of Ell tor's Rook; 2. Eordtatloaa; S. Essay; 4 Rocllailons: 5. Deiiato. Pul'jert.eboul I snv bo given to SupernaUiral Manifestations» Exercise* commence at 7} o'clock pre- risrlr. Ladles ai d l entlioen are reapectfullv Invited to attend ISAAC A. AMEHMAN, President. A I! Walikbs.R. S. lfif I** IT I.O.O.lF.-U.VF.tsrnndl.oilKe of "south- Sffai New- York. -Al the regular semi-annual Session of the R. w QraodTeudfo, hoidla thaw Boora, 0 F Hab, on THl'RSDAY. Ptb e, Hti'ing other business had was tne unanimous adoption of the following Resolutions Nesnfrsd. That In ac -epilr.g the resignation nf Irs late Orand Secretary, BENJ I PENT'/, the Oraad Lodge re¬ gret ine neceslty which cinnpel ii to part with a faithful and mergelte aaTaeav; nue who lis> so ilisch irgi«d his dntie* aa lo secure the e-ieem tad good will of his fellow member*, .id ad\ance the well beiiiig ofonr helove'l Order. Arse/icrf, That em B'Otbor will carry with him to Iii« lew station our beat wish*-* a* ieeui'<«rs of this Grand Lodge, and .. individuate, for hi* continued success and an licr»aa»,| p eaeure of prosper iiy in all the rotaffcaaaof life. SesWec</. Thai the Grand Sec'relarv BO a ithorl/od lo p ile bsb ihrse res niior.s In ihre«* dally and In three aa ihe Sundav pspe's. Saweaatraei fMf ri | JOHN J. DAVI BS, OaL a>ae fW* l< <». ol Kechabltee..Washington Marine TcliNi. 1,1.0 of R. will ce tbrate tln-ir 8ih Anniversary by s pu'lie rrer'ing Intbe (Jreen-st M E Church on MON- I'AY EVENING, the Itnhtnst.. to commence a* 7J o'clock. .Metking by liro. W. H. HORTON and Rev. H. K N YE sf Sin cor. Me S'ntlng by a «eiert Choir and Mr A. all KRAY Tbc public ar'1 Invited to attend. Tickets may be hid ;t« n'totiS v of nnv of the members of the Tent, or it Ihr itoonn the ev, ring of meeting MOBlbaVI of the Crder B'e requested to meet In the liasement of the Church Ii7o'elock. ROBT. BEATTY. Jr . Wit* Sec. of Coiumi.tee of Arran.'erneute. ri7" f*hlp Alert Tor Snn KriXBclaco..Shippers wi lrltaso Date all their Freight on hoard at PrsrS, North Elver, before SATHKDAY, l-.h. and send Bills of Lading lo ihe for ».gnature. E B.SITTON i CO. |pr rW_84 Wall st. IV'Or. H. Iluo*, from HuoMory, latoly Bur* |Mi>i in-chief of the Hungarian Annv. and tornier'y Pro¬ fessor on Ej ideiiitcnl Disease-, of the University of vleoM, a ih deliver a course nf lecture* on POPL'LÄR l'HYSI- CLOOY.Bl Ibe New-York Medical College, in h si., thiee ilme* a week, t) begin on TUESDAY, Fehruwy llth st " o'cWh, P. M and coatiniin on Tuesdays, Thurs¬ days aid hatuidays This course will last two months, 24 tenures without Iba hr-t. m bat h will lie gratis. He wilt raplaln In tbeae lecture* manv phenomena of beai'h and dl-ee.e* heretot'.ire unexplained,and the action of «litfereiit rerne<liea sccordlrig lo ahjaaoaljstlaclaoaa La-lteaard gentlemeu ar-o respectfully invited. Tickets are lo be obtained of the Janitors of lhe> medical colleges, and of Dr Haas, in his oflice, M2 Housum-et two doo's from Broadway, at b o'clock, P. M. Price of tue course Is two dolla'S. Cl'2t* tV I nrrUu l.odar, No. 177, I. «». of <». K.. The Members of this Lodge are minesled lo be punctual in anerdarre OB TUESDAY stVEMI Nt>. Fob llth, at the Ledge Room, 411 Broadway, aa the By-Laws will be taker tip ftir action, by order of the Lodge. STSt*_WM V ADAMS, Secretary. IV lloaaralond Aaaorlatlon..A meeting will be 1*1.1 Hi Military Hall, 189 Bowerv. on TUESDAY EVE- NINti Fib. 11, at H o clock, for the purpose of organizing an Association to purchase a plot of land to be divided Into building lots Said land Is the farm of Quo. Guun, Esq., situated on the line of the New-Haven Baiiroad SO mln> utea'tide fWmi tiila city and It e yards from the Depot In BBS town of MamA'oi.n-k; Is of s level and even grade, with the road distant a quai ter ofa mile from the dock.from which lh« te U sloop coiiiinnnicatiun with New-York weekly . This land .-an be obtained on such terms aa will enable persons of the moat limited mean* to possess themselves of a large and handsome lot. Call and hear. _D. B. TAY LOB and othara Of i xtennlon ot ( hnmbera-etreer,..All poreoaa Interested In and opuoeed lo the contemplated extension of Chambers alreet, from Chniham-streel lo the East River, are reipieated lo call al ihe store of Jobu Robins, Esii ror- .er of rearl and Ma lison-atreets or al the store of \\ ilham A Mead Si Co. No hi C berry street, and sign a remon- .ti ance against the same. 7f 3il|* fV If.tire. -The Special CommlttceSor tb" »tih;ect of EltcDdfrg Chamber »t will meet on MONDAY next, loth last, at 3 o'clock P M . at ihe City Hail, In the Chamber of the Board of A.'^nnen. A!! parties Interested in property hkely to be i :.'i . ted by the contemplated Improvement, are hereby iwpecifully requested to tuend, tod present .hair views on the snb'ecL JACOB F OAKLEY. ) _ . OSCARW.BTl RTEYANT. J Special Committee S'M EDMUND GKIFKIN. S W ANTED. \\' ANTKD. Fifty Agents to sell Patent * ' atakjaaa, and one to sell a pateni right In the city, one tor Broohiyn, also a number of new used in every SiT Jin ^ m7 mrreharta and persons going to Califor- r tak- Lkl',**1 V°. r*': A;»" ¦ Paruior of genteel addrea*, to take charge of Indoor buitness. with $1«*' to 200. alki Naaaaa at. rooiB No 8. JOHNSON. lOfSt* WANTED .A SITUATION 18 . W.cOACHMAN or WAITER. In a private family. y aaiiddle aged man. «all quauhed fo, maierVvtco.* Ill has a thorough know ledge of ,h* city, and ha* the beat of fa«.mo.iia'a of bia capacity and [ llBlilU. TTl ad«,e»,ed M C. at this oSce. will receive, prompfaiu.> «.ue. No objection to go In the country. ll'ANTKl)..In a private family a wo- " *n »n aa c.H»k and lo aasist In »aal.lng and ironing Nora need apply except they are well recommended S eiper sneed German woman will lavo preference Ar>- phrat room No Broadway Hotel, comer ol p,;B r'*ff 4t '* '* ° Clw * duriD,r e*vrl-y ,,|lrl of tb* w,*k. \\ ^^TF.l).A pfrxiii CBpaTtbleof trans- mmm sHS rvV* pviernt from sketchea to design pfs EL ' V*. *ppl» bul "ho understand the biisl- ^7.. euch iibaral wages and steady employment will tafrmT *PP1»to THOMPSON A CO., _8 Spruco-sl. IM/'A NTKD. Sitmtions for about 70 eir^ rery W are SbgS^ SSStl. aKt?C^ MSy oa Iks -'r^, 0f M^ wi» Hve tni.rudio" e bcoce.ii sixth it. Term* very reasonable. 4f2aw3w Y\:ANTKI)-,\ Beotek or Kr^h irirl, » » t > d'» p kin cooüne and geuerai housework Apply hl IM »:'!'«<: !; -itroi.d It. near Sixth-av. 10/ 3t* |ft ANTED.Titles to Dlinoittiid Mit- . sonri lands, rran'ed to soldiers of the WAS of HIS, ar forfet-ed for Taxea Arply or address, givingMaa> Ik ra of Iota to P S HOE9, S3 Wal'-st, formerly M. Myers. lif In.* UA N T E D TO LEASE.One er more LA ROE ROOMS, well lighted, tuitaile for a rMattOC OanOS. A location on the West tide of Broad- way, soaneti here between Kultoti aoi Wall ate preferred. S'eam power desirable: an.1 at all event*, the privilege of nsinssteam. K. HART. 4 Tl.,:nea-»L LOflW* 1VANTED.At 114 Nassau-st. (basc- . ? ment ,. Kiin'oa ment itspeeUily obtainedforClerks, BalSSSBSIl, I'orters, School Teachers, Bar-keepers. Walter«, Coachmen, Rove to leam respectable indes. Rules and rsajala V as to be seen in the office, which are strictly ob¬ served. Employees fee ft per year. Application-, led Ming ? l, free of postage, stalintr the description of emnlnymeat required, can he suiled [lOflt'J THOS-8P1NK, Agent \V ANTED TO RENT..By the month .w or quarter, a Lecture room. Church, or Veetry, for week day afternoona and evenings. Apply to T. L NICHOLS. M. D If St* 87 West Twenty-sec-md-eL rANTED. A Seamstress, who can cat and make shins and children's cloth-e. One who ia willing to make berte f generally useful, who ui derstandaher b.ieiness, and can come wi'O urie.vceptioo- able reference*, can apply at 35 Wiiioughby st. corner of Jay, Brooklyn. _tfjg \VANTED--Gardener, to commence vv aervice next April.PIANO, good f J or 7 O.-tave for cash .IRON SAKE, Salamander, of moderate a,/,- [of cttb. Apply by note to box 1,374, lower Post office, within 5da>». _'_ itW \\"ÄNT'ED . By a most reepeeUb o v v riegle nmn, a situation Gardener. He perfectly understands I is business in all its brnnc'ies. Advertiser i. n1 n * in III* present situation ll'l engaged. Addr-es I T. Aiii. cuhural *luie, 4!» »tatest, New Haven. 8f 1 w* VVANTED.An experienced, practical, v . hard-working Scoich or English Gardener, fully ac¬ quainted with his business He must be a married man wuhtut children. To such an one fair waves will be gi-'rn, In a permanent situation, together with the u«e of a cottig* on the preiiiiie*. and the, privilege ot boarding one man constantly, and such extra laborer* as mav be l. Ap¬ ply to WM. DE PEW, f8 31* 124 rront-st IV ANTED BOARD for a Gentle man v ¥ and lila Wife and a Single Gentleman in a private family, or where there are but a few boarders. a neatly furnish* (1 sitting-room and bed-room requtred on the second fl.iorforibe eentleman and his wife, and a comfortable room, with breakfast and tea and dinner on the Sa'jbath, for the sii gle gentleman Terma mutt be uioderat», and will be paid weekly References mven arid required. Address QUIET, Office of The Tnbune. 8f it* \\ ANTED. Board in East-Broadway, vv in a Quaker family, where a limited numlier of boaidera are taken, by a Gentleman who wants only plain tare, and where the comforts of a home cau be obtained. This bouse mutt have Hot, Cold and Shower Baths. Address J W. General Post Office. Box 1361. ftf 2r A\ ANTED.A CLERKSHIP, (Dry vv Goods prefened.) by a young man who haa had thiee years experience in the Country, Is pretty well ac- qua nU-d with Merchants in ihe Interior of this Slate, can keep books, and haa the moil unexceptionable refe en cos from his employers. expects but mudera'e wagaa for falibfu] and active aervice. Address W. K S, at this Office. KfSi* WANTED. By a small family, part of a house In a respectable neighborhood, flroag first of March or before if poaelb'e, where they will not be. obliged io move In Mav. Rent must lie mo lei ate*. Ad.Iiess '/.. T L.. Tribune office._8f 2t* AS Chambermaid and Waiter, or to take care of children and t-ewin^, by a very resp^ct- ali'e, tniart and tidy girl. Will make horself generally uteful Is a very g"iid chambermaid. Salary not so much an object »* a good home. It willing to go in the country Call et*50 Broadway._l"f It* AS Coachman or Groom, by a respect¬ able competent man wl'h a*nple rofeience Can be Sen ai ROBERT STORYS Saddlery. 25 Fulton-st, Brooklyn or a note addressed to "Groom'' at this office, will meet with attention. 10f 2i* AS Cook in a Hotel or (ientleman's Botriiingbouse, by a middle-aged American WOavlat. She It a good cook and understands her hustnett. Good reVrepce can be given from her latt place. Can be teen for iwo r!a>t at 109 Rivington St., bacg room, t:rtl Co ir. AS General Housemaid, by a well rocommended, tidy arir 1. It a good cook and first rate washer and troner, or would do chamberwork an 1 take care of children ar.n sew. Would make heiraelf useful and go for moderate wagea. Call at 2*3 Bowery._1' f It* AS Cook ami to Wash and Iron, in a small family, by a Protestant woman. Has good re¬ ference from her last "p!a-e Call at 177 aWsaboth-Sl in the rear, up Blair*, bttwteu Prince and Spring. ltl It' AS Porter in a respectable establish- Btsnl by a smart. Intelligent vmi'ig man Is willing to make MaVeelf generativ useful, writes ». good hand. Is qulca at liguret, can malte htnuelf generally useiut in an oil re. lianwakSSSlS horses if required, and is tteOTOOgrfllf aci|uair terl wlih the cilv. Can furnish unexceptionable c'ly le't-ieiice«. Address Mil. STEVENS, 4o Exchange f lata, fur E. A. r. _l"f u* AS Waitkk in a private family, Saloon, Hotel or Eating Housu. hy a smart young man, cap¬ able, hoLi'tt and ctealv, either in the citv or country. Qoii reft-ietces given. Ask for james, in the oifi.-e 111 Nas¬ sau si. (basement) N B .Office fee will be charged to the 1 In j o> i r._10f u*< APARTN ER WANTED.A merchant now eatabllehed in the hardware. Iron, and Stove hueineea In one of the Western elite* of this State, and about entering into other businett requiring the whole of bis persorsl attertion, detiret a partner ol good character ard biitineis haldts, with four or five thoiitan I dollars rash capital, to take an interest in the store and the entire charge thereof. The establishment has been protitaMe from the commencement, and Ihe new Imeinea* Ihe pre¬ sent proprietor is to engage In will increase the trade o! the store some tiiirtv ihree per cent. Address box 1.565 Post office._lOf W SITUATION IS WANTED for a i pious Protestant woman to take care of chil Iren and to do plan, tewing. i: quire at 54 Rivington st lOf It* BOARlTWANTED.By a widow ladyi in a small private family, where she will receive ihe comforts of a home. Address "Board." Broadway Post- office, slating terms which must be moderate. luf It* IJOARD..Wanted, in a private fam- AJlly who do net intend moving on 1st May BAWL Of where there are a few boarder*, a room partludy furnished, (dinner on Sundaya,) for two younu men. Locatloa on or not far from Broalway, between Spring and Tenth tts. Terms to be moderate. Address, tl ilio office of The Trib¬ une. 8. a C. 4flw* BOARD WANTED..By a gentleman ard bis wife, and ton and daughter, adults, in a pleas¬ ant location between Spring and Tenth streets, and Broad¬ way and Hudaon-aireet, from the 1st of May next. Would with a »mall parlor and three bedroom a. There must be warm and cold water bath* In the house. It dinner at J P. M three will dine at home. Address * Sigma," at the Tribune office, stating terms, fcc , for furnished or unfur¬ nished apartmenta. 7f3i- CHARLES P. GIFFORD is requested to call tt ike Irving House where he will find ICflfo _MARY N. OIFFORP. POWER PRESS WAITED-An Adams Power Press.bed at least 30 by 41.second¬ hand ard in good order. Addresa "Press," care of V. B. PALMER. Tribute Building, stating price, he. lOf 3t A T HE FURNITURE of a modern house In a firtt class neighborhood, l>etween the Eighth and Ninth avs. wi 1 be told low. The bouse ran be rented, and If agreeable, the furnilure will be taken out in board. Ap- I'.v at 7- Wsier-at. 7f 3t« TO BUILDING MOVERS.-Wanted the mi of Marc Two men that understand the business of Movirg Wooden Building*, to go about one hundred miles into the country, where there are three tanart villages, communication by Railroad twice a day. Much ralsmar and repairlag to be done. I will fumieh Screw* ai d Tackles, and go panner. or sell my whole in- lereat Tery low, a* my health will not permit me to carry It on. Men with small families will be preferred. I wiU furnish them with goo*] tetementt at low rant Please leave a line at thia office, ttating name ar-d residence. I will asj and bold an Interview about the MB tust, directed t" A. O B_if 21MV3« IX) CAPITALISTS-Wanted a Partner (Special or Active} with a capital of #5 MS to encage la a manufacturing buaineat from which fair protila willbe realized. Business ««und and iure. All c mimunlcatlone treated a* coniidential. Addrets .Manufacturer, Iff 21* npo MUSICAL COMMITTEES OF -* CHCRCHESAND ORG ANISTS.\V anted. *.ri en- gagerpeeUn Church, for a Soprano, Alto. Tenor and Base > wilder all baylpg had much exper1e.Dce in Sacted Muslc- i r e a to ana Bast are now disengaged, the Soprano and Tenor w ill en,,,,, frp,,. 0(Mav next Any Chrrch pan-ci: arly tntereated n this Importart part of D'v'ne see vice, ard willing ta pav liberally for a competent Q;iart«tte will addreaai nous to Quartette" at the Trv ?." ggg_*f5,8MvfV' ft£ (MM) CAPITALIST Wa"ntEd tT'A^Y U> become lntereated in a very exum.lve Marufarturlrg butirest, which ha* the rare character of a ho» lag definitely and fully lit results dally. Sa'es I Ur Qtsasdonableevidence and reference given ta all whlc1; rt Airs io ihe mailer. Address by letter, H'fS;* D- X. X, Jin Broadway. THE CARD..THE CALENDAR CARD OF BAKE GODWIN. GO,PftllffEBJ TRI BUNK 8L'ILIHN<.>. Will i.e.esuei Till8 MORNING' The superiority of (bit Card in beauty of design, artistic workmanship. iud general attractiveness., will sufficiently account for. and excuse tbe lateness of its appearance . The beautiful border, drawn and engraved by Tt dor Hob. to*, embraces Portraits of Washington and Franklin, a View of the City Hall. Tribune Buildings, th*. Interior of a Prix ting Office with Compo.-ltors and Pressmen at work. Hoe's Improved Cylinder Presses. Gordon's New Card and Circular Press, Washington and Smith Hand Presses- etc. etc. The Calendar for K'Jl.ln bald and striking figure*, occu¬ piers tbe center of the Card, and is surrounded withlineain colors, describing the different varieliee of work executed at BAKER, GODWIN A CO S Eitensive Steam Printing Establishment in the Tribune Buildings. The subscribers propose to pla'e these Cards, which have been issued at a cost of several hundred dollars, In every Bank, Counting-Room, 0:Hce and Store In the city. Proper persons have been emploved to carry out th:* ar- rar g einer', and it is hoped that the beauty and utility of lb'1 Card will induce all to give it a prominent place upon their walls. A few of the first impressions have drawn out the follow¬ ing commendations til M< saia Baker, Godwin A d'. anew and siurpr^irn firm, who . few ¦saths s*o angled I the Priatirf business, send 'is an Abnai.*'', . i t< k »'so r BOta r « tbe.r Csrd It s a sps< ssssi of the T)potr»it;i- Art nl »l..<b our oMe-t estsb'n.imenU a*HM .aRaasswai Theee geafeaesa be« sa ett* nSce, --;>v * of di i-g sll kinils r f Pr ntrg and w th snrh spe< im>n mn.t saeaea la B Vary short time an iirmmn smnunt of business. Thatrestab hsln.eot is in tue 1 riuun* BuiUim t.coruer ol Sonus and Nssss I sts. («uadajr D «pavli. Kiss PasaatBM .Or eef the most heaitilu! spe. iro»ns of J..I, Hr. t ii r that eVff CBSBS to nur BBtaBBSI a ri li'y eti)te»'l «heil i'n'int.of- BasM* A .i'».. «.«e. uted tu Messrs Baker, Godwin A Ca. J..b Pr D'era.Tr I n..s BailaiBSB, [A'las fci" Hsker. (ioCw.o & Co. Printer«, in the Tribune SnIM sags, h*ra .satastassi Baasaaaa Cird.sne>.ant spaaaaMaf tfc*"Atpr» .. r»st »» i f til Art« " It rontain« BS Alrrsnm tor the pr.,«ert >*"'. ai teaaal . is, aro the saaajsjasjaaasal of tt«- rariaaa styles of wars tteu al ihnr esta'-'VlimeLt- [Courier. f?; Mercbarts, Lawyers, atd others who may not be called upon by tbe canvasser, csn procures copy of the ft r! try rsllir.p at our office. Onirers of Public Institution«, as well as Store-keep. ere, out 11 ihe cl'.y, by making application, will be supplied by n aii HAKE It. GODWIN ii CO, PRINTERS. Tribune Buildings, corner Nassau and Spruce sts. I of Second Story.Entrance I Spruce st. BOARDING. BOARD..A gentleman and his wife, or three single gentlemen, can be accommodated with p eitsani Rooms, with full or partial Board, at M Hudson- Street. Terms moderate. 7fit* BOARD.At the private Mansion House M Oreenwlrh-sL Gentlemen, with single beds and Itfkt, niry rooms, 12 50 per week Day Boarders. $2 per v. etk ; Transient Boarders. 50 cenU per day. J28 Im" OAKD.A Gentleman and his wife ' can be accommodau d with a parlor and bed-room on th* brat floor; also, two or three single gentlemen will fiud pleasHnt apartments on application at 41 Warren-si Term* moderaie. JI6 lin* BOARD.With good accoinmodBtions, ran be had at 178 Weal Twenty-aeventh st. I door* west of Eighth av. JU lm* BOARDING..A Front Parlor and Red- room on the third tloor to rent, will Board. Apply at No. II Ler.'y Place, Bleeeker-at. 7f2web<l* AO EN TL EM AN. his wife and servant can be permanently accommodated with handsome rooms and board in a small private family where no other boarders would he taken, In a house possessing all modern conveniences, eligibly located In the uprerpart of the city. Address box UBPoet-Otlice. _3M w* AMERICAN HOUSE, Hanover-st. Boston .The undersigned having entirely rebuilt and enlarged ihe above extensive establishment, containing In all about SMi rooms, would respectfully give notice that It is now ready for the reception and accommodation of the traveling community. An extended notice of the unsurpassed conveniences of tbla house isdenned superfluous, aslher.iimerous'mprove- merits which have been made cannot be properly given In mi adverti«e?«ient. Suffice It to say thht no expense haa been spared 10 render any apartment perfect. Tbe furniture was ma le expressly in order, regardless of cost and certain portions of It, «specially the drawing- p < u:s. will be fouril in be of the most beautiful and tHSto- fiil maxufticture. Tbe dlniag-rooms are capacious, and the boors for meals will be so arranged as to suit the con¬ vent, nee of the early and late. Every department will be 1 ndueled In an unexceptlon- al a BBSS, ner, sml Ihe proprietor pledges hi Hl sei I thnt Ihe Ai"i rieht! Hi iieesl.Rul be truly lln Traveler's Home, arsaariaaaa LEWIS RICE. rkURKEE HOUSE, at KeBoaha, (late .L/sinrhport. WIs V.The subscriber (formerly of the Paari-ai Hojse New-York City) would respectfully an- nounre to tbe traveling pulillc that he ha* leased tlifl above- named bouse for a term af year* and would be happy to re.-, Ira olkl s from those who will favor him with tbetr pat- rooaäTO The houae Is too well known to nes*d B rtaacflo Son B. DOUGLASS. Kenosha. Jan 7,180I. J24 tf t5ÖvTm1TTÖ LET, with full or partial I B ROAKD on the second and third floors, mmlskwj and unfurnished, in a hrst-class house. 2 Lamartlne-i-'ace, Twenty-mnth-st.. between Elgli'h and Ninth avs. Refer¬ ee res exchanged. H lm* P|^<) LET, furnished, by a small private «. fan,;!y, the second floor and has- meat to two or three persons, without children Address "Home," at tins Office. No removal on the first of May. J31 if NEW P(JBrJCArr«ON8 Readv This Day, THE OR RATEST ROMANCE OF THE AGE, WACOI'STA OR, THE PROPHECY, AN INDIAN TALE, by Major Richardson, author of " Ecwte," "Hardicrabble," etc. etc. Price FlAy Cents. If the proposition be true that books are like wine, mar much as It is improved and tested by a^e, then will the au. tbor of " Waccusta" he of undying fame; for we have just risen from the re-perusal of this celebrated work with Die firm conviction that In the effective management of an ex¬ citing plot, tn description of border warfare, and especially jn powerful delineation of Indian character, he has never been excelled ; and, to our opinion, only equalled by Mur« ray In Ms .. Prairie Bird," and Cooper In his " Leather 8tock. leg Talea f and tte simple but manly hero of that aeries is not more strongly Individualized, and doea not excltemore lntorest than the cunning, vast sirent'Jj. hair breadth es* rapes, a*. J4>:r .-cr! a'> haired of the fierce Wacouaia The women are ail lhai they should he; simple-hearted seirlacr.hdDg. devo'.ed women, and their Influence has a! softening effect upon the harsher features of the work. The editor has revised the work and added a new and tn. teresticg chapter to the original London edition, which was never published In full before in this country. The book contslns 224 oct pages, well printed on the very best paper OPINIONS OF THE LONDON PRE8S. And as . liTsh; and admirable description of tkoa* scaaes ef rua! « . faitblul picture of the will and it***!atecoaatry.and ss BBboaax as accurate ».e* of tbe slat* ol tbe Celooie*atth* IsbW »Lea a nuslakeo tecl of UmpteJ us tn waste cur hlo<J and treasur* on tbe.r uicqueet and preservation, these Tubitae* must be rss e.ved ; Va* .-e it aasaaaaai th* I. ;t> merit of historical truth. anJ tans -I- 1 soil which the plow of literature bus uithertn bara.'j en tare*. [ L in ien .Wiens* Iis pictures of A mar csn Sce-ieryand Indian wsrlars.ol tbe eeng* fulsLirit of the Rae.kin, and ronqueet of the wbite man.of th* des; sraia isrot.t) of tbe outlaw, and the «niearuig teoJaruess ot weraen.are worthy of o^r »est wr.tors ol BBBBMisal Mtaatw * [Lcodon Pu.t Tbe of ibis hotsI ron. st in the .pint r.f Us historical pic¬ tures, wharb posses, at least, the <vns steoe> ol truth The wntar d splays no ordinary sliart- af graphic power, aad baa tbe rare talent of " readerieg a fearful battle 1* music Louden Atlas. It is s cuiK us fact tbat so popular an sjaaVas as Mr. Cooper h\s th.rto met ro inutators. The Srsl tbmg t' at usually hapnaas to a successful author s to t>eo<erahelm*d witb followers. Perhaps the sutbor of the "Spy" a'oute.t tb s by tbe utknowt land upon wb:rk he set Ins mark. A formilst-le coor; etitor has now, aowa-ar, entered opou his track,ard, »1 must say, with great surceeeand spirit IxinJi n Litarary Oatetta It w.;i re-a re but slender tbeitgbt to perceive, by tbe autbeaticar dor of BO pea, that the author la. ban ore* to a military life, and that be >s a n.aa eety saayasias .. i aaaa *-* aaaaaaaaaaai of iq tal'ert tn* last*. This Bust render him an oniamact to th* " tented Bald" as weD as to tbe Held r Literature 'l^mdon Satinet Tbi» powerful tale af feeiiog is rendered w.tb a truth au* force that wJI absorb the trader's attest cn deeply, aad (ratify e»eo the nxnt romantic sad italmckoly; and ahojether w>> know net abaa wa hare pertisail a tats .0 ersry way (alculateJ to su.t the «anoua tastes wbab aajsl among our readers ol ndioa Mist Sbersian'. Magaziaa. DEWITT A DAVENPORT, Iff It Tribune Buildings, Nassau-st. THE CLAIRVOYANT'S FAMILY PHYSICIAN, containing a coarse of treatment for all Disease* prevalent in this country, by Mr. L Tuttle, Pneo 75 cenu. For sale by | KT 2t | BOB EBTS. 129 Nassau -st N~ ATURE DEFENDED, and the Abuses of Custom Exposed; being an argument advocating the claims of FEMALE MIDWIFERY. By G. W. Skin, cor, M.D. Pnee only 124 rents. For aale by Iff :t_FOWLEBS A WELLS. 131 Nassau-st cKict. iwiMi nri oatartw THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE WO¬ MAN'S BIGHTS CONVENTION, held al Worces¬ ter, October. 1850. containing the Addressee, reports of 8reecues. Lettt ra received. Resolves. LUt of Members and CotaiidUres, and In fact a fuil report of the meeting, is for sale by [IN 3*1 fOWLXBS k W£L.'-8,131 Na-»au-*L K AUDÜBON'S BIRDS OF tiMERICt. / * f aeB r f .¦.$. or '.. I vo * »... v y UbfmT* .r , «r->n e\ing the pistes, !ar_" M g I till r. »'d wleidng to eon- pit: r. Ilitt 'lie MM p-e««. r a dupl' at» eopj. may d tMNM (and ii i* he eve<j ihe ni y o-'ei emoagdieuM KSCkOf tkie«,tele of W A r.i rran, i^w p o»injf -I, ., . M Kr ffiw a', jta slk'rs |,f t: i ((,I.MAN, AffeSC. JÜANT ELL'S i Ur.» PICTORIAL AT¬ I'S LAS Of FOSSIL, REM UNS. OR, PETAIP.AC- TiONSAND THEIR TKaCHlNGS-Conslsingor.»: ored illu»tra,:ort selected from PirklGson't " Organic Re- mains of a former world.'' and Anil'a " Anted 11 :in Phytology," with addition* aDd descriptive letter press. *>y [)r Mantel!. Ho, with 71 tine colored plates, containing nearly II P subjects, clorti gilt .hut nretved and foraale by II f It BANGS. BRO. It CO io-i Broadway. P( >EM FORMALE.A niar^rirjt;P > em, on a moral topic, containing about BM lines in he¬ roic measure It has never been seen except r.y'ir" vi- tfcor A !dr--t MANCSCRIPT a' T <me (,',-.. ' :> TITTLES VALENTINES..A iplen- did assortment. Sentimental and Cotic, English, Krerchard American; beautiful dsatgns at low prices, at TITTLE'S Emporium of Kancy Goods. 545 Broadway. An Invoice of ENOL1SI1 VALENTINES Just opened. Mm yÄL^TINES! VALENTINES!!. v The subscriber begs leave to call the attention of Deal¬ er* an,t o'her- to his large and splendid assortment of VALENTINES of new and elegant design* and work¬ manship, which are OtTered for CASH at very low prc>s ai d In lota to suit purchasers. Country dealers by seeding tl.etr orders accompanied by a remittance will be StM t w ith on the n:ost Itt.eral terms and their orders promptly forwarded. üEORGE H 1VES. Manu'acturer, 7f I w* 152 Nassau, comer Spruce-sL H[CH~AND RA RE.-VALENTIN ES at H e celebrated Valentine Depfll. IH ESTIS A CO/ ANS. iHsno 1'S Na»sau-st. corner of Ann st. Love's Gala lay, the Anniversary of St. Valentine. :s now at hand, and HI" EST IS ,v Co/ANS have the satisfa-th of talbrratag ihe pi.b'ic that they opened on Tuesday, Eeb A. 1351. an assortment of Valentines far superior to any they have la former years manufactured, and which has' never in To: been equalled In lids country. Their st ick comprises over five hundred patterns of tue most e'egar.t and exmr.eitu ea> s'gns.the productions of the best talent, and on wiiieli no s\pense has t.een spared tn the manufacturing, to » l.i;¦ tion to these, they have a choice col. of PERKL'MED PARIS BOXES, for Valentines; a'so a great variety of LACK PAI'EK. LACE ANÜ SILVER ENVELOPES, MOTTO WAP ERB. i.e. In the'r assortment HUESTII V CO/.ENS wouldcall the attention of the public to one p ,:nt parncu'ariy. Th-) beautiful custom of St. Valentine's Day, ha* of laie years been much desecra'ad by comic valeLiine*. which have .fkN I e, n msde the vehicle of insult. HL'ESTIS A CO/.- ANS, endeavoring to carry the true spirit of ihi' dav. order none but VALENTINES OP CHASTE SENTIMENT, as well as designs. No comics will be sold at retail. Dealer* in Valentines will do well to send in their orders early, while all the votaries of St. Valentine should call at once and prepare themselves with the mcst splendid docu¬ ments necessary on Valentine's Day. " to choote a mate." lOf Stood*_ SWEDENBÖRG ON DISTINCTION OK SEX and Co ugal Relation in the other Life. Last Judgment.Heaven and Heavenly Joy.Correspond¬ ences and Representatives in Heaven.Light in wUek Angels live.a* also Prof. Bush's Plea for Swedenborg'* Intercourse wlih the Spiritual World.his Character and considered.Reply lo Emerson, Ac. Price fijcent* each. For sale hv DEWlTT A DAVENPORT, FOWL- EE* WELLS, STRINGER A TOWNS END. 81 2ti»* American Chancery Digest. BANKS, COULD CO. have just published, and for tale, THE AMERICAN CHAN¬ CERY itEST In3vala. Thirdedltion. Anewandcora- plete Equity Digest of American Law. By Thoa. W. Water¬ man, of the New-York bar. Thts work 1* designed to be a complea* er cvclop i iiia i,i American Legal Science. Con- tainir g, a* It doe*, all the reported decisions in Equity of the t'nited States Courts,and ofthe Courts of the several Statu* of the I nloii, fiom the eai liest period to the psyssawtlaae, ¦ embodiet almost every known principle of law. It It believed it w ill be found the most valuable w ork of the kind ever published In this country. Though ostensibly the Third Ed.tion of the Americtn Chancery Digett, ills an entirely new work ; rot only the plan a d arrangements being rew. but a very lari;e proportion of the materlala also. Tne decisions have, in every instance, been carefully read, and the spirit of them taken, with proper regard to accuracy and to their true meaning. Beside the usual mat¬ ter, the work contains valuable explanatory notes, and a copious index, giving in brief the spirit of every decision i also, an introductory essay upon the natire, power and furctions of the Court of Chancery, and the history of that Court, in England, and in each Of the American States, B. O A Co. hive become the proprietors of JOHNSON'S LA W R K Pi )RTS. SO vol. and JOHNSON'S CHANCERY REPORTS, 7 rots. Tliey wi'l supply tho trado and the I infe-sii-u with set*, or any volume to complete aet*. J2Ü liulieod \MTOE KS ON PHRENOLOGY-^"" PrOVOS, Illustrate 1, and Applied.#1 is) Tbe l'hreno esjtsal Journal, Monthly, a year. I 00 Comb. 's Lecinn s on Phrenology, I.lustrateJ. I Of) Defence of I'hrruology. By Dr. Itoardman. .50 l am. lag Lessons on Phrenology, Illustrated. *>0 I -trnied Ball laWhJtJOSOf in Pnrenology,. 25 1', , Ml PI¦ie.'.olog\, L.iislrated. 25 PI reBOjOgy si d Ike S'-ripra-et; by Mr. I'lerpont. 12 Phrenolo^i-hI Guide for SiuJent*,.. 12 Svnops.sol I'hreno.ogyand Physiology. 12 Phrenologie: Chart, for Phrenologists. 06 Illustrated Phrenological Almanac, for 1351. Gti Publish-d by POWLKRS A WKLLS, If Si 131 Nassau-street. ATA L E N TIN ES..WM. L. JONES, v 1.52 Sfxth-av invites strangers and those residing at a distance from his store, (for those In his Immediate nei^li- I orhood r.ever think Of going ei*ewh.-re| to call a d -t- amine bis rich and varied assortment of VALENTIN ES and V aien ii.e Stationery Orders to any amount for Die rouni ry put up in a faithful manner on receipt of cath Ad¬ dress "Manufacturer," as aliove, or Clark, Austin A Smith, 205 Broadway ;>l>ioodi* NEW SUPERIOR COURT RULEST -This day published the RULKS of the BOTERJOI COURT of the City of New-York, adopted Jan. 18. lull, containing alto DECISIONS of the Court In case* of Prac¬ tice and Special Proceedings, an extremely valuable publi¬ cation for sh w ho practice tn that Court. Just publuned and for sale by OEO. H BELL. J21 if Law Stationers. 15* Nassau si. PRINTING for PUHLIC INSTITU¬ TIONS and SOCIETIES-BAKER. GODWIN it CO. Printers, TRIBUNE BUILDINGS, respecihilly call the attention ot Officers of Public Injututiona to their un¬ surpassed facilities for execcling every description of Printing in the best style of the art, tu short notice, and on moderate terms. fr? Catahvies. Annual Reports, By-Laws, Bianas, Ad¬ dresses. Acic, printed tn the most beautiful manner. ryCsll and examine specimen! of work, which have recently been printed for many of the best fnsututlotis in be City. C»7"0rders solicited from every part of the country. Estimates cheerfully furnished. BAKER. GODWIN It CO. Printers. Tribune Buildings, cor. Nassau and Spruce sts JSleodtf rfVEritranee I Spruefset, ATLANTIC DOCK MILLS.Indian Com Plonr and Indian Corn Farina dried and mann- bctured by " Stafford's Patent Processes, "may be obtained of respectable Qrocera generally In this City and Brooklyn. " Indian Corn Flour"Tsdestgr.ed for making Bread, Pud¬ ding* and Cake*, and for mixing with VVheat. Ryeor Buck¬ wheat Flour, and will be found on trial a very superior ar¬ ticle. It is put up In double papered packages of 7 lbs. and In boxes of one dozen each. "Indian Corn Farina," an'entirely new and most deli¬ cious article for making Puddings. Mush. Ac. and will prove an admirable substitute for Rice, Samp and HoAmouy. As an article for the composition of Puddings this Farina has normo/. Ills put up In 1 lb. papera In beautiful style, and in boxes of 4 dozen each, at the extremely low price of cent* per single package. TLeabove manufacture* of Indian Corn are peculiarly adtpted lo the uteol the [sTVALJDj and exper.eoce ha* de- D oLStrated that DrsPLt-Tics <-an partake of this kind of diet with impunity, to the exclusion of almost every other form of food. Its dally use will Dprove ihe digestion, correct the bowels, ana give toue and energy to the whole frame. These articles are sold at wholesale by Me*«rs AUer A Whittleaey. 21 Soulh-st-; J. M. Hovt at Sona, 176 Washing- ton-el and of A O. Benson. iH Soulh-st or at the Mill*. Consumer* can obtain of the Grocera a pamphietof 16 page*, entitled. "Remars* on Ind an Com its Preaerva- tion and Manufacture, with Recipe* for Cooking," together with testimonial* of thehtgh**t respectability. Orders addreased to E. BRONSON. Agent. Atlantic Dock Mills Companv. Noa. 17. 18.19 and 2<t Atlantic Dock, Brooklyn,New-York, » Ul receiveprompt allenüo and die- pab'ti_J66meod N~ EW-YORK and STATEN ISLAND. -Leave Whitehall at 9, 11,1. 3 and 5 o'clock. Leave Batata 'aland at 1.10, It. 2 and 4o'clock. Ill ff T'~HE DÜSSELDORF ACADEMY OP FINE ARTS .Leasrlng's great Hlttorlcal Plcmre ot tbe " MART TR DOM OF HISS ba* be-n added to the «olieciion of Painting* by artist* of the above achool Ad- miMkm 25centa, season tlcktts |1. and desenptloe <*sia» logue* I I cents. dt3ra Ä 1(1 (ja"Mi TO LOAN ON BOND V^*"4^'"' AND MORTGAGE, for a term of year*, on Real Estate in this City and Brooklyn, tn sums to suit borrower*. Apply to ANTHONYJ. BLEECKER. Auctioneer. K lw No.7 Broad st [VÖTICE TO CONTRACTORS..SeeJ- 1 v ad Pro petals will be received at tbe house of Evan* i. Hartiy, Delaware Co. Pa up to the lftbof^l ¦OBSJk, (February, i for grading, Sirmlng the bad, and lay¬ ing thej.ui.k on the line of die Philadelphia and Darby Plank R. ad; cglh.4i mliaa. Plans and tpeclacajlots can be seen UjelAlol 2d month, (February.I atibea'iov* named p ace. JOHN H. ANDREW'S, f realleit \\ m. 0 Ü. SraaiLL, Secretary- P rpHE I IK( TI.AR..HAKKR. GOD- I WIN I C>. t H INTfe rs TU BUBE RUILIV- INGS, rt»!«'f '..:> i«eJer tl,eir tbaake to Ün-ir.frlonj* ». d iho pal c n r't.e very llx-ra. patronage extended to iLem > rr- eir ..itreBren.e'nt in httsino** Enuring upi ¦ :.i bj -i.,..., u ,;h a | ride for their art, they .1 -ter* n T" d io um' fry r can* to improve " Their effort*'-hue *ar have surer* ded. and they have been favored with too patrctag" of ¦<,.-.\ y "f tl.»- L-*t publial.ere. Officer* of Pub* 'uf'HoTdawr«. Lavcyrr», and Gmtlemen of latlaalUglaw** Baal Ta«tein various Profession» Thetrmtc- i r.d ibiir moatax limthooc*. Though hav. hag «en u opeiat cu M a tew months, the aubacnbora al- y Ei-iat'is! mcnt second to none in itsfarili- Li' * toj executing every variety of Printing in the very beat style of the Art, at tie »i.orteM rui.ce and on the moat fa¬ vorable terms. At inorea.-e of busines- haa compelled the subscribers widiiu a lew day*, to etiil furtlier eniarge tiielr preiniawu ¦ (.:» ttey have bun enabled to <!o through tm kiodnesa of tfieleaefc-e of the Tribune BiitlJ:r-«-anii tmj now have tie' e»cnfaction of poseessing an Establishment complete in all its parts, arranged on a plan of system, aafety and cou- v. !,:ere<v equally aotaBtago 'is to ps-rsons r-ejuiring Print- ice am! to thoee who execute iL Some of the advantages of the Establishment are as foL lows: l-t. THE LOrATION-facinkriue Park-being Üie mos« public, picasait and eligible of any in the City. ..! 'i me < <>mposis<; rirrrnTm¦irniti mm p-iniMbe entire Third rlo>r of Iko Tribune Building*. iaa Wei' aa thai of the ha Mkaf e«ljotBtBg,)an<i receiving light on Ikne sn'e.|bobest amtiij'ed and most imposing of am in 'I e c< naTj The Papors-vf Drvinir Room is on the Fourth BOOT, 3d THE OfFH E OK COUMTIHO ROOM on rh.» Seci nil t o, r. u»i t" -d up n n verv n«-ai «n I convent- t Baassnev ior teeeiviauj the order* of ciisumn-r». and also for b -baa? specimens of tho anoM bsajBSifaJ 1'riuting cxecu- ted n! Hits K-'»b eld. Hb M V\ T>i'rl AND NEW PRESSES .brecmg e try vur'eiv lor ..cry doscti! on oi work, froiu a Card to a Booh girhaj as aaperior f-imities ior rendering our ('. ni n i-nr im»¦,> .¦' ',<¦¦' at-'Bi- 1*0 II STEAM POAriv bywbk be Pr saaea are driven .wkoraby thomoai BTgeat Job* -an bo delivered in an u ajsool iBCTOda a s: ort space of taBM f s>~ t onnecied with tbia EansblUhmoal are not less ihan Ten of the moat rapid Power Piaoaes (iiesiile eevi-ral Hand Presses) for Hook ud .io>i Print Bg -iWa greab-r uumbs.-r than any tikailarofflrelathe United <*'.< ea -I THE BEBT WORKMEN AT THF. HIGHEST WAOES aeBPciad for their iBteUijrence, »kill, Tsste anil Chavaeaw,who Isol aa taaarot and a pride in the appear* Bbooof Ihoworkbearing;the Imprinti rtoOaVe. 7th COMPETENT ASSISTANTS in BVERT DE¬ PARTMENT ..Mr DCDLBY 0 Evans lm» the general reperintewlepce, aaaisted by Mr SaMVBL Wibhss Foro- BBBS of the Pp'sa Depnrii-irn', ai'd 0. B. WiuaaM as Wai*Aoaoeaa*as THE PRACTICAL FXPFRIKNCE A«JD pER* SONAL >I PKRVISION OF THE PROPRIETORS THEMSELVES. With 'hess- »rrant;einenls p contiilently Invite the aßen- t nr. oi the Ptiblino our Estabbsbmeni, believing thai uo- v* here also can ihey sex "ire Beittv Work, Better Treatment, or Better TrtSM Our motto la "GOOD WORK-cash PRICDS-TERMS CA8H-H9 PI NCTUALITY BE* H»HE ALL i HIM > I <y Call and examine specimen* of Work. Rem«mbor Ihm every deacrirition of Prinhng is cone at tiiis office. PETEB C. HA K rktt. > DANIEL OODstfIN, Propnetora. JOHN THOU 18, S Trioune BofMiSga OOff Nassau and Mpnicea's. Itlf Serotnl story.F.mraiiee 1 Spruce st. FANCY GOODS. FORF.IGN and DOMBSsTTIt AI M. H. GARY & CO. 843 and '2AS v v pearl-it (detween John and Fulton ats.) Invite iho attention of the city and distant Jobbing Trade to Ihexr lar'jt and svrncd sfocA of Uoodt, which they otter at the lowest rates, either for cash or ap¬ proved credit. Under their present arrangements they can offer great Inducementa on all their Foreign Goods, and will give their customers the benefit of the lirjt iinounti whi:h they have gained by the increased amount of their pur¬ chases. They pledge themselves to sell manv styles of AMERI¬ CAN goods AT MAMUFACTUEEaW PRICES. Their atoek wI:| be kept full during the whole year, and all orders w i'l be promptly supplied They particularly In¬ vite ibe MEXICAN Bad SOUTH AMERICAN dealere to examine their atock of Jewelry, manufactured expressly for thoee markets; a so their stork of I voryCombs, adapted for exportation. The following article* conatUute a part of their atock I Linen Threads. Various makers, plain and sa in finished, black, drab, w buy brown and comred, Nos. ii'xnO. Spool Cotton. Clark's. Alexander's. Kmiib's Eagle, and Berlington's w hile, mack ar il colored, Nos 1<'.I 1, 2i to SOO yards. Tapes and Bobbins. Linen and cotton, aeeorted colors and el/ea. C u 11 e r v. Razors, Knives, Shears, Scissors and Table Knlvea and Forks, Wade it Butcher'*, Woatenhoim's, Rodgers', and other celebrated makers. Brushes. Hair, rlnih, teeth, paint, varnish, abavlng, ahoe, crumb, horse, scrubbing, fcc. Ac. In great vari-iy. Mil sic AI Instruments. Btwerdaona,Vloliaa,Plutoi Files, Clarionet*, HarmonI* cans, Ac. Fan a. A lari e arid rich assortment, consU-Ing of beautifully rarved pearl. Wory, bone am' wood stl-ga; also plain sock*, with plain,fancy and aiivernal paper. Ivory Comb*, »ine S, SS, 8ss. ami NPl". I^xtj Inches. Comb*. Plain ard fancy tuck, drejaajag, po<;kei and side, of shell, l',iM no and horn." flrnii. Single and «b uhle English and American, real and lml- lallou Iwisl; also,a var'ely of Ritie« Pistole. English end German pocket, belt arid holeter; Coil's and Allen a Tburtier * Revolvers. Also, a complete assortment ol Sporting Appa/atua. Perfumery. Liibla'e Maugenei A Coudray's, "I'lver's, Plnaud'a and Eues fine extraei*. Soaps. Low's white and brown Windsor and Honey; Luhln's. Guerlalb'e, Piraud'a, and Maugenet it Coudray's assorted styles, Ac.Ac. Also, Percussion Csps. Needle*, Pin», Hooks and Eye*. Steed Pena, SuwpensJere. Button*, of all slylee. Pocket Booka, Port Monnaiee. Purse*, Stationery, Beads, Whalebone, Looking Glasaea, cVc. Ac. /»ory, Tortoiie Shell, Pearl Shell, Ihrn Tip*, <*rr. for manu farturere Caialoguea in the FRENCH, SPANISH, GERMAN and ENGLISH languages. J> 1 'Imeod'latp MIS( IILI.A.MIOI S CRAPE SHAWLS.The most perf-ct easorimenl of White Crape fihawl* to he found In Ulla city are now exhibited ai BARKER'S, 301 Grand-at. Just received by moat recent arrivals. 1000 White and Colored Crape Shawls, Plain and Em. broldered, which will be aold. As Crape Shawl* must be higher, tbti will be a good op> portuniiy to inake a purchase before rise. lof It_8. BARKER. 301 Grand-at (THREAT SALE OF DAMAGED ^-JTgOODS -Per ship Zurich. 8. BARKER, 301 GRAND ST Wilt pfkS THIS DAY, a large Invoice of Super Black Wm\ 7-8 Striped Silks, high colors. 100 piecea Linens, tine to superfiae. 100 do. Book Muslins. French Prints. Linen Damask and Table Cloths. Linen Handkerchiefs. Also. 100 bales and casea of Domestic Goods, comprising a geaeral assortment, and will be sold cheap by Y*rd> Piere or Package. Also, 30a pieces New Silks of every kind, very cheap. Oreat bargains wiil bo given. |0f it 8 BARKER, 3"! Grand st. tLT Y cV FERGL'SON'S Whole- aale WINDOW SHADE WAREHOUSBJ, IM LROAD WAY..Dealers supplied VMtb ail arue-e* uaed in mauulociuriug and hanging Shades._lof JteodA ADVERTLSEMENl1« are inserted ill the beat Papers of other and Town* at V. B. PALMER'S Adveruslng Agency. Triouoe Buliding. SM t C1 p. GIFFORD, late of California, is W* informed that h.a wite arrived In the atoanwhlp Georgia, and her residence can be 1'otit.d by applying at tho of the Irving House._lot* 3t» T~liE_WORLD,S FAIR..An En-lisli gectleman. educa'ed In London, and about to return to England, would be happy to form an engagement with any company of gentlemen, or private family, to accompany them to the World's Fair. Heia thoroughly acquainted with LosdoB, Its public bulldmge, and every object of inter- eat to '.be traveller. This would be an excellent opportu¬ nity for thoee, who wish to tee not only the " Fair," but lha beauties of ¦ English Scenery," which the ad vender would point out. He has no objection to visiting the continent, having travel.ed a great deal'a aid «: eaXlng auoat- Iv the French language. Apply to X. Y l, offic- of tho Tribune_7f 3f \'IEWS OF THE MICROSCOPIC Y WORLD, elegantlv illustrated..One of tho moat lo- lerrallr.g and uaed.: books rver pubrlahed Eiemcnta of M- t.-uro.og.. for faiunles and achoois. Deia-an's Studem . Speiili;^ Book; highly approved by tte t^st leschers Bnllion s Greek L<osoes.1rti«rded to "recede the sttidy of the Greek Orunnw ^^"'.^'/oRn k CO mtWU ' iCorUaAdat AJIl'SlvMI-.NTS. COMPLEMENTARY BENEFIT TO Max marft/>k *uho A8T0R pL,( M OPERA HOUSE On WIDNESOAV RV ENINO. Feh 12 The Coir n ,a*r of Arrar t. rnenl* have the satisfaction ol ¦"«¦I lb* friends r f Mr Mareue*. UJ of* the Opera and ihe« generally, ibat ftarj vm enabled to offer BpoO Uiit'iccaslon a Programm.-of uusurpasaed auracdvoaeee. The .n-eruuimefju of the rrnnot will Include lb* fcwite) g r*xd Opera SEM1KAMIDE. Bv Ko*»lul. FIRST TIME THIS SEASON. In which SlgrioilfSJ T p,a. 01. and ti.e Whole atra-tfth Ol the CoanMJ , ¦ »p:»»r. and a GRAND FOCAL A NO iNSTRI V fNTaL CONCERT Bnween ihe |nl »' .1 senna 1 aria of the Oper« 1. Overture. - R // c .n-heetral.Maretsek 2. Grand Faotalete de O r cert, stssiO, on air* from "FUi# du Reg: cert," composed and executed hy M, SfakoacM l>. Roinsnzs. Signor Lorinl, -Sp'.rto genUL" Favorit*. Donizetti A Orar.d Pactaisle Dreniei'que. vloltn. on ale* from " Lude) dl Lanimennoor.''comp«seed and executed by m Hautar 5. Grand Fai/a.ale. ¦. C r..nation March.' from Meverbaat*» " Prophet*.' arranged nv Mr SuaAoecb, and hrat time) executed bv htm assieted by FIFTEEN PERFORMS its Ladle* and Gentlemen, oa ElOHT PIANOS. Su,'»crlb«r* can retain thrir seats until Friday raornlnf, when the Boi Book will he open at the office of the) Opera House, when and where seats may be secured. Price* of Admission- Parquet and Boxes, Two DoUarn; Amphitheater. Flftv Cent* COMMITTEE. Henry A. Colt, Oranvllle S. Paulson, O W. Cotter. N. H. Wolfe, Joseph U Cowdrey, J.ho 11 Auatin. Richard H Wtn»!ow, Richard Warren, Chauncey D. Hard, J T VanderhoS, V .dor do Launav, Hlrain Puller, Theo S Draper, A P.Taylor, Thema* E Davis. E M art, W i. iam Young. Jamea F Otis, S S. Soi.thworUi, Jamea H Sanford, Wm R. Blake, A. Porter Brown, T Wiekes Blatrh'ord. John Sefton, TS vi as B Hambllb, Eraatu* Brinks, John Thompson. Junlus T Stagg. Geo m Snow. George O Poster, M M Noah. Jr. R*<ard Taylor, Arptn. C B. Burkhard!, P Arplr Ceo H Barrett. A.g Reimont, T. Plcton, J Astor, Jamet M. Quin, and fifty others if if VKW-YORK HARM» »NICS04 1ETY. 1 1 .The Si, ekholdert ai ,1 Performing Membere of thltj Society ate Informed that a Vocal and Instrumental Re. hearaal of the Oratorio .,i St Pen!, wlil lake p'aco at tbci Tabernacle on MONDAY EVEIII NO, t"th Inst., at ?fc o'clock, at which tlire the proposed amendments to the) t i siiiHib n of the Society will be acted on. Punctual at* In arc Is requested. afar fTAUAN OPERA HOUSE, Astor I P ace- Prices of admission- Parquet and boxes. *.l ; seats may be secured at the box offi.-e. from I A M. to I ocNck.P. M without any extra charge, Amphitheater, y> cents. MONDAY EN ENINO. Eeb 10. Will be performed the Opera of LUCRE/. I A BORGIA. l.ticrena Borgia.SlgnortneT Paro.ll T'.<- Puke.Signor Beueventanui Doors open at 6|, to commence at 7| o clock._ MECHANICS HALL. 172Broadway, ABOVE ORVNDST OPEN EVERY NIGHT during the week, until further notica. The original and well-known CHRISTY'S MIN¬ STRELS, urder the management of E P CHRISTY, w hose Concerts In ibis Cl'y for a succession of riveyeare have l>een received with favor by highly respectable and fashionable audience*. Tickets eaaM Doors open aits); coatnttaea at 71 On Satuidav.Feb 15. annual henerit of O. N. CHRISTY. The patron* of Chn*t\ * Minstrels are reapecil'ully la- formed that the usual Saturday Afternoon Concerts will bS) discontinued for the future. Jl if B lY'lP.LO'S GARDEN..In «nise.iaenc© i. v of a omettic calamity this establishment will becloaeil until furt er notice. Monday. Keb IB, ln>I._l»f U RTUN'S TH EATER, Chambera-st. REAR OF CITY HALL.The nearest Theater to the large Hole e I)isirs open k t.t, commence at 7 o'clock. THIS EVEN1NO, Feb. lu.wtll be performed, the Com* edy. In act*, of " (HE WOULD AND SHE WOULD NOT. Don Maruel.. .Mr Buiiou Donna Hypolita.'Mrt. RjsseU To conclude With SM new Kan e of BETSET HAK Ell. B. xes, Dress Circle »od Pa.queiie 5o ,-t*, Family Circle, 15 Cht I Orchedra Seal*, 7.'. eta. Private trrrtaa *f and $5. ]\TEW-YORK AMPHITHEATER, 37 X 1 Bowsry..JAMES M. JUNE A CO. Proprietor*. Every WK.DNESDAY and SATl'RDA Y AFTKRNOONa PERFORMANCE at 21 o'clock THIS K\ BNINO, Feb. 10. the performances will commence with the Acrobatic Feat*. To be followed by a tp.'endld variety of Horseman¬ ship and Feals In the Arena To conclude with JACK. ROBINSON AND HIS MONK EY Private hoses, V' ;ts; Boxe* 26 cts Pit l.j cts. Doors open at *|. performance to commence at H ROADWAY THEATER.LKX)RS open at 84; to commence at 7 o'clock..Prices of Ad. mission: To Dress Circle an<i Parquet V>cta; FamilyCb> cie and Third Tier, 25cts Gallery, |.| ct*. Private boxes, £ sad THIS EVENING. Feb 10, will be performed the Grand Romantic Spectacle In three «cts. eniU'ed f \ I'STUB, OR THE DEMON OF DRACHENFKLS. Fausiii*.Dy..U|Adtne.Madame P ".!sl. Previous to which, ihe n-»» Fareaof BETSEY BAKER. HARNL'M'S AMl.lih AN MC7SEÜM. -P. T BARNI M, Proprietor and Manager. JoNSI OaRrNwiHji), Ja. Assistant Manager .Saloon oe>rfonnancea every Afternoon at S. Evening at 7 Admittance 25ceni*; children ander I" yean, I'.t ct* -The M \ MMOTH GIRL, only Iti year* of tt^'e, and weigh:t g I «i pounds, for one Week BeOS*. AlonuayanJ 'J'ues.tav. Feb lOandll lathe Afternoon, Ihe drama of the SEAMSTRESS OF PARIS. In ihe Evenlr.g. u.e < omedv .,( PERFECTION. To con¬ clude witn BE ALT Y AND THE LEAST. The eotlreChl. re,.- Mu.i um r .adwuy. Is now at this estab- Usl n en. the Clpsey Fortune Tellur, Ue. lOf I JA NÖRAMA OF THE PUsOUAI S ¦ PROGR KSH -PARTICULAR NOTICE-Al tha leqiiesl of pastors, leacbeua A/ul oiue. a and In order to al¬ low AI,I, to see ihe "New Panorama." the uniform prlea ofaiiinlsatoB »Vi hereafter beTWKNPY FIVE CENTS. On VVeilneaday and Saiuolay AFTERNOONS. aiSo'cioek, Children will ien*>imilled at ba'f price. Descrintiva Cause . g es .«.a Open every FA ENINO al vVtBfeiBgM Ha i. SJ Broadway. Doors opeu at commence at T| o'cioca ii'twlt* CATTLER'S i 0SMORAMAS.Conw s^of Broadway and Thirteenth si The first section con- talnlag a collection of twenty tlx view* of Europe, Asia Minor, the Holy Land, Syria. Egypt. Nubia and Arabia, will be exhibited until the elghiii of March. After that dale all these will be replaced by new view* equally Interesting. K,f |W* THE AMERICAN ARTISTS' As>o CIATION having obtained their mar,er are now/ reedy la receive works of art for TSMhllloa at their-e SI Broedway. As their gallery la Ui be opened to He pub. He on the at of March, it is rOajaarad that members wish> |> ; rv exh|b|t should tend lo tbelr plciuresoo or bef.rn ihe 2i'lh of Februsry. If Im* COPARTNERSHIP. f^O-PARTNERSHIP.The sabscrihr-r \J hu* this <lay associate.) with him Mr MATTHEW HOPPER. The business will in future be ooudoch-d uj u. r the name of CURTIS V HOPPER a' 2 Liber y *t. New York, February 10. EDWARD CURTIS ltT 1W* N" OTICE.Whereas, a notice of the dissolution of the Copartnership or firm of DON. MANN A CO. publish.,! in Hie, Tribune by the undersigned on the S2d January. IWi ihe undersigned reflect upon the MS id'LEONARD *V *EROME, (oSM of Ihe partaera of tlieta'd tinu,; in Ihe matter of certain business paper made and used by said Jerome after the disaolutioa of the) firm. They now take pleasure in saying that the explana¬ tion of tfee matter wtdeb Mr Jerome has made to them lias fully satisfied them of the rectitude of hla Intentions, end that the proceeds of tha paper T^fvrrtxl to ware devoted Uj the liquidation of unsettled claim* agamaf the and Arm. DONALD MAW, 10f It* DUNCAN C. MANN. D[SS< »i.L'TIÖN..The CopTrtner^iip heretofore existing under the name and firm of J Ea- 8UP A FOX, Is ibis day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. R. M Jesaup having retired The business will be) tettlext bv either «f the paruea. RICH D M JESSUP, New York, Eeb 6, IUI. CHARLES FOX. COPARTNERSHIP -The undersigned bss this dsy as- seriated with him Mr. Lewis 9 Ford and John Tappln, lor the purpose of transacting the wholesale grocery and com> mission business, at the old stand, 178 S.«jtn at., ur.dw tba firm of CHARLES FOX k CO. CHARLES FOX. New-York, Feb. 6, IBM._7f»t* THE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore axiatlnf between the Subscribers, ander the firm of EDGAR J BARTOW A CO. Is this day dissolved by mutuai consent, WILLIAM A. DUNCAN retirlr g there- from. The buainee* will beeootlnaed by EDGAR J BAR- TOW and THEODOSIUS BARTOW, under the firm of EDGAR J BARTOW A CO who will al*o settle aU ouu stand mg claims EDGAR J BARTOW. * THEODOSH 8 BARTOW WM A. DUNCAN. New-Tork, February I, I85L Ties Subscribers have tbl* day formed a Cope^nerahfpy andetlUTrm «f DUNCAN, LEWIS A BAkTOW, fuf tJ Paper Coaunisalon busiuaas, and have utkea ihe atore 161 W^.'|ju,A,,-Dt.NCAN JOHN R LEWIS AUGUSTUS BARTOW. New-York, February 1,1551. _ If 2w L I MIT ED PARTNERSH IP.The an- ¦t^Jderstgned hereby give notice that they have farmed a ^mlted partnerthtp for Uie transaction of a mercantile bust, oats In the city of New-York, pursuant to the provisions o| an act of tba Legislature of toe State of New-York entitled ¦. Of Limited Partnerabipa" The aald heetneee wUI be) ISSM under the name of "LEWIS PENNEY" The gee. eraJ nature rf said partnership buatneaa Is that of buytust a. BOOTS lit M'i'lM I.g« vv HOLJF SALs: BOOT and SHOE »TokE. tue undeialgnad Lewis Penney, residing In the city of New. York. U that genera.' partner, and the undersigned Thomas S. fowaaeod, aieu reauilna In said city, la uhej ar>ocl&J pirmar, and aa earft DU contributed seven thousand five hundred dollari in casts Cap tal to the common stock. The said partaevablp is us euuituenee oo the first day of January. IAO, and wrnurtia at the expiration of two years from that day «Aur« il Certi^-D-ed Jeuuary, L Wl j ew THOMAS * TOWNSi.: 0.

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Iv_w rrjai daily trimunb ii pi »y»WfVF?? RNIN* .T*lNOAYi EXCEPTEDITTHF TV." oprotlTB TurciTV MUX.

*'..,, t v r -ertfor I'il Cent, perweiek;r IbtT SrOWT '-.¦."»'' p»y i* "" '* <">."" *l too o**R

cr' W' nanhe or . T'»r"»t lit* **iue rate. Sing« coplee,*Dr *7e^as Mai' Bubae'lb-re Five i».,; are per annum, infwoC«»* ,,, .,,.. r.,r atx in >m!i«. F»ririr«*advance. ff7M Drv'lnr* It) advance .. .r-dlaall

iZ! .***' N wepapora 0*11* Pap*" '''*-

*>,f''->fCia-olfir»wh/w* t«rrne a*- h'gber ihanthoeeofcr _f sm nt a''owed ant differer ce.

T-leTraaw* *'»'<" »m

a*|l*¦: NBW-1 ORK TK1 HI NB,,,.RNi» laaoon »m> thk saaowicH humps

r"t '*". d^nureofoaeoMatl Steamer for Caa-

"*»tkr* t * easvt* r»-» eopvr" QBEKLEY v M< BLEATH. Puviah-re.

"spkcial notices.rfr Lec-mrr lo l.ndlee Only.TDr MJ3BBILL wiD

*r iver a S-.eri Lt r DM lo Ladt©* «i?. at" r er of Eighth seenu« an TwentY-thlrd-at. THISAFTFRNOON <M«n<lev)at HoYlock. on the. Vital Organs.ih#- Lu- -. TikLI Lsrirtg. acd errtatt other l-ijudicomlorn . i I t lMi I M ocresloung and aggravating many of

ia>poc«lav dirVtdtie* aooat which MaJoa tuffor; thesseasslur* develt paaaaiol Paaatoao of Children; theirrestraint Ar eoatpnaiag . variety of topic* which cannot

re dtsevsaed before a proruiecuoue audience. Admissionjl i rsDi* . . . .

He wilt also st the same rdnee, deliver a »hirt eon-ae of

two Sa. pi |>eawM lo fir-iitlomon only, on MOIfDA Y andTl BSDAY E\ ENIN08, Feh 10 and 11, upon the Phrslo-lorfical re anootof Marriage to the health of the Individualand ihr welfsrenf Uta rorumunlty Involving an expositionrf ife Nature. Use at d Abuse* of Ihn Sexual Instinct; It*

reaaactS** with our Social Arh-.-Mon*; S > itarv aa-1 Social1 rrr "¦ !"' .».: II t ¦ .p>.n Marriage, fcc. A'-. Adtnlt-lajic* l.'i rts ea-h to enirg.Paar* at ^ o'cl'ick lioeftrewl'l commence at7| 1*

pf Itev. !;. II. rh.ipln ¦ Loctmra before tho

Phr»n"!..trleal Boehjqi at Clinton Hall, on WEDNESDAY

BTjBUKG, Feb 12, at7y o'clock. Suhjct-The Ideal and

ibeAcniat. A''rritt*rce l.J ct§ lOfSt

t*r l.t-rmren on Art..The aaoood Lactare or tue

An!*.*' roaraa will oe delivered hy PARK OODWIlf,E.g. MONDAY EVENING. Feb. 10, at R o'c'ock. at theNation*! Ac«.Vmv of PeeVu. Suhlect.The Pnii 'aophyof A t. The Boon wfÜ b« brilliantly (ruminated, and t .e

Pictur»»i'f the New-Fork Gallery will be »^eo gratia..Tirketa tu ihr L»-c'iire m«y be had at the door. Price 2jcta.ArtiH* can pn.rura ti< ket* free, hy applying to Mr. Prud-

L in i, u tbel in.'dir.t'* of ike Academy.8 3 030OOI), It Y. Hnlveralty,

Iff U* CLalruian of Commute-".

rv r»o»aterina of a (telert Couraeaf ( heinUml l,eciorea. tn be delivorad in New York du in< tue

I, .-nit ax a*h, by JOHN F.JUDD. A M. Introlucto y.-iubj. c». Kerieft'», bow resultingand to be ..¦cured, from the>; M a nf (°i >-ri.i*iry to the purpnae* of Practical Life.P'an of tne Courte .General Suhjoct.Atmospheric «

te'TLecture I. Oxygea.*i» aourrea, prop.-rtl«*, effect*.Loraaro2 Nl roj¦ ¦.< lia so irees, properties, elbV'e.Lei lnre J. M'listii.e.Ii. auuree». pr ipenlea. efTectsLecture i Elect? cty fte aourcee. propertie», effect*.le-rmre V ConcludlDg Lecture. 8ubj«ct.To prove from

Ihn A'lnirsnbere ibe ailaiaoi.a ot a (lodTlie siihj« eta considered will be llluatrated by a seriea of

atlersstting egprrlrm ntaN B .The MIronBetoe* Lecture will be delivered on the

EVENING oi WEDNESDAY, Fe». |^ ai the Broad wayTabernacle, roirnierirlng at 74 Or«loch Almiaaiori free to

laMataaot Uohata, h n<.ne oAera aslaiMtaalNB.Personal fiends of the Lecturer not yet supplied

a lib tickets, and inhers .. t.e.i to attend'can ooMalilinn ii^'n apolieatioa lo Mr. M Dodd, Brick Churchfbapal; K. Carter V Brothers, Irving House; L**aviit,Trow k Co, j:i| |.roadway, or George k H. Miile ,045Brosdsiay. Inf it*

HP' fthakxiiers- UrRdlnaa. Prot HOWS wl,i readIheComei'v of As You Lite It. at the Stuyvesant Institute,on WEDNESDAY EVENING next. Feb. 12 To com-ance at ft o'clock Tickets 50cia To bo obtained at theccorard at the usual p:aces.N B -Ti e present nnd following Readlnga of the course

wlllbe glvenon Wednesday evening of each week. Insteadof Thursday. Be announced..Neu Y' rhi Pah laSl. M 2tis.MkW*

GT Yoiioaj Haw*a Ikrltiulii« Kocloty.-Thls So-eieiv will holo h Bpwdal Meeting THIS iMoodav) EVEN¬ their Rooms. HI Bowery, between Grand andBester sis. As this meeting Is especially designed for La¬dies, the Order .fix. rc'r.ea will be. Reading of Ell tor'sRook; 2. Eordtatloaa; S. Essay; 4 Rocllailons: 5. Deiiato.Pul'jert.eboul I snv bo given to SupernaUiralManifestations» Exercise* commence at 7} o'clock pre-risrlr. Ladles ai d l entlioen are reapectfullv Invited toattend ISAAC A. AMEHMAN, President.A I! Walikbs.R. S. lfif I**IT I.O.O.lF.-U.VF.tsrnndl.oilKe of "south-

Sffai New- York. -Al the regular semi-annual Session ofthe R. w QraodTeudfo, hoidla thaw Boora, 0 F Hab, onTHl'RSDAY. Ptb e, Hti'ing other business had was tneunanimous adoption of the following ResolutionsNesnfrsd. That In ac -epilr.g the resignation nf Irs late

Orand Secretary, BENJ I PENT'/, the Oraad Lodge re¬

gret ine neceslty which cinnpel ii to part with a faithful andmergelte aaTaeav; nue who lis> so ilisch irgi«d his dntie* aa

lo secure the e-ieem tad good will of his fellow member*,.id ad\ance the well beiiiig ofonr helove'l Order.

Arse/icrf, That em B'Otbor will carry with him to Iii«lew station our beat wish*-* a* ieeui'<«rs of this GrandLodge, and .. individuate, for hi* continued success and an

licr»aa»,| p eaeure of prosper iiy in all the rotaffcaaaof life.SesWec</. Thai the Grand Sec'relarv BO a ithorl/od lo p ile

bsb ihrse res niior.s In ihre«* dally and In three aa iheSundav pspe's.Saweaatraei fMf ri | JOHN J. DAVIBS, OaL a>ae

fW* l< <». ol Kechabltee..Washington MarineTcliNi. 1,1.0 of R. will ce tbrate tln-ir 8ih Anniversaryby s pu'lie rrer'ing Intbe (Jreen-st M E Church on MON-I'AY EVENING, the Itnhtnst.. to commence a* 7J o'clock..Metking by liro. W. H. HORTON and Rev. H. K N YEsf Sin cor. Me S'ntlng by a «eiert Choir and Mr A.all KRAY Tbc public ar'1 Invited to attend. Tickets maybe hid ;t« n'totiS v of nnv of the members of the Tent, or

it Ihr itoonn the ev, ring of meeting MOBlbaVI of theCrder B'e requested to meet In the liasement of the ChurchIi7o'elock. ROBT. BEATTY. Jr .

Wit* Sec. of Coiumi.tee of Arran.'erneute.

ri7" f*hlp Alert Tor Snn KriXBclaco..Shipperswi lrltaso Date all their Freight on hoard at PrsrS, NorthElver, before SATHKDAY, l-.h. and send Bills of Ladinglo ihe for ».gnature. E B.SITTON i CO.

|pr rW_84 Wall st.

IV'Or. H. Iluo*, from HuoMory, latoly Bur*|Mi>i in-chief of the Hungarian Annv. and tornier'y Pro¬fessor on Ej ideiiitcnl Disease-, of the University of vleoM,a ih deliver a course nf lecture* on POPL'LÄR l'HYSI-CLOOY.Bl Ibe New-York Medical College, in h si.,

thiee ilme* a week, t) begin on TUESDAY, Fehruwyllth st " o'cWh, P. M and coatiniin on Tuesdays, Thurs¬days aid hatuidays This course will last two months,24 tenures without Iba hr-t. m bat h will lie gratis.He wilt raplaln In tbeae lecture* manv phenomena of

beai'h and dl-ee.e* heretot'.ire unexplained,and the actionof «litfereiit rerne<liea sccordlrig lo ahjaaoaljstlaclaoaaLa-lteaard gentlemeu ar-o respectfully invited. Tickets arelo be obtained of the Janitors of lhe> medical colleges, andof Dr Haas, in his oflice, M2 Housum-et two doo's fromBroadway, at b o'clock, P. M. Price of tue course Is twodolla'S. Cl'2t*

tV I nrrUu l.odar, No. 177, I. «». of <». K..The Members of this Lodge are minesled lo be punctualin anerdarre OBTUESDAY stVEMI Nt>. Fob llth, at theLedge Room, 411 Broadway, aa the By-Laws will betaker tip ftir action, by order of the Lodge.

STSt*_WM V ADAMS, Secretary.IV lloaaralond Aaaorlatlon..A meeting will be

1*1.1 Hi Military Hall, 189 Bowerv. on TUESDAY EVE-NINti Fib. 11, at H o clock, for the purpose of organizingan Association to purchase a plot of land to be divided Intobuilding lots Said land Is the farm of Quo. Guun, Esq.,situated on the line of the New-Haven Baiiroad SO mln>utea'tide fWmi tiila city and It e yards from the Depot InBBS town of MamA'oi.n-k; Is of s level and even grade, withthe road distant a quai ter ofa mile from the dock.from whichlh« te U sloop coiiiinnnicatiun with New-York weekly .This land .-an be obtained on such terms aa will enablepersons of the moat limited mean* to possess themselvesof a large and handsome lot. Call and hear.

_D. B. TAYLOB and othara

Of i xtennlon ot ( hnmbera-etreer,..All poreoaaInterested In and opuoeed lo the contemplated extension ofChambers alreet, from Chniham-streel lo the East River,are reipieated lo call al ihe store of Jobu Robins, Esii ror-

.er of rearl and Ma lison-atreets or al the store of \\ ilhamA Mead Si Co. No hi C berry street, and sign a remon-.ti ance against the same. 7f 3il|*fV If.tire. -The Special CommlttceSor tb" »tih;ect of

EltcDdfrg Chamber »t will meet on MONDAY next, lothlast, at 3 o'clock P M . at ihe City Hail, In the Chamber ofthe Board of A.'^nnen. A!! parties Interested in propertyhkely to be i :.'i . ted by the contemplated Improvement, arehereby iwpecifully requested to tuend, tod views on the snb'ecL



W ANTED.\\' ANTKD. Fifty Agents to sell Patent* ' atakjaaa, and one to sell a pateni right In the city, one

tor Broohiyn, also a number of new used in everySiT Jin ^ m7 mrreharta and persons going to Califor-r tak- Lkl',**1 V°. r*': A;»" ¦ Paruior of genteel addrea*,to take charge of Indoor buitness. with $1«*' to 200. alkiNaaaaa at. rooiB No 8. JOHNSON. lOfSt*

WANTED.A SITUATION 18. W.cOACHMAN or WAITER. In a private family. yaaiiddle aged man. «all quauhed fo, maierVvtco.* Illhas a thorough know ledge of ,h* city, and ha* the beat offa«.mo.iia'a of bia capacity and [ llBlilU. TTlad«,e»,ed u» M C. at this oSce. will receive, prompfaiu.>«.ue. No objection to go In the country.

ll'ANTKl)..In a private family a wo-"

* n »n aa c.H»k and lo aasist In »aal.lng and ironingNora need apply except they are well recommended Seiper sneed German woman will lavo preference Ar>-phrat room No n« Broadway Hotel, comer ol p,;Br'*ff 4t

'* '* ° Clw * duriD,r e*vrl-y ,,|lrl of tb* w,*k.

\\ ^^TF.l).A pfrxiii CBpaTtbleof trans-mmm sHS rvV* pviernt from sketchea to design pfsEL ' V*. *ppl» bul "ho understand the biisl-^7.. euch iibaral wages and steady employment willtafrmT *PP1»to THOMPSON A CO.,

_8 Spruco-sl.IM/'A NTKD. Sitmtions for about 70 eir^

reryW areSbgS^ SSStl.aKt?C^MSyoa Iks -'r^, 0fM^ wi» Hve tni.rudio"

e bcoce.ii sixth it. Term* very reasonable. 4f2aw3w

Y\:ANTKI)-,\ Beotek or Kr^h irirl,» » t > d'» p kin cooüne and geuerai housework Apply

hl IM »:'!'«<: !; -itroi.d It. near Sixth-av. 10/ 3t*

|ft ANTED.Titles to Dlinoittiid Mit-. sonri lands, rran'ed to soldiers of the WAS of HIS,

ar forfet-ed for Taxea Arply or address, givingMaa>Ik ra of Iota to P S HOE9, S3 Wal'-st, formerly M. Myers.

lif In.*

UA NT ED TO LEASE.One er moreLA ROE ROOMS, well lighted, tuitaile for a

rMattOC OanOS. A location on the West tide of Broad-way, soaneti here between Kultoti aoi Wall ate preferred.S'eam power desirable: an.1 at all event*, the privilege ofnsinssteam. K. HART. 4 Tl.,:nea-»L LOflW*

1VANTED.At 114 Nassau-st. (basc-. ? ment ,. Kiin'oa ment itspeeUily obtainedforClerks,

BalSSSBSIl, I'orters, School Teachers, Bar-keepers. Walter«,Coachmen, Rove to leam respectable indes. Rules andrsajala V as to be seen in the office, which are strictly ob¬served. Employees fee ft per year. Application-, ledMing? l, free of postage, stalintr the description of emnlnymeatrequired, can he suiled [lOflt'J THOS-8P1NK, Agent

\V ANTED TO RENT..By the month. w

or quarter, a Lecture room. Church, or Veetry, forweek day afternoona and evenings. Apply to

T. L NICHOLS. M. DIf St*87 West Twenty-sec-md-eL

rANTED. A Seamstress, who cancat and make shins and children's cloth-e. One

who ia willing to make berte f generally useful, whoui derstandaher b.ieiness, and can come wi'O urie.vceptioo-able reference*, can apply at 35 Wiiioughby st. corner ofJay, Brooklyn. _tfjg\VANTED--Gardener, to commencevv aervice next April.PIANO, good f J or 7 O.-tave

for cash .IRON SAKE, Salamander, of moderate a,/,- [ofcttb. Apply by note to box 1,374, lower Post office, within5da>». _'_itW

\\"ÄNT'ED . By a most reepeeUb o

v v riegle nmn, a situation e« Gardener. He perfectlyunderstands I is business in all its brnnc'ies. Advertiser>» i. n1 n * in III* present situation ll'l engaged. Addr-es I T.Aiii.cuhural *luie, 4!» »tatest, New Haven. 8f 1 w*

VVANTED.An experienced, practical,v. hard-working Scoich or English Gardener, fully ac¬

quainted with his business He must be a married manwuhtut children. To such an one fair waves will be gi-'rn,In a permanent situation, together with the u«e of a cottig*on the preiiiiie*. and the, privilege ot boarding one man

constantly, and such extra laborer* as mav be .¦ .¦ l. Ap¬ply to WM. DEPEW,

f8 31* 124 rront-st

IVANTED BOARD for a Gentlemanv ¥ and lila Wife and a Single Gentleman in a private

family, or where there are but a few boarders. a neatlyfurnish* (1 sitting-room and bed-room requtred on the secondfl.iorforibe eentleman and his wife, and a comfortableroom, with breakfast and tea and dinner on the Sa'jbath, forthe sii gle gentleman Terma mutt be uioderat», and willbe paid weekly References mven arid required. AddressQUIET, Office ofThe Tnbune. 8f it*

\\ ANTED. Board in East-Broadway,v v in a Quaker family, where a limited numlier of

boaidera are taken, by a Gentleman who wants only plaintare, and where the comforts of a home cau be obtained.This bouse mutt have Hot, Cold and Shower Baths.Address J W. General Post Office. Box 1361. ftf 2r

A\ ANTED.A CLERKSHIP, (Dryv v Goods prefened.) by a young man who haa had

thiee years experience in the Country, Is pretty well ac-

qua nU-d with Merchants in ihe Interior of this Slate, cankeep books, and haa the moil unexceptionable refe encos

from his employers. H» expects but mudera'e wagaa forfalibfu] and active aervice. Address W. K S, at thisOffice. KfSi*

WANTED.By a small family, part ofa house In a respectable neighborhood, flroag first of

March or before if poaelb'e, where they will not be. obligedio move In Mav. Rent must lie mo lei ate*. Ad.Iiess '/.. TL.. Tribune office._8f 2t*

AS Chambermaid and Waiter, or totake care of children and t-ewin^, by a very resp^ct-

ali'e, tniart and tidy girl. Will make horself generallyuteful Is a very g"iid chambermaid. Salary not so muchan object »* a good home. It willing to go in the countryCall et*50 Broadway._l"f It*

AS Coachman or Groom, by a respect¬able competent man wl'h a*nple rofeience Can be

Sen ai ROBERT STORYS Saddlery. 25 Fulton-st,Brooklyn or a note addressed to "Groom'' at this office,will meet with attention. 10f 2i*

AS Cook in a Hotel or (ientleman'sBotriiingbouse, by a middle-aged American WOavlat.

She It a good cook and understands her hustnett. GoodreVrepce can be given from her latt place. Can be teenfor iwo r!a>t at 109 Rivington St., bacg room, t:rtl Co ir.

AS General Housemaid, by a wellrocommended, tidy arir 1. It a good cook and first rate

washer and troner, or would do chamberwork an 1 takecare of children ar.n sew. Would make heiraelf useful andgo for moderate wagea. Call at 2*3 Bowery._1' f It*

AS Cook ami to Wash and Iron, in asmall family, by a Protestant woman. Has good re¬

ference from her last "p!a-e Call at 177 aWsaboth-Sl in therear, up Blair*, bttwteu Prince and Spring. ltl It'

AS Porter in a respectable establish-Btsnl by a smart. Intelligent vmi'ig man Is willing

to make MaVeelf generativ useful, writes ». good hand. Isqulca at liguret, can malte htnuelf generally useiut in an

oil re. lianwakSSSlS horses if required, and is tteOTOOgrfllfaci|uair terl wlih the cilv. Can furnish unexceptionablec'ly le't-ieiice«. Address Mil. STEVENS, 4o Exchangef lata, fur E. A. r. _l"f u*

AS Waitkk in a private family, Saloon,Hotel or Eating Housu. hy a smart young man, cap¬

able, hoLi'tt and ctealv, either in the citv or country. Qoiireft-ietces given. Ask for james, in the oifi.-e 111 Nas¬sau si. (basement) N B .Office fee will be charged to

the 1 In j o> i r._10f u*<

APARTN ER WANTED.A merchantnow eatabllehed in the hardware. Iron, and Stove

hueineea In one of the Western elite* of this State, andabout entering into other businett requiring the whole ofbis persorsl attertion, detiret a partner ol good characterard biitineis haldts, with four or five thoiitan I dollarsrash capital, to take an interest in the store and the entire

charge thereof. The establishment has been protitaMefrom the commencement, and Ihe new Imeinea* Ihe pre¬sent proprietor is to engage In will increase the trade o!the store some tiiirtv ihree per cent. Address box 1.565Post office._lOf W

SITUATION IS WANTED for ai pious Protestant woman to take care of chil Iren and

to do plan, tewing. i: quire at 54 Rivington st lOf It*

BOARlTWANTED.By a widow ladyiin a small private family, where she will receive ihe

comforts of a home. Address "Board." Broadway Post-office, slating terms which must be moderate. luf It*

IJOARD..Wanted, in a private fam-AJlly who do net intend moving on 1st May BAWL Ofwhere there are a few boarder*, a room partludy furnished,(dinner on Sundaya,) for two younu men. Locatloa on ornot far from Broalway, between Spring and Tenth tts.Terms to be moderate. Address, tl ilio office of The Trib¬une. 8. a C. 4flw*

BOARD WANTED..By a gentlemanard bis wife, and ton and daughter, adults, in a pleas¬

ant location between Spring and Tenth streets, and Broad¬way and Hudaon-aireet, from the 1st of May next. Wouldwith a »mall parlor and three bedroom a. There must bewarm and cold water bath* In the house. It dinner at JP. M three will dine at home. Address * Sigma," at theTribune office, stating terms, fcc , for furnished or unfur¬nished apartmenta. 7f3i-

CHARLES P. GIFFORD is requestedto call tt ike Irving House where he will find


POWER PRESS WAITED-AnAdams Power Press.bed at least 30 by 41.second¬

hand ard in good order. Addresa "Press," care of V. B.PALMER. Tribute Building, stating price, he. lOf 3t


THE FURNITURE of a modern houseIn a firtt class neighborhood, l>etween the Eighth and

Ninth avs. wi 1 be told low. The bouse ran be rented, andIf agreeable, the furnilure will be taken out in board. Ap-I'.v at 7- Wsier-at. 7f 3t«

TO BUILDING MOVERS.-Wantedthe mi of Marc Two men that understand the

business of Movirg Wooden Building*, to go about onehundred miles into the country, where there are threetanart villages, communication by Railroad twice a day.Much ralsmar and repairlag to be done. I will fumiehScrew* ai d Tackles, and go panner. or sell my whole in-lereat Tery low, a* my health will not permit me to carryIt on. Men with small families will be preferred. I wiUfurnish them with goo*] tetementt at low rant Pleaseleave a line at thia office, ttating name ar-d residence. Iwill asj and bold an Interview about the MB tust, directedt" A. O B_if 21MV3«

IX) CAPITALISTS-Wanted a Partner(Special or Active} with a capital of #5 MS to encage

la a manufacturing buaineat from which fair protila willberealized. Business ««und and iure. All c mimunlcatlonetreated a* coniidential. Addrets .Manufacturer, Iff 21*

npo MUSICAL COMMITTEES OF-* CHCRCHESAND ORG ANISTS.\V anted. *.ri en-gagerpeeUn Church, for a Soprano, Alto. Tenor and Base >

wilder all baylpg had much exper1e.Dce in Sacted Muslc-i r e a to ana Bast are now disengaged, the Soprano andTenor w ill en,,,,, frp,,. 0(Mav next Any Chrrchpan-ci: arly tntereated n this Importart part of D'v'ne seevice, ard willing ta pav liberally for a competent Q;iart« will addreaai nous to Quartette" at the Trv ?."

ggg_*f5,8MvfV'ft£ (MM) CAPITALIST Wa"ntEdtT'A^Y U> become lntereated in a very exum.lveMarufarturlrg butirest, which ha* the rare character ofaho» lag definitely and fully lit results dally. Sa'es IUr Qtsasdonableevidence and reference given ta all whlc1;rt Airs io ihe mailer. Address by letter,

H'fS;* D- X. X, Jin Broadway.


TRI BUNK 8L'ILIHN<.>. Will i.e.esuei Till8 MORNING'The superiority of (bit Card in beauty of design, artistic

workmanship. iud general attractiveness., will sufficientlyaccount for. and excuse tbe lateness of its appearance .

The beautiful border, drawn and engraved by Tt dor*, embraces Portraits of Washington and Franklin, a

View of the City Hall. Tribune Buildings, th*. Interior ofa Prix ting Office with Compo.-ltors and Pressmen at work.

Hoe's Improved Cylinder Presses. Gordon's New Cardand Circular Press, Washington and Smith Hand Presses-etc. etc.The Calendar for K'Jl.ln bald and striking figure*, occu¬

piers tbe center of the Card, and is surrounded withlineaincolors, describing the different varieliee of work executedat BAKER, GODWIN A CO S Eitensive Steam PrintingEstablishment in the Tribune Buildings.The subscribers propose to pla'e these Cards, which

have been issued at a cost of several hundred dollars, In

every Bank, Counting-Room, 0:Hce and Store In the city.Proper persons have been emploved to carry out th:* ar-

rar g einer', and it is hoped that the beauty and utility of lb'1Card will induce all to give it a prominent place upontheir walls.A few of the first impressions have drawn out the follow¬

ing commendationstil M< saia Baker, Godwin A d'. anew and siurpr^irn firm,

who . few ¦saths s*o angled I the Priatirf business, send 'is an

Abnai.*'', . i t< k »'so r BOta r « tbe.r Csrd It s a sps< ssssiof the T)potr»it;i- Art nl »l..<b our oMe-t estsb'n.imenU a*HM.aRaasswai Theee geafeaesa be« sa ett* nSce, --;>v *

of di i-g sll kinils r f Pr ntrg and w th snrh spe< im>n mn.t saeaeala B Vary short time an iirmmn smnunt of business. Thatrestabhsln.eot is in tue 1 riuun* BuiUimt.coruer ol Sonus and Nssss I sts.

(«uadajr D «pavli.Kiss PasaatBM .Or eef the most heaitilu! spe. iro»ns of J..I, Hr. t

ii r that eVff CBSBS to nur BBtaBBSI a ri li'y eti)te»'l «heil i'n'int.of-BasM* A .i'».. «.«e. uted tu Messrs Baker, Godwin A Ca. J..bPr D'era.Tr I n..s BailaiBSB, [A'las

fci" Hsker. (ioCw.o & Co. Printer«, in the Tribune SnIMsags, h*ra.satastassi Baasaaaa Cird.sne>.ant spaaaaMaf tfc*"Atpr».. r»st »» i f til Art« " It rontain« BS Alrrsnm tor the pr.,«ert >*"'.

ai teaaal . is, aro the saaajsjasjaaasal of tt«- rariaaa styles of wars

tteu al ihnr esta'-'VlimeLt- [Courier.f?; Mercbarts, Lawyers, atd others who may not be

called upon by tbe canvasser, csn procures copy of the

ft r! try rsllir.p at our office.Onirers of Public Institution«, as well as Store-keep.

ere, out 11 ihe cl'.y, by making application, will be suppliedby n aii

HAKE It. GODWIN ii CO, PRINTERS.Tribune Buildings, corner Nassau and Spruce sts.

I of Second Story.Entrance I Spruce st.

BOARDING.BOARD..A gentleman and his wife,

or three single gentlemen, can be accommodated withp eitsani Rooms, with full or partial Board, at M Hudson-Street. Terms moderate. 7fit*

BOARD.At the private Mansion HouseM Oreenwlrh-sL Gentlemen, with single beds and

Itfkt, niry rooms, 12 50 per week Day Boarders. $2 perv. etk ; Transient Boarders. 50 cenU per day. J28 Im"

OAKD.A Gentleman and his wife' can be accommodau d with a parlor and bed-room on

th* brat floor; also, two or three single gentlemen will fiudpleasHnt apartments on application at 41 Warren-si Term*moderaie. JI6 lin*

BOARD.With good accoinmodBtions,ran be had at 178 Weal Twenty-aeventh st. I door*

west of Eighth av. JU lm*

BOARDING..A Front Parlor and Red-room on the third tloor to rent, will Board. Apply at

No. II Ler.'y Place, Bleeeker-at. 7f2web<l*

AOENTLEMAN. his wife and servantcan be permanently accommodated with handsome

rooms and board in a small private family where no otherboarders would he taken, In a house possessing all modernconveniences, eligibly located In the uprerpart of the city.Address box UBPoet-Otlice. _3M w*

AMERICAN HOUSE, Hanover-st.Boston .The undersigned having entirely rebuilt and

enlarged ihe above extensive establishment, containing Inall about SMi rooms, would respectfully give notice that Itis now ready for the reception and accommodation of thetraveling community.An extended notice of the unsurpassed conveniences of

tbla house isdenned superfluous, aslher.iimerous'mprove-merits which have been made cannot be properly given Inmi adverti«e?«ient. Suffice It to say thht no expense haabeen spared 10 render any apartment perfect.Tbe furniture was ma le expressly in order, regardless

of cost and certain portions of It, «specially the drawing-p < u:s. will be fouril in be of the most beautiful and tHSto-

fiil maxufticture. Tbe dlniag-rooms are capacious, and theboors for meals will be so arranged as to suit the con¬vent, nee of the early and late.Every department will be 1 ndueled In an unexceptlon-

al a BBSS, ner, sml Ihe proprietor pledges hi Hl sei I thnt IheAi"i rieht! Hi iieesl.Rul be truly lln Traveler's Home,arsaariaaaa LEWIS RICE.

rkURKEE HOUSE, at KeBoaha, (late.L/sinrhport. WIs V.The subscriber (formerly of thePaari-ai Hojse New-York City) would respectfully an-nounre to tbe traveling pulillc that he ha* leased tlifl above-named bouse for a term af year* and would be happy tore.-, Ira olkl s from those who will favor him with tbetr pat-rooaäTO The houae Is too well known to nes*d B rtaacflo

Son B. DOUGLASS.Kenosha. Jan 7,180I. J24 tf

t5ÖvTm1TTÖ LET, with full or partialI B ROAKD on the second and third floors, mmlskwj andunfurnished, in a hrst-class house. 2 Lamartlne-i-'ace,Twenty-mnth-st.. between Elgli'h and Ninth avs. Refer¬ee res exchanged. H lm*

P|^<) LET, furnished, by a small private«. fan,;!y, the second floor and has- meat to two or three

persons, without children Address "Home," at tinsOffice. No removal on the first of May. J31 if

NEW P(JBrJCArr«ON8Readv This Day,


AN INDIAN TALE, by Major Richardson, author of" Ecwte," "Hardicrabble," etc. etc.

Price FlAy Cents.If the proposition be true that books are like wine, mar

much as It is improved and tested by a^e, then will the au.

tbor of " Waccusta" he of undying fame; for we have justrisen from the re-perusal of this celebrated work with Diefirm conviction that In the effective management of an ex¬

citing plot, tn description of border warfare, and especiallyjn powerful delineation of Indian character, he has neverbeen excelled ; and, to our opinion, only equalled by Mur«ray In Ms .. Prairie Bird," and Cooper In his " Leather 8tock.leg Talea f and tte simple but manly hero of that aeries isnot more strongly Individualized, and doea not excltemorelntorest than the cunning, vast sirent'Jj. hair breadth es*

rapes, a*. J4>:r .-cr! a'> haired of the fierce WacouaiaThe women are ail lhai they should he; simple-heartedseirlacr.hdDg. devo'.ed women, and their Influence has a!softening effect upon the harsher features of the work.The editor has revised the work and added a new and tn.

teresticg chapter to the original London edition, which wasnever published In full before in this country. The bookcontslns 224 oct pages, well printed on the very best paper

OPINIONS OF THE LONDON PRE8S.And as . liTsh; and admirable description of tkoa* scaaes ef rua!

« . faitblul picture of the will and it***!atecoaatry.andss BBboaax as accurate ».e* of tbe slat* ol tbe Celooie*atth* IsbW»Lea a nuslakeo tecl of UmpteJ us tn waste cur hlo<J and treasur*on tbe.r uicqueet and preservation, these Tubitae* must be rss ; Va* .-e it aasaaaaai th* I. ;t> merit of historical truth. anJtans -I- 1 soil which the plow of literature bus uithertn bara.'j en

tare*. [ L in ien .Wiens*Iis pictures of A mar csn Sce-ieryand Indian wsrlars.ol tbe eeng*

fulsLirit of the Rae.kin, and ronqueet of the wbite man.of th*des; sraia isrot.t) of tbe outlaw, and the «niearuig teoJaruess otweraen.are worthy of o^r »est wr.tors ol BBBBMisal Mtaatw *

[Lcodon Pu.tTbe of ibis hotsI ron. st in the .pint r.f Us historical pic¬

tures, wharb posses, at least, the <vns steoe> ol truth The wntard splays no ordinary sliart- af graphic power, aad baa tbe rare talentof " readerieg a fearful battle 1* music Louden Atlas.

It is s cuiK us fact tbat so popular an sjaaVas as Mr. Cooper h\sth.rto met ro inutators. The Srsl tbmg t' at usually hapnaas

to a successful author s to t>eo<erahelm*d witb followers. Perhapsthe sutbor of the "Spy" a'oute.t tb s by tbe utknowt land uponwb:rk he set Ins mark. A formilst-le coor; etitor has now, aowa-ar,entered opou his track,ard, »1 must say, with great surceeeand

spirit IxinJi n Litarary OatettaIt w.;i re-a re but slender tbeitgbt to perceive, by tbe autbeaticar

dor of BO pea, that the author la. ban ore* to a military life, andthat be >s a n.aa eety saayasias .. i aaaa *-* aaaaaaaaaaai of iqtal'ert tn* last*. This Bust render him an oniamact to th* " tentedBald" as weD as to tbe Held r Literature 'l^mdon SatinetTbi» powerful tale af feeiiog is rendered w.tb a truth au* force that

wJI absorb the trader's attest cn deeply, aad (ratify e»eo the nxntromantic sad italmckoly; and ahojether w>> know net abaa wahare pertisail a tats .0 ersry way (alculateJ to su.t the «anoua tasteswbab aajsl among our readers ol ndioa Mist Sbersian'. Magaziaa.

DEWITT A DAVENPORT,Iff It Tribune Buildings, Nassau-st.

THE CLAIRVOYANT'S FAMILYPHYSICIAN, containing a coarse of treatment for all

Disease* prevalent in this country, by Mr. L Tuttle, Pneo75 cenu. For sale by | KT 2t | BOBEBTS. 129 Nassau-st

N~ATURE DEFENDED, and the Abusesof Custom Exposed; being an argument advocating

the claims of FEMALE MIDWIFERY. By G. W. Skin,cor, M.D. Pnee only 124 rents. For aale by

Iff :t_FOWLEBS A WELLS. 131 Nassau-stcKict. iwiMi nri oatartw


ter, October. 1850. containing the Addressee, reports of8reecues. Lettt ra received. Resolves. LUt of Members andCotaiidUres, and In fact a fuil report of the meeting, is for

sale by [IN 3*1 fOWLXBS k W£L.'-8,131 Na-»au-*L


AUDÜBON'S BIRDS OF tiMERICt./ * f aeB r f .¦.$. or '.. I vo * »... v y UbfmT* .r , «r->n

e\ing the pistes, !ar_" M g I till r. »'d wleidng to eon-

pit: r. Ilitt 'lie MM p-e««. r a dupl' at» eopj. may dtMNM (and ii i* he eve<j ihe ni y o-'ei emoagdieuMKSCkOf tkie«,tele ofW A r.i rran, i^w p o»injf -I, ., .M Kr ffiw a', jta slk'rs |,f t: i ((,I.MAN, AffeSC.

JÜANT ELL'S i Ur.» PICTORIAL AT¬I'S LAS Of FOSSIL, REM UNS. OR, PETAIP.AC-TiONSAND THEIR TKaCHlNGS-Conslsingor.»:ored illu»tra,:ort selected from PirklGson't " Organic Re-mains of a former world.'' and Anil'a " Anted 11 :in

Phytology," with addition* aDd descriptive letter press. *>y[)r Mantel!. Ho, with 71 tine colored plates, containingnearly II P subjects, clorti gilt .hut nretved and foraale by

II fIt BANGS. BRO. It CO io-i Broadway.

P( >EM FORMALE.A niar^rirjt;P >em, on a moral topic, containing about BM lines in he¬

roic measure It has never been seen except r.y'ir" vi-

tfcor A !dr--t MANCSCRIPT a' T <me (,',-.. ' :>

TITTLES VALENTINES..A iplen-did assortment. Sentimental and Cotic, English,

Krerchard American; beautiful dsatgns at low prices, atTITTLE'S Emporium of Kancy Goods. 545 Broadway.An Invoice of ENOL1SI1 VALENTINES Just opened.Mm

yÄL^TINES! VALENTINES!!.v The subscriber begs leave to call the attention of Deal¬

er* an,t o'her- to his large and splendid assortment ofVALENTINES of new and elegant design* and work¬manship, which are OtTered for CASH at very low prc>sai d In lota to suit purchasers. Country dealers by seedingtl.etr orders accompanied by a remittance will be StM tw ith on the n:ost Itt.eral terms and their orders promptlyforwarded. üEORGE H 1VES. Manu'acturer,7f I w* 152 Nassau, comer Spruce-sL

H[CH~AND RARE.-VALENTINESat H e celebrated Valentine Depfll. IH ESTIS A CO/

ANS. iHsno 1'S Na»sau-st. corner of Ann st. Love's Galalay, the Anniversary of St. Valentine. :s now at hand, and

HI"EST IS ,v Co/ANS have the satisfa-th of talbrratagihe pi.b'ic that they opened on Tuesday, Eeb A. 1351. an

assortment of Valentines far superior to any they have laformer years manufactured, and which has' never in To:been equalled In lids country. Their st ick comprises overfive hundred patterns of tue most e'egar.t and exmr.eitu ea>s'gns.the productions of the best talent, and on wiiieli no

s\pense has t.een spared tn the manufacturing, to » l.i;¦tion to these, they have a choice col. of PERKL'MEDPARIS BOXES, for Valentines; a'so a great variety ofLACK PAI'EK. LACE ANÜ SILVER ENVELOPES,MOTTO WAP ERB. i.e.

In the'r assortment HUESTII V CO/.ENS wouldcallthe attention of the public to one p ,:nt parncu'ariy. Th-)beautiful custom of St. Valentine's Day, ha* of laie yearsbeen much desecra'ad by comic valeLiine*. which have.fkN I e, n msde the vehicle of insult. HL'ESTIS A CO/.-ANS, endeavoring to carry the true spirit of ihi' dav. ordernone but VALENTINES OP CHASTE SENTIMENT,as well as designs. No comics will be sold at retail.Dealer* in Valentines will do well to send in their ordersearly, while all the votaries of St. Valentine should call atonce and prepare themselves with the mcst splendid docu¬ments necessary on Valentine's Day. " to choote a mate."


OK SEX and Co ugal Relation in the other Life.Last Judgment.Heaven and Heavenly Joy.Correspond¬ences and Representatives in Heaven.Light in wUekAngels live.a* also Prof. Bush's Plea for Swedenborg'*Intercourse wlih the Spiritual World.his Character considered.Reply lo Emerson, Ac. Price fijcent*each. For sale hv DEWlTT A DAVENPORT, FOWL-EE* WELLS, STRINGER A TOWNSEND. 81 2ti»*

American Chancery Digest.

BANKS, COULD CO. have justpublished, and for tale, THE AMERICAN CHAN¬

CERY itEST In3vala. Thirdedltion. Anewandcora-plete Equity Digest ofAmerican Law. By Thoa. W. Water¬man, of the New-York bar. Thts work 1* designed to bea complea* er cvclop i iiia i,i American Legal Science. Con-tainir g, a* It doe*, all the reported decisions in Equity ofthet'nited States Courts,and ofthe Courts of the several Statu*of the I nloii, fiom the eai liest period to the psyssawtlaae, ¦embodiet almost every known principle of law. It Itbelieved it w ill be found the most valuable w ork of thekind ever published In this country. Though ostensiblythe Third Ed.tion of the Americtn Chancery Digett, illsan entirely new work ; rot only the plan a d arrangementsbeing rew. but a very lari;e proportion of the materlalaalso. Tne decisions have, in every instance, been carefullyread, and the spirit of them taken, with proper regard to

accuracy and to their true meaning. Beside the usual mat¬ter, the work contains valuable explanatory notes, and a

copious index, giving in brief the spirit of every decision i

also, an introductory essay upon the natire, power andfurctions of the Court of Chancery, and the history of thatCourt, in England, and in each Of the American States,

B. O A Co. hive become the proprietors of JOHNSON'SLAW R K Pi )RTS. SO vol. and JOHNSON'S CHANCERYREPORTS, 7 rots. Tliey wi'l supply tho trado and theI infe-sii-u with set*, or any volume to complete aet*.

J2Ü liulieod

\MTOE KS ON PHRENOLOGY-^"" PrOVOS, Illustrate 1, and Applied.#1 is)

Tbe l'hreno esjtsal Journal, Monthly, a year. I 00Comb. 's Lecinn s on Phrenology, I.lustrateJ. I Of)

Defence of I'hrruology. By Dr. Itoardman. .50

l am. lag Lessons on Phrenology, Illustrated. *>0

I -trnied Ball laWhJtJOSOf in Pnrenology,. 251', , Ml PI¦ie.'.olog\, L.iislrated. 25

PI reBOjOgy si d Ike S'-ripra-et; by Mr. I'lerpont. 12

Phrenolo^i-hI Guide for SiuJent*,.. 12Svnops.sol I'hreno.ogyand Physiology. 12

Phrenologie: Chart, for Phrenologists. 06Illustrated Phrenological Almanac, for 1351. Gti

Publish-d by POWLKRS A WKLLS,If Si131 Nassau-street.

ATA LENTIN ES..WM. L. JONES,v 1.52 Sfxth-av invites strangers and those residing at a

distance from his store, (for those In his Immediate nei^li-I orhood r.ever think Of going ei*ewh.-re| to call a d -t-

amine bis rich and varied assortment of VALENTIN ESand V aien ii.e Stationery Orders to any amount for Dierouni ry put up in a faithful manner on receipt of cath Ad¬dress "Manufacturer," as aliove, or Clark, Austin A Smith,205 Broadway ;>l>ioodi*


COURT of the City of New-York, adopted Jan. 18. lull,containing alto DECISIONS of the Court In case* of Prac¬tice and Special Proceedings, an extremely valuable publi¬cation for sh w ho practice tn that Court. Just publunedand for sale by OEO. H BELL.

J21 ifLaw Stationers. 15* Nassau si.


CO. Printers, TRIBUNE BUILDINGS, respecihilly callthe attention ot Officers of Public Injututiona to their un¬

surpassed facilities for execcling every description of

Printing in the best style of the art, tu short notice, and on

moderate terms.

fr? Catahvies. Annual Reports, By-Laws, Bianas, Ad¬dresses. Acic, printed tn the most beautiful manner.

ryCsll and examine specimen! of work, which have

recently been printed for many of the best fnsututlotis inbe City.C»7"0rders solicited from every part of the country.

Estimates cheerfully furnished.BAKER. GODWIN It CO. Printers.

Tribune Buildings, cor. Nassau and Spruce stsJSleodtf rfVEritranee I Spruefset,

ATLANTIC DOCK MILLS.IndianCom Plonr and Indian Corn Farina dried and mann-

bctured by " Stafford's Patent Processes, "may be obtainedof respectable Qrocera generally In this City and Brooklyn." Indian Corn Flour"Tsdestgr.ed for making Bread, Pud¬

ding* and Cake*, and for mixing with VVheat. Ryeor Buck¬wheat Flour, and will be found on trial a very superior ar¬ticle. It is put up In double papered packages of 7 lbs. andIn boxes of one dozen each."Indian Corn Farina," an'entirely new and most deli¬

cious article for making Puddings. Mush. Ac. and will provean admirable substitute for Rice, Samp and HoAmouy. Asan article for the composition of Puddings this Farina hasnormo/. Ills put up In 1 lb. papera In beautiful style, andin boxes of 4 dozen each, at the extremely low price of6« cent* per single package.TLeabove manufacture* of Indian Corn are peculiarly

adtpted lo the uteol the [sTVALJDj and exper.eoce ha* de-

D oLStrated that DrsPLt-Tics <-an partake of this kind ofdiet with impunity, to the exclusion of almost every otherform of food. Its dally use will Dprove ihe digestion,correct the bowels, ana give toue and energy to the wholeframe.These articles are sold at wholesale by Me*«rs AUer A

Whittleaey. 21 Soulh-st-; J. M. Hovt at Sona, 176 Washing-ton-el and of A O. Benson. iH Soulh-st or at the Mill*.Consumer* can obtain of the Grocera a pamphietof 16

page*, entitled. "Remars* on Ind an Com its Preaerva-tion and Manufacture, with Recipe* for Cooking," togetherwith testimonial* of thehtgh**t respectability.Orders addreased to E. BRONSON. Agent. Atlantic

Dock Mills Companv. Noa. 17. 18.19 and 2<t Atlantic Dock,Brooklyn,New-York, » Ul receiveprompt allenüo and die-

pab'ti_J66meodN~EW-YORK and STATEN ISLAND.

-Leave Whitehall at 9, 11,1. 3 and 5 o'clock. LeaveBatata 'aland at 1.10, It. 2 and 4o'clock. Ill ff

T'~HE DÜSSELDORF ACADEMY OPFINE ARTS .Leasrlng's great Hlttorlcal Plcmre ot

tbe " MART TR DOM OF HISS ba* be-n added to the«olieciion of Painting* by artist* of the above achool Ad-miMkm 25centa, season tlcktts |1. and desenptloe <*sia»

logue* I I cents. dt3ra

Ä 1(1 (ja"Mi TO LOAN ON BONDV^*"4^'"' AND MORTGAGE, for a term ofyear*, on Real Estate in this City and Brooklyn, tn sums to

suit borrower*. Apply toANTHONYJ. BLEECKER. Auctioneer.

K lwNo.7 Broad st

[VÖTICE TO CONTRACTORS..SeeJ-1 v ad Propetals will be received at tbe house of Evan*i. Hartiy, Delaware Co. Pa up to the lftbof^l

¦OBSJk, (February, i for grading, Sirmlng the bad, and lay¬ing thej.ui.k on the line of die Philadelphia and DarbyPlank R. ad; cglh.4i mliaa. Plans and tpeclacajlots canbe seen UjelAlol 2d month, (February.I atibea'iov*named p ace. JOHN H. ANDREW'S, f realleit

\\ m. 0 Ü. SraaiLL, Secretary- P


INGS, rt»!«'f '..:> i«eJer tl,eir tbaake to Ün-ir.frlonj*». d iho pal c n r't.e very llx-ra. patronage extended to

iLem > rr- eir ..itreBren.e'nt in httsino** Enuringupi ¦ :.i bj -i.,..., u ,;h a | ride for their art, they .1 -ter*

n T" d io um' fry r can* to improve " Their effort*'-hue*ar have surer* ded. and they have been favored with too

patrctag" of ¦<,.-.\ y "f tl.»- L-*t publial.ere. Officer* of Pub*'uf'HoTdawr«. Lavcyrr», and Gmtlemen of

latlaalUglaw** Baal Ta«tein various Profession» Thetrmtc-i r.d ibiir moatax limthooc*. Though hav.

hag «en u opeiat cu M a tew months, the aubacnbora al-y Ei-iat'is! mcnt second to none in itsfarili-Li' * toj executing every variety of Printing in the very beat

style of the Art, at tie »i.orteM rui.ce and on the moat fa¬vorable terms.

At inorea.-e of busines- haa compelled the subscriberswidiiu a lew day*, to etiil furtlier eniarge tiielr preiniawu ¦

(.:» ttey have bun enabled to <!o through tm kiodnesa oftfieleaefc-e of the Tribune BiitlJ:r-«-anii tmj now havetie' e»cnfaction of poseessing an Establishment complete inall its parts, arranged on a plan of system, aafety and cou-

v. !,:ere<v equally aotaBtago 'is to ps-rsons r-ejuiring Print-ice am! to thoee who execute iLSome of the advantages of the Establishment are as foL

lows:l-t. THE LOrATION-facinkriue Park-being Üie mos«

public, picasait and eligible of any in the City...! 'i me < <>mposis<; rirrrnTm¦irniti mm

p-iniMbe entire Third rlo>r of Iko Tribune Building*. iaaWei' aa thai of the ha Mkaf e«ljotBtBg,)an<i receiving lighton Ikne sn'e.|bobest amtiij'ed and most imposing ofam in 'I e c< naTjThe Papors-vf Drvinir Room is on the Fourth BOOT,

3d THE OfFH E OK COUMTIHO ROOM on rh.»Seci nil t o, r. u»i t" -d up n n verv n«-ai «n I convent- t

Baassnev ior teeeiviauj the order* of ciisumn-r». and also forb -baa? specimens of tho anoM bsajBSifaJ 1'riuting cxecu-

ted n! Hits K-'»b eld.Hb M V\ T>i'rl AND NEW PRESSES .brecmg

e try vur'eiv lor ..cry doscti! on oi work, froiu a Cardto a Booh girhaj as aaperior f-imities ior rendering our('. ni n i-nr im»¦,> .¦' ',<¦¦' at-'Bi- 1*0

II STEAM POAriv bywbk be Pr saaea are driven.wkoraby thomoai BTgeat Job* -an bo delivered in an

u ajsool iBCTOda a s: ort space of taBM f s>~ t onneciedwith tbia EansblUhmoal are not less ihan Ten of the moat

rapid Power Piaoaes (iiesiile eevi-ral Hand Presses) forHook ud .io>i Print Bg -iWa greab-r uumbs.-r than anytikailarofflrelathe United <*'.< ea

-I THE BEBT WORKMEN AT THF. HIGHESTWAOES aeBPciad for their iBteUijrence, »kill, Tsste anilChavaeaw,who Isol aa taaarot and a pride in the appear*Bbooof Ihoworkbearing;the Imprinti rtoOaVe.

7th COMPETENT ASSISTANTS in BVERT DE¬PARTMENT ..Mr DCDLBY 0 Evans lm» the generalreperintewlepce, aaaisted by Mr SaMVBL Wibhss Foro-BBBS of the Pp'sa Depnrii-irn', ai'd 0. B. WiuaaM as


SONAL >I PKRVISION OF THE PROPRIETORSTHEMSELVES.With 'hess- »rrant;einenls v» p contiilently Invite the aßen-

t nr. oi the Ptiblino our Estabbsbmeni, believing thai uo-

v* here also can ihey sex "ire Beittv Work, Better Treatment,or Better TrtSM Ourmotto la "GOOD WORK-cashPRICDS-TERMS CA8H-H9 PI NCTUALITY BE*H»HE ALL i HIM >

I <y Call and examine specimen* of Work. Rem«mborIhm every deacrirition of Prinhng is cone at tiiis office.

PETEB C. HA K rktt. >DANIEL OODstfIN, Propnetora.JOHN THOU 18, S

Trioune BofMiSga OOff Nassau and Mpnicea's.Itlf Serotnl story.F.mraiiee 1 Spruce st.


AI M. H. GARY & CO. 843 and '2ASv v pearl-it (detween John and Fulton ats.) Invite iho

attention of the city and distant Jobbing Tradeto Ihexr lar'jt and svrncd sfocA of Uoodt,

which they otter at the lowest rates, either for cash or ap¬proved credit.Under their present arrangements they can offer great

Inducementa on all their Foreign Goods, and will givetheir customers the benefit of the lirjt iinounti whi:hthey have gained by the increased amount of their pur¬chases.They pledge themselves to sell manv styles of AMERI¬

CAN goods AT MAMUFACTUEEaW PRICES.Their atoek wI:| be kept full during the whole year, and

all orders w i'l be promptly supplied They particularly In¬vite ibe MEXICAN Bad SOUTH AMERICAN dealere toexamine their atock of Jewelry, manufactured expresslyfor thoee markets; a so their stork of I voryCombs, adaptedfor exportation.The following article* conatUute a part of their atock I

Linen Threads.Various makers, plain and sa in finished, black, drab,

w buy brown and comred, Nos. ii'xnO.Spool Cotton.

Clark's. Alexander's. Kmiib's Eagle, and Berlington'sw hile, mack ar il colored, Nos 1<'.I 1, 2i to SOO yards.

Tapes and Bobbins.Linen and cotton, aeeorted colors and el/ea.

C u 11 e r v.Razors, Knives, Shears, Scissors and Table Knlvea and

Forks, Wade it Butcher'*, Woatenhoim's, Rodgers', andother celebrated makers.

Brushes.Hair, rlnih, teeth, paint, varnish, abavlng, ahoe, crumb,

horse, scrubbing, fcc. Ac. In great vari-iy.Mil sic AI Instruments.

Btwerdaona,Vloliaa,Plutoi Files, Clarionet*, HarmonI*cans, Ac. Fan a.A lari e arid rich assortment, consU-Ing of beautifully

rarved pearl. Wory, bone am' wood stl-ga; also plainsock*, with plain,fancy and aiivernal paper.

Ivory Comb*,»ine S, SS, 8ss. ami NPl". I^xtj Inches.

Comb*.Plain ard fancy tuck, drejaajag, po<;kei and side, of shell,

l',iM no and horn."flrnii.

Single and «b uhle English and American, real and lml-lallou Iwisl; also,a var'ely of Ritie«

Pistole.English end German pocket, belt arid holeter; Coil's and

Allen a Tburtier * Revolvers. Also, a complete assortmentol Sporting Appa/atua.Perfumery.

Liibla'e Maugenei A Coudray's, "I'lver's, Plnaud'a andEues fine extraei*.

Soaps.Low's white and brown Windsor and Honey; Luhln's.

Guerlalb'e, Piraud'a, and Maugenet it Coudray's assortedstyles, Ac.Ac.

Also,Percussion Csps. Needle*, Pin», Hooks and Eye*. Steed

Pena, SuwpensJere. Button*, of all slylee. Pocket Booka,Port Monnaiee. Purse*, Stationery, Beads, Whalebone,Looking Glasaea, cVc. Ac.

/»ory, Tortoiie Shell, Pearl Shell, Ihrn Tip*, <*rr. formanu farturereCaialoguea in the FRENCH, SPANISH, GERMAN

and ENGLISH languages. J> 1 'Imeod'latp


CRAPE SHAWLS.The most perf-cteasorimenl of White Crape fihawl* to he found In

Ulla city are now exhibited aiBARKER'S, 301 Grand-at.

Just received by moat recent arrivals.1000 White and Colored Crape Shawls, Plain and Em.

broldered, which will be aold.As Crape Shawl* must be higher, tbti will be a good op>

portuniiy to inake a purchase before rise.lof It_8. BARKER. 301 Grand-at


8. BARKER, 301 GRAND STWilt pfkS THIS DAY, a large Invoice of Super Black

Wm\7-8 Striped Silks, high colors.100 piecea Linens, tine to superfiae.100 do. Book Muslins.French Prints.Linen Damask and Table Cloths.Linen Handkerchiefs.Also. 100 bales and casea of Domestic Goods, comprising

a geaeral assortment, and will be sold cheap by Y*rd>Piere or Package.Also, 30a pieces New Silks of every kind, very cheap.

Oreat bargains wiil bo given.|0f it8 BARKER, 3"! Grand st.


LROADWAY..Dealers supplied VMtb ail arue-e* uaed inmauulociuriug and hanging Shades._lof JteodA

ADVERTLSEMENl1« are inserted illthe beat Papers of other and Town* at V. B.

PALMER'S Adveruslng Agency. Triouoe Buliding. SM t

C1 p. GIFFORD, late of California, isW* informed that h.a wite arrived In the atoanwhlp

Georgia, and her residence can be 1'otit.d by applying at of the Irving House._lot* 3t»

T~liE_WORLD,S FAIR..An En-lisligectleman. educa'ed In London, and about to return to

England, would be happy to form an engagement with anycompany of gentlemen, or private family, to accompanythem to the World's Fair. Heia thoroughly acquaintedwith LosdoB, Its public bulldmge, and every object of inter-eat to '.be traveller. This would be an excellent opportu¬nity for thoee, who wish to tee not only the " Fair," but lhabeauties of ¦ English Scenery," which the advender wouldpoint out. He has no objection to visiting the continent,having travel.ed a great deal'a aid «: eaXlng auoat-Iv the French language. Apply to X. Y l, offic- of thoTribune_7f 3f

\'IEWS OF THE MICROSCOPICY WORLD, elegantlv illustrated..One of tho moat lo-

lerrallr.g and uaed.: books rver pubrlahedEiemcnta of M- t.-uro.og.. for faiunles and achoois.Deia-an's Studem . Speiili;^ Book; highly approved by

tte t^st leschersBnllion s Greek L<osoes.1rti«rded to "recede the sttidy

of the Greek Orunnw ^^"'.^'/oRn k CO

mtWU' iCorUaAdat


Max marft/>k *uhoA8T0R pL,( M OPERA HOUSE

On WIDNESOAV RV ENINO. Feh 12The Coir n ,a*r of Arrar t. rnenl* have the satisfaction ol

¦"«¦I lb* friends r f Mr Mareue*. UJ of* the Operaand ihe« generally, ibat ftarj vm enabled to offer BpoOUiit'iccaslon a Programm.-of uusurpasaed auracdvoaeee.The .n-eruuimefju of the rrnnot will Include lb* fcwite)g r*xd Opera

SEM1KAMIDE.Bv Ko*»lul.

FIRST TIME THIS SEASON.In which SlgrioilfSJ T p,a. 01. and ti.e Whole atra-tfth Ol

the CoanMJ , ¦ »p:»»r. anda GRAND FOCAL A NO iNSTRI V fNTaL CONCERT

Bnween ihe |nl »' .1 senna 1 aria of the Oper«1. Overture. - R // c .n-heetral.Maretsek2. Grand Faotalete de O r cert, stssiO, on air* from "FUi#

du Reg: cert," composed and executed hyM, .« SfakoacM

l>. Roinsnzs. Signor Lorinl, -Sp'.rto genUL" Favorit*.Donizetti

A Orar.d Pactaisle Dreniei'que. vloltn. on ale* from " Lude)dl Lanimennoor.''comp«seed and executed by m Hautar

5. Grand Fai/a.ale. ¦. C r..nation March.' from Meverbaat*»" Prophet*.' arranged nv Mr SuaAoecb, and hrat time)executed bv htm assieted by

FIFTEEN PERFORMS its Ladle* and Gentlemen, oaElOHT PIANOS.

Su,'»crlb«r* can retain thrir seats until Friday raornlnf,when the Boi Book will he open at the office of the)Opera House, when and where seats may be secured.

Price* of Admission- Parquet and Boxes, Two DoUarn;Amphitheater. Flftv Cent*

COMMITTEE.Henry A. Colt, Oranvllle S. Paulson,O W. Cotter. N. H. Wolfe,Joseph U Cowdrey, J.ho 11 Auatin.Richard H Wtn»!ow, Richard Warren,Chauncey D. Hard, J T VanderhoS,V .dor do Launav, Hlrain Puller,Theo S Draper, A P.Taylor,Thema* E Davis. E M 8» art,W i. iam Young. Jamea F Otis,S S. Soi.thworUi, Jamea H Sanford,Wm R. Blake, A. Porter Brown,T Wiekes Blatrh'ord. John Sefton,TS vi as B Hambllb, Eraatu* Brinks,John Thompson. Junlus T Stagg.Geo m Snow. George O Poster,M M Noah. Jr. R*<ard Taylor,

Arptn. C B. Burkhard!,P ArplrCeo H Barrett. A.g Reimont,T. Plcton, J Astor,Jamet M. Quin, and fifty others if if

VKW-YORK HARM» »NICS04 1ETY.1 1 .The Si, ekholdert ai ,1 Performing Membere of thltjSociety ate Informed that a Vocal and Instrumental Re.hearaal of the Oratorio .,i St Pen!, wlil lake p'aco at tbciTabernacle on MONDAY EVEIIINO, t"th Inst., at ?fco'clock, at which tlire the proposed amendments to the)t i siiiHib n of the Society will be acted on. Punctual at*In arc Is requested. afar

fTAUAN OPERA HOUSE, AstorI P ace- Prices of admission- Parquet and boxes. *.l '» ;seats may be secured at the box offi.-e. from I A M. to IocNck.P. M without any extra charge, Amphitheater, y>cents.MONDAY EN ENINO. Eeb 10. Will be performed the

Opera of LUCRE/. I A BORGIA.l.ticrena Borgia.SlgnortneT Paro.llT'.<- Puke.Signor BeueventanuiDoors open at 6|, to commence at 7| o clock._MECHANICS HALL. 172Broadway,

ABOVE ORVNDST OPEN EVERY NIGHTduring the week, until further notica.The original and well-known CHRISTY'S MIN¬

STRELS, urder the management of E P CHRISTY,w hose Concerts In ibis Cl'y for a succession of riveyearehave l>een received with favor by highly respectable andfashionable audience*.Tickets S» eaaM Doors open aits); coatnttaea at 71On Satuidav.Feb 15. annual henerit of O. N. CHRISTY.The patron* of Chn*t\ * Minstrels are reapecil'ully la-

formed that the usual Saturday Afternoon Concerts will bS)discontinued for the future. Jl if


lY'lP.LO'S GARDEN..In «nise.iaenc©i. v of a omettic calamity this establishment will becloaeiluntil furt er notice. Monday. Keb IB, ln>I._l»f

U RTUN'S TH EATER, Chambera-st.REAR OF CITY HALL.The nearest Theater to

the large Hole e I)isirs open k t.t, commence at 7 o'clock.THIS EVEN1NO, Feb. lu.wtll be performed, the Com*

edy. In act*, of" (HE WOULD AND SHE WOULD NOT.Don Maruel.. .Mr Buiiou Donna Hypolita.'Mrt. RjsseUTo conclude With SM new Kan e of

BETSET HAK Ell.B. xes, Dress Circle »od Pa.queiie 5o ,-t*, Family Circle,

15 Cht I Orchedra Seal*, 7.'. eta. Private trrrtaa *f and $5.

]\TEW-YORK AMPHITHEATER, 37X 1 Bowsry..JAMES M. JUNE A CO. Proprietor*.Every WK.DNESDAY and SATl'RDA Y AFTKRNOONaPERFORMANCE at 21 o'clock THIS K\ BNINO, Feb.10. the performances will commence with the AcrobaticFeat*. To be followed by a tp.'endld variety of Horseman¬ship and Feals In the Arena To conclude with JACK.ROBINSON AND HIS MONK EY Private hoses, V' ;ts;Boxe* 26 cts Pit l.j cts. Doors open at *|. performanceto commence at H

ROADWAY THEATER.LKX)RSopen at 84; to commence at 7 o'clock..Prices of Ad.

mission: To Dress Circle an<i Parquet V>cta; FamilyCb>cie and Third Tier, 25cts Gallery, |.| ct*. Private boxes,£ sadTHIS EVENING. Feb 10, will be performed the Grand

Romantic Spectacle In three «cts. eniU'edf \ I'STUB, OR THE DEMON OF DRACHENFKLS.Fausiii*.Dy..U|Adtne.Madame P ".!sl.Previous to which, ihe n-»» Fareaof


HARNL'M'S AMl.lih AN MC7SEÜM.-P. T BARNI M, Proprietor and Manager. JoNSI

OaRrNwiHji), Ja. Assistant Manager .Saloon oe>rfonnanceaevery Afternoon at S. Evening at 7 Admittance 25ceni*;children ander I" yean, I'.t ct* -The M \ MMOTH GIRL,only Iti year* of tt^'e, and weigh:t g I «i pounds, for oneWeek BeOS*. AlonuayanJ 'J'ues.tav. Feb lOandll latheAfternoon, Ihe drama of the SEAMSTRESS OF PARIS.In ihe Evenlr.g. u.e < omedv .,( PERFECTION. To con¬clude witn BEALT Y AND THE LEAST. The,.- Mu.i um r .adwuy. Is now at this estab-Usl n en. the Clpsey Fortune Tellur, Ue. lOf

I JANÖRAMA OF THE PUsOUAI S¦ PROGR KSH -PARTICULAR NOTICE-Al thaleqiiesl of pastors, leacbeua A/ul oiue. a and In order to al¬low AI,I, to see ihe "New Panorama." the uniform prleaofaiiinlsatoB »Vi hereafter beTWKNPY FIVE CENTS.On VVeilneaday and Saiuolay AFTERNOONS. aiSo'cioek,Children will ien*>imilled at ba'f price. Descrintiva Cause. g es .«.a Open every FA ENINO al vVtBfeiBgMHa i. SJ Broadway. Doors opeu at commence at T|

o'cioca ii'twlt*CATTLER'S i 0SMORAMAS.Conws^of Broadway and Thirteenth si The first section con-talnlag a collection of twenty tlx view* of Europe, AsiaMinor, the Holy Land, Syria. Egypt. Nubia and Arabia,will be exhibited until the elghiii of March. After thatdale all these will be replaced by new view* equallyInteresting. K,f |W*

THE AMERICAN ARTISTS' As>oCIATION having obtained their mar,er are now/

reedy la receive works of art for TSMhllloa at their-eSI Broedway. As their gallery la Ui be opened to He pub.He on the at of March, it is rOajaarad that members wish>|> ; rv exh|b|t should tend lo tbelr plciuresoo or bef.rn ihe2i'lh of Februsry. If Im*

COPARTNERSHIP.f^O-PARTNERSHIP.The sabscrihr-r\J hu* this <lay associate.) with him Mr MATTHEWHOPPER. The business will in future be ooudoch-d uju. r the name of CURTIS V HOPPER a' 2 Liber y *t.New York, February 10. EDWARD CURTISltT 1W*

N"OTICE.Whereas, a notice of thedissolution of the Copartnership or firm of DON.

MANN A CO. publish.,! in Hie, Tribune by the undersignedon the S2d January. IWi ihe undersigned reflect upon the

MS id'LEONARD *V *EROME, (oSM of Ihe partaeraof tlieta'd tinu,; in Ihe matter of certain business papermade and used by said Jerome after the disaolutioa of the)firm. They now take pleasure in saying that the explana¬tion of tfee matter wtdeb Mr Jerome has made to them liasfully satisfied them of the rectitude of hla Intentions, endthat the proceeds of tha paper T^fvrrtxl to ware devoted Ujthe liquidation of unsettled claim* agamaf the and Arm.


D[SS< »i.L'TIÖN..The CopTrtner^iipheretofore existing under the name and firm of J Ea-

8UP A FOX, Is ibis day dissolved by mutual consent,Mr. R. M Jesaup having retired The business will be)tettlext bv either «f the paruea. RICH D M JESSUP,New York, Eeb 6, IUI. CHARLES FOX.

COPARTNERSHIP -The undersigned bss this dsy as-seriated with him Mr. Lewis 9 Ford and John Tappln, lorthe purpose of transacting the wholesale grocery and com>

mission business, at the old stand, 178 S.«jtn at., ur.dw tbafirm ofCHARLES FOX k CO. CHARLES FOX.New-York, Feb. 6, IBM._7f»t*THE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore

axiatlnf between the Subscribers, ander the firm ofEDGAR J BARTOW A CO. Is this day dissolved bymutuai consent, WILLIAM A. DUNCAN retirlr g there-from. The buainee* will beeootlnaed by EDGAR J BAR-TOW and THEODOSIUS BARTOW, under the firm ofEDGAR J BARTOW A CO who will al*o settle aU ouustand mg claims EDGAR J BARTOW.


New-Tork, February I, I85L

Ties Subscribers have tbl* day formed a Cope^nerahfpyandetlUTrm «f DUNCAN, LEWIS A BAkTOW, fuftJ Paper Coaunisalon busiuaas,

and have utkea ihe atore 161 W^.'|ju,A,,-Dt.NCANJOHN R LEWISAUGUSTUS BARTOW.

New-York, February 1,1551._

If 2w

L IMITED PARTNERSH IP.The an-¦t^Jderstgned hereby give notice that they have farmed a^mlted partnerthtp for Uie transaction of a mercantile bust,oats In the city of New-York, pursuant to the provisions o|an act of tba Legislature of toe State of New-York entitled¦. Of Limited Partnerabipa" The aald heetneee wUI be)ISSM under the name of "LEWIS PENNEY" The gee.eraJ nature rf said partnership buatneaa Is that of buytusta.BOOTS lit M'i'lM I.g« vv HOLJFSALs: BOOT and SHOE »TokE. tue undeialgnadLewis Penney, residing In the city of New. York. U thatgenera.' partner, and the undersigned Thomas S. fowaaeod,aieu reauilna In said city, la uhej ar>ocl&J pirmar, and aa earftDU contributed seven thousand five hundred dollari in casts

Cap tal to the common stock. The said partaevablp is us

euuituenee oo the first day of January. IAO, and wrnurtia

at the expiration of two years from that day «Aur« il

Certi^-D-ed Jeuuary, L Wl

jew THOMAS * TOWNSi.: 0.